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Chapter 32 – Transitions Part 2

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 32: Transitions - Part 1 Author's Note: My computer troubles persisted through this chapter too, so there are some quality/continuity issues. Please be understanding--it shouldn't be an issue after this chapter.

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"It's morning and I'm a teenager, and life is fantastic," Spandrell Buccaneer said to himself on a bright and sunny Sunday morning. "Wha-?" came the mumble from his twin brother's bed across the room. "Just talking to myself," Spandrell said. "Go back to sleep, bro."

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"No, no, I'm up," Borusa said, swinging his legs around and getting up. "What time is it, anyway?" "Uh, around six in the morning, I think," his brother replied. "There's a six o'clock in the morning now?" "Always has been, bro. You just usually sleep through it. That's why you're late for school so often." "Well, they should just start school later," Borusa said airily.

"Anyway, since we're up so early we might as well get a head start." "Head start on what?" "On finding girlfriends, of course," Borusa said. "Tell you what--I'll go and make a wish on the wishing well for Friends, and then we can each pick one." "Err," Spandrell again thought about saying something. "Well, I suppose it can't hurt."

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While the boys plotted in nefarious ways, Grace was busy outside with her garden. The apple tree she'd been nursing along finally had ripe fruit, and she was anxious to harvest and sell it while it was still at its freshest.

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Gertie, meanwhile, was nurturing her talent for music and dance. As she practiced with the sound mixer, she felt on top of the world--she knew she was good. A short while later, a strange woman invaded the family home and gave her a plaque. It was weird, but they tended to shrug off weird occurrences at Buccaneer manor.

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Lee, meanwhile, was more of a sports nut and he spent the morning hours checking the overnight results from the Olympics. The Pirate Island team was actually doing pretty well, considering their small population. Two medals is great for a population of less than two thousand, right?

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It wasn't until after lunch that Borusa finally had a chance to get to the wishing well. Pulling a coin out of his pocket, he kissed it for luck and flipped it into the depths.

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Wishing for friends didn't produce exactly the desired results. "Well, there's one girl," he said to Spandrell, who was watching dubiously from the porch. "Sorry, bro. She's mine. But, uh, I guess you can have these two as friends, okay?" "Er, I suppose," Spandrell shrugged. He turned to the two guys who'd dropped. "Um, want to come inside? We've got Sims 3." "Cool!" the short-haired boy, who said his name was Ricky Tse, said enthusiastically. The other guy just shrugged, but both of them followed Spandrell into the house.

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"I guess that just leaves you and me out here," Borusa purred, sidling up to the girl. "I'm Borusa." "Marylena Mazza," she replied, fanning herself. "Wow, you're awfully cute, Borusa. But how come you're green?" "It's the alien in me," he said, growling playfully. "Ooh, you beast!" Marylena giggled, fluttering her eyelashes.

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It didn't take that much longer for Borusa to convince Marylena to let him kiss her. "Wonder how Spandrell's doing making friends with the dudes?" he mused. "Don't worry about him," Marylena scolded him. "Now is kissing time. Not brother time." Borusa was happy to comply.

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As for Spandrell, it's pretty safe to say that he was getting along with Ricky, at least, very well indeed.

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Before long the two boys were engaged in a tickle fight that raged the length and breadth of the living room. "Are my babies really old enough to be dating?" Grace said, stifling laughter at Ricky and Spandrell's antics. "Not long til they're off to college, too," Gertie pointed out, laughing a little herself. "Oh don't even hint at it," Grace sighed. "At least Shih will be back by then. And that Jim of hers sounds like a very nice man. But I'm way too young to be a grandmother." "Zing's getting married next week," Gertie smirked. "You could be a grandmother within a year." Grace just shuddered.

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"So, how'd your date go?" Spandrell asked once the gaggle of well-drops had left. "It was great," Borusa said dreamily. "Punch-you-punch-me?" "Sure," Spandrell said, making a fist. "I had a pretty good time with Ricky, too." Something in his voice made Borusa look up. "Ricky, huh?" "Yeah," Spandrell blushed. "We have another date for tomorrow." "Way to go," Borusa crowed. But then he hesitated. "Is that why you

didn't want to do the date thing? Were you worried I'd pick out a girl for you and you'd have to date her?" "A little," Spandrell said. "And dating a girl just didn't sound appealing. Dating period didn't sound appealing, until I got to talking to Ricky for a while. And then I just... knew." "Well, the fact that you know your own mind and what your tastes are means you're ahead of the game," Borusa said. "And hey, at least we'll never fight over girls, right?" "Yep," Spandrell grinned.

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"It's good that you two are getting along even now that you're teenagers," Grace said fondly as the boys switched to Red Hands. Spandrell claimed that Borusa's jacket gave him an unfair advantage with Punch-You-Punch-Me. "Why wouldn't we get along?" Borusa asked. "We're identical in every way! Well, except for the nose thing. And the liking girls vs. liking boys thing. And the aspiration thing. But there's not all that much difference between Romance and Popularity when you come right down to it." "My siblings and I fought like demons when we were your age,"

Grace shrugged. "Especially Nick and Will and I. It was the two of them against me--Aunt Gertie was too young to pick a side. And they'd talk in unison and switch places just to annoy me. At least I can always tell you two apart!" "Heh, we could try that when we get to college," Spandrell said mischievously. "I bet we could make a fake nose for you." "Awesome!" "Boys!"

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"Well, the boys are occupied with more dates tonight," Lee said the next evening. Oddly, the third Friend drop had shown up again unannounced even though he wasn't dating anyone in the house. "They are," Grace nodded. "What say we kick them and their friends out of the house and go over the latest financial reports on the couch?" Lee purred. "Okay everyone," Grace said in a loud voice. "Party's over! Move it outdoors!" A series of collective groans answered the proclamation, but everyone quickly complied.

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"Before Andrew goes outside, Andrew must give Prof. Lee a BIGFOOT HUG!", Andrew declared, scooping the senior Buccaneer up in his hairy arms. "Oof!" Lee protested, but he was laughing. "Andrew, you don't need to go outside. Grace and I just want some private time upstairs--you can head downstairs if you like." "Andrew will do that. Andrew has a new arrangement he is composing on his violin."

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"Borusa," Grace said warningly, sitting down on the couch. "It's been ten minutes. How long does it take to arrange a date?" "I just don't know who I'm dating yet," Borusa explained. "We need to get you a cell phone," Grace said in exasperation. "Just call the matchmaker and meet her outside. Scram!"

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Spandrell was already outside. "Hey!" he said eagerly to Ricky. "You made it!" "Wouldn't miss it," Ricky said smoothly. He was a Romance sim, but that didn't bother Spandrell. He was more looking for a friend he could occasionally kiss than for a boyfriend at this point in his life. "Though my neck is pretty sore--I wasn't sure if I should come." "I give great massages," Spandrell boasted as the sun began to set. "Let me take a look at it."

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As full darkness fell, the Gypsy matchmaker arrived. "I want somebody gorgeous," Borusa said. "And who I'll like. I'd like to get a kiss or two out of the date tonight, you know." "That will cost you--and it'll cost more than a pair of feathers and a rock you picked up on the beach," the matchmaker replied stonily. "That's good," Borusa said. "'Cause I got cold, hard cash." "Excellent. If somewhat unusual for this family. Her name is Veronika Seavey. Have fun!"

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"Wow, I've never dated an alien before!" Veronika gushed as she shook Borusa's hand warmly. "So... where are we going for our date?" "Ever had a date in a garden before?" "...no..." "Well then, tonight is your lucky night."

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"All better?" Spandrell asked Ricky. "Ooh, yes," Ricky sighed appreciatively. "You've got a knack, Spandrell." Suddenly, he shivered. "Is it my imagination, or did it just get colder out here? And was that a raindrop?"

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"Well, I know something that will warm us both up," Spandrell said. Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward and gently kissed Ricky on the lips. "Wow. No kidding."

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It's pretty safe to say that Borusa's date wasn't going nearly as well. While kissing in the rain is romantic, getting the pee scared out of you by your grandfather's ghost isn't romantic at all. "Ew," Veronika said, wrinkling her nose.

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Not that she was one to talk. "Ew," Borusa concurred. "Want to call it a night and pretend none of this ever happened?" "I think so," Veronika whimpered. "Can I at least get a k--AIIEEEEEEE!"

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As the lightning bolt struck, Borusa was sure he heard a ghostly chuckle above the lightning and the thunder. The date was a complete washout. Borusa didn't even bother saying goodbye--he stuffed his face with food, took a loooong bubble bath, and went to bed. He didn't even hear Spandrell come to bed hours later, he was so exhausted.

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A few days later, though, he had entirely recovered. And that was a good thing, considering what was planned for that afternoon. "Is it can be caek tiem nao plz?" Shere Khan asked plaintively when he and Zing had stacked up the breakfast dishes for the maid. "Not quite yet," Zing chuckled, putting his arms around Shere Khan. "First, we have to get married." "Caek is not a lie!" "Caek is not a lie," Zing affirmed.

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True to his word, Shere Khan had arranged a smaller wedding than he might have otherwise. There were just eight guests. Four of them made it into the sitting room.

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The other four decided to watch from outside and downstairs.

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But as long as they all watched, it didn't matter to the happy couple. Shere Khan had managed to rig rose petals into the wedding arch and they began to flutter softly around them as the high school sweethearts exchanged vows and rings.

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"Wuvs u." "Love you too."

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"The cake is NOT a lie!" Shere Khan squealed happily when he bounced into the kitchen and saw that it had been set out for them. "Nomming time nao."

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"Gack!" Zing choked as Shere Khan suddenly grabbed a fistful of cake and shoved it in the general direction of his face. "Not the nose!" "Hehehe," Shere Khan chortled. "Nom da caek, Zing. Is worth it, to bes married to me?" Zing took a moment to wipe off his face. "Yeah," he said softly. "It's worth it."

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Per Zing's desire not to have a huge blowout of a wedding, the reception was strictly cake and punch. But that was fine with the guests. They were all just thrilled to be able to attend such a happy union. "Dis caek rox," Rakshasi declared approvingly as she devoured her second piece. "You picks da gud noms, Shere Khan." "It's not bad," Borusa agreed. "Certainly it's better than getting scared by a ghost, peeing your pants, and getting electrocuted all on one date." "U strange, alien-guy."

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"So," Grace said, sitting down with her son and son-in-law. "Zing tells me you've made it so same-gendered couples can have natural babies?" "Truth," Shere Khan nodded cautiously. "Excellent," Grace smiled. "So... when can I expect my first grandkittens?" "Err, I have to go and... rechlorinate the swimming pool," Zing said hastily, getting up.

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When he got outside he discovered that Ching Shih had actually been making liberal use of the swimming pool, but by the time they headed back in together Grace was deep in conversation with Moll and Rajah. "Thanks," Zing said to Shih. "For what?" she asked, picking up a pillow and whacking him over the head with it. "Oof!" Zing replied. He grabbed another pillow and returned fire. "For giving me an excuse to ditch mom. She was starting in on the grandbabies speech." "What is it with turning old that makes everyone become a family sim?" Shih demanded.

"I dunno," Zing shrugged. "Looks like Shere Khan managed to escape too." "You mean you left him with her?" Shih was scandalized. "And you call yourself a good husband!" "He can handle himself," Zing said. "Besides, mom can't understand what he's saying half the time." "Nobody can understand what he's saying most of the time," Shih corrected. "I can." "That's 'cause you're married to him. You're supposed to."

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"Impeccable timing, u has it," Shere Khan said in a relieved tone to his little sister. He'd been rescued from the 'grandkids' discussion by the request for a dance. "Unbratty lil sister--I'm doin it rite," Rakshasi concurred. "Hey Shere Khan, do you ever talk normal?" "Invisible normality is unable to be seen," Shere Khan shrugged.

"Oh," Rakshasi said. "Do I have to talk like you all the time?" "No. U can has uniques," Shere Khan shrugged, ruffling her hair. "Well, I'll keep it up for a while," Rakshasi said after a moment's consideration. "But I might change my mind!" "Older brother cat approves of this discussion."

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As the guests prepared to go, Coxinga pulled his younger sister into a completely unexpected hug. "What was that for?" Ching Shih asked, returning the squeeze warmly. "For being a good sister," Zing replied. "Take care of the family, okay? Their financial health is your responsibility now." "Got it," Shih said. "And you... take care of Shere Khan, and make sure he takes care of you. Deal?" "Deal."

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I would say that there was more than just "taking care" going on after all the guests had left, though. And if I thought I heard a lullaby, I think I would be correct, too.

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Time passed, and the newlyweds found themselves settling into a routine. Shere Khan spent the mornings hunting the job listings for a medical posting while Zing alternated between looking for an Adventurer job and running his two businesses, Bubbles & Bubbly and Zing's Used Car Emporium. Both stores were highly successful and under the care of qualified management, but he liked to take a personal hand in running them. "What u do this afternoon nao?" Shere Khan asked when Zing stopped by for lunch. "Well," Zing shrugged. "I've been feeling kinda sick all day. Did you get the test results back yet on whether we'd been infected with that retrovirus?"

"Er," Shere Khan blushed. "Yah. We has it. Everyone has it. My epidemic, let me sho u it." "So maybe the reason I've been feeling crappy is 'cause I'm pregnant," Zing marveled. "How weird is that?" "Zing is happy?" "Maybe," Zing said cautiously. "If that's what it is. Have you got that test working properly?" "Test is a lie," Shere Khan said sadly.

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"What's wrong with it?" "Invisible results," Shere Khan shrugged. "Sry." "Well, I'm sure you'll figure something out," Zing said. "In the meantime, I guess I just act like I'm pregnant? No rum, no hot tub, no kitty litter?" "Truth."

"Hopefully you'll have the tests working by the time of the press conference," Zing said. "When is that again?" "Soon," Shere Khan said. He pushed his salad around on his plate. "Dis bunneh fud does not help ma braining. I has teh dumb." "Tell you what," Zing said, leering. "Let me take you out to dinner tonight--steak--and then I'll go into the lab with you tomorrow." "Do want! Carnivorous cat CRAVES MEAT! "

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28 days later... "O hai. Dis ting on?"

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"I has a news. Mans can has kittehs. Dis is frum retro-virus, fixes DNA. Equal rights for all ftw! Irreplaceable Zing has a kitteh inside. Is like normal kitteh inside, only inside man, and kitteh of two mans. Still wiht teh barfings. And we has a test. All mans can get kitteh, but only from other mans. Womens can get kitteh from other womens or from mans."

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"Healthy Zing is healthy. Kitteh is pokin' out and acting liek alien spawn with kicking. Kthxbai. NE questions?" "Umm... could we get all that again, and maybe in a way that made sense this time?" "EPIC PHAIL."

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"How's work going, son?" Gavin Biggs asked Toby over breakfast. "Oh, okay I guess," Toby shrugged. "You win some, you lose some. Mostly we win." "Still keeping up with all your girlfriends? I haven't seen many of them around lately." "Yeah, we keep in touch," Toby shrugged. "It's a bit hard, being on the road with the team so much. Ophelia's joined the womens' team, so that's kind of cool. Sometimes we're away in the same city together." "What about that blue-skinned one, Athena?" "Actually, it's odd that you mention that," Toby said. "I just got a call from her--she wants to see me today. I wonder what it's about? I haven't seen her in months--I was sure she'd be married by now, and I don't think her husband would approve of our 'friendship'."

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When Athena arrived, Toby pounced her. He figured there was no harm in trying, anyway. The worst that could happen was a slap or two. Athena protested and pushed him away.

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"There's something different about you," Toby said, pulling back and eyeing Athena critically. "I'm pregnant, idiot," Athena grumbled. "And don't touch me. I told you months ago--we're through." "Right after you 'hooed me in the hot tub," Toby said. "I remember. You're great at that whole 'mixed signal' thing, 'Thena."

"Don't call me that," she said. "Like I said, I'm pregnant." "Congratulations! Your... husband? must be happy." "Fiancé, and he doesn't know anything about it," Athena said. "Isn't that the kind of thing you usually tell that special person in your life?" Toby blinked. "Fatherhood's a big responsibility. You owe the guy a chance to prepare for something like that."

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"It's not his," Athena muttered, blushing. "Oh? Who's the father, then?" Toby asked. He ducked, fully expecting to be slapped. "You can stop cringing," Athena said dryly. "It's yours."

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Toby gaped. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. "You look like a fish when you do that," Athena said. "And why is that woman staring at us?" "That's just Lyndsay," Toby said without turning around. "She's my stalker. Ignore her. She'll leave. Eventually. And what do you mean, it's mine?" "Just what I said," Athena replied.

"But how--when--what--?" "That night in the hot tub, near as I can figure." "Oh." "Anyway, I wasn't going to tell you at all," Athena said. "I'm going to give it up for adoption as soon as it's born. Mitch doesn't need to know anything about it and his parents have said they'll keep mum. But then I thought, maybe you want it."

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"Me?" Toby shouted. "What am I going to do with a kid?" "Well, it's you or the orphanage," Athena said. "This is an awful lot to spring on me all at once," Toby gaped. "Can't I have some time?" "According to my doctors, you have about three more weeks. Decide quickly, Toby." And without another word, Athena turned around and stalked off down the street, leaving a spluttering Toby behind her.

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That afternoon, Toby did what he always did when he needed advice--he went to Ophelia. "Haven't seen you in a while, sexy," the blond bombshell purred as they sat down to a simple dinner. "Been keeping busy?" "You know my playing schedule as well as I do," Toby said defensively. "You've been gone as much as I have." "I suppose," Ophelia pouted. "I'll be glad when we've both gotten far enough in our careers that we aren't travelling as much." "Me too," Toby agreed fervently. He took a deep breath. "Hey Opie, how would you react if I said I was having a kid?" She blinked at him, her jaw hanging open.

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"Because I am," Toby said quickly. "I just found out that... well... one of my old girlfriends and I weren't all that careful and, well, it'll be here in about three weeks. That's what she says, anyway." "You're having a KID?!? With someone ELSE?" Toby didn't know Ophelia's volume went that high. "Yeah, looks like it." "How could you be so careless? So reckless?" "They say the only foolproof method is no 'hoo at all..." "Don't preach at me, Toby Biggs. I can't believe the nerve of you!"

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"I didn't do it on purpose!" "Doesn't matter," Ophelia scowled. "It means that you're going to be chained to the little beast for the next eighteen years! That's a heck of a mistake, lover-boy." "I'm not being chained to Athena for the next eighteen years," Toby protested. "She's giving up her parental rights, and if I don't take the baby it'll be adopted by strangers!" "Well she's a piece of work, just like you," Ophelia snarled. "Toby, I think you'd better leave. Don't call me again!" With a dejected sigh, Toby got up and quietly left.

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However, when Ophelia got back from her next away game a few days later-- "Ah, crap."

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Three weeks later... There was no help for it. She had to tell him.

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"Aah!" Toby shrieked in a high-pitched voice when he saw Ophelia and realized her condition. "You're pregnant!" "The man has eyes!" Ophelia said. "Mine, right?" "Bingo."

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"I guess neither of us has been as careful as we should be, huh?" "I... suppose," Ophelia said. "But ... I don't like it. I don't like the idea of someone else having a claim on you--and I'm not talking about Athena, 'cause I know how you feel about her. But I don't know if I like sharing you, even with a baby." "But you're going to have to," Toby pointed out in a quiet voice. "My baby with Athena isn't going away, and I am going to raise him or her. Likewise, our baby. I'd like it if we could be parents together." "Parents is a scary word." "Maybe it'll be less scary if we do it together," Toby said. He pulled Ophelia into his arms.

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"Geez, Ophelia," he said. "I'm head-over-heels in love with you. It's not just the 'hoo--I like who you are. You're smart, sarcastic... we're good together, and I don't want to let that go." "This isn't a proposal, is it?" "Oh, hell no!" Toby said hastily. "But... I'll make things right with you, okay? I'll be in our child's life, whether you let me or not. Let me be in yours, too."

"I'll... think about it," Ophelia said slowly. "In the meantime, I haven't woohooed with anyone in six weeks. I'm just about dying here. Come on inside." "Is it safe? I mean, with the baby--" "Sometimes you're an idiot, Toby Biggs."

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The two of them had just gotten dressed again when Toby's cell phone rang. "Oh, turn it off," Ophelia said, clutching her head. "The ringing is driving me nuts." Toby looked down at the phone. It was Athena's number. "I can't," he said. "It looks like the baby is on the way, Ophelia. I've gotta go... will you be okay?" "As okay as anyone is, playing second fiddle," Ophelia said bitterly. "Oh, go. When will I see you again?" "Soon," Toby promised. "I don't know when, but soon." As Toby's car pulled out of the driveway, Ophelia flopped down on the couch. "I so did not sign up for any of this."

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When Toby got to Athena's house things were going pretty slowly so he hopped into the hot tub to relax. Before he even got wet, though-- "TOBY BIGGS GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!"

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"Is it time?" he gasped, trying to catch his breath. "Of course it's time," Athena spat at him. "Do you think I'm doing this for fun? I just want it to be over with!" "That makes two of us," Toby said. "Tell me what to do!"

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"Well, that was easier than I was expecting," Toby said a few minutes later as he cradled his infant daughter in his arms. "Speak for yourself," Athena said limply. "I don't think I ever want to do that again." "Bit rough on Mitch, that." "He'll have to live with it," Athena said. She scowled at the baby, who started to cry. "You brought the carseat? Then get that... thing... out of here." "You're not a very nice person, Athena," Toby called over his shoulder as he soothed the squalling infant. "Most Deities aren't. Whatcha going to do about it?"

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Toby, being an absent-minded kind of guy, hadn't actually mentioned Athena's pregnancy to anybody in the household, and Lyndsay hadn't said anything either, presumably for her own reasons. So it was a very startled Gavin when Toby got home that evening. "And who's this?" he asked, making googly faces at the baby. "She's... she's my daughter," Toby stammered. "Your daughter?" Gavin blinked. "Yeah," Toby said, turning red. "I just found out about her a few weeks ago, and her mother didn't want to keep her. I just couldn't let her be adopted by strangers, dad--I couldn't!"

"Of course you couldn't," Gavin said, running a wondering hand down the baby's soft skin. "What's her name?" "I hadn't even thought about that," Toby gulped. "Do I really get to name her?" "That is one of the perogatives of being a parent." "What do you think about ... Persephone?" "I like it," Gavin said. "Why don't you make her a bottle? I'll get your old crib down."

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Oddly enough, Lyndsay had bought some formula just that morning and stocked it in the fridge. Toby carefully prepared a bottle according to the directions and, holding his squirming daughter gently, gave her her first meal. "Drink up, Persephone," he whispered. "You've got a big life ahead of you."

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"Okay, Steven, you can have a treat," Rakshasi said indulgently. "Mom and dad forgot to feed you again, didn't they." Such an occurrence was not unusual in what had come to be called the Tiger House on Pirate Island. "I'll have to give them another lecture," she added melodramatically. "But I'll do it talking like Shere Khan, just to confuse them. I just hope they remembered to buy my birthday cake--I'm going to be a teenager today!"

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It's safe to say they did remember. And everyone who was anyone attended the party. "Noms! My cake! Not A Lie! Win! ... an' stuff."

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"Om. Nom. Nom." 'Shasi's a cute teenager, isn't she? She rolled Knowledge, same as her big brother. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of time to spend with her, but I wanted to share her birthday at least. We'll probably see more of her now that she's the same age as Borusa and Spandrell again. Onward to the next household!

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"You know, if Angie doesn't have that baby soon she's going to eat us out of house and home," Pierce complained to his wife Rani. "Oh, give her a break," Rani scolded gently. "With pregnancy comes ravenous hunger. You should be used to that. We only had one kid, but your sister had two and we lived with her at the time." "I suppose," Pierce conceded. "I just wish she actually knew how to cook."

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"I heard that!" Angora called from the kitchen, where she'd managed to burn yet another plate of pancakes. "And I can too cook! I'm just... easily distracted."

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"Besides," she added, carrying the plate of slightly crispier than normal breakfast, "I like them burned." "You just keep telling yourself that, dear," Rani chuckled.

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"Hello grandbaby," Pierce said fondly, stopping to rub his daughter's belly gently after she'd eaten. "You stay in there for another few days, okay? And then we'll be so glad to see you. I bet you're the most wanted baby in the whole world."

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The entire household was ecstatic at the prospect of the baby arriving soon, none more than Ian. "Welcome home," Angora said, pulling her husband into a tight embrace--or as tight as possible, considering the bulk of her belly between them. "How was work today?" "Tiring, but it's worth it to come home to you," he said. "How was your day?" "Oh, the usual," she said. "Eat. Sleep. Pee. Sleep. Pee. Eat. Eat. Sleep. Pee."

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"And how's Junior?" Ian added, his face aglow as he knelt down to wave at his child. "I hope you haven't started giving your mother trouble already! You aren't even born yet, let alone a teenager!" "Junior was fine," Angora giggled. "A bit hyperactive, but that's kind of reassuring. It just means she's healthy." "She?" "Call it a mother's intuition," Angora shrugged. "I could be wrong."

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They went inside and Angora sat down to eat again. Ian wasn't hungry, but he was happy to sit down with his wife for a little while. "How much longer now?" he asked. "Did the doctor know when you saw him today?" "He said any time," she said, rubbing her tummy in between bites. "Junior's full term, so it's safe now." "I can't wait," Ian breathed. "It's so... surreal. As my sister would say, 'Awesomesauce!'" "I'd like to meet your sister," Angora said. She stifled a yawn. "But first, I'm going to have a nap."

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"Well, Ian? Ready for fatherhood?" Rani asked. "I think so," Ian said shyly. "All that woohoo finally paying off?" Ian choked. "Err..." "Relax," Rani chuckled. "I'm only teasing, Ian. I think you'll be a great dad, if you must insist on sleeping with my daughter." She stopped for a minute. "Did you hear something?"

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"Everybody get up here right now!" At Angora's bellow of pain and surprise, they rushed upstairs. "Let me make the bed for you," Ian said. "You'll be more comfortable!" "Ian Legacina there's no time for that!" Angora shrieked. "It's coming. Right. Now!"

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"Okay, um," Ian squeaked, running his hand through his hair so it stood on end. "Um, do that breathing thing! And remember it'll be over quickly!" "Your husband is right," Rani said, only marginally calmer. "Just breathe and it'll all be over."

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And it was. "It's orange!" Ian squeaked. "And fuzzy!" "So's my mother," Angora cooed. She handed the baby to her husband.

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"Meet your daughter, Ian Legacina. What are you going to name her?" Ian gazed down at the tiny form he held and was mute for a moment. Then-- "Calico." "I like it," Angora breathed. "I'm so tired, Ian. Could you give her a bottle? I'm going to lay down for a few minutes." "Sure," Ian said absently, still completely awestruck. "I love you, Angora. And you, Callie," he added with a gentler smile than anyone who knew him had ever seen on his face.

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Of course, Ian soon found out that parenting isn't all fun and games. Let's leave him to enjoy his new status, shall we?

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A new arrival was also expected at the Pseudo household, but that didn't mean life didn't go on as usual there. Specifically, there were fish to chase. Even Lainey found herself getting in on the action.

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She was also a bit surprised to find that she really enjoyed her mother-in-law's company. Lainey had been a bit wary of Orikes since her confession a few years back, but it seemed Orikes really was a woman of her word and wanted to let Lainey prove herself. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spent a lot of their time together, dancing the hula.

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Lainey also worked to cultivate a friendship with Hugo's dog, Lila. This was made easier by the fact that the dog always came by to visit when Lainey was eating--and with her pregnancy, Lainey was always eating.

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Sometimes Lila would bark at whoever was cooking, though it often seemed more like she was barking at what they were cooking. For some reason, she had a particular aversion to pancakes.

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By the time Lainey's pregnancy grew truly unwieldy, she and Lila were the best of friends. You're the Master's mate, and that means I gotta protect you too, Lila barked. "Who's a good girl?" Lainey responded, teasing the dog affectionately. Just... don't talk to me like I'm an imbecile. Please. Lainey wasn't versed in the language of dogs, but she did actually stop cooing quite so much after that, so Lila considered it a small victory. I just hope that baby you're going to have isn't sticky...

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Well, it wouldn't be long until Lila found out. That afternoon, while Hugo was still at work, Lainey went into labour.

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A great deal of yelling and heavy breathing later, she was holding her son.

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"Well, I do think Orlando is an awfully funny name for a little boy," Orikes muttered a few hours later. Lainey was sleeping, and Orikes was being a dutiful grandmother and caring for Orlando until Hugo got home. "But that's the name your mom and dad picked, so that's the name you'll keep!"

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"They can't understand a word you're saying at that age," Will said, reaching forward and stroking Orlando's soft head while Orikes cuddled him. "It doesn't matter," Orikes replied. "They understand the tone, and that's all that matters. Isn't it, Orlando?" "Well, it looks like Hugo's home," Will nodded with a smile. "Why don't you take our grandson down to meet his father?"

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"Hugo, there's someone who would like to meet you." "What?" Hugo blinked, taking the baby reflexively. "Already? Why didn't anyone call me?" "It was over too fast, and then when we called you were already on the way home," Orikes said gently. "We didn't want you to get into a car accident. Lainey said so." "Oh," Hugo said. He lifted up his little son gingerly. "He's so... small." "So were you, once."

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Orikes wandered back into the house to let her son and grandson bond. "Orlando, huh?" Hugo whispered tenderly. "Wow. I'm a dad! I'm a DAD!" His delighted whoops startled the baby, who started to cry. "Oh no, don't cry," Hugo said worriedly. He tickled the baby's belly. "Don't cry. Daddy's here. Hush..." And with a contented burp, Orlando nestled against him and fell fast asleep.

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A little while later, and it felt like he'd always been a parent. Taking care of Orlando just felt... natural. And Hugo insisted he be the one to change all of Orlando's diapers and feed him all of his bottles. "It's our bonding time," he said whenever anyone else tried to take a turn. "Well, I guess," Orikes grumbled. "You have to go to work sometime." "Exactly," Hugo said. "And besides, Lainey needs a bit of a break and I'm just giving her one." "Well, let us take care of our grandbaby for a little while and you go take care of your wife," Orikes admonished gently, taking Orlando from Hugo's arms. "Go."

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"Honey, have I been neglecting you?" "Not really. All of your help with Orlando is so appreciated. There are some fathers who do not do half as much." "Ready to try for another one?" "Hmm... I could be persuaded, Hugo Pseudo. Or at least we could practice trying." However, a lullaby says that the 'practice' was actually pretty fruitful.

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In Paris, news of all the new arrivals was making Ching Shih aware that there were certain things that needed taking care of before she could graduate. "Erroneus," she said, greeting Arravast's newest member. "How are you finding Freshman year?" "Oh, it's okay," he shrugged. "My mom keeps introducing me to women. I think she wants me to marry one of them." "That's... odd." "You're telling me. By the way, is it just me or did the temperature just drop?"

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"SWEET!" Ching Shih shrieked as the Greek House ghost scared the pants off of her. She looked down and crossed her legs in embarrassment. "Er.. rain check on conversation. Come by tomorrow. Gotta go!"

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As requested, Erroneus stopped by the next day--during daylight hours, this time. "What was it you were trying to talk to me about?" "Well, it's this," Shih said, gesticulating at the house and grounds. "The Greek house. I graduate really soon, and Liv graduates the term after me, and that means there won't be anyone in the house for three years until my brothers get to university." "You want me to be a placeholder, don't you."

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"Um, yes," Shih said. Erroneus Marius shrugged. "Sure," he said. "Why not?" "Good, that's settled," Shih grinned. "You can move in as soon as I graduate." "Great!"

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The scattering of snow on the ground melted over the next few days and Shih counted them off in anticipation of Jim's next--and last--visit. At the end of this extended stay, she would be graduating--and they'd be moving back to Pirate Island together. "Jim!" Shih squealed, launching herself into her beloved's arms. "You're here!" "I am," Jim smiled, his teeth gleaming whitely. "Excited to see me as always?"

"You know it," Shih grinned. "To the hot tub, then?" "Well..." Shih hesitated. How to put this delicately. "Jim, I saw this awesome new look in one of Liv's fashion magazines. Is it okay if I give you a makeover first?" "Someting in my appearance displeases you?" "No!" Shih said quickly. "I just think this would really suit you."

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"I am only doing this because I trust you," Jim said, sitting down nervously in the makeover chair. "You've got nothing to worry about," Shih said, crossing her fingers behind Jim's back. She was sure she'd have beginner's luck.

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As it was, she did! "What do you think?" "I... like it," Jim grinned. "You do have impeccable taste, my love." "I know." "To the hot tub?" "To the hot tub."

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What do you think, dear readers? Does Shih have good taste or what?

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"What is the schedule for the next few days?" Jim asked the next morning over breakfast. "Well, there's finals tomorrow," Shih said. "Then commencement at the university hall. And then Liv's throwing me a big old going away party! My parents and brothers will be here for that. And then we fly back to Pirate Island with them!"

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And with that, Shih threw herself into cramming for her final exam. Jim did his best to make sure she didn't study too hard, though.

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"Only three more weeks," he said, pulling away from her for a moment. "Three weeks until we are married." "Have the past three years really flown that quickly?" Shih asked, a note of disbelief in her voice. "Quickly?" Jim said. "My darling Shih, they have crawled for me! I have counted every second with every heartbeat." "You're just saying that to be romantic."

"A little, yes. But it's true nonetheless," Jim averred. "Well, why don't we go upstairs and while away a few more seconds and minutes?" Shih said with a seductive smile. "Why go upstairs when there is a perfectly good couch down here?" "Ooh, you devil!"

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"And so I really don't think I deserve to fail, Mr. or Ms. Cow Mascot. If you would write my term paper for me, it would be ever so helpful and nice."

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Liv had a way with words. And a way with procrastinating, if the truth must be told, but her way with words more than made up for it. Most of the students in her year had written at least one paper for her by this point.

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After all, she had more important things to do.

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"Do you feel any different?" Liv asked. "Not really," Shih said. "Should I?" "You tell me!" Liv squealed. "Shih, you did it! You GRADUATED! You know what this means, right?" "Yep," Shih giggled, meeting her cousin's eye. "PARTY!"

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Shih posed proudly in the middle of the kitchen for a picture in her grad cap and gown. Jim took the picture, then whisked her upstairs. Somehow, the cap and gown had disappeared by the time the party guests arrived.

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And by party guests, I mean everyone Shih had ever befriended in her whole life. Even Zing, hugely pregnant though he was, had made the trip.

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And of course the rest of the family came too. Borusa and Spandrell were extremely excited to scope out the Greek house now, so they could start making plans for their tenure at university.

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"Are you sure maneuvers like that are safe for the baby?" Lee asked when Zing demonstrated the Twikkii Island greeting for what seemed like the fiftieth time that day. "The kitten will be fine," Zing shrugged. "Shere Khan says so, and he's a doctor so I trust him." "He's also a mad scientist," Grace pointed out. "Yeah, but it's also his kid," Zing retorted. "Stop worrying. We'll have a great time here, then get back to Pirate Island just in time for the kiddo's birth! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go pee and then eat an entire planet. Possibly not in that order."

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He settled for a bag of cookies instead. Okay, he settled for six bags of cookies. The rest of the family secretly wondered if Zing and Shere Khan were having twins!

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As the party wound down, Shih felt her whole body start to tingle. "It's happening!" she cried from the kitchen. "Here I go!" "You're sexy when you transition," Jim purred.

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And with that, the generation six heiress of A Piratical Legacy was an adult. "Nice hair, sis," Zing chuckled. "Shut up," Shih growled. "I've got a date with a bottle of dye as soon as we get to the airport. Come on--let's go!" ---- And with that, I leave you. Stay tuned for Chapter 33! Same Pirate

Time, Same Pirate Sim Page. ---- Thanks to Orikes360 (Pseudo Legacy) for use of her simself and also Ophelia Smith, Ian Legacina, Brody Legacina, and Zoey Legacina. Thanks to omgrobinnn (It's a Legacy, Darling) for use of her simself. Thanks to Ruby/Ah Rubyblue (Goldilocks and the Nine Heirs) for the use of the back of her simself's head. Thanks to EphemeralToast (Ugothlacy) for the use of her simself. I think that's everyone who appeared in this double update--if I missed anyone, sorry!

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