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Page 1: * FALL L Tf'^'t.^*!.. SYRACUSE DR. CHARLES JVrti^orkMS Rvfc de La Fata, fmil, Giant LETTERSol CREDITtotMercantilepurppaea. Al»o ' noI'LAR LEITERS of CREDIT on aU tbe principal k ...


leeea tk. Wf J..kji 1»**- < «* naV.'.nl Vn*le* fKVr.at rl l *-. la* -4l«r »«rf .1 a pre eawl rnar.pel »."!

ZuUjm7-t7'i «Hf« V.ik, *»:..>>? »««fWj"Tf'^'t.^*!.. .....d » r <0 tt ERAOK rnre- ma in r*r.«A.,iw*«f *» e»f« f th* Legi«-fet* «.< l.l-rr-i* end ord.aanee*Nlkt Nvn'ifN At-rii.nl.«« el U,t « .1/ »I . beaar..

Tb. law m.nVf »*<¦ L »k» T «» .. f '». . ".« fu ic.t powerto Ütr vi.«. I .«niiiH»i«r' r» «. fr-ow tr,(«j «¦ the Hone*

*<tb' ...tj hi .I (< >. P< i e- tr.»r*t» r bearing ic. . irecd.ng 1.>r"i l Vun-I

Tj.* rut r. a** " ¦'¦ i .**,««. Tin faitt eg lb* aityM pledge", «ef their r*d*r.,p»w*.Tb* i*w B»k«* it tLe ui.j.rativr d.ty.f tk« .ttj » 4te rit,.«

at Urf) OffebnrfX a .p*« ia; tai n.*et ib* Irrrtarti rat*fett,aguat tocreate -

" « ui ? ud atit.cienl to rttir* *eid Biud*.ritt.». tk.»r auat'.rl'y.Tkat* elect k» IO b* placed in Ihr l.-mla «,f the fAr * area (Vn

bIumo. i< be i slitu iii». »t.>: it)tt.»e Bvndi or UnitedMafeaer flat. Hi i.

Tt>. «» k..< pr"-1 >*«« t-'at 'I .gi.t...n .., i. *y ai>d '<^.a«t,tl.:¦ t..i >¦ to I. tak. n h !»¦. (f tt.a "-run t «»itf, t|. i,, ,\, til tUrn b< u..«, and not r. p. kfal ,.

It. !.# II.» t« pule.ion of t i iragc Wag.4.40Is USA tk* i-gtuleliei. ef Cki.e*,, w.«.» jnli. ;i v, u» population of Chi. age*u.M v*Ii. WI tl.r a. ,...kli..». .Mr..,.,...IIOJ-WiTb* *..««*. d aeJiaa I w.«i ... » Ubia (ha C**J .. eie-u; a>7A-

.w oari >. ,t i. f.. i> g) IB noTbw**jurt aVbi. f tb* f nj, n-t it laaVaTt}aw*01HtliajM)IAH»

Sot V\at*r Work*..fiaSFor «.tun u.i.t... .. i .)-.».. 47<^'6

T.4al.»'.i3*,?1*Tb* eif» "Win f..|»r'rr hrr r ¦.»'' ;»M r,"t """1 ial"«

it* U.i*/ Worn.. Nartw.l't: »abi"!. * ....

Tb* Vfat*r Work* roti ikout *«W.<mO, to* jii- d.i:» a r*»-

*aj» batifly o»»r tb' ut« r. rt of trw ret._

Ti.. r*Vai .»... k* d*ri*edfreaatba Water Worb*willintrakta* **wrn*tr «Vbt

Abt.et .JiTA.f'Otiba* bur. uprr.drd or the H»w#r*

Ti e inrrraw of wealrb »t it pc p ..atir l in tbn rftj oa* no »i-

aauni* an it..* eouatry.Tfc. »« Rouda arc a di »irab). it v»*tro«nt.

WIN9LUW, LANIER k Co.V»w fork, April 3». 1«7


.4>d DIR At TORS. alw.. lor rJartw INSPKt TORS of tb« .n» ..

Idi rtreUön, will b» held at thr otSeeol tbaBaAAoa WEDNEsDAY, Jnnr A ocxt, froui I« to I o'clock p. at.

Neu York, Mat 1. .to7._K. S. OAKLEY, f a.bicf.

CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY OF NEW-JTRSEY -Notier i* I. reby (tirea that tb* Annual M.ettna

oi toe tVc-ekb. id.r* <rf tbi* < on.pant fur tbe ELECTION ofNINE DIRECTORS to acive f,.r tlu- tear euauln*. wiU ber.tld at tb*. otaice of to*. Company, at Erfaabetfcport. N.J., oa

MONDAY, 'be 4tb duy of May nut, betweeu tl. koura of 12o'clock to and 3 i^alock p. m.Tu* Trainier Hook* of tba Company will be cloaed ten daya

prttloua to the day r.f EU t>..nBy ordt r < I tbe Board U. M. MILLIOAN, Secretary.

Eliaabcthport, April 14, 1857._MARINERS' RAVINGS INSTITI.'TION, .'M-

a* cemer lrb *t.. opan daily fVom 9 a m ti 2 p. an and«a V, EDNi.feDA Y and ^ATI RDA Y fr-m A to . p. ui. Inter-f*t allowed < a depoait«. THOS. B STILLMtN, Preaident.

Ilava DrraRr atrvT. Ai aakv 0.» T>. ii'.">

llOTiCB IS HEREBY GIVEN, pamiwit to they11 (tatut* in «uch rc.ae mad. and providad, that all tb* oircularfni note* !a*ued to 9. OILBERT. an inditldiuil hanker(DROVERS' BANK OF BT. LAWREN! E COUNTY. OaoiDaburah, and late DROVERS' BANK OF CATTARAI Ol 1( Ol NTYl no.*' b* aent to the flica of the Snperlnteudent < fIM lianaii * Departuout of the State of New-York, for pay-mere within two y.ara fioni tha date hereof, or tlic fiinda «le-IKHt.d n t tie n deinptiou ot the fin olatiu« note* lamed to thelaid bank, r will W (riven op. M SCllOONMAKER,a*a HwEyM Sap*nuteudent.

1>ANKIN(; HOUSE ui WEST, VAWTER AJ> \^ I ST. Wiuter».t. Madiaon Co.. Iowa, March 23. 1857..fja the 31 at dat of Eehrnart. IEV7, w» mailed a packare ad-

Meeara LnUuxayl < a No 9 Wal.-rt., N«w Y'tk,Antaininr tb* foliowinf Land Wnrranta. rla No. Sk3f»^, to

Deibara Au« R.... (at 120 acre*. No. l\7lW. to Charlua Be ven¬

ter for 1/0 a. re.: U»ued arfordlni to a. t of Cenfteaa, Mar. h 3,iUA Now tb»* i* to ftra Mtaea t«. «II whom it n.av .'.ii-

>ru that kpoli.-ti'.n will le made to the ('..inn.ia-ioner of«m»lor.a tur dupluataa ol aaid Warrant«, lor taa b. m lit .rf the

iraianed, _\\ i>T VAWTER A WEST.

0 II N M U N R 0 E A C 0 .

AMERICAN BANKERS,N *. S Rvfc de La Fata, f mil,


Alao .,11


Office In New-York. No * Wall at.BILLS on PARIS, and STERLINO BILLS at abort, or 60

day** aifbt, for rale In aunia to loft.

ieOatcliee. Jetorlrrj, &t.


t. aether with a larae taeortmi ut of DIAMONDS, aad a., kiadaof FINE CJOLD JEWELRY, kc. Ar.Gold Huntuta Oiuara lull jewrlcd »» Watt be*, from .>«£

to BinoO..I.1 linntinn lull jeweled Ei n ak L«v*r Wattkei, from *¦ >.

t. B.mWe bate all kinda of W a' be* and will tell our uatom*ra

an.iidly wbat time tbry will keep, and the quality ot tbe (oldend kiad of movement.We import one kind ef movement that we think w.i keep

t etter time than ant other Wat. h<-« in tbi. market.We will aar up VA at. Ke» to « .it. uatoiarra.Alae. the beat qnaktr and a larfte atoek of A LKATA PL ATE


tt ta* tert loweal inanufaeturer*' price*SttUlRE k LANDER, No. 97 Falton at.

H N «-'«Vitt. T D. i.eni

Profceoionol Kolitc«.WANT SUPPLIED in MECHANICAL

Di'NTIsTKY Tb* «r»«t dea.deiat..m for which tb"Oe*jt»l Faculty l«<li in Europe am) Amerien have l»n( labored

udtht »

ALa« at 1«>: te e'u ntlaiai d, and the » apt wklck tin p..blir hui CX-

^ 'i. n. d ia new fulh met.It i* couceded by all Practical Dcutirta that a p. r*- t td .pta-

tion of the ore »eilt ttyle of plate work ia ph\*iea!ly inipo-»ibNO.at au appiuatuiatiou ia ill that can be obtained. "But ttiia ar-

tluua dele. 11 01 1 Ij tenwdied by the Chaonlaatie Pi ore**.cciirln* a \>rrffrt adaptation to every portii>n ef the month, and

i* iUtilOy tree from all rai.ai.v .,-i.»«:.^i.«, ia * l.-euly. »111 uot(<rr.di ..r tarliUli. and from It. beeurkfl Bt leeli"liflit aud

mloilal ie fen the wearer.It la inprritnj tom rt and «11 otlirr atylel of work on account

ef it* perfect adaptabiiitv, It* cicuiline**. ita durubility, ita1 on. ro), and Ho ramarkabji abort .pace of um« lequüt d iuprejwimr the woik. Peraotia ' ntry are not now re-

c..n. .1 to wait in to*... a we. k lot theii t. « th. a lev. hoUTI beiu«,e!t that (. n*ce»»«r\AU hraiu-lie* ol tl.e Dentil Ait pi» ti> t d by the underlined

at No 3»u Ble*A.|.t.. betwetu i'hriatopb*r and Am... .1..,New York. ._O A .1ARV1S, U. P. 8.

ARTIFICIAL TEETH.-M. LEVETT'" newand Iniprovad Atmo»ph»-ic p:f«nre Put*, for ARTIFI

l IAL TEETH air i. maikable lur thru iiicrea«ed adbvrion tobe |anit aad p. »«r ot maatieatten, and are verr auperlnr to

tbe ovdinarv ».¦(¦;.on p.atc. are »rii adapted for fi e conUQuoua

r1 m. it deilred. Th«** wfat'ni(t ot recjiiirinp Artificial Teeth,would find It Diu. h to tlerlr adrantare te examine Una great im¬

provement b»foi. rniafii.c rlaen b< re. M. LEVETT.Deat:»t.No. 12 Weverlrv-plei e, rear Broadway.ritabliahad lk>5

kR. EDWARD E. DENNISTON'» HOMEfor INVALIDS, at Sptiiuidale, Northampton, M**i. Ea-

tablitbrd 1847. aim c ttdui I. d om *tri tly Hygienic prim Ipli a.

NEW PATENT SPECTACLES forPRESE.RV-INO VISION.Suiting «>r Life and needing no change.

Invent, d. Patented uud a* only by lWea.or FRANKS, Op¬tician to New-York Ere H..»pit»X Lecturrr .a. Sight. Ac No 3Park-row. Nrw York. Dr. I HANKS lnteurt. vlaituig pnifk*aii naUj the pi n pal iti** t tbe Eaatem Stat.a.


BU R N E I I ' * L O N I) O N GIN..Warranted purea» imp. rt.il Pr.. e ISo. per bott.e.

PLIZABFTHAN ALE LUNCH ROOM.No* 120 Wate: it. and t4 Wi it

Par proof that w* «eil it pur*, we refer to Burnett. O.ducr At v tb* only iupor'.*rt in the I nfted State*.


k* .... a.

Forgery'. Forgery BewareOf roguei who ' .ate. f. it* i repare;For Ly<«a'a Powder ai.d bia Pilla.That bug* in hambera, rat* lu mill*.

Indubitably flat,By ac undr< la. enviou* of Li* fame,Ha»* .ejatrilaited bean, lu kmtM

I..Don't buy tb* poiaou. prat.

iON ¦ Jititint bt; angwemlile fur the toiiat'<|Ui'iifesi f airing the proton, n* noatruma get up in imltatiou of bit

hu MAGNETIC PILLS for etterminatlng rata aud ml. a.L.^k at Lb* aiguatuic. K. LYON. Depot, No. 4.4 Broadway.

SEALED PROPOSALS will be rtvcived at rht>- w«.*oi the Cletk ..fib. Board of }.. .... u ,.., 0fW|d*o.d t.m.t* land i. » .. e.atj. wiU ;u. ;.' ,. M,,mat at 13 o'. I Wi fr O. CO »L and WOOD r»., ., ,'.ib. PL BLIC SCHOOLS oi itu* city for tb* eMung Win) r(?at 1 300 tun* of. oal. ami I,SM Cordt oi oak Wood, and J<«jaerd* of pia* ttwmi, more or le.i) The r.-al am.t h» ,.Vth« beata"»litt of white aaii furnace and ttuve, lamntMgtj, m good order< f 3 .'«> pouada I« the tte: weighed b» a p. :. .. '. t- t bv-'e

iulttee, aud druvrred ui the bail at tb. acv. rai ach«*.,-

Tk#/f*t>PMai* asuet -täte the looa! on of tbe mine* tromwklck ij it prvpo.ed to airpply the coal, ani tb* p.icefor f-ruaca*>r* and atove alar.The wood t- be of:!., beet .[utlity. ai.d lie'ivned proaati*

aawed aplit and piled |n the «-hool varoa. a* mat be dc.gnat. iI » lb* proper autt. my TB, piuc-wovd to f* b**t .irgiuiapia.. not let* than 3 B et 6 In lit. m l.Dglh and the .ak woodmat Icaa than 3 leet long, aud the .t..k* not le.» than i Intb.n inuun.etei

Tier propoMiimnit atnt* tbe |« r p, r gg r,l f rjj mm* fe,«J.und lor oak, *i.d ».»v tk« pin c p« r cul loi

»»»I and «fiittii g ea h load. * r

».Vi' r.rV'".'' .'t*''' afevumd bt Lbe lawpevtjer c«|fuel or the Botrd.Y Education. S.id r ,1 ..a w,^i lo be «le-veriHat tb* *. no. ,* abtire rd. led, Mfuaaowtl 'rwo-Vkiid* aw

. I ,utS&' tb- isib.. M." nrSt! -I

Mri.'ff.r'" '^'."ed"'' a. reqmred bv the Cawi.mltfee; two-

».«. aadthar.n .Inder a» reo.Ired tttb- C-uin.itSa-ori^^Vi».^ bindiu« nw.l U.« Ittel».,. laAf.

A^» Z,h* ^hfo1 r^nVrmanee of »L« ,.(,», ; w"l *.¦. rai^u.a. aaa . .ch uropvaai tuuat l~- accomaanird with toeaau-e* ai d ligiai ., ,7, fj', * . ,, ... ] , ,1*»"« W,U1 lur


Hl.MAB Bill SERR] M E FAULET 0 eaglet

. 11 R« W HITS

BRr,vTfT;P.-.T. ft rfQrfT.L list nmoitil*BHr«H »»( T*>RT lev**- WfH'itt.. Ptteh » »inare

Harper* B-.o*hee» Brash*. *f »»»7 *ti*ÖB*im gt 'baje»*»«preiV Mt/trVTr'»heo tv-ade to ^*>r. Wff PLjNJfPCL"U. £ITi/i rorvD* or shodoyÜl^AlU Ml'NlKiK«uk>tt Stör* No.** bit Uth-

Nr» York, aid at k.s '» '0*7. et Newbargh, O.ene*ls-r.i t,, N. T. A 10, tuyet of lard fXd Soft Wravlcvi »*g*.


CTcpartncisf).p Xotircs.

CHARLES \V. WMARTOV rrtnrtM from fVtirni> .( E »I li tVJl a, 1 0. ttusdey. Tb* rertveinmge-artnere

a.f rjfcr.fl.i'.rf t*a aid Arm padcsgtan*;thy Kinase un¬

der th* IHMJ atATli Hl RTYKH 4 r«.-N»w. Y.rl. Ma, I,Ifta;*« J.. -H. Z'AVi".ltil- c W. WHARTOM,


/H>lAKTNLR,«ilII. -PINOLE »V MARSH\J have tak.i; itb. copertn. r»hlp KLDRIDOE VAN DKV.LAKr.1. Tbe »holeeale CROCKERY k DRUGGISTIVABE BUSINESS wlD be m,! .11 .. d at ü.e ...J ,t»ud No 117W illem et. ma-" tie- firm ..f FlNOLK, MARSH t Co.New York. May 1. I*j7_

NOTICE..The t ««iMrtii» r»liiu h>-rr-L<fi'iv t-\ »hii*'under !h. name rfi'l K. W. THWLNO la this day di.

*olv««a bv mutual 'cn»eLt. Either of the late partners artll »igeIn .KjtidstiOB. ( IMS. TH WING.


Tbe cnder.dgnedne» THIS DAY formed . eopartnrrtbip withhiaiaepbcw. r. T. BAKER, ead will cutiuue tbe. SPECIEand EXCHANGE BUSINESS und. r the fir.., of CIIAS.THW ING «V Co., at the aauMiuB. . No. 23 Wall at.

May:, war_CILA9. THWTNg,THE COPARTNERSHIP berftofi.rp exi-rin»?

tea »ub..ribera .nder the firm of SANDS A.\N ILLS is this dee di»«o',v»d by mutual eonaent Either partyWill sign U- name of the late tirni in liquidation of lte affairs.

ISimed) SAMUEL S. SANDS,New-York, Ma, 1, 1W7. A. J. WILLS.

« OPARTNERSHIP..Tbe ui .ieraift.ed hate this day formeda Cnpartn. r.hip under 'he name . t SA.Ml EL B. SANDS A Co.forth.' transaction of a General Stock Commission H nine*. ntNo. 68 Wall »t (Batne4j .-AMI'ELS. SANDS,New York, M»> 1, 18». E. B. AY.MAK.

Thetubtgribrrtsdllcontiaoc 'u> st'«-k Brok<:sgc Bu-on bit own a'-co-int at the oSIre of the late l.rm cf Sands kWill», No. be \\ all-at, and öfters in» services to bis friends l»rthe per.-bi.-e and sale of Stocka *r.d other K curftie* at the Bro-k. r.' Bo.id. (higx. I) A. J. WILL'S.New-York. May 1, 18"7._TA M U ANY HALL, NEW-YORK.

NOTICE DISSOLUTION of COPARTNERSHIP.The < "i 1 .¦ -1 ip hrn tof,,re ra-i.tlu* in this tv l.v the sole

arribers, aeVrtka Bnn of Howard a BROWN, this da,dissolved by Ra own limi!«rti..n and mutual eonsev.'. All personsindebted to said lino are ie<|u.-.t. u to make in,mediate paym. It,slid all pi raoni ha> ii r rlaim» againsf .aid firm are rWtroested I

{ateaatl the same lor ».--t.. u.. 1,1 ul their oth.e in TammanylaU.-NewTotk. May 1. 1U7. JOS W HOWARD,

1 II VS. BROWN.The Bnderabrneo kevbf heajnaneoak Waajsiiilui raj Taininan

Hall, the risinal ef the .UitTaJIran Hot els on I be European plarl.baa had it completely renovated, redecorated, and otherwueini|.r.Md t.. meet the requirements of the present time, andhopes thereby to isereeee the already large patronage lie enjoye.Tammany Hotel is now open f«r the aroemreodation of btdies as

welle.,.' .iL'..:;>[; A handsome parlor for the use of ladi. a

bts hem tiffed tip. The location of {be Rotri 1- nfesiedly themost agreeable in the city, {muting the Perk and City Hail, andovcrl.eit.in". the main tborouahlsrea and etage routes. Thelargt Rrttauriu.t counerrrd with the Hotel will be found greatlyImproved, and i« raanjdueted ander the immediate auperviaj Ithe proprietor The lodrinr apartments have un.l.-ra .ne manyrirairablr . bange», and are. for i;.t..rt. elepolUaraa and v.-utiia-tlon, second to L. I.. inthe ritv. 111 short, both ladies and ten-I..U..UWÜ1 tin.'. Tanm.uLv iloUl of a . hare. t»r U. . omn.andtheir constant support. CH ARLES BROWN

hphk COPAHNERSHIP brn-toforo existipg W-A twe. ii the iii.d. rsifru d, ukdettha firm and Daaje A f IONKSh DENY.-E, is this day diaaulved by uut.iai conw nt. Tue bui.e.. ,,f tlx firru will be trifled by Mr IOMN NICHOLS,the firm of Ash A Ni« hol-, No. IN William at..New-York,April ^otb. If-',7. JACOB P JONES.


Tlie hnsfoesi bOMtoC re .-ondii. ted by JONES A DENYSEwill be pogetUlUrd bv the uuderaigned.

_W ILLIAM DENYSE. No. MB William it.

THE nndpnlgTRPd hate Hill Day formet, a CO-PARTNERiTrlUP, kiulertbe name aud firm of NIC HOL 4.

BII.I.I IIWELL. and will continue the Iron Founder, IIneat ut No. V). 31 und 3.7. Hanorslev-st., formerly carried on bythe let. firm of MERKLEE a. NICBOL, New York.

.. . JOHN NH HOL.Wm-v 1 lf-°7'_G. B. BILLERWELf..

IHLE COPARTNERHUIP bfrett.foro fxietint!between the undersigned, udarthe name of DANA L

COMPANY, it this dey dissolved by mutual onsent.DANIEL DANA, JB., ha*ittj purcbaaed the whole of the

internt of hi, partner* in the concern, will continue the same

business at the present steuu. DANIEL DANA, JR.,ANDREW L PUDNET,JOSEPH RUSSELL,

go. 381 Broadway, New Y. rk. April 27, 18A7._rfSjE COl'ARTNERSHIP öf WM. T. JEN-A. N1N0S k Co., having been dissolved by mntnal root. at.the mid. raUneü will cui'iuue the business o| Wholesale andR.tail ( I.OTHIERS. at the old location. No 231 Broadway,third doorabuvr the A-' House.


(Tcrnn Oteamfrs, frt.

ROYAL MAIE Bl^EAll&IIIF AFRII A .Con-? .1'. ms an- informell that the AFRICA will commence die

charging on Tl E.-DAY MORNING, tbe ..th lnst All O od-for whii h p. ranlta are not 1.1. Ived w ill ht scut to the BondedvVatvkouae, li 1». v Cn» aad be inbioH to storage.

E.CI NAKD, No. 4 Bowling gp «r..

ONLY LINE with SURE CONNECTION..TragVlil ISO milt * shorter than any other Route, and no eg-

po.nre to Rivi rNavigation -UNITED STATES M AIL LIRE.Fifty pounds of baggage fire; 10 tent* per pound ou excel*.

Four Lours from ocöaa to ocean, bv Panama Railroad. Throughto CALIFORNIA via Pam.iua Railroad. The Lulled StatesMa.l Steamship Company will diipaUh for ASP1NWALL, on

TUESDAY. May A, at 2 o'clock p. in. precisely, from pier footol Warn r-st.. North Biv. r, the well known and fast steam.hipILLINOIS, Captain Che* S Horas, U. S N. Paase-n-get. und Mail* w ill he f. rwsrd.'d by Panama Railroad, aud ion-

met at Panama withJhe Paclfit Mail Steam-hip C mpanv'tmagi.itie« nt steamship OOLT»PN AOF. J T Watkuia.Commander, w bu h w ill he in »; 1." - and leave ufimediatelyl. r Sai. Kran, lato.The public mi- Infenned that the Pacific Mall Steamship

Company lu.\. ong m aaora estra rtearsu 1« lying at Pan¬ama, rea'dy for are, to avoid any poaaibb deteatioii of passen-gcrt or rnaiit.For p».«aire ar-plv f.. 1 W RAYMOND, at the only Office of

the Company. No, 177 \\ e.t at coiutr of Warren it., N. Y.Regular United State- Mull Steamer day*, 5th and 2tnh of

each month.

GREAT REDCCTION in FARE t« EFROPEIiritf abiri, g>l)0; Second t »bin. BSC'; Third Cabin, »Jd.

In tbe firtt last paddle wheel staamshlpt AR EL, ».000 tuns,and NORTH STAR. 8..S00 tun«, to sail Irom Pier No. Ü, NorthEm t, at noon pr< cdarlr,»»tollowai

Leave V .. foi Southampton and Brsmen.NORTH STAR.Saturday. May IS.

ARIEL.Saturday, June ANORTH STAR.Saturday. Jnlv A

ARIEL.Saturday, July 1«.NORTH STAR.Saturday, Augnit 21

Leave Bremen for Leave SouinamptunSouthampton and New York. for New-York.

ARU I.Tueedaj, May 12.Saturday. Ma; 16..Wednetdav, JuneNORTH STAR..Saturday, June 6.Wednetdav, June 10.

ARIEL..Tured«7. June s3.Saturdav. Jane 27.NORTH STAR..Saturday, July 20.Wednesday, July 23.ARIEL. Saturdav. vug. I.Welnetdtr*. Aug. 12.NORTH STAB..Saturday. Sept. it.Wedneaday, Sept. 1APasscnrcri ir r HAVRE will be arnt ontaafirit class steamer

r.LiM.tug ei air vai at «h.ulhainptou. Specie da-livtr.-d uj

Loiidvu or Paris. Ki r pasiate or freight apply toD. TOllRANCE. No. 5 Bowlii g Green. N. T.

Letter* for England and Europe, prepaid, 25 cent* es. h ballonrre (by i*. l.eJures of postage stamps if from other cltlrsl,wii. b. let < ived at tbe efike, No. 5 Bowling-green, New-York,rp to 11) e'.lwk of the monihig of aalliag.


KUL BTEAMERJEDINBURGH..2.590 tui...WM. CUMMINGS, CutimanJ*r,NEW-TORS...2.130 tan...ROBEBT CKAIO Cotnmaader.GLASGOW ....I.OMtuui..JOHN DUNCAN, Con,maLd,r,Aresppoia'ed

FROM NEW-YORK.riMKPi ROH..Sal«rdav, May t, a? ICo'eloek noon.NEW-YORK...ealuidav. Jane a, at 1X o'eleek neraa.GLASGOW.... Sal roay, June 20. at ISo'cbxk nowc.


FfttlC1»H.15 guioeatMrrrtgr, round with I ooked Pneris.oBt. I guis**a.

1 aoat \gw voriaEir.t t laas.$7iMe .age, found Witb (Owkxi pruviiiou*. 30

An rxprrieiicrd Surgeon ittt bed to each Steamer.Ft 1 fie.gU 01 peteege apply t< JOHN McSYMON.

Ne. 17 Broadway.Kew-Totk City Bills or Gold only received for Pasee«*.


posing tbi* line are:Tlie ATLANTIC. Capt Oliver Fidridg*.Ti e B tl.TIC Capt Joseph Com.toeh.Tk* ADRIATIC, Cut Jaaie* We.t.Ttaeba akipe kav7a| be. n built by contract expreesi, for the

Government servu-e, i very car* ha* been taken la their con¬

struction, a* alto in their engines, to insure »trengtb and »pved;and their accomiiiodatia.u» for pa.s.ngsse* are uarqualed for ele-gann and cooitort.riritttiMfrAviri New Tork to Liverp.sd.ta firtt elate»Ina. 013t'. tu socio«!do., #7A Ftva. Liverpool to Now-Yvrk,

3C and ¦ glaTBI mtAn . xpe.-u med turgeon attached to each ihipK rthacaaoi aw ..- aatil paid for. Toe ahlpt of thlta. have improved water-tight bulkhradi. and. avsud dang. 1

Deal i.e. w if, not croat tb< Bauk* uorth of 43 degrrrs uulJ attegthe lit ef Anint.

PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING.racMsruv. Kk 1 aoM i.iviaroot.

SAT RDAY .Mas 9. IhWiWT.DNESBAY.. April 20. IkStSATUJtpA'i ... Mayt3 18.57 WEDNESDAY..Mav 27, 1957SATl Rli \Y.Jutir a, in.,7 WEDVFSDAY..Jaäe 10, »Xt lli'SJ?AY ,'-JF»-v. 1*SL »' EDNE.-DAY. .J uue .t, lloTSATURDAY... Jo-jp k^vi^VArKiiao-UDAY July O-IW!.-\TlltD \Y.Julj ic. lU7iWEDNKSDAY..Jely Rl»

Fi-T freight < r passage ippiv toED« ard hi Collins, n.>. m w.n-at.. n r.FROWN, SH1TLEY k Co.. Liverpool.STEPHEN kenn ARD A C<

_ __No 27 A-stinPriara, Lenden.

B ft. WAINWRIUHT A Bo., Peri.t. . w r it IthaaeahapawiBaat ho a ..untabie frr mm,

1. rp< a krtrebn pra ..* it. nr* or metal*, aaleeas of art.1 a are «7er* :i'.r,f. r »Ld -.be la t» ,t" e- f 1

r.Oeed :r*;<ia. I

CTEAM l- SOI" IAIA1IPTON *ud HAVRE -n J\* »»fi..* ¦«*: it-agaitp VANDIKBIL* 4,*v) lagj,

»Sfa NatW KK *r ,/,.«*. HAVRE and «(UITH«.«" nr tMFTi t » !!«.. v.- »»Trrny ne^tTtTV.Ni»*«Uj.-.Stay ' Ti ilnAmni.i

Sntjrdey.] .nr ....J.'y 1Sal .»?.Aag i. VA»'i....!*».A -a UL

rang or raasau e.Ftrr ggaVm, M Ordinal u. erton a* *Ut*-rw>ex. Bl"1*» to gtmb' .r.d rabUl.»V7\|p» h? * «*«. H 1 in L asdam »l<t Par.e.For peeaag* or frc.tfhr, apply to

D TORRANCE. Agent.No. A h »i nag «.... S> T. rl

Letter* f»r Ena'.and and K .rope, prepaid^ ea. B 25 t*ui* par>?».!. . rr f p. «*«g* itamp* If from other

citi**l ».Üb* reeeited at No. S B^Iing-green, laear-York, upto lly o'cbv k of the neeting t eailrog.rrilK LIVERPOOL AND NEW-YORK ANDX PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY*»" Clyde-bairt fron kmr rtf«inih_r*.CITY OF BALTIMORE .IV »«..».(hpt. R. LeJtrh.'ITT OP w.tMIINi.T'N iwni.Cap' W. Well*f ITY OF MANCHESTER... A1W tune.. Capt. P. C. Petri*.KANGAROO.1.(76tana.Capt. Jeffrey.The uLdrrrcted or oth»r »*.»..i art tLtecded to tail aa

mmnfmFbom LttEnrooL.



cr.ITY PF BALTIMORE] t*ad»e«dey.May 38.And tu b aKemate W'*«tn»*d*ry.

Pant* Ami i

KAKGAROO. from N*w Torh. Tharaday.May 14.CJTT OF MANCHESTER, from New-York. TWeday.MerACITY OF WASHINGTON > , uv ._. .


ar CITY OF BALTIMORE } N.Y urk,Tber*dey,Jaae ILAnd reck alternate Thoraday.RATES OF CABIN FAJtRAGK.Frota New York and Phil-

edelphia, $"* from '..n. p. «I ti guinea*, IT guiaaaa,aad Lf». ec-eording ta the a - ^r.«d»!' is In the i-a'e R -.r-.e,all hating the earn* pritilegt la tka Saloon. I a -ludung flew,trd'a Fare.Twao CUM P»*iaa<.»a« A limited luaabar of tU*d-claae

peeeeiigera will b* taken, and found Id aa mock protdeloaa a*

aeqnired. From Philadelphia aad New-Y <>rk, BSD- Proaa lit-arpool, B4*.CerthVet** of paaeage will be leaBed here to partiea wbn ar*

derirnua af bringing oat their frieade, at .. .-reapcudjif, rataa.Orafti on LiTrrpool from atl op ward.Tbeae ateamahipa are with lajprorad water-tijbt

eompartuesta, aad ea b teaeel rarrlri aa ciperteuced anrgeon.andet'ry attettion pud to the omfort and e< ommodatioa ofpa*aen|«ri.All aaoda . : i to .« Artnti « be forwarded with ecoa<:my

IDd : irr r.

Par freiet,! or peeaaae appit taJOHN 0. DALE Na. 13 Broadway. Raw York. Afeat. HWM. INMAN. Noa 1 aud 13 Tower-lua.diaae, Literp.«LR BREMKN via SOl^TTIAMPTON.TheI'alfed Matee Mall ateamahin HERMANN. E. Hl|(ina,

i omwanoVr. will eail rar BREMEN. to«M hinaat SOOTH AMP-ION to .and the made and peja.-aaeri for Enriaud arM fftance,n SATI'RDAY, May 1<>, at 12 o'clock m.. fror« Pi« No. 37,North Rlter.PMM or ra»«*».e i bom rra-ron to aovTaiMrroy oa

aaiMBB:In trat cabin, main aalooo. f v

In heat'ahm, lower aalooc. 110lo aecond I abtn. 60

An etperionced Snrt«on i« attarh*d to each ateanter.

Spraie dallven d in Hie or London.No parrela MM i»»J on the day of eaüiaf.All Lettera isuet pata through tha Poet OMcc.For l'ii i or Ereietht. apply to

C. V FAND. Atent. No. 11 SoUh WUKam at.Tlie ateanxr WA.SH1NOTON aiil atrccaed tka HERMANN,

and aail June IX


From New-Tora ta Liverpool:hief Cabin raaeate..BVM

>t ud Cakiu Paaaafe. 73From Boaton to Liverpool:

Chief Cabiu Paaaaaa.«110BOnOajl f «hin Paaaagv. 60

Tbe «Ina« from Bo.ton < all at Hahtaa.AFRICA. Shauaon.Leere» N. York .Wedneaday, May 13.EUROPA I.eitrh.Learea Boatoa...Wedneaday, May AAM A L.tt.Leave N. York Wedneaday. May Z1.NIAOARA. WwkJjian..Lrat*a Beaton...Wedneaday, June 3.AK ARIA. Htoae.L«a\r§ N. York..Wtduea<Joy, Juue 1».AMFRICA, Leor.Leitet Boitoa... Wadneiday, June 17.

Bertha not am.red nntri paid for.An eiper1ene*d Stirjeon on hoard.Tha cwrera ot theea ahipa will not be accountable for Gold,

Silver. Bullion, Specie. Jew. Irr. Prrciou« Stonea or MetaJa,unlraa billa of lading are $:. ¦: tkrrtfor. and the tabue tbereeftbeirin cxpri aard. For freight or paaaage apply to

E. Cl'NARD, No. 4 BowHn;? Green.


gttomboale anb Boilroabe.VEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD .Onll and after Mondav. April (, 1M7. and until further notion,Pa-reiiger I.... i will leave Pier foot uf Duaueat., a* (ullowe,

Dl'NKIBK EXPRESS, at 6:30a. «n., for DankirEBUFFALO EXPRESS, at « 30 a m for Buffalo.MAIL, at 7:30 a ta., f>r Dunkirk and BnSalu and Inter-

mediate atationa. Pa.-ei.icr» by thia train will teaaain over

uiabt «t Elmira, and p.: next morning.ROCKLAND PASrENfiER, at 3 p. a , via Pieraient fag

Sot), m'a and intemie<riat* atationa.v AY PASSENGER, at4 p. aa., for Nawburgb, Mlddb town

and intermediate atatioaa.EMIORANT, at .-. p. u. for Dunkirk and Bufelo and Inter-


NIOHT EXPRESS, at 4:1* p. en., for Dunkirk, everyday,(except that tbe tram on Saturday ran* lo UurneilarUle.tbrnre to Bnflalo).MltWT EXPRESS, at 4;30p. m , for Buffalo every day.TkeaebpreaaTrain* tonntet at Elmira with the Elmira,

C aiiandaigwa and Niagara Fall* Railioad. for Niagara Fella; atBingliaintoii with th< Sytacu*» and Bingbamton Railroad, for

Fvracua-:at earning with Buffalo, Corning, and New-YorkKa.Iroed. for Rorbe.ter; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lack*-wanna and Wettern Railroad for Scranton; at Hon.ellatilleti itli tie BnSalo and New-York City Railroad, tor Buffalo; at

Hiiffblo and H k k with the L«ke Shora Railroad for Cleva-land, Cinriunatti, Toledo, Dettoit, Chicago, Ae.


\'i;w WIDE^AUOE ROUTE fn-tn NE\V-11 \ OH K to ROCHESTER-The ROCHESTER andGENESEE VALLEY RAILROAD Ii*»* open, and, in oon-

pattfcaB wtththe Bnflalo, Corning and New York, and New-York and Erie Railroad., forma a direct ruat» Bom New-Yorkti It.. Mater.The din ctni a* of thia route, together nrtth the guperior eow-

fert uflorded by tbe a id. rar«. r> ndt ra it by far the uuet de*ua-hl< bttwtei the itfirrr natard citie«.Tickitacau be piocund at the N.w Y. rk and Erie RaiUoad

T ki t OfKte, foot of Duai-e it tud Roy 1W Btoadaay | alau inJerai t (lit.

Baggag' le eked ahEreiaht* will be transported betwarn New York and Rockea-

t»i a ilL diapat. h. Ant Information d«*ired In regard there.nean be obtained by calling on tbe General Frtlgbt Afrnt of theN, a York uei EnV Railn ad. Erl. Building*, or C- S. TAPPAN,Eapreaa Freight Agent NV kffS Broadwat.No tralne on tha Buffalo, Coming aad New York Railroad on

Sunday. J A. Ra. Ilfl KI.Il. Huperiateodvut.


CITY..Mail and Eapreia Llneg: L*are New-Yvrk Sand 11a. m. and 4asd6p. m. tare, BS: Itm., Ü, atoppiugat allwar aUtnn*. U arid 4 go to Kenaiug'.oa. Through Titketg.old for Cue Innatf (Bl7 and *-1 ami thi W< it, and furBaltimfTc, Wa»Mngtou. Norfolk, Ac and throngh baggageib> ked U> U «ehii.gt-.u iiilaia. and fi p. m.

W WOODRUFF. Ai*!*tant Sup'tNo Kaggaae a ill be r> <Ov*d for eat truu onieaa delivered

u.Uih.rk..! r B.in :¦. in advance of the Urn* of loving,

VEW-YORK mid ERIE RAILROAD COM-11 PANY S EXPRESS-Grai BAL Omer, No. IT* Broadwet, N. Y .Tte NVw-Yoik ai d Erie Railroad Company ar*

DOW p:> paled to do a . I i ¦ " j, *<HoMFR R 4..MSDELL, Prr*id.it.

OtlAA A. Hi, Witt, Snp't Eapr«aa._-1 »ENNSY LVAMA RAIIJtOAD.The ORIATI i EN I'll.V4. ROUTE, rennet ting the Atlantic citie* withWettern. North wettern and South w. »tera Stake*, by a eon-

tiam.u* Railway dareot. Tbul Read al*o < ..enert* at Pitt.kwg*a ifb dally lin* of Sfeamtrf t9 all poitl in the Wettern Rivera,ai-il «t .''.«.ritB'l and FkaTnik* wrth reamtra to a.'! fwrtaoatk* Ntrtai wti'.rrk La«**, a.ak theguoit direct, cb*a»*ataudr»!i*r.le reute bt which FREIOHT can b* forwarded to andfrom ute a*real \V rat.RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA and PITT'BUROH;PmtT (lata .Boot*

1' k -. Drt Oooda (inDrug* (in boxe* and bait*

Sttotti (net* Domrttu Shettrng, SairUng andTicking (in orlgU-al baleal. Dn.ga(ia caaki). Hard ! 19,-antifware, L.ather (m reaia or box**}. Wool and Sbeeap 100 ».Pklta. Xaatward. Ar.I

TaitD CLats. Antlle. St*«l. Cbalnt On rt«k*'llen.p, Bgaon and Folk, falead (loott oi in ** k.

* '

Tohaeae. maaufart urtd, except Cigar* or cat, kc. )FuAtTl »,»...-«.«.«, Fi*h, Bacon, Beef en!Peak (In caake or botet. Eastward), Lard and 140 c- . f?Urd OU. Nail*, Sodn A*b. Oermaa Clay, Tar, I kOOS.Pitch, Ro.b, 4iC.j

Flora..Bl g> bbt. until further n- ./*.

i>». v ' rent* . T until farther -tic*,I " l ' «.*>: f» bale, nwt exrr*ttmg **Xi a weight, until fnrthrrXHtira.In ahiprdtr C< . .. tr an aay point eait of Philadelphia be par-

titular to mark the peckage \ ka Peuaitlrajua Railn-ad." AllGo. di cooaigncd to tbe Agent i of thia R.*d at PkiladalpaU or

Pifaburg! a 111 be tWwarded wrtbaut detectaoa.Faiianr \ .i r..llama, Worml«y AC- Mamphii, Tean.;

R. P. Re** A Co I*t tjoaJb] J R Mitchel! A Bon. Eraartirie,Ind.; Dan.*anuU, Ball k Co., and Carter k Jawatt, L .j>»«.

Kv R C »!.". u Madiaeti. Ind. Sprlgiaan A Brown, andlraiaA Cat- Cibritmati: N W. Gawharu k C Zau.a.Obi.., Lee. h A C, No. j* KUbt et Baton: Leech A Co.,No. SAaaot Mol**. N«w-York. and No. I Wlliiam-at.. New-York, E J Bwaadar. Ph»»d a. Mag/aw a M ... Baiti-irore ajer.. C. Frauei»>'Wt. I' . I ..

H. H. HOUSTON General FrrvaM Ageat. Philadelphia.H. J I.fiMBAERT, Boperiutanleiit Altoona, Pa.

May 1, l«V-7.



FROM NEU -YORK TO ST. L"L IS IN 46 HoCRS.The ITtiatitt, Rert. and coveequcn'iy the Cheap***. Bvuta

fn-m New York to arR point* U the Werl.The Pronavltatua Railroad -oouecta tt Pwtaburgh with rail,

rcalt to and from St Lanlg, Ifo. Alton. Otdena and CMcago,LIL > rankturt, Lexw.gtoa m>d L*m**viile, KAw T*rre Haau,Madia- n. Laiayattc and 1 udiaaap.Sä, tnd.; CwKnnati. Day: a.

Spnngm-'.d. Bel'erftgaUinr. Saaduakv. Tided*, taWehuad, Co-iao.bua, Zannvüi«, Maaalilon and W^erter, Ohio, alto-withthe «tearBi packet a<wti from and to New Oiieaaa, Sc Loot*,LociatluV- and Ciacinavati.TL- ugh Ti. krt* ml be had at any rf tb« above-mentioned

pie. »a in the Weet. »Sra kau. I tel.a in Ike bt'toia of Ui* city.)Paaaeii*. re will find thia tbe abortett. mo*t *xpe<iit>'u* aad

*< n tortabo raaUa betaeen tLe Ea.t and Writ.Tbiough Tickgtt, r furtkar mf .rniate.n, mat be had at the


J L ELLIOTT, Ag- a: Prcnaylvania RaflroaJ Co.New Ttrk, May 1.1U7._._


f tk* P-. . «et re Ha- I- rd at d PfakkiR Raafrrakd tell l*wt*Hartford un the amtal ikert if tbe Etpr- .* Tra.n of tke New-Yc rk ai d New Hates aud New Haven Uartfcr*! aad Spriag-mi Ra readt akiifc .at* New York at I a. aa.

SAMi'FL NOTT . p*' '. - :

niLAi/i.i.rai.1 ana rie«^vv».w*»,

Sb*«*. HaU and Oatw. _.,

bvaea. balat aad trunk*). j ?Tm'real«*|. Feather*, Fur*, k*.. S 1W"'


FALL RIVER LttE.FRü(5TfT NOTICE .n»flwMrVtl,MV!»r« N-w Terh M*J l^Mlm

RKDLtF D oa bat Apetl to *e rale.

ryg^mf'ijtf^v1** *t u Frfigk-. o««*,

SYRACUSE B SOI'THERN RAIIJtOAI*-;. .1.».. u. * »:ti. Eiriii TEjl:.\s »:».>.»w-73»4

aid Erie Railroad.., .ad after MONDAY, Ot. 3», end aatil farther notice.

Passenger Trains will r ju M fo.,. «I >«t .. . sarepted:Lease Hew-York » ¦ ow-f foot of Daaae-.r tu ¦» . n. r«

b, -¦». fjf" '-"'¦.( »i B nghamtoa » .a Eapr-eeTram for .yrar-iee«t 4» p- m. vio Nigat Iirr«o--,t.i.^i...| u E.ni.arc: -a

. Ira Eapresa Train ft Syrarua* and Orw.f.Thrcsag-h Tvaet* n.a. be proeared at iv Cirt Oflc* of -fca

New Yuri and In- RaRr. ad. W R GILBERT. Sup't.


ARETIRED PHYSICIAN, who* ta^^lifcbsve nearly run out. discovered, while tu Iba East ladiee,

a certain eure for Consumption Atthma. Brouchkia. Goaiffca,t ,..i, and lee»»rai Debility. The remedy waa iheovenad byhim when bit only ebibl. a denghter. tu given tip to die.U iahing to do aj mu. h g.aad at possible, a* wui aand to aach otkit tffi. t«-dfellow beinii aj request it, thi* recipe, wfth fall andexplicit dtreetion* f»r making it up and i I ¦ceeaeeUy am < ItHe requires ea. h applicant to uvl..ee him one shilling.rbrarrente to be returned a* poataae on the reripe. and tbe remaiadatto be applied to tbe peym. i.t f tbia advertisement- AddressDt H. JAMES. Nq 19 Grand et Jersey City, M. J.

I.OVK ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS .The rv-ruriatiag v,naietlX "< Toothache can be iprerhly re-

,i. jrd by thi- delightful remedy, without fear of Injuring theGum* or Teeth Eminent l>¦».:.«« ui tie y uee it daily intheir praitiie, awl that it hea enabled thrm to preservemany valuable Tc-th that mint otJierwW have Sen drawn.Try it vairarlf, and reeomiiu uu M to other* Prepared aud auidbvA. 8 k D. BANDS, Dniarrt.t., No. ino Fa'.Mnst., New-York. Price 25 ceut« par V ul

DR. DES! - NEW CHEMICAL LCNGSIRUP for the cure oi Cuntemptiou, Coughs, Celan,

Rrrr- biti« Asthma and Oeneral D»Mlity. wi" be tent to anyeaVdrrss, in large ten-ounce bottle, with instru tione. A.c., farft 1 ctily or f ill prea> ripfion aud directions how to make wlil betent for 12'ent«. One bottle i« sufficient for the urr. Addreta

B. DESl M. II No. hM Raviugt-L ct.. N. Y.


PLANNETT* BITTERS..Tkio old and cefc-bratidToui, get* thi tn f Dyiprpsla. Flatulen.-y. Heed-

achi, See-Sickiii ia, and all Nervous effV. tinua, can be bad atN<>. 214 Pear! it Lear Maiden-lane.


Mr. KENNEDY of Ruaburv ha* ..... r-r- a la oas of eare> mn.or. paitur. we, di a remedy that cures EVERY KIND ofHUMOR. Jrnm tAt arorif -Scro/ela sfoimt le a ree.a«* PteaeAs.H> baa tn< d it hi ever .!. v. n hundred sas. s, ami arver failedno pt hi two case*, both tlinnder humur. He ha* now la hi*

p. an -lim over two kaaeta d c rtiboatet of its value, aU withiatwrnay miles of Bs st<>n.Two heOla* ana waaranted to ,-urr a nanisa tore Math.Otic tu three le.ttlea will ure the wont kind of pimple* on

the face.Two to tbras hotth i wii! eleaf the ivttara of boils.Tw>. bottles are warranted to eare tbe wont canker in tke

mouth and stomach.Three t., 6ve bottles are warrtnud to cure tbe worst ease of

»ye».Two bottles are warranted t* cure runaing of the cart and

blot. Bei ameug the hair.Pour to tin bottles are warranted to cur* corrupt and ruuninf

alrert.Ous- bottle will cure tcaly eruption of the tklu.Two or three bottle are warranted to nre the wont rate of

nugwonn.Two or three bottle! trr wtrrtLted to cure the m 'it deiper-

ate caae of rhriiuiatieui.Thr.. to four le ttl. a are warranted to cure aalt rheum.Ptao to eight h rtie. wtll geajg the worst ease of errcd"ohs.DiatCTIOks i on L'.i.. Adult, t table tpeouful pair day |

ITilldren o-ser eipbt years, d. ... rt sponufnl Chlldreu from Beeto < iti.t vein, traspoouful. Aa oo .lire, a u.. cau he appQaableto all constitutions, tske ei.ouah to operate on the bowrls twiaea day. Mr. KI,,NMM givrt peraoaal atteudaaae in bad caeeaat S.'rofula.

Prire t>l per bolt!*.KENNKDYS SALT R TT E U M OINTMENT,


Pea laFLAHMtTioN im Uiuwog or tu. Evr.v, lhit||ivstimmriliate relief, you will apply it on a liuea rag when < ...gto b. d.Eon Scal» Heap, you will cot tbe hair off tbe affected part,

tpplv the Ointment free if, aud you will tee the improvementiu a few da> s.

Poa SALT Rhei m, p;b It well iu as often at convenient.Koa Bt ALta on an mflamed surface, you will rub it in to

your bcart'i content; it wtll give you tucb real .umfoit thatyen cannot hrlp wiabing well to tbe inventor.Poa .Stags. Tbrie .- ... n»c bv a thiu acrel fluid ootiug

thrnuali the tkia, fen hardening >,ü tb* turff-, In a nantime are full of vellnw matter, aome are ou an iaflamed aarfaca,tome are not. You w ill apply tbe Ointment freely, but do uotrabitin.Fob Soar. Li e*. Thii it a t »nimon diteate, more sothsu la

get.erally tuppnsed; the thin tonit purple, revered with ical-s,and it< hea uitol, rsbl\, torn, rimes forming runaatg toret; by ap-

fdyang tbe Oiiilment tbe itehing and aralet will disappear rn a

riv dayt, but yuu ior.it keep en with tbe Oiatrueut until tb*skin gets in nstural taBug'.Fea rut I'm.as aad luSeeumatioii, you will use it freely;

it will give immediate rrh fThis ('intn.ee . agrees with every flesh and givet imaediat*

relief in every tkin disease Seth it heir to.Prire 50 eentt per bo*.Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren lt.,

Boxburv, Matt.Fur sale by every Draggitl la the t'ailct ttatra and Brltiah


Legal Xotires.

IN PI Rsl AM E »>f sn ordar of the Surrograthof the County of New-York, aollee it hereby siren to eS

pertoai hiving leimtagaintt JAMES MrNAI GHTON. let*ot tbe City of New York, eeoeaMd, to prateot the stane. arilhvouchers Ihareef, tn the tubtcrlber. at hit offic*, No. II Frent-ttreet, ia the City of New York, ou er before the seglliaataday of Mav ceit. Dated N*w Y >rk. thi flfteaiith day of No¬vember, lain. JAME* P. WALLACE, Eaecat*r.n!7 laaOn.M_JN PURSUANCE of an order of the Hurronate of

tke Caui.lv *f N*w York anlieeis beraby giver, to all p*r**athaviatsJaigOO tg*mi! MINER C STORY, late nl lb* CttvofN*w-Yoik. eaatraetoi de(eai*d, to preaeat the tame, withvoarber* tbareef to the subscriber, *l nil oOlee. No. 1*3 Fifthsssaus, ia the ( tty of New-York, en or before the t teeatv-aiothdav of October neat.Bated New York, th* fAth dav of AprM.1*57. [*p27 lawOiMJ 0E0R0F. LAW. Et»oat*r.

IV PCRfvCANCE ofoaordoroftReSwiTHS***.tb* Ceaaly of Maw York, aotlce It her*by gjv*a t* ail pec

teat having claims agalaat THOMAS SATAOB. late at Wartfleld, New Jersey, daeeesed, to present Us saate wlU veaehe*thereof, to the tnb**rib*n. at the effite ef aa B. Mttehk*, Haa i.o. it ia ate City of New Tort, oa or before tee teaah lay.f "aptemeer aeat . Dated New York tb* ctxth day sf Maeoa,

1M7JOHN C. NITi ni*. AguUalsvraleeah* lawOmM' EMILY P. BAVAGB, AdiamlMraaTht.

NY. SCPREME COIRT.County of Kihyro.-s Edward Eeliogg agaiaat T. Floyd Thorr.»!, 0*orss Rose.

Ludtda Btman, Daui*l T Bsman Hsnry S Raymond, Dealtnin W. Ptir.ier, William C Btrker and Brahlab T bit wife.Theos!,..« \v Young John 8. Young. George T. Young. RobertL. ShcSlrld. Henry Balnbndge, Henry Ds Ceurcey. Augestu*Noel. Jane Hmds. Eireutrig. he, Jans Hindi, Samuel Saate:,Ransom E. Wood, J. buA<osts. Dudley Prrsse and Horaceft rook . .Summons and notice of object of action .Te tbedefendant! DANIFL BI.MAN. LI ( INDA BEMAN, aadRANhOM E WOOD: You are hereby i.e.... sal aad raqau-sdto skiwer lb. tompiaict in this action, which will be Had Inthe If. e of the Clerk of the Bounty of Kings at the City Hall,ia the City of Rrooklvn and to serve a c*»y of your aiswsr to

tLr at loirp'.amt ou th* anbscrib*rt. *t their 0OM0 N*. 1»

Broadway, in tbiarttv. withia taenty dayt aft*r tbe**rvi*e eftbis summons en you,"sactuiire of the day of tucb e*r*ic*;*odif yen fail to answer the tald enmplaiot within tbe time afore¬said, tbe plaint ff fa thit aetfoa will apply te the Csurt fertU*e.'.i " drmtoded in the complaint.

Da'.' d New York, Dctrmbar II. t *GOODMAN k JtS.«!'P.

Ptalct'.fi Attorneyt, No. M BrsatwayN B -The c mplaiut kereia wa* lied in teid Clark'* OBlee

oa tbe 17th cf Jacaarv. II«._, ,

COODMAN k JEISUP. Plalatlfa AHerasyt»LAOlawewM_SUPREME COURT-^otiStj of C^roa^*..

JAMFS W phf.lps against CHARLES' PLACE. (Suet-meat for money ) Te DfAnDANT: Toe *r. ********n-ea.g te aaiwer the ci»pirint at JAMBS W. PB»LPS^piaineiff a repy of who h wa* Med ia the Cevtaraugaa Co .atyt kKfc'g OSir, the Sd 4*y of April. 11*7, and to serv. a eoppof yenr answer on ths tahKribert, at Ellfootfru.*, Caafoaaagä,Cennty, N T wfthie twenty day* after BkO «**&«**¦.uxrravcaa. ei n», at tke day of »erviw t^V«U au-

tarer said eemplaist t. hsftbj rseshed, l**A^*."£**?julgmen' agalit von fur twoMM and |N« a^saa. g*>atfreaO*. ANGEL h MXLOT PlalaBart Attstraef*.*S ltwIwM_|_CUPERIfiR COURT of the CITT .(jOm*k} YORK HENRY O REE\ E. EDWARD M OMpBIHLMEN7IESR CASE HENRT W BAN" aad C^ ARLBSt. REEVE ai.mrt MARH s < McLOCBIIJ.IlJ aad AN¬DREW Mt SHANE-S maaent-To the ealeuAaala. Yoaire hereka enanmoued lo enewer th* eoTep.*kat *a tMe

a .'.ion la »he-h a ae*T waa Sied in th* Ofli.-e at '.am

Clerk ef rh.Ccurt\n ß IM d.y ef Ma.-' b_ 1157 ami Ü »r,,

a c*py of your *asw*r en "« *» B# gf» ,W!Öfias lb* City ef New Terk, wltbin tweaty dayt tft-r the aerv'caheraet .«.-..,» of tbe day <A suea OJOlltl).PBAW, T*nfall te aaawer tat iiafgilOt at JhtJ£*?t*4w^ !judgment tgUnil you for the .urn of thirty three haired andthirtv in 3km id tdffhty right cent., wtth latoraat from the

.w.r.'..th dav of Mav one thousand Vtl-UB .laSte?^*'aüti vat »J73 SA ea Ost litre- MayBLtSBhsratBJgJBflreeiJuneS. riJO: an «1» n ttoM 3^aj \t»h *u »f»"*;»Jtae ». 105«: on 0 Sil TS front Jury?. I0BT *u B*HM *MJaJy tt UM on 0-js 90 fr - Mjjc. X BB*April IL 1A-4; ob »IT Hb« f>. flfj "i*8 .** U

fnenJuiy 10. 1AM -Datsd .V»*A"jkI. .

FIELD k SLUVTEN, TM»j*>.Att >.»r» - .

ap27 lawOwM Ne. W Br'tdwas N*w T»rk

SITERI0R COURT of U- CITY of NEW-YORK -W aiUai 1 B*e*e *Jkd Charles R Bee£ agt-

Martnt t M Lcughiin and Aadr*w McShaae. To tke Defend-tat, AN DREW McSHANI Ter trc^^'Z^V^ "

saewt-aote wbveoo sbouid net be houa* wj OJBBMtered Cwdl.T. fJ,.,.4üu\ aiaitat-.ll »ad aganaat the defoeAeaie..ktt££tä «'four rcats en the IOd dav tf Btarxb but. and te eerve 11 ropy cf

veer aevswsr to this saimheaeaa as at our aal«*. I«*. Kg avreaav

.fty-fo«-c*a*a. with .uweet freaa 'he ^,Mmu.tk le^atmMk.

.jljb^ei^kt»^«^TsA^ry"ataat (that -he ludpawaA, »aeatioae«! ^^km ^Uam?a'l.lec to tb. knowleV.lhlta*>itioreerher ef them »nefehaO »0 maamtaaw due theraeat*

BlJBhH^tMar^frw-ll-^JAMRS 8 SL' YTBR

T\R 0. W. MAY wiB irtb open rTTGHL.LVD.l/lfCMK WATT.B-CCBX a*>**b*aUL M. T . *a tAe mofMAY, wh*a if «nll be Upr» to Basel *.. .J fremd», «r tut»,

fSai l»llar**1he »tr» and ewUeteat._

DR. E. J. LO^TLSTHAL-» WATER CFRE,Ben.: HWbt» HeaU* u CwcK, lb« lmtf, IS au»

f- tn l. lb* ti*i» ».:> <¦ City F.fr»

JVrti^orkM77//: BALTIMORE R ill R'HP Rl<

Tr+m TU Hj.'f»»»or« .<..», 3d.

Tin* 'ütTit ii'.tv with fr. ight trains on ff:. main -tem Ol"ftie Hclrftr. r.-*"t:d Ohio iBlBTllf tlm! 1TTTitT11TT Wmu

Uro *a*,rtkai atfiilrifty piiia wwsrr titqrttriitri w-t.r.lwy¦ft. moon rhnn nt anytime «ine.- the difficulty b«g«m.Pnrinr the winde i.f Thur-dav night there werv «rvcrttlI.; dred iwmi oBseBij «ttln- Uitaud 1' *aJand along th«- read f. i BBBBl A mil. liev«>u*I the YVaV«ii-ingtoti turnpike bridge. AO »luv :h<it were aauuiu-

htioM to tne crevrd unril it numbered »nme five or -Itthotisw .1 persons. A large nurnhor ai frnieie« occtl-

pie»l tl:e hill t«) the va.-t ot' tlte LtVlal Poiut junction,and remained until S o'clock in the evening. Yester-daj nfti rnooii attempts wer* agwin winde to >ret off to

Mllti.>l>H the trwine delayed ky Um interuptu'n oftin- und» «u Thursday.

In the? met! fiinc, in order to ii.-urc itwlf againstthe repetition of like outrage*, the Companyhad made. miui-itiotj upon the «Jovemor of the flutet* nu-

th. r.ty to organize a ton e suftkieut for the protectionof the frarne and »hc tiatid-* employed thereon mit-idethe city limit*.The lollowing :» the rej>!vof the Governor, »-ho i« nt

present sojourning nt the place fri'ru whence his officialnote emanates:

Ei.licvtt'- Mil is, May 1, 1*57...ft it nrrrttl t> fkicTT i the Baltimore and C*i.>Kailroe*r.

Baf SelMfa<twy iatorutati..a having been .>n.muni, ated tu

lee ft.it unlawful nalifanfr uiay be attempted to prevent certainefTeer. of the tunnnar of, paaaea aer tram* <>f the Baltimore atodOhio Ba Compani from t,.nt,imt aaid train* and dia.h*rg-mi taeir dntire to the C >n pany, foal are liereby anthorixed to

organize, or ram* to be organized, a aufE i. l: military force toprotect the ctTficer« of laid trait . in the d.»ti*r«e M -heir dull**aki.g the entire hue of the road thmnahout tor State of Mary¬land, at.d a« far ai may be n.veaaary. and for that purp-'ae alt

» ai d auliTarv eff Vr» ol the Stare areaoth»rl/e.ltaC'H.p*ratooihyu T WATKINS MOON O. n.in r .f Maryland."

Tf.tts armed with extraordinary power, the Company"«t iUKi' proe. e.led to dianntoh its tratna ae uauaJ. andthe tirst ttinna^e fr« icht COBVoy truinn nt about 4

.k left the Mt. (Mare Sffitu'n, with a paiirientrerand mail oar attached 'time eonatitutinc it a I'nitedState» mad train!, containing the shenff of Uitltituore

City Bad . posw of srt*oed men, prepared to put thefrtifn throweh to K« dcafination Martin-bnrj: at alln. \tii-. even at the roet of LtV, it ;vl -¦ .u* l> t.. «e«-

?ary, and in etlf-defenfe.The train IMmfcd the M i ne of ;t.« former d« tentii>C

with fnfety, but upon appr..noliinc .iHokaon'^ Hridce,at n good rate ofapei d. wherr a crowd wnn a«r«eaibled,a ^howur of heavy ahme* WM hurled at the cuKiaufind thrrini»h the windows of the p«<m nijer mail Cmt,contaiiiiDp; the Sheriff nnd hia potiee. The volloyw of>toil* i* were returned by a volley tVoftj Uuitcd Nut« .«

ii k. r- by tliom- in the enr, aud nV" fioin revolverg,loeided with ball anr! buckehot. ainl with ootinidernbte« fleet. Thf cr.iwd recoiled in great couftwon, andtiHik to the w«x>da atid - urn'ii inline- biua, and tin- trainpaneed rw an«! inet with no further Interruption untiluhutit three (juartorg of a uulebeyoud the above puiot,v.),. re Ute train ; a.--.- through a deep grade.Here a party had utatioted theintuiv.1* upon the

l.i.d. banko on either aide, and a* tin train approachedtonuiieuced peltiug the engine anal alreaxiy riddledwindowe of the ;.«.. i.,-. innil « ar with heav y i.ee

TbB Nheriff and hin efficera, advanfuceottaly peatedwithin, returned the tire n> before hq.1 with greateffect, an ei v. ral were su n to staci;« r and fall mmthe eirbr.nku!ent.Au attempt wae here mad* to board the train, but

deterred by the tiring, the purty a. altered, and Ihetrain continued on at an incrraaiug rate of apeed. Thoengineer i-tood to hin f" -' tiiejotully. though neveral-Inda wi K aiuicd ut BUB, it evidi ntly ax-ing tliu in¬tention of the rioters to either kill or (lianble him.which would necessarily involve thi atoppace tyf thetrnin.

IJarly in the atlern<.>on, when it trag rumored thatthr ttaion would rdnrt out at 4 o'e'ex k. three oggni-buaers filled wih the friend.-) of the -rtriltrri left thecity for Elli<ott « Atilin, and it wae here the tnoet de¬ft nnined reei.itnnce wae anticipated to the piem**f*e ofthe train in oueation. At the Ri lay Houto a diapetchwan reteiveu by the conductor, from Ellitott'a Mid-,announcing the fact that the above disorderly partitahnd arrived, taken poeseaaion of the road, avowinjftheir tleteruiinntion to f tan, »he approa« Inns train tothe city. Notwithatanding, at about j o idock thetrnin WHaput under Wgüf by the brave eug ueer. now

nngictl with n teQekl I. At leaving the Kelay üotife itnxived on at a eautiouapace toward two Jl II«. in orderto gtiaid agaitut any obetructioo thrnt nuglit be putupon the raila.Nothing occurred along tlio line, nor wan any riot¬

ous demonstration manilcHtcd by the various aqnad«[ja^kered njxin the route, untd the train wae itajiproaching the w nter-.-tntion uetu* Kile t' Mill* when a Isiiiiultntieoni attnok maile ujion if from all sidenby ti' c- who, armed with shot-guns, pistols andrnueiles of every deM ription, U-ok a'lvuntage of thelocation, and remained accreted behind the rock*,freei und aheddiiiü*. The tire waa returned in goodeanicat, a Lull ordi red, and the Slienffnud his poiwe,lesplBg from the car. pursued the riof» r-, lirinj uponthem a* they ran through the thiekef* and orer thehill. One i.-Ii. aupiMjned to be shot dead, but waa car¬ried and placed in an omnibuo, whi« h wan diivco rap¬idly off. One of thr rioterv, a yottnr mnn. received a

ball through both thigha. and it in thought he caauetrecover. Another tan- aiiot in the face, while takingnim at an officer from a house. Many more arewounded, and it ia thought aeveml fatally.loL.if iSiuik-y, one of the participants In the. riot at

thi.- t« int, was seined and held a prisoner within theenr until it ai rived at Klli-ott's Mill-. He was thenHiiiR hi d between an armed guurd to the iiictgieirato'ei Mice, and underwent an eAauiinatiou .¦.... the charge«f uttett pting to detain the United Iteteg Mail, andBmB n eistiiig the ShetifT in tke diMkarnw 0f his duty.At (> o ek'i k, without further difru uity, the traia,with the Sheiiff and his poree still on board, leftEllicott's Mil)* for Martfn«rjurg.Dtapatchee snbaequently rt-e» ived at the Camden

Slatiou li.ini-hed the u iorn atom that no furthortroubli had been cx]»wienced. The armed train hadpassed Mount Airy and Mnrtiusburg witliout difficurfy.iliipatchi« from 4'rarton. rttuo! Kettenc.nu «n«i

Mhrtinaburg say that all ie growing quint. Nona<arrests hadlieeu made atd the parties Leid to baD to

keep thw peace. Ttjere wan a general disposition ontin- part of tho seceding i< od.-ciot- to return to duly.

Khoitly after the starting of tin first train, the agentsat Mt. (Tan received a telegraphic dinpatch from thosein i Lave onnotuuintr it* suoeeaeful ptw-Mge throug;hthe several b<edies of rioter* which had attaiknd it, andthe -etond trainhnnu diatelystarted from LocnstPoint

{'utK-tH.n, but was met by n large crowd near Wieiridge, a part of whom jumped «Board, uucoupled it

jn tkrvi. p.accs, and tlirew the polte and coupling pinsaway.

'11- trnin. t<m-i, was artar>ked with atoneii, and »lad,one ..t the lo wly employed, woe airu' k uu the head bya mi.-eilc and knockt d to the ground. Upon this trainthev were not prepared for ertri-rne meararef» a* uponthe tint that forced the r a-aa-e, else it wovia haveprobably likewise gone through. Thue ch«'e)r,ed, itw aa obliged to «top, and was backed home to Mt. Claredepot.The city jh.,. e. «ftor the oecumrBcea at Ellicott'sMills, went out Upon the road to meet the returuiagomnibu« which proved tobe one of Mitcru-B'ta Kratrk-iin square bne. Bio. Itet it hnd In en dnvcr. inwuh speed, and vvad> .! tk* ja hce. The driver, whowas uuestioned by Oßieer Manly, raid he tr>ok out Ißmet, but bn^ur't ba<k only fia/e, oue of whota was

Worn dard.Hu futth« t effort* will it.e ;e to - ..I out the ttaina

mi tinmain stim until this afternoon. Four freighttrain*, however, were yegferday ni-jiat. bed west fromMnrtinsLiug, and two arrived at the Ml Claieartotiooin thi* city. Among tho-e engaged in the murderoo-a-snulM trpon th« trarn yeaterday. f.-w of thoae re.

eei.tiy m tlie employ f the' compan were obtawrred topuiti. ipate io the attntk, though they were present ianil' force a< iiiiiem and abettor".A iarr- body of police, atyler th. e<wnmatnd of

Depaty Marehal Manly. aecoanpatuatd th. train* to thedty limits, but nothing tH.cuired within tlieir juii-di-MKJo-day the f*ipar^ will probably a vs..I itmlf of tlve

*ervices of the United .States tioop-. and the trau-por-titrrioTlOf freight will be resumed.

fBv TeVfeapkTBiLTt«ok>i. Jsatuntoy. May U, 1bj7.p. >t.

The railroail r.«'t i- n..t yet fully quelled. Ths: evcu-

rsg trefgtit trams were t»errt out ander a militarj' jruard.¦oti-uatijig of thr-* oganpai.ies that were onksred oatby the üovernor. (m reaching Jackaon a bria>e tUejwe-e ftn d tii-n oy the rioter-, the military returningthe fire rirmkiy. kiUinw one rioter and" wawjrjdiogeth- rs. Th» tettina Iht-o. panned on.

_ .BtLTLttout, May 3.9 p. in.

The riot «tili rtmrfeiuew-. Thi- iriorifinx th<* tramwh> h war r»*attvnmgf wiu. the udotary gutard w*ithrow n fri.m the track by the. rioters, and several car*

Were* -mashed. Two Holdi.-ri wer- Injure*!.one ofA«m»**d a eaay broken. Two n ilitorv c^iupnieV-e we-re

.ent oat to the Kelay House thi* afternoon t<> proto¦.the freight train* which w..re to come in. Th* resultwe ha\e BC't yet heanl.

hl&OKLYN ITKJktS.Srw A«tum I) .« t* t«_Kap-* cvan.y * oa~

'1 to eeven Hymen. «a\x>niiBg to tbe act ofthe Lecture ; eewerj eat Wrtrtrr. Herrtofo-w tberwI. n but thrto. At Hie .«et araerCag .. Lba &c*>r4. ofKupervigore Me****. Ilet u-.-rt H>. aa*) NVoodwort«were i>;,« :. J « C*mmitt*e to apt.., ih« *1 -t-i..tetand report the refuht for c^uSruiaima.

¦s> ... /

B»rt C**» *t f'K>»;>ro!sr..A young me* n«m«iWilliam 11. Lyon» aim* Honey Ljone, of Vreea^atn* .

woe arceetrd oo Sevturtiay night y < rttn rr K tag of*U«v i, oteenth Ward, on a charge of .ommitrlaf a -apa)n per a rvrvant-firt named Ellen ("tine, the ««turd«yaijgkl j rvW'O*. Obi Monday ,a*t the gui appearedI" I . Justice Earner and «tatevi that about 10 o clockim Satnrday nii-ht, ae ehe waa ieatitg a ahoe-gtore a

Krarkltn street, Lyou net her at the dosM" tad re-

qucete.l t.. a not«- t» the daughter of her rtuslrtve.

Acvuwd walked along with her, aad upon reachingSmiths lumber-yard, threw her d*»wu and rvten;- :««!t o % iolate her person. She «nrxveded Tb gettmg »war.and reavheej the alleyway of her r**Hte*e>e, whea ha)again came up ami ruvompl..hed hi* purpoe*. Justioa1'nrniar acvuo-d the ttrl (v ja before Dr. Snoll for

prvftpaiona! eiaaiiuatain, winch she did. After thia,two or three daya eiapaed > u. x>v r\ .»«

come hrward to preee the eotupla,ai. Upo* a

eooond interview which Dr. Knau* natal w Jatli« gfa) she atavt««l that ehe had abawdctMia)her intention of makiug a ceniplatnt, aa*i aUt>rAaa . reaeoD that the tiather bad -i.cr. t «r $10,with 4 promise that he would five her rsecaaiary at*

pittance at any tiaM the wae ui i.e. .1, «od fwtAet, that

the fat) ..r and -on had told her that if the matter earn*

i.P 1>. fi re the Court. >lie would he compelled k| et-'

]mjm her peraon to all preaent.On Saturday, upon the complami yt* Aaoiatant CapL

Hru. c ot the l»lb Ward. Judge Ciarry *«au*vd | war¬

rant and Um amst wa» made an «l>o\.* atau-d. Thet_-irl waa aleo taken into cuctody to p.rvvent her benag-ci.t cut of the way. and both pnrtiee were .¦¦mm' :. lt<> the County Jail to await an exarmaat.on.

Dwt^atotD..Peter Smith waa brought tvefivr*)'oetea M leli. uw Saturday, f- rharpe cf-ausiap the.'.calk of jinn I U< rniody. Butb ac used «oel decaaavd a»rjt I«).. atslOr in Atlant. a\en .« .luring th> wlutar. DeiaaoAp waa

found dead on Tbnr«da7 nioroicf and he. a- it waa rjjyaaaa}that Kmith knew acturtbiua f tt. TV eriaVaea (Jar-asaaT laairteceaacd was .lUatpatrd aod died of Inteinperaaee and oapew. I'rc. Smith wr«» th.T'-f' re d .charted

a i

A?8AüLTKD in the Strikt,.ptaniel Murray w»yaattalicd ui \au Bruut <¦< \ ¦*> Saturday ait. bp a aaftj oftowdiet au.l at Ii. ,»ly iiuer»«. He waa dWevered by OarawrO'R. urke and bn ugh* to ?h* Third Dtttrl.-t rtallc-* Henae.There wat an tuclted Woand nuder the eye, and a woo od atjthe «eck. arpar. v tK cauaed with a lolfb Dr. McDvnatlt at¬tended to bit iirune»

NEnWEltSEY TfEMS.CiTT rai««>N RrrorcT..lite Jeraey C ity \lai haj

i. p. itt that during A lOS persona w. rr i. u...t«d to :»«< Ity Priteii for eaueet aa tbllOW*:!' «..¦».. .IjBattardr.., fIMtordi'rly condnrt. I Vagrancy.fPicking pockets. »jlntanlty.ISn.piriou of theft.. Sllncetidfaritui. I<t. elingi. S|«.

fuhtiia. t Total.IS)Asaanlt. SiThe net I sits of these ptteoners it stated aa fodowa: Ireland,O. rn.ai.y 4 Knglaiid. 7, Pcottand, J and tbe United «:a»ee

IS. afwham tare talagei. T

KoBJBah Sm. oi or BTl «-J» it'ir..The Trueteee)el the State Noraiel School atet at Trenton on Pilday, aaatre-rlet ted K. S. Pield. 1.1. .. J.ho II ri. Sreietery, andK S. Kluoey. Treasurer. M. ¦ . K Pield, PhUMfa gag]Cole were lthanlm. usly rreteeted tbe Kaecntive Committee, fartbe entaiag veer.

Tl e Principal presented a report mi the> uoudltien aal prceep.ctsof the Noratal aad Model - i. - .. by which it«that the ml. r< f pupils tu the Normal School at the ptiaaattime Is 90. tud ateadllv uacreatiag'. while the asaihet in teaModel S.'hoel la 170. every teet being occupied wfch tweal/ **-

piletnit mi the hooka ler tbe aaxt t. r«> to «p*a tout twaathaihersre, and tbe uuuibet rapidly iai reeautg. He gate repoavat aplan lor increasing ar. oiuuioJatiout for the Model Scheel.The Hoard reeolved to meet again ¦¦>< the IHb of Juae, ta at-

tend tne tan I aaaiial riaatdiiatiou of tbe inetlutirta, which >a

to occur on the 1Mb, 16:b. 17th and ltth ef that «tott|h. ,

iKDlvTItlil SrHixiI« AT NfWAP.lt..The ar»oJv»T-.ary of the Induitrlel Schoolt of Newark took plea* at tbe PtretPrettvtcHan Ckup h < u Priday rvrt u.g, With a large tfUtf«ance of tbe fiiends ofthe enterprise Mayor Btfahrw pre-dded,nnd ipercbrs wiie wads- by the Rev. Win. Alainen, the Bar.T L. Cuvler of New.York, and the Rev. J Pew Sm'.th, It-i.. i. in¦ y Aw,It .,. u ihr ;n.p. ran.-, f these tnstftuü.>rs an#the grtat tiletaiugi realized therefrom iu educating the ehdarra,and resruiua tl ¦¦», from fives wbl. h almost Inevitably lead hicrime and Infamy. The reports of tbe vartoea schools were

read, ihowing a »¦. .1 ...u:...

Swan..1'hero waa a vcrv tatraordiaary ran of ehatdIntheRorth River oil Kridayaud Saturday, by whkfe lawn

pri, r was reduced to a-15 a. per IU0 tor tboer raught la riykee.nud g> 10 for those raught in gill net*. Shad tKaneat lu leearpCity on S.iturday from *Vi ceattt.. 90 cents per pair, wbaeji haveberetolor. cat liuin jUccntt to RI p.. pair They wear pur¬chased treaty. _

Fatai A«»ailt is aKiü Shop..En-t Monday,a ftllow named Pieroo at tacked a mnji aatuod Joakua.Wecke, in a liquor store, tvmer of Stanton aod Lewif'etn t ie, fnun the Batata of which he died on Saturday.CoroiH r J'eiry held an inrjueet y.-i.-nlny, whea thefollowing teeiitnoay wa* reoaivod; Mary Jam WoeRa,wife of dreeoaed. deponed.-My buahaad gaoM hotMon Monday, tbe of Aptif, at II « -look, nuoRbruioed and hurt; one eye waa .-loetd sod a gush waoon the back of bw beoAl, I woaited and drsoord big?head; he appeared to b<- aleepy, aad told me that hebeen beaten in a liquor «ton» corner of Mtanten «edLewie etreetg, he *aid Daniel Pieree knocker! k:iadown and Could Alh-n kivked hioi allor he waa down,iay kuaband told me tliat oo Sumlay be bavd strucka ii.an mimed " Tom ami lie -u|,|....«| that the ah

tuck on him was to avenjre that; my husband waa at¬tended by a physician until hi* d< at'i, vheii ucvurrodi.t'.' o'cu . k. Saturday.Edward Jouea, kuen«r of tin- «I ova ntuwod litfOor

ettire, depnaed.f hi Monday last, abaut 10 a. on., d*v»cured caiue into l|iy «ture, there wim a numlier of

n.ec tin re at tbe t.uie. uni.'i.ir them Pierce aad hiebrother; 1 saw demeaned and Piorup etandiAgj ka.thon iddle of the room talking, eiiortly after I ahap Piero*.atrtke him with hi* ti-t. knoekinp; him dawn; bo ioilbockbttwoen th<- etove and a rank; « veraj psTwotio»prang in and took Piere« away; I we iwoth'rptr-eon touch doeeaawl, and aaw but one. blow «ttucR;deeeaaed -.d up ia about a miaute, and wo« bl< edu-.gubout the head: be then left the place; ootR Piero»and deceaeed appeared to be oober.Kivbolaa Ai.dft.r. ooa of the peraont atmtut at too

affray, depoea-d.I heard Pierce aay to Weak*, " Vaaaought to be aehamed of yonraelf for strikingTlrcreBam,"-I heard no mure of their c..nverw*,ti<>n but ooott at/tfrrnv. W" be fall geveral men nnhea m oo k.ufSait,nud took Pier, o away, beard Pierce gay when Weeitiii-t. nn.e in that U would "lick hiui, for ttr^ithf'eotue other man the day before.Clriafopber Doyle, axother bystander, depejoeat,

that Wcela had been IB the room ctnly fite avaateg,withotU apeaking, aod wao gobng oot Bgyhg. trtftiPierce OsxoeteR him thoa: " Yon eoeso to be hwHtflwhy did yoa atrike that draakas i«au> yMtsTMay' '

Week* Mid ho deoerred tobe gtjrVR; Jf^WTOfsraeeed. and whila my head was turned a**ea»e4 Ml;beord Pierce say ko wat go.if to lick Wtakg for

atriktTjf Toon Cotemao. . . ,Koabeb 8. Chopin, M. D., who gttendevt oniteawof,

taid that oo the moraing after tit*? aatault eryoipelaoaet in. he wan eenilMe; but the etysipohatows mflaat

anation im roaoed from day to day tvr tkr*« eMy***about the third day oMoia a pt.ta enaood, whi- B cob

tinned tmtil he died the eicttiag eata*« of death aw

the wcear.d: the depraved coodrtiorj «f hit mkmio,

quirrd a kooi auae to produce death tOatt f be b»

been m a bealtl.y coadilioa._w

Driv. TiThnellaiid Welrje, berriT/twrTO,«wy.Ws>Ba«u.ade h t.. s,t riiort. n. examrnatjoti of theliawt'of He

i eis. d; we touud a small oontuaion of the

jiiriettoa of the frontal and parietal bonea; thl**es'. . ^- ^s.-:-:-. V -.1- «iMMJBaaiJBdJa

'I trnrtl TTJ ane; prrwnawiaa,, - j ^^^^^^^^^^and bkickened agiu tumified, tba tirsue« ofthe left OBwi re filled with pi. - of it- external angle: NWfW wB*wound (gif itv-rt and a half in h n^tb; tar 1.. ~*

ntooVrately ciwgeated: a «ate.ll aiaBskBt ei i

blood wao tound ui the awaauoid iueiulcotTeepoaded with the ooritiuioB on the >/were abrasions aha bruioet on the orm*1heart and lrir>gw were heaNhy; r nrofiri

were healthy, weTare of the »V^aJ£^Jcut* to hit detvtb by the combrnod 'B>ctt of «rToip*.lar and dehTiuni treineo*. . .»

Tponrtiia evi-ten« « the *.J *tat,"rj" lfLüLliTlJ ¦ !¦ iH h<i" "^ ¦! f -y Isa-tJ-i Ha

Pierce, April -T, l*'"- ^'

After Mr. Week*'* death B WrtrTABt waa <mnr*i .wT'.hsom-et .'( Pief .* Sam Alfen, and pkw-ed fa the* hands ofOftVerWard. of the Thirteenth pstrol DbrtrW, whr>took them :nto cn^ody on ^tordsy*." The r.»onr<r«

trcre taken to the Thirteenth Ward .^tioc-0oRao a*JJ/^ ked up until the matter C|2 b? thorcugL'y mte-tiegated. Weeka realde.l at ?fo. 95 Lewie .Utftt, taier*he hat left a w?dow and one child. Ue waa 33 jearsof age. a native of !Tew-?V.rk. and bother t,f JPiauetWeek- reeently appointed Cap'a n of tb« ThirteetitkWard P. .> hy the Mayor.

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