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8 Emulsion Rheology


The application of a force to a material causes it to become deformed and/or to flow(Whorlow 1992, Macosko 1994). The extent of the deformation and flow depends on thephysicochemical properties of the material. Rheology is the science which is concerned withthe relationship between applied forces and the deformation and flow of matter (Macosko1994). Most rheological tests involve the application of a force to a material and a measure-ment of the resulting flow or change in shape (Whorlow 1992).

A knowledge of the rheological properties of emulsions is important to food scientistsfor a number of reasons (Sherman 1970, Dickinson and Stainsby 1982, Race 1991, Shoe-maker et al. 1992, Rao et al. 1995, Rao 1995). Many of the sensory attributes of foodemulsions are directly related to their rheological properties (e.g., creaminess, thickness,smoothness, spreadability, pourabilty, flowability, brittleness, and hardness). A food manu-facturer must therefore be able to design and produce a product which has the rheologicalproperties expected by the consumer. The shelf life of many food emulsions depends onthe rheological characteristics of the component phases (e.g., the creaming of oil dropletsdepends on the viscosity of the aqueous phase) (Section 7.3). Information about the rheol-ogy of food products is used by food engineers to design processing operations whichdepend on the way that a food behaves when it flows through a pipe, is stirred, or ispacked into containers. Rheological measurements are also used by food scientists as ananalytical tool to provide fundamental insights about the structural organization and inter-actions of the components within emulsions (e.g., measurements of viscosity versus shearrate can be used to provide information about the strength of the colloidal interactionsbetween droplets) (Hunter 1993, Tadros 1994). In this chapter, the basic principles ofrheology, the rheological characteristics of food emulsions, and the instruments available forcarrying out rheological measurements are covered.

Food emulsions are compositionally and structurally complex materials which can exhibita wide range of different rheological behaviors, ranging from low-viscosity fluids (such asmilk and fruit juice beverages) to fairly hard solids (such as refrigerated margarine orbutter). Food scientists aim to develop theories which can be used to describe and predictthe rheological behavior of food emulsions and experimental techniques to characterizethese properties. Despite the diversity of food emulsions, it is possible to characterize manyof their rheological properties in terms of a few simple models: the ideal solid, the idealliquid, and the ideal plastic (Sherman 1970, Tung and Paulson 1995). More complexsystems can then be described by combining two or more of these simple models. In thefollowing sections, the concepts of the ideal solid, ideal liquid, and ideal plastic are intro-duced, as well as some of the deviations from these models that are commonly observed infood emulsions.

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8.2.1. Solids

In our everyday lives, we come across solid materials which exhibit quite different rheologi-cal characteristics. Some may be soft, others hard; some may be brittle, others rubbery; somemay break easily, others may not. Despite this range of different behaviors, it is possible tocharacterize the rheological properties of many solid foods in terms of a few simple concepts. Ideal Elastic Solids

An ideal elastic solid is often referred to as a Hookean solid, after Robert Hooke, the scientistwho first described this type of behavior (Whorlow 1992, Macosko 1994, Rao et al. 1995).Hooke observed experimentally that there is a linear relationship between the deformation ofa solid material and the magnitude of the force applied to it, provided the deformation is nottoo large (Figure 8.1). He also observed that when the force was removed from the material,it returned back to its original length. In general, Hooke found that the force per unit area (orstress) was proportional to the relative deformation (or strain). Hooke’s law can therefore besummarized by the following statement:

stress constant strain ( ) ( ) ( )τ γ= ×E (8.1)

A stress can be applied to a material in a number of different ways, including simple shear,simple compression, and bulk compression (Figure 8.2). Equation 8.1 is applicable to eachof these situations, but the values of the stress, strain, and constant used depend on the natureof the deformation (Table 8.1).

The equations given in Table 8.1 assume that the material is homogeneous and isotropic(i.e., its properties are the same in all directions). To characterize the rheological constantsof an ideal elastic solid, it is therefore necessary to measure the change in its dimensions whena force of known magnitude is applied.

The elastic behavior of a solid is related to the intermolecular forces which hold themolecules together. When a stress is applied to a material, the bonds between the moleculesare compressed or expanded, and therefore they store energy. When the stress is removed, thebonds give up this energy and the material returns to its original shape. The elastic modulus

FIGURE 8.1 At small deformations, there is a linear relationship between the applied stress and theresultant strain for an ideal elastic solid. At higher deformations, the stress is no longer linearly relatedto strain and the material will eventually break.

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FIGURE 8.2 An elastic solid can be deformed in a number of different ways.

of an ideal elastic solid is therefore related to the strength of the interactions between themolecules within it. Nonideal Elastic Solids

Hooke’s law is only strictly applicable to elastic materials at low strains, and therefore mostfundamental rheological studies of solid foods are carried out using very small materialdeformations (<1%). Nevertheless, the rheological behavior of foods at large deformations isoften more relevant to their actual use (e.g., spreadability, slicing, or mastication) (van Vliet1995). For this reason, it is also important to characterize the rheological behavior of solidsat large deformations. At strains just above the region where Hooke’s law is obeyed, the stressis no longer proportional to the strain, and therefore an apparent modulus is defined, whichis equal to the stress/strain at a particular value of the strain. It is therefore necessary tostipulate the strain (or stress) at which an apparent modulus of a material is measured. Eventhough the material does not strictly obey Hooke’s law, it still returns to its original shapeonce the force is removed. Above a certain deformation, however, a solid may not return toits original shape after the applied stress is removed, because it either breaks or flows. A

TABLE 8.1Rheological Parameters for Different Types of Deformation of Elastic Solids

Deformation Stress Strain Elastic modulus

Simple shear τ γ φφ

= = = =FA





Simple compression τ γ= = =FA



A l∆

Bulk compression τ γ= = = =FA





Note: G is the shear modulus, Y is Young’s modulus, K is the bulk modulus, P is the pressure, φ is thedeformation angle, and the other symbols are as defined in Figure 8.2.

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material that breaks at low strains is referred to as being brittle, whereas a material that flowsis referred to as being plastic or viscoelastic (see later). The stress at which a material breaksis referred to as the breaking stress, whereas the strain at which it breaks is referred to as thebreaking strain. A material usually ruptures or flows when the forces holding the atoms ormolecules in the material together are exceeded. This often begins at regions where the bondsholding the material together are relatively weak (e.g., a crack). A knowledge of the breakingstress or breaking strain required to disrupt a material is often a useful indication of its abilityto be broken up during mastication, cut with a knife, or its sensitivity to rupture during storageand transport.

8.2.2. Liquids

Liquid food emulsions also exhibit a wide range of rheological properties. Some have lowviscosities and flow easily, like milk, while others are very viscous, like mayonnaise. Evenso, it is possible to characterize their rheological properties using a few simple concepts. Ideal Liquids

The ideal liquid is often referred to as a Newtonian liquid, after Isaac Newton, the scientistwho first described its behavior (Whorlow 1992, Macosko 1994, Rao 1995). When a shearstress is applied to an ideal liquid, it continues to flow as long as the stress is applied. Oncethe stress is removed, there is no elastic recovery of the material (i.e., it does not return toits original shape).

The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of its resistance to flow: the higher the viscosity, thegreater the resistance (Macosko 1994). The concept of viscosity can be understood byconsidering a liquid which is contained between two parallel plates (Figure 8.3). The bottomplate is at rest, while the top plate moves in the x-direction with a constant velocity (v). It isassumed that the liquid between the plates consists of a series of infinitesimally thin layers.The liquid layers in direct contact with the bottom and top plates are assumed to “stick” tothem, so that they have velocities of 0 and v, respectively. The intervening liquid layers slideover each other with velocities that range between 0 and v, the actual value being given bydy(dv/dy), where dy is the distance from the bottom plate and dv/dy is the velocity gradientbetween the plates. The shear stress applied to the fluid is equal to the shear force dividedby the area over which it acts (τ = F/A). The rate of strain is given by the change indisplacement of the layers per unit time: dγ/dt (or «γ) = dv/dy. For an ideal liquid, the shearstress is proportional to the rate of strain (Figure 8.4):

τ ηγ= « (8.2)

FIGURE 8.3 The viscosity of a liquid is related to the friction between the liquid layers as they slideacross each other: the greater the friction, the higher the viscosity.

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where the constant of proportionality (η) is called the viscosity. The viscosity arises from thefriction between the liquid layers as they slide past one another (Macosko 1994). The lowerthe viscosity of a liquid, the less resistance between the liquid layers, and therefore thesmaller the force required to cause the top plate to move with a given velocity, or the fasterthe top plate moves when a given force is applied. The ideal viscous fluid differs from theideal elastic solid because the shear stress is proportional to the rate of strain (Figure 8.3),rather than the strain (Figure 8.1).

The units of shear stress (τ) are Ν m–2 (or Pa), and those of shear rate ( «γ) are s–1; thus theviscosity (η) has units of N s m–2 (or Pa s) in the SI system. Viscosity can also be expressedin the older cgs units of poise, where 1 Pa s = 10 P. Thus the viscosity of water can be quotedas 1 mPa s, 0.001 Pa s, 0.01 P, or 1 cP, depending on the units used.

Ideally, a Newtonian liquid should be incompressible (its volume does not change whena force is applied to it), isotropic (its properties are the same in all directions), and structure-less (it is homogeneous). Although many liquid foods do not strictly meet these criteria, theirrheological behavior can still be described excellently by Equation 8.2 (e.g., milk). Neverthe-less, there are many others that exhibit nonideal liquid behavior and so their properties cannotbe described by Equation 8.2.

The type of flow depicted in Figure 8.3 occurs at low shear rates and is known as laminarflow, because the liquid travels in a well-defined laminar pattern. At higher shear rates, eddiesform in the liquid and the flow pattern is much more complex. This type of flow is referredto as turbulent, and it is much more difficult to mathematically relate the shear stress to therate of strain under these conditions. For this reason, instruments that measure the viscosityof liquids are designed to avoid turbulent flow. Nonideal Liquids

Nonideality may manifest itself in a number of different ways; for example, the viscosity ofa liquid may depend on the shear rate and/or the time over which the shear stress is applied,or the fluid may exhibit some elastic as well as viscous properties (Macosko 1994, Tung andPaulson 1995). Plastic and viscoelastic materials, which have some elastic characteristics, areconsidered in later sections.

Shear-Rate-Dependent Nonideal Liquids. In an ideal liquid, the viscosity is independent ofshear rate and the length of time the liquid is sheared (i.e., the ratio of the shear stress to theshear rate does not depend on shear rate or time) (Figure 8.5). In practice, many foodemulsions have viscosities which depend on the shear rate and the length of time the emulsionis sheared (Dickinson 1992). In this section, emulsions in which the viscosity depends onshear rate but is independent of the shearing time are examined (Dickinson 1992). In thefollowing section, emulsions in which the viscosity depends on both the shear rate andshearing time are examined.

FIGURE 8.4 Stress is proportional to rate of strain for an ideal liquid.

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(a) (b)

The viscosity of an emulsion may either increase or decrease as the shear rate is increased,rather than staying constant, as for a Newtonian liquid (Figure 8.5). In these systems, theviscosity at a particular shear rate is referred to as the apparent viscosity. The dependenceof the apparent viscosity on shear rate means that it is crucial to stipulate the shear rate usedto carry out the measurements when reporting data. The choice of shear rate when measuringthe apparent viscosity of a nonideal liquid is a particularly important consideration whencarrying out rheological measurements in a laboratory which are supposed to mimic someprocess which occurs in a food naturally (e.g., flow through a pipe, creaming of an emulsiondroplet, or mastication). The test in the laboratory should use a shear rate that is as close aspossible to that which the food experiences in practice.

The two most common types of shear-rate-dependent nonideal liquids are:

1. Pseudoplastic fluids. Pseudoplastic flow is the most common type of nonidealbehavior exhibited by food emulsions. It manifests itself as a decrease in theapparent viscosity of a fluid as the shear rate is increased and is therefore oftenreferred to as shear thinning (Figure 8.5). Pseudoplasticity may occur for a varietyof reasons in food emulsions (e.g., the spatial distribution of the particles may bealtered by the shear field, nonspherical particles may become aligned with the flowfield, solvent molecules bound to the particles may be removed, or flocs may bedeformed and disrupted) (Hunter 1993, Mewis and Macosko 1994).

2. Dilatant fluids. Dilatant behavior is much less common than pseudoplastic be-havior. It manifests itself as an increase in the apparent viscosity as the shear rateis increased and is therefore often referred to as shear thickening (Figure 8.5).Dilantancy is often observed in concentrated emulsions or suspensions where theparticles are packed tightly together (Hunter 1989). At intermediate shear rates, theparticles form two-dimensional “sheets” which slide over each other relativelyeasily, but at higher shear rates, these sheets are disrupted and so the viscosityincreases (Pal 1996). Shear thickening may also occur when the particles in anemulsion become flocculated because of an increased collision frequency (Section7.4.1.1); therefore, this process usually leads to time-dependent behavior and sowill be considered in the following section.

Liquids that exhibit pseudoplastic behavior often have a viscosity versus shear rate profilesimilar to that shown in Figure 8.6. The viscosity decreases from a constant value at low shearrates (η0) to another constant value at high shear rates (η∞). A number of mathematicalequations have been developed to describe the rheological behavior of shear-rate-dependentnonideal liquids. The major difference is the range of shear rates over which they are

FIGURE 8.5 Comparison of the viscosity of ideal and nonideal liquids. (a) Shear stress versus shearrate. (b) Viscosity versus shear rate.

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FIGURE 8.6 Typical viscosity profile for a pseudoplastic material. The viscosity decreases from aconstant value (η0) at low shear rates to another constant value (η∞) at high shear rates. (Adapted fromHunter 1993.)

applicable. If measurements are carried out across the whole shear rate range (which oftenextends many orders of magnitude), then the viscosity can often be described by the Meterequation (Hunter 1989):

η ηη η

τ τ= +



1 ( / )in (8.3)

where τ i is the shear stress where the viscosity is midway between the low and high shear ratelimits and n is the power index. The rheological properties of this type of system can thereforebe characterized by four parameters: η0, η∞, τi , and n.

If measurements are only carried out at shear rates that are sufficiently less than the highshear rate plateau (Figure 8.6), then the rheology can be described by the Ellis equation(Hunter 1993):

ηητ τ



1 ( / )in (8.4)

If measurements are carried out at intermediate shear rates (i.e., above the low shearplateau and below the high shear plateau), the rheology can often be described by a simplepower-law model (Hunter 1993):

τ γ η γ= = −A d dt A d dtB B( / ) ( / )or 1 (8.5)

The constants A and B are usually referred to as the consistency index and the power index,respectively (Dickinson 1992). For an ideal liquid, B = 1; for an emulsion which exhibitsshear thinning, B < 1; and for an emulsion which exhibits shear thickening, B > 1. Equations8.5 are easy to use since they only contain two unknown parameters, which can simply beobtained from a plot of log (τ) versus log (dγ/dt). Nevertheless, these equations should onlybe used after it has been proven experimentally that the relationship between log (τ) and log(dγ/dt) is linear over the shear rates used.

Time-Dependent Nonideal Liquids. The apparent viscosity of the fluids described in theprevious section depended on the shear rate, but not on the length of time that the shear was

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applied. There are many food emulsions whose apparent viscosity either increases or de-creases with time during the application of shear. In some cases, this change is reversible andthe fluid will recover its original rheological characteristics if it is allowed to stand at rest fora sufficiently long period. In other cases, the change brought about by shearing the sampleis irreversible, and the sample will not recover its original characteristics.

An appreciation of the time dependency of the flow properties of food emulsions is of greatpractical importance in the food industry. The duration of pumping or mixing operations, forinstance, must be carefully controlled so that the food sample has an apparent viscosity whichis suitable for the next processing operation. If a food is mixed or pumped for too long, it maybecome too thick or too runny and thus lose its desirable rheological properties.

The dependence of the rheology of a liquid on time is often associated with some kind ofrelaxation process (Hunter 1993, Mewis and Macosko 1994). When an external force isapplied to a system that is initially at equilibrium, the material takes a certain length of timeto reach the new equilibrium conditions, which is characterized by a relaxation time (τR).When the measurement time is of the same order as the relaxation time, it is possible toobserve changes in the properties of the system with time. Thus the rheological properties ofan emulsion depend on the time scale of the experiment. Time-dependent nonideal fluids areclassified in two different categories:

1. Thixotropic behavior. A thixotropic fluid is one in which the apparent viscositydecreases with time when the fluid is subjected to a constant shear rate (Figure8.7). Emulsions which exhibit this type of behavior often contain particles (drop-lets, crystals, or biopolymers) which are aggregated by weak forces. Shearing ofthe material causes the aggregated particles to be progressively deformed anddisrupted, which decreases the resistance to flow and therefore causes a reductionin viscosity over time. If the relaxation time associated with the disruption of theflocs is shorter than the measurement time, then the viscosity will be observed totend to a constant final value. This value may correspond to the point where therate of structure disruption is equal to the rate of structure reformation or wherethere is no more structure to be broken down. In pseudoplastic liquids, the break-down of the aggregated particles occurs so rapidly that the system almost imme-diately attains its new equilibrium position, and so it appears as though the viscos-ity is independent of time.

2. Rheopectic. In some food emulsions, the apparent viscosity of the fluid increaseswith time when it is subjected to a constant shear rate (Figure 8.7). One of the mostcommon reasons for this type of behavior is that shearing increases both thefrequency and efficiency of collisions between droplets, which leads to enhancedaggregation (Section 7.4.1) and consequently an increase in apparent viscosityover time.

In some fluids, the time-dependent rheological properties are irreversible (i.e., once theshear force is removed, the system may not fully regain its initial rheological properties).Liquids that experience this type of permanent change are called rheodestructive. This typeof behavior might occur when flocs are disrupted by an intense shear stress and are unableto reform when the shear stress is removed. Otherwise, the structure and rheological prop-erties of a material may return to their original values. In this case, the recovery time is oftenan important characteristic of the material.

The rheological properties of time-dependent nonideal liquids can be characterized bymeasuring the change in their viscosity over time. From these measurements, one can obtaina relaxation time for the structural rearrangements that occur in the emulsion. Nevertheless,

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FIGURE 8.8 Hysteresis curve for liquids whose viscosity depends on the length of time they aresheared.

FIGURE 8.7 Comparison of the viscosity of ideal and time-dependent nonideal liquids. The viscositymay increase or decrease to a constant value with time. Alternatively, it may increase steeply due tonetwork formation.

this type of experiment is often inconvenient if one also wants to obtain information aboutthe dependence of the viscosity on shear rate. One would have to establish the relaxation timefor the structural rearrangements at each shear rate, and then ensure that the samples weresheared for a time that was long enough for them to reach their steady-state rheology. If therelaxation time of a sample is relatively long, this type of measurement would be timeconsuming and laborious to carry out. Instead, it is often more convenient to measure theviscosity of a fluid when the shear rate is increased from zero to a certain value and thendecreased back to zero again (Figure 8.8). When there is a significant structural relaxation ina system, the upward curve is different from the downward curve and one obtains a hysteresisloop. The area within the loop depends on the degree of relaxation that occurs and the rateat which the shear rate is altered. The slower the shear rate is altered, the more time the systemhas to reach its equilibrium value, and therefore the smaller the area within the hysteresisloop. By carrying out measurements as a function of the rate at which the shear rate isincreased, it is possible to obtain information about the relaxation time.

8.2.3. Plastics

A number of food emulsions exhibit rheological behavior known as plasticity (e.g., marga-rine, butter, and certain spreads) (Sherman 1968a,c, 1970; Tung and Paulson 1995). A plasticmaterial has elastic properties below a certain applied stress, known as the yield stress, butflows like a fluid when this stress is exceeded.

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FIGURE 8.9 Rheological behavior of ideal and nonideal plastics. Ideal Plastics

The ideal plastic material is referred to as a Bingham plastic, after the scientist who firstproposed this type of rheological behavior (Sherman 1970). Two equations are needed todescribe the rheological behavior of a Bingham plastic, one below the yield stress and oneabove it:

τ γ τ τ= <G ( )for 0 (8.6)

τ τ ηγ τ τ− = ≥0 0« ( )for (8.7)

where G is the shear modulus, η is the viscosity, and τ0 is the yield stress. The rheologicalproperties of an ideal plastic are shown in Figure 8.9.

Foods that exhibit plastic behavior usually consist of a network of aggregated moleculesor particles dispersed in a liquid matrix (Clark 1987, Edwards et al. 1987, Tung and Paulson1995). For example, margarine and butter consist of a network of tiny fat crystals dispersedin a liquid oil phase (Moran 1994). Below a certain applied stress, there is a small deforma-tion of the sample, but the weak bonds between the crystals are not disrupted. When thecritical yield stress is exceeded, the weak bonds are broken and the crystals slide past oneanother, leading to flow of the sample. Once the force is removed, the flow stops. A similartype of behavior can be observed in emulsions containing three-dimensional networks ofaggregated droplets. Nonideal Plastics

Above the yield stress, the fluid flow may exhibit non-Newtonian behavior similar to thatdescribed earlier for liquids (e.g., pseudoplastic, dilatant, thixotropic, or rheopectic). Thematerial may also exhibit nonideal elastic behavior below the yield stress (e.g., the yield pointmay not be sharply defined; instead, the stress may increase dramatically, but not instanta-neously, as the shear rate is increased) (Figure 8.9). This would occur if the material did notall begin to flow at a particular stress, but there was a gradual breakdown of the networkstructure over a range of stresses (Sherman 1968a,c).

8.2.4. Viscoelastic Materials

Many food emulsions are not pure liquids or pure solids, but have rheological properties thatare partly viscous and partly elastic (Sherman 1968a,c, 1970; Dickinson 1992). Plasticmaterials exhibit elastic behavior below a certain value of the applied stress and viscous

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behavior above this value. In contrast, viscoelastic materials exhibit both viscous and elasticbehavior simultaneously. In an ideal elastic solid, all the mechanical energy applied to thematerial is stored in the deformed bonds and is returned to mechanical energy once the forceis removed (i.e., there is no loss of mechanical energy). On the other hand, in an ideal liquid,all of the mechanical energy applied to the material is dissipated due to friction (i.e., themechanical energy is converted to heat). In a viscoelastic material, part of the energy is storedas mechanical energy within the material, and part of the energy is dissipated. For this reason,when a force is applied to a viscoelastic material, it does not instantaneously adopt its newdimensions, nor does it instantaneously return to its undeformed state when the force isremoved (as an ideal elastic material would). In addition, the material may even remainpermanently deformed once the force is removed. The rheological properties of a viscoelasticmaterial are characterized by a complex elastic modulus (E*) which is comprised of an elasticand a viscous contribution:

E E iE* = ′ + ′′ (8.8)

Here, E′ is known as the storage modulus and E″ as the loss modulus.Two types of experimental tests are commonly used to characterize the rheological prop-

erties of viscoelastic materials: one based on transient measurements and the other ondynamic measurements (Whorlow 1992). Both types of tests can be carried out by theapplication of simple shear, simple compression, or bulk compression to the material beinganalyzed. Simple shear tests are the most commonly used to analyze food emulsions, andtherefore only these will be considered here. Nevertheless, the same basic principles are alsorelevant to compression tests. Transient Tests

In a transient experiment, a constant stress is applied to a material and the resulting strain ismeasured as a function of time or vice versa.

Creep. In a creep experiment, a constant stress is applied to a material and the change in itsdimensions with time are monitored, which results in a strain versus time curve (Sherman1968c, 1970). The data are usually expressed in terms of a parameter called the compliance(J), which is equal to the ratio of the strain to the applied stress (and is therefore the reciprocalof the modulus). The compliance is proportional to the strain, but it is a better parameter touse to characterize the rheological properties of the material because it takes into account themagnitude of the applied stress. The time dependence of the compliance of a material can alsobe measured when the stress is removed, which is referred to as a creep recovery experiment.A typical compliance versus time curve for a viscoelastic material is shown in Figure 8.10(Sherman 1968a). This curve can be divided into three regions:

1. A region of instantaneous elastic deformation in which the bonds between theparticles are stretched elastically. In this region, the material acts like an elasticsolid with a compliance J0 given by the ratio of the strain to the applied stress.

2. A region of retarded elastic compliance in which some bonds are breaking andsome are reforming. In this region, the material has viscoelastic properties and itscompliance is given by JR = JM [1 – exp(–t/τM)], where JM and τM are the meancompliance and retardation time.

3. A region of Newtonian compliance (JN) when the bonds are disrupted and do notreform so that the material only flows: JN = t/ηN.

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FIGURE 8.10 A typical creep versus time curve for a viscoelastic material, such as ice cream.

The total creep compliance of the system is therefore given by:

J t J J t J t J J t tR N M M N( ) ( ) ( ) [ exp( / )] /= + + = + − − +0 0 1 τ η (8.9)

This type of material is usually referred to as a viscoelastic liquid, because it continues toflow for as long as the stress is applied. Some materials exhibit a different type of behaviorand are referred to as viscoelastic solids. When a constant stress is applied to a viscoelasticsolid, the creep compliance increases up to a finite equilibrium value (JE) at long times ratherthan continuously increasing. When the force is removed, the compliance returns to zero,unlike a viscoelastic liquid, which does not return to its initial shape.

Stress Relaxation. Instead of applying a constant force and measuring the change in thestrain with time, it is also possible to apply a constant strain and measure the change in thestress acting on the material with time. This type of experiment is referred to as a stressrelaxation. The same type of information can be obtained from creep and stress relaxationexperiments, and the method used largely depends on the type of rheological instrumentavailable. Dynamic Tests

In a dynamic experiment, a sinusoidal stress is applied to a material and the resultingsinusoidal strain is measured or vice versa (Tung and Paulson 1995, Liu and Masliyah 1996).In this section, only the case where a stress is applied to the sample and the resultant strainis measured is considered. The applied stress is characterized by its maximum amplitude (τ0)and its angular frequency (ω). The resulting strain has the same frequency as the appliedstress, but its phase is different because of relaxation mechanisms associated with the material(Whorlow 1992). Information about the viscoelastic properties of the material can thereforebe obtained by measuring the maximum amplitude (γ0) and phase shift (δ) of the strain(Figure 8.11). The amplitude of the applied stress used in this type of test is usually so smallthat the material is in the linear viscoelastic region (i.e., the stress is proportional to thestrain), and the properties of the material are not affected by the experiment (van Vliet 1995,Liu and Masliyah 1996).

If the applied stress varies sinusoidally with time, then (Whorlow 1992):

τ τ ω= 0 cos( )t (8.10)

and the resulting harmonic strain is

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FIGURE 8.11 The rheological properties of a viscoelastic material can be determined by measuringthe relationship between an applied sinusoidal stress and the resultant sinusoidal strain.

γ γ ω δ= −0 cos( )t (8.11)

The compliance of the material is therefore given by:

J t t t( ) (cos cos sin sin )= = +γτ


δ ω δ ω0




J t J t J t( ) cos sin= ′ + ′′ω ω (8.13)

where J′ (= γ0 cos δ/τ0) is known as the storage compliance, which is the in-phase componentof the compliance, and J″ (= γ0 sin δ/τ0) is known as the loss compliance, which is the 90°out-of-phase component of the compliance. The in-phase component of the compliance isdetermined by the elastic properties of the material, whereas the 90° out-of-phase componentis determined by the viscous properties. This is because the stress is proportional to the strain(τ ∝ γ) for elastic materials, whereas it is proportional to the rate of strain (τ ∝ dγ/dt) forviscous materials (Macosko 1994).

The dynamic rheological properties of a material can therefore be characterized by mea-suring the frequency dependence of the applied stress and the resulting strain and thenplotting a graph of J′ and J″ versus frequency. Alternatively, the data are often presented interms of the magnitude of the complex compliance (J* = J ′ – iJ″) and the phase angle:

J J J* = ′ + ′′2 2 (8.14)

δ = ′′′

−tan 1 JJ


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The phase angle of a material provides a useful insight into its viscoelastic properties: δ= 0° for a perfectly elastic solid, δ = 90° for a perfectly viscous fluid, and 0 < δ < 90° fora viscoelastic material. The more elastic a material (at a particular frequency), the smaller thephase angle and the lower the amount of energy dissipated per cycle.

It is often more convenient to express the rheological properties of a viscoelastic materialin terms of its modulus rather than its compliance (Whorlow 1992). The complex, storage,and loss moduli of a material can be calculated from the measured compliances using thefollowing relationships:




* = ′ + ′′ ′ = ′′ + ′′

′′ = ′′′ + ′′2 2 2 2 (8.16)


Food emulsions can exhibit a wide range of different types of rheological behavior, includingliquid, solid, plastic, and viscoelastic (Dickinson and Stainsby 1982, Dickinson 1992). Con-sequently, a variety of instrumental methods have been developed to characterize theirrheological properties. Instruments vary according to the type of deformation they apply tothe sample (shear, compression, elongation, or some combination), the property they mea-sure, their cost, their sophistication, and their ease of operation (Whorlow 1992).

In many industrial applications, it is necessary to have instruments that make measure-ments which are rapid, low cost, simple to carry out, and reproducible, rather than giveabsolute fundamental data (Sherman 1970, Rao 1995). Thus simple empirical instruments areoften used in quality assurance laboratories, rather than the more sophisticated and expensiveinstruments used in research and development. The information obtained from these empiri-cal instruments is often difficult to relate to the fundamental rheological constants of amaterial because the applied stresses and strains are not easily measured or defined. Ratherthan a simple elongation, shear, or compression, different types of forces may be appliedsimultaneously. For example, when a blade cuts through a meat product, both shear andcompression forces are applied together, and the sample is deformed beyond the limit whereHooke’s law is applicable. To compare data from different laboratories, it is necessary tocarefully follow standardized test procedures. These procedures may define experimentalparameters such as the sample size and preparation procedure, the magnitude of the force ordeformation, the design of the device used, the speed of the probe, the length of time the forceis applied, and the measurement temperature.

For food scientists involved in research and development, it is usually necessary to useinstruments which provide information about the fundamental rheological constants ofthe material being tested. These instruments are designed to apply well-defined stressesand strains to a material in a controlled manner so that stress–strain relationships can bemeasured and interpreted using available mathematical theories. Rheological propertiesdetermined using these techniques can be compared with measurements made by otherworkers or in other laboratories. In addition, measured rheological properties can becompared with predictions made using various mathematical theories which have beendeveloped to relate the structure and composition of materials to their fundamental rheologi-cal properties.

It is convenient to categorize rheological instruments according to whether they utilizesimple compression (or elongation) or shear forces.*

* At present, few instruments utilize bulk compression to analyze the rheological properties of food emulsions.

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FIGURE 8.12 Universal Testing Machine for measuring the rheological properties of a material bya compression or elongation test.

8.3.1. Simple Compression and Elongation

This type of test is most frequently carried out on solid or semisolid foods that are capableof supporting their own weight (e.g., butter, margarine, and frozen ice cream) (Bourne 1982,Rao et al. 1995). Measurements are often carried out using instruments referred to as Uni-versal Testing Machines. The solid sample to be analyzed is placed between a fixed plate anda moving probe (Figure 8.12). The probe can have many different designs depending on thetype of information required, including a flat plate, a blade, a cylindrical spike, and even aset of teeth!

The probe can be moved vertically, either upward or downward, at a controlled speed.Either the probe or the plate contains a pressure sensor which measures the force exerted onthe sample when it is deformed by the probe. The instrument also records the distance thatthe probe moves through the sample. The stress and strain experienced by a material cantherefore be calculated from a knowledge of its dimensions and the force and deformationrecorded by the instrument.

Some of the common tests carried out using Universal Testing Machines are:

1. Stress–strain curve. The stress on a sample is measured as a function of strain asit is compressed at a fixed rate (Figure 8.1). The resulting stress–strain curve isused to characterize the rheological properties of the material being tested. Theslope of stress versus strain at small deformations is often a straight line, with agradient equal to the elastic modulus (Table 8.1). At intermediate deformations, thestress may no longer be proportional to the strain and some flow may occur, so thatwhen the stress is removed the sample does not return to its original shape. Atlarger deformations, the sample may rupture and the breaking stress, strain, andmodulus can be determined. The operator must decide the distance and speed atwhich the probe will move through the sample. For viscoelastic materials, theshape of the upward and downward curves may be different and depends on thespeed at which the probe moves. This type of test is used commonly to test solidsamples and gels, such as margarine, butters, spreads, and desserts.

2. Repeated deformation. The sample to be analyzed is placed between the plateand the probe, and then the probe is lowered and raised a number of times at a fixedspeed so that the sample experiences a number of compression cycles (Rao et al.1995). An ideal elastic solid would show the same stress–strain curve for eachcycle. However, the properties of many materials are altered by compression (e.g.,due to rupture or flow), and therefore successive compression cycles give differentstress–strain curves. This type of test is often used to give some indication of the

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processes that occur when a food is chewed in the mouth (i.e., the breakdown offood structure).

3. Transient experiments. The sample is placed between the plate and the probe andthen compressed to a known deformation, and the relaxation of the stress with timeis measured (stress relaxation). Alternatively, a constant stress could be applied tothe sample, and the variation of the strain is measured over time (creep). This typeof experiment is particularly useful for characterizing the rheological properties ofviscoelastic food emulsions (see Section 8.2.4).

By using different fixtures, the same type of instrument can be used to carry out elongationexperiments. A sample is clamped at both ends, and then the upper clamp is moved upwardat a controlled speed and the force required to elongate the sample is measured by thepressure sensor as a function of sample deformation. Again, the elastic modulus and breakingstrength of the material can be determined by analyzing the resulting stress–strain relation-ship. Universal Testing Machines can also be adapted to perform various other types ofexperiments, such as bending or slicing.

Recently, a number of more sophisticated instruments, based on dynamic rheologicalmeasurements, have been developed to characterize the rheological properties of solids,plastics, and viscoelastic materials (Harwalker and Ma 1990, Wunderlich 1990, Whorlow1992). In addition to carrying out the standard compression measurements mentioned above,they can also be used to carry out dynamic compression measurements on viscoelasticmaterials. The sample to be analyzed is placed between a plate and a probe, and an oscillatoryshear stress of known amplitude and frequency is applied to it. The amplitude and phase ofthe resulting strain are measured and converted into a storage and loss modulus using suitableequations (Section The amplitude of the applied stress must be small enough to bein the linear viscoelastic region of the material. These instruments are relatively expensive topurchase and therefore only tend to be used by research laboratories in large food companies,government institutions, and universities. Nevertheless, they are extremely powerful tools forcarrying out fundamental studies of food emulsions. The rheological properties of a samplecan be measured as a function of time or temperature, and thus processes such as gelation,aggregation, crystallization, melting, and glass transitions can be monitored. The measure-ment frequency can also be varied, which provides valuable information about relaxationprocesses within a sample.

Some complications can arise when carrying out simple compression experiments. Theremay be friction between the compressing plates and the sample, which can lead to thegeneration of shear as well as compressional forces (Whorlow 1992). For this reason, it isoften necessary to lubricate the sample with oil to reduce the effects of friction. In addition,the cross-sectional area of the sample may change during the course of the experiment, whichwould have to be taken into account when converting the measured forces into stresses.Finally, for viscoelastic materials, some stress relaxation may occur during the compressionor expansion, and so the results depend on the rate of sample deformation.

8.3.2. Shear Measurements

Instruments which utilize shear measurements are used to characterize the rheological prop-erties of liquids, viscoelastic materials, plastics, and solids (Whorlow 1992, Rao 1995). Thetype of instrument and test method used in a particular situation depend on physicochemi-cal characteristics of the sample being analyzed, as well as the kind of information required.Some instruments can be used to characterize the rheological properties of both solids andliquids, whereas others can only be used for either solids or liquids. Certain types of viscom-

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eters are capable of measuring the viscosity of fluids over a wide range of shear rates and cantherefore be used to analyze both ideal and nonideal liquids, whereas the shear rate cannotbe controlled in others and so they are only suitable for analyzing ideal liquids. A number ofinstruments can be used to characterize the rheological behavior of viscoelastic materialsusing both transient and dynamic tests, whereas others can only use either one or the othertype of test. To make accurate and reliable measurements, it is important to select the mostappropriate instrument and test method and to be aware of possible sources of experimentalerror. Capillary Viscometers

The simplest and most commonly used capillary viscometer is called the Ostwald viscometer(Hunter 1986, Whorlow 1992). This device consists of a glass U-tube into which the sampleto be analyzed is poured. The whole arrangement is placed in a thermostated water bath toreach the measurement temperature (Figure 8.13). The viscosity of the liquid is measured bysucking it into one arm of the tube using a slight vacuum and then measuring the time it takesto flow back through a capillary of fixed radius and length. The time it takes to travel throughthe capillary is related to the viscosity by the following equation:

t C= ηρ (8.17)

where ρ is the density of the fluid, t is the measured flow time, and C is a constant whichdepends on the precise size and dimensions of the U-tube. The higher the viscosity of thefluid, the longer it takes to flow through the tube. The simplest method for determining theviscosity of a liquid is to measure its flow time and compare it with that of a liquid of knownviscosity, such as distilled water:


ηss st


0 0

0 (8.18)

FIGURE 8.13 Capillary viscometer used to measure the viscosity of Newtonian liquids.

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FIGURE 8.14 Different types of measurement cells commonly used with dynamic shear rheometersand viscometers.

where the subscripts s and 0 refer to the sample being analyzed and the reference fluid,respectively. This type of viscometer is used principally to measure the viscosity of Newtonianliquids. It is unsuitable for analyzing non-Newtonian liquids because the sample does notexperience a uniform and controllable shear rate (Hunter 1986). U-tubes with capillaries ofvarious diameters are available to analyze liquids with different viscosities: the larger thediameter, the higher the viscosity of the sample which can be analyzed. Mechanical Viscometers and Dynamic Rheometers

A number of mechanical rheological instruments have been designed to measure the shearproperties of liquids, viscoelastic materials, plastics, and solids (Whorlow 1992, Macosko1994). These instruments are usually computer controlled and can carry out sophisticated testprocedures as a function of time, temperature, shear rate, or frequency (Figure 8.14). Basi-cally, the sample to be analyzed is placed in a thermostated measurement cell, where it issubjected to a controlled shear stress (or strain). The resulting strain (or stress) is measuredby the instrument, and so the rheological properties of the sample can be determined from thestress–strain relationship. The type of rheological test carried out depends on whether thesample is liquid, solid, or viscoelastic. The instruments can be divided into two differenttypes: constant stress instruments, which apply a constant torque to the sample and measurethe resultant strain or rate of strain, and constant strain instruments, which apply a constantstrain or rate of strain and measure the torque generated in the sample. For convenience, onlyconstant stress instruments are discussed here, although both types are commonly used in thefood industry.

A number of different types of measurement cells can be used to contain the sample duringan experiment (Pal et al. 1992):

1. Concentric cylinder. The sample is placed in the narrow gap between two con-centric cylinders. The inner cylinder is driven at a constant torque (angular force)and the resultant strain (angular deflection) or rate of strain (speed at which thecylinder rotates) is measured, depending on whether one is analyzing a predomi-nantly solid or liquid sample.* For a solid, the angular deflection of the innercylinder from its rest position is an indication of its elasticity: the larger thedeflection, the smaller the shear modulus. For a liquid, the speed at which the innercylinder rotates is governed by the viscosity of the fluid between the plates: the

* In some instruments, the outer cylinder rotates and the torque on the inner cylinder is measured.

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faster it spins at a given torque, the lower the viscosity of the liquid being analyzed.The torque can be varied in a controlled manner so that the (apparent) elasticmodulus or viscosity can be measured as a function of shear stress. This instrumentcan be used for measuring the viscosity of non-Newtonian liquids, the viscoelas-ticity of semisolids, and the elasticity of solids.

2. Parallel plate. In this type of measurement cell, the sample is placed between twoparallel plates. The lower plate is stationary, while the upper one can rotate. Aconstant torque is applied to the upper plate, and the resultant strain or rate ofstrain is measured, depending on whether one is analyzing a predominantly solidor liquid sample. The main problem with this type of experimental arrangement isthat the shear strain varies across the sample: the shear strain in the middle of thesample is less than that at the edges. The parallel plate arrangement is thereforeonly suitable for analyzing samples which have rheological properties that areindependent of shear rate, and it is therefore unsuitable for analyzing nonidealliquids or solids.

3. Cone and plate. This is essentially the same design as the parallel plate instru-ment, except that the upper plate is replaced by a cone. The cone has a slight anglewhich is designed to ensure that a more uniform shear stress acts across thesample. The cone and plate arrangement can therefore be used to analyze nonidealmaterials.

Any of these arrangements can be used to carry out simple viscosity measurements onfluids, by measuring the variation of shear stress with shear rate. However, some of the moresophisticated ones can also be used to carry out transient and dynamic rheological tests.Typically, the rheological properties of samples are measured as a function of time ortemperature.

A number of possible sources of experimental error are associated with rheological mea-surements carried out using shear viscometers and rheometers (Sherman 1970, Hunter 1989,Pal et al. 1992). First, the gap between the cylinders or plates should be at least 20 timesgreater than the diameter of the droplets, so that the emulsion appears as a homogeneousmaterial within the device (Pal et al. 1992). On the other hand, the gap must be narrow enoughto ensure a fairly uniform shear stress across the whole of the sample. Second, a phenomenonknown as wall slip may occur within a viscometer or rheometer, which can cause seriouserrors in the measurements if not properly taken into account (Sherman 1970). It is normallyassumed that the liquid in direct contact with the surfaces of the cylinders (or plates) moveswith them at the same velocity (Hunter 1986). This assumption is usually valid for simpleliquids because the small molecules are caught within the surface irregularities on thecylinder and are therefore dragged along with it. For an emulsion, this assumption may nothold because the droplets or flocs are greater in size than the surface irregularities. Underthese circumstances, a phase separation occurs at the cylinder surface where a thin layer ofcontinuous phase acts as a lubricant and slip occurs. Wall slip effects can be taken intoaccount by roughening the surfaces of the cylinders or by using a range of different gapwidths (Hunter 1986, Pal et al. 1992). Third, the rheological properties of many samplesdepend on their previous thermal and shear history, and so this must be carefully controlledin order to obtain reproducible measurements. For example, the viscosity of many foodsdecreases substantially upon shearing due to disruption of an aggregated network of particlesor molecules, and the recovery of the initial viscosity takes a certain length of time to achieveafter the shear stress is removed. Fourth, many emulsions may be susceptible to creaming orsedimentation during the course of an experiment, which should be avoided if accuraterheological measurements are required.

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8.3.3. Empirical Techniques

Many of the techniques mentioned above are unsuitable for application in the food indus-try because the instrumentation is too expensive, it requires skilled operators, or measure-ments take too long to carry out (Sherman 1970, Rao et al. 1995). For these reasons, a largenumber of empirical techniques have been developed by food scientists that provide simpleand rapid determinations of the rheological properties of a sample. Many of these empiri-cal techniques have become widely accepted for analyzing specific food types. Typicalexamples include penetrometers to measure the hardness of butters, margarines, and spreads(Sherman 1970); devices for measuring the time it takes for liquids to flow through afunnel (Liu and Masliyah 1996); or devices that measure the time it takes for a sphericalball to fall through a sample contained within a glass tube (Becher 1957). It is difficultto analyze the data from these devices using fundamental rheological concepts because itis difficult to define the stresses and strains involved. Nevertheless, these devices areextremely useful when rapid empirical information is more important than fundamentalunderstanding.


Food emulsions exhibit a wide range of different rheological properties, ranging from low-viscosity liquids to fairly rigid solids. The rheological behavior of a particular food dependson the type and concentration of ingredients it contains, as well as the processing and storageconditions it has experienced. In this section, the relationship between the rheological prop-erties of emulsions and their composition and microstructure is discussed. We begin byconsidering the rheology of dilute suspensions of noninteracting rigid spheres, because thetheory describing the properties of this type of system is well established (Hiemenz 1986,Hunter 1986, Mewis and Macosko 1994, Tadros 1994). Nevertheless, many food emulsionsare concentrated and contain nonrigid, nonspherical, and/or interacting droplets (Dickinson1992). The theoretical understanding of these types of systems is less well developed,although some progress has been made, which will be reviewed.

8.4.1. Dilute Suspensions of Rigid Spherical Particles

The viscosity of a liquid increases upon the addition of rigid spherical particles because theparticles disturb the normal flow of the fluid, causing greater energy dissipation due tofriction (Hunter 1986, Mewis and Macosko 1994). Einstein derived an equation to relate theviscosity of a suspension of rigid spheres to its composition:

η η φ= +0 1 2 5( . ) (8.19)

where η0 is the viscosity of the liquid surrounding the droplets and φ is the dispersed-phasevolume fraction. This equation assumes that the liquid is Newtonian, the particles are rigidand spherical, that there are no particle–particle interactions, that there is no slip at theparticle–fluid interface, and that Brownian motion effects are unimportant. The Einsteinequation predicts that the viscosity of a dilute suspension of spherical particles increaseslinearly with particle volume fraction and is independent of particle size and shear rate. TheEinstein equation gives excellent agreement with experimental measurements for suspensionsthat conform to the above criteria, often up to particle concentrations of about 5%.

It is convenient to define a parameter known as the intrinsic viscosity of a suspension, [η](Dickinson and Stainsby 1982):

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[ ]/

ηη η


−0 1(8.20)

so that

η η η φ= +0 1( [ ] ) (8.21)

For rigid spherical particles, the intrinsic viscosity tends to 2.5 as the volume fraction tendsto zero. For nonspherical particles or for particles that swell due to the adsorption of solvent,the intrinsic viscosity is larger than 2.5 (Hiemenz 1986), whereas it may be smaller for fluidparticles (Sherman 1968a,c; Dickinson and Stainsby 1982). For these systems, measurementsof [η] can provide valuable information about their shape or degree of solvation.

8.4.2. Dilute Suspensions of Fluid Spherical Particles

Food emulsions usually contain fluid, rather than solid, particles. In the presence of a flowfield, the liquid within a droplet is caused to circulate because it is dragged along by the liquid(continuous phase) that flows past the droplet (Sherman 1968a,c; Dickinson and Stainsby1982). Consequently, the difference in velocity between the materials on either side of thedroplet surface is less than for a solid particle, which means that less energy is lost due tofriction and therefore the viscosity of the suspension is lower. The greater the viscosity of thefluid within a droplet, the more it acts like a rigid sphere, and therefore the higher theviscosity of the suspension.

The viscosity of a suspension of noninteracting spherical droplets is given by (Tadros1994):

η ηη η

η ηφ= +




2 5. drop


where ηdrop is the viscosity of the liquid in the droplets. For droplets containing relativelyhigh-viscosity liquids (ηdrop/η0 >> 1), the intrinsic viscosity tends to 2.5, and therefore thisequation tends to that derived by Einstein (Equation 8.19). For droplets that contain relativelylow-viscosity fluids (ηdrop/η0 << 1), such as air bubbles, the intrinsic viscosity tends to unity,and so the suspension viscosity is given by η = η0(1 + φ). One would therefore expect theviscosity of oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions to be somewhere between these twoextremes. In practice, the droplets in most food emulsions are coated by a layer of emulsifiermolecules that forms a viscoelastic membrane. This membrane retards the transmittance ofthe tangential stress from the continuous phase into the droplet and therefore hinders the flowof the fluid within the droplet (Pal et al. 1992, Tadros 1994). For this reason, most foodemulsions contain droplets which act like rigid spheres, and so their viscosities at lowconcentrations can be described by the Einstein equation.

At sufficiently high flow rates, the hydrodynamic forces can become so large that theyovercome the interfacial forces holding the droplets together and cause the droplets to becomedeformed and eventually disrupted (Chapter 6). The shear rates required to cause dropletdisruption are usually so high that the flow profile is turbulent rather than laminar, and so itis not possible to make viscosity measurements. Nevertheless, a knowledge of the viscosityof fluids at high shear rates is important for engineers who design mixers and homogenizers.

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FIGURE 8.15 Examples of oblate and prolate spheroids.

8.4.3. Dilute Suspensions of Rigid Nonspherical Particles

Many of the particles in food emulsions may have nonspherical shapes (e.g., flocculateddroplets, partially crystalline droplets, fat crystals, ice crystals, or biopolymer molecules)(Dickinson 1992). Consequently, it is important to appreciate the effects of particle shape onsuspension viscosity. The shape of many particles can be approximated as prolate spheroids(rod-like) or oblate spheroids (disk-like). A spheroid is characterized by its axis ratio rp = a/b, where a is the major axis and b is the minor axis (Figure 8.15). For a sphere, a = b; fora prolate spheroid, a > b; and for an oblate spheroid, a < b. The flow profile of a fluid arounda nonspherical particle causes a greater degree of energy dissipation than that around aspherical particle, which leads to an increase in viscosity (Hunter 1986, Hiemenz 1986,Mewis and Macosko 1994). The magnitude of this effect depends on the rotation andorientation of the spherical particle. For example, the viscosity of a rod-like particle is muchlower when it is aligned parallel to the fluid flow, rather than perpendicular, because theparallel orientation offers less resistance to flow.

The orientation of a spheroid particle in a flow field is governed by a balance between thehydrodynamic forces that act upon it and its rotational Brownian motion (Mewis and Macosko1994). The hydrodynamic forces favor the alignment of the particle along the direction of theflow field, because this reduces the energy dissipation. On the other hand, the alignment ofthe particles is opposed by their rotational Brownian motion, which favors the completerandomization of their orientations. The relative importance of the hydrodynamic and Brown-ian forces is expressed in terms of a dimensionless number, known as the Peclet number (Pe).For simple shear flow (Mewis and Macosko 1994):

Pe =«γ


where «γ is the shear rate and DR is the rotational Brownian diffusion coefficient, whichdepends on particle shape:


rR =8 3πη

for rigid spheres (8.24)


bR = 332 3πη

for circular disks (8.25)

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FIGURE 8.16 At low shear rates, the particles rotate freely in all directions, but as the shear rateincreases, they become more and more aligned with the flow field. This causes a reduction in theviscosity with increasing shear rate (i.e., pseudoplasticity).


rrR p= −3

82 0 5

3πη(ln . ) for long thin rods (8.26)

When the Peclet number is much less than unity (Pe << 1), the rotational Brownian motiondominates, and the particles tend to rotate freely in the liquid. This type of behavior isobserved when the particles are small, the shear rate is low, and/or the viscosity of thesurrounding fluid is low. When the Peclet number is much greater than unity (Pe >> 1), thehydrodynamic forces dominate, and the particles become aligned with the flow field (Figure8.16). This type of behavior is observed when the particles are large, the shear rate is high,and/or the viscosity of the surrounding liquid is high.

The viscosity of a suspension of nonspherical particles therefore depends on the shearrate. At low shear rates (i.e., Pe << 1), the viscosity has a constant high value. As the shearrate is increased, the hydrodynamic forces become more important, and so the particlesbecome oriented with the flow field, which causes a reduction in the viscosity. At highshear rates (i.e., Pe >> 1), the hydrodynamic forces dominate and the particles remainaligned with the shear field, and therefore the viscosity has a constant low value (Figure8.16). Thus suspensions of nonspherical particles exhibit shear thinning behavior. The shearrate at which the viscosity starts to decrease depends on the size and shape of the particles,as well as the viscosity of the surrounding liquid. Mathematical formulae similar to Equation8.3 have been developed to calculate the influence of shear rate on the viscosity of suspen-sions of nonspherical particles, but these usually have to be solved numerically. Neverthe-less, explicit expressions are available for systems that contain very small or very largeparticles.

8.4.4. Dilute Suspensions of Flocculated Particles

When the attractive forces between the droplets dominate the repulsive forces, and aresufficiently greater than the thermal energy of the system, then droplets can aggregate intoa primary or secondary minimum (Chapter 3). The rheological properties of many food

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emulsions are dominated by the fact that the droplets are flocculated, and so it is importantto understand the factors which determine the rheological characteristics of these systems. Itis often convenient to categorize systems as being either strongly flocculated (wattractive > 20kT) or weakly flocculated (1 kT < wattractive < 20 kT), depending on the strength of theattraction between the droplets (Liu and Masliyah 1996).

A dilute suspension of flocculated droplets consists of flocs which are so far apart that theydo not interact with each other through colloidal or hydrodynamic forces. This type ofsuspension has a higher viscosity than a suspension that contains the same concentration ofisolated particles because the particles in the flocs trap some of the continuous phase andtherefore have a higher effective volume fraction than the actual volume fraction (Liu andMasliyah 1996). In addition, the flocs may rotate in solution because of their rotationalBrownian motion, sweeping out an additional amount of the continuous phase and thusincreasing their effective volume fraction even more.

Suspensions of flocculated particles tend to exhibit pronounced shear thinning behavior(Figure 8.17). At low shear rates, the hydrodynamic forces are not large enough to disrupt thebonds holding the particles together, and so the flocs act like particles with a fixed size andshape, resulting in a constant viscosity. As the shear rate is increased, the hydrodynamicforces become large enough to cause flocs to become deformed and eventually disrupted. Thedeformation of the flocs results in their becoming elongated and aligned with the shear field,which results in a reduction in the viscosity. The disruption of the flocs decreases theireffective volume fraction and therefore also contributes to a decrease in the suspensionviscosity. The viscosity reaches a constant value at high shear rates, either because all of theflocs are completely disrupted so that only individual droplets remain or because the numberof flocculated droplets remains constant since the rate of floc formation is equal to that of flocdisruption (Campanella et al. 1995).

Depending on the nature of the interdroplet pair potential (Chapter 3), it is also possibleto observe shear thickening due to particle flocculation under the influence of the shear field(de Vries 1963). Some emulsions contain droplets which are not flocculated under quiescentconditions because there is a sufficiently high energy barrier to prevent the droplets fromfalling into a primary minimum. However, when a shear stress is applied to the emulsions,the frequency of collisions and the impact force between the droplets increase, which can

FIGURE 8.17 An emulsion that contains flocculated droplets exhibits shear thinning behavior be-cause the flocs are deformed and disrupted in the shear field.

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cause the droplets to gain sufficient energy to “jump” over the energy barrier and becomeflocculated, therefore leading to shear thickening.

Quite complicated behavior can therefore be observed in some emulsions (Pal et al. 1992,Liu and Masliyah 1996). For example, an emulsion that contains droplets which are weaklyflocculated in a secondary minimum exhibits shear thinning at fairly low shear rates, butshows shear thickening when the shear rate exceeds some critical level where the dropletshave sufficient energy to “jump” over the energy barrier and fall into the primary minimum.The value of this critical shear rate increases as the height of the energy barrier increases. Aknowledge of the interdroplet pair potential is therefore extremely useful for understandingand predicting the rheological behavior of food emulsions.

The size, shape, and structure of flocs largely determine the rheological behavior of dilutesuspensions of flocculated particles (Dickinson and Stainsby 1982, Liu and Masliyah 1996).Flocs formed by the aggregation of emulsion droplets often have structures that are fractal(Chapter 7). The effective volume fraction (φeff) of a fractal floc is related to the size of thefloc and the fractal dimension by the following expression (Bremer 1992):

φ φeff =




where r is the droplet radius and R is the floc radius. The viscosity of a dilute emulsioncontaining fractal flocs can therefore be established by substituting this expression into theEinstein equation:*

η η η φ η η φ= + = + −0 0

31 1( [ ] ) [ [ ] ( / ) ]eff R r D (8.28)

If it is assumed that the flocs are approximately spherical, then [η] = 2.5. This equation offersa useful insight into the relationship between the rheology and microstructure of flocculatedemulsions.

Flocs with fairly open structures (i.e., lower D) have higher viscosities than those withcompact structures because they have higher effective volume fractions (Equation 8.28). Asmentioned earlier, the viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate partly because of disrup-tion of the flocs (i.e., a decrease in R). The shear stress at which the viscosity decreasesdepends on the magnitude of the forces holding the droplets together within a floc. Thegreater the strength of the forces, the larger the shear rate required to deform and disrupt theflocs. Thus the dependence of the viscosity of an emulsion on shear stress can be used toprovide valuable information about the strength of the bonds holding the droplets together(Sherman 1970, Dickinson and Stainsby 1982, Hunter 1989).

8.4.5. Concentrated Suspensions of Nonflocculated Particlesin the Absence of Colloidal Interactions

When the concentration of particles in a suspension exceeds a few percent, the particles beginto interact with each other through a combination of hydrodynamic and colloidal interactions,and this alters the viscosity of the system (Hunter 1986, Mewis and Macosko 1994, Tadros1994). In this section, we examine the viscosity of concentrated suspensions in the absence

* Alternatively, the expression for the effective volume fraction can be placed in the Dougherty–Krieger equationdeveloped for more concentrated emulsions (Barnes 1994).

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of long-range colloidal interactions between the particles (i.e., it is assumed that the particlesact like hard spheres). The more complicated situation of suspensions in which long-rangecolloidal interactions are important is treated in the following section. Hydrodynamic inter-actions are the result of the relative motion of neighboring particles and are important in alltypes of nondilute suspensions.

At low concentrations, hydrodynamic interactions are mainly between pairs of particles,but as the concentration increases, three or more particles may be involved. As the concentra-tion increases, the measured viscosity becomes larger than that predicted by the Einsteinequation because these additional hydrodynamic interactions lead to a greater degree ofenergy dissipation. The Einstein equation can be extended to account for the effects of theseinteractions by including additional volume-fraction terms (Pal et al. 1992):

η η φ φ φ= + + + +02 31( )a b c L (8.29)

The value of the constants a, b, c, etc. can be determined either experimentally or theoreti-cally. For a suspension of rigid spherical particles, the value of a is 2.5, so that Equation 8.29tends to the Einstein equation at low-volume fractions. A rigorous theoretical treatment of theinteractions between pairs of droplets has established that b = 6.2 for rigid spherical particles(Hunter 1986). It is extremely difficult to theoretically calculate the value of higher orderterms because of the complexity of the mathematical treatment of interactions among threeor more particles. In addition, each successive constant only extends the applicability of theequation to a slightly higher volume fraction. For this reason, it has proven to be moreconvenient to adopt a semiempirical approach to the development of equations which de-scribe the viscosity of concentrated suspensions. One of the most widely used equations wasderived by Dougherty and Krieger and is applicable across the whole volume-fraction range(Hunter 1986, Mewis and Macosko 1994):



η φ


1= −


c[ ]


where φc is an adjustable parameter which is related to the volume fraction at which thespheres become closely packed and [η] is the intrinsic viscosity. Typically, the value of φc

is between about 0.6 and 0.7 for spheres which do not interact via long-range colloidalinteractions, but it may be considerably lower for suspensions in which there are strong long-range attractive or repulsive interactions between the droplets (see following sections). Theintrinsic viscosity is 2.5 for spherical particles, but may be much larger for nonspherical,swollen, or aggregated particles (Hiemenz 1986).

The viscosity of concentrated suspensions often exhibits shear thinning behavior due toBrownian motion effects (Pal et al. 1992, Mewis and Macosko 1994, Liu and Masliyah 1996).It has already been mentioned that shear thinning occurs when the shear stress is large enoughto overcome the rotational Brownian motion of nonspherical particles. Shear thinning canalso occur because of the translational Brownian motion of particles. At low shear stresses,the particles have a three-dimensional isotropic and random distribution because of theirBrownian motion (Hunter 1993). As the shear stress increases, the particles become moreordered along the flow lines to form “strings” or “layers” of particles that offer less resistanceto the fluid flow and therefore cause a decrease in the suspension viscosity.

The decrease in viscosity with increasing shear stress can be described by the followingequation:

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η ηη η

τ τ= +



1 ( / )i(8.31)

where τ i is a critical shear stress that is related to the size of the droplets (τ i = kT/βr3),and β is a dimensionless constant with a value of about 0.431 (Hunter 1989). The valueof τ i is a characteristic of a particular system which describes the relative importance ofthe translational Brownian motion and hydrodynamic shear forces. When τ << τ i , Brown-ian motion dominates and the particles have a random distribution, but when τ >> τ i, theshear forces dominate and the particles become organized into “strings” or “layers” alongthe lines of the shear field, which causes less energy dissipation. This equation indicates thatthe viscosity decreases from a constant value at low shear stresses (η0) to anotherconstant value at high shear stresses (η∞). The viscosity can decrease by as much as 30%from its low shear rate value, with the actual amount depending on the dispersed-phasevolume fraction (Hunter 1989). The shear rate at which the viscosity starts to decreasefrom its η0 value is highly dependent on the particle size. For large particles, τi is often solow that it is not possible to observe any shear thinning behavior, but for smaller particles,shear thinning behavior may be observed at the shear rates typically used in a rheologicalexperiment.

The Dougherty–Krieger equation can still be used to describe the dependence of thesuspension viscosity on dispersed-phase volume fraction, but the value of φc used in theequation is shear rate dependent. This is because droplets can pack more efficiently at highershear rates, and therefore φc increases with shear rate (Hunter 1989).

8.4.6. Suspensions of Nonflocculated Particles withRepulsive Interactions

Most food emulsions contain droplets which have various types of colloidal interactionacting between them (e.g., van der Waals, electrostatic, steric, hydrophobic, depletion, etc.)(Chapter 3). The precise nature of these interactions has a dramatic influence on the rheol-ogy of particulate suspensions. For example, two emulsions with the same droplet concen-tration could have rheological properties ranging from a low-viscosity Newtonian liquid toa highly viscoelastic material, depending on the nature of the colloidal interactions. In thissection, suspensions that contain isolated spherical particles with repulsive interactions areconsidered. In the following section, the rheological properties of flocculated emulsions areconsidered.

The major types of droplet repulsion in most food emulsions are due to electrostatic andsteric interactions. These repulsive interactions prevent the droplets from coming into closecontact when they collide with each other and therefore increase the effective volume fractionof the droplets (Tadros 1994, Mewis and Macosko 1994):

φ φ δeff = +




where δ is equal to half the distance of closest separation between the two droplets.For steric stabilization, δ is approximately equal to the thickness of the adsorbed layer. For

electrostatically stabilized systems, it is related to the Debye length (κ –1) and can be describedby the following equation at low shear stresses (Mewis and Macosko 1994):

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δ κ αα α


−1 lnln[ /(ln )]


where α = 4π ε0εRΨ0r 2κ exp(2rκ)/kT, ε0 is the dielectric permittivity of a vacuum, εR is therelative dielectric permittivity of the continuous phase, Ψ0 is the electrical potential at thedroplet surface, r is the radius, κ–1 is the Debye length, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and T isthe absolute temperature. For electrically charged oil droplets, the distance of closest contacttherefore decreases as the surface charge decreases or as the ionic strength of the aqueousphase increases.

It is convenient to categorize droplets with repulsive interactions as being either “hard”particles or “soft” particles (Liu and Masliyah 1996). A hard particle is incompressible, andso its effective size is independent of shear rate or droplet concentration. On the otherhand, a soft particle is compressible, and so its effective size may be reduced at high shearrates or droplet concentrations. Sterically stabilized droplets with dense interfacial layersare usually considered to act like hard particles because the layer is relatively incompress-ible, whereas electrostatically stabilized droplets or sterically stabilized droplets with openinterfacial layers are usually considered to act like soft particles because the layer iscompressible.

The viscosity of an emulsion that contains droplets with repulsive interactions can berelated to the dispersed-phase volume fraction by replacing the value of φ in the Dougherty–Krieger equation (Equation 8.33) with the effective volume fraction (φeff). A plot of viscosityversus φeff then falls on the same curve as for an emulsion that contains droplets with no long-range colloidal interactions. In emulsions that contain “soft” particles, it is also necessary toreplace the value of φc with φc,eff , to take into account that the particles may be compressedat higher volume fractions and can therefore pack more efficiently. As a consequence, theviscosity of an emulsion that contains soft particles is lower than one that contains hardparticles at the same effective volume fraction.

The influence of repulsive interactions on the rheology of emulsions depends on themagnitude of δ relative to the size of the particles. For relatively large particles (i.e., δ << r),this effect is negligible, but for small droplets or droplets with thick layers around them (i.e.,δ ≈ r), this effect can significantly increase the viscosity of a suspension (Tadros 1994).

The rheological properties of electrostatically stabilized systems that contain small emul-sion droplets are particularly sensitive to pH and salt concentration. The viscosity woulddecrease initially with increasing salt concentration because screening of the charges de-creases δ. Above a certain salt concentration, the interactions between the droplets wouldbecome attractive, rather than repulsive, and therefore flocculation will occur, causing anincrease in emulsion viscosity with salt. The rheological properties of electrostatically stabi-lized emulsions are therefore particularly sensitive to the pH, salt concentration, and type ofions present.

8.4.7. Concentrated Suspensions of Flocculated Particles

In concentrated emulsions, the flocs are close enough together to interact with each other,through hydrodynamic interactions, colloidal interactions, or entanglement. The viscosity offlocculated emulsions can be described by the Dougherty–Krieger equation by assuming thatthe flocs are “soft” particles with the actual droplet volume fraction replaced by the effectivedroplet volume fraction given by Equation 8.27. At a given actual droplet volume fraction,the emulsion viscosity increases as the size of the flocs increases or the packing of the flocsbecomes more open (lower D).

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At sufficiently high droplet concentrations, flocculation may lead to the formation of athree-dimensional network of aggregated droplets (Sherman 1970, Goodwin and Ottewill1991, Pal 1996). The more open the structure of the droplets within the flocs, the lower thevalue of the actual droplet volume fraction where the network is formed. Network formationcauses a suspension of particles to exhibit plastic and/or viscoelastic characteristics (Pal1996). The network of aggregated droplets acts like a solid at low shear stresses because theapplied forces are not sufficient to overcome the forces holding the droplets together. Oncea critical shear stress is exceeded, the bonds between the droplets are disrupted and so thedroplets can flow past one another. If some of the bonds are capable of reforming during theshearing process, then the emulsion will exhibit viscoelastic behavior (Sherman 1968a). Athigher shear stresses, the rate of bond disruption greatly exceeds that of bond formation andthe emulsion acts like a liquid. Consequently, a suspension that contains a three-dimensionalnetwork of aggregated particles often has a yield stress, below which it acts like an elasticsolid and above which it acts like a liquid. Above the yield stress, the suspension oftenexhibits strong shear thinning behavior as more and more flocs are deformed and disrupted.The magnitude of the yield stress depends on the strength of the attractive forces holding theparticles together: the greater the attractive forces, the greater the yield stress (Pal 1996). Therheology of the system is also sensitive to the structural organization of the droplets (e.g.,whether they are loosely or densely packed and the number of bonds per droplet) (Bremer1992, Pal 1996).

8.4.8. Emulsions with Semisolid Continuous Phases

A number of food emulsions consist of droplets dispersed in a continuous phase which iseither partly crystalline or gelled (Sherman 1970, Dickinson and Stainsby 1982, Dickinson1992, Moran 1994). Butter and margarine consist of water droplets suspended in a liquidoil phase which contains a three-dimensional network of aggregated fat crystals. Manymeat products, desserts, and sauces consist of oil droplets suspended in an aqueous phaseof aggregated biopolymer molecules. The rheological properties of these systems are usu-ally dominated by the properties of the continuous phase, and therefore their propertiescan be described using theories developed for networks of aggregated fat crystals or biopoly-mer molecules (Clark 1987). Nevertheless, in some systems the presence of the emulsiondroplets does play a significant role in determining the overall rheological behavior (seebelow).

It is important that spreadable products, such as butter, margarine, and low-fat spreads,retain their shape when they are removed from the refrigerator, but spread easily when aknife is applied (Sherman 1970, Moran 1994). These products must therefore be designedso that they exhibit plastic properties (i.e., they have a yield stress below which they areelastic and above which they are viscous). The plastic behavior of this type of product isusually attributed to the presence of a three-dimensional network of aggregated fat crys-tals. Low shear stresses are not sufficiently large to disrupt the bonds which hold theaggregated crystals together, and so the product exhibits solid-like behavior. Above theyield stress, the applied shear stress is sufficiently large to cause the bonds to be disrupted,so that the fat crystals flow over each other and the product exhibits viscous-like behavior.After the stress is removed, the bonds between the fat crystals reform over time, andtherefore the product regains its elastic behavior. The creation of a product with the desiredrheological characteristics involves careful selection and blending of various food oils, aswell as control of the cooling and shearing conditions used during the manufacture of theproduct. To the author’s knowledge, little systematic research has been carried out toestablish the influence of the characteristics of the water droplets on the rheological prop-

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erties of these products (e.g., particle size distribution, emulsifier type, and dispersed-phasevolume fraction).

A great deal of research has recently been carried out to determine the influence of oildroplets on the rheology of filled gels (Jost et al. 1986; Aguilera and Kessler 1989; Xiong etal. 1991; Xiong and Kinsella 1991; Yost and Kinsella 1993; McClements et al. 1993c;Dickinson and Hong 1995a,b, 1996; Dickinson and Yamamoto 1996). These filled gels arecreated by heating oil-in-water emulsions which contain a significant amount of whey proteinin the continuous phase above a temperature where the proteins unfold and form a three-dimensional network of aggregated molecules. The oil droplets can act as either structurepromoters or structure breakers, depending on the nature of their interaction with the gelnetwork. When the droplets are stabilized by dairy proteins, the attractive interactions be-tween the adsorbed proteins and those in the network reinforce the network and increase thegel strength. Conversely, when the droplets are stabilized by small-molecule surfactants(which do not interact strongly with the protein network), the presence of the droplets tendsto weaken the network and decrease the gel strength. Quite complex rheological behavior canbe observed in emulsions that contain mixtures of proteins and small-molecule surfactants(Dickinson and Hong 1995a,b; Dickinson and Yamamoto 1996). The shear modulus of filledgels that contain protein-stabilized oil droplets increases dramatically when a small amountof surfactant is added to the system, but decreases at higher surfactant values. The incorpo-ration of surfactants into filled gels may therefore prove to be an effective means of control-ling their rheological properties.

The influence of the emulsion droplets also depends on their size relative to the pore sizeof the gel network (McClements et al. 1993c, Yost and Kinsella 1993). If the droplets arelarger than the pore size, they tend to disrupt the network and decrease the gel strength, butif they are smaller than the pore size, they are easily accommodated into the network withoutdisrupting it.


8.5.1. Dispersed-Phase Volume Fraction

The viscosity of an emulsion increases with dispersed-phase volume fraction. At low dropletconcentrations, this increase is linearly dependent on volume fraction (Equation 8.19), but itbecomes steeper at higher concentrations (Equation 8.30). Above a critical dispersed-phasevolume fraction (φc), the droplets are packed so closely together that they cannot easily flowpast each other, and so the emulsion has gel-like properties. The precise nature of thedependence of the viscosity on volume fraction is mainly determined by the nature of thecolloidal interactions between the droplets.

8.5.2. Rheology of Component Phases

The viscosity of an emulsion is directly proportional to the viscosity of the continuous phase(Equations 8.19 and 8.30), and so any alteration in the rheological properties of the continu-ous phase has a corresponding influence on the rheology of the whole emulsion. For thisreason, the presence of a thickening agent in the aqueous phase of an oil-in-water emulsion(Pettitt et al. 1995, Pal 1996) or the presence of a fat crystal network in the oil phase of awater-in-oil emulsion (Moran 1994) largely determines the overall rheological properties ofthe system.

The rheology of the dispersed phase has only a minor influence on the rheology of foodemulsions because the droplets are covered with a fairly viscoelastic membrane, which meansthey have properties similar to rigid spheres (Tadros 1994, Walstra 1996a).

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8.5.3. Droplet Size

The influence of the droplet size and the droplet size distribution on the rheology of anemulsion depends on the dispersed-phase volume fraction and the nature of the colloidalinteractions. The viscosity of dilute emulsions is independent of the droplet size when thereare no long-range attractive or repulsive colloidal interactions between the droplets (Pal et al.1992, Pal 1996). When there is a relatively long-range repulsion between the droplets (i.e.,δ ∼ r ), their effective volume fraction is much greater than their actual volume fraction, andso there is a large increase in the viscosity of the emulsion (Tadros 1994, Pal 1996). Thedroplet size also influences the degree of droplet flocculation in an emulsion (Chapters 3 and7), which has an impact on the emulsion rheology. For example, the greater the extent ofdroplet flocculation, or the more open the structure of the flocs formed, the larger theemulsion viscosity.

The mean droplet size and degree of polydispersity have a particularly significant influenceon the rheology of concentrated emulsions (Liu and Masliyah 1996, Pal 1996). In emulsionsthat contain nonflocculated droplets, the maximum packing factor (φc) depends on the poly-dispersity. Droplets are able to pack more efficiently when they are polydisperse, and there-fore the viscosity of a concentrated polydisperse emulsion is less than that of a monodisperseemulsion with the same droplet volume fraction. Emulsions that contain flocculated dropletsare able to form a three-dimensional gel network at lower volume fractions when the dropletsize decreases.

The droplet size also alters the rheology of emulsions due to its influence on the relativeimportance of rotational and translation Brownian motion effects compared to the shear stress(Mewis and Macosko 1994).

8.5.4. Colloidal Interactions

The nature of the colloidal interactions between the droplets in an emulsion is one of the mostimportant factors determining its rheological behavior. When the interactions are long rangeand repulsive, the effective volume fraction of the dispersed phase may be significantlygreater than its actual volume fraction, φeff = φ(1 + δ/r)3, and so the emulsion viscosityincreases (Section 8.4.6). When the interactions between the droplets are sufficiently attrac-tive, the effective volume fraction of the dispersed phase is increased due to droplet floccu-lation, which results in an increase in emulsion viscosity (Section 8.4.4). The rheologicalproperties of an emulsion therefore depend on the relative magnitude of the attractive (mainlyvan der Waals, hydrophobic, and depletion interactions) and repulsive (mainly electrostatic,steric, and thermal fluctuation interactions) interactions between the droplets (Chapter 3). Afood scientist can therefore control the rheological properties of food products by manipulat-ing the colloidal interactions between the droplets. Increases in the viscosity of oil-in-wateremulsions due to droplet flocculation have been induced by adding biopolymers to increasethe depletion attraction (Dickinson and Golding 1997a,b), by adding biopolymers to causebridging flocculation (Dickinson and Golding 1997a), by altering the pH or ionic strength toreduce electrostatic repulsion (Hunt and Dalgleish 1994, Demetriades et al. 1997a), and byheating protein-stabilized emulsions to increase hydrophobic attraction (Demetriades et al.1997b).

8.5.5. Particle Charge

The charge on an emulsion droplet can influence the rheological properties of an emulsionin a number of ways. First, the charge determines whether the droplets are aggregated orunaggregated and the distance of closest approach (Section 8.5.4). Second, the dropletcharge influences the rheology due to the primary electroviscous effect (Pal 1996). As a

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FIGURE 8.18 The primary electroviscous effect increases the viscosity of an emulsion.

charged droplet moves through a fluid, the cloud of counterions surrounding it becomesdistorted (Figure 8.18). This causes an attraction between the charge on the droplet and thatassociated with the cloud of counterions that lags slightly behind it. This attraction opposesthe movement of the droplets and therefore increases the emulsion viscosity because moreenergy is needed to cause the droplets to move at the same rate as uncharged droplets.

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