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Page 1: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 − Founded 1791

Parish Mission Statement / Declaración de la misión de la parroquia:Go and make disciples of all nations. Vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones.

Find Us on Facebook:@Borromeo1791

Call Us:636-946-1893

Email Us News:[email protected]

Visit Our Website:www.borromeoparish.com📞

Name: ____________________________

Phone Number: ____________________




___ I would like to register in the Parish___ Please make these contact information

changes to my parish record___ I wish to fi nd out more about the Catholic

faith ___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon___ I would like information on having my children

baptized___ Please pray for: ________________________

OUR WARM WELCOME TO ALL!We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Parish Offi ce, place it in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.

Contact Information

Fr. William Dotson, [email protected]

Fr. John Paul Hopping, associate pastor

[email protected]

Fr. Don Schramm, [email protected]

Parish Offi ce 636-946-1893

offi [email protected]

REVISED Offi ce HoursMonday through Friday

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

School Offi ce636-946-2713

offi [email protected] www.borromeoschool.org

Religious Education Offi ce 636-946-2916

[email protected]

Ministerio Hispano 636-946-1893

[email protected]

St. Vincent dePaul Society 636-925-1616





Oct. 4, 2020

“In ever hing, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that sur asses all understanding will g ard your hear s and minds in Christ Jesus.”

- Philippians 4:6-7

27th Sunday inO O


Thursday, Oct. 8Online Silent Auction Begins

Friday, Oct. 9Outdoor Dinner & a Movie

Saturday, Oct. 10Outdoor Washers Tournament

Sunday, Oct. 11Raffle Winners Drawn

& Online Silent Auction Ends

more details for each event on pg. 4

Page 2: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

2 Oct. 4, 2020 St. Charles Bor omeo Catholic Church

From the Pastor / Noticias del Párroco

One of the many lessons we have learned over the past six months is the importance of community. In the midst of quarantining, social distancing, and working from home,

many of us have experienced a sense of isolation and loneliness. In our faith as well, it is important that we have a community to support us.

None of us can live as disciples alone. Jesus called His fi rst disciples to be part of a community, and it is the same for us. As disciples, it is important for us to be part of a community of other disciples who can walk with us on the journey of faith. Our parish forms our faith community, but in a parish as large as ours, it is easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. Many parishioners have experienced the importance of community through participating in a retreat program such as CRHP or Emaus. These faith communities are good, but they often begin to fall apart after the initial retreat.

Back at the start of the year, I proposed a new initiative of forming Discipleship Families, small groups for faith formation and spiritual growth. Unlike a Bible study, which meets for the duration of the study and general focuses on a particular book of the Bible, or a retreat group, which again is often temporary and is primarily focused around preparing for the retreat, these Discipleship Families are intended to be ongoing groups. They are intended to be places where people can honestly discuss the joys and the challenges of living as disciples.

Though the initial plans for the Discipleship Families were delayed due to the pandemic, I have been meeting with the parishioners who will be helping as leaders of the families. Now, we are looking for parishioners to join the families. The Discipleship Families will meet twice a month. They will meet on different days and times, depending on the availability of the leaders and family members. For the moment, meetings will be held virtually, though the plan is to have in-person meetings once that can be done safely.

As mentioned above, the plan is for these families to be ongoing groups. However, recognizing that this is a brand new initiative, we are asking initial members to commit to being part of a family for six months. Hopefully you will want to continue afterwards. You can join a family as an individual, but we encourage you to join with your spouse and children as well.

You may be thinking, “Is this right for me?” You don’t have to be an expert in the faith or feel like you are the perfect disciple. If you want to grow in your faith and are willing to be part of a small community of other parishioners who support each other in their journey as disciples, then you are the kind of person we are looking for. Whether you feel experienced in your walk with Christ or feel like you are just beginning, you are welcome in our Discipleship Families.

If you would like to join one of our Discipleship Families, or if you have any questions, please contact Fr. Dotson (636-946-1893 or [email protected]). It is my hope that these Discipleship Families will be an amazing source of grace and spiritual growth for our entire parish.

Una de las muchas lecciones que hemos aprendido durante los últimos seis meses es la importancia de la comunidad. En medio de la cuarentena, el distanciamiento social y el

trabajo desde casa, muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado una sensación de aislamiento y soledad. También en nuestra fe, es importante que tengamos una comunidad que nos apoye.

Ninguno de nosotros puede vivir solo como discípulos. Jesús llamó a sus primeros discípulos a formar una comunidad, y es lo mismo a nosotros. Como discípulos, es importante para nosotros ser parte de una comunidad de otros discípulos que pueden caminar con nosotros en el camino de la fe. Nuestra parroquia forma nuestra comunidad de fe, pero en una parroquia tan grande como la nuestra, es fácil sentirse como una cara más entre la multitud. Muchos feligreses han experimentado la importancia de la comunidad al participar

en un programa de retiro como CRHP o Emaus. Estas comunidades de fe son buenas, pero a menudo comienzan

a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial.

A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias de Discipulado, grupos pequeños para la formación de la fe y el crecimiento espiritual.

A diferencia de un estudio bíblico, que se reúne durante la duración del estudio y se enfoca en un

libro de la Biblia en particular, o un grupo de retiro, que a menudo es temporal y se enfoca principalmente en la preparación para el retiro, estas Familias de Discipulado están destinadas a ser grupos continuos. Están destinados a ser lugares donde las personas puedan discutir honestamente las alegrías y los desafíos de vivir como discípulos.

Aunque los planes iniciales para las Familias de Discipulado se retrasaron debido a la pandemia, me he estado reuniendo con los feligreses que ayudarán como líderes de las familias. Ahora, buscamos feligreses para que se unan a las familias. Las Familias de Discipulado se reunirán dos veces al mes. Se reunirán en diferentes días y horarios, dependiendo de la disponibilidad de los líderes y familiares. Por el momento, las reuniones se realizarán virtualmente, aunque el plan es tener reuniones en persona cuando eso se pueda hacer de manera segura.

Como se mencionó anteriormente, el plan es que estas familias sean grupos continuos. Sin embargo, reconociendo que es una iniciativa nueva, pedimos a los miembros iniciales que se comprometan a formar parte de una familia durante seis meses. Con suerte, querrás continuar después. Puedes unirte a una familia como individuo, pero te alentamos a unirte con tu cónyuge e hijos también.

Puedes estar pensando: "¿Es esto adecuado para mí?" No tienes que ser un experto en la fe o sentirte un discípulo perfecto. Si quieres crecer en tu fe y estás dispuesto a ser parte de una pequeña comunidad de otros feligreses que se apoyan entre sí en su camino como discípulos, entonces eres el tipo de persona que estamos buscando. Ya sea que te sientas experimentado en tu caminar con Cristo o sientas que apenas estás comenzando, eres bienvenido en nuestras Familias de Discipulado.

Si deseas unirte a una de nuestras familias de discipulado, o si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el P. Dotson (636-946-1893 o [email protected]). Espero que estas Familias de Discipulado sean una fuente asombrosa de gracia y crecimiento espiritual para toda nuestra parroquia.

proposed a new initiative of , small groups for faith formation Bible study,of the a


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Page 3: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

3Oct. 4, 2020St. Charles Bor omeo Catholic Church


Lauren Roberts & Jake Knoll




Marianne Grove, daughter of Pat KoenenAmbrose Fleming, nephew of Genny Glosier

and Susie Choinka


Ashley, due in OctoberChristine, due in OctoberMelissa, due in October

LaTonya, due in February

Please send updates to [email protected]

Mary Lou AmplemanJean Andert

Jean AubuchonTim Barrett

Jennifer Getz BerkbiglerSteven Bott

Tonya BurgessJoyce Cain

Jackie CrockerSharon Davis

Fr. William DotsonJohn DuBoisRenee Esser

Holly (Dyer) Glover Elaine Gray

Lois Hedden-BreseBrad Kemp

David Kutchback

Lona LantripGeorge Lenz

Agatha MassenMarlene McBride

Bob McGeorgeStephanie (Schnarr) Moran

Chris O’DonnellMike PollockMary Quiel

Millie ReinersMarianne RauchJoyce Schneider

Jerry SnowEvelyn Tiesing

Greg VittMary Lou WehmeierDorothy Weislocher

Catherine CroceJim EisenbathEvelyn FreiseAnn GarriganJim Garrigan

Patricia (Pat) GroschIvy Hall

Ray JacksonCarmen WeberGeorge Weber

St. Patrick Center Casseroles ON HOLD AGAIN THIS MONTHWe will be taking casseroles to the center in November.

StExpecting a Child?

If you or a family member is expecting a child and would like to be in the parish's prayers, call Sandy at 636-262-0852. God bless!

Carlos Garcia and Scot McCullough will be installed to the Minist of Lector on Oct. 8 as par

of their deacon candidate prog am! Please pray for them and for their families as they continue

their jour ey to the Diaconate!Carlos Garcia y Scot McCullough estarán

instalado en el Ministerio del Lector el 8 de oct bre como par e de su prog ama de candidatos a

diáconos! Ora por favor para ellos y sus familias mient as continúan su viaje al Diaconado!

Join Us in 30 Days of Prayer Before the Election

This Sunday marks 30 days before the November election. Fittingly,

Oct. 4 is also the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of peace. In our current political climate, we invite our SCB parish community to commit to 30 days of prayer for peace and unity in our community and our nation; civility in our political discussions; empathy and respect for all other people, even if we disagree politically; and a well-formed conscience driven by the Gospel when making our voting decisions.

Sign up at http://bit.ly/scb30days to commit to 30 days of prayer with our SCB parish community. You will receive a daily email reminder to pray along with resources to help you in this endeavor.

“If two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father” (Matthew 18:19). We hope you will join us!

Únase a Nosotros en 30 Días de Oración Antes de las Elecciones

Este domingo se cumplen 30 días antes de las elecciones de noviembre.

Oportunamente, el 4 de octubre también es la fi esta de San Francisco de Asís, el santo patrón de la paz. En nuestro clima político actual, invitamos a nuestra comunidad parroquial de SCB a comprometerse a 30 días de oración por la paz y la unidad en nuestra comunidad y nuestra nación; cortesía en nuestras discusiones políticas; empatía y respeto por todas las demás personas, incluso si no estamos de acuerdo políticamente; y una conciencia bien formada impulsada por el Evangelio al tomar nuestras decisiones de voto.

Regístrese a http://bit.ly/scb30days para comprometerse a 30 Días de Oración con nuestra comunidad parroquial de SCB a partir del 4 de octubre. Recibirá un recordatorio diario por correo electrónico para orar junto con recursos para ayudarlo en este esfuerzo. "Si dos de ustedes se ponen de acuerdo para pedir algo, sea lo que fuere, mi Padre celestial se lo concederá". (Mateo 18:19) ¡Esperamos que te unas a nosotras!

Interested in Becoming Catholic?Please contact Sr. Raquel for more information on our RCIA program at [email protected].

¿Interesado en convertirse en católico?Por favor contacte a H. Raquel para más información en nuestra programa de RICA a [email protected].

REGISTER FOR PSRPSR will begin Sunday, Oct. 4, from 10:40-11:20 a.m. in a virtual format. Please fi ll out a registration packet at http://bit.ly/scbpsrpacket. Email your completed packets and any questions to Sr. Raquel at [email protected].

REGÍSTRESE PARA LA CATEQUESISLa catequesis comenzará el domingo, el 4 de octubre de 10:40-11:20 a.m. en un formato virtual. Por favor complete un paquete de registro a http://bit.ly/scbpsrpacket o envíe un correo electrónico a la H. Raquel a [email protected] para un paquete en español.

Open Church HoursThe church will be open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning Monday, Oct. 5, for prayer and meditation. We will still NOT be having public Masses this week -- they will be posted on Facebook (facebook.com/Borromeo1791) and YouTube (bit.ly/youtubescb). Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Horario de la iglesia abiertaLa iglesia estará abierta de 7 a.m. a 2 p.m. comenzando el lunes, el 5 de octubre para la oración y la meditación. Todavía NO tendremos misas públicas esta semana; se publicarán en Facebook (facebook.com/Borromeo1791) y YouTube (bit.ly/youtubescb). Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.

English Baptism Class CanceledThe Baptism Preparation Class scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 6, is canceled at this time. We will reschedule for a later date this month. Please call the Parish Offi ce (636-946-1893) with questions.

Page 4: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

Registration InfoBuy raffl e tickets and register for all events online through FaithDirect at http://bit.ly/scb2020picnic. Be sure that for team events that only one person registers and pays!


Washers TournamentSaturday, Oct. 10, 3p.m.

Check-in begins at 2 p.m.The same washers tournament you know and love -- outdoors! $40 per team of 2 (register at http://www.bit.ly/scb2020picnic)Register online in advance or sign up on-site from 2-2:45 p.m.!Food, beer and soda will be available for purchase.

Rain Date: Sunday, Oct. 11, at 3 p.m.

Dinner & A MovieOutdoor Takeaway Dinner

Friday, Oct. 9, 4-7 p.m.Take it home, or bring some chairs and enjoy your meal

and some socially distant fellowship on the upper lot

Cheeseburger, plus chips, cole slaw, applesauce: $61/4 lb hot dog, plus chips, cole slaw, applesauce: $6Tony Taylor's special pulled pork sandwich with chips, cole slaw and applesauce: $8Soda and beer will be available for purchase

If you plan on enjoying your meal on-site, please bring your own chairs, blankets, etc. so that everyone can remain appropriately socially distanced.

You can pre-order your dinners at http://www.bit.ly/scb2020picnic.

Outdoor Family Movie: Spies in DisguiseFriday, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m.

Lower lot opens at 6:30 p.m.Bring your family, chairs, and blankets, and enjoy the show!

Sweet Poppins (owned by SCB parents Bryan and Erica Priest) and Doozles (owned by SCB Parishioners Randy and Mo Keeven) will have treats for purchase. Save room for dessert!

Sign up online at http://www.bit.ly/scb2020picnic. A suggested $20/family donation is requested when signing up.

Online Silent AuctionThursday, Oct. 8, 8 a.m.

through Sunday, Oct. 11, 7 p.m.The silent auction is moving online this year, making it easier than ever to bid on your favorite items, including those sought-after class baskets!

Create an account ahead of time and log in during the auction to securely view items, bid, donate directly to the parish, and pay for the items you have won:

1) Go to https://parish.givesmart.com

2) Click on the yellow "Sign In or Register" button on the top right of the screen

3) If this is your fi rst time, click the blue "Register Now" linkat the bottom of the box -- if you participated in the 2018 school Dinner Auction, your login should still be good!

4) Enter your contact information, including your cell phone number, email address, and street address. **An email address is required to access the system, as you will receive a registration confi rmation.**

5) Create a user name (you can use the one they create for you or delete it and make your own) and password that you will use to log in to the system, check the box that you agree to Terms & Conditions, and choose if you would like text alerts sent to your cell phone (this is optional).

6) Click the yellow "Create my GiveSmart account" button. You will receive an email confi rmation that will include "Your Personal Link" to the auction site that will automatically log you in without having to type in your user name and password.

Once you are logged in with that personal link, you can View Items from the center of the screen or use the links on the top left of the screen to see Items, Donate directly to the parish, Pay for items you have won, or adjust your personal info.

Account items will be visible beginning Monday, Oct. 4, but bidding will not begin until 8 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8. The bidding ends at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11.

If you have any technical questions regarding the auction site, please contact Jon Ewanio (314-497-0051 or [email protected]) or Tara in the Parish Offi ce.

We could still use additional auction items -- see the blurb on page 5 for details!

Page 5: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

Cash & Tech RafflesThe Picnic is not just an opportunity to gather—it is also the parish’s biggest annual fundraiser, enabling us to live our faith

through diverse ministries and provide an affordable Catholic education to hundreds of St. Charles children. Because we are unable to offer rides, game booths, and our traditional Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner, our Cash Raffl e and Tech Raffl e have become two of our primary fundraising opportunities.

We are asking parishioners to consider the amount they would have spent on ride, booth and food tickets, and increase their raffl e ticket purchases by at least that amount. Then, we are asking you to consider how much time you would have volunteered to the Picnic, and use that time to sell raffl e tickets to others outside our parish community. Thank you!

Tech Raffle - $5 per ticket or $20 for fiveGrand Prize – Insignia 55" Class LED 4K UHD Smart Fire TVSecond Prize – Google Nest Hub Max with Google AssistantThird prize – Swagtron T882 Electric Self-Balancing Scooter

Cash Raffle - $25 per ticket or $100 for fiveGrand Prize – $2,000

Second Prize – $1,500Third prize – $1,000

You can buy raffl e tickets online at http://bit.ly/scb2020picnic, or paper tickets will be available at the Parish Offi ce or the church vestibule. Bought tickets can be returned at Sunday Masses, the Parish Offi ce or through school. Drawings on Oct. 11.

Online Silent Auction - Donations NeededThis year's silent auction will be online, and we will have more details soon on participating in the auction. Until then, we need items for the auction! Your generosity in donating items allows us to raise much needed funds for our many ministries!

How Can You Help with the Silent Auction?• Can you or your company provide a product or service? A gift certifi cate or other goodies? • Do you have access to a timeshare? • What is sitting in your basement or garage that isn’t getting used? Beer signs, sports memorabilia, unused gifts?• How about your neighbors or family members? Do they own a business that can help?• The willingness to take some time and ask local businesses in person or via e-mail for a donation? • Having a group of friends come together to donate an item or create an experience for others to bid on?

To arrange a donation dropoff or pickup, please contact Jon Ewanio (314-497-0051 or [email protected]) or Gregg Jost (314-807-0386 or [email protected]).

Want to gain exposure in the Borromeo Community for your company? There are a variety of ways you can support our events and we can showcase your business's generosity. Please contact Theresa Maher (636-373-4724 or [email protected]) or Jon Ewanio (314-497-0051 or [email protected]) for more information or to secure a sponsorship. Let the Parish Picnic increase the visibility of your business!

While we are scaling back our events and don't need as much help as we would for our normal picnic events, we could still use your help! If you have any picnic questions or would like to be involved – please contact Paul or Christine Woody ([email protected] or 636-395-0769).

Sponsorship Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Page 6: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

6 Oct. 4, 2020 St. Charles Bor omeo Catholic Church

In today's Gospel, Jesus once again speaks to

the priests and elders with a parable. In this parable, the landowner leases his vineyard to tenants and sends his servants to collect the portion of the harvest that the tenants owe to him. Several times the servants are sent to collect payment, and each time they are beaten and killed by the tenants. Finally, the landowner sends his son to collect his rent. The tenants, believing that they will inherit the vineyard if the landowner dies without an heir, plot together and kill the landowner's son.

After telling the parable, Jesus questions the chief priests and elders about what the landowner will do to the wicked tenants. They all agree that the landowner will kill the wicked tenants and give the land to new tenants who will pay the rent.

In telling the parable, Jesus is clearly

drawing upon Isaiah 5:1-7, which is today's fi rst reading and one that the priests and elders would have known well. The Pharisees would have understood that the vineyard represented Israel, the landowner represented God, the servants represented the prophets, and the bad tenants

represented the religious leaders. Yet Jesus nonetheless explains that the Kingdom of God will be taken from the unbelieving and given to the faithful. The chief priests and elders have condemned themselves with their answer to Jesus's question.

This Gospel reminds us of the importance of listening to God's word. God speaks to us in many ways—through Scripture, through our Church tradition, in our Church's teaching, and through modern-day prophets. Are we attentive and receptive to God's word to us through these messengers?

Be In the Know & Download Our Parish App

Get our parish app through myParish. It has the bulletin, parish info, daily readings, Fr. Dotson’s homilies, and much more. And it is FREE!

Go to your favorite app store and download the myParish app. Search for our parish by ZIP code (63301) and get parish info at your fi ngertips.

St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree 636-928-2970 or

[email protected]

Online Giving through Faith DirectConsider eGiving through Faith Direct. It will save you time while helping us reduce our expenses of mailing envelopes.Go online to http://faith.direct/mo903 to enroll.

Deacon Don McElroy, Senior DeaconDeacon Steve Moeller [email protected] Jorge Perez, Hispanic Liaison [email protected]. Raquel Ortez, S.S.N.D., Director of Religious Education [email protected] Williams, Youth & Family Minister [email protected] Stepanek, Communications Specialist [email protected] Cornwell, Parish Council Chairperson

Rosanne Tabaska, Offi ce Secretary offi [email protected] DuBois, Offi ce Secretary [email protected] Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors [email protected] Duello, Director of Music [email protected] Voelkl, School Principal [email protected] Dickherber, School Offi ce Manager offi [email protected]


Background on the Gospel, Oct. 4from Loyola Press “Sunday Connection”

Parish ServicesSacrament of Reconciliation

Saturdays, 4-4:45 p.m.Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. or by appointment

Sacrament of BaptismParent preparation meeting: the fi rst Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.; call the Parish Offi ce for details Baptisms: fi rst Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

Sacrament of MatrimonyContact your choice of priest or deacon prior to setting a date at least six months in advance

Servicios ParroquialesSacramento de Reconciliación

Miércoles de 5-6 p.m.Sábados de 4-4:45 p.m. o por cita

Sacramento de BautismoClases para padres:

primer domingo de mes, 10:30 a.m. en la ofi cina parroquial; contacte a la ofi cina parroquial o al Diácono Jorge para registrarseBautismos: el cuarto domingo de mes, 1:30 p.m.

Sacramento de MatrimonioContacte al Diácono Jorge o uno de los padres para empezar los preparativos; preparaciones necesitan al menos seis meses.

MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LAS MISASMonday, Oct. 5 - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Priest

Daniel Allen - birthday

Tuesday, Oct. 6 - St. Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Virgin

Paul Baumann

Wednesday, Oct. 7 - Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Mary Ellen Prinster - 10th anniv.

Thursday, Oct. 8Brother Knight Norbert Bornhop

Friday, Oct. 9 - St. Denis, Bishop, & Comps., Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest

Dorothy McLaughlin

Saturday, Oct. 10Orene Sudheimer

Sunday, Oct. 11 - Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Florence Williams - 2nd anniv.

Due to not having public Masses at this time, we will need to move Mass Intentions to accommodate the abbreviated Mass schedule and will post their reschedule dates as soon as we can.

Thank you for your understanding!

Page 7: 601 N. Fourth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Founded 1791Oct 04, 2020  · a desmoronarse después del retiro inicial. A principios de año, propuse una nueva iniciativa para formar Familias

7Oct. 4, 2020St. Charles Bor omeo Catholic Church

Oct. 4, Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The good news of this Gospel is that all we need to do is let God tend us and bring us to produce good fruit. All we need do is be faithful; God will take care of the rest.

Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring the loveand mercy of Jesus to those who feel left out and abandoned.

SCB High School Youth Group (9th-12th graders)

10/4 Life-size Candy Land & virtual Adoration! 7-8:30 p.m. in the gym. Bring a lawn chair.

10/11 Bonfi re, s’mores & live music, Lower Lot 7-8:30 p.m. Bring a lawn chair.

SCB Middle School Youth Group (7th and 8th graders)

10/6 Edge bonfi re, s’mores & an interactive story about the Acts of the Apostles!

7-8:30 p.m. on the Lower Lot

Saint Charles Borromeo Youth Ministry



MINISTRYYOUTHSt. Charles Borromeo

For more information, please contact Kristin Williams at [email protected] 636-946-1893. Email Kristin your name and number to join our GroupMe.

The Young Adult Group is an outreach ministry of St. Charles city parishes for anyone in their 20’s or 30’s. We are a ministry for young people to build community and grow in faith. Check out our Facebook page: St. Charles Young Adults or email Kristin Williams at [email protected].

Join us for a bonfi re and happy hour Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. on the Lower Lot! We’ll also be learning about our young adult group’s patron saint, St. Augustine!


PRO-LIFE MARCH: Unfortunately, this year due to the pandemic, we will not be attending the march for Life in Washington, D.C. Instead, there will be programming in St. Louis. On Wednesday, Jan. 27 we will gather at “launch” sites for a guest speaker, teen witnesses, prayer and more! On Saturday, Jan. 30, we will attend a rally (hopefully in-person). More details to come. The cost is $25 due Oct. 1. It includes the 2 events and a giveaway item. We will still be selling poinsettias this year. Contact Kristin if you are interested in attending the march events ([email protected]).

Archdiocese of St. Louis Virtual Catholic High School NightsMonday, Oct. 5 | Wednesday, Oct. 14

sessions from 7-7:40 p.m. and 7:50-8:30 p.m.

Families should go to websites of the schools they would like to explore to receive instructions to register and receive a link to view each school's presentation for one of these four nights. See a list all Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese and more information at http://bit.ly/archstlhsnights.

We are called to bring the best of ourselves and our faith to the public

square—and yet today, many shy away from such involvement because our national and local conversations are fi lled with anger and harsh language, often directed at people themselves. As Catholics, we must model a better way.

Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate is a non-partisan call to focus on the dignity of all people, even those with whom we disagree, and to put faith in action. This election year pledge civility, clarity, and compassion. Read more at http://bit.ly/civilizeitpost.

Estamos llamados a llevar lo mejor de nosotros mismos y nuestra fe a la

plaza pública y, sin embargo, hoy en día, muchos evitan esa participación porque nuestras conversaciones nacionales y locales están llenas de ira y lenguaje duro, a menudo dirigido a las personas mismas. Como católicos, debemos modelar una mejor manera.

"Civilize It" es un llamado no partidista para centrarnos en la dignidad de todas las personas, incluso aquellas con las que no estamos de acuerdo, y poner la fe en acción. Este año electoral prometa cortesía, claridad y compasión. Lea más en http://bit.ly/civilizeitpost.

Pledge Civility, Clarity & Compassion This Election Year

Prometa Cortesía, Claridad y Compasión Este Año Electoral


EVENTS AROUND TOWNLast Monthly Outdoor Mass at the Shrine

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 5:30 p.m. Our Lady Queen of Peace Shrine in O’Fallon, Mo.

Fr. Raymond Hager will be our celebrant. Rosary and chaplet after Mass. Please bring a lawn chair for distancing. Please call Ruth at 636-233-1082 with any questions.

'Voting: What's a Catholic to Do?' WebinarTuesday, Oct. 6, 6:30-7:45 p.m., Zoom

Join Seeds of Justice for this interactive virtual FREE event to help Catholic voters explore their conscience and develop their 2020 voting plan through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. Main For more information or to register, visit http://bit.ly/SeedsVoting2020 (URL is case sensitive).

National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Virtual Fall Retreat:“Cultivating a Spiritual

Life in Turbulent Times” Saturday, Oct. 17, 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Zoom

Join retreat presenter, Geri Boyer, as she teaches us how we can transform wounds into sacred experiences. She will guide us on how we can cultivate a deeper spiritual life through heart-centered awareness and experience the transformative power of God’s unconditional love.Register online at snows.org/retreat or call 618-394-6281 for more information or to register.

St. Patrick KC Carryout Chicken DinnerFriday, Oct. 16, 4-7 p.m.

St. Patrick Parish, 405 S. Church St., WentzvilleCost: $10 for adults; $5 for children 12 and underFried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, fries, coleslaw, and roll. Visit www.stpatrickwentzville.org/chicken for more info.

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