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Quiz on Ancient Rome1A1 History

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The Story of Rome

Rome was founded when villages on eight hills merged

Rome is situated on the River Tiber

Rome expanded and eventually conquered all of Italy

The Roman Empire stretched from Turkey to South America and even into North Africa

Important Roman Buildings

This is a Roman amphitheatre

This is where the Romans went to watch plays

The most famous of these was called the Colloseum

Important Roman Structures

This is called a canal

Romans used this to transport water to their towns

In these we see examples of Roman arches.

Roman Houses

Wealthy Romans were called patricians and they lived in private houses

Private houses were known as domes

The atrium was an open courtyard

The peristylum was a dressing room

These houses were decorated with frescoes and mosaics

They also had central heating sometimes

Roman Houses

Poor people were called plebeians

They often lived in flats called insulae

These were always very well built and safe as they were made of stone and timber

Some families rented shops at the bottom

The insulae had running water but no toilets

Roman Families

The mother and father had equal power

Roman children were expected to obey their father as long as he lived

Mothers ran the household or worked if they were poor

Roman girls were free to chose who they married

Romans tended to have big families

The Food the Romans Ate

The poor ate a lot of foods made from wheat and barley.

The poor sometimes ate from take-away shops.

The Emperor gave them free wine to keep them happy. It was called the dole.

The rich Romans enjoyed a main meal called a cena. It had only one course.

They ate with their hands and the main course often included seven meat dishes.

The atrium was used to get sick so they could eat more.

Where these foods enjoyed by the Romans?


Only the rich went to school.

At age seven children started in primary school.

Boys and girls went on to a grammar school.

At grammar school they learned about history, philosophy and literature.


Gladiator contests were held in a building called an atrium. The most famous of these is the Colloseum.

Gladiators were slaves or criminals who fought for their lives against other gladiators or wild animals.

Wounded gladiators could appeal to the emperor for their lives. Thumbs up meant death and thumbs down meant life.

Were these the Weapons of a Gladiator?

Chariot Racing

Chariot races were held in a circus. The Circus Maximus is the most famous example of a circus.

Four teams would race each other around the track seven times.

Crashes happened quite often, but the Romans felt that this took away from the sport.

The Baths

There were over 1,000 bathhouses in Ancient Rome.

Most Romans went to the baths every day.

Romans did not speak to each other at the baths out of embarrassment.


Rich people did not work at all.

Architects and doctors came from the educated middle classes.

All the poor Romans could do was beg.

The Roman Army

Roman soldiers were given their uniform and food for free.

They trained hard in running, javelin-throwing and sword fighting.

Discipline was very strict. Soldiers were beaten for disobedience.

Roman Art & Architecture

Frescoes were paintings done on dry plaster. They were found in many homes.

Mosaics were pictures made from pieces of tile.

The Romans built some structures using concrete.

They used columns, domes and pointed arches in their buildings.


When a Roman died they were carried in procession through the town.

Sometimes they were followed by paid mourners.

The bodies were always buried.

Mourning lasted for three days

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