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50 things you won’t find out about me on Facebook

My family nickname is Rabbit

My husband calls me Maddy

I hate being called Mad!

My Dad joined the Navy aged 13

My Mum was accepted in to boththe Royal College of Music & St Martin’s College of Art

My Brother is a six foot six gentle giant

My Brother is married with three beautiful little girls

When I was young I wanted to be a classical ballet dancer

When I was 11 I danced in the Nutcracker with the London Festival Ballet

I also danced with Nureyev at the Sadler’s Well theatre in London

In 1983 I was Junior Dog Trainer of the Year

I had a dog who literally eat my homework, my school shoes & my car

I had a cat who once stole the dinner I was cooking right out of the fry pan

I wrote off my first car crashing in to a fire hydrant

I flooded the Prime Ministers Lodge when I crashed my car

I’ve broken almost every toe in both feet – that’s what you get for dancing on point

I broke my nose doing a magnificent tumble turn off a mini tramp by missing the mats & forgetting to put my hands down

I can trace my family back to the Doomsday book

My Great Aunt served in the Women’s Royal Army Corp in Europe through World War II

My first career choice was as an artist

As an artist I discovered I made a much better designer

As a designer I found I made a much better project manager

Through uni I worked at a jewellers stringing pearls

My first job as a designer was designing bar codes for shampoo bottles

I was an AFA Trainee at Lintas in 1993

I transferred to Ammirati Puris Lintas London in 1996

I left London for New York on the day of the Soho nail bombing

In New York I lived in a fifth floor walk up with no air conditioning through the hottest summer on record

I’ve shot commercials on Hollywood movie sets, mountain ranges in Alaska & the sand dunes of Botany Bay

My favourite book is Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

I am currently listening to anything by Beethoven or Prokofiev

My most out there adventure was trekking with chimpanzees in Tanzania

My scariest moment was when Frodo the chimp went on a bit of a rampage pulling up trees and drumming his fists on anything he could just because it was raining

Nothing scares me more than the prospect of something really bad happening to my family

My most heart wrenching moment was learning that my cousin had died in a car accident aged 19

I will never stop thinking how incredible it was for my son to have kidney reflex diagnosed in utero - which saved him from the prospect of needing a kidney transplant

My husband fell in love with me in New York over pizza, beer & videos

I first met my husband when I was four at a neighbours swimming pool party

My two boys think I make the best pancakes in the world

I love seeing my children discover things for the first time in their life

I can make a dragon costume out of 3 pieces of cardboard, an egg carton & a red ribbon

I can turn a scribble, a piece of string or even a pea into a story of great adventure

I can turn any leftovers in to a meal

My kids will eat anything I make for them except roast beetroot risotto

I love gardening

I hate capers

I love chocolate

I don’t know how to do fractions

I love a good old fashioned conversation with good friends

I can’t spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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