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MISSION STATEMENT Love God and one another, serve our community, and transform lives.


A radically inclusive community, empowered to spread God’s love throughout the world.


We believe all are created in the image of God. We believe God loves everyone and through Christ saves‐revives‐renews the world. We believe God through the

Holy Spirit changes lives. We believe the church is the body of Christ with a mission. We believe the Bible is the word of God. We believe that God has gifted

everyone and the church for the purposes of God. We believe discipleship is a continuing journey.


APRIL 1, 2018 ~ 8:30 AM AND 10:30 AM WORSHIP



†† = Those who are able may stand    AAHH = African American Heritage Hymnal ‐ Yellow Hymnal    UMH = United Methodist Hymnal ‐ Red Hymnal                        

Please use this time for prayer and meditation as we prepare for worship.   


††GATHERING PRAISE                                    Marching to Zion (733 UMH) In the Garden (314 UMH)

He Rose (316 UMH)


Leader: Alleluia! Christ is risen. All: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!  

EASTER PRAYER Dr. James Shopshire

SCRIPTURE READING John 20:1‐18 (NT—Pages 114‐115)

THE ANTHEM Inflammatus Et Accensus (When Thou Comest)...G. Rossini                    Alyssa Cox, Soprano & The Combined Choirs of Asbury 

SERMON “Designated Deliverer” Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills


Worshipers are invited to pray at the altar in private or signal to an Intercessory Prayer member to pray with you. Also at this time, you may come down to join Asbury in Christian Fellowship.               



OFFERTORY He Decided to Die...M. Douroux Dawn Robinson, Soloist

††OFFERTORY RESPONSE Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him, above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.              



††SENDING HYMN I’m Gonna Rise...G. Burleigh                        Phillip Collins & Joette Nelson, Soloists

††DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING                 



10:30 AM  WORSHIP  †† = Those who are able may stand    AAHH = African American Heritage Hymnal ‐ Yellow Hymnal    UMH = United Methodist Hymnal ‐ Red Hymnal                        

Please use this time for prayer and meditation as we prepare for worship.   

PRELUDE                                                           Lamb of God...T. Paris  


INTROIT Majesty...Hayford/Innes 

††READING:  THE MOURNING John 20:1 (NT—Page 114)

††PROCESSIONAL                        Up from the Grave He Arose (322 UMH) 

††UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE                 (322 UMH, verse 1, no chorus) 

††READING:  THE INVESTIGATION John 20:2‐10 (NT—Page 114)

††UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE                 (322 UMH, verse 2, no chorus) 

††READING:  THE ENCOUNTER  John 20:11‐18 (NT—Pages 114‐115)

††UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE                        (322 UMH, verse 3 and chorus) 

††CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Alleluia! Christ is risen. Women: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! Leader: Alleluia! Christ is risen. Men: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! Leader: Alleluia! Christ is risen. All: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!  

††HYMN OF PRAISE Christ the Lord is Risen Today (302 UMH, verses 1‐3)  

►►►►►(Congregants may now enter the Sanctuary)     


CALL TO PRAYER Just a Little Talk with Jesus...C. Derricks

EASTER PRAYER Rev. Alexis Brown


SCRIPTURE READING 1 Corinthians 15:1‐11 (NT—Page 176)

Leader: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.


THE ANTHEM Inflammatus Et Accensus (When Thou Comest)...G. Rossini Alyssa Cox, Soloist

SERMON “Designated Deliverer” Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills  

††INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DICIPLESHIP Because He Lives (364 UMH)                            

Worshipers are invited to pray at the altar in private or signal to an Intercessory Prayer member to pray with you. Also at this time, you may come down to join Asbury in Christian Fellowship.


OFFERTORY He Decided to Die...M. Douroux Dawn Robinson, Soloist


††OFFERTORY RESPONSE Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him, above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.  


††RECESSIONAL I’m Gonna Rise...G. Burleigh                        Phillip Collins & Joette Nelson, Soloists

††DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING Pastor: Go in peace, filled with the love and power of the Risen Christ. Alleluia!

Alleluia! People: Thanks be to God. Alleluia! Alleluia!

POSTLUDE We Shall Behold Him...D. Rambo                                      

The congregation is asked to remain seated for the closing voluntary.                     




PASTOR: Alleluia. The risen Christ is with us. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Death is conquered! Sin’s power is broken. Praise to you, Conquering God! We have seen your glory. And we are yours! We are yours, all yours, blessed Triune God, all our lives, all our thanks, all our praise, we give it all to you, with all our bodies, and minds, and voices. Yours, all yours! Yours the blessing, yours the praise, from the unimaginable silence before creation, beyond the farthest reaches of time and space our instruments may ever find, from infinity to infinity, everlasting to everlasting, you are God, boundless in love and power. We stand in awe, trembling in the light of your glory! What are we that you should notice us? What are we that you should love us? What are we what you should call us into covenant with you, a covenant we continually broke, and you continuously sustained. Mercy! How full of mercy! How can we but praise you, joining our voices with the song of angels and saints, seraphim and martyrs, strangers and family in every generation: (SUNG RESPONSE) Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

BISHOP: You are holy, O God! Holy! You are worthy, O Christ! Worthy! Worthy in your birth! Worthy in your living! Worthy in your loving! Worthy in your serving! Worthy when you preached good news that God's kingdom has drawn near and gather disciples, then and now, to learn and show the world what life in God's reign means: healing for the sick, new life for the dead, cleansing for the lepers, freedom for the possessed, new birth, new hope, new creation breaking in for all. Worthy! Worthy! Worthy above all! Worthy too, the night we betrayed you, when you took the bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to your disciples. Worthy when you told them, "This is my body broken for you. Remember me."


We remember. Worthy when you took the cup, praised God and shared it, and worthy when you said, "This is my blood of the new covenant for you. Remember me." We remember. And on this day of days, we proclaim above all, worthy were you when the angels rolled away the stone, and you came forth from the tomb, trampling down death by death and to all in the graves restoring life. We remember, and we praise you with our lives. We remember, and we praise you with our lives and these gifts of bread and wine, proclaiming with one voice the mystery of faith: (SUNG RESPONSE) Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Even so, come upon us, Holy Spirit. Come upon us, Holy Spirit. Come upon these gifts. Come upon these gifts. Make them be for us Christ's body, Christ's blood. Make us one body in Christ enlivened by his blood. One in heart, one in mind, one in you, Holy Spirit, as you move us to pray for the church and the world:

PASTOR: That we with Mary Magdalene may proclaim the gospel boldly: Hear us, O God. That we may offer your healing for all who are sick, or torn, or weary: Hear us, O God. That many dead and left for dead may be raised, and death’s power vanquished: Hear us, God. That all who are unclean may receive your cleansing grace: Hear us, O God. That all who are possessed, oppressed, distressed, depressed and downcast may be set free at last. Hear us, O God.

BISHOP: Even so, come and fill this feast, Holy Spirit, this day, and every day until that day when we eat it new at the marriage supper of the Lamb and our Easter rejoicing shall know no end. All blessing, honor, glory and power be yours, Holy Triune God, now and forever. (SUNG RESPONSE) Amen!


Triune God, you have fed us with the body and blood of Christ, uniting us with you, filling us with the power that raised Jesus from the dead. Send us, rejoicing, to declare with Mary, in hearts, and hands, and voices, that day has dawned, and we have seen the Risen Lord. Amen.



Minister of Music & Liturgical Arts Director and Music Director of the Combined Choirs of Asbury Everett P. Williams, Jr.

Organist: Earl Hargrove Music: Phillip Collins, Soloist Alyssa Cox, Soprano Joette Nelson, Soloist Dawn Robinson, Soloist

Mark Tatum, Timpanist The Combined Choirs of Asbury Children's Message: Sunday School

Celebrants: Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills & Bishop Forrest Stith Liturgists: Rev. Alexis Brown, Rev. Ivan Milosi, Rev. Irene Pierce,

Dr. James Shopshire & Min. Matthew Wilke Communion Servers: Marva Ginyard, Tawana Jackson, Paula Mathis, Ruth Scarbrough,

Carol Travis, Darryl Wyles & Joseph Yearwood Ushers: Men & Women

Greeters: Marian Tatum‐Webb, Michelle Tatum & Catherine Waters (8:30 am) Pearlie Myers, Mary Roberts & Terri Thompson (10:30 am)

Acolytes: Moses Boyd (8:30 am) Jordanne Semper Scott (10:30 am)

Trustees on Duty: Jonathan Ladson (8:30 am) James Gary (10:30 am)

Please see Frankye Warren, Pat Crudup or Judith Roberts to pick-up your Easter lilies after the 10:30 am service today.



In order to better meet the 

needs of Asburyans and 

visitors who have gluten 

allergies but desire to 

partake in the sacrament of 

Holy Communion, we now 

offer gluten free Communion wafers.  The gluten 

free wafers are available at the Communion rail in 

the bowl closest to the 12th Street side of the 

Sanctuary.  If you have any questions/concerns, 

feel free to ask any member of the Altar Guild for 


Asbury Altar Guild 

Kisha L. Woolen, President 


Asbury’s Week At‐A‐Glance

Sunday, April 1, 2018 7:30 am—Valet Parking 8:30 am & 10:30 am—Worship, Sanctuary 9:30 am—Adult Sunday School, 1‐9 9:30 am—Children’s Sunday School, 2‐8/2‐9 9:30 am—Youth Sunday School, 1‐12 9:30 am—Coffee Hour, G‐1 5:00 pm—The Bridge Worship Service, G‐1

Monday, April 2, 2018 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/OSH/1‐11/1‐12 3:00 pm—Deadline: Asburyan Bulletin & Ads 7:30 pm—Disciple Fast Track Bible Study, 1‐11/1‐12

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/OSH/1‐11/1‐12 6:30 pm—Christian Education Mtg., 1‐8 6:30 pm—Lay Leaders Monthly Mtg., 1‐9 7:00 pm—Fitness and Exercise Class, G‐1 7:00 pm—Disciple Fast Track Bible Study, 1‐11/1‐12

Wednesday, April 4, 2018 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., 1‐11/1‐12/2‐8/2‐9 6:00 am—BWC‐Unite to End Racism Rally, G‐1 10:30 am—Disciple Fast Track Bible Study, First Church, Hyattsville 7:00 pm—Howard Univ./Wesley Fdn. Mtg., Off‐site

Thursday, April 5, 2018 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/OSH/1‐11/1‐12 10:00 am—Stephen Ministry Training, 1‐9 7:00 pm—Band Practice for the Bridge, G‐1

Friday, April 6, 2018 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/OSH/1‐11/1‐12 7:00 pm—Jazz Vespers Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. King, G‐1

Saturday, April 7, 2018 9:00 am—Church Council Retreat, 1‐9/1‐11/1‐12 10:00 am—Asbury Handbell Choir Rehearsal, G‐13 11:00 am—Archives & History Mtg., Library 11:00 am—Wesleyan Choir Rehearsal, OSH 11:30 am—Food Pantry, G‐4 12:00 pm—Brighter Day/Crocheting for Christ Mtg., G‐1 12:30 pm—Male Chorus Rehearsal, OSH 2:00 pm—Higher Praise Choir Rehearsal, OSH

We hope that through word, music, fellowship and prayer you will

experience the presence of God today. Please make sure you sign

the attendance register as it is passed so that we can share with

you about what is happening in the life of this church.



From The Senior Pastor’s Desk April 2018

Word for the Month: JUSTICE

Scripture of the Month: Luke 10

Thought for the Month: Memphis in 1968 was ruled by a paternalistic "plantation mentality" embodied in its good-old-boy mayor, Henry Loeb. Wretched conditions, abusive white supervisors, poor education, and low wages locked most black workers into poverty. Then two sanitation workers were chewed up like garbage in the back of a faulty truck, igniting a public employee strike that brought to a boil long-simmering issues of racial injustice. Michael Honey brings to life the magnetic characters who clashed on the Memphis battlefield: stalwart black workers; fiery black ministers; volatile, young, black-power advocates; idealistic organizers and tough-talking unionists; the first black members of the Memphis city council; the white upper crust who sought to prevent change or conflagration; and, finally, the magisterial Martin Luther King Jr., undertaking a Poor People's Campaign at the crossroads of his life, vilified as a subversive, hounded by the FBI, and seeing in the working poor of Memphis his hopes for a better America.

Emphasis for the Month: Social Justice

Pastor’s Book of the Month: Going Down Jericho Road by Michael K. Honey.


“The Evidence is All Around” John 20:1‐18

Min. Matthew Wilke Contemporary Worship Pastor

Rico Huff, Music Director

The Bridge has a new start

time—‐it’s 5 pm. We look forward to worshiping with you in Fellowship Hall.

Asbury UMC Live Stream Go to asburyumcdc.org and select the live stream button on the home page to watch the 10:30 am and 5 pm services.

9:30 am—10:30 am ♥ Adult—1‐9 ♥ Children—2‐8/2‐9 ♥ Youth—1‐12

Join us for refreshments, resources, and fellowship in

Fellowship Hall from 9:30 –10:30 am

on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sunday.


Donor Recognition

Growing Asbury’s Future and Honoring our Clergy

Ira Blount joined Asbury in 1950. He says the Church has had many good pastors over the years, but he doesn’t know if any have been as well prepared to serve as Reverend Ianther Mills. He believes Asbury is blessed to have a pastor with Reverend Mills’ experience—in the local church, as a District

Superintendent, and at the Conference level. He said when he learned about Asbury’s Tree for the Future, he wanted to do something to honor Reverend Mills for her commitment to serving God, Asbury, and the United Methodist Church. When Ira moved to Washington, DC from Memphis, TN, he remembers telling a friend he was looking for a church with good music. He said his friend told him he need “look no further than that church at 11th and K.” He joined Asbury and became ac ve in many of the Church’s ministries, including the Food Pantry, Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Breakfast, and of course—the Bell Choir. Ira says one of the highlights of his ministry at Asbury is his work with the Food Pantry and the Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Breakfast. He says he met many people over the years of serving in the Food Pantry and helping with the Breakfast. He says it was rewarding to be a part of ministries that helped to change people’s lives. Many also will remember that Ira played a key role in organizing Asbury’s Bell Choir. Ira tells the story of how he returned to Tennessee to a end his brother’s funeral. He said the day a er the funeral, Sunday, he was feeling sad and decided to get up and a end church service. He said as he was about to enter the church, he heard the most beau ful music—it was a bell choir. He decided right then and there that he would return to Asbury and help start a bell choir. With the help and support of the United Methodist Men, Asbury’s Bell Choir was organized under the leadership of Randolph Sco . The Asbury Bell Choir con nues today and it is just one of the ways future genera ons of Asbury will know Ira Blount worshipped and ministered here. God willing, Ira Blount will celebrate his 100th birthday in August. His mind is s ll sharp, but he says he doesn’t get around as much as he would like. But Ira Blount is s ll driving! He said one of his neighbors recently teased him that he was flying out of the parking lot, driving about 50 miles per hour. Ira hopes other Asburyans will join him in helping Asbury’s Tree for the Future to con nue to grow and flourish. Dona ons for rocks and leaves range from $3,080 to $180. Rocks and leaves can be added to the tree in memory or in honor and can be given by individuals, families, or organiza ons. Births, significant anniversaries and birthdays also can be celebrated with addi ons to the Tree. The Tree for the Future helps symbolize our love for Asbury and our abiding commitment to providing a place of worship for genera ons of Asburyans to come. If you have ques ons or need addi onal informa on about how you can support Asbury’s future, stop by Fellowship Hall a er worship service today or contact:

René Carter — 202‐442‐7928 or [email protected] Martrice Green — 202‐397‐3451 or [email protected]





Saturday, April 21, 10:30 am Room 1-9

Bring your tools and let’s make Protestant

Prayer Beads for those in our community who have special prayer needs.


Special Sunday ~ Sunday, April 15

Church Council Retreat

Saturday, April 7

9 am-3 pm

Asbury Church Rooms 1-11/1-12

Rev. Lillian Catherine Smith Book Signing

Sunday, April 15 ~ Fellowship Hall After 10:30 am Worship


Church offices closed in observance of Easter Monday. Offices will open on

Tuesday, April 3.









Our next generation of Asburyans will lead worship on

Sunday, April 29 ~ 10:30 am service.

Bring a youth and young adult to church.

SAVE THE DATE First Fridays@Asbury

Friday, May 4 7 pm ~ Fellowship Hall


UMW Social Action Event

May 19, 2018 Fellowship Hall

Sunday, May 6, 10 am

Unity Sunday worship One Service


State of the Church Meeting

12:15 pm, sanctuary Please remain for the

meeting after worship



Baltimore-Washington Conference Annual Meeting May 30-June 1

Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel Baltimore, MD







Jazz Brunch, Fellowship hall &  

Afternoon Concert, Sanctuary  

SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 10 AM One worship service 

&  Repast after worship 

 More details coming soon.   

Save the dates. 



Saturday, June 16 Fellowship Hall


June 16, 8:00 pm "Church and State: Stories about the Crossroads of Faith and Politics" Join us for a night of storytelling, hosted by Bruce Johnson II, the founder of a series of storytelling events in Washington, D.C. We are looking for 8 to 10 storytellers to take the stage to share their stories (8-10 minutes in length) about the intersection of faith and politics in their own lives. Whether your story is heart wrenching and dramatic or lighthearted and comedic, we encourage you to consider participating in this event by telling your story. Please contact Esther Kahng ([email protected]) if you are interested in participating, or if you are simply interested in learning more.


Reserve your seat now for the play, coach bus ride, lunch, and visit to the shopping

outlet. The bus departs from Old Howard University School of Divinity parking lot.

$155 for package. Balance due  May 1.  See organizers Margaret Carter

(202‐213‐9146) or Charlyn Bachemin (240‐779‐4067) for ckets.



SAVE THE DATE Sunday, June 24, 4 pm


Asbury United Methodist Church ~ Sanctuary 926 11th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001

EVENT S.O.S.S. Concert

(Save Our Sound System)

FEATURING Everett P. Williams, Jr., Organ

Stephen F. Key, Piano


The Music Ministry of Asbury UMC


COMING SOON! Vacation Bible School

June 25 -29, 2018

Mark your calendar and be on the lookout for more details.

Sunday, June 17 Graduate Recognition Sunday

Father’s Day MARC Birthday Celebration



JULY 2018 1 8 14—UMM/UMW Church Picnic 15 22—FRAN Plan 29—Youth/Young Adult Sunday

AUGUST 2018 5 12 19 26—FRAN Plan

SEPTEMBER 2018 2 9—MARC B‐days/Football Ministry 16—Homecoming 2018 (One Service) 23—FRAN Plan 30—Youth/Young Adult Sunday

OCTOBER 2018 7—World Communion Sunday/

Stewardship Kick‐off 14—Pastor Appreciation Sunday 20—UMW Mission Project 21—Women’s Day (One Service) 28—FRAN Plan/Laity Sunday

NOVEMBER 2018 4—All Saints Sunday 11—Organ & Tissue Donor/

Stewardship Sunday 18—UM Student Day/ MARC B‐days 21—Thanksgiving Eve (Stop Hunger

Project) 25—FRAN Plan/Christ the King

DECEMBER 2018 2 —Advent 1 8—UMW Christmas Party 9—Advent 2 16—Advent 3/Wesleyan Concert 23—FRAN Plan/Advent 4 24—Christmas Eve 30—Youth/Young Adult Sunday 31—Watch Night Service, 7 pm

Asbury Church is closed on the following holidays

New Year’s Day MLK Day Easter Monday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day

For those members who opted out of receiving giving envelopes, we will continue to accept your tithes and offerings in the following ways: Monthly check or weekly

checks with your envelope number in the memo line. These may be put in the offering baskets or mailed to the finance office. If you do not remember your envelope number, we can find you in the system.

Use the e-giving option on the church website. Make your contributions using credit/debit cards

during service. Ushers can provide the credit card processor for your convenience.

The Stewardship Committee



When a friend or family member loses a loved one, we want to show that we care. But we don’t always know what to say or do. This Ministry will be responsible for preparing Journeying through Grief books for mailing, and by providing on-going care, love, support to members during the first year after a loss. If you would like to help with this ministry or obtain

more information, please contact Tawana C. Jackson at 202-628-0009.



Thank you for your contributions to The Nehemiah Fund of Asbury United Methodist Church. The Nehemiah Fund provides emergency financial assistance to members of Asbury United Methodist Church and their immediate families who temporarily need help in meeting housing, nutritional, medical, security, or other essentials of daily living. In rare cases, the Fund may be accessed for burial assistance for members of Asbury United Methodist Church. The Fund may also be used to support needs of members of the community at large. The Fund is maintained by general and undesignated offerings made during the Communion offering on the first Sunday of each month or other period when an offering is taken associated with a Communion service at Asbury United Methodist Church. Requests for assistance are held in confidence and administered by our Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ianther Mills.

A message from the Membership Assimilation and Records Committee (MARC) April 2018

DO YOU KNOW HOW TO CONTACT THE ASBURY MEMBERS LISTED BELOW? If yes, please pick‐up, complete and drop off a change of address form in the mailbox located near the church office. You may also contact Leona Ferguson at (202‐832‐1258) or [email protected]. THANK YOU!

Allen Sharon Beatty, Vernon Berkeley, Nikita Blue, Donald Boyd, Maurice Brown, Emma Jo Caldwell, Hyman Careathers, Renalle Careathers, Stuart Chatterjee, Samar Chatterjee, Sushila Christian, Jonathan O.

Dandridge, Mary F. Davis, Lilton, Jr. Domally, Anissa Emerson, Lisa James, Shelia Z. Johnson, Rick A. Jones, Thelma Little, Joyce Mattison, Danai Mousa, Maryann Newman, Beatrice C. Newton, Hattie E.

Richardson, Tangelina Ridgeway, Rufus Robinson, Gwendolyn Simms, Osmond Thompson, Nancy M. Wilcher, Edward Williams, Isaac Williams, Pamela Woods, Cynthia



Northwest Sharon Banks Vivian Campbell Lisa Duperier Dorothy Green Jackie Holmes Sally Montgomery

Northeast Ira Blount Selma Douglas Evelyn Gray Laline Harris Lorraine Hightower Moretha Johnson Cleora Morton Mattie Nelson Lonise Robinson Ruth Williams


St. Clair Parks, Stoddard Baptist Care Center, 2601 18th Street, NE, Room 173P Louis Perkins, Chevy Chase House at 5420 Connecticut Ave NW, Room 404A Shirley White, Little Sisters of the Poor, 4200 Harewood Rd., NE


Grace Bradford Clarence Clark Elisha Davies Cherryl Jones Elois Jones Lena Reynolds Thelma Tinsley Shirley and Herb Thomas Joyce White Thelma Williams


Clyde Brayboy, Manor Care Health Center, Rm. 552, Silver Spring Phyllis Edwards, Lorien Columbia Skilled Nursing Community, 6334 Cedar Lane, Columbia Gertrude Harris, Riderwood, 3140 Gracefield Road, Silver Spring Olivia Harris, Asbury Methodist Village: Wilson Health Care Center, Gaithersburg Lillian Langford, Collington Assisted Living, Mitchellville Charles Neal, NMS Healthcare, Hyattsville


Marjorie A. Robinson, Rockhill, NC ~ lives with daughter, Wanda Chapman Christine Robinzine, Conyers, GA ~ lives with sister, Gloria L. Robinzine

ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Care and Concern List ~ April 2018

(This list is current as of March 28, 2018)   

We invite you to pray for the persons on this list and for their families.


Health Ministry Newsletter

O r a l C a n c e r Aw a re n e s s M o n t h

April 2018

Oral and oropharyngeal cancer (Cancer of the month and upper throat) kill one person every hour of every day of the year. Of these newly diagnosed 40% will not survive longer than 5 years. The death rate from these cancer is so high because these cancers are routinely discovered late in their development. Fortunately when diagnosed and treated early, death rates and treatment related health problems can be drastically reduced. This is the 18th year for the observation of oral cancer awareness month. This campaign is to remind everyone that regular annual oral cancer examination by oral health professional remain the best method to detect oral cancer in its early stages.

Symptoms that occur in the mouth and persist for more than two weeks are:

1. A sore or soreness, or ulcerations that don’t go

away after 14 days. 2. Red or white patches or pain, tenderness, or

numbness in mouth or lips. 3. Lumps, thickening tissues, rough spots, crusty or

eroded areas. 4. Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking,

speaking or moving your jaws or tongue. 5. A change in the way your teeth fit together when

you close your mouth. 6. A sore under a denture that does not heal. Two-

three weeks is the longest you should wait for a dental appointment.

Factors that may increase the risk for oral cancer are: 1. Heavy drinking; 2. Smoking in persons older than 50; 3. Sexually transmitted human papilloma virus 16

(HPV) is responsible for the increasing incidence of oropharyngeal usually involves the tonsillar tissue at the base of the tongue and may present with the following signs or symptoms which if they persist longer than two (2) weeks are a cause for alarm:

A. A painless lump or swelling felt in the neck. B. A sore throat, difficulty swallowing, or pain

when swallowing. C. Swelling of the tonsillar areas at the back of

the neck. D. Hoarseness that persists for more than 2

weeks. E. Constant coughing for more than 2-3 weeks. F. Difficulty swallowing with food getting caught

in your throat. G. An earache on one side for more than 1 week. H. Males who are non-smokers are affected 4

times as often as females. I. An annual examination is necessary and it

should be gotten now and at least annually thereafter. Early detection and treatment may well be the key to a rapid and complete recovery.


In Loving Memory of Marion Whitlock Jones March 29, 1918‐ October 20, 2013

Happy Centennial Birthday, Mom!

Your life was a blessing. Your memory a treasure... You are loved beyond words. And missed beyond measure...

I'll celebrate your birthday, Mom. The way I always do, For the precious love between us, and all I owe to you.

Your loving daughter, Cliftine

The family of Geraldine Dowe Whaley acknowledges with deep appreciation your kind expressions of sympathy. We are grateful for the gift of friends and family, who have been so kind and thoughtful in every way during the loss of our dear loved one. Gratefully, Frankye Warren & Judy Roberts

Rev. Mills and the Asbury Family, Your words of sympathy, love, understanding and support have deeply touched our soul. When someone does something that they didn’t have to do for you, you should say thank you. We say “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts. Please keep us in your prayers. Sincerely, Ezell and Cheryl Smith


  Dear Pastor Mills , Trustee Board  and Asbury Family,  On behalf of the DC Black History Celebration Committee and the Frederick Douglass Citywide Bicentennial Host Committee, we wish to thank you for allowing us to host our black classical Douglass concert.  Your support in making this concert a success will be forever remembered.  Asbury has long been a church that has supported the culture and the struggles of the black community.  In these challenging times, we are relieved that Asbury has remained steadfast in their love for God and it’s commitment to the community.  We look forward to a continual partner‐ship with your church.  Your  kindness and generosity are appreciated.  We hope that you enjoyed the concert as much as the audience.  In Christ’s name,  Chuck Hick DC Black History Celebration Committee Director Co‐chair of the Douglass Host Committee 


Dear Rev. Mills, Asbury Trustees and Church Family, On behalf of the Bennett College Alumnae Club of Metro DC, the meet and greet committee would like to extend our gratitude to Asbury United Methodist Church for the blessing bestowed upon us to host our 2018 Pearls and Polish Meet and Greet, held on March 24, 2018. Approximately 80 attendees, including 10 high school senior young ladies committed to attending Bennett College Fall 2018. Thanks again, we hope to work with you in the future. Sincerely, Yolanda K. Carey 2018 Bennett College Meet & Greet Coordinator, for Bennett College Alumnae Club of Metro DC Kenya Samuels Gray ‘99President, Bennett College Alumnae Club of Metro DC



Sunday, April 1 Philippians 3:7-11

Monday, April 2

Matthew 28:1-10

Tuesday, April 3 Psalm 119:25-32

Wednesday, April 4

1 John 4:19-21

Thursday, April 5 Isaiah 49:13-18

Friday, April 6

Psalm 119:10-16

Saturday, April 7 Exodus 17:8-16

There is an elevator in the Education Building that

accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the

fellowship hall, and all the Sunday School rooms.

Free parking is available Sundays in the garage

adjacent to our 11th Street entrance. Pick up a

parking pass from the 11th Street reception desk.

Restrooms are on the lower level on either side of the

narthex and on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Asbury United Methodist Church

Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor Rev. Alexis Brown, Howard University UM Chaplain Min. Matthew Wilke, Contemporary Worship Pastor

Rev. Ivan Milosi, Ministry Intern Tawana Jackson, Stephen Minister

Bishop Forrest Stith, Retired Bishop in Residence Sandy Adams & Darryl Wyles, Lay Leaders

Rev. Gerard A. Green, Jr., District Superintendent Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling, Episcopal Leader of the Baltimore‐Washington Conference

Visit asburyumcdc.org for information about our ministries. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. 926 11th St., NW, Washington, DC 20001 ~ 202‐628‐0009 ~ [email protected]

Monday‐Friday ~ 8:00 am‐4:30 pm

Drivers Needed! Asbury will provide the church van and a $25

daily stipend for your time. We need help transporting members to and from the 10:30 am

service. Transportation pick‐up is available to members living in the immediate Washington,

DC area. Interested? Please contact Patricia Clark at 301‐925‐4735.



♥ Resistance bands & weights ♥ Circuit & target training

♥ No judgement zone

♥ Move at your own pace

♥ Drop‐ins welcome

♥ Pay as you go

Call 202‐628‐0009 for details.


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