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Page 1: BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTERfiles.constantcontact.com/2dffb8a8001/3b71dcae... · Once again, join in for a day of fun and baseball as the Los Angeles Dodg-ers take on the Chicago Cubs—Sunday,




Weekly Torah Reading: 900 Haftorah 1193

Friday, Erev Shabbos, August 5th

Early Mincha 6:15 PM

Early Candle Lighting 6:35 PM Candle Lighting 7:32 PM

Mincha 7:40 PM

Shabbos, August 6th

Shacharis 8, 8:30 & 8:45 AM

Krias Shema 9:34 AM

Rabbi’s Shiur 6:20 PM

Mincha 7:20 PM

Maariv/End of Shabbos 8:32 PM


Shacharis Sunday 6:45, 8 & 8:40 AM

Shacharis Mon. & Thurs. 5:49 & 6:45 AM

Shacharis Tues., Wed. & Fri. 5:59 & 6:45 AM

Mincha Sun.-Thurs. 7:30 PM

Next Friday, Erev Shabbos, August 12th

Early Mincha 6:05 PM

Early Candle Lighting 6:25 PM

Candle Lighting 7:25 PM

Mincha 7:30 PM

Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9 AM - 4 PM Fri. 9 AM -12:00 PM

(818) 763-0560 [email protected] www.valleyshul.com

12800 Chandler Boulevard

Valley Village, California 91607

Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg, Senior Rabbi

(818) 763-6269 [email protected]

August 5 - August 13, 2016 1 Av - 8 Av 5776

Parshas Mattos-Masei

יעמס-פרשת מטות Rosh Chodesh Av ראש חדש אב

More Inside

Mazel Tovs & Thanks …..……..2 Condolences & Community...2 Messages……………..…………....2 Laws of the 9 Days…………..….3 What’s Happening………...…...3 Tehillim List…………………….…..4 Photo Album…….…………...…..4

Constructive MourningBy Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg

The prospect of Tisha B’Av and its Three Weeks is always a daunting one. It annually seems to creep up and interrupt our summer bliss. The mourning restrictions along with a grueling 24+ hour fast are not something that we embrace. It is not unusual for even the more seasoned among us to look forward to the day after Tisha B’Av when life can resume to normalcy. The question is what did Chazal want us to really gain during this period? The in-tended goal cannot be a countdown just to get it over with.

The Gemara tells us pointedly: “Whoever mourns for Yerushalyim will merit to see her joy; and those who don’t mourn for Yerushalayim will not see her joy.” (Tannis 30b) It’s interesting that the verb of choice is “to see her joy or not to see her joy.” It all comes down to what you see. Not necessarily what you “merit” or “experience” and “know” to be true, but rather what you see.

The real mission of the Three Weeks is to see what we are lacking.

If life seems complete, despite the absence of peace in our home-

land, with Hashem’s Divine Presence felt, then there really is not

much point to mourning for what once was. Why cry and take to

the floor if everything is fine?

However, if we see and really perceive the ravages of golus and

understand that we are still wandering and a divided people with-

out any solutions to our real problems, then that moment of realiza-

tion can unleash the natural expressions of sadness that we

should be feeling.

Ideally, the Fast of Tisha B’Av is not to be considered imposed

upon us, but rather something that organically comes from within

us. If we can find the courage and focus to embrace the Three

Weeks in this vein, then we will BE”H merit to see the joy of


Yizkeirim Remember Them

Sunday, August 14th at 4 PM in the Sugarman Social Hall

Shaarey Zedek Adult Education presents a

screening of Sh’eiris Hapleitah - An inspira-

tional narrative of concentration camp survi-

vors after liberation and their early existence

in the Displaced Persons camps. The film fo-

cuses on their tremendous resilience and de-

termination to rekindle Yiddishkeit and Torah



Headlines and Halacha

Join Rabbi Rosenberg one hour before Mincha as current events will be debated through the prism of halacha: Paying Ransom for Captives: Is it permitted to pay

money or exchange terrorists for even one prisoner?


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Mazel Tov מזל טוב

To Dr. Martin and Marilyn Kay on the birth of a baby girl, Ariela Hinda, to their children, Noah and Deena Kay. Mazel

tov to grandmother, Irina Krapiva and to aunts and uncles, Avrumi and Rachel Bak, Azriel and Alia Kay and David and Dorsa Kay. Mazel tov to all of Ariela’s cousins.

To Mark and Ellen Hurwitz on the engagement of their son Zev to Claire Olsher, daughter of Pnina Olsher and

Steven Olsher of San Diego. Mazel tov to Zev’s brother, Mati, Claire’s brother, Marc and grandparents Avi and Mar-galite Hurwitz and George and Paulette Olsher. Zev is the grandson of the late Robert and Bonni Greenberg, z”l.

Thank You תודה רבה

To Chaim and Tali Raskin for sponsoring the Community Shabbos Afternoon Program Shalosh Seudos.

To David Eskenazi and Tzvi Forman for organizing the once again, highly successful, Steak and Scotch Event.

Condolences ברוך דין האמת

To Yasha Addes on the loss of his father, Dr. Vel Addes, Velvel ben Yeshayahu, z”l.

Community קהילה

The unveiling for Ira Moore, a”h, brother of Jan Moore, will be this Sunday, August 7th at 9:30 AM at Mt. Sinai

Hollywood Hills.

It is truly exciting to have the privilege of being the youth director for such an incredible community. Having grown up in the Valley myself, I consider it an honor to be able to give back to the com-munity that has given so much to me. Although I haven't been part of Shaarey Zedek for long, it has been very welcoming to me and my family, making us feel like long-standing members. I am looking forward to creating a fantastic youth program that will help build a wonderful and positive Torah-infused experience for our young members. Looking forward to building a strong and loving community together.

Ronson Moses, Youth Director

As hard as it may be to believe, Rosh Hashana is just a couple of months away. Whether you choose to keep the same seats you have had for years, or you de-cide to try a different minyan, under Rabbi Rosenberg’s leadership, we are working on improving the shul experience for eve-ryone. Among other things, we are trying to have each minyan end at the same time so that no one has to pick one based on how early they will be home. If you have other suggestions, whether for the Yamim Noraim, Sukkos, Simchas Torah or any other shul service feel free to contact me.


Mark Hurwitz, VP Religion

I am the current VP of Membership and would like to reach out to everyone at Shaarey Zedek. If you have any questions about your membership, I would be happy to help you. I also need your help identify-ing new families in our community. Please contact me if you know of anyone who has moved in over the past year, as we want to welcome them into our community. We also have some great programming planned for this upcoming year. I look forward to hearing from all of you! Check your mail, for 2016-2017 Membership Forms. They will be coming out soon.

Perla Muhlstein, VP Membership

Thank you to all the members of the Education Committee for all their hard work organizing programs over this past year. We have had interesting scholars and speakers including the Elul Series, AIPAC Shabbos, OU Shabbos, Jewish Book Month, women speakers, and films for Yom HaShoah and Tisha B'Av. We were honored to present a wide variety of inspiring and informative speakers including Rabbi Lazer Brody, Rabbi Adam Ferziger, author Beth Cohen, Rabbi Dr. Avraham Stein-berg, YU President Richard Joel, OU Executive Director Alan Fagin, Professor Michelle Levine and Herb Keinon.

We appreciate all the sponsors, without whose support these programs would not be possible. This month of Av, we will have a video presentation for Tisha B’Av and we will start the New Year with our Annual Elul Series to inspire us for the Yamim Noraim. Sponsorships and suggestions for future programs are always welcome.

Lisa Lintz, VP Education

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The Laws of the Nine Days

The onset of the month of Av (Thursday evening, August 4th at 7:51 PM) ushers in a period of sadness as we ap-

proach the Fast of Tisha B’Av. There are several halachos that govern our daily lives as we enter this state of pub-

lic mourning for the destruction of the Batei Mikdashos. The following is a brief compendium of the basic laws and

customs. Please feel free to contact Rabbi Rosenberg with any particular shailos .

1. Vacations and travel for pleasure should be postponed until after the conclusion of the Fast (Sunday, August

14th). Travel for business and especially for mitzvah-related purposes (Bris, Pidyon Ha’ben etc.) is permissible.

2. Home and garden renovations which are not related to maintenance and of immediate necessity should be

scheduled for after Tisha B’Av. Ideally they should not be done during the entire Three Week period.

3. Laundering and dry-cleaning are suspended during the Nine Days even if the garments will not be worn until after Tisha

B’Av. Likewise, freshly laundered and dry-cleaned garments should not be worn during this time.

4. The purchase of “big ticket” items such as cars, appliances, furniture is prohibited during the Nine Days. In cases

of great necessity, a shailoh should be asked. Clothes and shoes are included in this prohibition. Non-leather

shoes that are needed for Tisha B’Av may be purchased. Minor household items may also be purchased.

5. Meat and wine are not to be indulged during the Nine Days. This includes poultry and grape juice. This prohibi-

tion does not apply on Shabbos or at a Seudas Mitzvah (e.g. Bris, Siyum Mesechta). Havdallah Wine is customarily

given to a minor to drink. If no minor is available, it is permissible to drink the wine. *One need not make havdallah

on beer instead of wine.

6. Bathing for pleasure and swimming are prohibited during the Nine Days. One may bathe for medical purposes

and shower for hygiene. (If possible, the water temperature should be luke-warm to minimize the pleasure).

Boomers! Upland Family Event

Sunday, August 21st 12 PM to 4 PM

Mini Golf, Cosmic Golf, Go Karts, Spin Zone Bumper Cars, Bumper Boats, Rock Wall, Ferris Wheel,

and Kiddie Rides. $17.99 per person for 4 hours of

unlimited attractions. RSVP by August 17th

[email protected] (818)261-4349

1500 W. 7th Street, Upland

Shabbat of Unity

Please join us as we organize a food exchange to raise money for the Shaarey Zedek Discretionary Fund and Tomchei Shab-bos of L.A., by preparing delicious items for Shabbat Cha-zon, August 12-13. Let’s show the unity of our community and

raise some much needed tzedakah. If you would like to participate, please email Anne Greenfield at [email protected] (IMPORTANT: No or-ganization is endorsing the kashrut of any chef).

Jewish Community Day at Dodger Stadium

Once again, join in for a day of fun and baseball as the Los Angeles Dodg-ers take on the Chicago Cubs—Sunday, August 28 at 1:10 PM. $49 per ticket includes a Dodger T-shirt in Hebrew. For info and tickets, contact Adam Effy Braun at [email protected] or at (917) 656-6450. Go Blue! Valley Torah High School

Annual Blood Drive

VTHS will be hosting its Annual Red Cross Blood Drive at Shaarey Zedek in the Social Hall on Wednesday, August 10th from 9 AM to 3 PM. There is a blood supply shortage in Los Angeles and donating is a huge mitzvah. For appointments, please contact Josh Gurstein at (818) 357-0276.

SZ Jewish Book Club

SZ Book Club, open to all adult men and women, is presently reading

Israel’s Edge: The Story of the IDF’s Most Elite Unit - Talpiot, by

Jason Gewirtz. They will meet Wednesday, August 10th at the home

of Devorah Perchik at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend even if you have

not read the book. Please RSVP to [email protected].

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Tehillim Circle Contact Debbie Striks (818)752-9666 or Mona Riss (818)761-5077 to add or delete a name.

May our tefilos bring them a refuah shelaimah!

Women Leah Chana bas Sarah Leah Tova Rivka bas Esther Rachel Ruchama bas Miriam Yehudis Sarah Bryna bas Gitel Kalo bat Sarah Margalit Chaviva bas Shulamit Bracha Henna bas Sarah Rivka Leah bas Penina Bracha bas Chaya Rochel Adina bas Chana Tali bas Nechama Esther Sara bas Elka Golda Raizel bas Riva Chaya Maya bas Batya Tzirel bas Malka Bryna Rus Shoshana bas Chana Rivka Noima bas Devorah

Devorah Miriam bas Sarah Leah Chaya Sura bas Sima Batya Penina bas Kayla Miriam bas Rivka Rachel bas Leah Rochel Leah bas Tzippa Chana bas Claire Roiza Devora bas Hindel Leah Ariel Shifra bas Enka Rachel Sarit bas Simcha Blima bas Esther Hentcha Miriam bas Hudel Tzivia Gittel bas Shoshana Rochel Golda bas Chana Leah bas Rivkah Paris Parvin bat Gohar Chava Bracha bat Batya Meirav Bracha bat Sara Feiga

Irana bat Sophie Elisheva Leah bat Sara Devorah bat Dina Raisel Shulamit bat Henna Sarah Anbar bat Machani Miriam bas Sara Rachel bas Sheva Orli Penina bas Rachel Fraida Perel Toiba bas Rivka Faiga Rochel bas Emma Gitel bas Etel Zvia bat Chana Aliza bas Rini

Men Felix ben Anna Uri Shraga ben Serach Yisachar Dov ben Shoshana Roiza Shraga Feivel ben Rachel Malkiel ben Dobi Baila Shelaim Tzvi ben Chaya Gitel Kasriel Hertzig ben

Fayga Ari Daniel ben Rut Sarah Yitzchak ben Keshvar Adam ben Miriam Yitchak Peretz ben Tzippa Zev Yosef ben Gitel Elimelech ben Basya Refael Noam Meir ben Chana Tzvi Hirsch ben Mindel Yehuda Eliezer ben Roiza Devora Nissim Daniel ben Chana Yigal ben Sarah Yitel Yishayahu ben Zissel Yosef Daniel ben Miriam Yehuda Baruch ben Miriam Reuven ben Shoshana Yechezkel ben Gitel Mordechai ben Chaya Yisroel Gedalia ben

Chana Eliezer Zev ben Gitel Moshe ben Faiga Rochel Yoel ben Shoshana Yekutiel Aharon ben Sara Gitel Zeev ben Pesha Baruch ben Riva Nachum ben Perel Baruch ben Sheva Refoel Daniel ben Miriam Leah Reuven Michoel ben Shayna Bayla Yitzchak Moshe ben Deena Rivka Hershel ben Sara Dan ben Raisel Gittel Yonatan Mordechai ben Pesha Elka Naftali ben Teretz Moshe Yisroel ben Chaya Ettel Chaim Mendel ben Fraida Pesa

Ari Micha ben Sarah Feiga Yitzchak ben Bracha Eitan ben Nurit Giora ben Malka Pinchas Yehuda ben Mindl Natan Shmuel ben Ziva Shmuel Chayim ben Chaya Sara Yisroel Shlomo ben Fraida Yitzchak ben Tauba Amir ben Farhang Asher Yochanan ben Shifra Melech Shlomo ben Rachel Tinok ben Anat Adam Shalom Refael ben Margolit Nechama David Natan ben Sara Chana David ben Chaya Sara Baruch Chaim ben Chaya Bracha Moshe ben Miriam Shlomo ben Miriam






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