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Page 1: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.
Page 2: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control

certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is

called the endocrine system.

Page 3: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

A quick overview


Page 4: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

Though we rarely think about the endocrine system, it influences almost every cell, organ,

and function of our bodies.

It regulates mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, sexual function

and reproductive processes.

The endocrine system is in charge of body processes that happen slowly, such as cell


Page 5: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.
Page 6: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

Faster processes like breathing and body movement are monitored by the nervous

system. But even though the nervous system and endocrine system are separate systems, they often work together to help the body function


Page 7: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

Endocrine System - Is a chemical system that regulates many bodyfunctions through a network of glands throughout the body

Glands- A group of cells that secrete chemicals

Glands select and remove materials from the blood, processes them, and secretes the finished chemical product for use somewhere in the body

The glands of the Endocrine System are (13 of them)

Hypothalamus PituitaryThyroid ParathyroidAdrenal Glands Pineal bodyReproductive Glands The PancreasThymus HeartKidney StomachIntestines

Page 8: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.


• Chemicals that circulate the blood stream and carry messages and signals to different parts of the body

• The word hormone comes from the Greek word hormao which means “I excite” meaning that hormones stimulate particular parts of the body (Target Glands)

Page 9: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.
Page 10: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

Located in the lower central part of the brain

Main link between the endocrine and nervous system

Control the pituitary gland by producing chemicals that either stimulate or suppress hormone secretions from the pituitary.

Page 11: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.


• Most doctors feel the hypothalamus is to blame for mind problems since it controls the bodies most important hormones

• Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine among others

• The main function of the hypothalamus is to maintain homeostasis… blood pressure, temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance

• The hypothalamus controls the Pituitary Gland

Page 12: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

Located right beneath the hypothalamus

About the size of a pea but considered to be the most importantpart in the endocrine system

Known as the “master gland” because it makes hormones thatcontrol several other endocrine glands (Makes 8 types of hormones)

Production and secretion of pituitary hormones can be influencedby emotions and change of seasons

To do this the hypothalamus sends information sensed by the brain(Temperature, light exposure, feelings) to the pituitary

Page 14: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

The gland is separated into two sectionsAnterior LobePosterior Lobe

Anterior lobe regulates the activity of the thyroid, adrenals, a reproductive glands, bone growth, and skin (It secretes 6 different hormones)It produces:Growth hormone (GH) – One of the most important hormones, stimulates all the tissues in the body to grow this includes bones (Effects protein formation)

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – Stimulates sex glands in both sexes to either produce ripe eggs or mature sperm

Thyrotrophin (TSH) - which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Responsible for overall metabolism of the body

ACTH or Corticotrophin – Effects the stereroid hormones (Adrenal) that control Stress response

Pituitary also secretesEndorphins which aid inPain relief

Also controls melanocytes – causing more melanin to be produced

Page 15: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

Releases Antidiuretic Hormones (ADH)helps control the balance of water in the body. Permits more waterTo be stored by the body (Kidneys are affected)

The pituitary gland also controls ovulationand menstrual cycle in women as well as

secreting hormones to the reproductive systemTo make sex hormones


Oxytocin – aids in the release of milk from mammary glands aswell as controls uterine contractions during child birth

Page 17: A lot! Your body produces its own chemicals and uses them to control certain functions, and the main system that coordinates these chemicals is called.

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