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    About the Author

    Im Katie Morton, and the most important

    thing you need to know about me is that I

    want you to live an amazing life.

    I know how hard that can be when we feel

    so limited by our humanness; we want

    wonderful things to happen in our lives, but

    we act in the opposite direction. Its


    The 10 steps youre about to discover

    helped me to stop acting against my own

    wishes and best interests and to gain the

    freedom, strength and courage to start living

    a big, blissful life. Its my sincere belief that

    these 10 steps will work for you, too.

    Im a freelance writer. Im a mother, a wife, and a small business owner. Im recovering from living

    the small, uninspired life I had while I worked in high-profile positions for companies like CNBC and

    Discovery Communications. I had a nagging sense that there was something else waiting for me,

    something bigger and better that I was missing out on.

    Once I got clear on how to use some specific techniques from the intersection of neuroscience and

    psychology, a whole new world opened up to me. Its now my lifes mission to help others in much

    the same way that Ive been helped.

    You can learn more about how I got this once-in-a-lifetime chance to inspire you by reading My Story

    on my web site, TheMonarchCompany.com.

    2013 Katie Morton, Monarch Company Retreats, LLC

    All Rights Reserved, except photography, which was acquired under a Creative Commons license.

    Cover Photo: Naama / Creative Commons

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    Introduction As humans, we all check out now and then by engaging in bad habits in order to numb our minds

    and emotions. Your bad habits might include overeating or eating unhealthy foods. You may

    occasionally drink too much. Its highly possible that you waste time by watching too much TV or

    spending too much time at your computer. Any action that keeps you distracted from living a big,

    blissful life or that negatively impacts your health is considered a bad habit. Bad habits are like tiny

    suicides. You are both escaping your life the moment you numb yourself with a bad habit, and youre

    often chopping time off the end of your life by negatively impacting your health.

    We all know how difficult it can be to kick bad habits that are deeply ingrained into our lives.

    However, Ive discovered a 10-step process that will make habit change feel like a breeze. There is

    work involved behind the process, but if you engage in the process willingly and with an open mind,

    it will feel more like play. You will generate a sense of ease and excitement in your life that will make

    you wonder why you ever struggled with your bad habits to begin with. The purpose of this book is to

    help you design a life so blissful that you dont want to escape.

    How to use this Book

    These 10 steps helped me to enjoy a period of abstinence from wine and to lose weight, with

    seemingly no effort. It wasnt a perfect process. Your journey wont always feel like a smooth

    trajectory upwards, but making mistakes is baked into the process. The key to using this book

    successfully is to use it consistently over time. When you feel yourself failing, know that its all part

    of the process; you will learn how to hop back onto your bike faster each time you fall off. When you

    work the process, each set back actually serves as a launching point to make you more effective

    and more successful as you learn what works and doesnt work for you. Your gains will be

    cumulative and compounded over time, rocketing you higher and higher.

    The 10 steps arent listed in any particular order. Youll find it helpful to bounce back and forth

    between different steps as you improve in some areas and need more help in others. They are all

    dependent on each other, yet youll want to pay more attention to some steps than others at different

    times as you learn, grow and transform.

    This book is written to be as effective as possible while using as few words as possible. That means

    it will benefit you to read it carefully and to absorb each sentence, to read it more than once, and to

    refer back to it as you reach different stages of your journey. As you evolve, more lessons will arise

    from the same words as you return to them. Here are the 10 steps that will change your life in

    magnificent ways when you allow them. Let go of resistance, open your mind, and read on

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    When we have a crystal clear vision of what

    we want in life, we are pulled in that direction.

    When you take the time to examine your

    feelings and your circumstances and to decide

    what would make you happier, you allow

    yourself to see the possibility of living a

    greater life. You get closer to becoming who

    you are, the person you are meant to be.

    The flipside of this truth is that its impossible

    to stay motivated if you cant see clearly what

    youre aiming for. If you cant see it, then you

    wont really want it that badly, because you

    dont even really know what it is. When you

    dont take the time to create a clear vision of

    what you want, your inspiration will be wishy-

    washy and fleeting.

    Really get in there and examine the details of

    your blissful life. Where will you wake up in

    the morning? What kind of work will you do?

    How will you dress? What kind of people will

    you spend your time with? How will you feel?

    What kind of energy will you have?

    Uncover a clear vision of what life will be like

    without your bad habits. If its exactly the

    same way your life is now, only with a gaping

    hole where your bad habits used to be, thats

    not motivating enough. If your only goal is to

    get rid of a bad habit for example, if your

    only goal is to lose weight then its highly

    likely you are going to keep doing the same

    old things, like overeat, within the confines of

    your same old life.

    Raise the stakes on your vision and decide

    that amazing things are going to happen when

    you ditch your bad habits. When you can

    clearly see the benefits of a new life where

    things are markedly different in a great way,

    its easier to accept and even welcome the

    changes that achieving your goal will bring.

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    Its crucial that, with the vision of our blissful

    lives and resulting goals in mind, we

    orchestrate our actions and environments to

    come into alignment with what we want.

    This step basically means that were going to

    take action towards our goals, which sounds

    obvious. However, most of us frequently skip

    this step, or wed already have achieved our


    Many of us say, I want to lose weight, but

    then we fail to keep healthy food on hand. I

    might say, I want to get into outstanding

    physical shape, but if I dont organize my

    schedule to make time to work out, then its

    not happening. You might say, I hate this job,

    I want a new career, but you dont take the

    time to explore other options.

    As we continue on our journey, we may have

    to revise and modify our plans to support the

    achievement of our goals. Allow for flexibility

    in how you will get there.

    We must approach this step with these key


    We will learn from our mistakes and setbacks

    and do better next time.

    We are going to keep going and keep

    adjusting our approach until we hit a groove

    that works.

    We have time. Our goals and our vision of a

    blissful life are worth all of the time and effort it

    takes to reach them.

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    Many of us give up at the slightest hint of

    discomfort or difficulty. We throw up our hands

    and think, Ugh, this is too hard. When we

    fear pain, we dismiss the desires in our

    hearts. We slide right back into our old

    existence, trying to convince ourselves that its

    okay to give up.

    Its not okay to give up.

    Once you get over the discomfort, and it might

    be substantial, life will get better and better

    over time. You are going to power through,

    and you will be rewarded.

    Learn to welcome the pain, because by

    holding out for what you want on the other

    side, you become stronger and happier. You

    will feel thrilled with yourself because you had

    the grit and the tenacity to accomplish

    something difficult.

    To achieve great things, you cant be afraid of

    a little discomfort. Choose to embrace pain.

    Where there is pain along your journey, you

    are blessed with opportunities to learn, grow

    and ultimately thrive. But we need to aim for

    the pain that will help us, rather than

    wallowing in old habits, which is simply pain

    that were familiar with.

    When we fear pain, we become prisoners of it.

    We get trapped inside the tiny bubble of our

    comfort zone, which is actually not

    comfortable at all. When we open our eyes to

    the promise of a bigger world, and we boldly

    cross the threshold of pain in order to reach

    our goals, we are rewarded with greater

    energy and a blissful life.

  • TheMonarchCompany.com

    Humans fear change, even positive change.

    Your brain is going to cook up some zany

    excuses in order to keep the status quo.

    When you argue with your excuses, you allow

    doubt to creep in, which allows destructive

    patterns to continue in your life.

    To deal powerfully with excuses, there are two


    1. Shut it down. Move on.

    Say, Aha, I see what youre doing there. Not

    so fast. Nice try. Im on to you.

    2. Problem solve the excuse.

    For example, heres an excuse: But Im

    soooo hungry, and the lasagna is sitting right

    there! And heres the solution: Hold up! First,

    you shouldnt have let yourself get so hungry.

    Lets work on that for next time. Second, you

    arent going to starve while we prepare

    something healthy to eat. Relax, be patient,

    and a delicious lunch that wont weigh you

    down will be ready in a moment.

    When you get in a wrestling match with your

    brain over whether you should engage in your

    bad habit or not, you are wasting serious time

    and energy thats better focused on the

    pursuit of your blissful life.

    When we expect great things, were more

    likely to achieve great things.

    Understand and appreciate the massive

    impact of your belief in yourself. When you

    think youll fail, you will notice obstacles.

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    Own your power is a nice-sounding way of

    telling you that you are responsible for your

    actions, your habits, and your life.

    Assuming you are an adult, does your mother

    put extra food in your mouth? Does your

    father put that glass of soda or booze to your

    lips? No, of course not. Yet many people have

    no problem pointing at the way they were

    raised for why their diets and their habits are

    less than optimal. What do we get out of doing

    that? We have people to blame. We can play

    the victim card. And ultimately, we are able to

    excuse ourselves from taking responsibility.

    We can pretend that the guilt and the

    culpability lie outside of ourselves. We can

    fool ourselves into thinking that our eating

    patterns or other bad habits are out of our


    Lets try out a common means of diminishing

    responsibility for our own behavior. I can say,

    Im too tired to get up early to work out.

    Maybe I dont sleep well because Im too

    stressed. Maybe its reasonable to think that

    caring for a small child while I start a business

    is a really difficult undertaking, and its only

    natural to be stressed out. And so this is a

    nice way of excusing myself from making time

    for exercise. Well, guess what. My stress

    levels and how much sleep I get are my

    responsibility. So any way you slice it, its

    within my control whether I am too tired to

    work out or whether I decide that Im going to

    find a way to make this work. There are things

    I can do to relieve stress and to sleep better at

    night so that I have more energy for exercise.

    I can meditate, which I know brings my stress

    level down. Even though I love coffee, I can

    choose to drink less caffeine, which helps me

    regulate my levels of cortisol, or stress

    hormone. I can limit my screen time at night

    and get into bed at a decent hour.

    Know that by accepting the truth that you

    are responsible for your behavior and your

    circumstances you gain leverage. You have

    buttons to push, knobs to twist, levers to

    press. This is a good thing! You can choose to

    stop being a victim and start making changes.

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    If youre someone who has a habit that you

    feel you have little control over, you are

    probably engaging in that habit because its

    really great at distracting you from negative

    emotions. Who wants to feel sad, really?

    The problem is that bad habits also cause

    huge whirlwinds of negative feelings, mostly in

    the form of worry. We worry about what were

    doing to our health. We worry that were

    wasting our lives. We worry that well never

    get a hold of ourselves.

    It might seem like you prefer to feel worry over

    sadness, or maybe you prefer worry over

    anger. When you start to feel annoyed about

    something or sad about something, or maybe

    even too happy about something, you turn to

    bad habits in order to bring your feelings back

    to a familiar baseline.

    If you grew up in a home where there was a

    general tone that was less happy than say,

    The Muppets, your happiness set point might

    be a little low. When things get too happy, you

    subconsciously feel the need to bring it back

    down a notch, via bad habits or other means

    of sabotage. Be aware of that tendency.

    Theres nothing wrong with being blissfully

    happy of course, but surprisingly, it can take

    getting used to! Despite this, feelings should

    not be ignored.

    Your emotions contain valuable information.

    Feel your feelings, and also observe your

    feelings. Notice them and watch them. Figure

    out what they are trying to tell you so you can

    act on that information when it will benefit you.

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    If all you aspire to do in life is go to work,

    watch TV, sleep and eat, then why should you

    care whether youre a mess of vices and time

    wasters? Raise the stakes of your life so that

    a bad habit actually becomes a problem.

    Dont spend time contemplating your bad

    habits and whether youre doing them or not

    doing them and whether you should feel guilty

    or smug. Thats not important and it wastes


    When you have big dreams, bad habits

    suddenly endanger the promise of living a big,

    blissful life. See what you want out of life and

    go for it; youll loosen your attachment to a

    bad habit when it gets in the way of what you

    actually want.

    When you strive to live a bigger, better life,

    bad habits detract from your experience.

    Make whole life changes that are positive and

    that pull you upwards so that you can feel the

    weight and negativity of your bad habits

    pulling you down.

    When you have a vision for a blissful life and

    you take the steps to get there, over time

    youll find yourself living a life in which bad

    habits are simply no longer a part of who you

    are. You will come to see that theres no

    sacrifice involved when youre gaining

    something bigger and better than bad habits.

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    Sometimes we want to make a positive

    change in our lives, BUT because change is

    difficult and the idea of forever is way too

    daunting, we do nothing instead. Or we decide

    to go on a diet, or we take some other period

    of abstinence from a bad habit and spend the

    whole time wishing it were over. Once we go

    back to our old ways, its like nothing ever

    happened except that we feel bruised by

    deprivation. When we pretend to be virtuous

    for a limited period of time because we want

    to be done so that we can go back to bad

    habits, we arent making lasting change.

    Were simply taking an unpleasant break and

    then returning back to our old lives.

    However, abstinence is a powerful way to

    change our relationship to a bad habit, if we

    do it for a meaningful length of time and within

    the mindset of growth, curiosity and learning.

    Moderation takes energy. We debate between

    ounces we can have. We negotiate with

    ourselves. Abstinence removes the

    guesswork and gives that energy back to you.

    Without your habit to distract or numb you,

    you will become stronger and more resilient

    every day.

    When the abstinence period is over, you will

    reevaluate whether you ever want to engage

    in your bad habit within a limited framework,

    or not. Going back to your habit may require

    more work to limit yourself than abstaining.

    You dont need to know exactly what life is

    going to be like or what you want out of the

    experiment before you start. Youre going to

    stay curious throughout the process so you

    can learn whats best for you. What habits will

    benefit you and what habits harm you? How

    can you structure your life to be bigger,

    bolder, and better? For you, that might mean

    abstaining for good, or it might not. Thats not

    up to me or anyone else to decide but you.

    The important part is to start, to enjoy the

    journey, to learn from your new habits and

    actions, and to know that life will never again

    be the same. You do not wish to be done

    taking care of yourself and your amazing life.

  • TheMonarchCompany.com

    We cannot grow and change in the absence

    of outside influences. By reading this book,

    youre expanding your social circle. Youre

    connected to me, and Im connected to you.

    (Im only an email away.) Youre already doing

    some of the work by allowing me to inspire

    your mind and your behaviors. As time goes

    on and you follow the steps outlined here, you

    may feel a need for more people in your life

    who are changing and growing in the same

    direction you are. Youll have exciting ideas

    and feelings youll want to share with others,

    and youll want positive feedback for the new

    ways youre thinking and feeling.

    Dont resist your desire for fresh social

    interaction. Notice when opportunities to meet

    new people present themselves and say yes.

    Take advantage of events and invitations

    when they come your way.

    At times on your journey, youll find yourself

    getting stuck at different points and, as a

    result, seeking out new support and

    information. Asking for help is a beautiful

    thing. Unless someone is very broken, people

    live to help others. What so many of us dont

    understand is that asking someone for help is

    frequently a gift to them. Everyone wants to

    feel needed. Asking someone for help is an

    expression of how much you value them, their

    expertise and what they have to offer.

    Asking for help doesnt always have to look so

    literal, like, Will you help me? It can take

    many forms. It can simply mean that you join

    up with others for an exchange of ideas. Their

    fresh information can broaden your mind.

    Make room for people in your life who

    encourage you and allow you to reach your

    true potential. Likewise, look for ways that you

    can help others. Offer your presence and


    Periodically examine your relationships to see

    where you need time to yourself and what

    exactly you require of your loved ones. As you

    become in tune with your own inner-most

    desires, its necessary to see where your

    relationships can detract and where they can

    help support your mission, and make changes

    accordingly so you can achieve the highest

    good for all concerned.

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    We are all connected. Everything you say, do,

    and feel has a ripple effect on everyone

    around you, and thus on everyone on the

    planet. This is true whether you isolate

    yourself with bad habits and play small, or

    whether you bust out and play big while you

    pursue a blissful life.

    Its been documented that there is a social

    component to the obesity epidemic. When we

    have overweight friends, we are more likely to

    view an unhealthy physical state as

    acceptable and to feel more comfortable being

    overweight ourselves. The same is true for

    any behavior that distracts us, numbs us, or

    wastes time. When we all spend every

    waking moment watching TV and surfing the

    internet, it feels socially acceptable to us

    because everyone is doing it.

    The reverse is also true. As we elevate

    ourselves, value ourselves, and know that our

    actions affect others deeply, we begin to take

    better care of ourselves and our lives. We

    begin to recognize our value and our impact

    on others.

    By paying attention and being aware of our

    ripple effect, we can choose to be inspired to

    higher thoughts and actions. Go about your

    days with powerful intentions.


    You are enough. You have all the answers

    inside you. But when you feel small, scared,

    or you question your worth, do not remain

    inside the negative echo chamber your mind

    can sometimes resemble. Reach outside of

    yourself for energy, love and support.

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    1. Envision what your blissful life looks like. See your blissful life clearly in your minds eye and concentrate on all of the details, including how your blissful life will feel, so that you re

    compelled to act towards it and move obstacles out of your way.

    2. Plan your actions and environment based on what you want to achieve. Figure out the concrete steps you will take. Keep trying through setbacks and mistakes. Take the

    time to figure out how to hit a groove that works.

    3. Choose the pain of success over the pain of failure. Either way, were going to experience pain. We can choose between enjoying the pain of success or suffering the pain of

    failure. Choose the pain that will make your life amazing.

    4. Notice that you are great at making excuses. Excuses are worthless. Dont argue with excuses. Instead, dismiss your excuses or problem solve them away. We have

    control over the behavior we expect of ourselves. Believe youll succeed to see opportunities and

    ways to triumph.

    5. Own your power. The fastest way to get stuck in bad habits is to blame circumstances and people for that which you have control over. Every single aspect of your life is yours. Own it. Take

    control over it. Love it.

    6. Observe your emotions. Feelings are usually quite accurate in telling us whats good in our lives and whats wrong in our lives and where we can benefit from making changes. If you feel

    uneasy because things are going well, avoid sabotage and keep moving towards a blissful life.

    7. Raise the stakes in your life to crowd out bad habits. If you want to quit a bad habit, stop thinking about your habit and start seeing ways you can live bigger and better. When you

    begin to experience bad habits as limitations, it becomes easier to push them away.

    8. You dont want to be done taking care of your amazing life. Enjoy a lengthy period of abstinence so that you have the energy to take massive action towards living your big,

    blissful life. Handle stress and overwhelm and optimize your health and vitality. You are never going

    back to your old life because you dont want to be done taking care of your amazing life.

    9. Enjoy a robust and growing social circle. As you meet new people, they will only know you as the way youre becoming. This will support your evolution into a wiser, happier version

    of yourself. Seek out and hold on to friendships that inspire your true self, the self you are becoming.

    10. You are a valuable human being. You deserve to live a magnificent life. It matters whether you take care of your body and your life. The way you act, think, and feel is

    significant. Whether you live big or small, your life has a profound effect on other peoples lives.

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