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a book in progress

Issue 1 May 2013

Banana Boats

Orange Cinnamon Rolls

Berries and Cream Cheese Monkey Bread

Lemonade Scones & Plain Scones

Gourmet Wood Fired Pizza

Onion Bombs!

Broccoli Cheese Bites

Amazing Omlette in a Bag

Mountain Meatballs

Tin Can Bread

Banana Boats

Slice like a hot dog roll.

Fill with Chocolate & Marshmallow

Wrap in Foil

Cook on hot coals for 10-15mins..

Serve with cream.

Orange Cinnamon Rolls over a


Cut 2 oranges in half, scoop out the

flesh, use store bought cinnamon Roll dough, slice around 2”

piecs and place in orange cups.

, wrap loosly with Foil allowing room to expand and cook in

the hot coals for around 15-20mins. Cool & Ice

Berries and Cream Cheese Monkey Bread

I packet of Bread Mix (Follow direction to

make the dough)

Choice of Berries

Sugar (to you taste), by the tablespoon... don't

make it over sweet! Around 2 table spoons

should do the trick.

1 packet of Cream cheese (can use fat free)

@ room Temp. Handful of Peacan Nuts.

Lightly flour a flat surface and roll out

Bread Dough, spread with cream cheese,

berries & nuts Sprinkle with a little nutmeg,

leaving about a 2" border..

Roll up into a log.

Trim off the ends of the roll, cut roll into 2"


line or greese your camp oven cook in the

coals for about 30mins.. dont burn its bum!

Lid on – add coals to lid to help brown the



2 cups self-raising flour

1/2 tspn salt

1 tspn sugar

1 tblspn butter

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup water

1 egg (variation add cheese for cheese scones, grated

carrot & onion for savoury scones)

Get your fire ready so that you have hot coals.

Sift flour and salt into a blow and add the sugar. Mix.

Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles


Add most of the liquid and mix to a soft dough with a

knife. Add more liquid if needed. Amount of liquid will

vary, depending on the moisture of the flour.

Put on a lightly floured board, mould into a round shape and

pat out to about 2cm thickness.

Don’t handle the dough too much as it will make the scones


Cut with a scone cutter (or cut into squares with a knife),

brush tops lightly with a little extra milk and place in a

lightly greased ovenproof dish.

Place your pre-heated hot camp oven onto a small mount of

coals in a slight depression. Place scones on a metal tray

that will fit into you camp oven (bottom of a spring cake

thingee.. will do the trick. In a pinch you could always use a

bit of foil.

Put a trivet inside the camp oven and place the dish of

scones on top of the trivet.

Put on lid – add coals to lid to help brown the tops of the


Bake for approx 10 to 15 mins.

Cooking time will depend on the heat of your coals.

Serve warm with jam and cream.

Variation: Lemonade Scones, 3 cups Self Raising Flour

pinch salt

1 cup lemonade

1 cup cream

Gourmet Wood Fired Pizza

Make sure the camp oven is hot

when the pizza is put in and stays

hot for long enough to cook your


Pizza Base

- 2 Cups self raising flower,

Teaspoon salt, Teaspoon sugar, 3/4

cup water, 3 Tablespoons olive oil.

- In a bowl add wet ingredients to

dry and knead. Set aside for 1hr to

allow base to rise.

- Divide dough into two and roll out

to fit camp oven.

Top with you favourites..

- To prevent the base from burning

cook on a foiled cake tray so that

the pizza isn’t sitting on the base

of the oven. Cook for around 15mins.

Onion Bombs!

1 t0 2 Onions peeled cut in 1/2 and

dissected. (depends on the size of

the onions you may need only 1)

Filling - Italian sausages if you don’t have Italian

sausages use what you have! Cut the snags in half and

squeeze out the meat into the bowl, clove of garlic, table

spoon of ketchup & Worcestershire sauce, bread crumbs,

salt/pepper. Mix ingredients together(Don't start this until

you have the onion teady!)

Place filling between 2 pieces of onion and carefully wrap in

foil. Cook on hot coals

Cook for 15 mins or so...

Variations on this, I add grated carrot, cheese, peas and

any herbs I have in the cupboard.

Broccoli Cheese Bites

package of frozen chopped broccoli,

thawed and drained of liquid (or

fresh steamed broccoli)

1 1/2 cup of grated cheddar cheese

3 eggs

salt & pepper

1 cup of seasoned breadcrumbs

Mix all the ingredients together in a

large bowl.

With your hands, form small

patties and lay on a baking paper.

Place baking paper in the Base of

Camp Oven with patties, cook for 15

minutes turn then cook for around 10


Eat hot or cold.

Amazing Omlette in a Bag

In a ziplock sandwich bag, put

enough of your favourite

omelette fillings for 1 serving:

onion, bacon bits, chopped ham,

cheese, salsa, etc.

Add 2 raw eggs.

Zip the bag and shake to mix thoroughly.

Drop bag in boiling water and cook for about 13 minutes.

Open the bag and out slides your omelette.

Can be eaten directly from the bag so there is no washing


Mountain Meatballs

olive oil

1 red onions, peeled and finely diced

¾ of a kg good-quality minced meat

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard & dried oregano

a pinch of cumin seeds, bashed up in a pestle and mortar

1 teaspoon coriander seeds, bashed up with the cumin

1 ½ handfuls of breadcrumbs

2 large eggs, salt and pepper to taste

80g freshly grated Cheddar cheese

For the chilli sauce

1 large red onion, peeled and finely diced

2 red or yellow peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped

5 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced

1 to 2 fresh red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped to taste (leave

out for mild tasts)

1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

4 heaped tablespoons tomato ketchup

4 tablespoons cider vinegar

3 tablespoons molasses or dark brown sugar

1 tablespoons Dijon mustard

Fresh Parsley to dress,

400ml hot coffee

3 plum tomatoes,diced

a small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley

Get the campfire ready and have you Camp oven ready

to go. Put you minced meat into a bowl with the

mustard, oregano, cumin, coriander, breadcrumbs, eggs, onion a good

pinch of salt and pepper and the Use clean hands to really scrunch it

all together well, then divide the mixture into 8 rounds (or smaller

more manageable sized meatballs like I did).

Pick each round up, one at a time, and roll into a cricket-sized ball.

Stick you thumb deep into the ball to make a pocket, then stuff in a

good pinch of grated cheese. Cup, pack and pat the meat around the

cheese, using your hands to mould it back into a ball. You’ll soon get

the hang of it. Place the balls in your oiled camp oven, drizzle over a

good lug of olive oil, then bang into the coals 25 to 30 minutes until

golden and sizzling.

Add the onion, peppers, garlic, fresh chillies and paprika and fry

gently for about 15 minutes. Stir in the Worcestershire sauce,

ketchup, vinegar, molasses or sugar, mustard, coffee and tomatoes,

and bring everything to the boil then simmer for 20 minutes, until

the sauce had thickened. It should be thick and delicious.

Remove the cooked meatballs from the oven when they’re ready and

spoon away as much of the fat from the pan as you can. Pour your

chilli sauce over the top, and return the pan to the oven for 5 more

minutes. Finely chop your parsley, sprinkle over, and serve with a

spoonful of rice, or mash and a lemony green salad.

Tin Can Bread

You need 3 Cans, 1 normal sized

average can, then two larger

ones or different sizes.

butter or margarine

1 average sized can, 2 larger cans

2 1/2+ cups of flour, 1 tsp yeast, 1 egg beaten

1 cup warm water, pinch of salt

The first thing you need is to build a good fire, you’ll be

baking the bread inside a bed of coals.

Take a small bowl, put one cup warm water with a bit of

honey or sugar of your choice in it. Sprinkle about 1tsp of

quick yeast on top of the water. While the yeast is

activating, Head back outside and check that the fire is

burning well and beginning to form a good bed of coals. Once

you have a good hot fire with plenty of fuel to make a bed

of coals.

Now it’s time to pour the yeast mixture into a bigger bowl,

add a whisked egg and a pinch of salt along with 2 cups of

flour and whisk it with a fork.

Now add another 1/2 +cup of flour and begin to knead the

dough. Work the dough until it doesn’t stick to your

fingers or hands. (Add 1/2cup+ of flour slowly, adding enough

but not too much, the dough should be elasticy and smooth

and not sticky ) The dough is ready to take outside now.

Break off about 1/3 of the dough. Reserve for making ash

cakes and stick bread later. The dough is too much for one

small coffee can, but you can break it in half and make

two loaves, you’ll just need more cans to do it in :)

Now rub butter all over the inside of the can.

Push the dough into the bottom of the tin.

Cover the can with loosely with tin foil and set by your

campfire (not too close) to rise up till doubled in bulk. That

foil hat will rise up above the can showing you the dough

has doubled. Once that dough forms a nice head out of the

can, put this can of dough into a larger can. This can needs

to have a smooth layer of small rocks on the bottom.

Move the coals into a circle, placed the large can with the

small one inside it, into the center of the coals. Building

about 2 inches of coals

around it all. Then take another large can that has some

holes in it, squish it a bit so it can turn upside down over

the top of the other large can without tipping over.

Let this bake for about 25 minutes.

Check after 15 minutes and if the bread is very brown,

push away any wood with flames leaving only coals to be

sure the bread cooks in the center.

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