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7 Prevent Clutter in Your Apartment

Prevent Clutter in Your Apartment

ways to

7 ways to Prevent Clutter In Your Apartment

These are some tips to remove clutter

from your apartment



The key to keep your apartment uncluttered is prevention. There are various benets of having a tidier and organized apartment. First and the foremost reason is it makes your

home look more like, well , a home. Secondly, a clutter-free apartment is likely to lower your stress level and bring a sense

of calmness in your living space; Who doesn’t want that?

1Find a Spot for Everything: All of your appliances, housewares and other items need to have a home. Whether you need to install shelving or invest in some serious storage options, ensure that there is denitely a place to safely put all of your things away every night before you go to bed.

2Don't Put Off Your Mail: Opening bills and dealing with

mail is part of adult life-- but we all tend to cringe a little

when we come home and see the mailbox full of letters,

especially after a long day of work. Cue the massive pile

of mail lying on your coffee table. Open these letters and

bills and either recycle your junk mail immediately or le

away important documents. Not only will this help you

keep up with your monthly budget, but it will also keep

paper clutter out of sight.

3Go Digital: Want to know one easy way to eliminate clutter? Keep up with 21st century trends-- get rid of that extensive CD/DVD collection and start digitizing your favorite music and movies. Not only will this clear up a lot of precious space, but it could also eliminate ugly and unnecessary wiring. Imagine how clean and streamlined your entertainment center will look without all of those extra electronics!

4Unsubscribe from Magazines and Newspapers:

Almost all of your subscriptions can be viewed online, and this will keep your coffee table looking a lot more polished and rened. As an added bonus, this is a much greener way to get your news, articles and recipes-- making Mother Nature a lot happier.


5Shop Smart: This is a great idea for making your home less messy, and it's also better for your bank account! Be sure to do some research on things you're thinking about buying-- especially for major appliances, furniture or items you plan on keeping or using for a long time. Also keep in mind that storage containers aren't always the answer to eliminating clutter. After all, piles of storage boxes are still taking up much needed space in your apartment. Even though the clutter might be organized, it's still clutter. Bottom line: If you're not using it for some purpose, it probably shouldn't be there.

6Scan the Apartment: Set a reminder once a month to scan the apartment for things you no longer need or want. Then, create piles for things that can be donated, put into storage, or tossed. This is especially true when it comes to your closet.

7Clearing out the small spaces: – Expired

medicines and makeup, your kitchen cabinets,

shelves in your bathroom. The objective is to

remove any expired or of no use to you

objects. Also removing the duplicate such as

six different types of hair gel or combs,

removing duplicates can really free up an

amazing amount of space.

Try out some of these tips to

keep your apartment tidy!

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