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  • 7/25/2019 module2 mcqs


  • 7/25/2019 module2 mcqs


    10. ("at is t"e momentum of a ball of mass ! %rams and "as a elocity of 10cm4s# a) 0.000! 3%m4s

    b) !0 3%m4sc) 3%m4s

    11. ("at do you %et w"en you add !8! and 9!

    a) 8!9 b) !8!9!# c) !8!9

    1!. A time period of 10 microseconds is e+ual to a fre+uency ofa) 10 38:b) 1 M":

    # c) 100 38:

    1*. ("en "eat ;ows from a "ot area to a cold area it is calleda) conection

    # b) conduction

    c) radiation

    1-. t"e speci/c "eat capacity of a %as "eated at constant pressure, w"en comparedto t"e speci/c "eat capacity of a %as "eated at constant olume, is

    a) t"e sameb) less

    # c) more

    1. A %yroscope su

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    # c) 1.2 de%ree rise in >a"ren"eit

    !0. Adiabatic compression is w"ena) 3inetic ener%y is %ained

    # b) no "eat is lost or %ainedc) "eat is %ien o< to t"e surroundin%s

    !1. ?ou add ! ectors to%et"er. T"e *rd ector you %et is called t"e a) sum# b) resultant c) component

    !!. ("at is t"e atomic number of an element5# a) T"e number of protons in t"e atom b) T"e number of electrons in t"e atom c) T"e number of neutrons in t"e atom

    !*. An atom wit" free electrons is said to be

    # a) trialentb) pentaalet

    c) coalent

    !-. T"e "eat re+uired to c"an%e a solid to a li+uid is called t"e "eat of# a) fusion b) apourisation c) condensation

    !. T"e $ unit of mass is t"e a) pound lb) b) metre m)

    # c) 3ilo%ram 3%)

    !. T"e $ unit of acceleration is t"e a) s+uare metre m!)# b) metre per second s+uared m4s!) c) metre per second m4s)

    !. T"e $ unit of density is t"e a) cubic metre m*) b) &ascal &a)# c) 3ilo%ram per cubic metre 3%4m*)

    !2. @atent "eat is t"e a) "eat re+uired to raise t"e temperature of a body by 1o# b) "eat re+uired to c"an%e t"e state of a body c) "eat re+uired to raise 13% of matter by 1

    &a%e * 7 Mod !

    !6. 1 alorie is e+ual to a) -00

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    b) -0 # c) -

    *0. 1 BTC e+uals# a) 10 oules b) 10 3

    c) 10 alorie

    *1. T"e intensity of radiated "eat isa) directly proportional to distance from t"e source of t"e "eat

    # b) inersely proportional to t"e s+uare of t"e distance from t"e source of t"e"eat

    c) not e

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    c) * x 102m4s

    *6. $f a material is loaded excessiely and is permanently deformed, it is said to bea) stressed

    # b) strainedc) stretc"ed

    -0. T"e "ei%"t of water re+uired to produce a "ead pressure of 1 bar isa) 6.21 mb) 11.06 m

    # c) 10.16 m

    -1. T"e $ unit of pressure is t"ea) 3ilo%ram per metre cubed 3%4m*)

    # b) Newtons per metre s+uared N4m!) c) ubic metre m*)

    -!. T"e $ unit of force is t"e

    # a) Newton N)b) &ascal &a)c) Metre m)

    -*. T"e $ unit of elocity is t"e# a) metre per second m4s)

    b) metre per second s+uared m4s!) c) metre m)

    --. T"e $ unit of momentum is t"e# a) 3ilo%ram metre per second

    b) 3ilo%ram 4 metre 3%4m)

    c) metre s+uared m!)

    -. T"e formula for calculatin% stress isa) load multiplied by cross sectional area

    # b) load diided by cross sectional areac) area diided by load

    -. A %au%e indicates 1 &$D. ("at is t"e absolute pressure5a) 0.* &$b) Eero &$

    # c) *0 &$

    &a%e 7 Mod !

    -. >ibre optic cables are capable of transmittin% li%"t ata) * x 102m4s

    # b) 1.66 x 102m4s c) 0.66 x 102m4s

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    -2. tep index /bres su

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    # c) laser diode

    . $n a /bre optic ;yin% control system, w"ic" of t"e followin% are used# a) multi mode

    b) sin%le modec) dual mode

    2. A /bre optic cable is attenuated at !6 dB4metre. T"is is referrin% toa) allowable loss

    # b) t"e /%ure allowed w"en calculatin% power %ainc) t"e maximum cable run allowed in t"e system

    6. T"e /bre optic receier is a# a) p"otodiode

    b) laser diodec) li%"t emittin% diode

    0. He%enerators are used in /bre optic systems to reduce

    a) dispersion# b) attenuation

    c) random emission

    1. An atom consists ofa) protons and electronsb) protons and neutrons

    # c) protons, neutron and electrons

    !. T"e maximum number of electrons in t"e inner s"ell of an atom is# a) !

    b) -

    c) 2

    *. A %ood refri%erant "asa) "i%" condensin% pressure, "i%" eaporatin% temperature

    # b) "i%" condensin% pressure, low eaporatin% temperaturec) low condensin% pressure, "i%" eaporatin% temperature

    -. tress is %ien bya) extension per ori%inal len%t"

    # b) force per unit areac) force per ori%inal len%t"

    &a%e 7 Mod !. An ob=ect acceleratin% down a slope would %ain 3inetic ener%y# a) e+ual to t"e potential ener%y lost

    b) %reater t"an t"e potential ener%y lostc) less t"an t"e potential ener%y lost

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    . Iuality of sound depends upona) +uality of t"e receierb) pure sound waes bein% produced by t"e source

    # c) fre+uency and "armonics of t"e waes bein% produced

    . Temperature is a measure of

    a) t"e "eat ener%y of particles# b) t"e amount of ibration of particles

    c) t"e amount of friction produced by two matin% surfaces

    2. $n a "eat pumpa) ;ow across t"e condenser is always in one directionb) t"e compressor %ains "eat

    # c) t"e condenser loses "eat

    6. &recession in a %yro isa) inersely proportional to t"e ma%nitude of t"e tor+ues applied

    # b) proportional to t"e ma%nitude of t"e tor+ue applied

    c) proportional to t"e s+uare of t"e ma%nitude of t"e tor+ue applied

    0. &articles ibratin% in air# a) produce waes

    b) tend to %ie o< "eatc) tend to %ie o< li%"t

    1. T"e force w"ic" opposes twistin% deformation isa) strainb) s"ear

    # c) torsion

    !. A %yro wit" a /xed point free to rotate in t"ree axis isa) an eart" %yrob) a space %yro

    # c) a tied %yro

    *. ("en li%"t rays enter a medium wit" a di

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    . atalystsa) slow down reactionsb) speed up and slow down reactions

    # c) speed up reactions

    . A force perpendicular to a beam produces w"at type of stress5a) compressie

    # b) s"earc) tensile

    2. ("at temperature scale is used wit" t"e combined %as law5a) centi%radeb) >a"ren"eit

    # c) elin

    6. $f a ray of li%"t enters a /bre optic cable wit" a refractie index of 1., w"at ist"e speed of t"e ray in t"e cable5

    # a) !00,000 3ilometres per secondb) *00,000 3ilometres per secondc) -00,000 3ilometres per second

    20. A %raded index /bre optic cable "as# a) a ariable refractie index across its cross sectional area

    b) a sudden c"an%e in refractie indexc) a constant refractie index across its cross sectional area

    21. ("ic" of t"e followin% will not transmit pressure5# a) solid

    b) li+uid

    c) %as

    2!. "arles' @aw states t"at# a) olume aries directly wit" temperature

    b) olume aries inersely wit" temperaturec) olume e+uals pressure x temperature

    2*. Boyle's law states t"ata) pressure aries directly wit" olume

    # b) pressure aries inersely wit" olumec) pressure e+uals temperature diided by olume

    &a%e 6 7 Mod !

    2-. onection does not occur in# a) solids

    b) li+uidsc) %ases

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    2. A mirrora) re;ects all li%"t

    # b) absorbs a percenta%e of li%"tc) refracts all li%"t

    2. $f t"e outer s"ell of an atom is full t"e t"e element isa) unstable 4 reactieb) a %ood conductor

    # c) practically inert

    2. ("ic" law describes t"e relations"ip between potential ener%y, 3inetic ener%yand pressure# a) Bernoulli's law

    b) "arle's lawc) Newton's t"ird law

    22. Molecules of t"e same compound are "eld to%et"er by

    a) ad"esie forces# b) co"esie forces

    c) %raitational forces.

    26. T"e widt" of a multimode /bre optic cable is# a) 100 Jm

    b) 10 Jmc) 1 Jm

    60. T"e fundamental fre+uency is t"e# a) 1st "armonic

    b) !nd "armonic

    c) *rd "armonic

    61. T"e /rst oertone of a sound wae is t"ea) 1st "armonicb) fundamental fre+uency

    # c) !nd "armonic

    6!. 9xy%en "as a alency of# a) !

    b) c) 2

    &a%e 10 7 Mod !

    6*. A process w"ere olume does not c"an%e is# a) isoc"oric

    b) isobaricc) isot"ermic

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    6-. A process w"ere "eat is not transferred to or from a %as isa) isoc"oricb) isobaric

    # c) adiabatic

    6. A aryin% refractie index is aa) step index

    # b) %raded indexc) sin%le index

    6. T"e furt"er from t"e nucleus t"e s"ells are in an atoma) t"e closer t"e s"ells %et to eac" ot"er

    # b) t"e furt"er t"e s"ells %et from eac" ot"erc) t"e s"ells retain t"e same spacin% from eac" ot"er

    6. ("at determines an element's identity5# a) T"e number of protons

    b) T"e number of neutronsc) T"e number of electrons

    62. An isotope of an element will "ae morea) protons

    # b) neutronsc) electrons

    66. Hefractie index is# a) t"e speed of li%"t in air diided by t"e speed of li%"t in t"e medium

    b) t"e speed of li%"t in t"e medium diided by t"e speed of li%"t in airc) t"e speed of li%"t in air multiplied by t"e speed of li%"t in t"e medium

    100. T"e smallest part of an element isa) a molecule

    # b) an atomc) a compound

    101. A process w"ere pressure does not c"an%e is 3nown asa) isoc"oric

    # b) isobaricc) isot"ermic

    &a%e 11 7 Mod !10!. T"e extension of a sprin% can be determined usin%

    a) "arles' @aw# b) 8oo3e's @aw

    c) Newton's !nd @aw

    10*. T"e nucleus of an atom contains

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    a) protons and electrons# b) protons and neutrons

    c) electrons and neutrons

    10-. ("at is t"e speed of li%"t in 3m4sa) * x 102

    # b) *00,000c) *000

    10. Helatie density is# a) density of medium density of water

    b) density of waterdensity of medium

    c) density of water x density of medium

    10. ("at is t"e boundary layer5# a) T"e layer of still air due to friction) around t"e aircraft s3in

    b) T"e outer layer of electrons in an atomc) T"e t"ic3ness of t"e insulation of a cable

    10. ("at is atomic mass5a) Number of neutronsb) Number of protons

    # c) Number of protons plus t"e number of neutrons

    102. An aircraft ;ies 1*0 nmiles in !" 1mins. ("at is t"e aera%e speeda) 10 nmiles4"ourb) 00 miles4"our

    # c) 00 nmiles4"our

    106. A sprin% extends cm to t"e %round and bac3 a%ain !0 times a minute. ("atis t"e period5

    a) 14* cycle# b) * seconds

    c) cm

    110. A solid melted into a li+uid will ta3e up a) t"e same amount of space b) more space# c) less space

    &a%e 1! 7 Mod !111. A cyclist %oes from rest to 0 m4s in seconds. ("at is t"e aera%eacceleration5

    a) 1! m4s!

    # b) 10 m4s!

    c) 2 m4s!

    11!. ("at form of "eat is used to turn a solid into a li+uid5

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    a) speci/c "eatb) coeKcient of "eat

    # c) "eat of fusion

    11*. ("en a steel bar is oerstressed, w"at is t"e name of t"e point at w"ic" itdoes not return to its ori%inal form after t"e load is released5

    # a) yield pointb) ultimate pointc) ?oun%'s modulus

    11-. ("en a li+uid is "eated, it expands# a) more t"an a solid

    b) less t"an a solidc) more t"an a %as

    11. $f pressure on a li+uid increases, w"ilst temperature is "eld constant, t"eolume will

    a) increase

    b) decrease# c) remain constant

    11. ("at is 1 btu in =oules per 3ilo%rama) 6.12 43%

    # b) !*- =43%c) -1!2 =43%

    11. Two pure tones of similar fre+uency are "eard by a person. ("at will t"ey"ear5# a) A beat of t"e two tones

    b) 9ne pure tone

    c) Two tones

    112. $f you pus" an ob=ect wit" a force of N for 10 m in - seconds, "ow muc"power is used5

    a) !00 (attsb) 2 watts

    # c) 1!. watts

    116. T"e focal point of a mirror isa) t"e radiusb) ! x t"e radius

    # c) 14! t"e radius&a%e 1* 7 Mod !

    1!0. ! couples wit" ma%nitude > act a%ainst eac" ot"er. T"e resultant will bea) !>b) 7 !>

    # c) 0

    1!1. T"e "ei%"t of mercury re+uired to %ie 1 bar is# a) 0 mm

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    b) 00 mmc) 1000 mm

    1!!. A essel "as ! ml of water w"ic" produces 10 3&a. $f anot"er 1! ml of wateris added, w"at will be t"e pressure in t"e essel

    a) -0 3&a

    b) 0 3&a# c) 0 3&a

    1!*. ! "ydraulic =ac3s wit" di

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    b) isoc"oric# c) isot"ermic

    1!6. ("at is Boyle's @aw5a) & is proportional to Tb) & is proportional to 14T

    # c) & is proportional to 14

    1*0. Gew point isa) t"e temperature t"at condensation occurs w"en "eatin% a %asb) t"e coolin% of %as w"ere no condensation occurs

    # c) t"e temperature t"at condensation occurs w"en coolin% a %as

    1*1. ("at is t"e speed of li%"t in air at 0a) **1 mm4sb) **1 m4s

    # c) *00 m4Js

    1*!. A process w"ere "eat is not transferred to or from a %as is 3nown asa) isoc"oricb) isobaric

    # c) adiabatic

    1**. 8ow far will li%"t trael in one year5# a) 6.- x 101m b) 1. x 1011m c) * x 101m

    1*-. Two sound waes of t"e same fre+uency and amplitude are moin% "alf awaelen%t" out of p"ase wit" eac" ot"er. ("at will be "eard5

    # a) Not"in%b) Twice t"e olume of one of t"e sound waesc) 8alf t"e olume of one of t"e sound waes

    1*. (ater is most dense at# a) L-o b) 0o

    c) 7-o&a%e 1 7 Mod !

    1*. ("ic" type of circuit is used w"en t"e temperature of t"e source "asinsuKcient "eat for t"ermocouple application5

    a) Temperature bulbb) Balanced brid%e

    # c) T"ermistor

    1*. T"e most common met"od of expressin% pressure is ina) %rams per s+uare inc"b) inc" pounds per s+uare inc"

    # c) pounds per s+uare inc"

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    1*2. T"e di

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    b) dialed into 9TGH# c) read from t"e cat"ode ray display

    1-. T"e purpose of an accumulator in a "ydraulic system is toa) collect air from t"e "ydraulic ;uid, t"us reducin% t"e re+uirement for fre+uent


    b) reliee excess pressure# c) store "ydraulic ;uid under pressure

    1-2. $f t"e "ydraulic system accumulator "as a low air pressure, it will cause# a) rapid pressure ;uctuations durin% operation of serices

    b) rapid moement of t"e operatin% =ac3sc) slow build up of pressure in t"e system

    1-6. T"e speci/c tor+ue loadin% for a bolt is 0 lbs.ins but an extension of !O isneeded to reac" t"e bolt in addition to t"e 2O tor+ue wrenc". ("at will t"e actualreadin%5

    a) - lb.ins

    # b) -0 lb.insc) 0 lb.ins

    10. $f 100 psi "ydraulic pressure is pumped into an accumulator, wit" a pre7c"ar%e air pressure of 1000 psi t"e %au%e will read

    a) !00 psib) 1000 psi

    # c) 100 psi

    11. A compressor increasesa) 3inetic ener%y

    # b) potential ener%y

    c) moin% ener%y&a%e 1 7 Mod !

    1!. &1 x 1 4 T1 P &1 x ! 4 T! isa) "arles' lawb) Boyle's law

    # c) $deal %as law

    1*. 1 4 T1 P ! 4 T! at a constant pressure is# a) "arles' law

    b) ideal %as lawc) Boyle's law

    1-. &1 x 1 P &! x ! at a constant temperature isa) "arles' law

    # b) Boyle's lawc) ideal %as law

    1. "an%e from solid to %as state wit"out %oin% t"rou%" li+uid state is calleda) state leap

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    b) transformation# c) sublimation

    1. 1 8C P enti%rade 8eat Cnit P 1-00 ft lbs P ener%y to raisea) 1 lb of water by 1 >

    # b) 1 lb of water by 1

    c) 1 3% of water by 1

    1. 1 BTC P 2 ft lbs to raise Pa) 1 3% of water to "eat up by 1 >b) 1 lb of water to "eat up by 1

    # c) 1 lb of water to "eat up by 1 >

    12. 1 8& P **000 ft lbs 4 min or 00 ft lbs 4 s or# a) - (atts

    b) * (attsc) 1*0 (atts

    16. 1 (att Pa) 1 8&

    # b) 1 oule4sc) 13%4"

    10. Temperature c"an%e 71.62 per 1000 ft up to *,000 ft w"ere it remainsconstant at

    a) 7 >b) 7 !

    # c) 7

    &a%e 12 7 Mod !

    11. A freely fallin% body, fallin% from a "ei%"t of !3m, and assumin% % P 10m4s !,will stri3e t"e %round in a time of# a) !0s

    b) 20sc) -00s

    1!. ("at is t"e an%ular elocity of a s"aft rotatin% at *00rpm in radians4second5a) pi radians4secondb) !pi radians4second

    # c) 10pi radians4second

    1*. $f a mac"ine "as a mec"anical adanta%e of 10 and a elocity ratio of !0, t"eeKciency of t"e mac"ine is

    a) !# b) 0.

    c) !00Q

    1-. T"e force t"at acts on a body to cause it to rotate in a circular pat" is called

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    t"ea) centrifu%al force

    # b) centripetal forcec) inertia force

    1. A temperature of -1 de%rees >a"ren"eit is, in enti%rade is

    # a) de%reesb) 6 de%reesc) de%rees

    1. 8eat is de/ned asa) t"e stored ener%y in a "ot body

    # b) ener%y in transitc) a "i%" temperature

    1. An aircraft of ! metric tones uses 200 3ilo=oules 3inetic ener%y to ma3e anemer%ency stop. $ts bra3es apply a force of 10 3iloNewtons. ("at distance does ittrael before it comes to a stop5

    a) -0m# b) 20m

    c) 200m

    12. ("at is t"e smallest particle of matter t"at can exist in nature5a) A molecule

    # b) An atomc) An isotope

    &a%e 16 7 Mod !

    16. A positie iona) "as extra electrons

    # b) "as missin% electronsc) is a radioactie isotope

    10. Hadiant "eat# a) "eats up t"e interenin% medium

    b) does not "eat up t"e interenin% mediumc) is %enerated by fast moin% electrons

    11. A pilot re+uests 6.! tones of fuel. T"e bowser drier reports to t"e pilot t"att"e speci/c %raity is 0.2, w"at will t"e uplift be5

    a) *0 liters# b) 1100 liters

    c) 6!00 liters

    1!. A molecule wit" li3e atoms is said to be aa) compound

    # b) element

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    c) neutroid

    1*. peci/c %raity is measured in a) is measured in %4m*

    b) is measured in %4m# c) "as no units

    1-. Two elements in t"e same substance is said to be a# a) compound

    b) elementc) mixture

    1. A mass on a sprin% nearly "its t"e %round !0 times a minute, its fre+uency is a) * cycles per second# b) 14* cycle per second

    c) !0 cycles per second

    1. A process w"ere "eat is %ien o< to its surroundin%s is called

    a) Adiabatic# b) $sot"ermal

    c) $sobaric

    1. A body traellin% at !0 m4s accelerates to * m4s in 2 seconds, w"at is itsacceleration5

    a) 2 m4s!

    b) - m4s!

    # c) ! m4s!

    &a%e !0 7 Mod !

    12. Temperature is a measurement of t"ea) amount of 3inetic ener%y stored

    # b) amount of ibration in particlesc) amount of "eat possessed by a body

    16. A coner%in% lens can focus because# a) itRs surfaces are sp"erical in s"ape

    b) li%"t is slower in t"e centre of t"e lens compared to outer extremitiesc) li%"t is already coner%in%

    120. $n a ;at surfaced mirror, t"e an%le of re;ection is# a) e+ual to t"e an%le of incidence

    b) less t"an t"e an%le of incidencec) more t"an t"e an%le of incidence

    121. A body w"ic" is allowed to expand w"en "eated, expands past t"e pressureimposed on it and# a) wor3 is done

    b) a force is producedc) not"in% will "appen

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    12!. A body dropped from 10 m will "it t"e %round in# a) root ! seconds

    b) ! secondsc) 1 second

    12*. 00 is e+ual to# a) *!.2

    b) 2* c) 2*

    12-. T"e number of protons in an atom is e+ual to t"e number of# a) electrons

    b) neutronsc) mass number

    12. T"e c"ar%e of an electron is a) positie

    # b) ne%atiec) neutral

    12. $n a /ber optic ;yin% control system# a) t"e sensor does not re+uire electrical power

    b) t"e electronic processor re+uires power before transmissionc) t"e sensor re+uires power for t"e electronic processor

    &a%e !1 7 Mod !

    12. $n a multimode /ber optic cable, t"e

    # a) diameter is %reater t"an t"e waelen%t"b) diameter is e+ual to t"e waelen%t"c) diameter is less t"an t"e waelen%t"

    122. Iuality of sound is dependant on# a) number and pitc" of "armonics

    b) fre+uency of t"e supplyc) medium it is traelin% t"rou%"

    126. A mass on a sprin% nearly "its t"e %round !0 times a minute. $ts time period is# a) * seconds

    b) 14* secondc) cm

    160. A mass of -003% moes ! meters wit" a force of -N. ("at is t"e wor3produced5# a) 1-2

    b) 10.13c) 2*.!3

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    161. ("en %ases c"an%e temperature4pressure, t"e scale used is# a) elin

    b) Ge%rees enti%radec) Ge%rees >a"ren"eit

    16!. A alance electron is an electron

    # a) in t"e outermost s"ellb) in t"e innermost s"ellc) w"ic" is not wit"in an atom

    16*. Molecules of unli3e atoms are combined by# a) ad"esie force

    b) co"esie forcec) %raitational force

    16-. ("at is t"e di

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    a) 1*b) !*

    # c) **

    !00. ("at is 1 =oule in calories5a) -.12

    # b) 0.!*6c) !!

    !01. ?oun%'s modulus is5 a) strain 4 stress# b) stress 4 strain c) stress x strain

    !0!. T"e isotope of a carbon atom 1- to 1! will "ae# a) same numbers of protons b) same numbers of neutrons c) same number of electrons

    !0*. $f an atom "ae ! protons, "ow many electrons will it "ae a) 2# b) ! c) 1

    &a%e !* 7 Mod !!0-. 13% of water is "eated from 0o to !o. Goes its olume# a) decrease b) stay t"e same

    c) increase

    !0. A /re en%ine is approac"in% you wit" its siren on. As it passes you does itspitc" a) increase# b) decrease c) stay t"e same

    !0. A body rotatin% at an an%ular elocity of radians4sec, wit" a radius ofmetres "as a speed of a) Spi meters per second b) meters per second# c) ! meters per second

    !0. A mass of -00 3% moes !metres, wit" a force of -N, w"at is t"e wor3produced# a) 1-2 b) 10.1 c) 2*.!

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    !02. A cylinder /lled wit" water to "alf a meter will exert a pressure of a) -.6 pa b) -6 pa# c) -600 pa

    !06. A mass of 103% placed ! meters away from a piot will "ae a moment of

    # a) 16 NM b) !0 NM c) 0 NM

    !10. ! liters of fuel exerts a pressure of 10&a, if a furt"er 1! liters is added, t"epressure will now be a) 0&a# b) 0&a c) -0&a

    !11. T"e +uantity of "eat deeloped by burnin% 1 3% of fuel is 3nown as a) radiant "eat

    b) latent "eat# c) "eat of combustion

    !1!. T"e transfer of "eat t"rou%" radiation is ac"ieed bya) warmin% up t"e interenin% medium

    b) not warmin% up t"e interenin% medium# c) t"e application of radioactie isotopes

    &a%e !- 7 Mod !!1*. 1 3( is a) 1. 8 b) *-1* btu per "our c) *0 oules

    !1-. 1000 lb4in!is in an accumulator. $f *000 lb4in!of "ydraulic ;uid is pumped in,w"at is t"e pressure on t"e air side5 a) -000 lb4in!

    b) 1000 lb4in!

    # c) *000 lb4in!

    !1. A coner%in% lens coner%es li%"t rays because a) t"e li%"t source is already coner%in%# b) t"e li%"t waes moe slower in t"e centre of t"e lens t"an t"ey do at t"eextremities c) it is not a sp"ere

    !1. oded li%"t waes of aryin% waelen%t" trael down a /ber optic cable. Toseparate t"em at t"e ot"er end you would use a) a star couplin%# b) a passie /lter c) an actie /lter

    !1. 7 -0 in >a"ren"eit is minus

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    # a) 7 -0> b) !> c) 2>

    !12. Absolute :ero isa) 0

    b) !*.1 # c) 7 !*.1

    !16. A -. 3( electric motor is 60Q eKcient. 8ow muc" ener%y does it use in !0seconds5# a) 100 3 b) 60 3 c) !.! 3

    !!0. An optical /ber "as attenuation. ("en usin% an 9TGH# a) dial in t"e 3nown attenuation b) t"e s"ape of t"e cure will tell you "ow muc" attenuation t"ere is

    c) i%nore it

    !!1. 9ne de%ree on t"e enti%rade scale is e+ual to w"at on t"e >a"ren"eit cale a) 1!># b) 1.2> c) **>

    &a%e ! 7 Mod !!!!. T"e dew point is a) t"e point at w"ic" air can be "eated b) t"e point w"en air is cooled at w"ic" t"e moisture does not condense# c) t"e point w"en air is cooled at w"ic" t"e moisture =ust starts to condense

    !!*. ("at are common refri%erant a%ents5 a) Gry ice, met"yl bromide, water# b) water, >reon, ammonia c) formalde"yde, ammonia, carbon dioxide

    !!-. durin% a process of %as "eatin%, no "eat is absorbed or %ien out.$t is

    a) isot"ermal# b) adiabatic c) isoc"oric

    !!. durin% a pressuri:in% process, all "eat is %ien away. $t is# a) isot"ermal b) adiabatic c) isoc"oric

    !!. A fractional decrease in olume of a material w"en it is compressed is a) compressie stress b) compressie strain# c) bul3 modulus

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    !!. T"ere are solids, li+uids and %ases present in t"e unierse and eery unit oft"eirs occupy some space. T"is is called# a) matter b) mass c) compound

    !!2. A material capable of %oin% direct from solid to %as is a a) substance b) substrate# c) sublimate

    !!6. A particle ibratin% in air produces a) li%"t b) "eat# c) a wae

    !*0. T"e composition of t"e atmosp"ere is approximately

    a) -4 oxy%en and 14 nitro%en b) !4 oxy%en and *4 nitro%en# c) 14 oxy%en and -4 nitro%en

    &a%e ! 7 Mod !!*1. Transfer of "eat from a "ot area to a cold area is# a) conduction b) conection c) radiation

    !*!. An atom "as t"ree electrons in its outer s"ell. $t is# a) trialent b) tetraalent

    c) trealent

    !**. A ram "as a piston wit" ! s+.in!. Anot"er ram wit" a piston of - s+.in!will# a) double t"e force b) s+uare t"e force c) "ae t"e same force

    !*-. An atom de/cient of a alency electron is de/cient# a) of an electron in t"e outer s"ell b) of a neutron in t"e outer s"ell c) of an electron in t"e inner s"ell

    !*. T"e maximum number of electrons in t"e second s"ell is a) ! b) -# c) 2

    !*. ("at is meant by adiabatic5# a) No "eat crosses t"e boundary b) All "eat crosses t"e boundary

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    c) ome "eat crosses t"e boundary

    !*. ("at does an oxy%en atom consist of5# a) &rotons, neutrons and electrons b) &rotons and electrons c) &rotons and neutrons

    !*2. ("at type of /ber optic cable is used on aircraft5 a) in%le mode# b) Multi mode c) Multi core

    !*6. urface molecular attraction between two di

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    # b) 0and 0 mm of mercury c) 7!0 and 00 mm of mercury

    !-. $f a %as is "eated and its temperature is raised by 1 w"at "appens to itsolume5# a) $ncreases by 14!*

    b) Gecreases by 14!* c) Hemains t"e same

    !-. $f a bloc3 of ice melts in a %lass of water, t"e leel if water in t"e %lass will a) rise# b) fall c) remain t"e same

    &a%e !2 7 Mod !!-2. 8ow muc" force is exerted by piston if it is sub=ected to a pressure of *000 psiand "as surface area of !. m!5# a) 00 N

    b) 1!00 N c) *000 N

    !-6. $ntensity of sound waes a) ary directly as per distance from source# b) aries inersely as t"e s+uare of distance from source c) is not a

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    !. 100 m is approximately a) yards# b) 106 yards

    c) !!0 yards

    !. A car moes oer a distance of miles at steady speed in 10 minutes. ("at ist"e speed5# a) *0 mp"

    b) 0 mp"c) 1 mp"

    &a%e !6 7 Mod !!. A spaces"ip traels a distance of -20,000 miles in ! days. ("at is its speed5# a) 10,000 mp"

    b) -2,000 mp"c) *,000 mp"

    !2. A cyclist coers a distance of 1,000 m at a constant speed in 60 seconds, w"atis "is speed5

    a) 10 m4s# b) 1!. m4s

    c) 0 m4s

    !6. 8ow lon% will it ta3e a car moin% at 0 3m4"r to trael 60 3m5a) -0 minutesb) minutes

    # c) 60 minutes

    !0. An aircraft traels at 00 3m4"r for *0 minutes at steady speed. 8ow far does itmoe in t"at time5

    a) 00 3m# b)!0 3m

    c) 1000 3m

    !1. ("ic" of t"e followin% a

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    # c) ! ft4sec!

    !-. A car traelin% at a speed of m4s accelerates at t"e rate of 1 m4s!. 8ow lon%will it ta3e to reac" a speed of !0 m4s5 a) !0 secs# b) 1 secs

    c) 10 secs

    !. NewtonRs laws of motion apply to a) solid substances only# b) all substances irrespectie of state

    c) %ases and li+uids only&a%e *0 7 Mod !

    !. ("ic" of NewtonRs @aws apply to an aircraft w"ic" is acceleratin% down arunway5 a) T"e 1st law# b) T"e !nd law

    c) T"e *rd law

    !. ("ic" of NewtonRs @aws apply to a car w"ic" is slowin% down due to t"ebra3in% action5 a) T"e 1st law# b) T"e !nd law

    c) T"e *rd law

    !2. > P ma is an e+uation w"ic" expresses a) NewtonRs 1st law# b) NewtonRs !nd law

    c) NewtonRs *rd law

    !6. ("at force is re+uired to produce an acceleration of m4s !on a mass of ! 3%5 a) !. N

    b) 10 3%# c) 10 N

    !0. T"e Britis" unit of mass is a) t"e 3ilo%ram# b) t"e slu%

    c) t"e Newton

    !1. $f a force of 10 lbf produces an acceleration of !. ft4sec !on w"at mass is itactin%5# a) - slu%s b) ! slu%s c) - lb

    !!. ("at is acceleration5 a) Hate of c"an%e of position# b) Hate of c"an%e of elocity c) Hate of c"an%e of moement

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    !*. &ower is t"e rate of doin% wor3, it is measured in a) oules x econds# b) oules4econds c) (atts4econds

    !-. >a"ren"eit may be conerted to elsius by usin% t"e e+uation a) P 64 x > L *!# b) P 46 x > 7 *!) c) P 46 x > 7 *!

    &a%e *1 7 Mod !!. A ector +uantity is a +uantity w"ic" a) possesses sense only# b) possesses sense, ma%nitude and direction c) possesses direction only

    !. 9ne atmosp"ere is e+ual to

    a) !2.6 inc"es of "% b) 1.!! 3%4m!

    # c) 1-. lbf4in!

    !. train is calculated by# a) Fxtension 9ri%inal @en%t" b) 9ri%inal @en%t" Fxtension c) 9ri%inal @en%t" tress

    !2. $n a %ear train t"e Grier "as 100 tpi and t"e Grien as 0 tpi.# a) T"e drien rotates twice as fast b) T"e drien rotates "alf as fast

    c) T"e drier and drien rotate at t"e same speed.

    !6. $n /ber optics. T"e /ber cable "as a refractie index of 1., w"at is its speed5# a) !00 meters4microsecond b) *00 meters4microsecond c) -00 meters4microsecond

    !20. A catalyst in a c"emical reaction does w"at5# a) peeds it up b) lows it down c) an eit"er speed it up or slow it down

    !21. A material, w"ic" "as a aryin% refractie index "as a# a) step index b) sin%le index c) double index

    !2!. ("at is t"e number of electrons in t"e inner s"ell of an atom5 a) - b) 2

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    # c) !

    !2*. ("at form of "eat is used to turn a solid into a %as5 a) peci/c "eat# b) @atent "eat c) ensible "eat

    &a%e *! 7 Mod !!2-. ("en a twistin% force is applied to a bolt, w"at stress is exerted on to t"e"ead5 a) "ear b) ompressie# c) Torsion

    !2. ("en you oer stress a steel bar, w"at is t"e point called w"ere it does notreturn to its ori%inal form5

    a) Geformation limit b) &lastic limit# c) Flasticity limit

    !2. A cyclist %oes from rest to 0m4s in sec, w"at is t"e aera%e acceleration5 a) 1!m4s# b) 10m4s c) 2m4s

    !2. $f "eat is constant, if pressure increases on a li+uid w"at will t"e olume do5 a) $ncreases b) Gecreases

    # c) Hemains constant

    !22. ("at s"ape is a enturi tube5# a) Narrow in t"e middle b) (ide in t"e middle c) one li3e

    !26. ("at is 1 BTC in =oules per 3ilo%ram5 a) 6.12 =oules per 3ilo%ram# b) !*! =oules per 3ilo%ram c) -1!2 =oules per 3ilo%ram

    !60. Hadiant "eat of a body, "eated from a radiant source is a) proportional to distance b) inersely proportional# c) inersely proportional to t"e s+uare of t"e distance

    !61. A ray of li%"t t"at traels t"rou%" t"e centre of curature before bein%re;ected, "ow is it re;ected5# a) He;ected t"rou%" t"e focal point

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    b) He;ected t"rou%" t"e centre of curature c) Neit"er

    !6!. ("at will t"e ima%e produced t"rou%" a dier%ent lens be5 a) Heal# b) irtual

    c) Ne%atie&a%e ** 7 Mod !

    !6*. ("en a beam of li%"t passes from one medium to anot"er wit" a di

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    *01. An atom wit" a full outer s"ell is a) a %ood conductor# b) practically inert c) a %ood insulator

    &a%e *- 7 Mod !

    *0!. @i%"t traelin% from air to water, t"e waes are a) bent more# b) bent less c) not bent

    *0*. A pilot re+uests 6.! tones of fuel to be put on board "is aircraft. T"e speci/c%raity of t"e fuel is 0.2, "ow many liters are put on board5# a) 112 liters b) *! liters c) *26 liters

    *0-. An element wit" a full alence s"ell is

    a) %ood conductor b) ery reactie# c) inert

    *0. A force 10 N is placed ! Meters from a piot point, w"at is t"e moment5 a) 16 N.M.# b) !0 N.M. c) 20 N.M.

    *0. T"e "eat %ien o< by burnin% a 13% bloc3 of wood is a) latent "eat# b) radiant "eat

    c) transmissie "eat

    *0. $f a li%"t is beamed at a ;at mirror w"at is t"e an%le it re;ects at5# a) An%le of incidence b) He;ectie index c) Heactie an%le

    *02. $n a %raded index multi mode /ber is t"e refractie index a) "i%" b) low# c) alternates "i%" and low

    *06. A /ber optic cable is attenuated at !6dB4Metre. T"is is referrin% to a) allowable loss# b) t"e /%ure t"at "as to be allowed for w"en calculatin% power %ain c) t"e maximum cable run allowed in t"e system

    *10. T"e /ber optic receier is a# a) p"otodiode b) laser diode

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    c) li%"t emittin% diode

    &a%e * 7 Mod !*11. T"e standard temperature and pressure for measurin% t"e density of li+uids is a) 0 and 0 mm8%

    # b) - and 0 mm8% c) 1 and 0 mm8%

    *1!. T"e standard temperature and pressure for measurin% t"e olume of li+uidsand solids is# a) !0 and 0 mm8% b) !0 and 00 mm8% c) 0 and 0 mm8%

    *1*. &ure semiconductors "ae a) many "oles b) lar%e amounts of free electrons

    # c) few free electrons

    *1-. 8!0 in w"at form "olds most ener%y a) $ce# b) team c) (ater

    *1. $f a tensile load is placed on a bar it will# a) stretc" b) bend c) crus"

    *1. ompressibility is a) stress4strain# b) strain4stress c) stress x strain

    *1. A radar rotates 1 reolution eac" *0 seconds and uses 10 of ener%y eac"reolution. 8ow many =oules does it use in a day5# a) !2.2 3 b) !0 3 c) !00 3

    *12. T"e usable bandwidt" of a /ber is determined by a) t"e an%le of total internal re;ection# b) t"e intermodal dispersion c) t"e waelen%t" of t"e li%"t

    *16. A bloc3 of metal is melted. $t will a) increase in olume# b) decrease in olume c) remain t"e same olume

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    &a%e * 7 Mod !*!0. 8ow would you wor3 out t"e wor3 done by a mac"ine assumin% it is 100QeKcient5# a) Mec"anical adanta%e and input b) $nput and output

    c) Mec"anical adanta%e and output

    *!1. A bloc3 slides down a slope. Assumin% t"ere is no friction# a) 3inetic ener%y is %ained at t"e same rate as potential ener%y is lost b) 3inetic ener%y is %ained at a %reater rate t"an potential ener%y is lost c) potential ener%y is %ained at a %reater rate t"an 3inetic ener%y is lost

    *!!. peci/c %raity is a) 3%4m*

    # b) pure numbers c) m4s!

    *!*. A body of 10 3% is swin%in% attac"ed at t"e end of a !m pole. ("at is itsmoment at t"e bottom5# a) 16 NM b) !0 NM c) 20 NM

    *!-. T"e transfer of "eat from a "ot place to a cold place is called a) conection# b) conduction c) radiation

    *!. A li%"t aircraft ;ies in a semi7circle from point A to point B. $f t"e circle "as a

    radius of !03m and t"e time ta3en is *0mins, t"e aera%e speed is5# a) 1!. 3m4" b) 20 3m4" c) 110 3m4"

    *!. T"e landin% speed of an aircraft is - m4s. $f t"e maximum deceleration is*m4s!t"e minimum len%t" of runway re+uired is a) 1!m b) *0m# c) -2m

    *!. T"e number of radians in a semi circle are a) exactly * b) !pi# c) pi

    &a%e * 7 Mod !*!2. t"e an%ular elocity of 00 rpm is, in rads4seconds is e+ual to a) 1000pi rads4s

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    # b) 1. rads4s c) 2.** rads4s

    *!6. T"e wor3 done in liftin% a mass of !000 3% ertically to a "ei%"t of -0 meters is# a) 2-.2 3= b) 20 3=

    c) 00 3=

    **0. $f, wit" a concae mirror t"e ima%e is placed beyond t"e centre of curature,t"e ima%e produced will be a) real, erect and lar%er b) real, inerted and smaller# c) irtual, erect and lar%er

    **1. T"e power of a lens is calculated from t"e# a) reciprocal of t"e focal len%t" b) product of t"e focal len%t" and its distance from t"e pole c) focal len%t" s+uared

    **!. $n a standin% wae t"e point w"ere continuous ibration of maximumamplitude occurs is called t"e a) node# b) anti7node c) "armonic

    ***. t"e name %ien to sounds below t"at w"ic" t"e "uman ear can detect, i.e.below !08: is a) ultra sound b) sonic pitc"# c) infra sound

    **-. T"e speed of sound in dry air is **1 m4s. $n a solid t"e speed would# a) increase b) decrease c) stay t"e same

    **. A substance of two or more di

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    c) 1000 oules

    **2. ("at atmosp"eric conditions will cause t"e true landin% speed of an aircraft tobe "i%"est5# a) 8i%" temp, "i%" "umidity b) @ow temp, "i%" "umidity

    c) 8ead wind, low "umidity

    **6. $f a tunin% for3 is struc3 and "eld close to t"e ear and slowly rotated about t"eertical axis, in one rotation "ow many times is t"ere no sound5 a) -# b) ! c) ound is audible for t"e w"ole reolution

    *-0. ("at type of friction re+uires t"e %reatest force to oercome it5 a) Hollin% friction# b) tatic friction c) Gynamic friction

    *-1. ("ic" of Newton's laws relates to t"e formulaV >orce P mass x acceleration a) 1st# b) !nd c) *rd

    *-!. A 000 3% en%ine is lifted o< a win% to a "ei%"t 0. meters and t"en pus"edacross t"e "an%ar !- meters. T"e force re+uired to pus" t"e trolley is 1! 3N. ("at ist"e wor3 done to moe t"e trolley5 a) !623# b) !223 c) 2-M

    *-*. ("at is t"e p"enomenon t"at occurs w"en a siren t"at approac"es you, at t"epoint of passin%, t"e pitc" decreases5 a) Hesonance b) Fc"o# c) Goppler e

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    *-. $n a /ber optic system w"ic" components use t"e laser5# a) in%le mode laser for t"e transmitter b) in%le mode laser for t"e oscillator c) in%le mode laser for t"e transmitter and t"e oscillator

    *-. in%le mode optic /ber cable will

    a) cause distortion to t"e li%"t wae at t"e output end w"ic" is dependentupon t"e len%t" of t"e cable b) "ae seeral li%"t rays to pass# c) "ae diameter matc"ed to waelen%t" of li%"t passed

    *-2. ("en an emer%ent li%"t wae enters a dier%ent lens# a) it will focus be"ind t"e lens b) it will focus beyond t"e lens c) it is s sp"erical

    *-6. in t"e concae mirror, li%"t rays parallel to mirror axis will be re;ected# a) t"rou%" t"e focal point

    b) parallel to mirror axis c) bac3 to t"e centre of curature

    *0. &rotons "ae# a) positie c"ar%e b) ne%atie c"ar%e c) no c"ar%e

    *1. $f %yro is constrained to an external reference and "as t"ree de%rees offreedom it is a) a space %yro# b) a tied %yro

    c) an eart" %yro

    *!. in a concae mirror, a li%"t ray passin% t"rou%" t"e focal point will be re;ected a) t"rou%" t"e focus b) parallel to t"e axis# c) on t"e centre line of t"e mirror

    **. A passie sensor a) re+uires power for t"e sensor# b) does not re+uire power c) re+uires power for t"e transmitter

    &a%e -0 7 Mod !*-. tructures desi%ned to wit"stand compression are called a a) tie# b) strut c) beam

    *. 1 &ascal e+uals# a) 1 N4m s+.

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    b) 10N4m s+. c) 10 Nm

    *. A ector is a p"ysical +uantity w"ic" possesses a) a ma%nitude only# b) ma%nitude and direction

    c) ma%nitude direction and sense

    *. &roducin% a compound from commonly aailable materials is a) analysis b) bombardment# c) synt"esis

    *2. A di

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    # b) -0mm! c) 6000mm!

    *. A sprin%, operatin% wit"in its elastic ran%e, s"ortens by 0mm w"en a load of-20N is applied to it. alculate t"e total s"ortenin% w"en t"e load is increased by1!0N

    # a) mm b) -mm c) 2!mm

    *. ("en a c"emical c"an%e ta3es place, t"e smallest particle indiisible in anelement is called# a) an atom b) a neutron c) an electron

    *. A nucleus consists of# a) positiely c"ar%ed particles only

    b) ne%atiely c"ar%ed particles only c) a nucleus and normally "as no oerall c"ar%e at all and so is neutral

    *2. A compound is a# a) mixture of more t"an one element w"ic" are c"emically bondedto%et"er b) solution eit"er li+uid or solid) of elements or mixtures of elements to form anew material c) mixture of more t"an one element w"ic" are mixed to%et"er

    *6. A compound suc" as water can exist in "ow many states5# a) *

    b) ! c) 1

    *0. elect t"e correct statement from t"e followin%V a) As temp rises a solid will always become a li+uid and t"en a %as# b) Matter can only exist in one of t"ree states c) Temperature is t"e only factor w"ic" can a

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    **. T"e c.%. of a trian%ular plate is at t"e intersection of a) an%le bisectors b) perpendicular bisectors# c) medians from a ertex to t"e opposite side

    *-. for "earin% protection, noise cancellin% "eadp"ones

    a) cannot reduce t"e noise from outside completely b) are desi%ned to wor3 wit" accessory completely# c) operate by destructie interference of sound waes

    *. for optical /bres, t"e refractie index of t"e claddin% compared to t"at of t"ecoreV# a) is always smaller b) is always lar%er c) can be eit"er bi%%er or smaller dependin% on speci/cation

    *. ("en s+uare c"an%e into parallelo%ram, w"ic" force is used# a) elon%ation S s"ear

    b) torsion S s"ear c) compression S s"ear

    *. T"e ability for a /bre optic cable to carry waes is dependent ona) material, diameter and absorption

    # b) internal re;ectionc) material, absorption and speed of li%"t

    *2. $deal %as %oes t"rou%" an isot"ermal process. $t is in accordance wit" w"ic"law5 a) "arle's# b) Boyle's

    c) Day @ussac's

    *6. $n sp"erical aberrations# a) incident rays furt"er from t"e axis intersect sli%"tly closer to t"e lens toproduce a distorted picture b) t"e bendin% of li%"t t"rou%" lens intersect at t"e same point ac"romaticlens) c) incident rays furt"er from t"e axis intersect sli%"tly furt"er away from t"elens to produce a distorted picture

    &a%e -* 7 Mod !*20. Tunin% for3s are used to ibrate musical instruments because# a) t"ey produce a pure note b) t"ey produce a beat w"en played to%et"er wit" t"e instrument c) t"ey produce bot" of t"e ot"er e

  • 7/25/2019 module2 mcqs


    *2!. A fre+uency - times t"at of resonance is a) *rd "armonic# b) *rd oertone c) -t" oertone

    *2*. A satellite re+uires 10 oules to rotate "alf a reolution, w"ic" ta3es *0

    seconds. ("at is t"e ener%y re+uired for one day5# a) !2,200 b) 1-,-00 c) 1,!00

    *2-. Two sound waes are t"e same but sli%"tly out of p"ase. T"is means t"at# a) t"e beat fre+uency is t"e same b) t"e beat fre+uency will be sli%"tly di

  • 7/25/2019 module2 mcqs


    a) !* elin# b) ** elin c) 0 elin

    *6!. $sotopes of an element "ae# a) t"e same number of protons but a di

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    a) Total $nternal He;ection ta3es place b) no li%"t is re;ected# c) bot" re;ection and refraction ta3es place

    -01. Atomic MA number is t"e number of a) protons

    # b) protons and neutrons c) electrons

    -0!. T"e adanta%e of usin% a mac"ine is a) input4output# b) mec"anical adanta%e of output c) mec"anical adanta%e of input

    -0*. To /nd t"e compressibility of a material a) compressibility stress x compressibility strain# b) compressibility stress diided by compressibility strain c) compressibility strain diided by compressibility stress

    -0-. &ressure in a pipe is a) mass diided by cross7sectional area b) wei%"t per unit area# c) force per unit area

    -0. ("ic" of t"e followin% can transmit pressure5# a) @i+uids and %ases b) olids and %ases c) any matter dependin% on temperature

    -0. elsius to >a"ren"eit is calculated by

    a) 46 x ) L *!# b) 64 x ) L *! c) 46 L *!) L

    &a%e - 7 Mod !-0. T"e mass of a proton is e+ual to t"at of a# a) neutron b) electron c) nucleus

    -02. A sin%le /xed pulley discountin% friction etc) "as a mec"anical adanta%e of a) !# b) 1 c) 14!

    -06. An ob=ect placed more t"an twice t"e focal len%t" be"ind a coner%in% lens willform an ima%e t"at is

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    # a) inerted, smaller and real b) erect, smaller and real c) inerted, lar%er and irtual

    -10. A parabolic mirror may be used to preenta) formation of a penumbra

    # b) sp"erical aberation c) lateral inersion

    -11. A !00 cm titanium bar increases in len%t" by ! cm w"en its temperature risesby 100 de% . $ts linear expansiity is a) 0.0101 per Ge% b) 0.01 per Ge% # c) 0.0001 per Ge%

    -1!. 8eat transmission by conection is con/ned to a) %ases and solids b) solids and li+uids

    # c) li+uids and %ases

    -1*. Dien t"at 1 cubic foot of water wei%"s !.- lbs and t"e speci/c %raity of fuelis 0.21, w"at is t"e wei%"t of 10 cubic foot of fuel5 a) -0!.2 lbs# b) 0.- lbs c) 0.* lbs

    -1-. T"e point at w"ic" an applied force oercomes friction and an ob=ect be%ins tomoe is t"e co7eKcient of a) 3inetic friction b) static friction

    # c) limitin% friction

    &a%e - 7 Mod !-1. A moment is created by a force of N actin% -m from t"e piot on a uniformbar. At w"at distance must a force of 10N be applied to balance t"e beam5 a) 2 m# b) ! m c) - m

    -1. A leer of len%t" 10 cm is used wit" a fulcrum placed 1 cm from t"e endbearin% t"e load. $ts mec"anical adanta%e is# a) b) 14 c)

    -1. $f a strin% is ibratin% at t"e *rd "armonic, it will be oscillatin% at a) - times its fundamental fre+uency b) >undamental >re+uency

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    # c) * times its fundamental fre+uency

    -12. for an ob=ect in circular motion at constant elocity, if t"e radius of its pat" isdoubled t"e centripetal force will# a) "alf b) remain t"e same

    c) double

    -16. An aircraft wei%"in% -00 pounds lands at a speed of 10 ft4ec and stops in 10econds. ("at force was %enerated by t"e bra3es assumin% %raity as *! ft4sec!) a) 7!000 @bs# b) 7!00 @bs c) 7-0 @bs

    -!0. X>or eery action t"ere is an e+ual and opposite reaction.X T"is is 3nown asa) Newton's /rst law

    b) Newton's second law# c) Newton's t"ird law

    -!1. T"e stress created w"en a material is pulled apart is calleda) torsion

    b) compression# c) tension

    -!!. T"e percenta%e of nitro%en in air is approximately# a) 2Q b) !1Q c) !Q

    &a%e -2 7 Mod !-!*. T"e yield point of a material is t"e point at w"ic" a) t"e material ruptures or brea3s b) strain becomes proportional to stress# c) permanent deformation ta3es place

    -!-. Assumin% constant temperature. $f a steel bar of len%t" ! m deforms to alen%t" of !.! m under applied load. T"e strain is a) 0.6# b) 0.1 c) 1.1

    -!. A alence electron is a) an electron in t"e innermost s"ell# b) an electron in t"e outermost s"ell c) an electron in t"e nucleus

    -!. $ unit of &ower is t"e a) olt

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    b) &ascal# c) (att

    -!. T"e e

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    c) 000 &$

    -*. ("en usin% an 9TGH to measure cable attenuation t"e attenuation in dB4m is a) dialled into t"e 9TGH# b) read from t"e wae %rap" produced c) read from t"e oltmeter

    -*. $n a "eat pump a) t"e condenser always loses "eat# b) t"e pump operates in bot" directions c) t"e eaporator %ains "eat durin% t"e "eatin% cycle

    &a%e 0 7 Mod !
