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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-17 · ffEW-YURK TRIBUNE. ^?Tuf««Dmrwm rTatW-*««.« »AIXTTBIBrtB, EWRT MORNING a»d CVBNIHO, (BcB-nay r*crr-rr.D 1 BTGREELEY A McELRaTB.-ens

ffEW-YURK TRIBUNE.mrwm rTatW-*««.« »AIXT TBIBrtB,

^?Tuf««D EWRT MORNING a»d CVBNIHO, (BcB-nay r*crr-rr.D 1

BT GREELEY A McELRaTB.-ens tbibcbi »i.'it.oi»e».cn»«t» or saseao ud im I¦ IT». jfTOtlTt TBt CITT «»14-, "

I. Aelreered to City Bohofrlbrl 01 MM f*\ S1«-

Sfgee" . Two Coot, '-oil Suheerlbees Ae Per .n.um, ha a*f^iT Tor tis mowthe. ft Fortbrao Baoeuae, »I «0.


.awbtJeawdl otor,VirtmoAT Moaatae ot too low price of $)iw^no^ta^oU Three .«?** for AA. rtro topto. foe

Vea tofin tor oil .no . paper to to do oooo eontJnoedoA too time for which It to paid Ad»ertleemrots for this

I*ttl! he d>a.ged .r^'rT¦' CENT* PEE URB for OOoh

fTfliB RKKMIBEHrT TRIBITTT«. ¦oslhvhed every TuiiDaT a*d PaiDav BMWMi .Frto« t>JL wbW Two ccf-ee for AS Fl», for »11 2*. Adreitlsa.

«ppwAt bt oooti o Ho. tor ooaA tretertIon.


¦ okHiUt oo th. dewtnure of mb klt.ll Steamer for Ldvar-

t^allM par trXfoeUri laelaAeA. Blagl. copies, Bta

THB "EeT-TORR TRIRfTR¦AB fJALlFOPNI A. OREGON, ARO TUB BANDWICH¦Tewru te pob'tabedem the deportaro of ooch Hell BteenaetC 4nntaw.ll at A' * par aanam Siegle eerie. Bta Co>eoio

Special Notices.Pt tnarratlr VIIlls; fie-nerrtl I o nmllier. A R-r,

Meet i of tie ' :t n i-tee will be beld on rUESO AT r EN-iNO Airii Ü 1*A» »t 8 o'clock. »t tbo Broadway House.

Reorder WILLIAM U ALL, Chairmen.

ftrncnl 1 oeuw.lt tee eel Hemer rutlr- Whin Yaunejpir n A Special kfoetinf of tbl. Committee will be B-ld atthe Broaeway Houee on TUESDAY t. . H.NINO April 3,at t o'clocb. By order.

JAMES H. WELSH, Chairmen.Tiiorea« C AcToa jVi.rl.1_.p S \»» Wvta. } v lew Chairmen.

W*. H "»o»« jsecrttari..J tHOLWttL_ J_"LfCtwrw. ww rhrcno'agp.A abort course ef p-rpuls,

Lect.ro. on thie Bclenee.ehowlog lie o'lllty lb the la'Aliectoel,Moral aadePbyelcal Deyelopment of Mao.will be fiten bpMr FOWLER.b Bleecter BelMlne, cor Morton et com nencinf at 7g


the Phrenologie* Developmente, .'. .< I.» Facte and Pro te.

Public ExsnilnatioT.s of pereone eeleeterj r-y the aadienee.

Bcroan.-On SATURDAY. April 7, THE APPLICATIONOP PHhENOI.OOY TO THE CIOI .E OP-A PR'IEES-BlON, tie nitait epp'opiete necopotioo or pnreuit to life beetadapted to each individual. A eery ntefnl Loctora.

Thiid.-MONDAT EVENING, April 9, on THE BOHALRELATIONB OF MAN, choice of congenial com pan on. furBta. adaptation, mintage litereating to both ee zee. Kerbleset, te fa c'oee with the public examination, of person, aelect-od by ibe auclence. Seal. free, and a collection toben to defrayarpe.aee _

I. O. Ö. f.-Tea B. W Grand Lodge of Southern NewTork will bold Ibe April efated Heeeion, io ite Room. In O P.Ball, oa mONDAY EVENING April 2. at 71 o'clock. By

order_JOHN J. DA VIES, Grand Secretary.fTetefarea Earnne..The Ree. Dr BAiRD com.

mentee TO-NIOHT oi 71 o'clock, lo the Bpineler Ineti'ute,Union «t|Uate a Cnuree of ait Lecture, oo P.UROPE. Thegablet of ibe Bret wU< be RU*8I A, PAST and PRESENT;tbet of the lliaal, (to be gi*en on Kl' I DAY NIGHTTL'RKEY «m OKE> CE. Three two leetnree will eet fonnhbe eeueee and prrgrere of the preaent War in the Eaet The

it ... on OFHMANY and HUNGARY, I TaLY, FRANCE,¦.M LA M' Ac will f> Ho v next week and tbo weeb aftew,on the earro reeninge Tbia Cnnree of Lectueee will be eoffieJaatly Lbtorical to explain the oreeenr Political, mrc'al andRellxioue rule of Enrope, end will be llluetrated by large endaiee.r t map. .

llkMt-Al 50 for one ticket, (for the Couree,) t)t SO furtwe. ei d ( S for I a Arlroireioo to a tingle lecture, 2> cento,Ic be paid at the.t Tickete may be bad at the Boiketoreegefthe Mewre. CAHTVRS. RANDOLPH and CROWEN; a'ao,otthc I'nloa-aquare Poet CfBce, Ho «>i Broadway, and at the

Bp'eg1' Inetltu'e._

jk I PM Lt .ietr on the RISK aad PROORE'H o'CH«. TiAN'l t a no CIVILIZATION .mong the CT')".TAV INDIANS, will oedelirered by the Ree. D. W. LK-,ode 'g.te at Werhlagtvu from bia tribe, cn MOND tV t'hle)EVENING, at 7y o'clock, la the Gteeoett Metbodtot E.Cbareb, Lear Broome.~AgarrIran I natltuu- Ma-rbanlra' f lub..A retmar¦eei't g will be held at the Repo»ltnry. No '.>! Broadway, t n

MOM AY, April j atm on Buijett -THE MINNIE EX-PAr.|i|Ml BULLET " cntlnued Htrnngere are alwaye egpeciallr welconi h Adulaekin free to alL

\iZ__U- MEIQS. B<CrtUry._"New-Y'ark Yoatnaj Blcrj'a t'krlatiaii Aneoc-tatlnn.~-Tba M'n.beie of'hi. Aaeoctation are iaelted to atteod thefaoeralof Mr. ALERED T PACK, THIS DAY, (Monday.)Per paitltulara, aeo tbltaary uotlcea B. LASAR,

_I bil.-tnea of Rick C An aluee."Helletioue Notlt'f. Tl .. Male Mru.l of the >, .,r,-'. nndCoagreg.tioa wor.hlping la the M. E. Cburcb la Joho et , ofPJ yea re of age. who are oppoeed to the 8 ALK or CHANUE oftie! II If II PPOPKKl y are reapertfolly loelt-d to attendaaiertirg In the baeeinent THIS EVENING, at 7J o'clock.

I'elt rai ilia- llomi-.trntl Aaaof-latlcta.-The annualateetine will be he'd at the corner of Broeiway aad Grand at,acMoNDAY KVKNINO.AprU 2, at T o'clock. All member.Are reo,Beited to attend; tboee In arreare are notified that fchwigau.r * .te t ot forfeited, ood it la dealred that auch mem-

beta will come ft.iward and »täte the amount they contribute,Be tbr puipcee of baeteninc the dittrlbutlon of the laod at aa

eerie a day a.r,.*_Y A POTTER Proe-t.laniiortunt - iietetgej Notice.-POST OFPICK, New

Toaa March SI. ,IM .From and after THIS IKY. Inputeaauce ef the Act of Coogreaa. paeeed Match 3, tr.Vi no tetterswill be aent tr im tbia offiee lo the mall., addremed to plaeeewltbiu the Colled Btatee uoleae the r>.'it roe te prtp lid.In order more effectually to catty out the pro»tolone of the

aa d Ac*, and the IrjeUuctioaa t f the Poet-OfCcc Departmentha rt »Hon tlereto the drop-boxea at tbia office for the recrea¬tion o< brttera will be cloeeo from and after tbia day, aattl thepaaetle. of prepayment beeoenee geoertl. Lettera whetherpiepaM h- rat- pe or prepaid by money, will be received atalt the wit i.t. t.t, to ntarrnt the del otion at the delleerewindnwe of perum detftinp only to deposit lottere p-eoaldby atan ps, a wladow on Ibe Naaaau at aide of tba Poet-Office,the one oeareet to Cedar et. w II be appropriated exclueirely10 the reception of letlere prepaid by at am. a. L'ader ho

eircaweuacee a-tiV artp ofAcr bwiaeir be framactrd at (AteWwdmoPereone mailing lettera will facilitate their own action ae

well aa the batineie of tbia office, by utlof itamp> or itimpodanyelopea, for the payment of pjm'tgn BU-npa tea bo pat-chiwd la any quantity, and envelope* in packages, betweenthe bt ure of nine A M end three P M. at the ofBce of aale,ha the second itory of the P st otli-e building, enuanca at tboeast scd of tbe Cedar at froatLetters addresaed to plaeee within the Uolted Btatee. sot

CepalJ, will be eeot to tbe Dead Letter Office at Waeh-atooTo ttcilitala tbe tr.a.l'ng of lettera for place.beyond the

ktmlis of the Uolted Stetes, a window at the foot of the stairs,at the aaat and of the Croat ei front, will be ait apert for tbea, .i r recepiloB of anpaid foreign lottere, which will be ro¬ot rod at bo other place, and of lottere for California and Ore¬gon, prepaid by atampa Foreign letters eaa bo prepaid at aap

tbe wlndowa for the delieety of lettersThe pc re oa lettera between places la the United State.,

v here. be, for a ilsgle rate (half an ounce and ander.)l wa For any distance aot exeeedlai three thousand> . three ceoti; and for an) greater dlatance,which Lncladeotil., era to California and OregoB ten e-ute

ISAAC V. FOWLER, Poetmaatot._^aÄare. The Annual Election for TRUSTEES of theEkB i.KN DISPENSARY will b. beld at the room a of theaawAituünn, No. 74 Lud ow st , on MtlNDAT, April2, betweenBat heure of i and b P. M. By order.

EDW*D CROMWELL, Boc'y^"ISpwtaJ Palare yet Opea^Thlt beautlful'odl6ce oon-

l open to eieltca, who express tbemaoiree deliebted withi oa attraction.. Many objecta of tbe thou«aada whichconlaire are worth twice tbe preeent charfo to see.

1 take iseeral days to studv and examine the grand exor 8TATI ARY ind PAINT1NOB that grace It. na»«.alea Namercns MASTEK-P1KCE8 of ART. con-

aelaated by the Old VaLrld, remain oa exhibition. The balld*.gl abaaa m woith a journey to look at. k le far tbe oobleet intakaeaaeiti and of wbt.-b all her citlaene ehould feel proud.TsbbbAbt. abould not fai. to improve thto laat chance to see tbaC-BrAaJ palace.___KstSwa'a llo! The NEW YORK KANSAS LEAOUR willBaad- Item the city for Kansas April lO. 1AM. TicketsBaa oe rwooweed at redeeed ratea by inaling Immediate appiica-Bwa ka OBo WALTFB. i.e. era, Buporiotenleat, No-110Baaedwhy third floor. New York

EwrlaTTWat Int. Ilitt. nr.- tltlirr anl Labor KxcJjAaATela MasataVaB f'.m No. 27 Casal M. to tb. corner of Centreaad Ceaai eta New York. The Office le eeubiiebod by the

seta of Fm la ration, where can alwaye be fonnd large

aaoysee JAME8 P. PAOAM. Ba^artapaaBaTat Ner--eaa at^pjerrrra.. A re!treat Clergyman, reatored

to healti H few days, after many yeare of great aarvooe euf-f« I b atoae to make koowo the meone of corn. Willaead (nee) 0 reecrlptlon aaed. Direct to Rev. JOHN M.OAOBALL Nr. 57 FBlUaajt,, Brooklya.^l^T._rarity !-PBrtly!!-Parlfy !'. I- At this seeooa It ia good

tar all, bartfal to none, and highly nevceaeary to thoaaaadiofPOiaone to prepare tbe eyatcaa fot tbe beata of rummer by

PURIFYING THE BLOOD.Par iM. purpose the mow pleaaaat aad eflectaU article aror


A rich aad deilahtfolly flavored Birap, made from the concen¬trated jUMOg Of

SPANISH BARBAPARILLA,with maay of the moat valuable plane ladlgoaoaa to this coun¬try aad Europe, prepared with fine loaf aeaar, (aot molaaaee.lnotmlng one of the moat agreeable of drtaha, aad, at the eamotime, aa its name implies, a STRENGTH EN IN',. Pi'RlPY1NO. aad INMOORATIHG MEDICINE, uoaurpaseed i3 any.th 11 aver dtocoesred.Dr McCLlNTOCK'S TOM1C ALTERATIVE SIRUP baa

naval failed to .radicate from tbe system every form of dlseaaeBixing from IMPUBJTT OP THE BLOOD, or VITIATEDHUMORS. Price, AI aU bottles tbr fa\Bold by all Hruggait. A. CU8HMAN A Co Bole Proprlo-

tsea. No 122 Faltow at, Bew Torh._"yjgäjjgBasBB» »yMtw4.-Proprio,?o ic Halle

aiUb,. for lectare. la dIBeroat aaila ef New York Brooklyn' " i' emaaurgh may Bad UnaoU ky adrtrewdu

FOWLERS aad w ELLS. No. SM Brjadwsy N Y.P Btaia sapacity of room or tbo nambar It w'ill eeot" day aad avaniaf for aiagla lectare, or for coariee ul

or ua lect.taa._¦.¦»« IS ¦ . a a t . I . w *.-"VöNETa~JS;

1¦jBi«, to ibe credit *f the aadssvrlaTaad. with Maoara.Rt.TXHl M, ROORPaB * HEM ENT No a4 VATUbsotÜ!*.wii; RXCHANOE RANK. Wall-.


Mww l0.'Äie,F?.CJal*',O,t ¦*«.'. akatwM-. Bootaa. cent IwKr^w'a,.00 »;Di wiu.» twwaUaja, at tat Baak of P EJafjir A Co., Dabceae, Iowa.

»tt>-V0: XIV.N° 4,353.



V erdl e Oread Opera ofRIOOLETTO.

Tbo leccnd trrpearaBee ofBIONOR BRIeNOLI,

ki Iba role of the Date of Maetoe. withBtgaora* BERTUCCA M ARETZF.K, PATTI RTRAKOSCH,

Bigeore BARI LI, ROCCO aad COLE T 1*1Ib the principal rotee.Moticel Olrrrtor ar.d Condoitor.MAX M ARETZEKRrala n>a» he eerur»d at HALL A BOV8 B'oedwey; VAN

MOB DEN a K INO d and at the Box OtBte of the Academy ofMerle.Erica of Admawlen.Pevqoet aad Dreee Cir;le, $Ii Second

Circle. AO ernte. An pt.rl **t*r. 25 renteDeora open at 7.performance commence* a* g o'clock.

VIBLO^5 GARDEN.-GRAND concertAn by the pyne and haarison

english opera compant,On MONDAY. April 2. 1855.

Wbea Ojej will Intrndoce toe O-me of the moot popularO'ER 48 AND OBATORIOS

Mr. O. P. BRISTO'V will preeide at the Piene-Forte.PROORaMME-PaRT I.

ft Orer'are.Plaao For'e.Mr. O. P. Brietow2. Ballad, " The Cid Lere »od the New,".II. 8:. art

Miaa Ptse.3. Romaata, " Sceae dal del"...Doniretti

Mr v. Haaaieoa.A Caeatlna, " An non eTer,".Peraioni

Mtta Lot'ita Pvxe.B. Aria, " A» i riew now theee eeea«a ao char_\n|,"...Bellini

Ma BoaatM.6. Duet.(From Crown Diemooli).Aebar

Miss Louisa Pvar aod Mitt Pratt.PeRT If.

1. Borr, " Rolling in Foemipg Bil owe," (Creation).HaydnMa BoaaiM.

2 Song, " With Verdnre Clad.' (Creetion).Had; n

Mi" Lotrita Prac.3. Pong, Why do the Na-iooe." (Meer.ah).liandel

Ma J. O ATKtaa.PaRT III.

L Olre," When wind» bree'heeoft".WebberMi Lhi-a Ptar, Mtsa Pvar. Ma. VV Ntamios, Ma.

laiKaati.e, end J. O Am ma.1 Scotch Balled. *' Huntint Tow»r.". .

Mitt Pvie3 New Ballad," Good By*. 8we.tr.eart.".Hatt.n

Ma W. HeaaaisoRA " Tba Skylaik,".Benedict

Rim Loi'ma Ptsi5. Ballad. " In happy momenta," (Mantani).Wallace

Ma Boaaaai.6. Daet, " Holy Mother," (Meritana).Wallace

Mtta Loi'iru Pvar. and Mi Pyse.7 Ol«o " Down op bhennot'* Baaka we e-rey,". ...-

Mil* Lot'iiA Prar. Mf«« P. at Ma W. Haaaito*:, andMa HoaacasTLE.

Barmoriia'd ezpreraly (or the Pyoe aad Harrieoa OperaTroupe by R M Leeey, E.q Theater Royal Dublin

Ticke», 60 rrtta Beate can be eecured trUhoot eatraeberp* at the Bi x Office from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. OrcbeetraBeat» AIErl'ate Bcxee, S)5earh.Ticketeean elan be bad at the Moth Storei of Win. HaD A

Bon. 8 Jo,ii. ard U. Water», BroedwaT.rompetent U.h«r» will be ho attendance.Door* open at 7; Concert to commence et 8 o'olork precioely,IBLO'" GARDEN.GERWIN OPERA..t>e »ub'cribera and 'he public in general are reajrectfuily

ef hi* bein "Ninforned that in rooa»iiu»bc*i ef hi* beinc the Taaeioo week,Cere will be NO GERMAN OPERA rlr uedo-.til Tu**dey,April 10, IS56._ _THE MANAGEMENT.

THIS (Monday) EVENING, At the Tabernacle,the oalGiNai.

HUTCH INS Ola flHILT,Will r " The Freeman'* Bellying Bong;' ¦ Thert'g no auchW o'd ». Fall," .. Ridden by the Slave Poeer;'' The N-hr**-k.l'ly." "Iwnnldnit Die ia Bpriog tl .e." "Mf Father animy Mitber;" ' Tine Pgtldom-how to Gain It;" "Btaozagon Joioan." by Jndarn.

" I lookeit to the aonth and looked to the tweet,And raw old Rlarery coming "

" Tb. Oh,e' of L'nele T ,m;" " Biding in a Otare." The ItalianOpeietic Bnileaqne; " Sorg of Home." Tbe Like of the UjDial «warnt;" Newfoundland Dog;" " Wbereahall the Soulfind Real!" Ac, Ac.Ticket* *.i eepta to all parta of the bou**. Door* ooeo a''.;;

Cor errt ef 7J o'clock. Ticket! at HALL'S and WATERS'*Muate Stone' and at tbe Tabernacle. Mrinday Earning, April 2.

NEW-YORK HARMONIC SO( IETY..SecondSOIREE on MONDAY EVEN1 "O, April 2 18» a; their

Room* (D.dwotth't Aoed-mi J No 806 Rioedwa* Principilholoe, MiaaM. B. RH AI NERD Miaa M E. BAWLfJY. andMr. J. A KYLE Corduc or Mr II C TIMM. Tkketa SOeint», ad mi. i mg a Lady and Oentlemtn, to bo obtained at thedoor. Commence at 8 o'clock, pre steely.


new Comedy ofLEOEKi,KM A IN. Or The Coajtraae and hi* Wipe.Time pirrea are repeet'd together, to tc»anntid»te tbo

Deny hu-dr.f* nnebl- t ain adroi-aion on Tburaday lent,when the pt'format cea fid ed the mint cntbuiiaatle approba¬tion.

Mr. Burton at Captain Cuttle, and r« Mr. Snugby.Mr Harry Hall aa Binteer

Mr. O. Joidan a* Toot* aod Dexter the Coojoror.Mra Burton aakloienee and the Coejuror'a Wife; Agra Hongh

aa Bneeo Nipper ¦_Mre_ljughea-^re.JJuckl»^^^ Ac.

DBTOR* THEATER.Chambers-st..Mr. J. C. BAHNET leepectfuUy ennonnree hie ANNUAL

BINFH". which will take place on TUESDAY EVENING,An ! i-*u will be prrformed the Comedy of

THE SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER.With the following »nperior c at: Widow Cheerly. Mra Alex-1 a EUber Baker (her But appearance at thia Theate ); Gover¬nor Heartell. Mr Burton; Tt-otby tlueint, Mr. Berry Hell;Frank Heaitall. Mr O JordanThe Infer,* Siatrra, AaeJuat* and Marie, ia a new Dir r

To eottlnde wiib tbe celebrated Cnmed>ofJPAUL pry.

Paul Pry...Mr. Burton Phebo.Mra Barton.

URTO N".C HAMBER 8-8 T.On WEDNESDAY, a New 5- Act Play, now perform¬

ing In London, with a aurcoat that nightly i rowde the Teeet*r.and eiicite the wanntit eDComiuuie from the pablic and theai^dlod JANET PRIDE,Wiitten by Dion Bonn tcault and produced with now Scenery

by Hlelge end a powerful ceet.Act L Paki» l* 1828.Tbe Gam t of Povery and Crime.ABtieet io a Snow Stoim.The Exterior of tbe Foundling Hoe-pital by Night. _

Act II. RotxT Noon is the Moiataiss or Aiitaaliatu i8au.Tbe Boehrangrra and Devli a e»x Gethera

Act HI atD IV. LoNDiiy. 1151.The Watchmakei'a Hooee.Act V. Tin. iBTEbioa or Newgate Pxisox.

Rtcherd Pride, an Inebriate, an eeceped Forger, aConeict, a Butbrauger, ana a Burglar.Mr Bart in

Jane Pride, hitwife.Mra Alexina Fieber SakerB sal Jerk, a Bnahranger.Mr. KieferBergee-tOrey.Mr. CaoollMlpiia* Orey hlodaogbtar.Mre BurtonBernard, a Ererch watchmaker.Mr. MooreDickey, tie apprentice.Ml. S JordanMr. baroR. a rich Btlecremitb.Mr. Andre weGeorge Heriot, hieeon.Mr. Marcher.'Doctor Robeita.Mr. HolmenJanet, daughter of Jatc and Rlchud Pride, aenrant

to Bernard.Mre. A. F. BakerOther charectere in billa of the day.

*a* The Pi'ce la aaid by tbe London preea to paeaeea themoat powerful and exciting liioactooe of any drama on theetage. The firet net ie founded oa Do Beaueoii'i tale of MarieJeanre. the ieet of tbe puce ia originalBta look tow open_

B""ROADWAY THEATER.Boxes and PArqaet,50 ernte; Family Circle and Upper Tier, 25 crate. Private

Boae*. Bl at d $6. Door* open at 1; Curtain will I lee at 7).TH1B EY'ENINO, will be peiformed

MACBETH.Macbeth.Mr Forrett Macduff.CoaweyDur car.Lrffingwell Ma'cola.Grace

Igt .De* ia-* Lady Macbeth....Mme. Poniai2d Wltcb.Whiting Beaqoo.liaachect3d W itch.Seymour Hecate.Oroeeeeor

NATIONAL THEATER..A. H. PURDY, Man¬ager and Proprietor..THIS EVKNINO will be peiaonned

TBE DICE OF DEATH.Bane Preeto.Mr. Fox Loolaa.Miaa HathawayDouble Dener.La Neapolitan. Mr Wool end Miaa F Le Folle.Ethtopean Dance....by ibe Champion....Mr. John Diam>nd.Attet which SPIRIT OF THF WBE'TS.To conclude v ul. THE EaRI'liQUAKK.

Dee** Circle, 2A cent*, Fit. 12) aeaie; Orcheetr» CThalre, SOtaala. Door* ^ pee at t>| Pertormanoe comtaeaew at7J._BARNUM » AMERICAN M U 8 EDM.-

Open.ig of tbe great Nprlng Campaign in tbe wey ofEXTRA JRDl N AR Y LIVING WONDERS'

Tbe ptodBction of a marreioea cataloeae of aaaxlng NaturalThetomeEa, aceer before wltnoeeed u gethei, anch aa the

NEW HaMPMHlHE MAM-Ortl JiRLweighing over blX HUNDRED POUND**.e yonog womaawith agierable featarea. meaeuiing nine feet aroond the h p*.and requiring 151" yarda of mearulsj for her dally coe'.ume; the

MAlrieT OlAHTEtia,Miaa Silva Be'dy, whole nearly EfOHT FEET HIGH cannotenter eny r, mar? door without atoNpiug, and le one of e pairof twine that only weiebrd >< Pounda a. birth, thedwaAf lady,oaly XT INCHES HIGH, aad a moot peculiar rpecimeu of Na-ture a dlmipuliveaThe renyweed and loeii'licab'e

FEJEE MERMAID,about which there bet been, at timee, ao mach and euch an at.

mated coatiovtray will alto be edded to tbe exhibition, whilethe manaaemeot will prodoce fur the tirei lime and perform

THE FLYING DUTCHMAN,a ten attic Drama of thilHiog lntereat, la 3 acta.

EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK.From Mondey. April i. to Betnrdey, April 7,185Ä.

oeat wiib <be eotiie etrengtb of the compeny.On MONDAY AFTERNOON, at S e'eloek. the cherm-n*

Drau a if ADELE, and the laughable Force ot TRYIN'JIT ON

the OTHER AFTERNOONS OF THE week,Choice Comedwe. Pareea. Soor«. Dan:«*. Ac-. la great variety.the I lekag OirUe Living Boa C^-aefjiclar. Heppy Fem_y,

«e .to be leea aa aeeai.-^?^^-,^!!a?ll¦iW.*¦ SSkjg '». IHJ*-**BUCKLEY* 8FRENADERS.No. &39 Brtvad-W,,~ViHT-CO«B','*TION OF TALENTNEOEO MINSTRELSY,

»*-(".,ComW Opera ofevert night rmn w_«uKrWConcertjoaomeBarew.iyja-ekca. T*,»a^t» 15 eewka._




Orsod ETHIOPIAJTPERFORMANCES EVERY EVT.N-INO, it H o'clock and on the AFTERNOONS of WEINES-do'< il< 8ArrRll>TS it it'dott, Aambnaoei 25 wj;ebldren ander 1" years, half price

3"*HE CRYSTAL PALACE will remain open totbe public »t i inill charge aatQ farther notice, at.*, cfPalotiaee end »ut:vt ere at ill on oxhiMtVra.

J-R. 8MITH» TOUR fOP EUROPE ANDa BIEGE OF SEVA«TOPOL-Tb«tr i* bnt one otrtriwj

tb> r the meet hmtih r i -. > t. In Nee- York ia J JHN R.BbMYB'b 3DAND TUI'R Of EUROPE, ird SIEGE OFSEVASTOPOL, ibowine HB views, ** foot into of toe prlnc-jil cl-rcte of Intern! at Euroee Oen We«>b o/The Coe-rrli ul Ee«oirer. ee'e: " I vailed tbie EahibttJvB la toad to

m eompery er.tb our of it Itter end it la assuredly the roosteffective tro-ema we have sear sees, and . Berits theblah eicottlomr pasted npoe it by the »uMV ard ti e preae "*

At Empire Hall "o Wfi aroedway EVERY EV'ENINO at7j e'clnek. er d iATURDAY st S o'clock. The Piano Am'eo byMr AYLWIN FIELD of_Umdon_ Admltreaoo tScwata.

T1HE~frieiidB of M. DE CAMP, 1st« Lieuta-nrtM1 of Folie* Fighth Ward, will tir. en F-NrriniN-MENT it Bleeek-r BiiHIng. on VEDNEeOA Y E V5H SO,Ap'i.4 B. M. Poor Prof B sTliHaeM. Prof Brower. *aE Metdoooogb, Prof Stnwe. and Robert Wilsoo, will enllrenore j. tere.t 'he sodiepc» TleWt. 2* e«nte_IVOVV OPEN.NATIONAL ACADEMY ofIN DESIGN .The VTT ANNUAL ER If BITIO« of lbsNATIONAL At ADE MY it now open daily from t A M toIBP. M at No fat Broadwit, between Prince aad SprL-,g-ota Tbe eoliectloa le formed exclusively of Original Pictureeand B- ptrre. by Linne, Artists, which hses aerar beforebeea exhibited ha tbia r'.ty. Admiesion, 25 eenta, SetaoaTt-tet, 30 cents. T. ADDIBON RICIARDi,

Cor. Bee'y N. A

Printing.1"»HE VERY LARGEST and moat OiMl'KE-

HF.'SIVE GEnERaL NEWSPAPER. bojk andJOB PRINTING OFFICE on this Continent, .e J1HNA ORtVS rorner of Cl ff sed Frank for: ats Saw Tork,where EVERY CONCEIVABLE VARIETY cf work Isdone with crrretneee, ttato. and promptneee.'roma MsnmothPreler cr Colored 8hewbill 'o ihe binesomrat, cbeap«et or

amalieet firmier Card, or label, pta'n m fan-y. WhreDOjKS. fdaOaZlraES. are! PaMPaLEN s'e 8t*re>toped,Elertro*aped, llloetrated. P ir '.d and Boon! to .'lit the de¬ne' ea of the mos« eucceeeful PaMi.hera t* bere SIXTY oftbe Btstdxid rtilodi-eJa o> this ci y bare oririnvel. in I SeenL.u.d fion. ble Preeeee. which ire 4TILL or THIRTYof the lar^eet »r d moot reepecrahle NEWSPAPERS Utllt/lvES ssd REVIEWS, atiih undevlating rega trity end at-

curacyTbe ficilitiea tf h't Eetal ehmen' are to ».-.!' that ill rax'l«a

In want of JOB PRINTING or PRESd'VORK o' any kind.'ON DEMAND." end ei tor !¦ w«at ooeaib'e caah pricaa, maybe certain of eccornmodsti-,n at my wason of the rear

JOHN A. GRAY. tJ0s W snd 97 Cliff.t N. T.

NrtD Pnblicationo.1) R . T Y N G ' 9 N E W BOOK.

THE RICH K'NSMAN, Tür Hitrosr or Run theMmriiTisa. By "tephen H. Tyrig, D O" In s esries of ninere.n Leernree, the an'bor fate amplified

tod i'lottiit. d one Iba aBeet st reet ee nariali.ee wb'cb baetjtl been penned. Hla forte lies in thievery eyle ef scripturalillastra'ion sue we need r ot esy that he bsaaaeceeded in alleliint Bi.d pretentint loa veiy u'ree've meaner, the itnprcttntIntone taught ty thle porttou of Scripture. At the L'ctareewere writies and dellv.r.d wl:h a partieolar view tj'he ic-etroctioa of the yonn|er men.bete of hi. fl ct, lr it to b . ho redOat they w ill find anany readere amonf tbat in-Te.no» claw

tlrrwtere" [Presbit-nao" Tbe Rich Kinrman ie tbe title of a net' v .Una* of lecto'ee

oo the Brök afj Halb, by the Rev Dr Tyra. Th-< lettureewere dee tnrd for the ine'.rncti, o of the ycune and tboee as-

j>acts of pleiy, ,e, i.fidelity and hlae«in| which perta!ielto Ihe Muabi'ee are epeciary dwelt upon in the light of ei«on-nltt for ycatbful admnaiion and ln.i-arion. The eameet feel-lip direct addre.e, and dear thought whub dlatingulah Dr.Tjog'e pn pit efforu. ire b- re fioe'y displayed It leaner.tractive werk as to Its sabject. and tuggoe'.lve and f r .¦. in re¬

spect to its ir.sin.ent lEeangellet.Jntt pnhliebtd ly

KU BT CART! R A BROTHERS No. 2S5 Broadway.bt Till: ItMf Al'TBOR:


«1 to.II. CHRIST 13 ALL. fvtv, #1 50



Ob tt"'s.)ay. April 3,TICKNOB A FIELDS will publish:A new rcrxarce, by the author of " Hypat'ia" and " Alton

Locke "

WESTWARD HO! or, The Vovtcrt aid AovkxTi'kraor Six Amyai Lau.ii Kkioht. or Btakoicii, ia no- C «

tv or DcVoa. in the Rnr.v or Hga UoaT OLotout Hut).ty Ql'ECB Elizabeth By Char lee Rlaeley. luthor of Uy-pitia." " Alton Locke." Ac Ac. 1 voj Wruo elo'h. Ia ao-vtBce of Itt aprxaranee in England, will be published thesbeveamaitive Bomance.

ii.same PAY, a charming v.i-utne. hv William Howltt

A BOY'S ADVI >TOaJt1 IN THE Wild* OP aUSTRV-LIA; or, Hebbeat'i Note Book. Beaatifully lUustratrd.

v, ll'lnO.; 7A c.r'a"AH boys, whether ' o'd boye' or young onte, will rejoice In

tbia feeciual'Dg bo- k, fall of anecdote and wild adventure, siberss we are and little given to ro«m. it bee inspired us with a

strong desire to take a jootnay la rhe bu»a, tf we could tew -beend of it The ccoeripttoue of tba ereuery the frees sod thsanimals sre exfen.eiy rpirited and graphis.they hava all tbeappearance of heiag w-ltten on tbe a|ot, and are redolent ofthe freab open air. We have very eeleom read a boot of trav¬els that hat chain ed ne to much, aad we tbell eoieider theyoun| ft ti cxtiemely furtanato who are le:ky enough to own

it" [London A'b*nwum.Ibe trade roolled by EDWARD P. RtJDD,

No 18 Ann at, ep italrt near Bart'um'i Muteam.The ktore volume ai'I be for sale by all tbe b >okeeliars cn

the day named above Orders lent to the fablktheri w>U re¬

ceive loirnedlale attention_Q Ü E ER B 0 OK.."A WALLST. BEAR IN EUROPE.''

Pull rf rrint tad g-owle For asle by DE WITT I TtAVF.N.POBT, e.0. 1«0 «sasau it >ud STRINGER A TOWN SEND,No 2^2 Btoadway. Price i'i rente.


A Tale of Pea and Land. Is oaa o' tbe eeorlee In this week'syanbee pbi/atefb.

Alto, Ihe ccttlnBstl-n of that wonderful story of the FarNorth, entitled: THE ARCTIC CRb'aOEi


Lots of Areedotet Poetrv. Bait Yanii kartoati Lubbers, Uam-moo vs. Diviaily. Rate Alles Granny a ffAyYANKEE PR1VATEPR isao'd by ail Nswsmen at t cents

theccpy. Trade tupplitd at No lit Nassau at

_ROB9 JONES tt T )L'tEY. Agen-e.


of (38 peges pries AW 5o Lett thin 1'0 coplet of the first sdl-tion remain. Tbetrlca of tbe eecond edition, now in preaa,. I" he BS_FENRRBACH'S ESSENCE OK CHRISTIAN tt T.-ana-

lated by tbe traselatrr of " Strauae'e Life of Jesus" handsome12tofl of 442 pagee, price H 21. The eblee: maleriaUatic workwbicb bae ever teen wn"en.TYPFa UF at A nu I n D Elegant rova' Cvo. Price R5.REVIEW OF the TRIALS OF A MIND. IN ITS PaO-

ORKSS TO CATHOLlwlsM By an ex Clergymen, llmoPrt. e 75 ceoteVOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY. 2 vole,


WORKB. 3vula.1io piioe #5 An mportaat addiiioo to

American Revolutionary Hieltry. Do. Be.ect Workt. J rout,

Udo., platte Pnce «150_CALVIN BLANCU ARD. Ns. tl Nsaaaa tt




The charming Stnrj ofUNCLE TRI E AND LITTLE OERTT.

Tbe ruDet aacceaaful Book ever pub.ithed exoepting "d-'c-laTom."

V\ hat number will Intime be tcid, no one can predict, theot nucd it ttlll ee greet.The lat dub her of T: Net» l': at. r j-..ne the fcl-

lowlr) gratbic totice:" Tbe etory of Oerty and Uncle True, eontalned In the Srat

bReea ihaptera, ail) slwsys make tbe book a favorite. Manyamttber will read tc h.r little onee the etory of the old fash¬ioned Lamplighter, whom they never see but wh ee mysteriousappearance children used to watch taw. b torch aad ladeet boappeared in tbe gathering darknew and elnwly climbed one

poet after another, lighting up tbe dim oil lamps through theStreet, until he diaappeareo at tbe furlheet coiner ¦

JOdN P JEWETT A Co Peblisbere._No 117 Waehiaenw) at Bootuc

AS II 10 N S:.LATEST FASHIONS..Nowrtady. tba Apell No. of


rortalniag at! tbe NEW SPRING FASHIONS fur RidingDreeiee, Capes, Mactilias. Baaaeu, Cspe. Patterns ft.r Meedia-.retk, CHILDREN'S DRESSES.Diiigni for Ec.baoidettee, Crochet worb, and numerous etherthlngt for the

LADT OP PABHION.Price 25 ceata By mail, free of poet, on receipt of price

Dealeie tappued at the Ageney No ltd Nesses st.ROBB JONES A T NjBeTT,

_Bovkseilers and Nswsmen.EADY; APRIL NUMBER~of_MEYER s

MONATSHEFTE Price 25 ceote..The Attack, a

Neve1, by Dr. D aal Tba Tea, a Novel. A Trip so LahaMichigan Tke Cataleptic a Store cf the Heart. A Vwit attbe Biebers. Jobacna Wagaer. "Poetry Mineral LiSa. AVtadt at BUvio Pelllco. Oaa of the Blessings of *'u Myeo-

{-.of fa Werktag aen'e Ualveraity in Lcadoa. Poetry af thet'iin i amp Abd-el kbsder. with liiaatTatbia. Baltimore.

Beesee fr-m Moldavia aad Waliachuv Americaa, German,Preach, Eagiiab Literature Literary Noticee. C rreepoooene.Theater. MbeaUaa-oaa Bprlag Pasiuaa. Othoe: NamenBaak Baüdtaa. Letter box. Mo. ja/t


A. KOLATSCH t_K, Pabltaboraad Ediaot.

FÖR^BATTLE SCENES^ Mapg, ChartV Pic-tcrial Paaoramo of the WAR IN THE EAST, with

Itttitf af CiIbbbb, addme J*1**0* * ^o,fAJJ Ake-e, No. X Breaajw-ep.

AY, APRIL 2, 1855.


The greet aad eieulee etery cfMartha mendez:

Or, THE MISER'S GRAND-DaUOTER.r »r y commenced, erd icw In coateeef pub icetion In TheMERCHANT'S LEDOER. io my proj-erty, written far ,e

byTkeddeueW Metgbae.ef tile Cry, ted eecured fax my*ie'naive 14« end dirpceeU by Copyright. It cu only be ob'bjABMl In tko eoletsae of Tbo MERCHANTS LEDGER mm6ret two inetellmente beleg in the editloag cf Morcb U. and»?». Tko third pert wU bo foard >¦ Tb« LED 3ER ofApril 7. which . bo ready T WhlORR'JW the 3dit»r.,eadfer tele by all Newt agenta. Back aambere to betad at the tffce. No. 120 Neeees at., and at tha Periodicaldfpeta. R. BONNER.

_Fablieh-ir Merchant a Ledger, No. 1» Neaaaaet.

AI N s l i e» 8 COT T I S H 8 0 N G 8.Pohliehed Thw Deyt

SCOTTISH SONGS BALLADS AND POEMABy Hew A t.,.- author «f " The Infleeile." " Oa IV, theTaitaa," Ac. Ac lin.o Cloth, with Pottrali oa Steel, pri-e.I. REMOVAL.

J. I. RPDPIELD «-LI rem re to No 31 Beekmao-et,»tut he way be foond oa aad after Moadey. 2d April neat.

The Such Edu:,)0 Now Reedy.

The whig ALMANAC for 1.-55 eonUint,ta additiea to the aaoal aaieadar reg- a end Aetrowoaueal

TH^wOVEBNMENT OP IHB UNITED STATES.Ex-ertitj ¦' ar J Judicial.

SENATE UP THE UNITED STATES. Herne«re St, aadDaratier cf Office

HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES, Mambert of. politkaUyeviwrScd.

XXXi Vth CONGRESS, Member! ef, aa far aa eboaea, pellt»,rally alaaetfed

THE W AR IN tr/ROPE.A hletortral aad Critical «.ketrh of the War betweea R iaalaand fke Allied Powete op to Jen. 1,1US.

THE KNOW NOTHINGS.The Riae. Pregrew aad probeble Deittnv of the myetertcaePo.'t-eel Party eai r tr-n . '-.-a Know Nothinga

SIATIeTICAL VIEW OP AMERICAA Table eompriowj; the Nen,»e e'queie Mllee, PopmlatioaCa; it*I end Chief Zit retire Ofllcer of etacb of the Crovaan-nat u cf North and South Ameriee and the Weot ladle

SLAVERY LEGISLATION IN TOE UNITED STATE9.II . Papillae S.ave Law cf r«~Tbe Mleeuari Co.r.awom'ee. '. Ti.e E .n-re S.aae Law of ;3*.i-Tb« etnace j.a-biMka Act cf the Year and Naya oa lie paeaege care-

belly elaeeif.ed.Speech of William H. Seward oa tha Bill.Speech cf Joeleh (ivu.cy

THE PUBLIC LANDS, GRADUATION ACT, Ac.TREAPY OE RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA, AcTrt v ATY WITH MEXICO ,Utierfen Treaty.)TEP.ATY WITH JAPANffaTIONAL P1NAN> ES. Ac.AUtracta of the I' fa of the Secretary of Treaaary, Sae>retart of Navy Poarmeeter (icoeral. Ac

AOBItI'LTl RAL-lnfareetina .-ta for Pannera. Aa.THE UNITED STATES N A '. YA I let of the V e-eet» of We- of ;he U S. Nery, with Rete,Gnte. when and where bailt, by whom commanded, whereeta Honed, he.

ELECTION RETURNS PROM EVERT STATE IN THEUNION which baa he d en el ret ion during the year, cere-

felly tomp'icd and eompered w.ik toim-t eloctioae, axi -..all lea 'l e Whi* Almarae

GOVERNMENTS OP THE 1EVERAL STATES EOR 1AAA.A Table coataialag a llat cf the State*, Cepllala. Gorernora.time of Meeting of Leg.e.a ...a. time ef bolAin| Klee-

POPULAR VOTE POR PRE'IDENTB IN '»52, leie, andIMA. and POPULATION OP Evil STATE.Price I2| centa each, AI per doien; #7 per 100. Poetrnae-

tore and othere .i,ti. ¦ ng AI poat paid, will be entitled to ISplea Poatage an The Wh kj Almaaao, whoa pre paid. SM

eeclCrdeieM teeietlfelly ». Melted.

OREELEY A McELRATH,_Tribune Raildhaaa. New York.

Tu^K -pictorial. 1J Oejef, MES <EN(>ER lO'^'JePor be er" nth of April ia now ready; e*reral let.e Enaravmgeofin'arnt hendeomeiy colored At tf par annum- 12g centaeingl' copy. STlMSON A Co.. PuMiebero, N> 3»i Broadway,N. Y t an be ob'einriTof Pertadbtaj a; d Newa Depota._E hank LE 8 L ie"1 grreat book of1 I'AbHIOV f.r APRIL, containing the only reliable SpringPeeblore: el- in end'd new deelgna for Needlework; NewMnalc; Mir. Ann 8 Sirpheo'a tale.' The Birthday Pledge." AcT he bad of all Broker lien eni at t ir Office, it Apraco afreet,

Jaat PoVlel ad.

Adescriptive catalogueOP THI ORADU' '. SERIEt OP

SCHOOL. TEXT-HOOKS.CotWa can be kag < u application b> >be pabllahore,

DANIEL BURJEaSA Co.. Ar lobn-a-, New York.

S-CHI BEBT <% Co., Ho. 598 Broadway, New-r«gh, POREIGN and AMERICAN MUlIC DEPOT; tha

l.i.e.t atock In the United Atatee, of one million worke, with2b (uo of their own poblkatiotie-otTer all thoae of whi:hrepilnte ere mode at reduced prUee. To the trade, the nenaldiec in.'.

lint fArte.uli rin the p

alleiy,GOl'PIL & Co. reapcctfiilly inform th«- publiotlat ttey will eehiblt fur a ehort time.'n theii Gi

a tii painting, by Dabrax BUtTiuS, b. a

noah's sacrifice.Pube>ri'tione for a boa ENGRAVING thereof. b» BiMMovaret-e.eed. No. too Broad.vay.


ARESPECTABLE Germnn Girl, who tpoaksboth Engliab and German, wiehee to retorn tbie epriog to

Qfrmaoy, tod would be gled to ENGAGE with aome familyv o wiula pay her peewege for the eake at her faithfal ten tealot the way. A high character will be g.tcn her et No. 3dIrVog floce, by the Ber. Dr. Beilowa, ia whote faoJJy ehebow lit eg

ARESPECTABLE Cir] wants a gituation asM-it-E rto TARE CARE OPCHIoDREV. dh-ilaof

good moral IeMu and goid diapieltlia, M well need to takl-igcare ot 11 II. reo aad can come well recommended flora herleai i lac.. Ceo be aeea for two deye at No. 90 Waat 19th at,io the tear, fioet rooat_

YOUNG WOMAN wishes a situation atCHAMBEBMAI D or PLAIN iEWER ia a Prntee-

taet; can giee the beat of reference. Ca.1 at No. lbt EaetJ7lhat for two dota

AYOUNG WOMAN ttitln g a situation at rirnt-rate COOK. Thoroughly onderetande her buataeee The

but refe-enc-a f. cm her leat piece. Call for two dayeat No IVO27tb it, between Loa'og'oo and 3d aea.

U1TUATIOB WANTED.By an Eu«lith Wo-O mea e* CCOK In e rtepectable family. She ia fully eom-

f e'ett and the Liaheet teetimoaiabi can be girea from ber leatplace where ehe lived th.ee yeara Can be aeeo a: NoGreenwich eL.eeeood tytt. front room_

SITUATION WANTED.By a retpet table En*g'iab Wcmea. ». a good Cook, aod haa no ohjrctioae ta go

Into the ccuatry. The beet of reletenceg giaen. Cea be tStBfor three da<» at No at Olieer at._

SITUATIONS WANTED.By two ProtajsiAOt, .. ¦ (tuen.one aa COOK or to do General Hooee-

MtaTtia other ee CHAMBERMAID end WAITER or ae

Pean'iegg. Alto, kyaSettcb youtg Women, aa NL RSI andSEaMHTRESR Aleo. two Girg, 14 and li yeara old Allweil riccmmctded No ob; «criona to the eoantry. Apply«.No aSI M j heny-et.. comer of Hoarton et in the haaem.ot.

LTUATION WANTED.By a moat regpect-able y< uag Womea, to do geoerel HOUSEWORK the

cite »r eoantry: " a good Plain Cook aad Baker, end a brat-reti Weeberaad Irooer. willing aad anxiooo to pleeeo ia erery

nepect. Co'let No 1.3 Bowery.


S1TU-.TIGN WANTED .For a respecUbleGerman Woman, to TAKE CARE of e BABY, aad to

do PLAIN SEWING. She ia well recommended. Iaqulroat No i3*_Pelaaey-it. 2d Soor__ITTATIONS WANTED.Irftbe City or Coun-ire bt a rery eiparienced Girl (who U»'d fiee rearaln her

laar rlaee I ae I H AM B E R M AID and LAUND1EIS, or 00

rtlAMBIHMAID aad NURSE, in a private family, and ae

SlRCE.td SEAMSTRESS, cr ae CHAMBERMAID andBraMSTBESd be e reepecehle Proteetaat Girl. Cell et No.72 tth av in the Bootetore _

SITUATIONS WANTED.By two Tery expe¬rienced Sine w'Jh looi city reAtretee-oce aa good COOK

eaitoWaSH atd IROiia a prvate family; the othe' ag

"f lMSIRMSecd LAUNDRESS, or ee CrJAMBERMAIDaid SEAMsTBESS They watb to be together. Call at No.72 6th er In :he Bocketore_'_.TO SCHOOLS And FAMILIES..A Lady

caalibed to TEACH, wiahea a eitaetion ia eachiol or

fan-ilv in the city or victni'v.to teach the Paglieh braaci.eeandgfaetc Ader.ee TEACHER. Box Mj 1.73 t PooaeOfllie.

iTlTANTED.By a regpectable youu« Woman, a

TT aiiuat-ee aa SEAMbTAE*8 aad DAE IS-EAKER; udrtetiideall krtdecf fam'ly eeetng; weg*e a a] eo mucli aa eb-ect ae e et.tdy place. Ala3 bv e »»eng Oirl agei 14. a Prot* t

"ar.1 ae C H A M B E R M A10 No objeetloB to the cpoatrr Cea

it eeen for two deye Call, cr eddieee a eote.toNo. 2S Clerke-at fror deota ftow Spriaget_WANTED.A situation, by a respACUble (iir!.

to do general HOUSEWORK, ehe la a good plaio Orkand Laaidreea; bee the heat of city reference from her leat

place; can be eeca fortwodeya a'No H Eeet2Ath at., ba-iwrea lat and Id Sag foarth floor back r -oca._VlTANTEL'.By a younej Woman, a gituation inIf eirepectabJe fas.tlv. aa StAMSTRESA or C!lAMSER-MAID. I» a good Laandreea. and can do oo ledieaf Sner'aeend Ereecb Setiag ia the aeeteat mann«. Ca'l et No. IJSoth-av near 1 Ith er. for two daya J3c^_eiiy_refere ace given._\VTANTED-^A~tittution by a abaady Woman,Tf whole a Sratciaae COOK; the ondetataaala all kinda offiacch Cabbing. Meeta. Boapa, Paatriea. ard can give aaex-

cetticraaie city refereacea. .f e priva'e faauly. aha will aaebftIcAA aebiaa. Apply at Ko 19 Weot 1 lib at Sth and Ith ava,or Bel.'e Iauliigeace Omce, No M I>rmaxde«, for 3 deye.

WANTED.A" situAtion by An experiencedyoone foau ia a reepeeteble private family. U a

«rat rue CODE. Vor erat end* aJ ehe etToftieeai tar. Thebeat ef city lafereace »i»»a freea hee aeec plavoe. OmM he aeea

fur two daye at Na 51 ltth et.. between 6th and 7th ave, la the).ear. No ee.-etoea to go W i atatily ia led aoaatry.


WANTED.A SITUATION by » ntvecUb^.nil Venn. Cu cos*, wash and iron. Cat! at No.

HI Twailth st be'ween lit aad 2d »TO;_\17 anted.Htuation* by two Girl*: out» atTT CHAMBERMAID tod WAITER act aastet :n thWttblngeed Iroelng; (bo other aa CHAMBERMAID aad to-.i»t io the Wttllrt and Iroeiag, or do Plata <ew.r.g or TAKECABE ofCHILDREN. Beat of city refereace from tboir lostahnerf Cao b» teeo for two dtyt tt No t7 Weal .tth-tt be¬tween dtb and Ith am, la tbo roar oo tko tret Boor.¥V' ANTE D.Situation! by two retp*ctahlev a youf Girle. who art highly recommended aad art

anxiotte to terra In oo« family-Acne at food PLAIN COOK,la a it oat e lee: lea t Waeher aad loner, a food Bat er. caatote C-ok'e plaea In a pr.ve-e family, and baa excellent cityref-retee the ttkerei 8» AMSTSKSSeod CHAMBERMAID,caa do all try lee of D eaaikh c if rue by tbo Lidieo, tleow w rk «a tH tha fsmlij towti a. aad baa the beet of city rafe-r-t ea w B| wj teparita if it eatu the Udlee Call ax SB 1staar toe fi'W Baal beet tf os

/anted.Situations by two Welth~Girlt.ate to do genera! HOUSEWORK in a email family,

ted tee other tt 0 'aNREBMaID and NURSE. Call fromt lo 3. for three dare, tt Na 141 Ch-ytejp er.

VYA nied.a eituation Wh m

sod' Apply at No. il East JCth st betwsea tbo hoart of It3 c.eJoeh_

\VANTED. Bv a retpectable TiiIbbIbbI" Woman, a tituarioa as NUHeE.aed SEAMSTREtS;

can ttbe fall ebaree of a baby from itadrfrtb The best of citrtfetrr.ee ran be alven. Can bo eaea fuetwodnye.24ib it., corner 7tn a t fourth Soor, over tha market.

aALADY iroim to Europe wishes a SITUA¬

TION for her MaID. who la a Eroachwoman. Bha is an

rxcelleri Dressmaker, Seamt.ieii aad Helrdreeeer. In u.-e

at the Everett Houte, corner 4th it. aad 17th it iptrtmeetNo t ftemttoSP. M._ALARGE BUPPLT of SERVANTS are now

at C. MASON'S OtBeoe. No It Biith avraae and V 143Bowery wia'iar employment Maoy are well reoo-nmeaded,tad will be «atis6ed with modem's wages, in the city or ooua-tiv A'»', «EN end BOTo en hind._BO( »K KEEPING.Wauted by a yonn« Man.

fan American) a situation a BOOK K EEPER in a whole-sale afore, cr as Aaels'sst in a chirping sad c-rnaniaetoo bouse,at a n olerate salary/ Hss had one yeePeexperieaee U a wh >le-sals errre ind ctr furnish the beet of leetLn-oaiale aa to charac¬ter ability Ac For further puticulera, addreaa WaLLINO-FQRD ttthiarffice_CHRISTIAN HOME for FEMALE SER¬

VANTS. No IM Ith av corner of 36th at - Hoeeekv op¬era. Governe.eee, Nunee for the sick; eJeo, Saraante io everycapacity aupplied from 'tie Int'liotion_I^ARMEK wanted.A Se-i.ti hinaD. who haa

had eome experirrce in this coantry; an active, lolelil-gett, .Ingle man who caa lead lna men in a'l work.for a farmoearlberlty. Call oa Mr OLM STF. D at Dix * E lwsrde'i.No. It Park place from 1ft to I Of lock.


FARM LABORERS. MECHANICS tutd I T.-ItALE DOM£«riCS. msy be engaged at the AMERI¬

CAN AM) FOREI »S EMfuRlNT PROTECTIVE ANDEktPLOY MEN T SOCIETY, No. 27 Oreeawlch it. Proa-peefoaee wnten epp cation

("TÖÖD SILK MIIXINERfl WANTED.WorkR a'Ttnout. Apply st No il" Barclay et qpWeira.

HOUSEKEEPER" WANTED".A Lady töBnperlcierd the Hnneehold of a email femljr, or to be a

Con panl, n Apply at Fulton av, corner of Franklin uv

Brooklyn_M~ RS. GREEN""» AGENCY forT»0~MESTICS,

No 712 Broad»ay.Permanently eetablith d uader thettiott reepectable patronage for the purpose of eaoplying femiiiee with hou.brItdotneetice Waa'td.Color-d Lauod-eeiaadNnrre, Prcteetants Scotch. German end ae-.nti of the beltelaea office beure from |o to 4 Ratsa) redaaeA_

OFFICE COY WANTED..inAui.rieBn,En-gll.b Beo'cb, or Canadian BOP,who eeye7.ee w a d oettly,

caneddrris atailtg ate residence, Ac ,T S. J., Tribute Office( cI PaTiO.n WANTEl>.By an EngltahOradoate, expeiieoced In Toitlun. for one month, cow-

April S Kemuneretioa oo rbyect. Address ANOLI-Box No. 12b. Oraoge. New Jereey._

READER BOY..Wanted, an intelligent LAD¦o read copy Must be familiar with MS oni reel quick

y tnd correctly. AnpK In ibe Pria'Jog Office. Ni I Spru e tt

IÖTALESMAN- WANTED.Si a fir»t-.'-lata Salt-a-O man, st Colurnblsn Hail. Arnlv from B to la A. M

_8. a M E. TOWLE a Co No iii Greadet_SITUATION WANTED.As COACHMAN and

HARDENER by a eteedy. ectlie young man, who le notafraid to worb, ard will he fount anxious to plsose his employer. He Is strictly temperate, aad cornea well recomoierded.To he seen till entted et Ne. 72 (Slh-av in the Boiketore._Servants"want flacks tor city Ind? ' COUNTRY Cooke. Chombermalde. Nurtrg. Beama r. « Laundreaeea, end Omtrel Housework Oirle, wantpieces at Cffice N. Y. Emnlot meat Office, No. 478 Broadwsy,eatitlithed in U4I.tett Office for toneit. capable ltd faithful8erv.nre._T. P. BAUNDCRS.

TO ORGANISTS rtriil CHOIR SINGERS.The Veetry of so Epiicopel Church In the upper part of

the eity w isb to eegigs. at aeto m. derate rates aa their pceecutmeans will allow, an URO ANI4T, a BASE a TENOR and aSOPBAM). Parlies cpen to euch so engagement will piousaddrees, wlih referenda, .taring the lowett teime they wouldhe wUHal t > accept for eoe year, EPISCOPAL COM MITTE LBox :Jo Post Office._WANTED.A LADY » MAID. She mttsFitn-ll deretsnd eomethlog of Dressmaking, bo oa <r... it

Scan stiere and be able to dieet hair. Icqalre at the EverettHonte, -c r of 4th av. and 17th it apartmeat No 1, from 3UU 4 P. M._WASTED.ASITUATION by aGARDENER,

who la cepable of the eaee of (loners sod raiilnf regetsblrs fcr the houte oee, alto rhe care ot horse and carriage,is a eatefal diiver. He lew ice to mske himself generallyneeful ind hoe do encumbrance whatever Oood reference canhi induced Addreu D. E., Seed Store No. U Mm st

WANTFD-Iu a small privat«) family. Ntirs*,Cook, Waitreae. Chambermaid a id Loundreee, Oroom,

Oarce-er and aar 'ul Roy All mast bo Protestants. ApplyImtKedletelj .« No^ IV Orand it_WANTED.At No, Ml Broadway, (Basenient.)

Mm for Bailroale and Sieamets. Salesmen. Clorka,Portere, Barkeepere. t. av n n. O.rdeaare. Boye to laaraTrades. Applicant! lnclot ng At, itatin t pittitulai. will be

TrlOS. ~


500TrtOS. SPINK, Agest

AGENTS,WANTED for a Jvi BOOK.J. H COLTON A Co., 172 Wü te o street

Cost anb i^onna.

Ir'OUND.On the eorner of Broadway and GreatJoaettt.a FITCH MARTEN VlcrORINE. Call oa

BM1TH. No. 15 Lolghttt_IOST.A PORTE-MONNAIE. l ontiiiniiiB two

J Pilty Dollar BHia, end about Five Dollari ka Ouid aad? .er a Breeitpin, Cards Pspers A:. Whoever ehall rstarait will be amply rewarded y D PRI IE, No. 10 Na

Co /ärmere anb (Dtherg.BONE MAM'KE..Tie inhtrriber has <s.n-

siaatly oa band a eery gaperlot utialo of para BONIDUBT. soiwatint of mwlcgs. fllisa and ground bowaOrders received at the Works, Aid it Eeet Rhrerj ae el Bhv

45 Cadxrat, tp itaira._CHRISTIAN BCHWBRTiL

CALIFORNIA WHEAT..A few pouoda ofBead Wheat and Pnceteee from Csl'foraie for sale by

_FBEDK MC'RE APT. Wo. 143 Parten sc.

DANIEL HIGGINS offera for Sale at his S ir-

wrtet, Flatbiag. LI. a general aeeortmeot of extro-tited PAUIT aad ORNAMENTAL TREES. FloweringSkruti, Evergreens.Trees tacb aa will give immelie'e sotle-.i Pu ekueroeie iavlted lo examine rut .1 and mtketheir owe irlecnoos. Ordere addressed to the Proprt»tor, or

to A J. 11LEECKER, Eao. , No. 7 Br.ad tt will meetprcmat atteetica._.IbJORTH BIVER AGRICULTURAL11 WAREBOUSE -OR1PPINO k BEOTHER. No. MCoartlendt st. Bear the Jersey Firry N. T.Dealslfla oUkind a cfAORICLLTt'RAL IMPLEMENTI,



Bawirg. Taiahrg and Oeoaad Beae. Ac , Ac_PERUVIAN OUANO.With importrxl bnmd oniL et bkag. IMPROVED SLPEB PHOSPH ATE of LIMEand BONE 0L eT. Pot sale by A LON. »ET P,

No 34 Cliff eoroer of Pulton st

(Lto CDho»n it £ELa% QZomexn.

ATRAY'ELING AGENT for an exteniireM.dicine Eatabliahmeot in this city at akoot etotiag oa

be levonth annual tear ibroaebout New England Sutee aolwould like to obtain each additional baseness of s similar o v

tare tinay be it frueted tJ bias. Rorareacaa am pie. AldreaaBox No 2.197, N. T P O._CHILD WANTED.A protnidia GIRL, 10

ye are of age may fled a desirable home la the tn-.Trwith a reipeetekie and intelligent fan y wbi with to adoptone ce mtteatl) I as a dasfbter. Adttreta COMPORT, Tri aure Office._TO mONMAÄTERS..A Gentleman experi-

eceed ee MANAOBR sad FOUNDER, la both Anthra¬cite ard Lboaroal Furaaoea aolictta prcpoeaia for the CHARGEof a good eeteblahmeat- Addreaa IRON. V. R. PALaTEA.Tnkaaa Roi drcga._^

.\)arutti for gnsintsg Slen.

APAETNEB WANTED.Esther an acti»eBaalaeae kfaa: or a good LOCKSMITH with a capital

from AtirauA'.Ofro. cut make aatfa aad profitaNo mvvjaa-

meat ia a well rttablUaad bos-sets, with oa a'toawtvaraaofraetoapaap,tinned


ANEW DISCOVERY for RAISING WRECKSby »e*rr.ut,c win ul it tfJMll eaart, with wk :h uy

veeaei. or ether valuable a«C ever m hundred looi esdeawetet, ran with cerlalaty eed ok eeaa'l eipaaee be re'aed TV*b».auoa la per'eet and reely ka be cbowa A Beetlesea witho:m* a wanted to (r»t ti lot j ».«., .».Kt pal aaae. oaa ha

<¦».. i eee.rv by that dhecavery. AeA.ea paed liriiii ME¬CHANIC. Tfibaae OA.ce.

BOOKSTORE for SALE .The Stock and l-ljkvel iko erell-haewn Booeetjr* IIa. TS tab ev fat

amia Tha efeack la wall eelccted end ibe ctaaaetcB aa oaHeat.Apply to RICH A AD MaRsH. Iiftt or. Ma. ~t ***,.! at.

DRUG STORE for SALE.Well ttocked. nice-y Sited aa eWrekly beamted. keaiaici 00.tareally b>

craaeiaa end wUibe eeld aoiy cheep for caeh. A rare ehaweetar ei-ker a Dreettea or PhaiveUa. For fall partkakva teqalreofj kMEA COE. We M Cht at_DBUG-STORE for SALE.Satiated on A

tboroa«bAv*, la a deeeely peea at»A eecltaa of tba city,la wall coteat-abed aid i,mm a tb-trlaa beataeae. Par tenwam*) partKnl.n apply at No f HuwnaaaC_^^^^^F^ANCY UOODS mt n~aLE..The orvjioanr

atcckufa THREAD NrEOLK aari PANCT VTOAE foraale low tor raeb Aa eatclleet eppoctaaky for aay parryaboat rtier r| it to thai baaie-.a. Ceaameaeeetioee. elvbae.name aid addraea, aad KaUaf where aaai when aa ietarrtaarnay be bed may be aaat to PANCT GOOD i. No.511 Uedaaa-at.

FOR SALE.A new Änd b»¦Autifui SVEÄM-¦HIP, efverv lickI a"raft of water; leaartb aw teak tie¬

ftet; Waat, 3? '.it. depth, 21 foot; frame of live-oak. white-oak. loceet aad hackmatack thoeneahly eroaa braced with trettatrape aad ia now kein I I'ted la the an can appro rad aaeaaear.Apply to_JO IN GRAHAM. Nv tj 'Valt-aa.

11.1.» for SALE..Two Run French BurrStoaee, with Shaftie« Bettlet and Ptxleree, be raaotaa

order, with er wo boat Rearm aad Steaaa Power. Apr y etHo. «99 W ater rt._OFFICE for INTRODUCTION and SALE of


Helle of Coaaaaeree, No. To Piawee.n, b..General Neeotiaora aed Sale Afowcy._

1> A R-fN E R WAN T E rWTiie Advertiserbta be depeaal of Real Ee ate, worth for maaefartuila*;

porpoeee, at toe aaaa: ratea of coaputetVe, at lewl *?>,?«*, t,which he will add ia aairable macbiaery aad ether manatee-tarier, apilwaeee, #1 VfSS.aad will put the abo'e «A üeet a eachcapital of r a' to carry oa e eefe Mea-ifacte-tad Buiineea,wbkh baa baen ascceaeiufl j conducted for the peel tifteee ortweeiy yeera Ant peraoa na*taa ike earn aaeelleeed at com¬maor1 and wiebiaa to at pet-- 'u * pleeaaal eat kaa.»iMr

-.-.a .r w 11 pleace eddtrec M A % UK ACTl'AER. earnof t LARK. Al'tTEM h SMITH 3 Peik row. New Tore, withical nemo ead ia lareace, which ebell be rectpreeeted by tbaideeniier.

InrTKTNF.K WANTED.With a oath capital offrtm Re tot lo At 040, to jean at apeeial perteer ia ea I»-

pon'nf aad Maanfactartaf taameea. Aiatraea, for three daye,p. H Tribacn iCco._«~7T"<k| || I .A I'EKSON. hAving about this

a la"" '""a anoori would lite to ae|aaw wlb re-.poeaib e pajtlea ia rome . paeiac .. laiueaa already eatab-ttahid Addteee M._h , Tritrane Oaa'e.

$q lU.tfl .WANTED A PARTNER op«>a\F\l\/a BCdlNK S MAN, with ihie ao.>aalea*

caah capital or m.ie, .«. -.« aafe end pleaaaot. aat willpay twenty 6«e per ceut oa oe, ral. Addraaa s M ROJf,Plttidald Lotete CoaatT, Ohio.

öiimmcr Uctvcato.


COlTs'TBY ROOMS, furnished, are WAntedwtlh a ptieete family, with or witbuat BOARD. Muet be

within 3* milea od iheelty oa the North Rinr. Addreae No.lib Broadwey, er No. SIS Eaet Broedwey._

l3oarb anb Uooms.AGI.E HOTEl/.Loaltiinga..Geatlemen «AB

«ii cleee end oemfottable R iomefoil/ pecniabt. er I«/and 13j per week, at the Hetel c«r Prankfort aad^UllaaWcOte.

N"ELEGANT HOUSE, uetu-öth AT. And 14th-at., wSI be ready the let of May to receive eeieel family

bOAHt'KRS aad din|le Oentlemee Partiee wlahtaa eepertoeaccon mi detune een e*« the etouee aad hear ail panic tare byaddreee*n| Mra LEE, l'nk»n equaare VoetOtfice Refereaeearepaired _

OARU .Fl'BNTSHED RO<)M8"Tn Suites, or

atpaiately. can be ohalaed, with BOARD lee Oral cleatHome, by applyiri at No II Eaet lAth et., eoreer of lirie|-p>ece, and within a block of Uot <n euaaie. Eoeaaemeateirace for the la' o' May, of PTOrlOBoly aVferenoaweachaneedL

CÄKD.The owner of the Hauae No. 12Uaia.-iiue-place 29th at, between lib aad**h aea ,bee-

lea a lane Hooae and e email family, will aecommodale twoGentlemen and VVfr.ewith BOARD; ao ethere weald ne takenTba ecci mmcdetiune need only to be aeon t> be apprecieted.The location ia not aorpeaeed be any In the ctty-hatlua, a prirate pa-k in front for the uee of the reeb-rn'e Pe wine barta«boee from A to 15 aeed oot apply; a email chi d end eerrant. no

oel'ction Pereona oripinelly from New Pnaleid preferred.The beet reference will be reciprocated Inoulre at alwre.

BOAKD..To LET to oue or two Gentlemen, APaSLOR aad BEDROOM oa eeeoed Soar,feralebed or

anfnrtiiebed. wttboot Boerd.ine hret-claac Hoeae. jae, bath,,4c . In a private family luuelre at No »7 Bioecker.

BOAR I>.At No. 63 Ful'ttin-at, for Permanent,Day a od Tranaient Hoardere Tvtaw oaedareoa


DOARDINU at Not. 4r, and 47 EAST BROAD-L) W AV -A pleaaent front ROOM end BEDR IOM oaaecoad Soor. Aleo other Roome, aelleble for OeeOe-oen aadtheir W itea, fuinlahed or anfarelahad Ala i Beeaaa lor abtatlaOectl-meo._Apply at No 45 Eaet Broadway_

OÄKD i» W1EE1AMBUÜBOH..A Ladyetd Oentleman, aad three or tour aloale Gentleman earn

be arcommidared with PART or PULL BOARD in e jrtretefamily, by Ibe let of May. Refereocee eacbaoeeA. No. 3ABooth Mh at th'ee mtiatee' wale fr.m ibe fernea

I~j^NTrlUED~RO<JMS-.Pleataut ROOMS foreprtna and eammer, with pan a, BOARD, may ke bed by

alnele Oep'lemee at No It Liaiopetou at., Arooklye. wlthAafi»e n.b.ntee' walk of the Waltet, aod Boath Pert tee

iiiyGTEfTENTLEMEPi or GENTLEMEN andit OHr WIVEt can be accuminodtted with BOOMS orSUITES of ROOMS, furniehed or eofuenlabed with fall orpartial BOARD, at No 3 9ih el Tbe hoeee U beedaome aadwith modem Improaeinaofe.

'|'U DENT^TS and other GENTLEMEN..AnJA Oflce Laboratory aid Reception K.ome, A'eo a PbyeJ-

clac'e Omca, end R.- ma for einale Oeo'lemea at >7 Buad-ec

1_MFrÖ~^h^ÖÄRl^fww FLOORS, nir-n labed oa aofarnlehed, in e fleet elaea hoeee, with ell tba

Bodein Improeementa, at tie 15 Lemaitioa-pleee, (Week mtmat,) betweaa Ctb aed ttb ava Reteren.-ee |l«eo aud ra-tuired.

VEGETARIAN BOARDING-HOÜ8EJ, No. 13Wooatti it.rine Roome. with Board aod Bathe. Teraee

m< detate.

tjoneca to tct.

e0l'8E8 to LET in nOBOKEN-Withinthree alcafee' walk ef the Perry, e taw new, (retelaea

HOUSES in Biter Terrace, with t- ware, eeeauental fronteard court-yaHe, commaadlna a kaaaol<fal view of th- nrer aadCllfol New-York, bare efl tbe eeo'ern Improvement*, la-ciuolni aae aad hot and cold water, ttc, he i and will ke let lo

ptivete femUiee of the hl«beat re»p.eUbüit» eelr atoerdlai-boeee keepeee need not apply. Inquire at the e«de, e-ireev ofHudacn end 2d-et».. Hoboken, of B atABrtN.

COUNTRY RESIDENCE.-To RENT, anew anddealrable Cettefe DW/-.LLING HOOtE, aad

eood OA it DEN lo etfht of WeebiBatooellle eed of tbe Depoton tbe Newborfh Breach Sailroad Ceo aa to or froa New-Torkdeilv m there or four boura, by raüioad, or by the HedeoaRiver from Newbaub Apply to JOHN JAQUEA. ÖTs."tonville, Oiange Co N. T.


A FINE BASEMENT, 'JO by 35 feet; ROOMS_aadOPPIOESoa 2d. 3d end lib floora of the aew Ba<lai-Ir.aa, Noe so end m Peltoa at tor Rldei'eelleT. Apply atevans'S Cloihiea warehooae^Noe St aad At fallow at,

ÖÜNTI»T~8EÄT to LEASE..A spaeioaa aodcoaTOBleat house on SteUa lelaad. withta M mieeteaf

drive from VaaAetbilt'o Uodraa. Il etaode La a bleb aadhealthy el: nation commeedint ooeea ead In lead vie we, hae a

floe Gardea, aeaveoicat s'ablae aad everythtai daatrahle fairthe r-laica. of . mm*, of ^ffl^** htA,

Nu s Metropolltea Bank SeJJatlaa.

DP.8IBABLE COUNTRT RESIDENCE toLET or for SALE Silnated ka 'ha aBlaeo of Aahwey,

N. J.. 19 eJlee fioea the City of New York. The hoeee blabeerior morlem-beUt edlflce. concaieio« all the reweli laeiall etfa fern- y, there te aleo aaoodatable ao* otner out DalleJa*-,wi'b two welle ef eapertor water. eUtere, ate. Tk* -emkaaeact etat of two eerae of vaJeeble lead ander reporter ealRivalkea,divided tele ve«etable aad Sowat fereVawe, vreha/d. Ae. I«bvet epplicanU will Sod it one of the moot eleaeet aaAliatfabU reeUeoee* le thia vitiahry. Por farther pertlealaia apptdy ta

_J. At EMBRAON A Co Noe 1,3, 3 eavd TSyaae^

FIRST-CLASS HOUSE to LET in llth-st..The foar etory browa eroaa Hoaee No 52 Eeet lib at be-

twan 2d aad 3d ava the let la ZM by I « feet deep, the hoeee

la V* <>y 51 feet deep built la 1US. with ail the aaedora lev

Coveuieete aad la veiy hoodaemelyMM _rhe hoeee tma

t are t fared fat MA*, or will be let te e '^J^^tTm\l^T,arton of thia hoawe ta beawilfel, beief very moat tajWC. mtntChe.ch r.ti.1. quiet, to* ^"tSoA'dTert^. No!wApply oe the proabio**, or at Illaoaa ¦aeeaiar«,


F-ABM to LET-AtNew-RoeheUe, contistio«; ofaer-a w tr Dwe.liea-boaM ard oatkeldiaaa. Apply ta

MACE^U»<_A^ER<rTT Wo I9 3de»._OU8E8 to LET.By the WeJI-at Ferry, iaBrooklya. aad wi kla five xinotee of t»»e f *at; ef well-

e* New-York. Poor of tboea aew BRICK HOUiER eeraadal Moeta«ae etd Paraaen eke eiatalaiaf nine reewe, w*taat ir dance of eloeete pealrlee. Ae well aeJcniatavl for wellawl teaU fa.lUea Alee, tbe BRICK STORE aa the eoreer.

laet-b-e of_J. H. rREei^TlClC, He Itd Wfa0a»^jj». '

HOTEI to LET..An eleirant Hotel, just «n-Ul- «d, U be kept on the Berewa- pAaa^eM fcltdeh

borWcit, wharethiV. - ^ .tffj-S^.i^l,5ao DteUI|<at eed at-lve bob arhsh a V ,fere a fine oaaeiaf Apply at Mm. BraaAat., te I. St.


.X"kC,F "OFFICE in WALL-8T. to LET..^|atmattaekaeao^od Nereaaeta Seee^ er.y wer! edepud for eadearotmaTr Jew«.«ra end othere. Ali the Acta alt weal ILtbtae!"il^^^-^-aahof «Ske.. e-tabie M Lewyara.bltka eU »ajldte»_Apw|y attaeaatwA._P"088E68ION thit day on a Renewable Leaae,

of oaa. twa er more yeera at cheap rente ¦f_^___larHaad»aU.wa«leaeleer-laUaH»-k», aeeoad fl.*»r Sah»rooM. LarfU. Omeat. Btore keeemeata, atj U«ht aad_>*»-_*Roome. No Ml Breeiway; CnVBewaaai »f^^l*_t___reradehad Perlera ead FeaaUy Baalfleaiaaa A^ttrn/ a_aAieyM.AM. Spall's newly fittedap Plrat fleer, til ¦¦eatway,

Top Related