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Page 1: About us   13 - 2013-14

Issue : 13Vol. : 33 02-10-2013Date : Pages : 04

Speaker of the day - Prof. Muzaffar AssadiProf.Muzaffar Assadi is Universities.

cu r ren t l y work ing a s Under his guidance 11 students have done PhD Professor of Political Science and 7 students have done M.Phil. He has also guided Univers i ty of Mysore , Post-Doctoral students from the UK and co-guided Mysore. Born in early 60's, he students for PhD from the US. He is associated with has twenty four years of different Universities in different capacities. He is teaching experience at the associated with Shivaji University as advisory University level. He pursued committee member of Centre for Gandhi and Nehru h is M.A degree f rom c e n t re . B O S m e m b e r / C h a i r m a n of S r i Mangalore University, M.Phil Krishnadevaraya University, Pondicherry, Kerala,

and PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Calicut, Davanagere, Bangalore & Mysore Delhi. He received his Post-Doctorate from the Universities. He is currently chairman of BOE of University of Chicago as Rockefeller Post. He Davanagere, Sri Krishnadevaraya, Mysore and became a Professor in the year 2002. Before joining Calicut Universities. He is Faculty of arts member of University of Mysore as Reader, he served as Lecturer Kuvempu University and Davanagere University. He at Goa and Mangalore Universities. He served the is also the governing member of centre for social department as Head/Chairperson twice and also exclusion of Maulana Azad national university served as Director of Gandhi Bhavan as well as centre besides being a member of distance education. He for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy for couple of has adjudicated more than 70 PhD theses. He was years. also “Scholar in residence” - Kerala University,

He has presented more than two hundred papers visiting fellow of Punjab University, “Eminent” in India and abroad. He has presented papers at Scholar of Pondicherry University, “Visiting Fellow” prestigious institutes in India and abroad. He has of Indian Institute of Dalit Studies. He is currently chaired more than fifty national and international associated with large number of journals. He is seminars. His presentation in international seminars currently the chief editor of two journals, “My includes The Leiden, Rajshahi Bangladesh, Beijing, Society” & “Indian Journal of Human Rights”, Kuming, Tehran, KL, Chicago, and many others. He besides he is also the editorial member of more than has delivered more than two hundred lectures in 15 journals.different universities including special lectures. He He served as member of Board of Appointment has delivered special lectures to the students of of different institutes/universities He was appointed Canada, USA, UK, and Sweden among other as chairman of a committee constituted by the countries. He has authored 7 books out of which 2 Hon'ble High court of Karnataka to investigate the are pertaining to human rights, 3 are pertaining to issues of displacement and rehabilitation of tribals. Identify politics and farmer's movement. One of his The report is popularly known as “Assadi committee books received Sahitya academy award. Besides this report”. He was selected as Who's Who of Asia by he has written more than 150 articles both in Indian “Marquis Who's Who”- one of the thousand Asians and western. He has contributed many articles to for their contribution to academics as well as social edited volumes published by Frank Cass, Sage, causes. He is currently the President of Mysore Pearson, Palgrave, etc. His articles have been University Teachers' Association.introduced as reading articles for PhD programs in Rotary Midtown extends a warm welcome to Japan, USA & UK universities & for graduate Prof.Muzaffer Assadi.programs in Mangalore as well as Bangalore

October is Vocational Service month - emphasizing

Rotary's contribution to the second Avenue of Service




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Page 2: About us   13 - 2013-14

RCC News

RCC Vinyas has organized free eye examination camp for Koorgally govt school students. Father & daughter duo - Rtn.Sulaiman Sait & Annette.Shehla Sulaiman conducted the eye camp. Thanks for the gesture Saits.

Rtn.Sulaiman Sait was felicitated for his professional services at the RCC Eye camp by Rtn.Bhanuchandran at his Vocational place “Eyedentity”

'Celebration Mysore' by 'Life is Calling' - Midtown's message conveyed

It was a sunny bright morning, and Mysore woke up to a busy Sunday (29th September 2013). Marathons, walkathons, Yogathons by different forums each driving

their own messages. “Celebration Mysore” organized by 'Life is calling' in association with MYRA School of Business and Mysore Traffic police was for the cause – “Awareness for Traffic rules and Safe driving and Cleaner Mysore”. Rotary Mysore Midtown used this golden opportunity to propagate its message-'Special children of the society need no sympathy but they need opportunity', 'Give them an opportunity and employ them'

Chairman of the event as ever had meticulously organized the event and marketed well. 44+ special employees from Vinyas were projected in the front. They were to walk in the event wearing the T-shirt “We are employed – give others an opportunity too”. Rotarians

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Midtown conducts Blood donation camp at Country Inn & Suites


A blood donation camp was conducted at 'Country Inn and Suites' in which 44 employees of the hotel donated blood on 26th September 2013. Blood Bank team from K R Hospital led by Dr.B.S.Manjunath came to the hotel fully equipped to draw blood from the donors. The donors were given refreshments from the hotel and certificate from Blood Bank. The event was inaugurated by President Rtn.Bhanuchandran, GM of the Country Inn Mr.Saxena and Dr.B.S.Manjunath .

Page 3: About us   13 - 2013-14

Dr. Balasubramainam Unravels “Food Security”Midtown loves to bring intellectual minds and has an

amazing capacity to absorb knowledge shared by the speakers. In one such rendezvous, Midtown had an opportunity to listen and exchange thoughts with renowned social activist Dr.Balasubramaniam.

President Rtn.Bhanu began the proceedings and recalled the instances when he had met the speaker during yesteryears. He recalled how a group of youngsters began a small hospital in remote H.D.Kote and lauded the efforts of the group in serving the society with such dedication and selfless stance. After the regular pleasantries it was time for the actual introduction, International Service Director Rtn.Ravindranath in his impeccable English & crisp voice introduced the guest to the audience. The intro was mixed with facts and few punch lines. The meeting was to commemorate International peace day and the topic for the guest was “Food Security”. A bell hung at the entrance of the hall and all guests were requested to ring the bell to mark the significance of the day.

Dr. Balasubramaniam began with expressing his

happiness to be with Midtowners. He posed a simple question – “What would you do, if I gave you 1 lakh rupees right now and ask you to spend it within 1 hour”. After interesting answers, he collated and said “None of you said you will buy food for one year, which shows your food needs are met, friends Food security is mainly for those who do not have that privilege”. He then went on to explain the nuances of Food security and unraveled the 'maligned' background. The startling facts had the audience in awe and wonder. He narrated various instances and shared mind boggling statistics to prove his stand. The so called food security is in fact a misconstrued method to squeeze out precious revenues from the treasury. With a sorry note he shared the dismal state of affairs, a country with GDP 20% has been reduced to a mere 2% in a span of 200 years. He explained how the flawed system of PDS in the state is being used by the political machinery. Dr.Balasubramaniam explained that he was a social activist and did not talk only with the sentiments but always justified the thoughts with relevant data & statistics. The interesting talk was informative and instigated a serious thought on “Food security”. The interesting Q&A went on for some time before the president intervened as it was getting late. He appealed to all Rotarians to be informed about the state of affairs and urged to use RTI as a powerful tool. Lots more to learn from you Dr.Balasubramaniam, Midtown would love to interact with you sometime soon.

nearly 25 of them followed them carrying the banner – “We need no sympathy- Give us an opportunity”. New Rotarian Rtn.Pramod Gubbi and Rtn.Satish Babu carried the banner almost through and through. The actual event was flagged off from the Balarama gate, whereas 500 odd athletes of all ages took off for 10k, ½ marathon, etc, the Special brigade led by Rotary Mysore Midtown took its own route and the media took sufficient notice of the sideline event. The walkathon lasted for almost 1hr and went round the palace. We were welcomed to great cheer at the finishing line by all gathered. A prize distribution ceremony was arranged for the special children- trophies and medallions sponsored by Rtn. Milton. God's own children accepted it in all humility. And much wanted breakfast was supplied, idli & vada added to the brightness of the day. On the whole it was a well spent 3 hours on a Sunday morning.

Congratulations to our Vocational Service Director Rtn.Narendra N for well thought of project, Rtn.Raghavendra

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for taking up chairmanship responsibility (hope he has mobilized some funds for the community service project!!), Rtn.Seenanna for the meaningful banners and T-shirts, Rtn.Aiyanna, Rtn.Umesh and others for the robust participation. Special thanks to Ann.Chaitra, who was the lone representative from IW midtown and energetically gave away the prize displaying the IW banner. Ultimately President Rtn.Bhanu felt “Mission Accomplished”.

-Rtn. Dr. K. A. Prahlad

An enthusiastic mother carried her child during the regular marathon. Kudos to the mother's sportive spirit. Photo by Rtn.Aiyanna

Chairman of the event Rtn.Raghavendra expressed his joy & wishes to thank all the special children who participated, parents of the special children and all the Rotarians for their impeccable support. Special thanks to Rtn.Narendra N (for proposing the meaningful project), Rtn.Srinivasan D (for the exclusive designs & t-shirts), Rtn.Aiyanna (for arranging the scrumptious breakfast), Rtn.Elizar Milton (for sponsoring the medals & trophies), RCC Koorgalli members and Mr.Raghavendra Madhyastha of Vinyas.

Page 4: About us   13 - 2013-14

Business Meeting

Rotary Quiz

Answer: c) 1943

In which year did RI adopt the 4-way test?

1. Is it the TRUTH ?2. Is it FAIR to all concerned ?3. Will it build GOODWILL and


concerned ?

Rotary Information

Date : 09-10-2013 Time: 6.30 pm

Next Week

Venue: RCL Hall, JLB Road, Mysore

Please Attend

a) 1923 b)1933c)1943 d)1953

Perched in the rugged mountains of central Ecuador, the village of Tingo Pucará seems an unlikely place for artistic inspiration to strike. But Tony Riggio never leaves his camera behind—and his photos of Tingo Pucará illustrate what can happen when Rotary members and young people team up on a water project. Riggio has been leading youth expeditions to Central and South America since 2001, when his daughter participated in a program of Builders Beyond Borders (B3), a nonprofit based in Connecticut, USA. Construction projects have included hurricane shelters in the Dominican Republic, bridges in Nicaragua, and classrooms in Costa Rica. Water and sanitation are always primary components.

More details at:https ://www.rotar y.org/en/engineering-


Practical InnovationT h e P l u m a g e

smar tphone concept hearkens back to the flip-phone days by integrating a k e y b o a r d i n t o a protective cover. Designed by Jet Ong, the Plumage c o n c e p t c a s e w a s conceived around the Window 8 phone. The case

features a hinged cover that flips open to reveal a full QWERTY keyboard, which provides a tactile typing experience. The cover is magnetic, which holds it securely in place when opened or closed, and the lower half of the case functions as the battery cover.

Ÿ 15th Dec. 2013- Early Registration Deadline- USD 310

Ÿ 31st March 2014- Preregistration Deadline

Ÿ 30th April 2014- Registration/ Ticket Cancellation deadline

Ÿ 2nd May 2014- Official Housing deadlineŸ 3rd June 2014- Online registration


RI Convention Sydney 2014

Anniversary Wishes

Rtn.Abdul Wajid Khan Suryani

7th October




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Today's Tea Host:

Rtn. R. Nagaraj

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