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  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    MCQsFive Year Papers

    1. The temperature at which centigrade scale is equal to 0 is .

    !"#$% "&0% 100% "$'#(

    $. The average ).* o+ a molecule o+ a per+ect gas is .

    !1,#)T% #,$)T% $,#)T(

    #. The internal energ- in an isothermal process .

    !ecreases% /ncreases% ecomes ero(

    &. The electric intensit- at an- point etween two oppositel- charged plain sheets is .

    !s,#2o% s,2o% s,$2o% $s,2o(

    3. o+ the two charged particles o+ the same mass will e de+lected most in amagnetic +ield.

    !Fast Moving% 4low moving(

    5. To increase the accurac- o+ a potentiometer should e used.

    !6 uni+orm wire o+ a large length should e used% 6 uni+orm wire o+ a small length% 7on"uni+ormwire(

    '. *instein8s Theor- o+ 9elativit- states that the speed o+ light in vacuum is .

    !/ndependent o+ the motion o+ the source and the oserver% a++ected - either dri+t% dependent onthe motion o+ the source and the oserver(

    :. /+ a sustance contracts on +reeing the increase o+ pressure the +reeing point.

    !/ncreases% ecreases% oes not Change(

    ;. 6 thermo+las< contains hot tea. /t is sha?8 with velocit- >@8 the +orce acting on it isperpendicular to

    !@ ut not to ?% oth @ and ?% ? ut not @(1#. /+ an electron and proton enter into a magnetic +ield with the same velocit-% the electron shalleAperience a,an +orce than the proton.

    !Breater% esser% *qual(

    1&. The wavelength o+ a material particle o+ mass m moving with the velocit- v is given -D

    !l E hn,m% lE h,mv% l E m,hn(

    13. 6 gas eAerts pressure on the walls o+ the containing vessel ecause .


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    !/t possesses momentum% the gas molecules collide with each other% the gas has +inite volume(

    15. The magnitude o+ an electric +ield does not depend upon .

    !The distance +rom the charged particle% nature o+ the charges causing the +ield% the magnitude o+the charges causing the +ield(

    1'. Two parallel eams o+ electrons moving in the same direction will .

    !9epel each other% 6ttract each other% 7either attract nor repel each other.

    1:. To increase the accurac- in a potentiometer circuit should e used.

    !6 wire o+ a small length% 6 wire o+ a large length% 6 non uni+orm wire(

    1;.=hen +ast moving electrons are stopped - a metal o+ high atomic weight the phenomenongives rise to .

    !"ra-s% "ra-s% g"ra-s(

    $0. The pressure and volume +ormula o+ a gas undergoing and an 6diaatic Change is.

    !P@ Econstant% Pr@ E constant% !P@(rE constant% P@r E constant(

    $1. 6 +ree electron in an electric +ield .!remains stationar-% moves +rom the higher potential to the lower potential% moves +rom the lowerpotential to the higher potential(

    $$. 6n electron and a proton with the same momentum enter perpendicularl- into a uni+ormmagnetic +ield .

    !?oth particles will de+lect equall-% the proton will de+lect more than the electron% the electron willde+lect less than the proton(

    $#. *instein8s photoelectric equation is written as .

    !1,$ mv$maA E hn G +o% hn E +o." 1,$ mv$maA% hn E 1,$ mv$maA G +o% 7one o+ these(

    $&. Force etween two similar point charges separated - a distance >r8 is F7. /+ the distance is

    douled% +orce ecomes .!F7% $F7% &F7% F7,&(

    $3. Mean translational

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    #0. Two resistors o+ $= and #= are connected in series with a atter- o+ 10 volts. Potentialdi++erence across $= resistor will e .

    !3 volt% & volt% 5 volt% 10 volts(

    #1. 6 sla o+ certain dielectric is placed etween two oppositel- charge plates. The intensit-etween plates .

    !ecreases% /ncreases% 9emains constant(

    #$. Force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic +ield is given - the equation F E qvsinq.Quantities mutuall- perpendicular are .

    !@ and ?% F and v% F and ?% 7one(

    Chapter 1


    1. The energ- that +lows +rom a high temperature oJect to a low temperature oJect is called.

    !Ieat% 4ound *lectricit-% 4olar *nerg-(

    $. Iotness or coldness o+ an oJect is eApressed in tems o+ a quantit- called .!Ieat% Temperature% )elvin% 7one o+ these(

    #. The 4/ unit o+ heat is .

    !Calorie% Koule% *lectron @olt% 7one o+ these(

    &. The energ- eApended when a +orce o+ one 7ewton moves an oJect one metre in the directionin which the +orce is applied is called .

    !Calorie% Koule%

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    3,; !C H #$(% 3,; !F G #$(% ;,3 !C G #$(% 7one o+ theseN

    1&. ) E .

    !$'# G C% $'# " C% $'# G F% $'# " F(

    13. 1 cal E .

    !11.1:&K% $.1:&K% #.1:&K% &.1:&K(15. proposed that matter and energ- are equivalent.

    !7ewton% *instein% MaAwell% 6ll the these(

    1'. The equation representing the interconversion o+ matter and energ- is written as.

    !* E mc% * E mc$% * E mc#% 6ll o+ these(

    1:. Conversion o+ one gram o+ matter to energ- -ields Joules o+ energ-.

    !; A 101#K% ; A 101$K% ; A 1011K% ; A 1010K(

    1;. The amount o+ heat required to raise the temperature o+ $.0 A 10:

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !*lectron% Proton% 7eutron% 7one o+ these(

    &. is a neutral particle and is +ound in the nucleus o+ an atom.

    !*lectron% Proton% 7eutron% 7one o+ these(

    3. =hen one or more than one electrons are removed +rom an atom it ecomes .

    !7eutral particle% 7egativel- charged particle% positivel- charged particle% none o+ these(5. 6ll material oJects are composed o+ .

    !!*lectron% Proton% 7eutron% atoms(

    '. 6tom is a .

    !Charged particle% 7egativel- charged particle% Positivel- charged particle% 7one o+ these(

    :. /+ electrons are added in an atom it ecomes .

    !7eutral particle% 7egativel- charged particle% positivel- charged particle% none o+ these(

    ;. Those material oJects which do not allow the charge or electric current to pass through themare called .

    !/nsulators% Conductors% 4emi"conductors% none o+ these(10. Those material oJects which allow charge or electric current to pass through them are called


    !/nsulators% Conductors% 4emi"conductors% none o+ these(

    11. i

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    $0. The electric +ield lines% alwa-s start +rom a .

    !Positive charge% 7egative charge% Point charge% 7one o+ these(

    $1. The electric +ield lines% alwa-s end at a .

    !Positive charge% 7egative charge% Point charge% 7one o+ these(

    $$. The tangent to the +ield line at an- point gives the direction o+ the .!electric +ield intensit- at that point% electric +ield at that point% *lectrostatic +orce at that point%*lectrostatic +orce at that point% 7one o+ these(

    $#. The wor< done in ringing a unit positive charge +rom in+init- to certain point%

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    11. 1= !ohm( E .

    !1@6% 1@,6% 1C,6% 1K,6$(

    1$. /t is eAperimentall- oserved that in general the resistance 9 o+ a given wire increases withincrease in .

    !Temperature% Cross"section area o+ a wire% ength o+ a wire% none o+ these(

    1#. /t is eAperimentall- oserved that in general the resistance 9 o+ a given wire decreases withincrease in .

    !Temperature% Cross"section 6rea% ength o+ a wire% 7one o+ the aove(

    1&. The change in resistivit- per unit original resistivit- !or resistance( per degree change intemperature is called .

    !9esistance% Conductance% Temperature coe++icient o+ resistivit-% 6ll o+ these(

    13. The resistivit- o+ a class o+ elements o+ some critical temperature T% +alls to ero. Thematerials showing such propert- are called .

    !4emi"conductors% 4uper"conductors% /nsulators% Conductors(

    15. The device which can maintain a potential di++erence etween two points to which the- areattached are

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    1. Magnetism derives its name +rom % a region in 6sia Minor !Modern Tur

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    1'. 6 magnet can e demagnetied - .

    !Ieating% ?- dropping it several time% rea?8 with a certain velocit- >v8 eAperiences.

    !7o +orce% MaAimum +orce% Minimum Force% 7one o+ these(

    $&. The charge moving perpendicular to the magnetic +ield >?8 with a certain velocit- >v8eAperiences .

    !7o +orce% MaAimum +orce% Minimum Force% 7one o+ these(

    $3. The magnetic +orce Fm acting on charge >q8 when it moves with a velocit- >v8 through amagnetic +ield >?8 is given - .

    !Fm E qv A ?% Fm E qv$ A ?% Fm E q*% 7one o+ these($5. The magnitude o+ a magnetic +orce >F8 acting on charge >q8 when it moves with a velocit- >v8through a magnetic +ield >?8 is given - .

    !F E qv?sinq% F E qv$?sinq% v?sinq% 7one o+ these(

    $'. /n a magnetic +ield the charge at rest eAperiences .

    !7o +orce% MaAimum +orce% Minimum +orce% 7one o+ these(

    $:. The charge% which moves along a line parallel to the direction o+ magnetic lines o+ +orce%eAperiences .

    !7o +orce% MaAimum +orce% Minimum +orce% 7one o+ these(

    $;. MaAimum +orce is eAperienced - a charged particle when it moves .

    !Parallel to magnetic +ield% with ero velocit-% none o+ these(

    #0. The 4/ unit o+ magnetic induction ? is .

    !@olt% watt% +arad% tesla(

    #1. =hen an alternating accelerating +ield is applied to a charge it produces .

    !4ound waves% *lectromagnetic waves% "ra-s% Bamma ra-s(

    #$. The wave which require no medium +or the propagation are

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !4ound waves% Mechanical waves% *lectromagnetic waves% 7one o+ these(

    ##. 6n electromagnetic wave electric and magnetic +ields are .

    !Parallel to each other% Perpendicular to each other%Lpposite to each other% 7one o+ these(

    #&. The velocit- o+ electromagnetic waves depend upon .

    !Magnetic permeailit-% *lectricpermitivit-% ?oth magnetic permeailit- and electric permitivit-%7one o+ these(

    #3. 4ustances having electrical resistivit- intermediate etween conductors and insulators arecalled .

    !4uperconductors% 4emiconductors% n"t-pe conductors% p"t-pe conductors(

    #5. /n 4emiconductors are responsile +or electrical conduction.

    !Protons% *lectrons% Ioles% *lectrons% holes(

    #'. =hen a pentavalent material li

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    &:. 6 regular% repetitive% three"dimensional pattern o+ points% which represent the position o+molecules% atoms or ions in the cr-stal% is called .

    !Rnit cell% 4pace lattice% cr-stal% true sustance(

    &;. The smallest portion o+ a cr-stal lattice that i+ repeated in three"dimensions will generate theentire lattice is called .

    !Rnit cell% attice plane% cr-stal% none o+ these(

    30. =hen a cr-stal is suJected to stress% it tends to rea< or +racture along de+inite directionwhich is characteristic o+ a sample. This is called .

    !Cleavage% 6llotrop-% 6nisotrop-% Iomeogeneit-(

    31. The propert- due to which the sie or shape o+ a lattice is not important is called .

    !Cleavage% 6nisotrop-% Iomogeneit-% 7one o+ these(

    3$. /n a cr-stal the densit- o+ atoms or molecules does not var- +rom direction to direction. This is

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    5#. The material in which the gap etween the +illed energ- and and neAt higher permittedenerg- and is small% is called .

    !/nsulator% Conductor% semiconductor% superconductor(

    5&. The sustances with resistivit- o+ order o+ 10"& ohm"metre are called .

    !/nsulators% semiconductors% conductors% good conductors(

    53. The sustances with resistivit- o+ the order o+ 10": ohm"metre are called .

    !/nsulators% semiconductors% conductors% good conductors(

    55. 6t temperature near asolute ero% a pure semiconductor ehaves li

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    :0. is generall- a reversed iased p"n Junction in which light is allowed to +all on thep"la-er through a window provided +or this purpose.

    !.*.% photodiode% photovoltaic cell% transistor(

    :1. Transistors has replaced .

    !diodes% vacuum tues% recti+iers% photovoltaic cell(

    Chapter 13

    6tomic 4pectra

    1. The radiation emitted +rom h-drogen +illed discharge tue% when viewed - dispersing devicessuch as prism% gratings etc% shows .

    !6 line spectrum% Continuous spectrum% inear spectrum% all o+ these(

    $. =hen an electron Jumps +rom higher to lower orit% then .

    !*nerg- is asored% *nerg- is emitted% neither asored nor emitted% none o+ these(

    #. =hen electron in h-drogen atom Jumps +rom higher orit into +irst orit. The set o+ lines emittedis called .

    !?almer 4eries% -man 4eries% ?rac

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    11. 6ccording to ?ohr8s theor- o+ h-drogen atom% an electron can revolve around a protoninde+initel- i+ its path is .

    !a per+ect circle o+ an- radius% a circle o+ constantl- decreasing radius% a circle o+ an allowedradius% an ellipse(

    1$. /n a h-drogen atom the radius o+ the electron orit is governed - ?ohr8s quantum rule which

    states that .!the linear momentum o+ the electron is quantised% the angular momentum o+ the electron isquantised% the linear velocit- o+ the electron is quantised% the angular velocit- o+ the electron isquantised(

    1#. 6ccording to ?ohr8s theor- o+ the h-drogen atom% the total energ- o+ the h-drogen atom withits electron revolving in the nth stationar- orit is .

    !proportional to n% proportional to n$% inversel- proportional to n% inversel- proportional to n$(

    1&. The energ- o+ the electron o+ h-drogen oriting in a stationar- orit o+ radius rn is proportionalto .

    !rn% 1,rn% rn$% 1,rn$(

    13. =hen an electron Jumps +rom the nth !higher orit( orit to the pth orit !lower orit(% thedi++erence o+ energ- is given - the equation .

    !hS E *n H *p% hS E *n G *p% hS E *% hS E p(

    15. The +requenc- S o+ electromagnetic radiation is given - the equation .

    !S E lc% S E 1,l% S E c,l% 7one o+ these(

    1'. The transitions o+ inner" shell electrons in heav- atoms give rise to .

    1:. "ra-s are a part o+ electromagnetic spectrum and are characteried - +requencies higherthan those o+ .

    !visile radiation% in+rared radiation% ultra violet radiations% none o+ these(

    1;. Production o+ continuous "ra-s is due to the .

    !6cceleration o+ incident electrons - the nucleus o+ the target atom% electron transitions etweeninner"shells o+ the target atom% electron transitions etween outer shells o+ the target atom%annihilation o+ the mass o+ incident electrons(

    $0. "ra-s are .

    !Positivel- charged particles% 7egativel- charged particles% 7eutral particles% 7one o+ these(

    $1. The stud- o+ the spectrum o+ characteristic "ra-s helps us to .

    !Measure the energ- o+ the incident electrons% measure the wavelength o+ the incident electrons%measure the energ- o+ the emitted A"ra-s% identi+- the element o+ which the target is made(

    $$. The maAimum +requenc- limit o+ the continuous A"ra-s spectrum depends upon .

    !the atomic numer o+ the atoms o+ the target% the

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !Pol-gons% Iolograms% Lvals% 7one o+ these(

    $3. /n solid lasers% a +luorescent cr-stal% such as that o+ is used as light ampli+-ingsustance.

    !9u-% Blass% semiconductor% all o+ these(

    $5. The liquid lasers usuall- ma

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !a negativel- charged nucleus% a positivel- charged nucleus% neutrons in the nucleus% evendistriution o+ charge in the atom(

    5. 7ucleus contains .

    !electrons and protons% protons and neutrons% electrons and neutrons(

    '. 7eutron was discovered - .


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    $$. 6tomic numer with atomic numer O:$ are .

    !stale% unstale% small% none o+ these(

    $#. is not a radioactive element.

    !Polonium% 9adium% Rranium% I-drogen(

    $&. 9adioactive elements emit .!a"ra-s% "ra-s% g"ra-s% all o+ these(

    $3. The mass o+ each a"particle is nearl- .

    !twice times the mass o+ h-drogen atom% three times the mass o+ h-drogen atom% +our times themass o+ h-drogen atom% +ive times the mass o+ h-drogen atom(

    $5. a"particle is .

    !Positivel- charge% negativel- charge% neutral% 7one o+ these(

    $'. Charge on each a"particle is equal to .

    !the Charge on proton% twice the charge on proton% three times the charge on proton% +our timesthe charge on proton(

    $:. o+ the +ollowing particles has ver- high ioniation capailit-.

    !a"particle% "particle% g"particle% all o+ these(

    $;. o+ the +ollowing particles has ver- low penetration power.

    !a"particle% "particle% g"particle% all o+ these(

    #0. o+ the +ollowing particle can induce arti+icial rdioactivit- in certain nuclei.

    !a"particle% "particle% g"particle% all o+ these(

    #1. "ra-s are +ound to e in .

    !electromagnetic waves% electrons% +astl- moving helium nucleus% +astl- moving neutron(

    #$. o+ the +ollowing particles consists o+ +ast moving electrons.!a"particle% "particle% g"particle% all o+ these(

    ##. o+ the +ollowing particles has less

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !radiowaves% photons% A"ra-s% "ra-s(

    &0. Rnstale isotopes are called .

    !/soars% isomers% radioactive isotopes% none o+ these(

    &1. /sotopes di++er onl- in the numer o+ .

    !electrons% protons% neutrons% none o+ these(&$. =hen a nucleus wmits an alpha radiation,particles its atomic numer drops - .

    !1% $% #% &(

    . =hen a nucleus emits an alpha radiation,particles its nucleon numer drops - .

    !1% $% #% &(

    &&. =hen an element emits "particles% its mass numers 6 .

    !increases - 1% decreases - 1% remains same% ecomes ero(

    &3. =hen an element emits gamma"ra-s% its atomic numer O .

    !/ncreases - 1% decreases - 1% remains same% none o+ these(

    &5. =hen an element emits gamma ra-s% its mass numer 6 .!increases - 1% decreases - 1% remains sme% none o+ these(

    &'. Lut o+ the +ollowing is not emitted - a radioactive sustance.

    !electrons% electromagnetic radiations% helium nuclei with a charge equal to that o+ two protons%neutrons(

    &:. The time required +or the element to deca- to one hal+ o+ its original numer is called.

    !Transmutation% hal+"li+e% nuclear deca-% none o+ these(

    &;. /t has een oserved that% on the average% the actual numer o+ atoms which deca- at an-instant is .

    !inversel- proportional to the numer o+ atoms present% directl- proportional to the numer o+atoms present% inversel- proportional to the square o+ the total numer o+ atoms present% inversl-proportional to the square root o+ the total numer o+ atoms present(

    30. The hal+ li+e o+ a radioactive sustance is 10da-s. This means that .

    !the sustance completel- disintegates in $0 da-s% the sustance completel- disintegrates in&0da-s% 1,: part o+ the mass o+ the sustance will e le+t intact at the end o+ &0 da-s% ',: part o+the mass o+ the sustance disintegrates in #0 da-s(

    31. The hal+"li+e o+ a radioactive sustance depends upon .

    !its temperature% the eAternal pressure on it% the mass o+ the sustance% the strength o+ thenuclear +orce etween the nucleons o+ its atoms(

    3$. o+ the +ollowing conservation laws must e oe-ed in a nuclear reaction.!the conservation o+ electric charge% the conservation o+ energ- and mass% the conservation o+linear momentum% the conservation angular momentum% all o+ these(

    3#. o+ the +ollowing particles is considered as an ideal proJectile +or induced nuclearreactions.

    !*lectrons% Proton% neutron% g"particle(

    3&. =hen mass m is converted into energ- it release energ- equal to .


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    !mc$% mc#% m$c% mc(

    33. The splitting o+ nuclei o+ a sustance into two or more +ragments% with emission o+ energ-% itscalled .

    !7uclear +ission% 7uclear +usion% a"deca-% 7one o+ these(

    35. The process in which two smaller nuclei comine to corm a ig nucleus with release o+ energ-

    is called .

    !7uclear +ission% 7uclear +usion% a"deca-% none o+ the aove(

    3'. /n a +ission reaction each nucleus emits aout .

    !one to two neutrons% two to three neutrons% one to two electrons% two to three electrons(

    3:. give more energ-.

    !7uclear Fission% 7uclear Fusion% ?urning o+ Coal% 7one o+ these(

    3;. The sun which is largest source o+ heat energ- gets its energ- - the process o+ .

    !7uclear Fission% 7uclear Fission% 7uclear Chain reaction% all o+ these(

    50. 6tomic om is ased on the principle o+ .

    !7uclear Fission% 7uclear Fusion% 7uclear Chain 9eaction% 7one o+ these(

    51. I-drogen om is ased on the principle o+ .

    !7uclear Fission% 7uclear Fusion% 7uclear Chain 9eaction% 7one o+ these(

    5$. 6 device which is used to eAtract nuclear energ- with easier means and with out an- harm toenvironment and human eings and utilie the energ- +or +ruit+ul purposes in ever-da- li+e andwor< is .

    !C-clotron% 7uclear 9eactor% I-drogen om% ?etatron(

    5#. Braphite and heav- water are two common moderators used in a nuclear reactor. The+unction o+ the moderator is .

    !to slow down the neutrons to thermal energies% to asor the neutrons nad stop the chainreaction% to cool the reactor% to control the energ- released in the reactor(

    5&. Cadmium rods are used in nuclear reactor +or .

    !slowing down +ast neutrons% speeding up slow neutrons% asoring neutrons% regulating thepower level o+ the reactor(

    53. /n iquid Metal Fast ?reeder 9eactor we use .

    !water as coolant% 4odium metal as coolant% graphite as coolant% none o+ these(

    55. nuclear radiation detector is ased on the principles that supersaturatedvapours condense more readil- on ions or dust particles.

    !=ilson Cloud chamer% Beiger counter% 4olid state detector% none o+ these(

    5'. the 4olid"4tate etector is asicall- .!a +orward iased pn"Junction% a reversed iased pn"Junction% a +orward iased transistor% aphotocell(

    Chapter 1'

    6dvent o+ Modern Ph-sics

    1. Modern ph-sics consists o+ .


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    !7ewtonian Mechanics% *instein8s special theor- o+ relativit-% 4chrodinger8s wave mechanics%*instein8s special theor- o+ relativit- and Quantum mechanics(

    $. The most +undamental to classical ph-sics is,are .

    !MaAwell8s equations% 4chrodinger8s wave equation% aw o+ newtonian mechanics% 4pecial theor-o+ relativit-(

    #. elieved in asolute time.

    !*instein% MaAwell% Balileo% Balileo and 7ewton(

    &. 6 set o+ coordinate aAes with respect to which measurements are made is called .

    !+rame o+ re+erence% inertial +rame o+ re+erence% non"inertial +rame o+ re+erence% none o+ these(

    3. *ver- motion is .

    !relative% asolute% ero% none o+ these(

    5. 6 +rame o+ re+erence in which 7ewton8s laws o+ motion are valid is called .

    !Cartesian +rame o+ re+erence% inertial +rame o+ re+erence% non"inertial +rames o+ re+erence%asolute +rame o+ re+erence(

    '. 6 +rame o+ re+erence in which 7ewton8s laws o+ motion are not valid is called .!Cartesian +rame o+ re+erence% inertial +rame o+ re+erence% non"inertial +rames o+ re+erence%asolute +rame o+ re+erence(

    :. o+ the 7ewtonian laws don not hold in an accelerated +rame o+ re+erence.

    !7ewton8s +irst and second law o+ motion% 7ewton8s scond and third law o+ motion% third law o+motion% 7ewton8s +irst law o+ motion and law o+ Bravitation(

    ;. o+ the +ollowing statements is not correct.

    !the law o+ ph-sics are the same in all inertial +rames% the speed o+ light in +ree space has thesame value in all inertial +rames% two events which occur simultaneousl- in one re+erence +ramealso must appear to occur simultaneous in another re+erence +rame% *instein reJected 7ewton8sidea o+ asolute time(

    10. The simple assumption that all possile re+erence +rames moving with uni+orm velocit-relative to one another are equivalent +or the statement o+ laws o+ ph-sics is called the


    !Principle o+ 9elativit-% Rncertainit- Principle% Pauli8s *Aclusion Principle% 7one o+ these(

    11. 4pecial theor- o+ relativit- states that .

    !6ll laws o+ ph-sics are the same in ever- inertial re+erence +rame% *ver- motion is relative% ighthas dual nature% *nerg- and mas are interconvertale(

    1$. 4pecial theor- o+ relativit- states that .

    !Time is asolute% The speed o+ light in a vacuumm% measured in all inertial re+erence +ramesalwa-s has the same value o+ c% no matter how +ast the source o+ light and the oserver aremoving relative to each other% space is asolute% at rest mas o+ an oJect is alwa-s ero(

    1#. 6 od- o+ some material capale o+ asoring all heat radiation incident on it and can emit inturn all the radiation at constant temperature a+ter it is in equilirium with it is called .

    !?lac< od-% ?lac< od- radiation% ?lac< od- cavit-% Cavit- radiation(

    1&. 9a-leigh Keans theor- is incomplete disagreement with the eAperimental curve o+ lac< od-radiation .


  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !/n the region o+ short wavelength% in the region o+ long wavelength% oth in the region o+ shortand long wavelength% none o+ these(

    13. =ein8s theor- is complete disagreement with the eAperimental curve o+ lac< od- radiation.

    !/n the region o+ short wavelength% in the region o+ long wavelength% oth in the region o+ short

    and long wavelength% none o+ these(15. /n 1;00% proposed a +ormula which eAplained / detail the whole shape o+ thelac< od- spectrum +or all wavelengths.

    !=ein% 9a-leigh% *instein% MaAwell Plan

  • 8/11/2019 417-MCQs



    !1 Iert% Critical +requenc-% threshold +requenc-% minimum +requenc-(

    $;. 6mount o+ energ- in a photon depends on the .

    !rest mass% +requenc-% momentum% wavelength(

    #0. The minimum energ- o+ an electron that must have in order to escape +rom the metal sur+aceis called .

    !4topping potential% wor< +unction% threshold +requenc-% wavelength(

    #1. Photoelectric e++ect is a phenomenon in which electromagnetic waves eAhiit .

    !wave nature% particle nature% oth wave and particle nature% none o+ these(

    #$. /n Compton e++ect .

    !The scattered photon has +requenc- less than that o+ the incident photon% the scattered photonhas +requenc- greater than that o+ the incident photon% the scattered photon has +requenc- equalto the incident photon% none o+ these(

    ##. Ln moving +rom one place to another electromagnetic radiation ehaves as .

    !particles% waves% oth particles and waves% none o+ these(

    #&. *lectromagnetic radiation when interact with material particle% ehaves as .!particles% waves% oth particles and waves% none o+ these(

    #3. =hen we tr- to stop a ver- high photon it loses its identi+- and disintegration into an electronand a positron. This is called .

    !Pair production% 6nnihilation% "ra-s production% Compton e++ect(

    #5. 6 process reverse to the pair production is

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