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Query Introduction

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Learning Objectives

After completing this section you will be able to Explain what a query is

Describe parts of the query designer screen

Locate cubes and their contents

Identify key figures and characteristics

Build a simple query

Save a simple query

Describe query naming conventions

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InfoCubes, Queries, Workbooks






 Analyzerpresentsandmanipulates . . .





Business Explorer

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Reference only one InfoCube

No limitation to the number of queries per InfoCube

Extract data from an InfoCube based on a selection of

characteristics and key figures

Can contain global variables, restrictions, formulas andstructures

 Allow creation of new local restrictions, formulas and structures

Contain drag and drop features – lets user organize

characteristic and key figures to define report  Are displayed within a workbook 

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Query Contents

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Key Figures





Rows Format

The Cube The Query

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Query Contents (continued)

All characteristics and key figures contained in anInfoCube are listed in Pane 1

Contains characteristics that will be displayed in

the report (Shown on the vertical axis)

Contains key figures and characteristics (Shown onthe horizontal axis)

Additional characteristics are contained in this

area. They are not initially displayed in the report,

but can be added, filtered and/or navigated

Contains report filters that can be based on values

and/or variables

Displays report format







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Key Figures (Cube Contents – Pane 1)

Represented by the key figure icon

Contain values or quantities

Three types of key figures

Basic – Data directly from the cube Calculated - A value determined by a formula

Restricted - Restricts the value of a basic key figure by

characteristic (Example: Expense for the first two months

of the year)

Defined for a specific cube by SAP or BW team

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Characteristics (Cube Contents Pane 1)

Represented by characteristic icon

Classification of the data set

Examples include:




Cost Center

Cost Element Fiscal Period

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Rows, Columns, & Report Format (Panes 2, 3, & 6)

Key figures & characteristics (pane 1)are placed in rows (pane 2)

and columns (pane 3)

Query developer can see what report

will look like (pane 6) prior to running

As changes are made to contents of rows and

columns, the report format reflects those changes







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Free Characteristics (Pane 4)

Represent data not initially displayed,but available to the report

Contain the fields that appear in

the ‘Navigation Block’ of the workbook 

Are available for drill down which will

cause them to be included in the report

Once added, report may be sorted, filtered,

arranged etc. by the free characteristic








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Filters (Pane 5)

Provide a method to restrict datain the query

Characteristics and key figures

may be used as filters

Values or variables can beassigned as a filter

Query will retrieve only data that is specified in the

filter value or variable

Filter value: Hard coded in the query – not available for userinput

Filter variable: Available for user input on the selection screen






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Group Discussion

What is the impact when a characteristic is placedin the:


Free Characteristics?

Rows or Columns?







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Build a Query

Identify required data for report

Select the InfoCube that contains the required data

Queries can only extract data from a single InfoCube

Add characteristics and key figures to query

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Selecting a Cube

Click the ‘Open’ icon on the Business Analyzer


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Selecting a Cube (cont.)

To see the technical name of the InfoCube, click the‘Technical Names’ icon

Cube technical name required when naming query

Cube Technical



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Selecting a Cube (cont.)

To view cube contents, highlight a cube and click



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Selecting a Cube (cont.)

The query designer displays the cube contents in

the left pane

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Selecting a Cube (cont.)

Expand ‘Dimensions’ to see available


Dimensions logically organize characteristics

Characteristics are used in the queryDimension


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Selecting a Cube (cont.)

Expand ‘Key Figures’ to display available basic,

restricted and calculated key figures

 All 3 types not available in every cube

Restricted Key


Basic Key Figures

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Building a Simple Query

Drag and drop characteristics and key figures into

(or out of) your query

Key figures / characteristics can be placed in either columns or


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Building a Simple Query (cont)

Selection of key figures creates a local ‘structure’ 

Structure keeps key figures together when

building more detail in the query

navigating within a workbook

Key Figure Structure

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Building a Query (cont)

Format pane displays preview of report layout

Report Layout

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Group Discussion

How do you know what InfoCube to select whenbuilding a query?

Do key figures go in rows or columns? How about


What is the purpose of a local structure?

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Save the Query

Save the query by selecting the save iconon the query designer toolbar

A pop-up box appears – provide the query with both

a descriptive and a technical name

Technical Name

Descriptive Name

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Query Names Technical Names

Must be unique

Should always include the source cube technical name

Must contain query prefix

‘X’ = Power user ad-hoc queries

‘Y’ = Power user queries for multiple end users 

Cannot contain dashes (-), but can contain underscores (_)

Descriptive Names

Do not have to be unique

Query name becomes report title in the workbook

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Save the Query(cont.)

Query can be saved under two folders



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g Q y

Run the Query

Click the ‘Transfer query into workbook’ iconon the Query designer toolbar to run the report

Data is displayed in an excel workbook

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g y

To access the query designer again, click the‘Change Query’ icon on the Analyzer toolbar

and select ‘global definition’ 

 Accessing your Query

Change Query

Query Designer


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g y

Or…click the ‘Open’ icon on the Analyzer

toolbar and select the queries under Historyfolder.

 Accessing your Query (cont.) – History button


Search for


Last 15 Queries you

opened will appear here

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Or…click the ‘Open’ icon on the Analyzer

toolbar and select the queries under Favoritesfolder.

 Accessing your Query (cont.) – Favorites button


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 Accessing your Query (cont.) – Roles button

Or…click the ‘Open’ icon on the Analyzer

toolbar and select the queries under Roles



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Or…click the ‘Open’ icon on the Analyzer

toolbar and select the queries under InfoAreasfolder.

 Accessing your Query (cont.) – InfoAreas button


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 Accessing your Query (cont.)

May need to turn on ‘technical names’ to identifyyour query

Select query and click ‘Change’ 


Query Designer


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Query Design Practice


Exercise 1:

Create a simple query

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Group Discussion

Name some differences between a query’s technicalname and its descriptive name.

How can you re-open a query in the Query


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Objectives Review

 You should now be able to Explain what a query is

Describe parts of the query designer screen

Locate cubes and their contents

Identify key figures and characteristics

Build a simple query

Save a simply query

Describe query naming conventions

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