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    MARY HONEYBALL MEP Annual Report


    MEPAnnualReport 2012


    Welcome to my annual reportfor 2012. This report is

    designed to tell you about thework I have been doing overthe last 12 months on yourbehalf.

    I believe it is important electedrepresentatives areaccountable, transparent andin touch with those theyrepresent. I seek to buildcommunication channels inmany different ways, and you

    can see how to contact me atthe end of this report.

    A copy of this annual report isalso available on my websitewww.thehoneyballbuzz.com


    Page 2 Women & Gender

    Equality & Written Declaration

    Page 3 Culture & Education


    Page 4 Mary and the media

    Page 5 Mary campaigning in


    Page 6 Marys CaseworkPage 7 Marys work on


    Page 8 How to contact Mary

    Mary discussing women on boarSee page two for information on the work Mary has

    done on women and gender equality.

    Mary at Twickenham Film StudiSee page four for details of the Twickenham Film

    Studios Campaign.

    Mary Honeyball MEP

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    Marys work on women andequality

    This year I commissionedresearch which examined theimpact of advertisements forsexual services in localnewspapers on sex trafficking.The report, written by twoacademics from the Universityof Cambridge, was launched inJune this year.The study found that there is adirect link between adverts innewspapers and human


    I sent the report, ReadingBetween the Lines, to theMayor of London, BorisJohnson, hoping he wouldaddress the concerns identifiedin the report. The Mayor mustensure that proper resourcesare available to minimisehuman trafficking in the future.You can read this importantreport by visiting my website:www.thehoneyballbuzz.comThis has been an importantyear for women in business.The question of introducing

    quotas to improve thepresence of women on topcompany boards has gainedmomentum.

    While some see this as acontroversial issue, as amember of the WomensCommittee I support the workthat has been done in this areaso far. I discussed the issue ata panel discussion hosted bythe former BBC journalist,

    Shirin Wheeler, at theEuropean Commission officesin London on InternationalWomens Day.In May I spoke to a delegationof women who visited Brusselsas part of the StrategicLeadership Programme forWomen. The Programmewas created with the aim of

    increasing the number ofwomen leaders in decision-making roles in the North Westof Ireland/Northern Ireland.Initiatives like the StrategicLeadership Programme enable

    women to develop confidenceknowledge, skills andleadership capacity. It alsogives them a network with thepeers and enables them tomake contact with women whohave already succeeded asleaders.It has been a fantastic year forwomen in sport, both assportswomen and for femalesports presenters who now ar

    receiving the recognition theydeserve. To mark theachievements of our femaleBritish athletes I produced ane-book celebrating the work ofBritish female Olympic andParalympic athletes past andpresent. You can find a copyon my website.I have also updated my

    directory of female politicians Britain and Europe. It includesbiographies of British MPs,Peers and MEPs. You can findthe new, updated version byvisiting my website..


    In February 2012 I launcheda Written Declaration (WD)calling for the EuropeanCommission to continue andincrease its commitment toreduce the number ofvaccine preventable deathsin its future work.

    I was delighted the WD wasaccepted as a Resolution ofthe European Parliament.

    It will help NGOs like UNICEFand the Global Alliance for

    Vaccines and Immunisationwho will be able to channelaid into programmes thatincrease vaccinationcoverage for children acrossthe globe.

    I asked Bill Gates about thiswhen he visited theEuropean Parliament inJanuary 2012.

    Mary promoting the written declaratio

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    Mary talking at higher educationconferenceHigher and continuing education is very

    mportant to me and I have spoken at several

    onferences on the subject.

    The Lux prize 2012he Lux prize rewards European film makers for their

    mportant cinematic and cultural contribution.


    2020Date by which we aim to see a significantmprovement in the qualifications ofoung people across Europe

    Grantshave proposed a European wide grant

    ystem, such as we had in place in the

    UK for all 16 year-olds to help fund their

    ontinuing education


    For more information on the new

    creative Europe programme visit:



    Marys work on culture and


    Education, Training andEurope 2020Earlier this year, my report onEducation and Training wasvoted through the EuropeanParliament. The reportexplored the progress thatEurope is making in achievingthe goals that were set in theEU 2020 strategy. These taskswere set for the EU andmember states and rangedfrom tackling the prevalentproblem of young peopleleaving school with inadequatequalifications, to boosting thenumber of adults whoparticipate in education andtraining.

    My report assesses the currentsituation and offerssuggestions about how we can

    improve our chances ofmeeting these importanttargets by 2020. I havesuggested, for instance, thatthe system in place in the UKuntil recently whereby youngpeople from poor families aregiven small grants from the ageof 16 to help fund their stay inschool be introduced Europewide.

    The Creative EuropeProgrammeThe European Commissionannounced its new cultureprogramme for the EU at theend of 2011. If agreed, it willmean that thousands of peopleworking in cinema, TV, culture,music, performing arts,heritage and related areas

    would benefit from increasedEU support under the new'Creative Europe' programme.

    Erasmus for AllThe new Erasmus for Allprogramme, currently underconsideration, would bringtogether all the current EU andinternational schemes foreducation, training, youth andsport, replacing seven existing

    programmes with one. Thiswould increase efficiency,make it easier to apply forgrants, as well as reducingduplication and fragmentation

    Future work of theCommitteeWe are currently waiting for thEuropean Commission to putforward its proposals on music

    licensing. I cannot say nowwhat the exact details of theseproposals will be, but I hopethat the Commission can comup with a way forward to tacklethe thorny issue of howremuneration to artists isdistributed.

    Lux PrizeThe European Parliament Lux

    Prize is incredibly important foEuropean film.The prize seeks to reward filmmakers who look to collaboratwith others from acrossEurope, allowing them totranscend borders.Last years winner was theSnows of Kilimanjaro, a filmexploring the issue of class ansocial division.

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    MARY HONEYBALL MEP Annual Report

    Mary in the media

    A healthy presence in themedia is important and theBritish press is just beginningto recognise why it must cover

    stories from Europe, especiallythose which impact on peoplein Britain. This year many ofmy campaigns have receivedmedia attention including:

    The closure of TwickenhamFilm Studios:The studios were threatenedwith closure after claims it didnot generate any revenue. Ahuge campaign ensued and Iwrote to the EuropeanCommission raising myconcerns. I was interviewed byBBC London news and thestory featured across all partsof the media. After severalmonths of unrelenting and highprofile campaigning a suitablebuyer came forward, boughtthe studios and promised to

    keep it for the purpose it hadbeen built.

    Women on company boards:I have written for the NewStatesman and beeninterviewed by both the Todayprogramme on Radio 4 and theBBC Politics Show on the issueof better representation for

    women on company boards.You can read my most recentarticle, written in October, onthe New Statesman website.

    A week in the life of...I understand that MEPsmay be consideredrelatively remote. Much of

    our working week is spentin Brussels and someweeks in Strasbourg. Iwanted to get across topeople the kind of thingswe actually do in Brussels.During a relatively busyweek I kept a diary andpenned a piece for PublicService Europe. If you areinterested in capturing a

    sense of the work we do youcan read my Brussels diary atPublic Service Europe.

    Other media:I appeared on Channel 5News in March to debate withmedia expert JonathanGabay the offensive nature ofan advert made by theupmarket department store

    Harvey Nichols whichdepicted several womendoing the walk of shamefollowing a night out.

    The advert had been referredto the Advertising Standards

    Authority for investigation.

    You can watch the interview byvisiting my website. Ive

    especially enjoyed appearing inregular debates on the Londonradio station LBC, this yearappearing on shows hosted byNick Ferrari and Iain Dale,among others, where I havedebated issues such as femalerepresentation in politics andthe Eurozone crisis.


    A selection of interviews and aselection of my media clippingsare available on my website,www.thehoneyballbuzz.com/medi

    Please contact my press officer Sara


    [email protected]

    media enquiries

    Above: Mary being interviewed For

    European TV in the European

    Parliament, Brussels

    Above: Mary being interviewed4

    http://www.thehoneyballbuzz.com/mediamailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.thehoneyballbuzz.com/media
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    It is important to visit as manyLabour Parties as possibleeither in a campaigningcapacity or to talk to membersabout the work I do in theEuropean Parliament. Thevisits are intended to provideaccountability to Labour Partymembers.

    At Labour Party Conference

    this year I hosted a dinner towhich all London conferencedelegates were invited. It wasan excellent evening and Ireally enjoyed meeting thedelegates, many of whom werefirst time attenders atconference. I hope they allenjoyed it.

    Mary campaigning in Southfields

    Above: Campaigning in Dollis Hill

    Mary in Hammersmith & Fulham


    Mary in Orpington

    Discussing with CLP members herwork in the European Parliament

    Mary with Camden CLP

    campaign team

    Mary at the London CLP delegate Din

    Marys campaign work and visits

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    Marys casework

    Many wonderful events helpedto showcase London in 2012.

    The Olympics were a hugetriumph, not just the event itselfbut the hard work leading up toit, the support of localcommunity groups and, ofcourse, our athletes who asidefrom their excellent sportingachievements, acted as proudambassadors.

    Every year my office receivesletters from all over the worldon such varied issues ashuman rights to the protectionof vulnerable animals. Thisyear was no different.

    Work in Asia

    I received correspondence, forexample, on the fate of minoritytribes like the Arakan andRohingya people of Burma.

    There are always events inless fortunate corners of theworld that cry out for our help.

    Animal transportation

    I also received many lettersfrom concerned people on theissue of animal transport withinEurope. Transporting animalshumanely is extremelyimportant. We have the means

    to ensure they travel in suitableconditions, and I have writtenback to all those who wrote tome on the matter explaining Isupport continued pressure tolimit journey times and improveconditions for animals intransit.

    Brake systems

    During the past year concernswere raised around new safetyfeatures such as the ABSbrake system proposed formotor cycles and also ontesting for the roadworthinessof classic and historic cars. It isimportant that the concerns ofenthusiasts and passionateusers of such vehicles aretaken into account in any new

    EU regulations.

    In discussion with constituents


    I was approached by acampaign group on a legal

    matter over the registration ofthe term hypnobirthing. Theywished to register the term as atrade mark.

    A legal ruling warned suchregistration was not allowed asit would limit other practitionersfrom working in the area.

    Every year myoffice receivesletters from allover the worldon such varied

    issues ashuman rights tothe protection ofvulnerableanimals.MaryHoneyball

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    I have campaigned on theissue of osteoporosis for 10

    years in my position as co-chair of the EuropeanParliament OsteoporosisInterest Group.

    Osteoporosis is a debilitatingchronic disease which can leadto serious pain, reducedmobility, and an increasingdegree of dependence. It is acondition disproportionatelysuffered by women.

    Osteoporosis does not receiveas much coverage as otherseriously debilitating diseases,yet it is estimated to cost EUMember States around 32bna year.

    Even with this knowledge it isnot anywhere near the top ofEU governments health care

    priorities. As a resultawareness of osteoporosis fallsbehind that of other chronicdiseases by around 20 years.

    In December 2011 I spoke at ameeting organised to discuss

    the fight against osteoporosisat European level.

    The meeting was organised bythe International OsteoporosisFoundation (IOF).

    The IOF work to improve theavailable knowledge onprevention, diagnosis andtreatment and raise awarenessof the disease and its effects.

    One of the many things wediscussed at the meeting wasthe 2011 InternationalOsteoporosis Foundationreport which presents someshocking statistics. Here aresome of the most striking:

    I have campaigned on the issue of

    osteoporosis for 10 years

    Marys work on osteoporosis

    Some statistics on osteoporosis

    The total health burden of osteoporotic fractures, measured in quality-adjusted life years (QALY)lost, was estimated at approximately 850,000 QALYs across six countries The health care cost, including pharmacological prevention, was estimated at 30.7 billioncorresponding to 3.5% of the total spending on health care in those countries In 2025 the projected number of fractures will increase by 29% reaching 3.2 million fractures, withhealth care costs increasing to Euro 38.5 billion The economic burden of osteoporotic fractures in these countries exceeds those for migraine,stroke, MS, and Parkinsons disease, and is similar to the burden of rheumatoid arthritis

    If you would like to know more about the risk factors associated with osteoporosis and possiblepreventative measures then visit the IOF website:www.iofbonehealth.org/

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    MEPAnnualReport 2012


    I like to hear from constituents and those involved in the work I do.Please feel free to contact me in any of the following ways:

    Contact details:

    Email:[email protected]

    [email protected]

    Press enquiries :[email protected]

    Office telephone Brussels: +32 228 47209

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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