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April  Newsle+er    

Lieutenant Governor Division 9, Clifford

Young Welcome to the New Service Year!

Page 2: April Newsletter

Table  of  Contents I.  Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting II.  The 66th Annual Leadership Training Conference III.  The Year In Review IV.  International Convention 2014 V.  Paperwork and Contact Information •  May 4th, 2014: MS Walk at Pier 26 •  May 22nd, 2014: Divisional Meeting

Upcoming  Events

Page 3: April Newsletter

Lieutenant  Governor’s  Greeting

•  Dear Division 9 Beavers, Welcome to the New Service Year, 2014-2015. I am honored

to serve as your next Lieutenant Governor and lead this division to new heights. I have to congratulate the division in its achievements, but lets not stop there. Let us continue to apply for District Awards and get honored by the District Board. Our Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor, Hifza Ahmed, left some great shoes to fill and I am ready.

Next, I have noticed that members don’t exactly get to choose projects in their clubs. However, each and every Key Club Executive Board is open to hearing your ideas. These Executive Boards plan and execute events. It is you the members that make this club the way it is. Is there something that we are not looking at? Are you passionate about anything? If yes, suggest it to me and we can make a divisional event or make an extended club event.

Lastly, I would like to thank all Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Webmasters, Editors, and Advisors for a successful service year. Yours In Service, Clifford Young New York District Key Club 2014-2015 Division Nine Key Club

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The  66th  Annual  Leadership  Training  Conference

•  My experience at LTC was truly life changing. I feel as though I came to the Desmond Hotel as a passionate key clubber, but came out a leader. In just three days I was inspired beyond belief. As I listened to the speeches, I was very motivated to achieve not only a successful club in my school, but my personal goals as well. It certainly brightened up my perspective on many things in life. I also met great people at the conference with whom I've made unforgettable memories with. I met a few passionate key club members from the Albany-Area who are so kind and genuine. It's incredible to come together with a large group of people who share your passion.

-Liana Zinytche, Midwood High School Key Club, Club President

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The  Year  In  Review •  In the 2013-2014 service year, we attended many events

divisional wise as well as club wise. Some divisional events, and Kiwanis events held was Peanut Day (which was mostly a fundraiser where Key clubbers stopped cars and asked them to donate money for children charities.) It was a great event! Another event was the Memorial Day parade, where Key Clubbers basically walked in the parade with a banner along with Kiwanis Clubs. In addition, we also did Fall Rally with Division 10. During Fall Rally, we had key clubbers write letters to elders, and Veterans, thanking them for what they do, and wishing them Happy Holidays. This took place in November of 2013. Some of the club events were March of Dimes, Aids Walk, and many different fundraisers. There were also divisional meetings during each month, we promoted events/spoke about LTC/ talked about ICON, and it was a great service year, and I was happy to have served Division 9 during the year.

-Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor Division 9, Hifza Ahmed

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International  Convention

•  When: June 30th-July 5th

•  Where: Anaheim, California •  Tour Includes: San Francisco, Muir Woods, Yosemite Valley National Park,

International Key Club Park •  Cost: $1400 ~Round Trip Airfare ~All Transportation In California ~All Hotel Stays ~Convention Registration ~All Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 3 Dinners ~Entrance to All Parks/Attractions •  $500 Deposit (Due: May 1st) (Checks Payable: NYDKC Tour ***********Questions: Key Club Administrator***********

~Mr. John Goldstein, [email protected], 8453551414 or 8459781663

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New  York  District  Division  9 School Divisional  

Directory Election  Report  Form

March  Monthly  Report  Form

April  Monthly  Report  Form

Abraham  Lincoln  H.S. X X X Brooklyn  Technical  H.S. X X X X Edward  R.  Murrow  H.S. X X X Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  H.S.


James  Madison  H.S. X X X John  Dewey  H.S. X X Midwood  H.S. X X X X

Contact  Information: •  Lieutenant  Governor  Clifford  Young:  [email protected] •  Kiwanis  Commi+ee  Representative  Mr.  Leonard  Gioia:  [email protected] •  District  Administrator  Mr.  John  Goldstein:  [email protected] •  District  Governor  Jacob  Spencer:  [email protected] •  District  Secretary  Heather  Farley:  [email protected] •  District  Treasurer  Anusha  Syed:  [email protected]  

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