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  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    Seven Quality Tools The Seven Tools

    Histograms, Pareto Charts, Cause and

    Effect Diagrams, Run Charts, Scatter

    Diagrams, Flow Charts, Control Charts

  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    Ishikawas Basic Tools of Quality Kaoru Ishikawa developed seven basic visual

    tools of quality so that the average person

    could analyze and interpret data.

    These tools have been used worldwide by

    companies, managers of all levels and


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    HistogramsSlide 1 of 3

    Histogram Defined

    A histogram is a bar graph that shows

    frequency data.

    Histograms provide the easiest way to

    evaluate the distribution of data.

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    Slide 2 of 3 Creating a Histogram

    Collect data and sort it into categories.

    Then label the data as the independent set or thedependent set.

    The characteristic you grouped the data by would be theindependent variable.

    The frequency of that set would be the dependentvariable.

    Each mark on either axis should be in equal

    increments. For each category, find the related frequency and

    make the horizontal marks to show that frequency.

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    HistogramsSlide 3 of 3

    Examples of How Histograms Can Be


    Histograms can be used to determine

    distribution of sales.

    Say for instance a company wanted to

    measure the revenues of other companiesand wanted to compare numbers.

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    When to Use a Histogram

    When the data are numerical. When you want to see the shape of the datas distribution,

    especially when determining whether the output of a process

    is distributed approximately normally.

    When analyzing whether a process can meet the customers

    requirements. When analyzing what the output from a suppliers process

    looks like.

    When seeing whether a process change has occurred from one

    time period to another.

    When determining whether the outputs of two or moreprocesses are different.

    When you wish to communicate the distribution of data quickly

    and easily to others.

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    The histogram is a graphic representation of

    frequency counts of a sample or a population.

    The X-axis lists the unit intervals of a parameter

    (e.g., severity level of software defects) ranked

    in ascending order from left to right, and the Y-

    axis contains the frequency counts

    The purpose of the histogram is to show the

    distribution characteristics of a parameter

    It enhances understanding of the parameter of


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    Check List (Sheet)Also called: defect concentration diagram


    A check sheet is a structured, prepared form

    for collecting and analyzing data. This is a

    generic tool that can be adapted for a wide

    variety of purposes.

    Check sheets help organize data by category.

    Check sheets show how many times eachparticular value occurs, and their

    information is increasingly helpful as more

    data are collected.

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    More than 50 observations should be available to be

    charted for this tool to be really useful.

    Check sheets minimize clerical work since theoperator merely adds a mark to the tally on the

    prepared sheet rather than writing out a figure (Figure

    in next slide).

    By showing the frequency of a particular defect (e.g.,

    in a molded part) and how often it occurs in a specificlocation, check sheets help operators spot problems.

    The check sheet example shows a list of molded part

    defects on a production line covering a week's time.

    One can easily see where to set priorities based onresults shown on this check sheet.

    Assuming the production flow is the same on each day,

    the part with the largest number of defects carries the

    highest priority for correction.

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    Because it clearly organizes data, a check sheet is the easiest

    way to track information.

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    When to Use a Check Sheet

    When data can be observed and collected

    repeatedly by the same person or at the

    same location. When collecting data on the frequency or

    patterns of events, problems, defects,

    defect location, defect causes, etc.

    When collecting data from a production


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  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    Check Sheet ExampleThe figure below shows a check sheet used to collect data on telephone

    interruptions. The tick marks were added as data was collected over

    several weeks.

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    Phases of Software Development Process in acompany

    The software development process consists of multiple phases:

    1. Requirements (RQ),

    2. System architecture (SD),

    3. High-level design (HLD),

    4. Low-level design (LLD),

    5. Code development (CODE),

    6. Unit tests (UT),

    7. Integration and building (I/B),

    8. Component tests (CT),9. System tests (ST), and

    10. early customer programs (EP).

    Each phase has a set of tasks to complete and the phases with

    formal hand-off have entry and exit criteria.

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    Check list in Software Process

    Checklists help developers and programmers ensure that all

    tasks are complete and that the important factors or

    quality characteristics of each task are covered

    Examples of checklists are

    design review checklist,

    code inspection checklist,

    moderator (for design review and code inspection)


    pre-code-integration (into the system library) checklist, entrance and exit criteria for system tests, and

    product readiness checklist.

    Checklists are often a part of the process documents.

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    Create a Check Sheet

    Track up to 10 defects on each day of

    the week.

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    A check sheet is a paper form with printed items to

    be checked.

    Its main purposes is to facilitate gathering data and

    to arrange data while collecting it so the data can

    be easily used later.

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    Pareto chartAlso called: Pareto diagram, Pareto analysis


    A Pareto chart is a bar graph. The lengths of

    the bars represent frequency or cost (time or

    money), and are arranged with longest bars on

    the left and the shortest to the right. In this

    way the chart visually depicts which

    situations are more significant.

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    The Pareto diagram is named after Vilfredo Pareto, a 19th-

    century Italian economist who postulated that a large share of

    wealth is owned by a small percentage of the population.

    This basic principle translates well into quality problemsmost

    quality problems result from a small number of causes.

    Quality experts often refer to the principle as the 80-20 rule; that

    is, 80% of problems are caused by 20% of the potential sources.

    A Pareto diagram puts data in a hierarchical order (Figure in next

    slide), which allows the most significant problems to be corrected


    The Pareto analysis technique is used primarily to identify and

    evaluate nonconformities, although it can summarize all types of


    It is perhaps the diagram most often used in managementpresentations.

    To create a Pareto diagram, the operator collects random data,

    regroups the categories in order of frequency, and creates a bar

    graph based on the results.

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    By rearranging random data, a Pareto diagram identifies and ranks

    nonconformities in the quality process in descending order.

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    Pareto ChartsSlide 1 of 4

    Pareto Chart Defined

    Pareto charts are used to identify and prioritize

    problems to be solved. They are actually histograms aided by the 80/20

    rule adapted by Joseph Juran.

    Remember the 80/20 rule states that approximately

    80% of the problems are created by approximately 20%

    of the causes.

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    Pareto ChartsSlide 2 of 4

    Constructing a Pareto Chart

    First, information must be selected based

    on types or classifications of defects thatoccur as a result of a process.

    The data must be collected and classifiedinto categories.

    Then a histogram or frequency chart isconstructed showing the number ofoccurrences.

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    When to use a Pareto ChartSlide 3 of 4

    When analyzing data about the frequency of

    problems or causes in a process.

    When there are many problems or causesand you want to focus on the most


    When analyzing broad causes by looking at

    their specific components.

    When communicating with others about your


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    Pareto ChartsSlide 4 of 4

  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    Pareto Chart Examples

    Example #1 shows how many customer complaints were received ineach of five categories.

    If all complaints cause equal distress to the customer, working on

    eliminating document-related complaints would have the most impact,

    and of those, working on quality certificates should be most fruitful.

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    Example #2 takes the largest category, documents, from Example #1,

    breaks it down into six categories of document-related complaints, and

    shows cumulative values.

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    Pareto Chart in Software Process

    Pareto analysis helps by identifying areas that causemost of the problems

    Pareto analysis of software defects by category for

    four Hewlett-Packard software projects.

    The top three types new function or different processing required,

    existing data need to be organized/ presented differently,


    user needs additional data fields) account for more than

    one-third of the defects. By focusing on these prevalent defect types, determining

    probable causes, and instituting process improvements,

    Hewlett-Packard was able to achieve significant quality


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    Figure shows an example of a Pareto analysis of the causes

    of defects for a product

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    A Pareto diagram is a frequency chart of bars indescending order

    In software development, the X-axis for a Pareto diagram

    is usually the defect cause and the Y-axis the defect


    By arranging the causes based on defect frequency, aPareto diagram can identify the few causes that account

    for the majority of defects

    It indicates which problems should be solved first in

    eliminating defects and improving the operation.

    Pareto analysis is commonly referred to as the 8020

    principle (20% of the causes account for 80% of the

    defects), although the cause-defect relationship is not

    always in an 8020 distribution.

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    Scatter DiagramAlso called: scatter plot, XY graph


    The scatter diagram graphs pairs of

    numerical data, with one variable oneach axis, to look for a relationship

    between them. If the variables are

    correlated, the points will fall along a

    line or curve.

    The better the correlation, the tighter

    the points will hug the line.

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    A scatter diagram shows how two variables are

    related and is thus used to test for cause and

    effect relationships. It cannot prove that one variable causes the

    change in the other, only that a relationship

    exists and how strong it is.

    In a scatter diagram, the horizontal (x) axisrepresents the measurement values of one

    variable, and the vertical (y) axis represents the

    measurements of the second variable.

    Figure in next slide shows part clearance valueson the x-axis and the corresponding quantitative

    measurement values on the y-axis.

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    The plotted data points in a scatter diagram show the relationship

    between two variables.

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    Scatter Diagrams

    Scatter Diagrams Defined

    Scatter Diagrams are used to study and

    identify the possible relationship betweenthe changes observed in two different sets

    of variables.

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    Scatter Diagrams

    Constructing a Scatter Diagram

    First, collect two pieces of data and create asummary table of the data.

    Draw a diagram labeling the horizontal andvertical axes.

    It is common that the cause variable be labeled on the Xaxis and the effect variable be labeled on the Y axis.

    Plot the data pairs on the diagram.

    Interpret the scatter diagram for direction andstrength.

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    Scatter Diagrams

    An Example of When a Scatter Diagram

    Can Be Used

    A scatter diagram can be used to identify

    the relationship between the production

    speed of an operation and the number of

    defective parts made.

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    When to Use a Scatter Diagram

    When you have paired numerical data.

    When your dependent variable may have multiple values for

    each value of your independent variable.

    When trying to determine whether the two variables are

    related, such as

    When trying to identify potential root causes of problems.

    After brainstorming causes and effects using a fishbone

    diagram, to determine objectively whether a particular

    cause and effect are related.

    When determining whether two effects that appear to be

    related both occur with the same cause.

    When testing for autocorrelation before constructing a

    control chart.

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    Scatter Diagram in Software

    Compared to other tools, the scatter diagram is

    more difficult to apply. It usually relates to

    investigative work and requires precise data

    Scatter diagram usually illustrates the relationship

    between complexity index and defect level

    Each data point represents a program module withthe X coordinate being its complexity index and the

    Y coordinate its defect level

    Program complexity can be measured as soon as the

    program is complete, whereas defects arediscovered over a long time, the positive correlation

    between the two allows us to use program

    complexity to predict defect level.

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    We can reduce the program complexity when it isdeveloped (as measured by McCabe's index),

    thereby reducing the chance for defects.

    Reducing complexity can also make programs easier

    to maintain.

    Program modules with high-complexity indexes are

    the targets for analysis and possible module

    breakup, encapsulation, intramodule cleanup, and

    other actions.

    Low-complexity indexes coupled with high defectsare clear indications of modules that are poorly

    designed or implemented and should also be


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    Scatter Diagram of Program Complexity and Defect Level

  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New



    A scatter diagram vividly portrays the

    relationship of two interval variables.

    Scatter diagrams aid data-based

    decision making (e.g., if action is

    planned on the X variable and someeffect is expected on the Y variable).

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    Cause and Effect Diagrams

    Slide 1 of 4

    Cause and Effect Diagram Defined The cause and effect diagram is also called the Ishikawa diagram

    or the fishbone diagram. It is a tool for discovering all the possible causes for a particular


    The major purpose of this diagram is to act as a first step in

    problem solving by creating a list of possible causes.

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    Cause and Effect Diagrams

    Slide 2 of 4

    Constructing a Cause and Effect Diagram First, clearly identify and define the problem or effect for which

    the causes must be identified. Place the problem or effect at the

    right or the head of the diagram. Identify all the broad areas of the problem.

    Write in all the detailed possible causes in each of the broad areas.

    Each cause identified should be looked upon for further morespecific causes.

    View the diagram and evaluate the main causes. Set goals and take action on the main causes.

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    Cause and Effect Diagrams

    Slide 3 of 4

    An Example of When a Cause and Effect DiagramCan Be Used

    This diagram can be used to detect the problem ofincorrect deliveries.

    Diagram on next slide

    Diagram obtained from:

    When a production team is about to launch a newproduct, the factors that will affect the final productmust be recognized. The fishbone diagram can depict

    problems before they have a chance to begin.

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    Cause and Effect Diagrams

    Slide 4 of 4

    Diagram of the Incorrect Deliveries Example:

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    When to Use a Fishbone DiagramAlso Called: Cause-and-Effect Diagram, Ishikawa Diagram

    When identifying possible causes for aproblem.

    Especially when a teams thinking tends to

    fall into ruts.

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    Flow Charts

    Slide 1 of 3

    Flow Charts Defined

    A flow chart is a pictorial representation

    showing all of the steps of a process.

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    Flow Charts

    Slide 2 of 3

    Creating a Flow Chart

    First, familiarize the participants with the flow chart

    symbols. Draw the process flow chart and fill it out in detail

    about each element.

    Analyze the flow chart. Determine which steps add

    value and which dont in the process of simplifying the


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    Flow Charts

    Slide 3 of 3

    Examples of When to Use a Flow Chart

    Two separate stages of a process flow chart

    should be considered: The making of the product

    The finished product

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    Run Charts

    Slide 1 of 3

    Run Charts Defined

    Run charts are used to analyze processes

    according to time or order.

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    Run Charts

    Slide 2 of 3

    Creating a Run Chart Gathering Data

    Some type of process or operation must be available to take measurements

    for analysis. Organizing Data

    Data must be divided into two sets of values X and Y. X values representtime and values of Y represent the measurements taken from themanufacturing process or operation.

    Charting Data

    Plot the Y values versus the X values. Interpreting Data

    Interpret the data and draw any conclusions that will be beneficial to theprocess or operation.

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    Run Charts

    Slide 3 of 3

    An Example of Using a Run Chart

    An organizations desire is to have their product arrive

    to their customers on time, but they have noticed that itdoesnt take the same amount of time each day of the

    week. They decided to monitor the amount of time it

    takes to deliver their product over the next few weeks.

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    Control Charts

    Slide 1 of 3

    Control Charts Defined

    Control charts are used to determine whether a

    process will produce a product or service withconsistent measurable properties.

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    Control Charts

    Slide 2 of 3

    Steps Used in Developing Process Control Charts

    Identify critical operations in the process whereinspection might be needed.

    Identify critical product characteristics.

    Determine whether the critical product characteristic isa variable or an attribute.

    Select the appropriate process control chart.

    Establish the control limits and use the chart to monitorand improve.

    Update the limits.

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    Control Charts

    Slide 3 of 3

    An Example of When to Use a Control


    Counting the number of defective products orservices

    Do you count the number of defects in a given

    product or service?

    Is the number of units checked or tested constant?

  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    When to Use a Control Chart

    When controlling ongoing processes by finding and correcting

    problems as they occur.

    When predicting the expected range of outcomes from a


    When determining whether a process is stable (in statistical


    When analyzing patterns of process variation from special

    causes (non-routine events) or common causes (built into the

    process). When determining whether your quality improvement project

    should aim to prevent specific problems or to make fundamental

    changes to the process.

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    Activity Process Flow Chart for Finding the Best Way


    Construct a process flow chart by making the bestdecisions in finding the best route home.

    Refer to the prior notes on flowcharts. Remember: Define and analyze the process, build a step-by

    step picture of the process, and define areas of improvement inthe process.

    Answer is on the next slide

    Example obtained from:

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  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    SummaryThis presentation provided learning material for each of Ishikawasseven basic tools of quality.

    Each tool was clearly defined with definitions, a step-by-step processand an example of how the tool can be used.

    As seen through the presentation, these tools are rather simple andeffective.

  • 8/8/2019 24842705 Seven Quality Tools New


    Works - Cited Histograms and Bar Graphs.

    Your MBA: The Business Study Reference Site.http://yourmba.co.uk/pareto_diagram.htm

    Hci Home Services. Cause and Effect Diagram.http://hci.com.au/hcisite/toolkit/causeand.htm

    Scatter Diagram. http://sytsma.com/tqmtools/Scat.html


    Run Charts/Time Plot/ Trend Chart.

    Foster Thomas S. Managing Quality An Integrative Approach. New Jersey:

    Prentice Hall, 2001

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