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  • 8/3/2019 Activities of the OIE Regional Commission


    Activities of the OIE Regional Commissionfor Europe and Regional Representation for

    Eastern Europe

    (May 2009 - May 2010)

    Prof. Dr. Nikola T. Belev

  • 8/3/2019 Activities of the OIE Regional Commission


    In Memoriam:

    Dr. Petro Verbitskiy

    1953 - 2010On February 12th, 2010passed away an honourable

    man, taken too soon hewill be greatly missed andalways remembered

    1999 - 2005 -CVO of

    Ukraine and OIEDelegate

    Since January 2009 -

    CVO and OIE Delegate 2003 - 2006

    A Secretary General of

    the OIE RegionalCommission for Europe

  • 8/3/2019 Activities of the OIE Regional Commission


    Table of contents:


    Regional Commission for Europe - Activities

    Regional Representation for Eastern Europe (RR-EE) - Activities

    Missions carried out by the OIE Regional Representation

    Meetings organised with the support of the OIE RR-EE

    Meetings attended by RR-EE representing the OIE

    Future activities

    Conclusions and Proposals

  • 8/3/2019 Activities of the OIE Regional Commission



    53 Members of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe:

    Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, Former Yug. Rep. of Macedonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldavia, Montenegro,Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey,

    Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.

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    Geographic coverage of the OIE Regional

    Commission for Europe

    (currently includes 53 Members)


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    Regional Commission for Europe -

    ActivitiesRe-election of the Bureau of the OIE Regional Commission for Europeduring the 77-th OIE General Assembly of Delegates in May 2009 for a

    new 3-year mandate.


    Vice-PresidentSecretary General

    Dr Nikola T. Belev


    Dr Kazimieras Lukauskas


    Dr Patrick Rogan


    Dr Nihat Pakdil


    The OIE Regional Commission for Europe supported the efforts aimingat increasing of public awareness toward rabies. On September 28th,2009, all Members of the Region were invited to organize a special

    event in line with World Rabies Day initiative of the Alliance for RabiesControl (ARC).

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    Regional Commission for Europe -

    ActivitiesA meeting of the Bureau of the OIE Regional Commission forEurope took place in Sofia (Bulgaria) on September 30th, 2009,kindly hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

    During the meeting following topics were discussed:

    -Accomplishment of the 4-thOIE Strategic Plan (2006-2010) andpreparation of the 5-thOIE Strategic Plan (2011-2015);

    - Discussion of the amendments to the OIE Basic Texts;

    - Epizootic Situation within the countries of the European Region;- Education of Veterinary Specialists;- Animal Welfare;- Food Safety within the frames of OIE mandate;

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    Regional Commission for Europe-


    - Aspects of use of the OIE World Animal Health Information System

    (WAHIS) and arrears of notification regarding epizootic situation;- Structure of National Veterinary Services of the countries of the

    European Region;

    - Proposal for organizing of Working Group for Evaluation of the

    economic losses due to animal infectious diseases headed by Dr. RomanoMarabelli;

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    Epizootic situation in Europe

    - Main concerns of the Region in regard with the epizootic situation fromMay 2009 to May 2010 were Bluetongue, Brucellosis, Rabies, African

    swine fever (ASF) and Classical swine fever (CSF).

    - Some sporadic cases of Avian Influenza - H5N1 showed that the threat

    has still not disappeared.

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    Introduction of the RR for Eastern

    Europe (1)

    Main objectives of the OIE Regional Representationfor Eastern Europe have been as follows:

    - Implementation of the 4th OIE Strategic Plan.

    - Improvement of competence and expertise of veterinarians(capacity-building programmes).

    - Meetings with members of Governments and Parliaments ofthe following OIE Members: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia andBulgaria.

    - Distribution of permanent updated information regarding theoutcome of the OIE General Session, Regional Projects, Seminarsand other important regional and global activities to the PrimeMinisters and CVOs of all Member countries from the region.

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    Main objectives of RR-EE (2)

    - Updating the Web site with the activities of the OIE Regional

    Commission for Europe.

    - Application of the PVS Tool for evaluation of national VeterinaryServices in some OIE Members in Eastern Europe.

    - Increased contacts and cooperation with mass media.

    - Enhanced collaboration between the office of the OIE Sub-Regional Representation in Brussels and the European Union.

    OIE R i l R t ti f

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    OIE Regional Representation for

    Eastern Europe

    Prof. Dr. Nikola T. Belev - Regional Representative, e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+359) 2 985 11 311

    Dr. Caroline Plant Sub Regional Representative, e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+32) 2 235 86 13

    Mrs. Rina Kostova - Secretary, e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+359) 2 985 11 310

    Dr. Stanislav Ralchev - Expert, e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+359) 2 985 11 309

    Dr. Anatoly Vlasov - Expert, e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+359) 2 985 11 309

    Mr. Mustafa Kichuk supplier and assistant

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 Activities of the OIE Regional Commission


    Official visits and

    governmental meetingsCountry Departure date Return date Name/purpose of the activity

    Russia 4 June 6 June 2009

    Meeting with Governmental officials, including

    the Minister of Agriculture Mrs. Elena Skrinik andthe Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary andPhytosanitary Surveillance Mr. Sergey Dankvert

    Bulgaria 25 July 2009 31 July 2009

    Meeting with Mr Suleimenov, Chairman of the

    State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrialcomplex in the Ministry of Agriculture ofKazakhstan and Dr. M. Naidenov, Minister ofAgriculture and Food of Bulgaria

    Bulgaria22 October 2009 22 October 2009

    Meeting with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Mr.Boyko Borissov, initiated by the Minister of

    Agriculture and Foods, Dr. Miroslav Naydenov inorder to represent the OIE structure and RR-EEactivities, to discuss the epizootic situation inEurope, food safety of the products of animalorigin, animal welfare, environmental protectionand OIE WAHIS System.

    France25 November

    200927 November 2009

    Meeting with the new-elected UNESCO SecretaryGeneral Mme Irina Bokova

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    Official visits and

    governmental meetings

    Country Departure date Return date Name/purpose of the activity

    Ukraine 09 March 13 March 2010

    Meeting with the new-appointed Minister of

    Agricultural Policy of Ukraine, Mr. MikolaPrisyajnuk, his deputies and representatives of

    the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Science

    Serbia 19 April 19 April 2010

    Meeting with the OIE Delegate of Serbia, Dr. Zoran

    Micovic, Dr. Zvonimir Rot Adviser of the CVOand Dr. Budimir Plavsic Head of Animal health

    and Welfare Department at the Veterinary

    Directorate of Serbia

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    Meetings, organised with the support

    of the OIE RR-EE

    Meeting Country Dates Purpose of the meeting

    OIE Seminar onAnimal Welfare

    Turkey 16-17 July 2009

    Presentation of the latest OIE standards andregulations in respect to Animal Welfare toOIE Delegates and Focal Points. Also, itcreated an opportunity for the Delegates andFocal Point to present their practicalexperience and opinion in regard to thismatter

    Meeting of theBureau of the OIE

    RegionalCommission for


    Bulgaria30 September


    Discussion of variety aspects of theactivities of the Regional Commission inregard to Fulfilment of the OIE 4th StrategicPlan, preparations of the next OIE StrategicPlan, International Cooperation Programmes,Epizootic Situation, Food Safety,Contribution, and several other topics.

    Workshop for OIENational Focal

    Points forWildlife

    France4-6 November


    To provide training for National Focal Pointsfor Wildlife in regard to fulfilment of the OIEMember obligations.

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    Meetings, organised with the support

    of the RR-EE

    Meeting Country Dates Purpose of the meeting

    Kick-off Meeting of theIZS Teramo Project on

    Implementation ofsurveillance,prophylaxis and

    contingency plans forbrucellosis,

    tuberculosis, rabies,foot and mouth

    diseases, and anthraxin CIS countries"

    Ukraine 11-12 March 2010

    The main project objectives are to support

    participating countries in the planning andimplementation of surveillance and control

    activities of mentioned animal diseases. The

    list of beneficiary countries includes:

    Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan,

    Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan,

    Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine.

    OIE Workshop forNational Focal Points

    for Aquatic AnimalDiseases

    Croatia 21-23 April 2010Postponed for November 2010 due to theunexpected volcanic eruption in Iceland andcancelling of all European flights.

    Coordination Meeting

    for Western Balkan


    Bulgaria 11 May 2010

    Better coordinate the current and future

    actions in regard with major TADs in the

    region, in particular CSF and Rabies

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    Meetings, attended by RR-EE

    representing OIE

    Meeting Country Dates

    77th General Session of OIE France 24-29 May 2009

    World Grain Forum 2009 Russia 5-6 June 2009

    FVE/TAIEX Conference on OneHealth: effective herd health

    control.Bulgaria 23-24 June 2009

    Veterinary Medicine DayCelebration

    Ukraine 6 August 2009

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    Meetings, attended by RREE

    representing OIE

    Meeting Country Dates

    GTFS Tripartite Final ReviewMeeting, Controlling Trans-

    boundary Animal Diseases inCentral Asian Countries

    Turkey 5-6 October 2009

    78th Session of the ExecutiveCommittee of the EU-FMD

    CommissionTurkey 6-7 October 2009

    West Eurasia FMD Control

    Roadmap 2020 Turkey 7-9 October 2009

    Evolving Veterinary Education forsafer world

    France 12-14 October 2009

    FVE/TAIEX Conference on OneHealth: Training on Zoonotic

    DiseasesMontenegro 20 October 2009

    TAIEX Workshop on: Assessmentof EU standards for Veterinary

    Teaching EstablishmentsBulgaria 26 October 2009

    Workshop for OIE National Focal

    Points for WildlifeFrance 4-6 of November 2009

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    Meetings, attended by RREE

    representing OIE

    Meeting Country Dates

    Regional Workshop on the WTOAgreement on Sanitary andPhytosanitary Measures

    Uzbekistan 16 19 February 2010

    Third Meeting of the RegionalSteering Committee of the GF-TADs

    for EuropeBelgium 24-25 February 2010

    Opening ceremony of a new

    Master program on VeterinaryAdministration in the Thracian


    Bulgaria 04 March 2010

    79thSESSION of the

    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of theEuropean Commission for the

    Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease(EuFMD)

    Sweden16 -17 March 2010

    CVO meeting on IPA Project on theEradication monitoring and control

    of Classical Swine Fever andRabies in Western Balkan

    Serbia 26 27 April 2010

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    Future activitiesCapacity building programme 2010

    Country Estimated date Name/purpose of the activity

    Belarus 30June2July2010 OIESeminarforNewDelegates

    Serbia 2628July2010OIESeminarforVeterinaryMedicinalProducts


    Kazakhstan 21






    Ukraine 35November2010 OIESeminaronthecostofanimaldiseases

    CroatiaNovember2010 OIE Workshop for National Focal Points for

    Aquatic Animals

  • 8/3/2019 Activities of the OIE Regional Commission


    Conclusions and Proposals

    - The problem of Veterinary Services structure still remains in some

    countries in the Region and the main attention has to be furtherfocused on it (ex: establishment of minor food safety agencies or othersecondary structures).

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    Conclusions and Proposals

    - Necessity of stronger commitment of all member countries from theregion in the events organized or co-organized by the OIE (to include EU

    member states, not only countries from East-European region); regular andon-time reporting on epizootic status and feed back to the initiatives underthe auspices of the OIE headquarter and RR-EE

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    Conclusions and Proposals

    - Rabies to be a further priority in 2010 and a necessity of unified rabiescontrol and eradication programme for Europe;

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    The OIE RR-EE wants to express its thanks to Dr B.Vallat, OIE Director General, Dr M. Eloit, OIE

    Deputy Director General, all Heads of Departments and their staff for their cooperation and constant

    support rendered to the activities organized by the Regional Presentation.

    We would like to extend our gratitude to the European Commission (DG SANCO and TAIEX Office),

    FAO, World Bank and all intergovernmental, as well as NGOs for their cooperation and permanent

    support rendered with regard to the implementation of the OIE program for the European region.

    Our activities and their success depend, to a great extent, on the active participation and unceasing

    support rendered by the Governments and OIE Delegates from Europe.

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    Thank youfor your attention!

    OIE Regional Representation for Eastern Europe55 Hristo Botev Blvd, Office Rooms 309, 310 and 311, 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria

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