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Page 1: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Week 6

Body Structure testafter test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,review homework-oral practice,Chapter 6-pgs. 120-151-lecture,getting ready for integumentary test-

using pgs. 56 and 67 in the syllabus,Medical Language Lab

Page 2: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Review Integumentary System

What are the three layers of skin? What structures are found in each?

Name the three types of burns, describe and tell the layers that each affects

Name the two types of glands found in skin-(use medical terms)

Page 3: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Define the following:

dermatosis dermatitisautograft SLEalopecia urticariaecchymosis cellulitishirsutism abrasionerythema nevusepidermis liposuctiondiaphoresis biopsygangrene onychomalaciamelanoma cyanosisdecubitus ulcer maculelaceration incision

Page 4: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Gastrointestinal System

Page 5: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Anatomy and physiology of the Digestive System

Functions of the digestive systemDigestion- the mechanical and

chemical breakdown of food

Absorption- the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion

Elimination- the process of removing waste from the body

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Upper GI System

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Structures and Medical Terms of the Upper GI tract and their function

Mouth - oro, stomatoan opening that holds the food

Teeth - donto, dentomastication by chewing, grinding, tearing

Gum - gingivostructure to hold the teeth, needs to remain healthy

Tongue - glosso, linguomanipulation of the food

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Salivary Glands

Salivary – sialo

moisten food

(three glands)1.Sublingual

2.Submandibular 3.Parotid

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Other structures and terms associated with the upper

GI system

Bolus - a piece of chewed food Pharynx - throat Epiglottis - a piece of tissue that covers the

trachea when swallowing Esophagus - the food tube, lined with rings

of muscle, peristalsis occurs

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Stomach- gastro

Has three layers of smooth muscles

(Circular, long, and oblique)Lined with mucous membranes

Lies in the upper-left side of the abdominal cavity

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Function of the stomach

*mechanical and chemical*

Bolus enters by way of the cardiac/esophogeal sphincter and is mixed with gastric juices

Churned until semi liquid formed- chyme Process takes 3-5 hours Peristalsis (the involuntary constriction and

relaxation of the muscles) moves the chyme to the pyloric valve

Pyloric valve (sphincter) relaxes and lets chyme proceed in small amounts to the duodenum

Stomach empties and lies in folds called rugae

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Duodenumfirst part of the small


Small intestine- entero Digestion occurs in proximal

duodenum C-shaped and is 10-12 inches in


Page 13: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Function of the Duodenum

Chyme enters duodenumDigestive enzymes are added by the

pancreas and gallbladder to further break down the chyme

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Structures and Medical Terms of the Lower GI

SystemSmall intestine – entero - is divided

up into three segmentsDuodenum – duodeno - (part of the

upper GI system) complete digestion occurs in the proximal duodenum and absorption in the distal duodenum

Jejunum – jejuno - more absorptionIleum - ileo - final absorption of


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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Small Intestine(Entero) primary function

Receives enzymes from accessory organs

Breaks down fats, CHO, and proteins to be absorbed by the blood and lymph capillaries

Absorption of nutrients

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


Throughout the whole length of the small intestine are tiny finger-like projections called ‘villi’. Through the villi 85% of all nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream for delivery to cells

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Completion of digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestineCompleted in 4-6 hoursOnce completed the waste will move into

the cecum

The orange arrow Indicates the ileocecal Valve. The cecum is the first part of the large IIntestine.

The green arrow is the appendix

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Large Intestine-

colo, colono

Water and waste products stored here Wide and about 5’ in length Has no villi, does not coil or lie in folds, and

is divided into different areas by name- ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid

Water reabsorbed back into the body

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Rectum and Anus (procto)

Rectum – (recto) - 5 inches and terminates at the anal canal

Anus – (ano) - has internal and external sphincter muscles

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Accessory Organs

and their functions

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Liver - Hepato

Liver Largest glandular organ in the bodyManufactures bile (chole)-exocrine


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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Gallbladder (cholecysto)

Muscular sac

Function is to store and release bile

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Pancreas- pancreatoLong fish tail shapedadds digestive juices to breakdown

CHO, fats, proteins- exocrine function

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


Lining of the walls of the abdominal cavity

Large sheet of serous membranes

Contains small amounts of fluid that permits organs to glide freely without friction

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


Folds of peritoneum that support the small intestine

Between the folds are blood, lymph and nerve supply for the small intestine

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Pathology of the Digestive System

Oral CavityStomatitis-

inflammation of the mouth

Gingivitis- inflammation of the gums


bad breath

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Esophagus/ esophago

Dysphagia- difficulty swallowing

Gastroesophageal reflux disease-backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

* Hiatal HerniaThe hiatus is an opening in the diaphragm

-- the muscular wall separating the chest cavity from the abdomen. Normally, the esophagus (food pipe) goes through the hiatus and attaches to the stomach. In a hiatal hernia (also called hiatus hernia) the stomach bulges up into the chest through that hiatus.

There are two main types of hiatal hernias: sliding and paraesophageal (next to the esophagus).

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Stomach- gastro

Gastritis- inflammation of the stomachDyspepsia- indigestionNausea-a feeling of sickness in the

stomach causing an urge to vomitEmesis- vomitingEructation- burpingUlcer (gastric)- an open sore of the

mucus membrane

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Small and Large


Ileitis- inflammation of the ileumEnteritis- inflammation of the small

intestineCrohn’s disease- inflammation in the

small intestine- usually the ileumColitis- inflammation of the large

intestineFlatus- a reflex that expels intestinal

gas through the anus

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Obstipation- Severe constipation Borborygmus- bowel sounds Ascites- abnormal build-up of fluid in the

abdomen Appendicitis- inflammation of the appendix Diverticulitis- inflammation of a sac or

pouch in the intestinal tract Celiac sprue- a genetic disorder caused by

an allergy to gluten, sets off an autoimmune response that causes damage to the small intestine which causes malabsorption

Hemorrhoids-veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Liver- hepato

Hepatitis- inflammation of the liverJaundice- yellowing conditionCirrhosis- condition characterized

by irreversible scarring of the liver

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Gallbladder- cholecysto

Cholecystitis- inflammation of the gallbladder

Cholelithiasis- gallstones

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Pancreas- pancreato

Pancreatitis- inflammation of the pancreas

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


Anorexia nervosa - without appetiteBulimia - binging and purging

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Procedures of the Digestive System

Gastrectomy- removal of the stomach Colectomy- removal of the colon Cholecystectomy- removal of the

gallbladder Stomaplasty- surgical repair of the mouth Biliary lithotripsy- crushing of gallstones Appendectomy- removal of the appendix

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Vagotomy- incision of the vagus nerveColostomy- forming an opening in the

colonColotomy- incision of the colonAnastomosis- a surgical connection

between two tubesIleostomy- forming an opening in the

ileumBariatric surgery- treatment for morbid

obesity (stapling,banding,shortening)

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Bariatric SurgeryVertical banded gastroplasty

Roux-enY gastric

bypass (RGB)

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Diagnostic Procedures

Sigmoidoscopy- visual examination of the sigmoid colon

Hemoccult- hidden bloodStool culture- lab testing feces for

microorganismsUpper GI series- (UGIS) Upper

gastrointestinal series-testing the structures of the upper digestive tract

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Colonscopy- visual examination of the large intestine

Liver biopsy- excision of liver tissue for pathological study

Endoscopy- visual examination withinLower GI series- (LGIS) lower

gastrointestinal seriestesting the structures of the lower digestive tract

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


TPN- total parenteral nutritionpo- by mouthBM- bowel movementac- before mealsNG- nasogastricPUD- peptic ulcer diseaseUGIS- upper gastrointestinal


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Business 86, Medical Terminology

GI- gastrointestinalNPO- nothing by mouthpc- after mealsFBS- fasting blood sugarBaE, BE- barium enemaBS-n bowel soundsHAV, HBV, HCV- hepatitis A,B,C virusRGB- Roux-en-Y gastric bypassGER(D)- gastroesophageal reflux (disease)

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Business 86, Medical Terminology


Laxatives- purgatives

Senokot, Miralax, Dulcolax Antispasmodics- against spasm-IBS

Robinul Antiemetics- against vomiting

Compazine, Zofran Antacids- against acid

Mylanta, Rolaids, Tums Antidiarrheals- against-to relieve diarrhea


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Business 86, Medical Terminology


Study for integumentary test using pgs. 56 and 67 in syllabus

Complete pgs. 63-67 (syllabus)

Complete pgs. 152-164(book)

Term Plus Digestive-TE and MV

www.fadavis.com study questions for chapter 6

Read pgs. 166-194 (book)

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Business 86, Medical Terminology

Review for Integumentary QuizPage 67

Define the following-SLE AlopeciaNevus CellulitisHirsutism AutograftDermatitis DermatosisAbrasion LiposuctionDiaphoresis GangreneBiopsy OnychomalaciaErythema EpidermisEcchymosis XerodermaUrticaria Hidrosis

Page 47: Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 6  Body Structure test  after test complete pg. 56 in syllabus,  review homework-oral practice,  Chapter 6-pgs.

Business 86, Medical Terminology

Name the two glands (use medical terms) located in skin

Describe burns and tell what areas of skin they affect

Name the three layers of skin


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