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Let’s Launch to the World! G11 Choi, Yoo-jin/ Choi, Eun-soo

Mr. Hwang, Soon-tae

KISP Principal

On 16th April, a special guest was

invited as a speaker for secondary students.

Her name was Grace Lee, who’s famous for

being the lover of the Philippines President.

She shared to us her success story and

worthwhile experiences relevant to how she

became Ms. Grace Lee. The moment teach-

ers brought the news that Grace Lee would

come, most students couldn’t hide their

excitement. At the event day they gave her a

standing ovation before she started. She

began with an introduction of herself and

her experiences in the Philippines, such as

how she was reared and what drove her to

live in this country. Her story seemed to

mean, “Learning new language is power.”

When it came to the question and answer

portion, someone asked, “What is your ulti-

mate goal?” and she replied, “Like other

broadcasters, I want to have my own pro-

gram.” Also, when someone asked about her

English education, she replied that she

mostly depended on regular school study

and reading English books and listening to

news. She also mentioned her contact details

in the end, just in case students would like to

talk with her. She received a plaque of ap-

preciation from the principal. After the

speech, most students got her signature.

KISP students were impressed by her bilin-

gual speech.


August 2012 Vol.3 Issue 01 6-A Upper McKinley Road Fort Bonifacio Taguig City, Metro Manila Phone: (02)403-3495 Fax: (02)403-3496

I volunteered to teach students at night


Q: What do you want to do while you

stay in the Philippines aside from school


A: I want to study Tagalog and tradition

of the Philippines and in the future I

want to promote Korean language here.

Q: Please say something to our students

as a principal in KISP.

A: As our school motto, students should

have a vision. Try your best to fulfill your

dream even if you face hardships. Failure

is a way to success. Always keep the

challenge. Have pride of our school and

never forget Korean identity like manner,

culture so that you can be a global leader.

Grace Lee Visits KISP! G9 Park, Jeong-min KISP HOT NEWS

Let’s Launch to the

World! 1

Grace Lee Visits


Science Fair 2

Voluntary Service 2,5

Speech Contest 3

Sports Fest &

Bazaar 4

Memorial Day 4

Field Trip 5

Writing Contest 6,7

Let’s Enjoy 8


KIP Pioneer reporters visited and in-

terviewed the new principal.

Q: Is this your first time here in the Phil-

ippines? What was your first impres-


A: Yes. Philippines was very close to

Korea during the war. I came here with

gratitude and I want to be of service.

Philippines has great potential.

Q: What was your dream when you were

a student?

A: When I was in elementary school, I

wanted to become a taxi driver because

whether it’s cold or hot, I can endure the

weather. But my dream changed in mid-

dle school to become a teacher and it

never changed. When I was in university,

KISP students had a science fair

last April 20, 2012. From 8 am to 10

am, every student from grade 3 to 12

stayed in the gym doing group activi-

ties. Grade 1 and 2 had a drawing

contest related to the science theme in

their classroom, while grade 3 to 6

built towers with popsicle sticks in the

gym. Grade 7 to 11 participated in the

Goldenberg Competition in the gym

to make a experiment on how to burst

a balloon by using different kinds of

science theory. Elementary students

created unique wonderful towers and

secondary students showed successful

experiments on how to apply various

ideas by cooperating with each other.

After group competitions, all students

were grouped to the assigned place to

do activities which they had chosen

according to their interest.

each field.

The first place individual win-

ners are listed below: Lee Hyun

Seo (G1), Jeon Ye In (G2), Jin Min

Hwan (G3), Kwon Woo Jin (G4),

Kim Hee Joo (G5), Choi Ju Eun

(G6), Jeon Seong Bin (G10), Kim

Da Eun (G7), Oh Jung Yub (G11),

Yu Mi So (G7), Choi Sang Hyeok


Group win-

ners below:

G2 for draw-


G6 for build-

ing tower,

G7 and G10

for experi-


Science Fair G11 Choi, Eun-soo

Voluntary Service (from school) G10 Lee, Jong-hyung

August 2012 Vol.03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 2

Furthermore, KISP students were

divided into three groups to spend

time playing sports, introducing

Korean traditional games and cook-

ing Korean food for them. Korean

food like Kimbab, Kimchi Pancake

and Dukbokgi were shared and

enjoyed a lot.

At the end, KISP Vice Principal,

Mr. Lee Ui Sun gave a short speech

and some gifts to the orphans. They

seemed to be very happy and en-

joyed being with KISP students.

On April 28, 2012 KISP visited

the orphanage named Manila Boys

Town, located at Marikina. It

housed nearly 500 children. This

place has been managed by the lo-

cal government.

KISP students and teachers do-

nated some gifts and collected some

second-hand stuff for sharing with

them. When KISP students arrived

there, the orphans gathered in a big

hall. The activities started with

singing and jamming with the band.

Afterwards, the orphans showed us

their prepared numbers in dancing

and singing.

I’m sure that everyone who went

to this voluntary service felt good

that they were able to share their

time and effort to a worthy under-


“It is more blessed to give than

to receive” (Act 20:35).

These were the offered activities

for elementary: “Science Imagi-

nary”, “Drawing Contest”, “Falling

Experiment of Flying Object”,

“Making Science Book”, “Creative

Science Mission and Nature-

Observation”, “Making Science

Newspaper”. For secondary:

“Puzzle-Making”, “Emoticon-

M a k i n g ” , “ U C C - M a k i n g ” ,

“Competition Exploring and Ob-

serving Nature”, and “Biological

Miniature Drawing.” All KISP stu-

dents enjoyed the science fair and

are looking forward to next year’s


Fore elementary and secondary

students there were 3 winners for

each field.

Best Speech of G11 Choi, Yoo-jin

A great mind

manifests itself in

thought, perception,

will and imagina-

tion. It directs and

influences mental

and physical be-

havior. The person

I chose is Nicholas

James Vujucic. Nicholas was an

Australian, born on Dec. 4 1982 with a

rare disease called “Tetra-Amelia.” It

causes parts of the body to not develop

well. He was born without arms and

legs because of this. He tried to commit

suicide when he was 8years old and 10

years old, but he survived. When his

mother showed him an article about

another disabled person, he realized that

he was not alone.

In spite of his disability he estab-

lished “Life without Limbs” a non-profit

organization to help disabled people lead

positive lives. He was quoted as saying

that “Fear is a bigger disability than

having no arms or legs.” He learned to

write using the two toes on his left food

with a special grip that held onto the big


He was able to type using the

“heel and toe” method. He was even

in regular classes in school. In 2005,

he was nominated for the young

Australian of the year Award. He

also starred in a short film “the

butterfly circus” and was best actor.

Furthermore, he also released a

music video called “some thing more” available for viewing on


Can you imagine a life without

limbs? What would you do? Nick

has accomplished a lot in spite of

being limbless. He has inspired a lot

of people with his story and is a

very popular inspirational and mo-

tivational speaker. He shares the

importance of vision and looking

beyond their circumstances. He

stresses attitude and the choices we

make have a profound impact on

out lives. He embraces failure as a

learning experience and does not

allow it to paralyze himself.

In my opinion, I honestly think

that I could not live if without limbs.

English Speech Contest

Best Speech of G2 Kim, Ye-young

August 2012 Vol. 03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 3

All KISP students from grade 1 to 11 had an Eng-

lish speech contest on April 18, 2012 lead by Eng-

lish teacher Ms. A. L. Lloyd.

The theme for grade one and two was “My Family”,

grade three to six was “Great Inventions”; seven to

nine was “10 Years from Now” and ten and eleven

was “Great Minds.” Students performed the

speeches during class time in the AV room. Teacher

Alison, Jeremy, Crissie, Mark and other foreign

teachers were the judges. They listened to their

speeches and finalized the scores right away. The

awards were given to the top three students of each

grade. There are many excellent English speakers in

KISP. Here are two samples of the speeches:

Hello, I'm Ria.

Do you know my family? My family are from KISP.

I will ask you a question about my Dad. Who is he?

He is the scariest teacher at KISP.

He is in charge of grade 6 students.

It's true.

He is my daddy. He is so funny for me. He loves me. He plays

saxophone and draws pictures very well. He can do almost every-

thing. so I am proud of my daddy.

I will ask you another question.

Who is my mom? She is also a teacher at KISP.

She is in charge of grade 1 students.

It's true.

She is my mommy. She is scarier than my daddy to me but she

cooks very well. She is the captain in my house.

I will ask you another question.

Who is my brother? He is a grade 5 student.

He is so funny.

It's true. He is my brother. He sometimes bothers me. but he can

make funny games, and wonderful things. I love to play with him.

I will ask you the last question.

Who am I? I am a grade 2 student in KISP.

I have long curly hair.

It's true. It's Ria.

I like to draw pictures. My dream is to become the best hair dresser

in the world. I love my family so much. I want to live forever with

my family .

I was doubly surprised that he was also

able to marry a beautiful woman. I was

imagining that if I were in his place, I

think no one would love me because of my

condition. I used to think that its normal

people for normal people. It is less com-

plicated if like that. Nick proved that it is

possible limbs or no limbs.

Going back to Nick, he is really a

great man with a great mind. If we are to go back to the definition of a great mind,

it directs and influences mental and

physical behavior. The mind of this man

really turned his life around instead of

despair; inspiration for other people was

born. The life he led still continues to

motivate both the physically able and


Sports Contest & Bazaar G10 Kim, Sung-eun

Sports fest and the bazaar were

held on June 6 and 11 the KISP

secondary student body council.

KISP students brought many sec-

ond-hand stuff such as old books,

clothes, toys, shoes and so on. Some

assigned students arranged and sold

them to all the guests, while others

made displays for entertainments

like table tennis, Korean traditional

games and a gun shooting

game. Many parents also partici-

pated in cooking and selling food

and drinks. Through this event

more than 20,000 pesos were

gained which will be donated to

community service.

Many sports games were per-

formed such as basketball, jokgu,

touch ball and so on. Basketball

was the most exciting and com-

petitive game. Middle and high

school students competed against

each grade. The Grade 8 team was

the final winner. Sports fest helped

students relieve stress from school

work and cooperate together as

Teacher’s Day G9 Park Jung-min

Memorial Day G11Choi, Eun-soo

August 2012 Vol. 03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 4

On May 15, KISP had the

third Teacher’s Day. So the

student council organized a

public event in the gym. At 8’

o clock in the morning, stu-

dents and teachers went up to

the gym. Suk Mi Rim (G 11)

sang several pop songs for the

teachers. The KISP band also

performed after Suk Mi Rim.

At the end of the performance

of the band, each teacher re-

ceived a carnation for their ef-

fort. All students expressed

their appreciation to their


After the event every class also

had small parties for their advi-

sors. They spent time together

inside the classrooms. Many

teachers were grateful to the

students for their love from

their true heart.

Memorial Day is held every June

6 to commemorate the men and

women who died while in military

service during the Korean War and

other significant wars or battles.

On this day, KISP students visited

Korean War memorial monument

in Manila, Philippines, for a cele-

bration. The memorial monument

was built in the Philippines be-

cause when the Korean War hap-

pened, Filipinos joined to help the

South Koreans. The students also

visited the memorial museum

where the students were able to

learn about the records and the

one community. Students hope the

school provides more fun and

memorable activities in the future.

the history of the war. They watched

two documentary videos about what

happened during the wartime. The

students learned a lot about the his-

tory and it was a great chance for

them to be thankful to those who


The middle and high school field

trip was held on June 7, 2012, at

Bulacan where it took 2 hours from

school. It is famous for historical

caves during the colonial period of

Spain. Middle and high school stu-

dents were divided into two groups

and explored the caves one by one

with the guides. Every cave was

unique and used for special purpose

such as weapon warehouse, hospital,

sanctuary and so on. Among five

caves, the last explored one was the

most attractive because it was

formed with a great amount of water

that can be used as a pool. We had to

walk through water to observe the

cave. At first many students hesi-

tated, but after a while all students

Field Trip G10 Lee, Jong-hyung

Voluntary Service (from individual) G11 Choi, Yoo-jin

August 2012 Vol.03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 5

that it was very hard to cook by

making fire with wood. Whenever

the wind blew, the fire was gone, so

everybody helped. Finally, the male

students were able to complete the

paved road with the tiles of KISP.

Even though it was very hot and they

did it for the first time, they never


The day was so tiring but all of us

learned and felt something new.

On Saturday, at 7 am, some KISP

high school students went to volun-

tary service at Sorok Village. It took

almost 3 hours to get there, so we

arrived at 10 PM. We listened to the

guide’s orientation about the village

and the people living there. Sorok

Village was organized for those

who have Hansen’s disease. We

went around the village and saw

how people lived. After that the

male students were assigned to

make cement to pave the road in the

village while four female students

were assigned to play with the chil-

dren. We brought some coloring

material and stickers for them. They

were very excited. They seemed to

really enjoy playing and had fun

with us. After that we collected

wood for preparing lunch. I realized

and teachers swam and played in

the water for a moment to be free

from the hot weather. Most of

them had fun with it and were

pleased with what they did on that

day. All the students were able to

experience the freshness of the

historical place surrounded by

different kinds of rocks and nature.

Imagine you could spend one day

on the moon. What would you do?

What would you see? Who would

go with? Would it be scary or excit-


If I could spend one day on the

moon, I think it would be awesome!

I would like to be the first person

who can divide the moon with on the

karate chop. I would also invite my

friends and family to make frozen

yogurt and eat it. I really want to try

to take off my space helmet, so I can

know how my face is going to turn

out. Would my face be a face full of

pimples like in cartoons? Or would

pop, jazz, ballad, dance and rock


I wish I could take over the

moon so I can be the queen. I also

want to make a castle and invite

all by friends: MinJi, Melody,

Sophia, Rachel, Francis, and Mia.

I would each make a room for

them in my castle where I am

queen. It would be awesome to go

to the moon and explore the moon.

I think I would see floating aster-

oids and lots of aliens, especially


I really wish I could go to the

moon and do all this.

Lower Elementary 1st Place G3 An, Y-vonne

Middle School 1st Place G7 Lee, Da-hye

August 2012 Vol.03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 6

traveling for sure.

When I traveled to Cheju island,

we visited museum as soon as we

arrived. Actually my parents had

planned all schedule while staying

there at Cheju island for 6 days. My

parents didn’t have a plan for visit-

ing museums. But the travel guide

said we should visit the museum to

enjoy more Cheju travel. Cheju

museum was so wonderful. I didn’t

know that there were like this place.

I learned about Cheju island a lot. I

knew that there were place called

“Sung San Il Chul Bong”. This

place is a small mountain where we

can see wonderful sun rise. In the

museum, I saw many beautiful

pictures of this place. So we visited

this place at the end of our trip. My

parents said it was really good

travel and I thought this was all

because of the visit to museum.

Like what I said, I think people

visit museums for the better trip.

Many people visit museums when

they travel to new places. Why do

you think people visit museums?

Use specific reasons and examples

to support your answer.

Many people visit museums when

they travel to new places. Maybe

they visit museums for exciting

travel. People who visit museums

will have reasons for visiting there. I

will write about my opinion why

people visit museums when they

travel to new places.

I think they visit museums when

they travel to new places to learn

about that place and know well.

People have reasons for traveling to

new place. They will not plan to

travel only for fun. Maybe they will

have travel for fun, but it will be

better when they learn something

new about that place after visiting it.

If we know well about that place

before we travel more places, there

will be advantages in traveling for

We can learn something new about

new places and when we visit this

place again, we will know more

about it. So we have to visit mu-

seum for the better trip.

animations? Oh my gosh! Just

thinking about it makes me feel


I would really like to search for

mars so I can know if they really

exist. But if I get to see them, I

think they will gobble me up

alive! I would also make a robot

that can make oxygen and gravity.

Our beautiful planet Earth has

lots of oxygen and gravity! I

would especially make a teleport

device that can teleport living

creatures from Earth to the moon

as transportation. I would love it

if I were the queen of aliens that

play all kinds of music. Such as

English Writing Contest _Best Writings (Here are the students’ unedited works during the essay writing contest on June18,2012)

2012 Writing Contest


1st Place from each grade

G1 Kim, Seong– yeon

G2 Kim, Ye-young

G3 An, Y-vonne

G4 Yu, Shin

G5 Yoo, Se-hyun

G6 Shin, Soo-bin

G7 Lee, Da-hye

G8 Hwang, Seung-vin

G9 Park, Ye-eun

G10 Park, Jae-ha

G11 Choi, Yoo-jin

G12 Park, Eun-kyung

Do you prefer to watch movies

at the cinema or at home? De-

scribe your answer in detail. Be

sure to think about food, price,

and etc.

Do you everyone know that there

is a cinema with chairs that can turn

into beds? If you would say a

“chair” at home, it might not be so

comfortable in your mind. One fam-

ily fights just to sit on the sofa. Also

when kids sit on the sofa, parents

have no choice but to sit on the floor

and watch. If I had a choice to

choose a cinema or house, I’d rather

choose the cinema.

Cinema is a place where many

people go to watch movies. Cinema

pack of popcorn that we bought

from supermarket would be p250.

Snacks in cinemas are much

cheaper and are offered variously.

Lastly, cinema has more movies

and new movies to watch. If a

movie “Avatar” is new these days,

it would also be shown in the

cinema right away. But you

would want to watch on TV, you

have to wait for more than one


In conclusion, I prefer to watch

movies in cinema to at home

because of comfortableness,

cheap snacks and updated mov-

ies. From now on, why don’t you

try to find a cinema just right for


Upper Elementary 1st Place G6 Shin, Soo-bin

High School 1st Place G12 Park, Eun-kyung

August 2012 Vol.03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 7

was a big issue. China is a very

powerful and influential country

in the world. This means that other

countries become influenced a lot

by the ideology of Chinese gov-

ernment. Therefore, the reason

why the news was so issued was

not only because woman went to

space in China for the first time,

but also because the world is im-

pressed by a practical application

of fighting against the gender dis-

crimination and the impact it will

have on the other numerous coun-

tries. By showing that China is

putting effort to stop the discrimi-

nation, the world in general will

get influenced and begin to fight

for women’s tights, too.

On the other hand, there is

news about China that a woman

hat abortion forcefully by the gov-

ernment. This was because of one

child policy in China and this is-

sue made Chinese government

suffer from criticisms. The world

was worried China. However, the

news about that it might nega-

tively influence the other nations

Wars, scandals, scientific break-

throughs , and famous figures

represent much of history. They

contain a kind of truth, a reflec-

tion of our own real experiences.

Which event throughout history

had the most positive impact on

the world in general and you in

particular? State specific reasons

for your choice.

Our world is changing in an ex-

tremely fast rate and thus, people’s

perspectives are changing too. Peo-

ple are now trying to break out out-

dated stereotypes and are accepting

modernizing ideas. Gender dis-

crimination is one of the ideas

which people are trying to fight

against. Recently, although small, a

very impressive step towards

breaking the idea of gender dis-

crimination was shown in one of

the most influential country in the

world, China. China had decided to

send a woman astronaut to space

for the first time.

The news about the first Chinese

woman astronaut going to space

such as India, which is very

strict in restricting population

like the first Chinese woman as-

tronaut became a turning point

that Chinese are fighting for

woman’s rights and the govern-

ment did accept the idea. This

news had positive impact on not

only China but also the world

since it shows the significant

change in the government’s poli-

cies and furthermore, in the

world’s perspective.

The event that China is send-

ing a woman astronaut in space

for the first time had great and

auspicious impact in the world

because it also influenced other

countries to fight for the

woman’s right, and it showed

that the world now has changed.

I, as a woman, was also im-

pressed a lot by this event be-

cause it gave me a hope that

women do not have to suffer

from discrimination anymore and

that we can achieve anything we

want without any barrier.

has a lot of good ways to say. I

would like to talk about a cinema.

First, how cinemas are comfort-

able. Second, how snack prices are

cheaper than the one at home.

Lastly, there are more and new

movies to watch.

I think a cinema is more com-

fortable place for me than at home.

The usual cinemas have chairs that

could turn into beds. I think this

chairs are more comfortable than

the one at home. Because every-

body has its own seat and can

watch well.

Second, snack price in cinema is

cheaper than at home. If I give an

example, popcorn and drinks in

cinema are about p 125. But one

Let’s Enjoy!

August 2012 Vol. 03 Issue 01 KISP PIONEER PAGE 8

Finally, Jeremy Bates, a current Eng-

lish teacher at KISP published a book

entitled “White Lies”. KISP student,

Choi, Yoo-jin (G11) had an interview

with him regarding his book.

Q1. How long did it take to publish it?

A1: Approximately 1 year to write the

story and 1 year to sell and market it.

Q2. What is your plan for next book?

A2: Two more books have already

been completed and will be released

by this time next year.

Q3. Why do you like “White Lies”?

A3: I like this story because it is

catchy and simple. It can be summa-

rized in less than 20 words.

Q4. What is your advice for KISP stu-

dents who aspire to be writers too?

A4: Write everyday and read a lot.

Never give up.



Editor-in-Chief: Choi, Yoo-jin G11

Photo Editor: Choi, Eun-soo G11

News Editor: Lee, Jong-hyung G10

Copy Editor: Choi, Ye-rin G10

News Editor: Kim, Sung-eun G10

News Editor: Park, Jung-min G9

News Editor: Jang, Min-woo G8

Advisors: Ms. Kang, Myoung-sin

& Mr. J.Bates


Tongue twisters

Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now, See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See's saw Before See sawed Soar's seesaw, See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw. So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore just because See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw.

Interview with Mr. J. Bates G11 Choi, Yoo-jin

More News

A single white lie. That’s how it all began. But when

that lie snowballs out of control, Katrina Burton, a

young schoolteacher, is forced into telling another and


Suddenly and tragically, her lies lead to a grisly murder.

Now she must decide to come clean and confess, which

will not only destroy her career, but also the life of the

man she loves. Or cover up the murder and hope for the


But very quickly, she discovers that she may not have a

choice, and that her real trials are only just beginning.

(From http://jeremybatesbooks.com)

Up-Coming News

In KISP Aug. 22: 2nd Semester starts Sep. 8: Community Service

Sep. 14: School Foundation


Sep. 28: Folk Event

Oct. 1: Holiday

Oct. 9: Hangeul Day

Oct.15-17: Midterm Exam

Nov.19-23 Field Trip Week

Dec.4-6: Final Exam

Dec. 20: Fiesta

Dec. 22: Winter Vacation

Produced by KISP Journalism Club

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