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Download - Aug 1998

  • 7/27/2019 Aug 1998


    nhev\VDf.iN([RHighlights andUpcomingEventsAug.30 KentuckRideSept.2 MeetingHoover ibrarySept.5 WorkDayOakMountainSept6 NEABC Anniston aceSept12 BBCCenturyCallou rhotline 92-BUMP2867)orany ecordedhanges r additionsnBUMP vents.

    xTR, Ti, DH, RSX,layWhatConfused about theterrninology sed n, nountainbikingl Well, atiend the nextrneeting and receive acemplrnnentary opy o{ EtlttMagazine. t Provides ou withth e latest inforrnation onbiking echnology, {uiprnent,andgreat ides.blke{ A G Z I N E


    1 9 9 8 W O R K D A YC A L . E D ERMeet or workdaysat the SouthTrailheadat the new BUMPshed. Time to meet s 9:00a.m. Call the hotl ine or anypossible changes. Workdayssubject o weather anceltationSeptember - SaturdayOctober11- SundayNovemberT SaturdaYDecember - SundaY


    ItopclripsAuqust 30 - Kentycl{/Chocolocco(Sunday)We are planning n ridingKentuck and meeting at theEastwoodOlive Garden ocationat8:30 am. lf it is raining,we willchange our plan and go toChocolocco.Future Plans Because f the heatwe have been experiencing. toneMountain nd the Olympic rails nConyers, Aarebeing iscussedoran Octoberide.

    IRONLEGSCHALLENGE98 MTNBIKE RACE is scheduled forSeptember ' 1998 at ChoccoloccoStateForestn WhitePlains, L.TheNORBA Sanctioned event willfeature 1 raceclassificationsith acash purse of $4000 andmerchandise over $3500. Al lcategoriespay at least five deepunlessewer han ive iders.Each apwillequalabout7.8 miles,'and is consideredy the organizersto be muchbetterhan astyear.TheNortheastAlabama Bicycle Club(NEABC) as mprovedhe parking,stagingarea,and entireevent.Formore nformation,iekup a brochureat your ocal hop.

    TrailWorkOur next scheduled woi'kday isSaturday September sth at OakMountain.Our past few workdayshave been great successes,andplease ontinueheappreciatedcrk.Tne July 12th workday at OakMountain epairedow spots ':earheRC track with the help of severalmem'pers.t-. ou missecihe vrorkciayyou probablyhave seen the greatimprovementshat were madeon thetrail. Thanks o CahabaCycles ordonating he door prize,a new OakMtn. / Red Trail T-shirt.Congratulationso David assmoreorwinning n his irst rail ay!Last Sunday,a work-dayat ElmoreCounty SwaybackBridgeTrail wasanother success. Nearly a dozenmembers eadedsouth o assist heElmore County Trail Associatio(ECIA) nside-hillingsection f theirnew rail. n all,over20 people orkedforseveral ours o improvemore han100yardsof trail.Followinghe work,the ECTA showed heir appreciatioandhospitality itha cookout. llworkandno playmakes or a long rip,so,severalmembersendured he heatand ode he newlyworked rail.And, fyou missedthe fun, it is feature

  • 7/27/2019 Aug 1998


    Hoover Cahaba Heights Oak Mountain822-66N 967-2W3 987-4M3CAHABA CYCLES' SWAPMEETGot any old parts that you would like to swap for somebetterold parts?

    Now you will have your chance!On October 4, CahabaCycles'Oak Mountain location will be having their parts swap meet from1-5 p.m. For further info, call any CahabaCycles ocation.

    Rock 'emUpEver idedowntown nd thought, Gee,it wouldbe nice opark my bike somewhere ther than next to a parkinmete/'. Or maybef was a beautiful ayandyouwanted orideyourbike o the localstoreor mall butdidn'tbecausyouknew herewas nota parking laceor yourbike.Wellhere is your chance! There are bicycleparking ackavailablehrough he BicycleParkingProgram ponsoreby he Birminghamegional lanning ommissionBRPCTo give.your uggestions, rite,call or fax Meg Scullyat211211'n venue outh, uite 2O,Birmingham,L 35205phone: 51-8139 ax 328-3304, BIKERSUNITE! heywant oursuggestions.d * i 2 t C r t

    The Place:The placeof this month's eature sElmoreCounty'sSwaybackBridgeTrail. Locatednear Wetumpka, it is a short drive fromBirrningham. BUMP recently assisted ElmoreCcuntyTrail Associationwith maintenance.heygreatly appreciated ur help, and we enjoyed hetrail. Thanks o Johan,Chris,andall the others ortiiehospitality.To reachhe rail from Birmingham,ake -65 southic eait .91.Go eft towardsWetumpka nRoute14East.After 6.5 miles,makea right to relriainon 14East.After another milesor so, a left is requiredto stayon 14. Whenyou intersectwith US 231 (3miles),urn Northanddrive or another miles o asign or CampChandler,urn left. After 3 milesorso a sign for the Boat Rampdirectsyou left. Justafter his urn s a small riangular arkingarea.Thetrailheads at hegravel oad o the north.You willexit he ire road o thesouth.The Trails: The trails are very new and are tightsingle track with a few fire road sections.Theclimbsare strenuous, ut short.Be preparedor atough ideof 7 milesor so.This maybe a southerntrail, but it will soon gain your respect as amountainbike trail. The ride starts with a fundownhill,and winds aroundLake Jordan.Severaltechnicalsectionsand obstaclesmakefor a veryenjoyableride. Make the trip and "Ride theSwayback".Thanks o Chris Snyder or hiscontribution f themap.This is one map featured n his new boo(Mountain Biking Alabama, The Skinny on theStcte's Best Fat Tire Destinations. The bookfeatures 4 ridesaround he stateand s soon o besuppliedo local cycle shops.Ask for it at yourfavorite hop.

    f I P g A I I D D ( l T I l I f S T q d r # *TrailFeatures

    t998 BUMP members receive /l0o/oaff purchases at bike thops featured ln this newsletter. rn" lv\VDtL

  • 7/27/2019 Aug 1998


    TRAIL TALKTheBUMP-HASHJointSocialatthe RedBudPavilionByAmyHunterand staffThe second BUMP Social of the yearrolled merrilyalong Sunday July 26th atOak Mountain State Park. Membersof the BUMP club were most pleasedto be joined n the merrymakingy the

    A little mountainbiking, a little running,a lot of eating,aspot of polo for the chaps, and an averagequaffingweretoppedof f with a challenging og pull. CongratulationsoChris and Mickieour victoriousogpullersor the BUMP

    Social l. Also makingrespectableshowings n the lopull event were Colleen, Margo, Dan, and Chris. Thwinners receiveda BUMP jersey and the other placeare now the proudowners of BUMP -shirts.The big lohas been retrofitted or the next event, so start workin

    The polo matches saw intense competition and fiercbattles, but did the score matter? Not really, everyonjust played for fun. lf you didn't play, get ready for thenext match.We enjoyed a fine summer afternoon. Thanks toeveryone who participated.Specialthanks go out to theHashers,Jon Kirchoff or the music, DerrickSeys anAnne Traeger for outstanding food preparation; andMark Richman for his cooking skills. Without him, wwould have receiveda raw deal. And, BUMP wishes tothank the Hashers for their contribution of th"beverages".Anyone ooking orward o Social ll ?Interested n the MCH3 Club?They can be contactedonthe Hash hotlineat (205)942-MCH3


    August {998 BIRMING}{AM {'RBAN MOUNTAIN PEDALERS rn" lv\{JDtLiNf

  • 7/27/2019 Aug 1998


    #a** TRAIL TALK

    FlonteSano RainPlays PartAgain!really were rain soaked. We wenhome.I think someniceriding is availabin theHuntsville ara. Monte Sanand other sites in the area arreputed o offer lots of fun trailsThanks o Missy for faxing us thgreatmaps. Looks ike the club inHuntsville is doing some nicwork. I vote that we challengehtrolls of theworld andreturn o ridanotherday. Well, maybe '11 tahome;but I think somebody houdo t.

    BtsC Centur\rRide Iseedls oXnlxlteersByDoug DaughheteeThe 25th Annual BBC Century is rapidly approaching{9/1Zggi,and he timehas come o firn up volunteerworkerassignments or the big day. Beyond trte sbviqrs rewardvolunteerseceive i.e.experiencinghe pleasureof spendinga nie - we hope - day outdoorshelping olks have fun ontheirbikes),BBCwillalsopresent t-shirtanda meal icketto volunteerworkerswho providesignificant ssistance nputtingon this event. (Note:We are alwaysglad for anyhelpinghand our membersor others give us, but if youwaddleoutof Wingsat 6:00pmand stopby to helpus olduptablesand drairs, hanks,but don'texpecta freeshirt).lf you are tom between idingand volunteering,ote that itmightbe possibleo do both. Forexample, ou coulddo the31 or 50 mile routesand still haveplentyof time o get backandeat a nice ree unchbeforegoingout to take oversecondshift at the GrantsMillrest stop, where you could kick back and enjoy watchingpooped-outentury nd doublemetric iderscoming hrough.We have ust begun o fill in the slots,so if you act eadyyoucan get yourclroiceof jobs. CallBBCCenturyChairpersonDoug Daughhetee at 992-5436 {days) or 995-2013{evenings) nd get dibs on an assignment. frerwe ve got

    ByAmy HunterSaturday, uly 25th- a smallgroup of theBIIMP faithful journeyed o Monte SanoStatePark n Huntsvillewith grandvisionsof an"epicdde." We looked hepart. Thetrail conditionswere, we thought, a littlewet but perfectlyacceptable.Our feLingswere reinforcedby the sign at the headofthe trail reading "Bike Trails Open."Other idersust exiting hetrail assured sa great ide was o come.Offwe went alongan old roadbed eadingto the single track--right there where themapsaid t wouldbe.What a fine downhill ride! Mark Richmanled the way. Hugh Leader and DerrickSeys olloweddisplaying dmirable kills.Anne Traegerand I kept what we'lI call asocialpaceat the rear where we chatted

    about...Well, ever mind what we chattedabout.Then IIE appeared.Up he jumped fromthe ground ike a troll-in-the-box. He hadbeen unning on these rails for nine years(andboy washe ired). He demandedhatwe exit his trails and ceasehe erosion nthese rain-soaked"conditions...Allow me to abbreviate his story. Weelectednot to challengehe angrypersondu our. (I know what you're hinking andI'm zureyou personallywould havehadabetter plan. You weren't there. Shut upand read) We sought he park ranger oran offrcial response. The day really gotless emarkablerom this point. Mark gotone answer rom the ranger;Derrick gotanother. We lost Mark. We found Mark.A rainstorm amealongand hen he trails

    our worker bees inedup, we'll likelyhavea littlepreeventmeeting o go overuseful nfo,suchas1) sa$'routesand reststop ocations; nticipatedidepassingimes2) food, drink, and equipmentBBC will provideandsuggested tuff of your own to bring along(e.g. lawchairs)3) operation f the digital adios provided y SoutherLINC)vyhichwill be assigned o each sag vehicleandrest stop Even f you can'tmake t to this meeting,we'get up withyou and makesureyou knowwhat'sneedefor your ob.Thisopportunitys open o anyonewho'd ike o helpou- BBC members,members of other bike dubssignificantothers, insignificant others, unwary coworkers,etc.Remember ifs not ust an unpaidob - it's an unpaadventure!For race nformatioft all,write,or tmaifPO Box55283,B'HamAL35255{205)991154,995-2013,r664*3669captai iack@mndspri g. om


  • 7/27/2019 Aug 1998


    Recycle nd ideyourbikeagain!1410Montgomery vvy, estavia(205)979-3460

    yourecently oticedhe BUMPsignsoddlypositionedhe areaand especially long -20? t wouldappearare marking n extension f Oak Mountain's edor theCheaharails.Onecan'thelpbut noticehe signsBUMP range)ndicatingBUMP'wasor spresent.oard asbeenasked f thiswas he plan,but heyany part in the signs.Was this a mysterious lanlast meeting, r any prior?Whatever heor whomeverheorganizers,heyappearo havea goodo makingBUMPa recognized lub,but their railneedssignificantmprovement.he trails are flatrack nterstate, r are we to ride the shoulder?ewhole hing eemso bemore n inewith oadbikes.epartmentimply tates he signsare here ondicationf rough errain r roadconditionssoundsikeEventually e may earn hatsecretworkdaysconstructing ilesof trailsccnnecting labemae the RobertTrentJonesgolfsystem. hatwouldbeine!!!


    BUY - SELL - TRADE. \{iA}[TEDlf you would like to run a classified ad, please submit by the nextmeeting or inclusion n next month'snewsletter.Wanted: Road Bike- 54 cm Call Mark 665-4944.For Sale Rock Shock Indy-C with Dirfworkscartridge.$100 CallDavid661-9800.Fo r Sale: 1998Bump and GrindT-shirts.Severalshirts emain romthe race. Sizes are limited o largeand XL Contact Ken Hesterorone of the board or purchasing t $10 each.For Sale: Pearl lzumi riding erseys featuringBUMP artwork.$65.00only a few are left and sizesare limited.Call Ken Hester879-8373

    to purchaseor if you are interested n ordering a new one. BUMPis considering avingmore made. We have to order a minimumquantity.So, if you are interestedplease et BUlvlPknow.Wanbd: COOL old bikes 1930's - 1960's Especially Schwinn.Absolutely ny condition. CallJoel 252-1612

    www.BUMP.orgAny ideas on expanding the web page?Let the board know. Walls NewMediahas sponsoredour site, and is looking ofideas on rvhat can be done to expand it.

    Your AddressChanged??Have ,you recentlychanged your addressand not updated it withBUMP? Pled$e update

    charges.Thank You

    The lv\0DfLfNffP s published to inform the local mountain bikingcommunity of current happenings in the area, and promote safe andresponsible use of mountain bicycles. If you would like to submitinformation of any kind, please let BLIMP know. Your ideas andsuggestions will be appreciated. Leave a message on our Hotline at(205) 592-BUMP or send an e-mril fo iBykDoU@aolcom.

    $ Hr rf,e[Yourillteelslnndi 4 l l) J . d 4BestuneealnTornm.{rwt*nsgWEAccesories,a$.Sales hofmsionalen'iceiflon..fii.:0.6Soturday:.5#ll Dutsr{vsnuermtlincillage?g{25;

    1998BUMPBoardof DirectorsBUMP sanotforprofitorganizationFresident JoeCotlin 849-e298VicePres. JimTyndal 879-6255VicePres. JackBransdorf 978-7079Treasurer MikeHerring 663-6083Secretary Hendrik now 879-6255Member JoelRobertson 252-1612Member JonKirchoff 870-9538TrailCzar KenHester 879-8373Newsletter AnneTraeger 969-7033

    {998 Gheck the BUMP Hotline for any changes in dates and time. 592-BUilP (2SOZ) rr'" v\tJDtLiN

  • 7/27/2019 Aug 1998


    ts i r i - rr ingharn Urban Mq:untainPost Office Box 590061Birmingham, AL 35259-0061lnternet age www.BUMP.org

    Flease Fonvard

    Pedalers /Vewsletter

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