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Page 1: Analysis Of Eden Lake. The Trailer  In the beginning of the trailer, you can see a car driving down a country.

Analysis Of Eden LakeAnalysis Of Eden Lake

Page 2: Analysis Of Eden Lake. The Trailer  In the beginning of the trailer, you can see a car driving down a country.

The TrailerThe Trailer


In the beginning of the trailer, you can see a car driving down a country side road non diegetic music is used here to add the In the beginning of the trailer, you can see a car driving down a country side road non diegetic music is used here to add the sound effect of the car driving down a road. You can see a couple at their destination point, the beginning of the trailer makes it sound effect of the car driving down a road. You can see a couple at their destination point, the beginning of the trailer makes it seems to be a romantic get away for the couple. There is diegetic sounds here as you hear a woman's voice saying ‘We are seems to be a romantic get away for the couple. There is diegetic sounds here as you hear a woman's voice saying ‘We are having a weekend away’ the voice sounds very happy and excited. Non diegetic sounds are used to add a mystery sound even having a weekend away’ the voice sounds very happy and excited. Non diegetic sounds are used to add a mystery sound even though the couple look happy. For the best 17 seconds of the opening sequence it is very happy, and romantic as all you see is though the couple look happy. For the best 17 seconds of the opening sequence it is very happy, and romantic as all you see is a couple playing around. This romantic getaway soon gets interrupted, the first interruption was from a big dark barking in the a couple playing around. This romantic getaway soon gets interrupted, the first interruption was from a big dark barking in the couples faces. They use a close up here to show the expression on the woman's face, and at the dogs mouth this shows that is couples faces. They use a close up here to show the expression on the woman's face, and at the dogs mouth this shows that is fierce by the way he was barking and how close he got. You then get Loud non diegetic music being played by a gang on teens. fierce by the way he was barking and how close he got. You then get Loud non diegetic music being played by a gang on teens. They are represented as young thugs and trouble makers as they don’t care that they are disrupting anyone else. When They are represented as young thugs and trouble makers as they don’t care that they are disrupting anyone else. When confronted by the boyfriend of the couple the group of teens are quite rude and refuse to turn down their loud music. The confronted by the boyfriend of the couple the group of teens are quite rude and refuse to turn down their loud music. The appear to be quite intimidating especially to the girlfriend of the couple, But the boyfriend wants to stand his ground. But as appear to be quite intimidating especially to the girlfriend of the couple, But the boyfriend wants to stand his ground. But as night falls it almost because a different place to what you have been previously seen. The diegetic sounds show that something night falls it almost because a different place to what you have been previously seen. The diegetic sounds show that something bad is going to happen, and the couple soon hear noises in the bushes, and from the camera shots used you get the impression bad is going to happen, and the couple soon hear noises in the bushes, and from the camera shots used you get the impression they are being watched from the bushes, they actually use a long shot hidden in the bushes which creates the effect of them they are being watched from the bushes, they actually use a long shot hidden in the bushes which creates the effect of them being watched. The diegetic sound of the moving bushes also adds to the effect of someone watching. They then realise that being watched. The diegetic sound of the moving bushes also adds to the effect of someone watching. They then realise that their car keys are missing and suddenly their car comes crashing out the woods with the gang on teens init. You can now tell their car keys are missing and suddenly their car comes crashing out the woods with the gang on teens init. You can now tell that this one of many horrible events to come. The couple then confront the teens again and end up having a squabble while the that this one of many horrible events to come. The couple then confront the teens again and end up having a squabble while the main gang leader of the teens dog gets stabbed. This then results in a race to keep your life. The music sounds tribal like while main gang leader of the teens dog gets stabbed. This then results in a race to keep your life. The music sounds tribal like while the couple are trying to run away from the raging teenagers. The couple try and get away in their car but end up crashing an as a the couple are trying to run away from the raging teenagers. The couple try and get away in their car but end up crashing an as a result the boyfriend is badly hurt and the couple are forced to split up as the girlfriend is told to look for help. You can also see result the boyfriend is badly hurt and the couple are forced to split up as the girlfriend is told to look for help. You can also see blood on the boyfriends face, this is a must see in any horror, its one of a horror films main conventions. I think the trailer also blood on the boyfriends face, this is a must see in any horror, its one of a horror films main conventions. I think the trailer also demonstrates peer pressure between the teens as there is a ring leader and he is telling everyone what to do. You see this when demonstrates peer pressure between the teens as there is a ring leader and he is telling everyone what to do. You see this when he grabs up one of his friends and is shouting at him. You see that the ringleader is not letting the boyfriend get off lightly as he he grabs up one of his friends and is shouting at him. You see that the ringleader is not letting the boyfriend get off lightly as he has him tied up to a pole with chains around his neck. You then see a close up on one of other boys faces he seems to be has him tied up to a pole with chains around his neck. You then see a close up on one of other boys faces he seems to be scared and frightened a close up is used to show this facial expression. You can tell this clip in non linear as it skips from scared and frightened a close up is used to show this facial expression. You can tell this clip in non linear as it skips from different scene of the film and does not run straight through. The trailer then skips to the couple reunited and the girlfriend different scene of the film and does not run straight through. The trailer then skips to the couple reunited and the girlfriend trying to save the boyfriends life as he is bleeding to death. The rest of the trailer now is a series of editing cuts going from the trying to save the boyfriends life as he is bleeding to death. The rest of the trailer now is a series of editing cuts going from the woman running and the group of teens chasing them on their bikes. In these cuts you see the woman turn almost crazy as she woman running and the group of teens chasing them on their bikes. In these cuts you see the woman turn almost crazy as she is covered in mud, making knifes, and hiding in bins. Its almost as if she's a different character. The ending of the trailer shows is covered in mud, making knifes, and hiding in bins. Its almost as if she's a different character. The ending of the trailer shows the girlfriend staggering in to someone's backyard screaming ‘somebody please help me’ . The ending is quite confusing the girlfriend staggering in to someone's backyard screaming ‘somebody please help me’ . The ending is quite confusing because then it cuts to her in what seems to be a bathroom with a knife in these cuts she's unfolding the pocket knife and then because then it cuts to her in what seems to be a bathroom with a knife in these cuts she's unfolding the pocket knife and then the door opens. This then leads on to the title of the film Eden lake and diegetic sounds of a woman saying ‘ their just children’ the door opens. This then leads on to the title of the film Eden lake and diegetic sounds of a woman saying ‘ their just children’ she sounds very upset. she sounds very upset.

Page 3: Analysis Of Eden Lake. The Trailer  In the beginning of the trailer, you can see a car driving down a country.


Main image, main character. She looks distressed and like she's hiding from the 4 shadows.

Shadows of the teens. Black dark figures. Connotes evil and a dark presence.

The text is drawing the audience in by describing the film as a thriller of the year.

Title of the film, is bold and unusually not centred. It looks like it is in a flame effect.

Mise en scene shows that they are in a dark forest. This adds to the shadows and makes them seem even more scarier. Lots of trees mean more places to hide. And less daylight.

Certificate 18.

Intended for adults


Bold red writing. Makes it stand out more

against the dark background.

Film has

been given

4starts. This

shows that it

is quite

good. Not

full ratings

but near


Page 4: Analysis Of Eden Lake. The Trailer  In the beginning of the trailer, you can see a car driving down a country.

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