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Page 1: 33-4 The Cold War Divides the World

33-4 The Cold War Divides the World

The superpowers support opposing sides in Latin American and Middle Eastern conflicts

Page 2: 33-4 The Cold War Divides the World

Fighting for the Third World More Than One “World”

oThird World—developing nations; often newly independent, nonaligned

Cold War StrategiesoU.S., Soviet Union, and China compete

for influence over the Third Worldo They back revolutions and give

economic , military and technical aid

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Fighting for the Third World Association of Nonaligned Nations

oMany countries, like India, want to avoid involvement in the Cold War

o In 1955, Indonesia hosts Asian and African leaders who want neutrality

oNonaligned nations—independent countries not involved in the Cold War

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Confrontations in Latin America Fidel Castro and the Cuban

RevolutionoFidel Castro—leads revolt in Cuba

against dictator supported by the U.S.oBy 1959, Castro in power, nationalizes

economy, takes U.S. propertyo In 1961, Castro defeats U.S. trained

Cuban exiles at the Bay of Pigs

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Fidel Castro

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Confrontations in Latin America

Nuclear Face-off: the Cuban Missile Crisiso In 1962, U.S. demands removal of

Soviet missiles in Cubao Soviets withdraw missiles; U.S.

promises not to invade CubaoCuban economy is left dependent

on Soviet support

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Confrontations in Latin America Civil War in Nicaragua

o Anastasio Somoza Debayle—Nicaraguan dictator supported by the U.S.

o Daniel Ortega—leads Sandinista rebels who take power in Nicaragua

o U.S. and Soviet Union both initially support Sandinistas

o Sandinistas aid Communist rebels in El Salvador

o U.S. helps anti-Communist Contras in Nicaragua to assist El Salvador

o In 1990, Nicaragua holds first free elections, Sandinistas lose

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Daniel Ortega on Time magazine, March 31, 1986

Anastasio Somoza Debayle (U.S. supported president of Nicaragua from 1967-1980)

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Confrontations in the Middle East

Religious and Secular Values Clash in Irano Shah Reza Pahlavi

embraces Western governments and oil companies

o Iranian nationalists overthrow shah, seize British oil company

o U.S. restores shah to power, fearing Soviet encroachment

Shah Reza Pahlavi

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Confrontations in the Middle East The United States

Supports Secular Ruleo Shah Reza Pahlavi

westernizes Iran with U.S. support

o Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini—Iranian Muslim leader; lives in exile

o In 1978, Khomeini sparks riots in Iran, Shah flees

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Blindfolded American hostages in Iran in 1979.

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Confrontations in the Middle East Khomeini’s Anti-U.S.

Policieso Islamic revolutionaries

hold American hostages in Tehran (1979-1981) for 444 days

o Muslim radicals take control in Iran, increasing tensions with Iraq

o Saddam Hussein, fearing the spread of the Iranian Revolution into Iraq, attacks Iran.

o Iran and Iraq fight an 8-year war; U.S. aids both sides, Soviets help Iraq

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The Iran-Iraq War:

Taking Sides

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Confrontations in the Middle East

The Superpowers Face Off in Afghanistano Soviets invade Afghanistan to help

Communist government against rebelsoMuslim rebels fight guerilla war against

Soviets with U.S. weaponsoU.S. stops grain shipments to Soviet

Uniono Soviets eventually withdraw in 1989

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