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  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    Army of None: Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies

     by anscr  


    From Alternet.or:

    !ditor"s #ote: $he followin is e%cerpted from Army of #one: &trateies to 'ounter (ilitary

    )ecruitment* !nd +ar and ,uild a ,etter +orld published by &een &tories ress* Auust 2007.)eprinted here by permission of publisher. 'opyriht 2007 Aimee Allison and aid &olnit

    $op military recruitment facts

    1. )ecruiters lie. Accordin the #ew or $imes* nearly one of fie 3nited &tates Armyrecruiters was under inestiation in 2004 for offenses aryin from 5threats and coercion tofalse promises that applicants would not be sent to 6ra.8 ne eteran recruiter told a reporter for the Albany $imes 3nion* 56"e been recruitin for years* and 6 don"t now one recruiter whowasn"t dishonest about it. 6 did it myself.8

    2. $he military contract uarantees nothin. $he epartment of efense"s own enlistment/re-enlistment document states* 5aws and reulations that oern military personnel may chanewithout notice to me. &uch chanes may affect my status* pay allowances* benefits andresponsibilities as a member of the Armed Forces )!;A)!&& of the proisions of thisenlistment/re-enlistment document8 b?.

    @. Adertised sinin bonuses are bous. ,onuses are often thouht of as ifts* but they"re not.$hey"re lie loans: 6f an enlistee leaes the military before his or her areed term of serice* he


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    or she will be forced to repay the bonus. ,esides* Army data shows that the top bonus of 20*000was ien to only B percent of the 47*7272 enlistees who sined up for actie duty.

    4. $he military won"t mae you financially secure. (ilitary members are no straners tofinancial strain: 4= percent report hain financial difficulty* appro%imately @@ percent of

    homeless men in the 3nited &tates are eterans* and nearly 200*000 eterans are homeless onany ien niht.

    >. (oney for collee percent receieno money for collee* and only 1> percent eer receie a collee deree. $he ma%imum(ontomery ;6 ,ill benefit is @7*224* and een this @7D is hard to et: $o Eoin* you must first put in a nonrefundable 1*200 deposit that has to be paid to the military durin the first year ofserice. $o receie the @7D* you must also be an actie-duty member who has completed atleast a three-year serice areement and is attendin a four-year collee full time. ,enefits aresinificantly lower if you are oin to school part-time or attendin a two-year collee. 6f you

    receie a less than honorable dischare

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


     people decry the lac of lare-scale protest in the 3nited &tates* een as the latest polls showmore than B0 percent of people are opposed to the current war in 6ra* remember that the modelfor effectiely challenin war is tain a different shape.

    eople from all wals of life are findin inspiration and success in worin locally to educate

    students and mobiliIe aainst military recruitment where it happens. +e can seecounterrecruitment assertin itself as a iable moement as independently oraniIed actions in&eattle* Austin and os Aneles contribute to a national conte%t in which public schools aroundthe country limit military recruiter access* a hue success by any measure. &chools andcommunities are now considerin deeper uestions about the increasin militariIation of ourculture and reconiIin the need for schools to teach and weae peace into the minds andaspirations of our children. +e beliee that 100*000 marchin one day eery si% months is not aseffectie as 1*000 people talin to students eery day.

    6n anuary 200B the #ational &ecurity Adisory ;roup* which includes former &ecretary ofefense +illiam erry and former &ecretary of &tate (adeleine Albriht* issued a report entitled

    5$he 3.&. (ilitary: 3nder &train and at )is.8 $he report predicted a maEor recruitin crisis* pointin out that fewer than needed recruits* as well as first-time enlistees* could result in a5hollowin8 and imbalance in the Army.

    $he fact is* at the end of 200>* the actie Army fell B*B27 recruits short of its annual oal of=0*000. 6n addition* the Army )esere fell 1B percent behind its recruitin taret for the year* andthe #ational ;uard 20 percent short of its annual oal. $oday appro%imately 9*000 soldiers arenot permitted to leae the serice because of 5stop-loss8 orders* which retain soldiers on actieduty inoluntarily after their period of enlistment is complete. Another 2*000 soldiers hae beeninoluntarily recalled after leain actie Army serice.

    espite this compulsory serice* the Army )esere has trouble achiein its taret numbers.After the 200> recruitin disaster* the military pulled out all stops in an effort to 5mae uota8 in200B. Army brass replaced the Army )ecruitin 'ommand"s top officer in ctober 200> with&tanford-educated (aE. ;en. $homas ,ostic. 5A lot of concerns* 6 thin* that the parents andapplicants hae are about 6ra and Afhanistan*8 ,ostic told the $ampa $ribune in ctober200B. $hey also replaced eo ,urnett* their lead public relations aency* who created the 5Armyof ne8 campain* with (c'ann-!ricson* who after a 200 million contract and year ofresearch came up with 5Army &tron8 as the new recruitin sloan.

    6n their comprehensie new stratey* the military added 1*200 new recruiters and spent millionson a public relations blitI that included $G ads* ideo ames* websites* cell phone te%t messaes*helicopter simulators in the bac of 1=-wheelers* internet chat rooms* sports and public eentsponsorships* and een ads on the ticet enelopes for ;reyhound ,us lines

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    6n addition* the military dramatically lowered its educational and test standards and otherualifications. $he 3.&. Army recruited more than 2*B00 soldiers under new* lower-aptitude teststandards in 200B. $hey allowed nec and hand tattoos* increased the allowable ae to 42*increased the enlistment bonus up to 40*000 and offered 1*000 to soldiers who persuadedfriends to sin up. $hey hae ranted an unprecedented number of 5moral character8 waiersH

    around 17 percent of the first-time recruits* or about 1@*B00* were accepted under waiers forarious medical* moral or criminal problems* includin misdemeanor arrests and drun driin.,ut een that was not enouh to 5meet uota.8

    &o* they also lied. From 2004 to 200> the ;oern ment Accountin ffice found B*B00alleations of recruiter crimes. 6ncidents included concealin medical information that woulddisualify a recruitH main false promises and helpin recruits et around test reuirements. 6n200B the pressure was een reater* and seen in an A,' teleision inestiation from #o. 2*200B* that sent undercoer students into ten recruiters"offices in #ew or and #ew ersey.

    $he proram reported that more than half of the recruiters were 5stretchin the truth or een

    worse* lyin.8 $hey found 5nearly half of the recruiters who taled to our under-coer studentscompared eeryday riss here at home to bein in 6ra.8 A atchoue recruiter was cauhtsayin. 5ou hae a 10 times reater chance of dyin out here on the roads than you do dyin in6ra.8

    6t also reported that 5some recruiters told our students if they enlisted* there was little chancethey"d o to war. ne recruiter told a student his chances of oin to war were 5slim to none.8

    After all this* the military claims to hae met its 200>-200B oals of recruitin =0*000 people tofill its rans. 6t has proided no independent erification of its alleed statistics* but it haslaunched a maEor public relations effort to counter the blea news from the year before.

    $he Armed Forces ournal reported in (arch 200B that recruiters 5face an increasinly reluctant pool of potential recruits* opposition from anti-war protesters and perennial bureaucraticinefficiency in the recruitment system.8 &cramblin in all of these ways to meet their numbers*the Army* more than eer before* needs fresh blood J recruits straiht out of hih school.

    6s counterrecruitment Eust a way to end the war in 6ra and AfhanistanC

    'ounterrecruitment is not simply a tactic to end the wars in 6ra and Afhanistan. 6t is a broad- based* strateic approach to challenin the roots of unendin war and militariIation. $he full potential of a proressie peace and Eustice moement will only be realiIed when there is an

    obserable lin between efforts to stop war and efforts to address ineuality in class* race*ethnicity* immiration status and other socioeconomic factors that determine who ends up beinsacrificed in our oernment"s wars.

    As recent statistics demonstrate* there are limits to how far ,ush and the neocons can o withtheir plan for lobal heemony when the resources for it are runnin danerously low.Fortunately* the peace moement is in a position to further diminish those resources. 6f we applyourseles to counterin military recruitment* it is in our power to both limit the oernment"s

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    capacity to wae new wars and build a stroner base to challene the nation"s spendin priorities.&imply put* counterrecruitment is a strateic and effectie way to challene the pro-war* anti-education priorities of our oernment.

    +ar and empire

    As 3.&. (arine 'orps (aE. ;en. &medley ,utler put it in 19@@* 5$here are only two thins weshould fiht for. ne is the defense of our homes and the other is the ,ill of )ihts. +ar for anyother reason is simply a racet.8

    )acet is one term* empire is another to describe why the 3.&. oernment spends 441 billion ayear on a military of oer two and a half million soldiers *71@ with reseres?* and why ithas more than 700 military bases spread across 1@0 countries with another B*000 bases in the3nited &tates and its 5territories.8

    3nderstandin what military recruits are used for in the world* understandin war* and creatin

    iable alternaties to both are essential if we want to brea out of the deadloc of militarism.&ince the collapse of the 5other superpower*8 the &oiet 3nion* 5empire8 has become a commonterm amon both critics and adocates referrin to the unparalleled 3.&. system of economic* political* cultural* and military domination of the world. $he #ew or $imes (aaIine ran a200@ coer story titled 5$he American !mpire

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    $he price of two and a half million soldiers* aircraft carriers and military bases across the planet*and a massie array of weapons of mass destruction is hih. 6t saps resources for healthcare*education and housin. 6t also reuires eepin the domestic population in chec throuh propaanda and the corrosion of ciil liberties and human rihts. &tiflin domestic dissent*criminaliIin immirants* and torturin and illeally imprisonin citiIens of other nations hae

    all been stepped up under the uise of the so-called +ar on $error.

    6n his boo $he !mpire Kas #o 'lothes: 3.&. Forein olicy !%posed* 6an !land writes*56nterention oerseas is not needed for security aainst other nation-states and only leads to blowbac from the one threat that is difficult to deter J terrorism.

    6n short* the 3.&. empire lessens American prosperity* power* security and moral standin. 6t alsoerodes the foundin principles of the American 'onstitution.8 As we write this boo 3.&. troops hae been wounded* and a new ohns Kopins report puts thenumber of iolent 6rai ciilian deaths since the 200@ inasion at more than B00*000.

    +ar"s side effects are blea for the enironment and human societyH its direct and intended effectis mass death. own the current road of imperial dominance and warfare at will* the use ofweapons of mass destruction is nearly ineitable* with apocalyptic conseuences.

    ,ut there are alternaties to the e%pense of maintainin a military and the atrocity that is war.ne that has been deeloped oer the last >0 years is called social defense. ,rian (artin*Australian scholar and author of &ocial efense: &ocial 'hane* describes social defense asunarmed 5community resistance to aression as an alternatie to military defense. 6t is based onwidespread protest* persuasion* noncooperation and interention in order to oppose militaryaression or political repression. $here hae been numerous noniolent actions* to be sure*

    some of them uite spectacular* such as the 'Iechosloa resistance to the 19B= &oiet inasion*the topplin of the (arcos dictatorship in the hilippines in 19=B* the alestinian 6ntifada from19=7 to 199@ and the collapse of communist reimes in !astern !urope in 19=9.8

    6maine if een a fraction of the resources put into military defense were aailable for theeneral population to oraniIe social defense.

    )eplacin lobal empire with domestic democracy and well-bein reuires redefinindemocracy J pursuin ways to shift decision main and power from corporations andoernment to 5we the people.8 6t"s not enouh Eust to oppose somethin.

    +e need to enision* educate about* and then actually oraniIe alternaties to the system ofempire and war* to corporations* and to the lac of democratic participation in decisions thatshape our lies and communities. +hat bein as pramatic actions* lie eepin youth from Eoinin the military* are most effectie when they hae as their end the transformation of the rootcauses of war* undemocratic oernance* and inEustice. !ery immediate action* whenunderstood and e%plained as part of a bier picture* can be another step toward this loner-termoal of ettin to the roots of our problems and buildin a better world.

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    $oday"s moement

    Arlene 6nouye* who bean her actiism durin Gietnam* continues her wor today in the osAneles 3nified &chool istrict* where she founded the 'oalition Aainst (ilitarism in our&chools

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    197 Responses to “Army of None: Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies”

    1. SFC Hollis Champlain &ays:&eptember 2B* 2007 at 10:0@ pm M )eply 

    lease hae any of your website browsers email me or call me if they would lie toactually tal to a real @B year old Army uy from GA who was a recruiter for @B monthsin os Aneles* 'A. 6 would loe to hae a dialoue on anythin recruitin related.

    o GEZA &ays:February 14* 201@ at @:21 am M )eply 

    yeah 6 would loe to be in Army. ou stand ood for your words to bac them up.(y whole family has been in military since ++1* ++2* Dorea* Gietnam*ersian ;ulf. 6 come from lare family* randfather still alie ww2 et* my auntst in the ulf they all ot some stories. +! #!! $ $AD. 6 +A#$ 6# $K!A)(* ( F)!! 'K6'! A& A# A(!)6'A# 6& $ &!)G! +6$KK#). #"$ 6&A6#$ (! 6 #!! $ $AD $ 3.

    2. SGT GRISWOLD &ays:ctober B* 2007 at @:>> pm M )eply 

    6ts funny how you fail to mention the if you ualify comments for the A'F. $he (;6, isery clear on how it wors 12 cedit hour will et you your sum stated for that month. andwhy your 1/4 or 1/@ et out forfietin there benifits well* that is simple* they may hae

    done drus* assualted someone* or any other iolation of the 3'(. et your facts riht before you continue to embarass yourself.

    @. SFC Smith &ays: #oember 11* 2007 at 11:@4 pm M )eply 

    6 am not a recruiter but 6 hae sered in the Army for 1= years. 6 used my ;6 ,ill benefitsto pay for my deree and so hae other countless other soldiers 6 now. $hese benefits areuaranteed to you and the terms of how the money is payed is straiht foward. For you tosit here and say the maEority of people neer receie their benefits is false. $he only way

    you don"t receie the benefits is choosin to not use them or be discharded under lessthan honorable conditions. And by the way* the Eob you choose when you enlist is the Eobyou train for. 6 hae not met anyone in the Army who did"t receie the trainin for the Eobthey choose

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    4.  Jackie &ays:ecember 1@* 2007 at >:>7 pm M )eply 

    (y boyfriend is in the Army )eseres and ot home from trainin in uly. Ke was promised a 10*000 bonus when he was done. 6t is now ecember* its almost been a halfa year* and still no bonus. 6"m startin to beliee its a lie.

    >.  sam &ays:ecember 17* 2007 at 7:07 pm M )eply 

    6 sered in the Army and paid money into the ;6 ,ill. After dischare 6 filed to collectand was denied. 6 ended up ettin enouh money from ell rants* but that was yearsao. #ow the ,ush Admn. has cut ell rant fundin. +hat are the ids to do nowC

    And you"re dead on about the recruiters lyin. $hey are ery* ery slic. o not beliee a

    word they say. $hey will tae you to lunch* buy you a pop and ie you candy* no shit.$hen you"re screwed for eiht years when you thouht it was for three or four. ;o tocollee instead.

    B. SFC Steve &ays:anuary 10* 200= at =:1> pm M )eply 

    6 don"t now when 47*7272 enlistees sined up* but you uys need to chec that stuff.ou"re talin about serious life issues. $he Army has not had 47D Eoinin for manyyears. All serices

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    $his site is run by and for pussy wimps. ;row some balls or leae america faots

    9.  SG D#$ES  &ays:April 7* 200= at 12:17 pm M )eply 

    6 hae sered this country and you for oer 20 years* 11 years spent outside the 3nites&tates* my wife has sered oer si% years in the Army and is now in the Air #ational;uard* she deployed and was not een an american citiIen.

    our site is not tellin the truth* you must hae done ery little wor to come up with theinformation you put on here* your data is way off.

    6 beliee in peace and 6 also beliee that most in the military do also* 6 thin it is ashamethat you want to brin up your children beliein that this world of ours is a safe place*it"s not 6 hae traeled all oer it.

    (y wife is oin to collee for nursin and the military is payin 100P tuition and oer1*=>0.00 per month for 4= months of collee* she has earned this by serin thiscountry.

    6f you want to tell lies then eep up the ood wor if you want to tell the truth then maesure you research the truth* you owe it to your followers.

    +e will see if you print this.

    10. TimH  &ays:April 2B* 200= at 9:24 pm M )eply 

    &F' &tee said on anuary 10* 200= at =:1> pm:

    Q $han you for your time* and 6"m proud to sere myQ country to continue iin you the riht to whine about it.

    ear &F' &tee R $han you for your serice. (y only reason for comin to this web pae is that my 17 yr old is sayin he wants to enlist* and 6 am doin research. Dnowinthe dire straits of the current military

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    to now that while you are fihtin for our 5freedom8* the oernment is doin its best totae it away.

    $han you and ;od bless.

    o %&S&&C& Fos& &ays:uly 20* 2014 at 4:47 am M )eply 

    ay but what are we oin to do when our oernment and eeryone else"s hasour freedom alsoC

    11. h!nte"seeke"  &ays:une 1* 200= at 12:@0 pm M )eply 

    ;reat site. $hans for isitin mine. Kae put a lin to yours so other will now of your


    o %&S&&C& Fos& &ays:uly 20* 2014 at 4:44 am M )eply 

    $his is not a ood site and if you read you could obiously find most of the lies.;od dan than the ones that actually hae the balls to sere your country and donot bash them. ou should not een endorse the ones who bash them. 6f you hateit so bad leae the country. ;oodbye.

    12.  'RO%D A"m( )ete"an &ays:uly 1* 200= at @:09 am M )eply 

    6"m a woman who sered 10 years in the Army. ou uys who started this website are a bunch of sissy puns who are too scared to et off your mommy"s breast and dosomethin besides whine about thins you now #$K6#; about. ou would et yourass beat by the real men A# women in the Army. 6 spent ten years defendin your rihtto be stupid scared unsN #e%t time* chec your 5statistics8 and facts before you decideto tal shit. 6 hate loosers lie you.

    1@.  a"tha &ays:uly 4* 200= at B:01 am M )eply 

    6 always hear from military people that they hae been defendin our rihts* but whilethey were busy inadin 6ra

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    o  A"m(G"eens &ays:uly 2* 2014 at 2:21 pm M )eply 

    (artha* here"s how my dad describes it. ne day* you see your neihbor"s houseettin oerrun by snaes. $hey"re eerywhereN $he porch* the itchen* thecouch* the bedroom* the water sources* eerywhere. ou hae the means to ill allthe snaes but that"s their problem. &o you leae them alone. $he ne%t day* yourother neihbor"s house is bein oerrun with snaes. $he first house has turnedinto a breadin round and power house for the snaes. #eihbor 1 can"t help andneihbor 2 doesn"t hae the same resources to ill snaes as you do. ou nowthey"ll be oerrun* but hey* not your problem. $he ne%t day you wae up tosnaes in your bed. ou"re not too worried because you hae snae-illinabilities unlie your neihbors* so you ill them. 3nfortunately* after days anddays of wain up to new snaes in your bed* you realiIe that the snaes are breadin and feedin in your two neihbors" houses and that you"ll endlessly befihtin snaes in your own house until you run out of snae-illin product. 6fonly you would hae helped your first neihbor to fi% the snae problem from thestart* all this wouldn"t hae happened. &o how does this relateC $he insurency inthe (iddle !ast is the snaes. +e are protectin our freedom by supportin the6rai oernment in it"s attempts to rid it"s country of insurency. +e are helpinour 5neihbors8 to secure life* liberty* and the pursuit of happiness* so that theirland won"t continue to be a breadin round for the insurency that couldeentually threaten our boarders. #o* 6ra didn"t attac us* but we"re not fihtin6ra. +e were in 6ra fihtin the insurency and trainin the 6rai army to fendfor themseles. 3nfortunately* bama pulled out troops out way too uicly* andthe 6rai army was left unprepared for our pullout. $houh they"re unitin in theface of 6&6&* 6&6& would neer had been as bold and forward if we wouldn"t haeleft 6ra. $hat means instead of the 100 or so deaths that would hae occurreddurin (ay R une 2014* now 2>00 ciilians are dead and that number rowsdaily. +e should be fihtin snaes because who nows where the 6&6& will one%t.

     *en+i &ays:uly @* 2014 at 2:1> am 

    1st off* there were no insurents in 6ra to fiht before we inaded.&econdly the 5insurents8 aren"t all terrorists. bama pulled the troops out

    too uicC $he areement with 6ra was done by ,ush before bama eerstepped into office. 6f an Army who has been trained by the 3& (ilitaryfor ten years compared to the 10 to 17 wees our troops et* they Eustdon"t want their freedom. $here has been a ciil war in the middle east foroer @*000 years* it certainly won"t end in our life time. #ot sure whereyou sered in 6ra* but when 6 was there 100"s of ciilians were dyineeryday already* it"s called sectarian iolence* they hate each other. $hemaEority of 6&6& that are fihtin now* are the same people we were


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     payin millions to not to fiht us. 'omplain all you want* if you honoryour end of the contract* they honor theirs. $he least you can do is actuallychec your facts* they are not een close* but eep up your scare tactics*some dumb fools will beliee you. A)( &$)#; and A(# )3of 6$N

    14.  Donal,  &ays:uly 7* 200= at =:1@ pm M )eply 

    (ost of you are full of you now whatSno bonus well lets see he could et a bonus if hescored hih enouh on the ATF$ and ualified for that Eob. ;oes to the (!& fluns outand scores 49 or below no bonus and has to pic a different Eob and crys foul on therecruiter* not his fault you cant pass a simple test of intellience. Also if the only reasonyou are Eoinin the Army is to receie a bonus well dont bonus oes away collee ets borin and all you do anyway is complain and try to find ways to cost the ta%payermoney to lie yourself out of the ArmyS6F 3 &!)G!* &!)G! ,!'A3&! 3 A)!&!)G6#; $K! ;)!A$!&$ #A$6# # !A)$K A# 3 A)! )3NNNNNNK!AK 3 'A# +)6$! $K6& +6$K3$ F!A) F &(!#! '(6#; 6#$3) K(! A# '3$$6#; 3$ 3) $#;3! ,!'A3&! +KA$ +! SA# (A)$KA 3 ,G63& #!! $ ;!$ FF 3) FA$A A# &(!$K6#; &$ 3$$6#; FF # A#$K!) !)&# $KA$& 3)),!(& #+

    1>. SFC C"ai-  &ays:uly 20* 200= at B:0@ am M )eply 

    5on"t !nlist* )esist8S..+here do you find these words from the 5'racer ac ,o%8.First* 6 hae been in the 3nited &tates Army for 22 years. $hat"s riht 22 years since 6was 1= years old after hih school. Am 6 a dumb uy* not really cause 6 was offered twoscholarships upon raduation of my hih that 6 attended. &ure the recruiters will say somethins* but you also hae to do your homewor before sayin 5&in me up8. !speciallynowadays. ,ac in my day we didn"t hae ;oole or a computer lie most householdfamilies hae. 6 wasn"t a rich id* so their were a few reasons why 6 Eoin: 1? +anted totrael the world-6 didyearsS. 6 hae been 7-= times already.

    ,ottom line is this:


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    1? ob &ecurity2? !ducation@? (edical and ental ,enefits4? ecent ay>? $raelin

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


     benefits in this country than the military. +hether you"re usin it as a steppin stone or asa career path. 6f more people enlisted the damn unemployment rate wouldn"t be so hih*and 6 wouldn"t be payin ta%es supportin others. ;et off of it.

    1=.  Da"ian W  &ays:ctober 14* 200= at 12:>> am M )eply 

    Are whinin about how nobody appreciates you* euatin serice to the political classwith serice to the country* usin poor rammar* and callin people who disaree withyou wimps instead of main loical aruments the ind of sills you learn in themilitaryC r are they Eust the only way you can support absurd claims lie sayin a toolof imperialism is a ood thinC

    $he 3& military does not protect freedom. 6t is part of the 3nited &tates oernment* theinstitution that does the most harm to the freedom and prosperity of Americans. 6t issupported by theft and e%ploitation called ta%ation and economic policy. 6t is a driinforce in the lobal military empire that banrupts America and inspires foreiners totaret Americans for murder. And yes* military recruiters often lie.

    6 support the troops who renounce the war machine in thouht and action.

    19. Da"ianWo",en&com . *lo- A"chive . Fi-ht /o" Li0e"t(1 2ot /o" Empi"e &ays:ctober 14* 200= at 2:@> am M )eply 

    USV updatin the flyer* 6 came across a blo post on counter-recruitment. 6n case you areunaware* counter-recruitment is a direct action stratey to USV

    20.  Jim 2olan &ays:ctober @0* 200= at 12:4= am M )eply 

    et"s cut the shit: you will et money from the federal oernment if you sin a contractthat says you et that money. 6f you do not et that money* Eoin the lawsuit and plan onwaitin for about fie years before you see any of that money

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    ,ut before you enlist out of hih school* consider a few thins:1. our recruiter has a uota to meet and doesn"t ie a flyin fuc about you. $he entireoal of the recruiter is to maintain or increase the productiity in his or her area ofresponsibility

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    women. $he numbers are at http://www.stopmilitaryrape.or.4. $he military will put you where they want you* and do with you what they want because when you sin your enlistment contract you

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    22.  Rec"!it56778 &ays:(arch 12* 2009 at 2:4> am M )eply 

    eople* stop aruin. #obody will eer aree with one another* that"s part of humannature* but at least we can learn to co-operate with one another. $hrouh co-operation* wewill prospher. o you thin that the foundin fathers of the 3&A* sat around sayin*5#o*sir the army lies8* or 5$he Army is iin you your rihts8. #o they did not* eenthouh they had many disareements* they came toether* had deliberate discussions anddebates* and formed this reat country we call the 3nited &tates of America. eah so wemay hae had some outstandin conflicts with certain roups of people or indiiduals* but in the end we come toether and row from it. All i"m tryin to say is* leae the hih&chool attitude in Kih &chool and row up and support your country* and if you don"tlie somethin about what is oin on in it* don"t sit bac and complain irritably* o outand oice your opinion. Althouh it may not chane the world in your eyes* you may beinfluencin the youner enerations* lie me to o out and oice our opinions.$hans for eeryone"s time3.&. Army recruit-2009

    2@. SFC A"m( &ays:(arch 24* 2009 at 12:2@ am M )eply 

    arien +6 dare you to tell a &oldier or a (arine that they do not defend our country and 6 willuarentee that you will hae to defend yourself 

    o  A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 2B* 2010 at 1:>= pm M )eply 

    A(!#N Funny how this is posted on the internet. ust tae it to your localrecruitin office and tell them how you feelN 6 bet these assholes will be runninout the door faster than the shit flyin out of their mouthsN

    24.  +oseph &ays:April 19* 2009 at @:00 pm M )eply 

    this pae is ridiculusS. 6 loe this country and fihtin for its freedom.. i also beleie infreedom of pressS but to publish somethin public and it not be true should be punishableSi your stats are not up to par then dont publish itNNN if you are oin toinfluence some wea minded perosn opinion hae the moral obliation to mae sure uot your facts straih* idiot


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    2>. Tina &ays:uly 2* 2009 at 12:44 am M )eply 

    An Army recruiter stole my 17 yr old son. 6 would not consider this recruiter a 5&oldier8 6feel he is an 5!nemy8. Ke lied to my son with unrealistic promises such as a hih payin Eob* bonuses* lap tops and so on. Ke was so slic as he was able to manipulate my son into thinin that his own mother was 5sic* dumb and stupid8. 6f the recruiters are in sucha need to mae money they should consider encourain the oernment to utiliIe 3& Eailed criminals to Eoin the Army. 6f they need illers and persons in need of money theyhae both in one shot. Finally* if the Army was so wonderful with so many wonderful benefits why are the recruiters tryin to mae money throuh lyin to our children. 6 hopethey all rot in hellNN

    o  A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 2B* 2010 at 1:>7 pm M )eply 

    our son could hae said # at any time. $he one rottin in hell will be you for postin such nonsense. biously your son wanted to Eoin or he"s a bi pussy andcouldn"t say no. #ot eeryone is a mama"s boy and maybe you"re so damn craIyhe wanted to et away from your ass.

     A0!se, A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 27* 2010 at 12:4= pm 

    Army wife* how lon hae you been oneC 6 was for > years* and 2 ira

    deployments. And raisin a child by myself. o you now what 6 etC ane%-husband with ptsd who beliees 6"m out to et him because 6 constantlyas him to et help because of his short temper that led to domesticiolence chares. $he Army trains you to be a well rounded liar where thesoldier themself doesn"t now reality from fantasy. on"t worry Armywife* you"ll reret sayin those nasty words eentually. $ina my e% is nowan army recruiter* most recruiters hae a loely bacround by the end oftheir recruiter contract 6 promise you that. (y e%"s station commander Eustfiled for diorce from his second wife. &upport your son in his decision oryou will lose him because he has been brainwashed* lucily he"ll snap outof it.

    cha"  &ays:(arch 9* 2011 at 7:2B pm 

    +ow* 6 am not an American* but you sure do your country proud withthese responsesN And* hell is resered for the unsaed.


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     Evel(n innick  &ays:(arch 1* 2014 at 2:49 pm 

    ear army wife* eerythin concernin your reply testifies as to why you

    miht want to consider if you are ualified to do so before proin you arenot. First* inestiate the subEect of moral alues* secondly* consider theidea of deelopin your own identity. astly* curse words toether withname callin will not educate* or increase communication sills. ,oth areattributes e%emplified by ualified military leadership fosterin both trustand respect. our reply indicates you hae nothin to offer this discussion.(y intent is not to insult you. $ruthfully* 6 am ashamed as an american toread your response. 6 am ery sad as a result of the lac of shamee%hibited. 6 am disusted when 6 obsere the arroance displayed durinwhat once was nown to be offensieS

    o  s,m &ays:anuary 1* 2014 at 7:0= am M )eply 

    ast time 6 checed. 6f your son was under 1= he could not sin without yousinin consent. &o the stealin idea you state is now false. 6f your consent wasfored you could hae had a lawyer clear it up in fie minutes flat as a falseenlistment. Aain inda ills your statement doesn"t itC

    2B.  aste" Chie/  &ays:uly 1@* 2009 at 4:>9 pm M )eply 

    +hy is it that the students* enrolled in collee alon with me* don"t hae their tuition andfees already paid and the term is nearly oerC 6 am usin $uition AssistanceS.haen"ttouched my ;6 ,ill. +hen 6 do use the ;6 ,ill* as so mamny others are doin* 6 willreceie between 1>00 R 1700 per month. 6 hae sered 2@ years and my brother is also onactie duty. 6 could hae retired three years aoH but whyC 6 hae a Eob with reat benefitsand payS.compare themS..reallyN $here will always be liarsS recruiters* parents* preachers* teachers andS.let"s not foret the applicants. $here is always a chance of bein illed. 6 was driin home from wor yesterday when a drier decided to oertaeme on the riht as 6 proceeded into my riht turn off of the hihway. Ke asumed* 6 beliee* that 6 was turnin leftSthe riht bliner must hae confused him. 6 don"t now if 

    it was the sun in his eyes or the fact he was traellin about 90 (KSbut he could haesurely illed me. 6t"s safer on the ships. 'ome on folsS..our startin pay is publicnowlede. ur benefits are oerned by the GASnot Army* #ay* Air Force or(arines. et your ids become men and womenS.. 6f you sere* $hansN 6f you choosenot to sere* $hansN 6sn"t Freedom a blessinC


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    27.  ilita"(Sla!-hte"s'oo"$i,s &ays:&eptember 14* 2009 at =:29 pm M )eply 

    3nfortunately* a lot of current and prior military hae otten cauht in the trap of militarylies and deceitN $hese people hae $ (3'K pride and will not stand up and admitthat the military !#6!& ,!#!F6$& for any possible reason. $hey feel duped andashamed of their stupidityH therefore they want you to Eoin in their miseryN (6&!)G!& '(A#N +hy are there so many homeless eterans on the streets of anyien city if all they had to do was o to school courtesy of the ;6 ,illC )ecruiters 6!N$he money allotted by the ;6 ,ill

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    o S-tcoote"  &ays:&eptember 2=* 2010 at 7:@= pm M )eply 

    et me et this straiht* you read an article on the 6#$!)#!$* and youautomatically assume it"s trueC Kuh* 6 neer new eerthin online was trueN ou probably thin strippers actually lie you too.

    o SFC Ja( W& &ays:February 22* 201@ at 7:04 pm M )eply 

    $he ones that claim they are lied to are the Eacasses that et ood &oldiers illed*and then come bac and cry $& when the turds neer left the F,. 6 hae beenin for 1> years* and hae loed eery minute of it. 6f you are too stupid to nowthat eery enlistee has the potential to deploy* the bonus is because you aresinin a contract for 5%8 amount of years* so if you do not complete the contract*

    you pay it bac* so it is not a loan* it is Eust lie eery other contract you sin inthis country* and lastly* the Army is not an easy Eob* if you do not lie authority or doin what you told or you are one of those Eers that call in sic all the time* thenit is simple* #"$ G3#$!!)NNNN For those who do sin up* enEoy the brotherhood* education and insurance benefits* and a rewardin Eob you can be proud of.

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    somethin they don"t want to do. ,eliee it or not some of do not do it for the benefit toourseles. 6t"s of our country and the ones we loe who that lie in it. eah it"s not ointo be perfect* but most people who enlist spea to more than Eust a recruiter about.6ncludin a lot of eterans. (ost of which will say that it"s a ood thin and they werenothin but proud to sere their country. 6 don"t hae all day to sit here and rant* but be

    mae it nown that military serice isn"t a bi scheme to steal years of peoples lies withno benefit.

    o  A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 2=* 2010 at 12:0B am M )eply 

    $han you for your serice to our countryN

    @1.  /"ank  &ays:February 7* 2010 at 7:14 am M )eply 

    $he 3& military is probally the sinle most selfless decision any man or woman can dofor there country. 6n no way should any neatie liht be fabricated on this topic to etweb traffic or sell boos.6 hae alot of friends who are currently in or out of the sericesand een thouh it was hard for all inoled. #one of them reret it but feel they are better  b.c of it.)ecruiters can tell you anythin i suppose.. truth or lie but what they don"t do is (AD!3 6#. !eryone decided on there own and sins there own name on the line andtaes there own oath.6 find that most people who biWWh and moan about there militarye%perience are the same people who biWWh and moan about eerythin that happnes tothem. and try to use any e%cuse to throw blame on someone else.

    6t is too easy this day and ae to research all you need to now about anythin and if youet lied to S you can blame yourself for bein informed.safe homecomin to +(6Aand 3& deployed.

    @2.  A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 2B* 2010 at 1:>4 pm M )eply 

    Kow funny that the ery people you attac on this website are the ones who fiht for your riht to do soN 6 can only imaine what type of person you are. o you sit at home late atniht upset because you lost your EobC o you et mad when you o to the doctor

     because you hae to pay so muchC oes no one want to date you because you are a fatfucC +ell* if you Eoined the military* you"d hae a steady Eob

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    military. 6f you don"t stand behind our troops* then tae your fat ass and stand in front ofthem.

    o  A0!se, A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 27* 2010 at 12:>@ pm M )eply 

    our a disrace to the us army. our supposed to represent a soldier"s spouse andthe filth that comes out of your mouth is disustin. our Kusband (arried the(ilitary First. And Ke"ll let you now this time and time aain.

     A"m( Wi/e &ays:(arch 27* 2010 at 1:0@ pm 

    our a disrace for not bein able to eep your marriae toetherN ouneeded the counselin. 6 hae been an Army spouse for 10 years and hae been throuh > deploymentsN (y husband returned fine from them all andour marriae is stroner because of the time we"e spent apart. +e learnednew ways to communicate with each other and that only brouht us closerto each other. 6f you would learn that communication and loe is the eyto a ood marriae* yours would wor tooN es* my husband married theArmy first. Ke was in for > years before we eer met. ,ut he has learnedto balance Army and family uite nicely. And 6 don"t sit around waitinfor him to come home. 6 o out and do thins with my 2 beautifulchildren.

    o  2ot a Fat ass &ays:April 1* 2011 at @:1> pm M )eply 

    +ow- you"re a horrible person. ou"re rude and disrespectful. 6 run > miles a dayand am in no way a fat ass. 6"m am not aainst those that choose to defend ourcountry. ,ut 6 am aainst illin innocent women and children. ou are a simpleminded* inorant* bioted indiidual. (y uess is you"re barely educated* ahomophobic* half-assed hypocritical christian who can"t thin for your self. ouspew reuritated bullshit that you"e heard elsewhere. 6t"s a fact- recruiters lie.&omeone who doesn"t wish to Eoin the military isn"t a 5pussy*8 nor are they5homos*8 or 5fatasses.8 Also- abused Army wife is not a disrace. Another fact-

    $& is an issue in military men and women returnin from war Iones. $&needs to be treated and if some one is bein abused- they need to remoethemseles from the situation.

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    SFC Ja( W& &ays:February 22* 201@ at 7:11 pm 

    Kere is a thouht* as leaders we cannot control eery turd that slips

    throuh the cracs of enlistment. $here are some &oldiers out there that domurder innocent people* steal* rape* do drus* and so forth. ,ut you cannothold eery &oldier accountable for those idiot"s behaior. And Eust lieeery society

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    complainin is a waste of time and effort so you should Eust ie up. A)( 6&A+!&(! A# 6 $KA#D A (66$A) (!# F) $K!6) &A')6F6'!&

    @@.  sh!t p &ays:(ay 2@* 2010 at 1:04 am M )eply 

     please stop* youll flood new orleans with filthy hippy tears

    @4. :o: &ays:une 2* 2010 at @:2B pm M )eply 

    wowSi Eust threw up a little from readin thisS.sad websitewhats its lie* in those little coffee shops* with no Eob commentin on the real worldC6s the 56m different on my one speed bie with irls Eeans/ strulin artist* parents still pay my rent..8 crowd this bored these daysC

    our parents should hae had an abortion.And than od that you are not actually influential in anway in the real world ofoernmentS.

    @>.  elin,a &ays:une 1>* 2010 at =:>2 am M )eply 

    6 used to be one who fully supported our troops until my brother Eoined. 6 now realiIewhat they hae to o throuh and 6 cannot understand why any man/woman does it. 6

    don"t support our men/women oin into war and comin bac with mental disorders orworse* dead. +ar is not the solution to our problems.

    $he uncle of my cousin"s husband suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and hisson simply flashed a flashliht at him one day and he went nuts on him* beatin his ownson up. $hen his wife came up to him one day Eust to touch him* and he threw her to thefloor.

    6 feel that it"s Eust not worth it. (y brother is only 20 years old* he Eoined the (arinesriht out of hih school. A recruiter 5befriended8 my brother and he always wanted to o Eoin with my brother. 6 firmly beliee that my brother was brainwashed by that man.

    (y brother"s attitude totally chaned after bein around this uy* and he felt as thouh hecouldn"t be a man unless he Eoined. 6 firmly beliee the recruiter told my brother that. &ono* 6 don"t support my brother in the decision that he made. (y brother was sointellient* made honor roll countless times whilst in school* and he threw it all away to Eoin the (arines. Ke could hae went to collee and been the first man out of our entirefamily to et a collee education. 6t"s sad* but it happens often here in $ennessee. $herecruiters are always allowed to prey on the impressionable.


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    o G!s &ays:&eptember 20* 2011 at 9:@9 am M )eply 

    ;et oer yourself. Ke threw what awayC the hopes and dreams that 3 had forK6(C !er stop to thin about his dreamsC

    @B.  (o! a"e st!pi,  &ays:Auust 1=* 2010 at 9:29 am M )eply 

    you all are all retarded fucs loo at yourselfs aruein about the damn military what thefuc is wron with yall o et a life A3;K ( A&& FF you Eust made my lauh ofthe day with your stupidity

    thans for main my day

    army wife


    abused army wife

    lauh my fucin ass off


    some more stupid bitches lol

    @7.  (o! a"e st!pi,  &ays:Auust 1=* 2010 at 9:@0 am M )eply 

    you all are all retarded fucs loo at yourselfs aruein about the damn military what thefuc is wron with yall o et a life A3;K ( A&& FF you Eust made my lauh ofthe day with your stupidity

    thans for main my day

    army wife


    abused army wife

    lauh my fucin ass off


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies



    some more stupid bitches lol

    @=.  Act!al Rec"!ite"  &ays:Auust 20* 2010 at 1:40 am M )eply 

    +ell* to bein 6"ll say most of your 5facts8 are wron. 6 am an Army recruiter. oes thismae me biasedC #opeN )eady to hear whyC ,ecause 6 don"t lie bein one for the purpose of puttin people in boots. 6 lie bein one to help these ids that hae no ideawhat they are oin to do after hih school.

    6 encourae ids to mae a plan. +hether that plan is military or not. 6f any of my hs idsneed help findin rants for collee 6 hae sat with them and found them some. For meit"s not about numbers. 6 don"t lie or force ids to Eoin. 6 tell them the pros and cons. (y people are probably the most informed recruits. 6n fact 6 hae otten in trouble oer notwritin people. does this hurt meC Kec noN +hyC ,ecause 6 now if 6 taled to the idsand they either don"t want to Eoin or they want to thin about it then 6 hae that moralcapacity to respect them and let them mae their decision. ,tw 6 haen"t made my ranand not had any butt chewins.

    6 tell eeryone 6 tal to not to trust me. +hy would 6 do thisC ,ecause it"s their life* notmine. 6 tell them to double chec eerythin 6 tell them. 6f they come on a website liethis and as me the same uestions then reat. $hat means they did research. &ad part isthe thins written on here are false. 6 hae had three of my soldiers tae adantae of the post 9-11 i bill. $hey are happily oin to collee and say it"s the best proram eer.,tw two of them had went to collee and new what it felt lie to strule.

    $he ids in my area een lie to tal to me before they Eoin any other branch. 6 willhappily tae them to the office and sit with them while the other recruiter tals to them. 6am unbiased in the aspect of the different branches. 6 will say this and no dissrespect butthe national uard is useless. #ot the people the branch. 6t should be a resere and funded by the oernment. $he states deploy them too often for personal ains.

    astly* if you are in the military and you are bashin these people with foul lanuae andstupid 56"ll ic your ass8 thins then shame on you. Act professional. on"t ie themthe benefit. (ost of the people that tal bad about the military either couldn"t et in orwere iced out. $his is a reat statistic because 10 out of 10 that 6 tal to about why they

    hate it ended up ettin iced out because they did somethin stupid and ot cauht. 6t"salways* the military screwed me oer and 6 didn"t et my bonus. +hen 6 as how theysay well 6 didn"t sere my whole time cause 6 ot iced out for smoin pot. ,ut theyshould hae let me stay in or eep my money. 6f you are ien a loan and you don"t finish payin for it should you still be able to eep itC #o. et"s et real.

    &orry* one more thin. )ecruiters do not mae e%tra cash for meetin a uota. ast yearthey did away with the bonus of puttin people in. 6 lauh when 6 hear these comments


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    on how 6 want them in to mae some money. 1. 6 et my paychec no matter what. 2. $he bonuses they did ie were if you put in @ people or more in a month. And boyN $heywere bi cash payments. 100 for @ people. 6 would loe to hae done paperwor for @ people and wored my butt off to et an e%tra 100. Kmmmm 6 don"t thin so. ,ut that proram is one. &o stop worryin about that one.

    Kae a reat day and 6 can"t wait to see the ne%t comments. ;od ,lessN

    o S-tcoote"  &ays:&eptember 2=* 2010 at 7:4@ pm M )eply 

    6 hear ya brotherN eople complain cause somethin didn"t o riht in their lies.(ust be a touh life when the only time somethin 5bad8 happen to you wasmilitary related. #ot eeryone can lie in lollypop and rainbow land. ,eliee it ornot people there are ood recruiters out there.

    -fellow recruiter-

    o Ch"is +ones &ays:ecember 10* 201@ at 4:12 am M )eply 

    $he #ational ;uard is the oldest branch and it is funded by the oernment

    @9.  s:e"0imeemits &ays:&eptember 17* 2010 at B:4@ am M )eply 

    $he wettest immense tits pro webcam irls pro the hottestlie se%

    40. S-tcoote"  &ays:&eptember 2=* 2010 at 7:@2 pm M )eply 

    As a recruiter 6 loe readin this stuff. ne thin 6 learned a lon time ao was to learnyour 5enemy.8 6 wanted to now what neatie media there was out there about themilitary. And ++ there is a ton. ,ut with all the neatiity out there about eil

    recruiters* one thin is the same on eery pae* it"s all crap. #one of it"s true. 6t"s stuff people heard from their sisters* friends* uncles* cousins* neihbor. $he only way youwould now the FA'$& is if you were or are in the military. And you complain abouthow the military screwed you oer* it"s your own doin. ou were probably oerweiht*couldn"t pass a $ test or did drus. h* and if you didn"t et the collee benfits you weresuppose to* aain your fault. $he uidlines are in your contract* and you sined itwithouth readin it. 5(y recruiter lied to meN8 et me et this straiht* you sined awayY amount of years to the military* and you didn"t do your own researchCN !er lie to your


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     parents* friends* boyfriend* irlfriendC ,etcha hae. es there are crappy recruiters outthere. ,ut people act lie the military is the only oraniIation on the planet that lies.rime e%ample* almost eery woman 6 now puts on their driers license that they weih1@0 lbs. ;o as to see some* you"ll be amaIed. 6f your license says 1@0 and you loo lieyou are pushin 1=0* people are oin to notice. #obody is oin to loo at the license

    and say wow 1@0 huh* who new. eople lie* it"s human nature.

    &ummin it up* why don"t you do your own research* Eoin* et your benefits andeerytin else in your contract* et out and then post somethin. 6f you thin the militaryis eil* Eoin and try to chane it. 6f you"re not part of the solution you"re part of the problem.

    o  RO2  &ays:(ay 21* 2012 at 7:@7 am M )eply 

    3) )6;K$ !G!), !& 6!. $KA$& +K 6 $K6#D $KA$(AD6#; A# FA&! &$A$!(!#$& A,3$ $K6#;& # $K! 6#$!)#!$!&!'6A 6F $K! A)! 6!& A,3$ $K! (66$A) &K3 K&(! $! F 3#6&K(!#$. #"$ 3 A;)!!. 6 &(! $6(!&$K6#D 6F $K6& 6& A# 6#F)(A$6# +A) ,!6#; +A;! A;A6#&$ $K!3.&. (66$A). 6"( &3)! 3 +3 A;)!! +K!# 6 &A A &.$K6#D A,3$ 6$. 6F $K!6) 6& # &6!)& $ F6;K$. $K! !#!('A# 3&$ $AD! G!) +6$K !A&!. $K! !#!( 'A#"$ ,!A$ $K! 3.&.(66$A) K!A #. 3#'#G!#$6#A +A)FA)!.

    41.  John &ays:ctober 29* 2010 at B:4B pm M )eply 

    )ecruiters lie. $he entire military is populated by liars* thus* ees* and bureaucrats.


    42.  E,m!n, T"!mp &ays:April 1=* 2011 at B:@B am M )eply 

    Admirin the hard wor you put into your blo and detailed information you offer. 6t"s

    reat to come across a blo eery once in a while that isn"t the same unwanted rehashedmaterial. !%cellent readN 6"e boomared your site and 6"m addin your )&& feeds tomy ;oole account.

    4@.  John &ays:une 2@* 2011 at @:14 pm M )eply 


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    epN $his is totally true.

    6"e had relaties o into the army after a recruitin promised them so many thins theydid not et. 5+e"ll pay your bills* we"ll buy you a house8 didn"t wor for them* and theywere not in it 4 years* try = !A)& wasted. $hen they et out and didn"t et the Eobs they

    were promised. As they usually say 5As me* don"t as the recruiter.8 when someonementions to them about oin into the serice.

    o G!s &ays:&eptember 20* 2011 at 9:>0 am M )eply 

    ohn* your family fuced up not the military. $he uidelines to et what you wantare ery clear* you need an honorable dischare to et access to the ;.6. ,ill* youotta be in shape or else you wont et your promotion etc. basically what they areis collee drop outs. they pay all that money but neer raduate so they neer etthat Eob or anythin that collee/uniersity promised them. e%cept in their case itwas time wasted not money* but hey at least they ot paid while they cried because they had to do somethin lie pic up trash or they ot yelled at* boohoo :<

    44. mason &ays:ctober @* 2011 at 4:40 pm M )eply 

    $here is this recruiter in my class riht now and he couldn"t et throuh my uestions. Kewas fidetin and sweatin and all 6 could do was lauhS.. KAKAKAKA

    4>. Ten $e( to S!ccess &ays:ctober 1B* 2011 at 12:>> pm M )eply 

    Ten Key to uccess!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    4B.  Eve"ett  &ays:ctober 24* 2011 at 2:>4 pm M )eply 

    6f you haen"t e%perienced the military* stop iin us your opinion.

     R$he ,attle ,uddy system R (e and a friend were supposed to o throuh 6nfantry school toether* etc.

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    6* on the other hand was sent to F3'D6#; D)!AN

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    5preentin8 shitH they"e radicaliIed more than enouh americans and muslims that weneed to admit we"e lost.

    &ay what you want* 6 fucin lied it bitches.6 ot to see eeryone 6 now and care about et fuced oer financially* socially* and

     psycholoically.!%plains why my medics were always doin heroinN

    6n the middle of writin this* 6 receied a messae from my ole battle buddy inAfhanistanN F3'D $K6& '3#$)

    h and lastly

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    (here to or#er ipa# )!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    >0. Elect"ical Cont"acto" Camp0ellto:n &ays:ecember 11* 2011 at 12:2B am M )eply 

    *lectrical &ontractor &amp+ellto(n!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    >1. chicha"ito pict!"es &ays:ecember 1=* 2011 at 7:10 pm M )eply 

    chicharito pictures!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    >2. st, testin-1 st, testin- kit  &ays:(arch 1@* 2012 at @:22 am M )eply 

    st# testin', st# testin' kit!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    >@. Ho: to make mone( :ith R e0ooks &ays:(arch 1B* 2012 at 10:17 pm M )eply 

    -o( to make money (ith MMR e+ooks!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    >4. po"n &ays:(arch 20* 2012 at 11:24 pm M )eply 


    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    >>. Welcome to the 67;6 H!n-e" Games< Sen,in- De0t 'eona-e1 'ove"t(1 an, F"eak(Weathe" Into the A"ena = Fo"e> a"ket Tips 5 stock t"a,in- an, /o"e> ma"ket tips &ays:(ay 1* 2012 at 2:@= pm M )eply 

    USV poor ids enlist in the military to feed their families and maybe escape economicdoom. (any are seduced by military recruiters who stal them in hih school with promises as slippery as those the slae USV


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    >B. Re0ecca Solnit< Welcome to the 67;6 H!n-e" Games< Sen,in- De0t 'eona-e1 'ove"t(1an, F"eak( Weathe" Into the A"ena = West'enn Jo!"nal  &ays:(ay 1* 2012 at 2:41 pm M )eply 

    USV poor ids enlist in the military to feed their families and maybe escape economicdoom. (any are seduced by military recruiters who stal them in hih school with promises as slippery as those the slae USV

    >7. ?C"a9( 2e: 'lanet@< The Real H!n-e" Games i"on(mo!s &ays:(ay 1* 2012 at 2:41 pm M )eply 

    USV poor ids enlist in the military to feed their families and maybe escape economicdoom. (any are seduced by military recruiters who stal them in hih school with promises as slippery as those the slae USV

    >=. Re0ecca Solnit< Welcome to the 67;6 H!n-e" Games< Sen,in- De0t 'eona-e1 'ove"t(1an, F"eak( Weathe" Into the A"ena = Le mon,e ,e lBin/o"mation &ays:(ay 1* 2012 at @:0@ pm M )eply 

    USV poor ids enlist in the military to feed their families and maybe escape economicdoom. (any are seduced by military recruiters who stal them in hih school with promises as slippery as those the slae USV

    >9. Re0ecca Solnit< Ame"ican ,(stopia1 /iction o" "ealit( Wa" in Conte>t  &ays:(ay 1* 2012 at B:4> pm M )eply 

    USV poor ids enlist in the military to feed their families and maybe escape economicdoom. (any are seduced by military recruiters who stal them in hih school with

     promises as slippery as those the slae USV

    B0. Welcome to the 67;6 H!n-e" Games< Sen,in- De0t 'eona-e1 'ove"t(1 an, F"eak(  &ays:(ay 1* 2012 at 10:44 pm M )eply 

    USV poor ids enlist in the military to feed their families and maybe escape economicdoom. (any are seduced by military recruiters who stal them in hih school with promises as slippery as those the slae USV

    B1.  'vt& &ays:(ay 4* 2012 at >:>= pm M )eply 

    6 Eust want to put this out there. 6 Eust enlisted in the army. 6 did my own research beforeeen talin to a recruiter. !erythin 6 was told by them was the same as my research. 6didn"t feel lied or pressured. ,ut my story is this* last niht 6 was walin downtown andthis homeless man was asin for chane* 6 ae him some when he noticed 6 waswearin an army shirt. Ke ased and 6 told him 6 was about to leae for basic. Ke said


  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    ood for me* he said he sered for a few years. Ke told me tae to tae adantae ofoin to school* he told me to tae classes because they would be aailable to me. Ketold me he was in his position now

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


    &6!) '((6$!& &36'6! !G!) =0 (6#&. & 6# $K!) +)& +! A)!&6#; ()! &6!)& K!)! A$ K(! $K!# +! A)! A$ +A). 6 $K6#D$KA$ &6!)& X '6$6[!#& A)! ,$K # $K! &A(! ,A$. 6$"& $K!6$6'6A#& A$ $K! $ F $K! F 'KA6# $KA$ A)! &')!+6#; 3& AG!).

    B>. ca" ,enve"  &ays:une 9* 2012 at >:>@ pm M )eply 

    car #en.er!

    USVArmy of #one: $op $en (ilitary )ecruiter ies Z 'ounter)ecruiter.netUSVS

    BB. this -!( &ays:une 1=* 2012 at 11:00 pm M )eply 

    $his whole thin is funny in a way. ne person tellin lies to another person. 6t doesn"tmatter if your a ciilian or choose to Eoin the military* your onna et lied to one way oranother. #othin is perfect. $here is a thin called estiny

  • 8/18/2019 Army of None; Top Ten Military Recruiter Lies


     blame the military for there own failures* and on the inside they really now* they are Eustwee minded and usin ptsd or soemthin else for an e%cuse. 6f they could o bac intime* they would hae sacrificed a little more* did what they had to do* they still can* butthey beliee their own lie. ou hae a responsibility to yourself* to tae care of yourselfand fullfill your +# destiny* nobody is oin to do it for you* its a cut-throat world*

    deal with it. $o all the )ecruiters who read this* this is why you must tell the truth* don"tie them any e%cuses as to why the failed themseles. Anythin that happens to you inthe military can happen to you as a ciilian* and if it wasn"t for the 1P that olunteers tosere and the ones that were olunto

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