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F.No. 21-74/2014-TS-Il Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development Deptt. of Higher Education

Technical Section-II

******** Dated: 20.1.201

Subject: Alignment of Service Rules with the Sexual Harassment of Wome at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.

Please find enclosed a copy of letter no. C. 36011/1/2010.PG dated 23.12.2014 on the subject mentioned above.

All Divisional Heads are requested to circulate the guidelines to all PSEs/ Autonomous Bodies under their administrative control.

L-L-(Daulat Ram)

Under Secretary (TC)

~\\S- ~ End: As above.

<:::::'· f); (~ 1\ \ \ / \,. Dir (IIT)/Dir (TE)/Dir (NIT)/Dir (Mgt)/Dir (T) ~ :/ _,)~

!.' \ ~ tJ \-<7 Copy to: 1. The Vice- Chairman, AICTE

7th Floor, Chanderlok Building, Janpath, New Delhi.

2. The Director, EdCIL India Ltd. Sector 16 A Noida U.P.

~ . oJJ }-

No.C-360111112010.PG. Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Vigilance Section

Room No.231 'C' Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, the "'_s.,.4December, 2014.

Subject:- Alignment of Service Rules with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013

I am directed to enclose a copy ofthe OM. No.Il013/2/2014-Estt.(A. III) dated 2ih November 2014 alongwith its enclosures from the Department of Personnel and Training on the above mentioned subject with the request that the guidelines may ·kindly be circulated to all concerned subordinate offices/autonomous bodies/ PSUs on which the Ministry have jurisdiction.

All Bureau Heads as per list attached.

(K.D. Verma) Under Secretary (Vig.)

Tele: 23386317

Copy to

All officers/staff of MHRD.

\2 ,~'1-----~



_Q No. 11013/2/2014 Estt (Alii) ~ Government of India

\1~ ~'~. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions ~"i \\1\.-v (Department of Personnel and Training) ,,,,\..-

'Jfi>~ u~c North Block, New Delhi,

Dated the 27th November 201


Alignment of Service Rules with the Sexual Harassment o Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Ac 2013.

;;>\ c

_ r; ~J.:;·'"'r The undersigned is directed to say that the 'Sexual Harassment of Women a r\"''-~

· • ·.' Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013' { SHWW (PPR) Act

\-01' '",,. , .<:. has been promulgated on 22"' April 2013. Further to the Act, the 'Sexua

{\\~ t\::: :_ .. . Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules

V c 2013' were notified on 9.12.2013. The Act and the Rules framed_thereunder provid

a redressal mechanism for handling cases of sexual harassment at workplace. Th

Act and Rules are available at the website of the Ministry of Women and C!lild

Development (wcd.nic.in) under Legisiation/Acts

2. The CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and CCS (CCA) Rules, 'i 965 have been amended vide Notifications of even number published as G.S.R. 823(E) and G.S.R.822(E) in the Gazette of India - E;ctraoidina;y dated 19-11-2014. These are available on this Department's website www.persmin.gov.in

3. So far as Central Government employees are concerned, provisions already

exist in the CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 defining sexual harassment. Further, the

proviso to Rule 14(2) of the CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 provides that the complaints

committee established in each Ministry or Department or office enquiring into such

complaints shall be deemed to be the inquiring authority Clppointed by the

disciplinary authority and the committee 'shall hold the inquiry so far as practicable in

·accordance with the procedure laid down in those rules. Similar provisions exist in

the relevant service rules of the Central Government servants not governed by CCS

(Con.duct) Rules I CCS (CCA) Rules.

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( .~· ~-.:- '\ V,~::'~j/ \_.:;/

t'>lo,J 1013/2/2014 Estt lAIII) Oateo the :d' i!ovember 20'\'f

4. Sexual harassment as defined rule 3--C of CCS (Conduct) Rules. '1964 in has

b~en amended vide Notification of even number dated 19-11-2014 (copy enclosed).

The amended rule is as follows:

"Rule 3C- Prohibition .of sexual harassment of working women

(1) No Government servant shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any

woman at any work place.

(2) Every Government servant who is incharge of a work place shall take

appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such work place.

Explanation- 1 For the purpose of this rule,

(a) "sexual harassment" includes any one ·or more of the following acts or

!5ehaviour, (whether directly or by implication), namely:--

(i) physical contact and advaqces; or (ii) demand or request for sexual favours; or

(iii)sex~Jally coloured remarks; or

(iv)shovving any pornography; or (v)any other unwelcome physicai, verbal, non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

present in relation to Of connected with any act or behaviour of sexual na!·assment_

may amount to sexual harassment : -

(i) implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in employment; or

(ii) implied or explicit threat of detrimental tre_strnent in employment ; or (iii) implied or explicit threat about her present, or future employment status; or (ivj interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or

hostile work environment for her; or . (v) humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.

(c) "workplace'' includes, ..

(i) any department, organisation, undertaking, establishment, enterprise,

institution, office·, branch or unit which is established, owned, controlled or wholly or substantially financed by funds provided directly or indirectly by

the Central Government;

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/;r \ ... .-I l

~" f /';, J I lP ... ,, / No. 11013/2/2014 Estt (f\.111) Dated the 27'" November 20i4 V

(ii) hospitals or nursing homes;

(iii) any sports institute, stadium, sports complex or competition or game venue, whether residential or not used for training, sports or other activitie relating thereto;

(iv) any place visited by the employee arising out of or during the course o employment including transportation provided by the employer fo undertaking such journey;

(v) a dwelling place or a house."

5. All Ministries/Departments are advised that the following procedure may b adopted while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment:-

(i) Sexual harassment will include any one or more of the Acts or behaviou defined in Rule 3-C of the CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 read with Sec 3(2) o SHWW (PPR) Act.

(ii) The Committee constituted in each Ministry/ DepartmenV office under th CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 shall inquire into com'plaints of sexual harassment in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 -of the SH (PPR) Act.

(iii) ·The Committee will as far as practicable follow the procedures prescribed in CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 for conduct of the inquiry.

~ ~~-: (iv)_ JJany ~omf:)laint is rac;siy~g dirl3gtly by_ the; committee, the .same shall be referred to trie -a-pprop~iate disciplina-ry- autl10rity~and ~the--comm'ihee shall

inquire into the co:np!aint on the . complaint being referred to it by the disciplinary authority.

6. In addition, the Committee will have the powers to recommend to the ~. employer:-

a) to transfer the aggrieved woman or the charged officer to any other workplace; or

b) to grant leave to the aggrieved woman up to a period of three months. (The leave granted ·to the aggrieved woman under this section shall be in addition to the leave she would be otherwise entitled to.)

c) to grant such other relief to the aggrieved woman as may be prescribed; or d) to deduct from the salary or wages of the charged officer such sum as it may

consider appropriate to be paid to the aggrieved woman or to her legal heirs. Any amount outstanding at the time of cessation of the services of the charged officer due to retirement, death or otherwise may be recovered from

Page 3 of4

i'lo. 11 013/2/20'14 Estt li>..111) Oaieci the 27'' No'Jer-i1t>er ~0 b

the terminal benefits payable to the officer or his heirs. Such com_pensation

will not amount to penalty under Rule 11 of CCS (CC.A.) Rules in terms of the

Explanation (ix) to Rule 11 inserted vide Notification of even Number dated


7. It may also be noted that the Committee may recommend action to be taken

against the person who has made a complaint, if the Committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation is malicious or the aggrieved woman or the person making the complaint has made the complaint knowing it to be false or has produced

any forged-or misleading document. The Committee may also recommend action against any witness if it comes to the conclusion that such witness has given false

S'.':den::e 0:- ~~:::duced any forged or misleading document

8. Attention is also invited to the following provisions of SHWV\1 (PPR) Act:


-• Sec 16 & 17 : Prohibition of publication or making known contents of complaint , inquiry proceedings and recommendations of the Committee.

• Sec 19 : Duties of employer. This may be. read with provisions of Rule . . . - ' .

3(C) (2) of CCS (Conduct) Rule!:;. . • Sec 21. 22 of SH\JVVV(PPR) Actand Rule 14 of the SH\JVVV (PPR) Rules

Annual Reports

· amt Kundra)

Joint-Secretary to Government of India Tel: 23094276

~s/Deoartments (as per standard list)

Page 4 of 4

, '>


'\:[11i JI-tJu~ 3-<J1:l-(2JGS (i)

J> ART Il""'--1Section 3-Sub-scdion (i) -~"fr-~ . ,.·.· ...


No. 608]

28, ]936


-·. ~~:~ofi~~~~FL~ :-~

-(~ afR ~11T fcmrr)


· -«r.cnr.f.1. 822'(aJ):~,~ !n 3i1~a..309 !n ~'ii ~ ~* 148 ~ ~,(o)_if[ffwnr

;:~:7::w:~l~';:;,Et~t7~~=;1~~~~~f~~~t::r' -.+rn-=:1+

1. (1) ~~-~,~~~-:~,~r(ct:;ff~{al, frr~~ ~) ~"{f'li'ra<r··~:4+JI.CJml . ~ . . .. - . . ·, .r • .. .


_ (2) ~ .m<Wf (i "I q; ~;'~'ith ~~R <ft mf!w iT >rc[a" -~ I 2. ~ fufc'm Wn- (4iffch(ol, f.D:i:rur -o;-~-a:{·m~;r) f.ill+IICJ\'1\ 1965,!n ~ .11 it,·-fllt>f!cnzol

(viii)~ 'Cf!{-=omr. .f.iJO'iRi~ d +r<f 9iT ~Ttm,TIJT, ·'i'l"+Rf _:-·.;.

"(i~). ~ ftwm wrr (~) ~. 1964~ Wn=r 3 if}t rn~.~;~ cfi1 +bborrr.::rT

# ~ ~-cr?n frp:p, 14 !n itrm+f (2) -~~it~ ~mG ~ ~ f;tmrr :il~~ # ffr111R~iT 1:f{ ~<IT 1FIT ~ I" I'

457701/2014 (1)

f~ · U. · r-- • r· · · ' C ·• 12. 1-'iUJ!: ~ rrr~:r+=i, ~Ti77 -:{ -.'TJTTr-1 T.l ~;;rrrr. ;Z(l ~crcr~J '18~35 ~;1! ?;T(~J7J.~ ~~. 7/2/6:; ~:;,_.fi

ftn: Tlf! ~~- c,i'rz ~R'rfr~ o,rfiq'CfCn 7!':07.1Tl] ~F cf0! fT~TIT~.ffi Pli1, 'lT":

! 2. 9iT.m1596,:~o(::.::tl•1966;

7 9iT.3lf.1457, ~ 29 31'~, 1967~

9iT.311'.1870, ... ., 'f• Oj GJ;f, 19~8;

I 14. ' 9lf.<~~r.3423, k<il'll28 fut~~;., 1968;

15. - . . '

'!iT.311'.5008, ~ 27 fu:n:cn:, 1969;, •.. ,.

16. 'iif.3Tr.397, ~07tW!fi, 1970;

17. 9iT.3IT.3521, ~ 25 ~. 1971;

I 18. 9ir.3IT.249, ~o1 ;;rvro, 1972;

I 19. 9iT.3IT.990, ~ 22 3~, 1972;

20: 7 e

?· l I 9iT.arr.1600, ~01 '1<11~. 19L,

25. 1-'1>1.3!1.4664, ~ 11 ~. 1976;

26. 'N;<l1'1,3062, [?;,jj'I,"(JB ~~ {917;. c·

I 27. 1 <ir~3IT.3573. ~ 26 ~. 1-977; ' I 28. I '!iT.3IT.3574, ~<f.2s~. 1977;

29. 9iT.3IT.3671' fo:'!i<P 03 ~. 1977;

30. 9iT.3IT.z4M,·~oz~, 1978; .· ~

31 9iT~3JT.2465, ~ 02 ~. 1978;

i 32: 'liT.a)T.920, -~ 17 ~. }979;

33. '!iT.arr.1"T69 ~ os ~. 1980;

i 34. '!iT.3iT.264, ~ 29 ~,.,'lri,'19a1 :·

35. 'iif.3IT.2126., R'li'll 08 arm:o, 1981;

36. 'lif.arr.22o3::~.22 aT'ffif, 1ss1;

37. ~.3rr.251Zd~-;rt<il 03 a~, 1981;

38. 'llr.01f.1\)8, Wri9i 23 ~. 1982;

3_9. 'iiT.~.153~; ~ 1211{, 1984;

40. ar.~.11012/15/84-~.('l'i}, fo:;;t9;os~, 1985

41. au:f.11012/0B/85-'f~.('li),~ 29 '¥fl'{, 1985;


<18 9iT.arr.831, ~zsm. 1987;

49. 9iT.3IT. 1591, ~ 27 "fl, 1987;

50. 'liT.31T.'f825, ~ 13 <1<11~. 19.-87_: __ ·- . --~--------...... ~----- ·····. . l s·1 I - . I e:~

.. .u •.




'!iT:3jf,J984, ~ 2.8 ~. 1990;

9iT.3IT. 2208, ~ 25 3r<T!'Cf, 1990;

~.3n".1481' ~ 13 Gff, 1 992;

m.9il.f<t.zag, ~zo¥. 1992; 1----+-~--~~------~--~--------

513. m.'N.f.t.5B9, ~ 26 ~. 1.992; j


~~ m.'f>l.f.'r.499, ~"'ifi<li08a!'ti_(Gt(1994; ! I GO. ·.1 I:!T."liT.B.276,Jt'1.i'l• 10 "~.'1' .1 995; I (~: : :::-~¥.2o_~p;o~·, ~S~~S;=- . -- ! ' U<.. I ""·'Pl,l't- ;2!J, ,,,,_,,, 1() :;rrq, 1!}9U; I /63. 1 m~.f.t.417,'~?s~. 1996; 1 I 64. m:'iiT:f.t. 337, ~ 02 lmion:, 2ooo; I 65~ c • m:9iT.f.t. 42o;'furt<F2s a~. 2000: l

· 66. m.'iiT.fit. 211 ,J:~~~ 14 anm. 2001;

67.. m.'m.f.t. 6Q; J0t'fi 13 '1izcrtl-, 2002; . . . . . . . .. . . . - . '· . -·-···~ . ·"' .

68: m·.'li'f-~.2, ~o3 ~. 2004;·

i 69 .. - m.<tr.N-'11·3,~ 10 arim, 2004;

70. · {fL'fiT.f.t·:225, ~~:10 ~. ·2004;

71: I =c.. 287 ~ m.,•t.l'1-. .• ~"~1'1>28 ol"'fRi', 2004;

76. . 'lif.3lf.1762 ('{), ~ 16 ~. 2009; . ---1

77. m.'lif.f.t. 55(~).~ 02 ~. 201 o; ----1

78. 'ifif.31T. 2079('{), ~ 0'1 ~-. 201ti 3l'n: ----l

79, · m.''lif.f.t. 769('~)i~ 3'1 a~. ~0·14 ___ __j

~[ =''iPTo=' o=J=J·=-@l=c=.T.g=J=(~j=)"= J========--==1ffii'=='=rf Cfil \I'Wf.l : (\'{tffl:Tf\U!


(Departmcn~ of Personnel and Training)


:New::be!hi, the 19th November, 2014 _; _. L .

G.S.R.~22 (E).~ , Jn exercise of th~ powers conferred by the proyiso.to;a~t~cle .3,09 .and. clau$e ,(5) o article 148 of the ConstitJ.ttipn and l}fte: con.sultation with the Comptroller and Auditoi· General of India in relation to persons se!:Ying in th(5'Jridian Audit and Accounts Departmen('the' Pfesideri't h;rehy !n~kes the following rules further to·amend·the Central Civil Services (Classification, Controf:and Appeil.l) Rules, '1965, namely:-

!. (1) These rules ma,Y,.):\(!. galled the Cent,ral Civil Services (Classification, C:::ontrol and Appeal) Third Amendment Rules, 2014. · _ . · ·

(2) They shall c~rii~'frit6 fm'ce 01i the day of their publication it1 the Official Dazette.

2. In the Central .Civil Services (Classificalion, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, in rule 11, i.n the Explanation, after item (viii), the following item shall be inserted nol!T!•::Iy :-

"(ix) any compensation awarded on tl1e reconunendation of the Complaints Comniittee referred to in the proviso to sub-rule (f) of rule 14 ancl established in the Department of the Govemmcnt of India for inquiring into any compiaint of sexuaL harassment within the meaning .of rule 3 C of the Cenh·al Civil Services (Cond~ct)Rules, 1964." .. ·· i _·. · ; .• .· · · · ·

[ No.lJ0~3i~/2014~Estt. (A)] ·. MAMTA I(l.JNDRA, it. Secy.

Note: The principal rules were published ih the Gaz~tte of Ind.iayirJe notification muriber 712163.'Estt.(A), dated th.e 20th. N ovembe~, 196%nd subseqtienHy amended Viden6iificafion '!uitrlhers :"-'- ·· ·'

I.S.O~ 1149, datedthe 13thApril, 1966;

~- S.Q. 1596, dated the 4th'june,J966; -•·· · ·

- }. S.O. 2007, dated the 9th July, 1966;

, 4. s.o. 2648, dated the 2nd Septe!nJJer/1966;

-'· 5. S.O. 2854, dated tl;~ ·ist.Octob~r, 1966;

6. S.O. 1282, dated the 15th April, 1967;

7. S.O. 1457, dated the 29th April, 1967;

8. S.O. 3253, dated thel6th September, 1967;

9. S.O. 3530, dated the 7th Octob~r, 1967;

I 0. S.O. 4151, dated the 25th November, 1967;

1 !. S.O. 32L dated the9th'Miitch~;1968;~' .··

12. S.O. 1441, dated the 27th April, 1968;,

13. S.O. I 876, dated the lstlune,.l968;

14. S.O. 3423, dated the 23thSeplem~er, 1968;

15. S.O. 5008, dated the 27th December, 1969;.

16. S.O. 397, dated the 7thFebmmy, 1970;

17. S.O. 3521, dated the 25th September, 1971;

18. S.O. 249, dated the lstJari~'arY; i97Z;

19. S.O. 990, date? the 22nd April, 1972; "

20. S.O. 1600, dated.the 1st· July;-1972;. · ·

21. S.O. 2789, dated the 14t~Qctober)972;.

22. S.O. 929, dated the 31st :March,.'l27~,;. _

23. S.O. 1648, dated the 6th J~ly, gm; 24 S.O. 2742, dated the 31st J~ly, 1976; .

25. S.O. 4664, dated the 11th December, 1976;

26 S.O. 3062, dated the 8th October, 1977;

27. S.O. 3573, dated the 2Gth'N~ve;~ber,l977;

28. S.O. 3574, dated the 26th November, 1977;

29: s.o. 367J;aa.tea the3rd Decehiber/1977; · . · ·.

. 3o.:os,o, :j~64;·dateeHthe2nti SepJi:~bet;:l978; 3 LS:0.~2465;:dated . .the 2nd Sep!erribetj~1.978;

32~ S;O;:fYzo;i:!atedthe'17th'Febi'iia1)i,-1979;' ,: • _- _; - •• _,~~. < J_ • •• ---

33. S.O. 1769, dated the 5th July, l98Q;-

34:S.0:264,:dated the 24th January,l981;

· 35. s.o. i126, uited·the 8th August;''198!}

· 36: s:o:i203, dared the22nd:August; {98,1 -tl' .

37. S.O, 2512, ·dated the 3rd October; 1981;; -..

38. S.O. 168, dated' the·iz3rdJan~:aiy~ 19.82;

39 .--S.O:~l5J5;:dated th~ -12th May;o}984; : . .-·_. ·.- ;:. - -- -. .

40. Notlfication:NoJ10l2/15/84~Estt(A),~dated the·Sth. . . - --.- _,._.::. ,.. -~- _.i ~ --- :_--- ·-- , . r·- .-, -~-

July,J 985; .~ -~ c. i. .- . ~. -~.,:--_;.:~_- _-;- --.--- ~ - _- -·: .

41. Notification No: 11 012/05/85-Estt.(.f>.), dated che 29th · 'July;f9s5; .' ' '· '' -~ · ~, ·

42. N9_tificati9n:No:U,Ql2/06/85"-Estt.(A), dated the 6th Ai.igus0985; .· · · · ·· · · ·

43.;-dated.the 21st December, 1985;

44. S,0.,5743;dated th~ 28thDec~mbcr, 1985';

A5. s:o.4089, dated tli~;l3th.bed:mber, 1986; . : - ---"'·; :·~-,;-:·- >: .:.::- ;.: ·:·. v- ._,.:;. '7~--:-.... - . ~

4,6:}lotificationNo.U 01212.4/85cEstt.(J\),:dated the 26th · N6Veinbe/198iJl'':. ··' f ' ~. ;::' ·-·· ·· ·i'"

4 i .s,o:ca3o;:.dat~~Jhe_h8th Match, I 987;; -_.' :· -:· :·:-·:--'-: :' ... ·~·- ·--: ~- -~- -~--: ~- . . :.

48. S.6 .. 831,.dated:.tb~l28tli. March, ·1987; . : :-.-- "-! •.. ~~~-;---~-- -i-<_·-:'·'-}-'_,;.·----. o..~· ,·. -~

49. s.o. 1591, dated the 27th June, 1987; . - . - ·-----~' -~ :. - . . .

50. S.O. 1825, dated th6 1.8th Ju(y. 1987;

51. S.O. 3d60, ~~led tfi~ i5th Octqber, 1988;

52. S.O. 3061, dated thb 16th October, 1988;

53. s:C).2207, dat~d th:~ 16th September, 1989;

54. s.o. ios4, 'aatedth~ 28tb April,-; 990;


'· '•

68 GS.R. 2, dated the 3IcJ Jam1ar· .. LU(H.

56. S.O 1481, doted the 13lll.lune, 1992; 69. GS.R. 113, cLttcci ilt<c lOti: Ap1 ,;, 200·~

58. GS.R. 589, dated the.2Gth December, 1992;

59'. O.S.R. 499, dated the 8ih October, 1994;

60. G.S.R. 276, dated the !OthJun~. 1995;

61. G.S.R.l7,datcd the20lhFeb11lnry, 1996;

62. G.S.R: 125; dated the 16th March, 1996;

63. c:i:s.R. 417, dnt~d thc5th Octob~~; 1996; ·

64. G:S.R. 337, dated the 2nd September, 2000; 65. G.S.R. 420, dated the 28lh October, 2000;.

66 G.S.R. 211, dated the 14th April; 2001;

67. G.S.R. 60, dated the 13th Febnmy, 2002;

70. G.S.R. 225, diltcd the !Oth July ?(Jil,i:

71. GS.R. 287, dated the 28th August, 2004;

72. GS.R. 1, dntcd the 20th Dcce1i1ber, 2004;

73. :G.S.R. 49, dated the 29t~March, 2008;

74. GS.R.12;~ted the 7th February, 2009;

75. S.O. 946, dated the 9th April, 2009;

76. S.O. 1762(E), dated the ]6th July, 2009;

77. G.S.R. 55(E), dated the 2nd PebruUJy, 2010;

78. S.O. 2079(E), dated the L" January, 2014 ami

79. G.S.R. 769(E), dated the 3l"October, 2014.

~T ~wm.19 ~.20·14

-- .......... .Q. Mr'llll"'""'\ ...;An~:;...~~ IJI"\0 ~ ~ ~ 'J~ .., tiQ *---r.:T.:r IC:\ ~ ~ nrP-r-ITT ;:rr ~!l.•t1_1*1"1. O'LV\.\J"[j•- 'al'"1t..ll'l i' '-'1:_!.-0\"" VV.:J ,, ,.._~-,, .. ,.., ... ,~-u,'-\ 1-r...., ,, ....,: \"-'}'0.''' ..,'"!.~'-' '''" 1,, ·,,,

Wr llldr ~ d'<:rf ·~ ~ m I . mm oth.: ~ TIP.TTIT it ifir1h:cr ~ ~ ~a- it ~:msr ~ Frt<m 1T<i'

•tQ.It'i<itl4fi!!;~~% mq tm+r~r ~ ~~"iffii-. u~. ~ rnfcni ircrr (~) f.'i<lfilctoi't, 19G4 it 311<:: u~n·t.~ ~ ~ ~ \),.d <.If I (I ffli:;T~ frtrD:r ~ ~. rrn:rn:- . . . . .

1' (1) ~ f.t<r>i'r.<f,r ~~~<l4 'ffrf.n;r -?r<rt (~Tfin:Uf) mfr<:r ti-~i'rcr.=r R'i 4 Ill"' Jt, 2014 9iQT ;;rrcMTI

(2) ~ m<fi1it ~ if~,Wiir~Ti'f oli'f mfur it Wfm ~I

2. · ~·~ -mrr~(dlli:l'~>"J) H<uu_:~<{l, 1JJ64. it~ 3-:':f. ~~-~~~m~-n=:>.rrRffi PllliT ~. ;::m:ra:- .

'3-<r- ~~·,~3lfit.·@t9:; .. ~.tp.: ~1J,- (1) '~·.-IT ~(t :ij'Cl"if, .mff ·'ll"''r 9->l<ft'<l-.::r 1:fl:' wn· tft· , 4 ~.<1: % ~'P ~crfl~rr tio.m~t~if GH ··~ ~nm (2) Sl (~ 'r~ H. •sl fl irCf'll: \i[t 'l>i<l~'l<1 'f.! >rtJT.frt 3rrR 91T<\t<:r~r 11•. fip;ff tfT ~~ <iif ;:;"]fitq: ;;wl~ (, ,,.{ i;:; fu~ t'li{P,'{(f~~~ ' .

. f4~;-i91'(,01- (i) ~~it.~~.~

('F) ·~ >j ~•ft,s 1" % ai a•i G R! i=<1 fOl ~ ct it it '\~I~ '(iq). <IT 6ITU91 PrJ~ 'fil'.f· 'lfT o4 "~ (i 1, (~ m.r;;:; ~ it 'tiT ct I ctl ftfu) t1IH1 Rl d t ·31~ J

(i) ~rr&0i m orr:~ \i!OTi'IT; <rr

(ii) ~~tr~~.~'if(~iAu~.~; <lT

(iii) ~fir9; ~ ~ W:~~; <IT .. - . - ·. . ._,.

(iv) 31'~~~ R~aiR\;<rr (v) -~lGfiii \4'['fcl 'fiT~ af.:4' ~fhr ~II·~ i<..<F, !1~9i <IT~-~~ ;JI:<~ I,.:Ul 'ii'B'TI

(1lf) 3j?.f qfd"t:qfct,{i ~ m. '@' f.i;,·RlRsia· qflff'llfdJ~'j· ;I'·~~.~'%' ~tfr m ~hi1'91."r ~ ti<fu ii' ~ &l ai {~~ ~ il.~£~.~.'lff ~ tiaifmr ~. ~YM9i \Wfwl<miT'GITl~:- . ,

(i) ~~1r~~~~~l('l1T~<rr~m~;'~ (ii) m~lfa~~l'ifi'< .. oll~liil{~ aiaf.'f~d<rr ~ m:r<fit~; <fr

(Hi) ~ ~~ ¥~"M4";iii\1.~ ~mr~ m1r at~<rr f4Gk~~; <IT

(iv) \3t;~, 'liT<f:~ ~~··h~·~ m m fut; ~ ~ ~ <IT ~~r cort ~ ~ '!iVIT; 7.!T

(v) \31C:r, ~~ ~ -tli~rr if .'X~:rrfilcr 'fl{ 'tf<A Cf'l"fr ·~4 41rl";'i~ ~Tr~ ~~ (<r) .. ~~"~fTlt<~Rt~,a.·~n-~~- ..

[ 'lil'T J]-T.sfll6 3(j) j

Note:- The Princ1pal rules were published in the G8zette of India, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide S.C. No. 4177 dated the 12th December, 1964 and subsequently amended by-

s. No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

J>· . 10.

11. .

12. B. 14. 15

Noti.fication No.

25/23/68-Estt.(A) 25/11/72-Estt.(A) 25/57/64-Estt.(A) 110 13/12/75-Estt.(A) 25/19174-Estt.(A) 110 13/19/75-Estt.(A) 110 13/06/75-Estt(A) 110 13/4/76-Estt.(A) 11013/03/78-Estt.(A)

110 1313!80-Estt.(A) 110 13nl/84-Estt.(A) 11013/6/85-Estt.(A) 110 13/11/85-Estt.(A) 110 13/5/86-Bc;lt,(A)


3rd February, 1970 -- 24th'October, 1972

5th January, 1973 13th February, 1976 30th June, 1976 6th Jtily, 1976 24th November, 1976 24th August, 1977 22nd September, 197 8

· 20th Dec.embc:r, Eih 24th April, 1980 3td October, 1985 21st February,.l986 7th March, 1986 4th -Sebtember,' 1986

Published in the Gazette of India Part Section 3, Sub-S~cti01i (i), S.O. No.

I .

482 - Tche 14thYebruary, 1970 3643 - 11he 4th November, 1972 83 -'Ilhe 13th January, 1973 846 Tlhe 28th February, 1976 2563 11he 17th July, 1976 5691 The 24th July, 1976 4663 The 11th December, 1976 2859 - The 17th September, 1977 2859 Tht 30th September, 1978 _ 3 The 6th .January, 1980 1270_ The 10th June, 1980 4812. _ The 19th October, 1985 935 The 8th March; 1986 1124 The 22nd March, 1986 3159 The" 20th September, 1986

-t ,r 11 1"11 .-, 11 rtn~·T""!-U. fA\ 11\.L.l.. C\-_;~·--"'"'- 1 not: . 'l")Q{) ~(!!Vl.J/!V/OJ,.L.~Lii.\J:'\..} I 1\!\.UU\..t}.l\.\..ll.U.UV.l).I.:-"UV ,..._.J. _,_vv The 27th~tembe!, I986 --1

The 8th August, 1987. \ 17. 111013/1/87-Estt,(A) l27thJuly, 1987 1965 n·s: ll013i19ia7-Estt.(A) 19th April, 1988 1454 1'he 14thJune,J988 · 19. 11013/18/87-Estt.(A) 18th September, 1990 2582 The 6th October, 1990

. ~· 11013/20/91-Estt.(A) 9th December, 1992 3231 The 26th December, 1992 · --\21. 11013/4/93-Estt.(A) . 12th July, 1995. GSR 355 The 29thJuly, 1995

22. 110 13/4/93-Estt.(A) 16th August, -1996 GSR 637 The ,31st Augtist, 1996


! 23. 11013!10/9f;Estt.(A) 13th Febn1ary, '1993 GSR 49 The 7th March, 1998 f-.\ ::24:..:.--+j_...:_l:.::_1_.;:.0;.:1~~/'~5/~J!_-::-7:..:,E;::._s::-::tt:~:;:(A~) ~-----=+_;-:14:--=th::----:;;O:::.c:.:.to~b::.et-'--'·, 7=1..9;;::;9::::9=-----1.-G~_r:;:.:SR;:.. --;:3=-;42:::---___ -_-_+, ~-T::;h:.:.e.-:::.2..:;:3-;..;rd~O;::· •:..::.t=:ob!.-::::.:.r;-::1:;:~-:::-9~9~+--: \ 25. jll013/6i200l~Estt:(A:) IStb December; 2003 r GSR 458 The 27th December, 2~~ 1 26- I 11~ 13/712005-Estt:(A) 18th OCtober, 2005 · GSR.376 The 18th October, 2005 I 27. i 11 0 13/12/200 8-~E::::s:;:.tt;_,;.(A!,!~l_ ) 4-..:;2:-::7:=-th7-=J:=a::::.nu:::a?:r:L!y''-:=2:..:0.;:;09::__ __ --i--:G~S~R::-. ~8 ::-;::--;;::;:-+T:::;:he::....::-2 7-7t=:h.::,J a:::.n::u::;::ary'--!-!--:., 2:::0:...:0:.:.9-r--+-1 f28. -_ 11013i8/.2009-Estt.{A) 9th May, 2011. GSR 370(E) The 9.th May, 2011 · ; ~- 11013/3/2013-Estt.(A) . 4th March, 2014 GSR.149(E) The 4th Maxch,.2014

Printed by the Mnnuger, Government of India Pre~s, Ring Road, Mnyapuri,New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

No.C-360ll/1/2010.PG. Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education)

Vigilance Section

Room No.23I 'C' Shastri Bhawan. New Delhi, the ~J..,-4December, 2014.

Subject:- Alignment of Service Rules with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013

I am directed to enclose a copy of the OM. No.1 I 013/2/20 14-Estt.(A. III) dated 2th November 2014 alongwith its enclosures from the Department of Personnel and Training on the above: mentioned subject with the request that the guidelines may kindly be circulated to all concerned subordinate offices/autonomous bodies/ PSUs on which the Ministry have jurisdiction.

All Bureau Heads as per list attached.

Copy to

AU officers/staff of .MHRD.

(K.D. Verma) Under Secretary (Vig.)

Tele: 23386317

I " i "\ J 1 Lp,_o '~If

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