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Page 1: Bureros Bert Mary 1992 Philippines

Forwarding AgentsK/K Bob Fraitt273^ S. River RoadGrants Pass, OR 9752?



I'-iEDFORO, ORbGJi\i 97501January 1992

M/M Bert BurerosP.O. Box 493515 Aparri, CagayanPhilippines


"Already? Yes, again we are looking forward to another year. As I think back over 1991* 1realize more and more how the Lord helns us each day and in every situation. Isa. ^0j28-31says *Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of theends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired andweair.'', and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They ml] soar on win~s like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and notbe faint, * "ow the Lord has shown us in this last year that we cannot fathom his wisdom and idiyHe does things the way He does. And how many, many times he has increased our strength andcarried us on when we thought we could go no longer. He has worked in so many ways through us,his weak earthen vessels and showed His power and that He is the everlasting God. He has usedyou, our rraver and financial oartners to work His work in this land and through this ministry.VJe praise and thank Him for each of you and your faithfulness.

Praise for the year 1991s1. Kanv of our children received theLord and were baptized. They are in different stages of

growth and still need our prayers.2. Fuch was done on the chapel building and we are able to use it for the ACE school.3. We were able to get the contract with ACE and can start our school.b. Our permanent resident visas were granted, even without our court appearance.5. We were able to acquire more property for the camp in Cebu. Though the Lord has provided

funds we have payments yet to meet.6. •mch spiritual growth and much progress on the coraiminity of Ganzano, and generous help from

IDES after Ganzano was struck by a strong typhoon.7. Tbe Lord, through the government has provided us with another carabao (pregnant) to start"

a carabao herd for the Home (a carabao is a water buffalo).8. We have been snared from natural disaster.9. We have seen much spiritual growth and the Lord working in our lives, in ourselves, among

the staff, and among the children.10. Good health and strength even idien others in our area have suffered much sickness.11. The Lord's constant provision of our needs, through you wonderful people. There have been

times lately when funds have been a bit short, but the Lord has provided in other ways,such as good crops, local donations, or borrowed funds.

12. T^;e Lord's constant protection over us in the midst of unrest.

FAi-.ILy UPDATa; Two of our children have left our family after livingwith us for 3 years. Mia came to us one week old, an illegitimate H IKbaby by rare, and has gone to live with a doctor and her family idio |B ^brought her to us to begin with. We miss Kila very much, such a happy, HB\ 3''sweet, intelligent girl. She is near us so we hope to see her. These ed of our Lord has been planted in her and we pray that we will also |^"have a chance to continue watering it. Pray that they will see the P'need for her to have spiritual teaching and bring her on Sundays. Fray 'that we will also be able to reach to the family with the Word of our % 'Lord, Manuel Viloria, who came a few months old, left right after his f'-P't"/-' \Lth birthday. He is being adopted by an aunt, who is also adopting the ^other E children in the family, vdio lived with us in the past. They are V ^Hba good Christian family and it makes the separation so much easier, •vdien - ;they are going to Christian homes. Pray for Manuel's adjustment and for 'quick action on the paoers. The husband is a US Navy man. I

In the last 3 months we have increased by 2 children. Ysmael came at ^ ^2 mos.old. "His mother is a Christian and the husband, left her and the

3 children without "any means of support. They are living with^herfather, but he has no income. So she brought the baby to us ^ile sheworks. He was just being, fed rice water. Jay-R. 3 weeks old, is an MILAillegitimate baby, a real darling. His mother was very, very weak andsick, and unable to work and was not caring for the baby. The people in whose bourse she wasstaying were caring for him, but also have their own family. Jay-R was just the right size andattitude t 0 nlay baby Jesus for Christmas. Slept through the whole program. The mother isinterested in Bible study, so pray that her heart will be touched by the love of our Lord.She had some Christian teaching in her early childhood.

In Bagabag they have received P.J., 7 mos. old. He is actually the younger brother of GLa, -whose father was killed in a logging accident. F.J. is number 6 or 7 in the family. He is asweet little boy.

IIVTERPS In Oct. Fiichelle, from Idaho, arrived. She is a trained monitor for ACE, but since weare not yet really into it, she had been helping just in the hands-on care of the children,which is s big help. Pray for her adjustment and for the working of the Lord in her life.In early Hov. Iteve Lbite from New Zealand joined us. He has been having some Bible studies withsome of our young men, and working a kind of discipling program with them. He also gets involved in the lives of our kids in m.any ways, fray for him as he seeks how the Lord would usehim in the future. ?Te is definitely interested in continuing to work in the Philippines.

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December is a very busy month around here. With many nro?rams and gettir? ourselves ready forChristmas, we need the extra strength from the Lord. We oraise the Lord for the good Christmasthat we had. At first the sririt was not a good one, but with orayer we had a vrcnderfulChrist-mas. We baked coodies, made presents, decorated, --ut on programs, and enjoyed a deliciousmeal. The boys and girls have a contest between them for decorating their rooms for Christmas.The girls won this year, with a final decoration of a live Nativity. 'What a beautiful expression of the meaning of Christmas, the gift of God's Son, our Savior. Thank you to all of youwho made our Christmas a part of your Christmas, and gave to help uscelebrate. We had ourchased and butchered a cow earlier, at a very ''5 ^special orice, and had kept the two back hams for Christmas. One webarbequed over the coals and the other we baked in the oven. It wastender and delicious. We also had fried chicken and butchered 3goats. It was a feast we were able to share with several visitors,parents and carolers.

We had the joy this Christmas of having our daughter Sherry Ann and ••her two bea utiful daughters here with us for a week. We also have "-our daughter Gloria living near here with her two handsome boys. Itwas a joy to have them all here for Christmas. All of our other 5"''- L •children were home except Maureen in the deaf-blind school, Jessie q /doing his internship for Medical Technician, James Paul, idio attends 1.^ -deaf school, and Gerry, who had gone to be with his parents. In •4°"'Bagabag they also had all their children home, and were given a spec- . -d sfial Christmas party by the members of the SIL (Wycliffe Bible Trans- "Plators) located in Bagabag. That was a special blessing for them. •] n.-l S

PLEASE PRAY FOR; M '1. The Bagabag (satellite) family—they are still looking for SHHiSl

another building and they need a chaplain.2. The Efevidsons (managers of the satellite home) as they prepare Jay-A and mother

for furlough in June.3. Cindy (former intern from New Zealand) as she considers returning to the Philip-^ines and

how she may best serve the Lord.The government—elections are coming up here and there are changes taking place in thegovernment right now, as well as peace and order problems.

5. Our young people to be strong in the Lord. We all know temptations face our young people.The young ones in this Home have a unique situation in that being from the Home they are"different",and they want to be accepted, so that makes the temptations even stronger.

6. Our needs to be met, as th Lord has promised nad has told us to ask from Him. we pray Hisblessings on you who share so generously with us.

?• health and strength as we continue on.8. That we may obtain a school permit from the Department of Education. They are not yet

familiar with our type of school.9* As we come into a new year may we all pray that our lives will shine brighter with the love

of Jesus Christ and many will come to know the joy of having Jesus as their Lord and Savior,because of our being able to share that love with them.

Again we want to thank each of you for your wonderful love and faithfulness in supporting thisministry through giving and prayer. We could not do it without you. Please continue to hold usup in prayer and join us also in praising the Lord for all He has done.

In Christian love,

Bert and Mary


lil40 S. OAKDALE 773-31^MEDPORD, OREGON 97501


Horizons MagazineMissions Servicp^Box 2427Knoxvilie

Non-profit OrganizationU.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 5^1Medford, Oregon

TN 37901

Page 3: Bureros Bert Mary 1992 Philippines


Foi^ardine Agents ROGUS VALI£Y CERISTlArl CHURCH M/^5 Bert BurerosM/K Bob Pniitt 1^0 SO. OAKDALE P.O. Box ^92784 S. River Road i^iEDFORD, OREGOK 97501 3515 Aparri, CagayanGrants Pass OR 97527 July 1992 Philippines


To Our Dear Friends; There have been many CHANGES in the Cagayan Valley Children's Home familiesthis summer. Main Home: 5 children went home and one moved to Bagabag. Jhessie Jhon went tolive with his mother after being here for more than 6 years. He came as an infant, and how "wemiss him. It was a blessing to be able to visit him last month when I was in Manila. His motheris attending Bible study and services, so his spiritual training will continue. Marlon and Jennifer. 5 y©sr residents, went home with their mother and joined their older brother and new babysister* Tlie mother had married again and the husband has accepted the children well. They havebeen waiting to go home and were happy to go. The mother is a Christian and they attend thechurch in their place. The other girl, Mary Grace. Age 10, chose to stay at the Home and to studyin our school. The mother will help with her expenses. Nelson, a Negrito boy who came at 1 yr.old, severely malnourished and weak, and with cerebral palsy, went home with his parents afterbeing here l-j years. He was just about ready to walk when he left and we pray that he is doingfine and walking now. Ysmael. whose mother brought him after the father seemingly abandoned them.,went home after 6 mos. The husband had gone abroad illegally^and so was not able to contact thefamily. But he came home and all is fine, so Ysmael had gone home. He is also in a Christian fairily, for which we praise the Lord. It always hurts to let them go, but the pain is lesser if theyare in Christian homes. Joyce had the opportunity to go home with her mother, (who is also aChristian now) but also chose to stay at the Home, to study in our school, go to the Christian high-school and then majrbe on to Seminary. Vfe praise the Lord for her desire to get a Christian education and to serve the Lord. Our girl Lani has moved to Bagabag Satellite Home after it wasfound out her sisters were living near there. She is very happy there.Satellite Home: Avelyn. who has been with us for 7 years, has been able to go home. Her motherwas planning to get her before the earthquake (about 2 yeaps ago) but their home and place waspretty much wiped out so they were not able to get her until last month. Dona. 18 mbs. resident,was able to return to her family. Her mother had died after she was born, and now the older sister can care for her and the father can support them. Maureen, the deaf/legally blind girl whohas been studying in special schools, has been taken home by her older sister. She has learned alot and is a young lady now. They are happy to have her back home.Both homes have received one child. Reynaldo. 6, joined us last month. His younger sister andbrother have been here about 2 years. The mother had cerebral malaria and is caused brain damageand the father has tried to care for the two older boys and the mother. Now the oldest boy isliving with relatives and they are sending him to school. This is a Christian family and Reynaldois a good boy. Pray for their mother's healing. In Bagabag 19 mos. old Joxter has come to staya while. Bie mother is sick and cannot care for the baby. If the father took care of the babythen there was no one to work for food. Now the father can work and get money for medicine forthe mother as well.FURL0U(2i TIME; In early June, Dick and Kay Davidson, managers of the Satellite Home,left for 6mos. furlough. Please keep them in your prayers. Cindy Moreton, from New Zealand, has takentheir place as manager and is doing fine. Pray for her as well. Wa praise the Lord for thisstrong Christian girl that He provided to meet this need.

CHRISTMAS ^N JUNE Eldon and Sie Potts again brought a group of people and provided a wonderfulparty, gifts for all the children, and many goodies. The fellowship and sharing were a greatblessing. The grouo also went to the Bagabag Home for a party there.VISITORS Joy Perry from Taiwan came for 3 weeks . She was a great helper and a friend for thechildren. Mike May. from New Zealand, came for 2 months. He is a good worker and is looking forways to serve and Lord and other people. Ann Jaynes was sent to us with the support of the Mil-waukie Christian Church in Milwaukie, OR. She is a special education teacher and came specificallto helo us with our handicapped kids. The only handicap is that her time has run out. What agreat help and encouragement she has been, especially for Dolores (cerebral palsied) and in helping us to see the need for communication and hew and easy ways to make it possible. We are looking forward toa return of Ann to help us more. A heartfelt thanks to the Milwaukie church andAnn for this special "contribution". Anyone else ^o would like to donate their special talentsand services is welcome.

ANGELS REJOICE 11 One of the most special and exciting things that has happened was the baptismof our boy Arnold. Arnold has been with us since he was almost 4. He turned 17 in April. Wehave been praying for him for quite some time concerning his relationship to the Lord. What arejoicing there was as he made the step forward to share his desire to accept the Lord JesusChrist as his Savior and to be baptized. Acouple weeks later Alfredo and Jody approached Bertabout being rebaptized, as their baptism, done when they were young, was more of a "keep up withthe other kids" type of thing, with no real commitment. So they were also baptized. We praisethe Lord for their decision and I am pleased with the change in their lives, especially Jody.Keep them in prayer.

SCHOOL BELLS School started in mid June. Here at the Home we have 15 in kindergarten and 33 Inour own school, using A.C.E. Qirrirulum (Accelerated Christian Education). Ten of those are in

ABC's, or Learning to Read program, which Mary is teaching and the others are in the regularPACE work. There are 9 young people in high school: one in Bagabag, 4 boarding out at theChristian High School in the Province of Isabella, and 4 studying in the local high school. InBagabag.. there is one in kindergarten and 6 in elementary. Wb praise the Lord for our 4 seminarystudents: JoAnn and Arnold in Manila Bible Seminary and Jody and Magie in Aparri Bible Seminary.Charito is studying part time in Seminary and taking Midwifery at a local college here in Aparri.Jessie is about to graduate as a Medical Technician from Siliman University, and is now in Manila

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preparing for his Board exam. James- Paul (deaf 1) is also in the Christian school for the deafin Tuguegarao (about Ij hrs. away).

Our OUTHEACHES into the Negrito and someillocano groups are growing and going well. There aremore and more olaces asking for preachers and help, so keep this need in your prayers. Ganzanois doing well, and their crops are doing well. Pray for no typhoons to hit, but for the rainsto come. New works in Dagupan and Baracuit are building their chapel buildings. Thanks to thofof you who make special designated offerings to help these special evangelistic and socialoutreaches.

iMISSION YOUTH CAI^IP Dave White has continued working on the camp in Cebu. The youth camp hadmore than 25O in attendance. They have also had other meetings and retreats held there. Thedesignated funds for the camp have come to an end for now, but we are praying for the Lord'ssupply in the future. Maantime Dave is workingholding Bible studies, etc. Please keep him incouragements, joys, etc. He is pretty much alone there, as a foreigner, and sometines, it isa bit difficult. But that is when you learn to trust the Lord more.

with the church and encouraging others andprayer as he deals with culture shock, dis-

It was found that Mary's father had cancer and had surgery in May. Praise the Lord that allindications are that the surgery was successful and the cancer has all been removed. Bob isstill recuperating, and improving as should be. Vfe would appreciate your prayer for him as hecontinues to regain his strength. |There are so many things to be thankful for. These last few months have been busy, and at timeffrustrating, other times filled with joy and happiness. How we praise the Lord for each ofthese as x^e learn to trust in Him more and to s^e Him working in all situations. "Do youknow? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of theearth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He givesstrength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and notfaint." Isa. ^0:28-31.What promises to all as we serve the Lord, in His strength and power. Thank you again so muchfor all each of you have done to make this ministry, in its different areas, possible.


1. The Davidsons on furlough2. Our children who are students,

especially those studying outside.3. All of our young peoole to be true

and strong in the Lord.Jessie as he reviews for the Board :exam.

5. The needs for our school, for books,monthly expenses, etc.

6. For the daily operating expenses ofthe Home and the other areas ofministry.

7» For our newly baotized boys.8. For continued healing for Mary's

father and both parent's strengthas they serve as forwarding agents.


1440 S. OAKDALE 773-31^MEDFORD, OREGON 97501


Horizons MagazineMissions ServicesBox 2427Knoxville IN 37901-


1. For the decision of our three boysto follow and serve the Lord.

2. For my father's successful surgeryand Hugh Kafton's successful herniasurgery and quick healing.

3. For general good health for s^l_thechildren ^d staffThe good summer

5. The Lord's continued supplying ofour needs, throu^ you* our own cropsand animals, and others who help.

6. For the chance that we have to servethe Lord in many different ways.

7. For the Lord's grace and love for usthat He makes us His children andprovides salvation for us throughHis Son.

In His love and service,

Bert and Mary

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 5^1Medford, Oregon

Page 5: Bureros Bert Mary 1992 Philippines

Forwarding ^^ents

b./h Bob Pruitt2784 So. River RopdGrants Pass, OR 97527

rcOG.'L V/'.Liii u.-.RloTx.-^i Oi.l.Rv.

14R0 SC. C/'fLV'Lii;

i'-:bDFOAD, ORRGCi^ 97501October 1992


bi/i'. Bert BirerosT .0. Box 493515 A'oarri, Cagayanfhilionines

Our Dear Friends; "Praise the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgivesall your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems j'^our life from the pit and crowns 2^ouwith love and comr-assdion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth isrenewed like the eagle's . . . For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is hislove for those who fear him." Fsalra 103:2-51 11.

Kow wonderful is our Lord's love for us. ^e see it so many times and in so many ways. One ofthe biggest ways we see Kis love is through you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are sofaithful and generous in your prayer and financial support. How thankful we are for each oneof you and your partnership vdth us in this ministry of bringing help and Christ to these 123chilcren, to the staff, and to many Negrito communities. Thank you for helping us.

CHAi'jGLS In our Homes thet^ have been changes. In Lal-lo, at the main Rome, our older boyAlfredo is no longer vath us. In the last newsletter I mentioned that he had been re-baptizedand he had been doing very well. But he gave in to the temptation to steal, and having beenwarned of this several times, he racked bis bag and left. He is a good boy but has a real problem with stealing. He is living with a neighbor, an older sister paying his room, and takescare of his own food and is continuing in school. He is also at Sunday services quite frequently.Fray for him, that he will continue to walk in the way of the Lord. He is 17 years old.

We have received 2 new children, Regie 18 months, and Rachelle, 4 years old. They have anolder sister and brother who are living icitb other relatives near their parents. The fatherused to make charcoal and a year ago suddenly lost use of his legs and has been bed-ridden.Consequently, his muscles have atronhied end he even has a hard time sitting up. The mother hasbeen trying to suo-^ort the family by being a laundry woman, but they were really hard up. Praythat we will be able to help this family, besides caring for the children.We are very hanpy that our boy Jessie has graduated from Siliraan University as a medical technician. He just took his board exam, with the sup-^ort of our prayers. Miile Jessie was inFanila studving for the exam our boy yirgilio, 5 years old, started having seizures. Virgiliohad had a shunt out in when he was 3 years old and had meningitis. He came to us at 2 yearsold, and had no problems until August. We were able to get Virgilio to iXianila (the Lord workingthat out) and into a good government hospital where he did receive a new shunt. He was inI'ianila a month. The Lord again showed His power and love by keeping Virgilio alive and workingin the hearts of doctors to help in his care and financial needs. Also much help was given, byother Christian grouos who help people with food and medicines who cannot afford them. "We reallyhad no place in our tight budget for these kind of expenses and God took care of the needs. Thesurgery was completely free, we had to supply the shunt and medicines, which was a big chunck.Virgilio has a way to go now to recover his motor skills, etc., but we know with the Lord'shelp he wil] do well. After Jessie finished his exam he was able to help our nurse, Marilyn,who was with Virgilio, and another member of the staff, and was also able to observe Virgilio'ssurgery—a real blessing for a boy hoping to be a doctor someday.

In tsagabag Satellite Home 2 children, (^alita and Rosalie, both 3 yr's. old, have gone home. Gia'smother became a Christian after bringing Gia to us 2 yrs. ago, so we are happy Gia has gone toa Christian home, we think Rosalie's mother and her husband are not Christians, But they areliving near one of our churches so we hope they will be receptive to the pastor and his messageof Christ. In Bagabag tbev have another baby boy, Fidelito. who is 14 mos. old, but looks andacts more like a 4 month old, as be is severely mal-nourished and neglected.He is growing and changing quickly. There are 7 children but the father is |a drunkard and the mother busy trying to find ways to feed the family. 'The baby has lived on rice water. Pra^' we can bring Christ to them as well.We also moved Rio from the Lal-lo Home to Bagabag as his mother lives nearthere and has been wanting to visit her son, but has no money for fare. mbJrFLiuASB FRAY In our last newsletter we told that Dick and Kay E&vidson,who have been managing the Satellite Home, had gone home on furlough. I rn \Cindy Foreton from Hew Zealand came to run the Home while they were gone. | IIt has been found that Dick has prostate cancer that has spread to his Iback. Dick is trying an experimental medicine that seems to be produc- 1ing signs of improvement. He feels well and thev continue some travels B \on behalf of the Satellite Home and their support. We know the Lord has M '/*/* jthe power to heal and ask .your prayers for them. Their goal is to re- • 1turn to serve at the Hoir.e at Bagabag. • " jWe are very thankful that Cindy is willing to stay and ask your praj^ers I ^ Jfor her as she applies for a new visa, and also for her personal support, jBas she as yet has little regular support. 1HOSPITAL The Fbilippine Fission,under Charles and Roberta Selby, isbuilding a hos-^ital in Ararri, which will be a complete hospital. Kowanxious we are for the dav it will be finished t Fray for the funds to ^•V^EEr-*l8ttgcontinue the buildin? and for the equipment and for the Lord to send theChristian staff needed—either Filipino or foreign. If the hospital had

been finished and a neurosurgeon here we would not have had to send Fidelito & motherVirgilio to b^niU, Wbat a blessing the hosnital ^.-ill be to us. and to IB - Ti iKo

Page 6: Bureros Bert Mary 1992 Philippines

many, many other people who do not get proper medical care because of lack of money to buymedicines and pay hosnital costs. IBANANAS AND tllCE We recently had a typhoon but are so thankful it was not strong—only blewover the banana trees. Usually we have lost our bananas to the storms before they matured. Wepraise God that this year, because of no early storms in our area, we have been able to harvest many bunches of bananas, and there are still some that survived the storm. The stormcarried a lot of rain and there was good flooding, including our own rice fields. We had already harvested some and we prayed for the watejr to recede quickly, which it did, and all ourrice was okay. Again we praise the Lord for that and for the good harvest.

EVANCSILISiyi We also praise the Lord the work among the Negritos is going well. Besides the mainwork in Ganzano we have been able to reach other Negrito communities as vrell. There were 2baptisms in Caoisayan, a new area, and 5 more are to be baptized soon. Several of these areasare being reached by ones who have become Christians as a result of the first work in Ganzano.Thank you so much to all of you who are helping in this special area of ministry. Because ofthe economic condition many of them are very we^k and sickly and have been coming to us forfood and medicine. Pray funds will stretch far enough to meet all these needs.The CAr^jP oroject in Cebu has stopped for now, as funds have run out. i-fliile Dave "white was therethey were able to build toilets and showers and put up a session hall/chapel. Now there areservices being held in the chapel every Sunday lafternoon. Please keep this project in yourprayers. We are very thankful to Dave for his work and donations for the camp, as well asothers who donated. Dave is now working on another island near there, helping a church.

HELPERS Mike Kav. who was visiting from New Zealand, has gone home and is praying about hisfuture, wanting to serve where the Lord wants him. 'fie apr-reciate his help and influence withthe children. Angie Richards, from Marquette, kl, has come for about 6 mos. to work with Cindyat the Satellite home. She is a student who decided to come. We are thankftil for her help,and ask your prayers for her as she adjusts to k different culture.

THANK YOU again so much to each of you for your help in making this work possible. We do praiseand thank the Lord for each one of you. We knoV that some of you are really giving sacrific-ially. We ask your prayers for us so we will be very wise in the use of the funds and that theywill stretch far. The whole world is having money concerns, but we know God can bless yourgifts to go far. Because of the fluctuating rate of exchange and increase in prices the fundsdon't do what they used to. Bat the Lord takes what you give and blesses it to meet our needs.Thank you all so much for all your love, prayers, and gifts.


1. The needed funds

2. Dick and Kay Davidson3. All our young people to be true

to the Lord

Virgilio's hea ling and returnof strength

5. Cindy's visa and support


1. Good harvests

12. Special VBS and camp offerings to meet' special needs13V~0ur~Taithful supporter^and prayer partners!^. Virgilio's life and how the Lord supplied

the needs

15* Typhoons without strong winds6. God's wonderful love, care, and provisionI for all His children.

In Christ's service

Bsrt and Mary Bireros

From the Forwarding Agents;It you desire to make special offerings for the Homes for Christmas, those funds should bedesignated and received by us by NovemberWe i%dll also be glad to facilitate funds for Cikdy Moreton. What a blessing she is free tostay there while Dick receives treatment!Thank you for all you do.



Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 5^1Medford, Oregon

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