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TurkeyCulture is the foundation of the Turkish Republic

Global Citizen Programme in Turkey-It’s time to chase your dream!

Page 2: AIESEC in Malaysia_Global Citizen Programme in Turkey

Ankara is the capital of Turkey - not Istanbul. It became so in 1923 afterthe War of Independence.Istanbul is the world’s city spanning continents and only 3% of Turkey isin Europe.Turkey’s Istanbul tünel is the world’s second oldest underground railway -it began operation in 1875.Turkey was the birthplace of historical figures such as Aesop, Homer andSt. Paul the Apostle.Santa Claus (St Nicholas) was born in Patara, Turkey.Turkey is responsible for 80% of the world’s hazelnut exports.

Fun fact

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Turkey Needs You!

According to researches, theNGO Managers in Turkey, leadthe organizations with passion,but most of them have lack ofmanagement skills which makestheir NGOs low impactful.

You are important!to apply your knowledge in those organizations to make them more efficient. This is will return enable them to bring more impact to the


Even though English educationis included in the nationaleducation system, according toresearches, the English Level ofTurkey is considered as lowproficiency in the globalscenario and one of the lowestamong the European countries.

You are important!It’s important to share

the harmony and tolerate attitude of


According to the AnnualEuropean Report, Human Rights,Democracy and Discriminationbased on color, gender, religionand minorities are top issues inthe country for its socialdevelopment.

You are important!to spread the awareness of English education, to inspire

the student to be more enthusiastic on English



Education CulturalUnderstanding

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Accommodation is covered by AIESEC in Turkey - It’s FREE for you.1 meal per day is covered, too.Return Flight ticket is around RM3,000.National language: TurkishNational religion: MuslimCurrency: Turkish Lira (TL) [1 Euro = +-3 TL ; 1 USD =+- 2.7 TL]Find out more about the cost of living here: http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-


One flight to Greece is around 50 Euros. A bus could be even cheaper.

6-week Journey in Turkey

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Watchtower of Turkey

Click the video to watch it

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Being away from home is not easy especially when you're going abroad alone.But being able to go far from your comfort zone surely helps you to improveyourself even without you realising it.My project was where I need to teach high school kids to develop their softskills, and eventually I found my soft skills improved too. Having the chance towork with people from other country was a really good experience. Differentpeople from different country have a different kind of thinking, so you canlearn from them and so do they. Lastly, people tend to stereotype a lot. Even Idid it before I went abroad. I always thought, Mexicans were very aggressive,their country was full of mafias, drugs cartels but when I met them, I could tellthat they're very nice and very warm. I could say one of my best friends whilein Turkey is from Mexico.If I have the chance to go abroad again under AIESEC capacity, I'll definitely goagain. And I will, surely promote this to my friends and relatives and tell themhow this program has made an impact in my life.

He completed 6 week journey in Turkey last Summer!

Mohamad Saufi Bin SarminUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi.

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Mark Your Calendar!

TurkeyStep 1: Browse through opportunities (can be found in the next page)Step 2: APPLY!ORJust attend Matching Mania with Turkey! Get your interview!Get Matched on the spot!

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Exciting Opportunities!



Education CulturalUnderstanding

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