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Elderflower Julep


1 lemon wedge

Handful of mint



(Individual serving)

Squeeze the lemon wedge into the

julep tin, twist and squeeze the

mint and add the leaves in. Add all

WKH�OLTXLGV�DQG�FKXUQ�ZLWK�FUXVKHG�LFH��PDGH�ZLWK�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�water. Garnish with a mint sprig

and two straws.

www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

Hot Toddy


1 wedge of lemon

1 star anise

��FORYHV20ml honey

10ml ginger syrup

��FLQQDPRQ�VWLFN���PO�KRW�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�ZDWHU(Individual serving)

Squeeze the lemon wedge into a

jam jar and drop the wedge in. Add

all the remaining ingredients and

stir until the syrup and honey has


www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

Pink Champagne


125grams of sugar



330ml ginger beer


87.5ml grenadine

$GG�WKH�VXJDU�DQG�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�water into a bowl and stir until

dissolved. Then add all the other


www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

Lavender Sour




5ml maple syrup


Dash of lavender syrup

(Individual serving)

Add all the ingredients apart

from the lavender syrup into a

%RVWRQ�JODVV�DQG�VKDNH�ZLWK�ORWV�RI�LFH�PDGH�IURP�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�water. Strain into a short tumblr

and drizzle lavender syrup on

WRS��7KHQ�DGG�D�VOLFH�RI�OHPRQ�and a lavender sprig.

www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

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