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Plus Dane UNiTY 1

Issue 18 Winter 2013

Plus Dane GrouP resIDents’ maGazIne - Customer annual rePort eDItIon

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Performance under the spotlightHow we are doing?

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We hope you enjoy the calendar that you’ll find attached to this issue of the magazine which contains all the performance information about how we’re doing and our priorities for the year ahead. This issue of UNiTY focusses on some of the key successes that we’ve achieved over the last year working in partnership with residents to improve services and neighbourhoods and create opportunities.

The calendar has been developed working with the Tenants Communications Group who have been involved at every stage and have decided the best way to present this information to residents, everything from the design and photography to the words on the page. We welcome your feedback and if you

have any thoughts or comments please do let us know using the contact details on the back page.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy festive and holiday period and all the best for the New Year.

Ken PerryChief ExecutivePlus Dane Group

Des FinlayChairTenants Together Forum

hello and welcome to our final issue of UNiTY for 2013 which focuses on reporting back to you on how we’ve performed over the last year.

It began a lengthy and successful working relationship between Plus Dane and residents.

“I wanted to take part and join the Board, but I came in raw - I didn’t know anything about housing,” Tracy says. “If you’d have told me back then I’d end up so involved, I’d have been rolling on the floor laughing. But from then on, I just got into everything going,” she says.

Alongside the Board, she also joined the Dane Tenants’ Federation, which she now chairs, and various focus groups, getting an insight to the work of Plus Dane across all sorts of areas.

As a Board Member, Tracy has been involved in many different aspects of the Group including interviewing prospective employees, consulting with contractors and suppliers and attending conferences. She was also involved in the bid for the Ellesmere Port and Neston contract, is a member of the Human Resources Committee and sits on the Complaints Panel.

Now, the Board wants to attract new faces to its tenant-led groups as vacancies have become available. Tracy is keen to promote the benefits of getting involved.

“It’s challenging, and I’ve had to learn a lot as I’ve gone along. But you get to see and take part in things that other companies would never even dream of including tenants, or giving them a voice in,” she says. “Many places just don’t give people a voice, or only

pay lip service - one of the good things about being a Plus Dane tenant is

that you do get listened to.”

The experience she has gained on the Board over the years has helped Tracy to achieve qualifications from the Chartered Institute of Housing, becoming a recognised practitioner;

and has also provided employment opportunities –

she worked as a tenant inspector for independent watchdog the

Audit Commission as a result.

She says: “If anyone is thinking about it, I’d say get involved - it is so rewarding. I have gained an awful lot being a board member. It’s a voluntary role, but the reward for me has been being able to have a voice in how the company that owns my property is run. It is satisfying moving things forward and making them happen. Not only that, but there have been huge personal achievements as well.”

tracy Goudie is a member of Plus Dane’s Cheshire BoardShe became actively involved with Plus Dane life only a few years after moving to Cheshire. In a new area and getting used to a new life, with the encouragement of her tenant participation officer at the time, Tracy decided to get involved.

Members of the Tenants Communications Group select their favourite calendar photographs and decide on the best way to present information.

To find out more about the positions available go to the back page of UNiTY.

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InCreaseD InVestment In eXIstInG ProPertY

Plus Dane delivered nearly £10m of improvements to homes over 2012/13 across Merseyside and Cheshire and will invest over £10m during 2013/14. This programme includes installing new kitchens and bathrooms, major work to roofs, windows and doors and aids and adaptations. We aim to deliver an efficient and flexible service that offers high quality products to suit all customer and property needs.

Making homes more energy efficientPlus Dane has successfully completed four projects to make homes more energy efficient across Merseyside and Halton during 2012 and 2013 funded through the Renewable and Energy Efficiency in Community Housing (REECH) scheme, a European Regional Development Fund initiative.

We secured over £2m of European and Community Energy Saving Programme funding to deliver a range of energy efficiency projects during 2012 and 2013. This included transforming these homes in Runcorn:

some of the improvements we have delivered to homes include:

ensure neIGHBourHooDs enJoY GooD WellBeInG

satisfaction with our

investment programme

The transformation of homes in Toxteth where 35 older Victorian terraces benefitted from external wall insulation and solar panels through the REECH project. Residents have been delighted with the results.

Residents in Ellesmere Port got stuck into improving wellbeing in their neighbourhood and celebrated the creation of a stunning communal garden for Joseph Groome Towers in September last year.

Last year, volunteers in Toxteth joined together to transform a disused park as part of a multi-agency health and wellbeing project, supported by Plus Dane Group.

Plus Dane set up a Friendship Group in Congleton which is giving neighbours a new lease of life by helping them get out of their homes and make new friends.

The Bromley Farm Wellbeing Inquiry was set up earlier this year to investigate standards of wellbeing and find out more about issues affecting the community.

Building on the successful impact of this work over the last year, we are taking forward a number of fully-funded ECO offers to externally insulate over 640 Plus Dane homes during 2014.

Our project to fit external wall cladding to over 30 homes in Middlewich was recognised as the Best Refurbishment and Renovation Project at the 2012 National Brick Awards.

“the Bromley Farm Inquiry is an ideal

opportunity for anybody to put their voice forward and realise they will be heard at the end.

as a group, we know where we can find the answers and the

support we need.”Bromley Farm resident

“the friendship group has made

such a difference to me and my wellbeing and I know it has done the

same for others.”

Ellen, Cheshire

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InCreaseD CommunItY saFetY measures

“our dedicated team in anfield worked in partnership with Plus Dane this year on a successful operation that saw significant reductions in antisocial behaviour – a clear indication that both Plus Dane and the dedicated policing team are working together to improve the quality of life for local people.”

- Sergeant David Whalley

Plus Dane’s Community Safety Team works to help tackle some of the most serious antisocial behaviour in the neighbourhoods we serve.

Being able to offer help, understanding and support to vulnerable tenants is a vital part of this. This year that included a resident who battled addiction, but has gone on to become a peer mentor to help others in the same boat.

Neighbours had complained of long term antisocial and nuisance behaviour from a constant stream of often uninvited guests to Stephen’s home. His housing officer Paul During could see Stephen was struggling to cope and encouraged him to try a residential detox course. He has now been sober for nearly a year and has recently moved into a new flat.

“I don’t blame my neighbours for getting fed up with me. I’d had chances to sort myself out but just couldn’t,” Stephen said.

“Without the help I received from Paul and the Park View rehabilitation project and others, I’d have been in real trouble. Now I want to show people there is another way of living, better things you can do with your life. It is not easy – not easy at all. But there is lots of support out there.”

Plus Dane tenant Danielle is celebrating a new start after moving into a new home in a new neighbourhood following a troubled time. Now settled in she lives with her five year old son and her ten-year-old stays at weekends.

It had been a tough few years for Danielle who was suffering mental health problems made worse by the wrong medication. In a vulnerable state, she suffered violence at home from her boyfriend, and found herself abused and taken advantage of by people she thought wereher friends.

Danielle said: “Plus Dane gave me a voice and their support helped me realise some people’s actions aren’t acceptable. My housing officer Tracey Proud has been amazing, I couldn’t ask for more. Plus Dane listened to me and addressed my problems as a person, not a number. That’s never happened to me and it has made a huge difference to my life.”

Plus Dane works in partnership with the police and other organisations to tackle antisocial behaviour as part of our commitment to community safety. Ensuring strong links with local agencies and the police helps us to deliver a joined up response.

Back on trackWorking in partnership

Plus Dane works in partnership with the police on a range of problem solving initiatives to keep neighbourhoods safe.

FurtHer suPPortInG VulneraBle Customers

Plus Dane has delivered a number of service improvements over the last year to ensure customers are able to contact relevant assistance as quickly and easily as possible. In Ellesmere Port and Neston, where the Group manages 5,800 homes owned by Cheshire West and Chester Council, this has included:

• Lifeline Service text messaging reminders The Lifeline Service is a monitor-only

emergency alarm service. When triggered the emergency services will be called if necessary but in other circumstances the tenant’s next of kin or chosen person will be alerted to respond. Customers who use this service are asked to test the alarm monthly to ensure the equipment is operating correctly in the event of an emergency. But a review told us that less than 50% were doing so. The support services team decided on the text message to remind customers to test the alarm unit. This is a relatively new service and a third of customers have signed up to this with reminders going out to those who have yet to respond. The aim is to ensure every Lifeline Service user is on the reminder service.

• Out of hours payments - As a result of transferring to Plus Dane all calls made to the switchboard after hours were transferred to the out of hours line in the control room.

At a service review meeting staff raised the issue of customers coming through that had been left voice messages by the income team regarding payments but had been unable to respond to them as they left home early in the morning, returned late, and the office was not open over the weekend. As a result it was decided to train staff to take payments out of hours to maximise income and to assist customers who had difficulty accessing

this service.

strengthening services




during the last year

Plus Dane Group Customer Access Team.

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WorKInG In PartnersHIP WItH resIDents During 2012/13 Plus Dane has worked in partnership with residents to support 45 community events, 40 resident training events and help 15 community groups through the Cash for Neighbourhoods Fund. Nearly 70 residents have been supported into employment and training, six bursaries have been awarded to residents to help them with the costs of further education and 15 residents have completed the retail academy.

The Castlefields Work Club was set up in January 2013. Nearly a year on, it is going from strength to strength.

The weekly sessions focus on helping people use the internet as part of their job hunt, offering support on everything from searching for vacancies and writing CVs to applying for grants and accessing further education.

More than 100 people have made use of the work club so far. It has helped a number of attendees secure full time employment; others have enrolled on courses, begun apprenticeships or set up their own business. Feedback has highlighted the friendliness of the staff and how helpful it has been to access computers and improve IT skills.

The Move On fund is a small bursary available to tenants looking to make a difference to their lives whether that is returning to work or advancing in their careers.

Money can go towards anything from a suit and haircut to make a good impression at a meeting or job interview, to equipment needed for a college course or to pay for additional training.

The fund is available to tenants across Merseyside, Cheshire and Ellesmere Port and Neston. For more information contact the Engagement Team in your area.

Here’s just some of the events and initiatives that have been a success over the last year:

The Ellesmere Port and Neston Tenant Scrutiny Panel was set up shortly after Plus Dane took over as the housing management provider on behalf of Cheshire West and Chester Council in July 2012. Part of Plus Dane’s and Cheshire West and Cheshire Council’s approach to co-regulation, its aim was part of our commitment to involving customers in monitoring what we do, verifying performance and identifying areas of good practice and value for money.

The panel decided to concentrate on the area of welfare reform and investigate whether Plus Dane was ready for the challenges to come. In November 2013, they presented their findings, including recommendations for the future, to senior management.

The tenant scrutiny panel plans to work together on further projects in 2014.

Helping us improve our services

Castlefields Work Club goes from strength to strength

move on into employment

“overall it was very good and we learned other ways we can carry the next

scrutiny project out and ensure it runs smoothly. I thoroughly

enjoyed it and think the rest of the panel did as well.”Scrutiny panel member

Bob Lucas

A team of 28 resident Big Benefit Shake Up volunteers have been undergoing training to help them spread the word about the support available in their communities.

18 teams took to the waters of Astbury Lake in Cheshire over the summer as part of the Plus Dane Youth Forum Annual Raft Race.

Halton Youth Squad, supported by Plus Dane Group, were the winners of the Community Project of the Year Awards.

Local families and their children in North Liverpool had fun competing in the Anfield Olympics, with support from the Beautiful North partnership including Plus Dane Group.

Plus Dane’s annual Apprentice of the Year celebrations to mark the achievements and successes of the 80 apprenticeships and work placements that were hosted over 2012/13.

One of the first investments from Beautiful North’s community carpark initiative decided by residents was the purchase of a poover to keep the streets clean, which created a local job opportunity in the process.

Plus Dane’s In Environmental Services social enterprise was expanded this year to cover more neighbourhoods in Cheshire, creating a further 7 new local jobs.

InCreaseD CreatIon oF loCal JoBs

“I was lucky to get the fund and I really appreciate it. Plus Dane has been so supportive.”

Tina Davies, Congleton resident who received £130 from the fund

to cover costs to help her buy the equipment she needed

for her college course.

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InCrease suPPlY anD CHoICe oF Homes

A family that had spent ten years looking for an adapted home suitable for two disabled brothers have moved in to a purpose-built bungalow.

Sue Daly and her 26-year-old twin sons Daniel and Oliver are making the most of the new property in Nantwich, Cheshire, built with their input by Plus Dane Group after years of searching for the right plot of land. They had previously been

living in rented accommodation that was no longer meeting the needs of the brothers.

“I wanted to stay in a rural area, somewhere Oliver would be able to go out on his bike and be safe. Plus Dane took everything I asked for on board and spent a long time trying to find a house in the right location that could be fully adapted, or a plot of land for a new build,” explains art tutor Sue.

Eventually an allotment plot in Nantwich came up for sale. With support from local MP Edward Timpson Plus Dane secured planning permission for the bungalow. Sue said: “Plus Dane listened to me and the boys’ carers throughout the process to make sure they fully understood our requirements. The new houseis just bliss.”

Earlier this year we announced All Together Mediation as our preferred provider in Ellesmere Port and Neston. Since then the service has gone from strength to strength, achieving an impressive 75% success rate. The mediation service has helped to resolve on-going disputes between neighbours including parking issues, boundary disputes and issues around communal areas.

Mediation is an effective way for tenants to resolve any disputes they may have. It involves an independent third party – a mediator – who helps both sides come to an agreement. It is entirely a voluntary and confidential process and will only take place if both parties agree to it. Feedback from people attending sessions has been very positive and has given them a long term solution.

If mediation is something you think may help you to resolve a dispute between you and your neighbour then please contact the Ellesmere Port and Neston Housing Management Team on 0151 373 2500.

If you want to make a payment by debit or credit card outside our normal office hours (including weekends) please telephone 0800 169 2988 (free from most landlines) or if using a mobile 0300 123 4560 (local rate). Please remember you will need to quote your tenancy account number.

Remember most credit card providers charge interest and will add this on to your outstanding balance every month. Think carefully about using a credit card.

Condensation can cause serious problems in cold weather and it is important to be prepared to avoid mould, mildew and damp setting in around your home.

Some top tips to reduce condensation include keeping bathroom or kitchen doors shut if the room is steamy, cross ventilating (opening windows on opposite sides of the house for 30 minutes), and hanging washing outside when you can.

For more advice on reducing condensation visit our website www.neighbourhoodinvestor.com.

The latest equity loan scheme aimed at reviving the housing market has proved a big success in Merseyside and Cheshire where Plus Dane’s HomesHub Team is the government’s Help to Buy Agent. HomesHub has reported a surge in interest this year, with four times as many reservations in the first half of the year than the previous initiative FirstBuy had during the same period a year earlier. Announced by the government earlier this year, the first Help to Buy sale in the country was processed by Homeshub, which has since handled over 400 completions and 600 reservations. Help to Buy involves an equity loan scheme which is available on new build properties. For more information visit www.homeshub.co.uk.

Plus Dane Group’s new build solution to tenants’ needs

all together mediation service update

Paying Your rent

reduce condensation setting in around your home

Help to Buy scheme generates surge in new homes sales

Kirkby regeneration – The £7.1m development at St Kevin’s Drive in Kirkby began this year. Residents are moving into their new homes from spring 2014.

Sixty-five new affordable homes completed in Rossfield Road, Ellesmere Port at the end of last year.

“We couldn’t have bought our own home

without Help to Buy, it has been a massive help for us.”

Catherine McClean, one of the first to benefit from the new

scheme earlier this year

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Increased investment in existing property

ensure neighbourhoods enjoy good wellbeing

Increased community safety measures

Further supporting vulnerable customers

Write to us:

If you have any comments about UNiTY magazine please let us know. We also welcome any ideas for stories that you might have and would love to talk to people who would like to take part in our regular columns or have news to share. You can contact us in the following ways:

Call our Communications Team on 0151 703 2064, or write to Sarah Moston, Plus Dane Group, Communications Team, Rialto Buildings, 90-94 Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool L8 7SY. You can also e-mail us at [email protected]

Visit our websites at www.neighbourhoodinvestor.com or www.nifireside.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. A range of Neighbourhood investor films can also be viewed on our NiTV Youtube channel.

We have vacancies on the Boards of Plus Dane Cheshire and Plus Dane Merseyside for a tenant board member. Plus Dane Merseyside has one vacancy and Plus Dane Cheshire has two vacancies.

Plus Dane Cheshire and Plus Dane Merseyside are subsidiaries of the Plus Dane Group and their Board members have an important role in ensuring the strategic direction of the Group is fully supported through its work in Cheshire and Merseyside.

The tenant board member role is vital in ensuring that the strategic decisions of Board fully reflect tenant views as well as monitoring the day-to-day performance of the organisation.

If you are passionate about creating and sustaining vibrant places to live and feel that you could positively contribute to delivering our Ni mission in Cheshire and Merseyside please contact Alison Carey, Company Secretary, on 0151 708 4664 or email [email protected] for an information pack. Interested applicants will undergo an interview process prior to appointment to the Board.

We are particularly keen to receive applications from tenants under the age of 45 and black and minority ethnic tenants who are under-represented on our boards at the moment.

The closing date for applications is Friday 31 January 2014.

Merseyside172 Park RoadLiverpoolL8 6SJ

CheshireShepherds MillWorrall StreetCongleton CW12 1DT

Ellesmere Port & Neston7-9 Civic WayEllesmere PortCheshire CH65 0AX

©2013 this publication has been written & designed by Plus Dane Communications Team working alongside the Tenants Communications Group. Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

Working with customers, we have established a set of seven neighbourhood investor promises these are:

Working in partnership with residents

Increased creation of local jobs

Increased supply and choice of homes


Plus Dane Group is commited to recycling.

Plus Dane Cheshire and Merseyside Boards – tenant Board member Vacancies

Contact us


If you are a Cheshire West & Chester Council tenant living in Ellesmere Port & Neston contact 0151 373 2520.

For general information and repairs email: [email protected]

Plus Dane Group works as a Neighbourhood investor (Ni). We spend less on running our business and more on our homes and the neighbourhoods we work in.

excellence respect passion innovation

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