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  1. 1. 1 ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. - Winston Churchill Copyright 2010-2017 Sunmitra Education Technologies Limited, India
  2. 2. 2 Think Can you sing while coming back on a lifeboat after being just saved from a wrecked ship. Are you able to smile back quickly when someone really annoyed you. Do you always feel lucky that you are born in a great family that gave you more values than the freedom of spending a lot of money. Do you re-initiate talks with a person with whom you had a bitter tiff sometime back. Did you ever felt that it is you who get things with lot of struggle, but others get it relatively easily.
  3. 3. 3 Not Reacting to Apology Someone is making a repeated apology. I do not accept it and starts digging even more things from his past. Is this Attitude.
  4. 4. 4 Not Apologising I know that I have made a mistake, but I am programmed for not accepting them. Is this habitual or I need attitude correction.
  5. 5. 5 Not Helping I can provide some genuine help due to my skills or ability, but I pretend as if I can not. Am I showing my attitude.
  6. 6. 6 Passing the buck I didn't listen, didn't speak, didn't see. Someone else might have. Is it gandhian philosophy or attitudinal issue.
  7. 7. 7 Avoid Everything Break risk by avoiding everything. Do not contribute to any thing, just avoid and be free. Surely an attitudinal trait. When it works, when it doesn't, you never know.
  8. 8. 8 What is attitude for different people The way I behave with others or other behave with me. Positive or negative thoughts about something. The way I react to different situations. My ability to mix with people. My way to communicate that I am different. Thinking positively even during negative environment. My capacity to change surrounding around me. Once ability to impress others.
  9. 9. 9 What ATTITUDE Actually is Responses of an individual to given situations due to certain beliefs or notions.
  10. 10. 10 OUTLINE A small truth about Attitude. Understanding attitude. Identifying Negative Attitude. Attitude Changers. Impact of Positive Attitude. References .
  11. 11. 11 A Small Truth ..
  12. 12. 12 Lets begin by assigning some codes If A - Z are given sequence numbers from 1 to 26
  13. 13. 13 Then .. H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K would be 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E would be 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
  14. 14. 14 And . L+O+V+E would be 12+15+22+5 = 54% L+U+C+K would be 12+21+3+11 = 47% (probably you thought this would be most important)
  15. 15. 15 Then what makes 100% ?Then what makes it 100% Is it MONEY M+O+N+E+Y 13+15+14+5+25 = 72% NO!!! L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89% Still NO!!!
  16. 16. 16 But It must have a solution Yes fortunately it has. IT IS A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !
  19. 19. 19 CHANGEABLE: Attitude is based on beliefs, thus it can be changed with persuasion or experience. PERCEPTION OF OTHERS THAT RELATES TO YOUR VALUE: Adding value to oneself can change perception of others. Thus it gets changed. For. E.g. if you learn singing and others start enjoying when you sing. You generally oblige them when you are asked to sing. You are perceived as having a positive attitude. Understanding Attitude - 1
  20. 20. 20 Understanding Attitude - 2 IT IS POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE: Positive one represents liking of a person, place, thing or event while negative one is vice-versa. This can be called optimism or pessimism. IT IS IMPLICIT OR EXPLICIT: Responses may be indirectly depicted (implicit) or they me directly expressed (explicit). IT IS CONCIOUS OR UNCONSCIOUS: The attitudinal response may be result of a conscious activity or an unconscious activity.
  21. 21. 21 Identifying Negative Attitude .
  22. 22. 22 Negative Attitude is Because YOU DID NOT CARED ABOUT Limited Knowledge. Limiting Beliefs. Negative people around you. Circumstances during early phase of life.
  23. 23. 23 Typical attitude problems. Publicly expressing the dislikes about a person. Always telling stories about your success or you did that or you did this. Switching yourself off (being ignorant) when someone is telling you something.
  24. 24. 24 Typical attitude problems. Avoiding to greet people or having eye contact with them. Playing pranks with people, even when they don't like it. Not coming forward to help people, even when you are in a position to do so. Delaying work, with a thought that if I deliver fast more work will be loaded on me.
  25. 25. 25 Issues that are not related to attitude. Not following the path that everybody else follows. Not being able to demonstrate a skill when it is most required. Being a slow worker due to lack of knowledge. Being a bad speaker/communicator. Giving examples of same things again and again.
  26. 26. 26 Attitude Changers Every time I find the meaning of Life, They Change it.
  27. 27. 27 Understanding Who/What should change YOU Because others will not. YOUR BELIEFS To change you. YOUR ENVIRONMENT Your perception will change it. YOUR KNOWLEDGE Because it really helps.
  28. 28. 28 The message to change is Understand yourself before being understood by others. - Stephen R. Covey (Writer of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People")
  29. 29. 29 Attitude Change Process Identification Difficult but starting point. Selection Select the one to work on first. Action Plan action and start the process. Correction Go deep and work for correction of every aspect of it. Verification Need to measure it. Friends and family can help you verify if your actions are working
  30. 30. 30 Attitude Change Tips Join right social forums around you. Read good books regularly. Learn to avoid time wasters. Practice mock-sessions of positive thinking with your friends and families. Think everyday, can I do one thing today to make at least one person happy. Invite criticism for your work.
  31. 31. 31 Impact of Positive Attitude If there is no fun in it, something is wrong with all you are doing. - Norman Vincent Peale
  32. 32. 32 Belief Change Chain Begins Positive attitude generates a chain of change of beliefs. Your start thinking new things that you will be surprised you never thought earlier. Training helps to do the same.
  33. 33. 33 People around you starts changing Your perception towards people change, so you feel as if other people are now changed. Remember existence of other people around you is the biggest boon to change attitude.
  34. 34. 34 Enjoyment begins Positive thinking has been medically proved to change your body chemistry towards better health and general well being. It is a WIN-WIN situation for you and everyone around you.
  35. 35. 35 Attitude Poem , | , || , | , ||
  36. 36. 36 PLEDGE. I _________ take a pledge, that I will do my best, to identify problems within myself, that are, related to attitude. I will also try to find, a suitable, action and correction mechanism, for solving it, and will truly act upon it, in a pre-defined time period.
  37. 37. 37 References www.wikipedia.org www.selfgrowth.com www.thinkexist.com www.storiesfortrainers.com www.personal-development-coach.net agiftofinspiration.com.au
  38. 38. 38 Ask and guide me at [email protected] Share this information with as many people as possible. Keep visiting www.sunmitra.com for programme updates.

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