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  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])


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  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])



    Doors that can open and close independently without the need of

    users contact, which utilizes the use of controlling devices, moving

    parts andnsensors.

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    Types of Automatic Doors

    - Swinging type, sliding type,

    folding type, revolving type

    and etc

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    How They Work

    To operate, every automatic door requires a Door Control System

    that can sense certain conditions in and nearthe doorway. In the majority of todays applications, the sensing tasks are

    performed by various combinations of two devices:

    (1) Motion detectors

    (2) Presence detectors

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    Motion Detectors Presence Detectors

    Motion detectors are used

    to determine if a person hasentered the Activation Zone.

    Once motion is detected, an

    open command is sent to

    the doorwhich then

    automatically opens thedoorway.

    Presence detectors are

    used towatch a given area to

    decide if,

    due to safety concerns, there

    are any reasons the door

    should not beopened or should be kept

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    The mechanism of automatic

    doorsA person approaches the Activation Zone

    His motion detected by the motion detector

    The controller sends signal to open the doorand the presence sensor is triggered at the

    same time

    The presence sensor detects the presence ofthe person and the door is kept opened

    When the presence sensor no longer detectsthe person, the controller will give instruction to

    close the door

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    Motion Detectors Motion detectors are devices that contains physical mechanism or

    electronic sensor that quantifies motion that can be either integrated

    with or connected to other devices that alert the user of the presence

    of a moving object within the field of view.

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    Motion DetectorsCombination of the 3 sensors:

    Passive infrared Sensor (PIR)

    Microwave Sensor

    Ultrasonic Sensor

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    Motion DetectorsActive motion sensors

    Emit energy into the surrounding and detects thechanges in energy after being reflected by thesurrounding

    Example: Active infrared, Microwave, UltrasonicSensor

    Passive motion sensors Do not emit energy but only detect energy

    emitted by the surrounding

    Example: Passive infrared Sensor

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    Presence Detectors Presence sensors are switching devices that

    respond to the presence and absence of people in

    the sensor's field of view.

    The system consists of a motion detector, an

    electronic control unit, and a controllable switch


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    Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) PIR is a type a pyroelectric sensor that detects the rapid changes in

    the overall amount of infrared light in a scene

    PIR does not detect motion, but only focuses on the difference of


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    Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) Slow, overall changes in the amount of infrared light,

    such as would occur when the sun goes behind a

    cloud or a room heats up, should not trigger the


    The sudden change caused by a human being

    entering the sensor's field of view should trigger the


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    Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR)Case 1: PIR

    A passive infrared motion detector has been installed and it is ready

    to monitor an activation zone. The average room temperature of the

    area being monitored is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Now imagine that aperson with a body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit emerges

    the scene. The passive infrared motion detector will pick up on the

    sudden increase in temperature and in doing so will trigger the

    system to open the door.

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    Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) Basically, when a person emerges a scene, the

    changes in temperature is an indication that there

    are motions going on in the surrounding

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    Microwave Motion Sensor Microwave motion detector sends out pulses of

    wave into a surrounding to detect motion.

    It monitors for Doppler shifts in wave energyreflected from the scene.

    A Doppler shift is a change in frequency of a wave

    that is reflected from or emitted by a moving object

    or is measured by a moving observer

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    Microwave Motion SensorAs in the motion-detection case, the detector is

    stationary, any frequency shift in waves reflected

    from the scene must result from the motion of

    objects in the scene.

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    Ultrasonic Motion Sensor Ultrasonic motion detector uses sound frequency

    in motion detection.

    Sounds that cannot normally be heard aretransmitted into an area: when motion occurs, it

    disturbs the frequency of the sound waves and can

    be identified by the sensor

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    There are three important parts in the passive infra-red sensor

    which is:-

    Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor,

    Infrared Fresnel lens

    Machined enclosure for mounting our Fresnel lens

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    Pyroelectric infrared


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    Pyroelectric infra-red sensors The pyroelectric sensor is made of a crystalline material that produce

    infrared radiation.

    When the amount of radiation changes, the amount of charge also

    changes and then be measured with a FET device built in the sensor.

    The sensor elements are sensitive to radiation so a filter window isadded to limit incoming radiation.

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    Infra-red fresnel lens

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    A Fresnel lens is a Plano Convex lens that has been collapsed on

    itself to form a flat lens.

    The Fresnel lens is made of an infrared transmitting material that has

    an specific IR transmission range.

    It is designed to have its grooves facing the IR sensing element sothat a smooth surface is presented to the subject side of the lens.

    Infra-red fresnel lens

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    Ultrasonic Sensor Structure

    1. Sensor Body

    2. Front Cover

    3. Spring Clips for installation two clips a and b

    4. Wires Connector

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    Principle of operations of

    Ultrasonic Sensors Ultrasonic sensors activate a quartz crystal that emits

    ultrasonic waves.

    The sensor then senses the frequency of the reflected waves.

    If there is motion, the reflected wave's frequency will shift

    slightly. Ultrasonic sensors operate at frequencies that are above

    human sensitivity.

    Ultrasonic sensors are very sensitive to


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    Microwave sensor

  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])


    Doppler motion detector units, or microwave sensors, operate at

    frequencies of 10 Mhz.

    They utilize a doppler radar signal which bounces microwaves off of

    an object, then measures the frequency of the returning microwaves.

    If an object is moving in the sensor's field, the returning microwave

    will be at a different frequency, higher or lower than the original

    signal transmitted.

    Microwave sensors offer a greater distance of coverage and are

    more reliable at greater distances. Microwaves can also penetratewalls which means these security sensors can be placed behind


    Principle Operation Of

    Microwave Sensor

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  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])


  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])




    9 volt battery,B1 provides power for some sections,also connected to

    a 7805L regulator,IC3.

    5 volt-DC power source provides power for other sections of thecircuit.

    Transmitter Section

    Basically a crsytal-controlled relaxation oscillator built around a 4049

    hex inverter,IC2

    One of the 4049 sections,IC2-c,along resistor R21 and R22,andcapacitors C11 and C12,pingsthe 40 kHz crystal into sustained


    Linear buffers,BZ2,to drive 40 kHz ultrasonic transmitting transducer

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    MOTION DETECTORRECEIVER SECTION Made up of four AC-coupled stages

    Each one built around one of four sections of LM324 op-amp

    First Stage

    The input voltage developed across R1 and R2 is modulated by 40kHz,ultrasonic receiving transducer,BZ1,and is then fed to IC1-a

    The receiving transducer detects any reflected sound produced bythe transmitting transducer,BZ

  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])




    IC1-b,recovered signal is again amplifier

    The output of the second stage is a DC level that represent the

    strengh of the envelope If there is movement,the envelope will reflect it in form of a positive or

    negative signal.

    Third Stage

    A differential amplifier built around IC1-c,there are two diodes,D2 andD3

    They detect negative and positive signal.

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    Fourth Stage Fourth Stage

    Built around IC1-d,is step up as monostable flip-flop

    Converts any signal that gets through the filter into a pulse

    substantial enough to turn on transistor Q1 When Q1 conducts,LED1 turns on and an output signal is provide to

    drive a separate relay or any other device connected to the circuit

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  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])


  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])


  • 7/31/2019 Automatic Doors (Font 20[2003])


    PIR This motion detector circuit will both detect motion and indicate

    direction that an infrared emitting body is moving.

    Potentiometer R10 is a sensitivity adjustment to vary the detection


    The first single shot to receive a trigger input from IC1C or IC1D will

    turn its output on to indicate the direction of detection and will also

    inhibit the other single shot

    Potentiometer R15 adjusts the amount of time that an output reminds

    on after motion is detected

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    ADVANTAGES Sensors afford certain inherent advantages over other competing

    detection methods.

    High sensitivity

    Low Cost Stable against electromagnetic inteferrence

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    DISADVANTAGES PIRs do not detect motion,but relatively rapid changes in the overall

    amount of infrared light in a scene.

    PIR sensors fail to detect intruder movement that is primarily towards

    or away from the sensor, rather than across its field of view.

    PIR sensors can fail to detect intruder movement that is slow.

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    APPLICATIONS Car Alarm System Use Microwave Sensors

    -This device will detect movement inside the vehicle by means of

    transmitting a very low power microwave signal.

    - The signal being emitted will be balloon shapes and horizontal indirection which makes this device suitable for all types of vehicles

    especially convertibles.

    Infrared Motion Detector Alarm

    -Motion detector alarm uses a passive infrared technology to

    protect a room from intruders.-Producing an infrared 80 degree angle of coverage, the motion

    alarm creates an unseen barrier that's impossible to penetrate

    at up to 30' away without setting off the 80 db alarm siren.

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    CONCLUSION In the appliance of automatic door sensor,it use two types of sensor

    which are motion detector and presence detector.

    Inside motion detector there are three types of detectors which are

    passive infrared sensor,motion sensor and microwave sensor.

    All the types of sensor has different characteristic in the application

    for automatic door sensor.

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    Reference Page 2,3,4,5 www.mssedco.com/door.html Page 7,8,9,12


    Page 10http://www.lightsearch.com/resources/lightguides/sensors.html


    Page 11,15,16



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