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Page 1: 2015Matt Public MtgCreek) Caroline)andKingandQueen)Counties) Poni)River) Caroline)County) Mat)River) SpotsylvaniaCounty) Reedy)Creek) Caroline)County) Matta)River) SpotsylvaniaandCarolineCounties)

Community  Meeting  to  develop  a  Clean-­‐up  Plan  for  the  

MATTAPONI  RIVER  WATERSHED      March  18,  2015,  6:00-­‐8:00  pm  Bowling  Green  Town  Hall  Rappahannock  Reception  Room  117  Butler  Street,  Bowling  Green,  VA  22427    Calling  all  Mattaponi  River  Watershed  Residents:  The  Mattaponi  River  Watershed  includes  all  of  the  land  area  that  drains  to  the  streams  that  flow  into  the  Mattaponi  River  when  it  rains.  Over  the  next  year,  the  Virginia  Department  of  Environmental  Quality  and  its  partners  will  be  working  closely  with  interested  watershed  residents  to  develop  a  clean-­‐up  plan  to  improve  water  quality  in  the  following  streams:    Stream  Name   Location  


Stream  Name   Location  

Brock  Run   Spotsylvania  County   Mattaponi  River   Caroline  County  

Chapel  Creek   King  and  Queen  County   Motto  River   Caroline  County  

Doctors  Creek   Caroline  County   Po  River   Spotsylvania  and  Caroline  Counties  

Glady  Run   Spotsylvania  County   Polecat  Creek   Caroline  County  

Maracossic  Creek   Caroline  and  King  and  Queen  Counties   Poni  River   Caroline  County  

Mat  River   Spotsylvania  County   Reedy  Creek   Caroline  County  

Matta  River   Spotsylvania  and  Caroline  Counties   Root  Swamp   King  and  Queen  County  

 The  streams  are  currently  considered  unhealthy  due   to  high  amounts  of   fecal  bacteria   in  the  water.   This  means   that   people   face   an   increased   chance   of   illness   or   infection  when  they  go  swimming  in  the  streams  or  get  water  in  their  eyes,  ears,  or  mouth.  Input  from  local  residents  is  needed  to  determine  the  best  ways  to  address  the  problem.    If   you  are   interested   in   learning  more  about   the   issues   facing   the   streams  and  what  local  landowners  can  do  to  help,  please  join  us!    For  more  information:  

Rebecca  Shoemaker,  VADEQ    


[email protected]        


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