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Page 1: 2013 March Newsletter English

In March, we had our 2nd. Outreach in northwest region of Thailand among the K-ri-ns (*). Our lecture phase came to an end and now we only have left the great challenge of putting into practice what we have been learning about the heart

.of God to reach His peopleNew



In March, we completed our lecture phase with the following topics: Finance, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, Evangelism. These three months of study were really helpful to be trained and equip us for God's work, especially for our next outreach.

In March, we had our 2nd. Outreach in northwest region of Thailand among the K-r-ns(*). Our lecture phase came to an end and now we only have left the great challenge of putting into practice what we have been learning about the

heart of God to reach His people.

Our 2nd Outreach: Mae Hong Son A full week in the northern mountains in Mae Hong Son. We focus on sharing the gospel with the people of the village visiting house to house and praying for the sick. In one occasion, we had the opportunity to share the good news with an elderly woman, who

was a Buddhist. She decided to believe in Jesus and later, we also prayed for three more women who were sick. After we had shared the good news with this woman, a young girl who was this woman's niece, approached to us and told us that she was a Christian, and thanked us for sharing the gospel with her aunt. We rejoiced to see how God brought salvation to that house.We also share the gospel with children in two primary and secondary schools. One of our groups faced opposition from a teacher while sharing the gospel. The teacher, who was drunk, heard that the group was sharing about Jesus, and interrupted the moment. Fortunately, the children had the desire to keep listening, were able to share more while one of our leaders spoke with the teacher. In my team we focused on children aged 6-13 years. It was so beautiful to see children praying and smiling. Most of all, in the eyes of children, could see the heart and the love of God to them.We also had the honor of helping to build a church in one of the villages

by painting, digging and carrying heavy sandbags. Not only, that, but we also met the first believer in that village, an elderly man, famous for his coffee production. It was a very special experience!

Last Month of Lecture

This was a lecture phase was a process of growing in humility for me. The more I learned, the more I came to realize that God is infinite and unlimited, and how finite and limited I am before Him.

It was also a time where all my unanswered questions were answered by God through His Word. God is faithful to fulfill His promise to meet with those who truly seek Him wholeheartedly.

Page 2: 2013 March Newsletter English

Contact Me!

+66 80 130 5864 (Thailand)+595 984 555 561 (Ptr. Marcos Lee in Paraguay)

[email protected]

P.O. Box 46 Samyaek Suan Prung PO Chiang Mai, 50201, Thailand

Julia Paik julypaik

Cuenta Bancaria en ParaguayBanco Familiar

Sin Ae PaikCuenta nro. 21-00681987

Por Medio de Western Union o Moneygram:Sin Ae Paik

Ciudad y País: Chiang Mai, Tailandia


Thais roam the streets with containers of water or guns (mentholated talc mixed in some cases), or located next to the road with a hose and drench each other. This, however, was not always the main activity of this festival, but a serious event in the life of Thais. The festival marks the beginning of a new year in Thailand. The word Songkran is Thailand's interpretation of the Sanskrit; Samkranti, which literally means "astrological passage". The Songkran festival takes place from 13 to 15 April each year. Throwing water once was a simple act of blessing.Besides the throwing of water, people celebrating Songkran as a Buddhist festival can also include going to a wat (Buddhist monastery) to pray and give food to monks. They can also clean Buddha images from household shrines as well as Buddha images at monasteries by gently pouring water mixed with a Thai fragrance over them. It is believed that doing this will bring good luck and prosperity for the new year. In many cities, such as Chiang Mai, the Buddha images from all of the city's monasteries are paraded through the streets so that people can throw water at them, ritually 'bathing' the images, as they pass by in elaborately decorated floats.

In that week, we will take advantage of the massive amount of people in the streets and we will be sharing the gospel and handing out evangelistic movie DVDs made by our team. Join me at this event! Pray that God can work and bring salvation among Thais during this festival!


Before going to our 2nd outreach in Mae Hong Son, God spoke clearly to us to pray for the young K-r-n (*) generations who leave their homes to cities such as Chiang Mai to work and continue their studies, and once they do this, many of them turn away from their faith once in cities. I met Beau on our 2nd. outreach in Mae Hong Son. She is 19 years ikd, and she is a Christian. In our visits to the houses in the village, Beau was in charge of helping us with the interpretation from English to Thai and Thai to the K-r-n(*)language. Once our outreach ended, God strongly reminded me what we prayed before going on our outreach. God constantly put in my heart the burden to keep praying for Beau. After our outreach, in the same time that our team returned to Chiang Mai, she also moved to Chiang Mai to work and to continue her studies. God gave me the opportunity to meet her in Chiang Mai and spend quality time together. It is my desire to disciple her or just to continue to sharing the Word and love of God and faith in Christ Jesus. I ask for prayer for Beau, that God may each day strengthen her faith, and use her for His glory.

Join Me by Supporting!

My First Thai Friend: Testimony

Praise and Gratitude to God:

1. For concluding well our lecture phase.2. For the beautiful work done in our outreach in Mae Hong Son.3. For the life of Beau and the beautiful gift of friendship in Christ.4. For the faithful provision of God in finances for our 2nd and 3rd outreach.5. For God's revelation of the truth through His Word.

Prayer Requests:

1. For the Songkran Festival (April 13-15), for the opportunity to share the gospel with the Thai.2. For our 3rd outreach in Northeast Thailand among the unreached "Is - n" (*) people: for health, unity, protection, and the work of the Holy Spirit in our team and in the people of the villages.3. For a relationship of blessing in Christ between Beau and me.

Bank Account in ParaguayBanco Familiar

Sin Ae PaikAccount Number. 21-00681987

Through Western Union or Moneygram:Sin Ae Paik

City and Country: Chiang Mai, Thailandia

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