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Class VII
Learning Outcomes
April Coursebook(Unit 1)Tasty Treats: 1. Dal Delight. 2. The All-American Slurp. Reader: 1.The Beekeeper and the Bewitched Hare. 2. The People Upstairs. Grammar:Binomials, Collocations, Modals. Simple and continuous tenses, regular and irregular verbs.
• Informal letter
• Paragraph writing
• Writing Anecdote
• Mind map:- Students will make mind map/ flow chart of the kinds of Imagery used in the poem , “The people
• Write a paragraph about your favourite dish and its nutritional value.
• To enhance writing skills
• Exploratory skills
• Vocabulary enhancement
• Critical thinking
May Coursebook (Unit 2) Facing Challenges 1. The last leaf. 2. His first flight. 3. If(poem) Reader:2. The Cherry Tree. 6. On the Grasshopper and the cricket. Grammar:Perfect and Perfect continuous tense. Phrasal Verbs.
• Diary entry
• Paragraph writing.
• Write a poem using homophones.
• Write an article about an adventure you have had at a place far away from home.
• Creative writing
• Presentation skills
• Correct usage of language
• Problem solving and self-awareness.
July Coursebook (Unit 3) Laughter, the best medicine. 1. Harris in the maze. 2. Everest reactions. 3. The school boy (poem)
Reader:Uncle Podger hangs a picture. Grammar: determiners, Future time reference, conjunctions.
• Bio-sketch
• Write a blurb for a book you have read recently.
• Twist the ending of the story The Diamond Necklace.
• Speaking skills
• Writing skills
• Coping with emotions and self awareness.
August Coursebook (Unit 4) The Sporting Spirit: 1. The sporting spirit. 2. The Goal not scored. Reader:9. A Birthday Letter. 8. Ozymandias
• Writing a notice
• Debate
• Dialogue writing:-Create a transcript of an interview of an old person, telling you the factors that led to the demolish of Ozymandias.
• To enhance listening and speaking skills.
• Courtesy and etiquettes, social intelligence.
Grammar: Phrases, clauses. Conditional Clause.
• Empathy
Coursebook (Unit 4) The Sporting
Spirit: Nine Gold medals (poem) Suffix Prefix, Lexical groups and words belonging to same semantic field. Revision for Mid Term Exam
• Enactment of Idioms. Revision
Octobe r
Coursebook (Unit 5) Nurture Nature:1. Fire in the forest, 2. The world in a wall. Reader:10. Lincoln’s first public speech Grammar:Prepositions, Interjections,
Active and Passive voice.
• Role play:- Students will present an enactment of any
famous politicians speeh.
Novem ber
Coursebook (Unit 6)The written word) 1. How I taught my grandmother to read. 2. Boyhood days. Reader: 11. The Bird with the broken pinion. 3. The Luncheon. Grammar: Reported Speech.
• Story writing
• Letter writing
• Advertisement flyer: Students will prepare an advertisement for their favourite restaurant.
• Creative Writing
• Speaking skills
• Oratory skills
• How to overcome hurdles and challenges in life and come out as a winner.
• Empathy, interpersonal thinking
Decem ber
Coursebook (Unit 7): Suspense and mystery 1. The Bermuda Triangle. 2. The Blue Carbuncle (play) Grammar: Subject and Verb agreement. Rev of all tenses
• Poster making
• Note making
• Diary entry ‘When I am famous……’
• Vocabulary enhancement.
Coursebook (Unit 7): Suspense and
mystery 3. The way through the Woods. (poem) Reader: 12.The Merchant of Venice.
• Speaking skills
Feb Revision of literature Class test
1.Nutritio n in plants 2. Nutrition in animals *3. Fibre to fabric
• Classify modes of nutrition with example.
• Describe the process of photosynthesis.
• Perform starch test.
• Define ingestion, digestion, assimilation, absorption, egestion, rumination.
• Describe process of nutrition in human beings and amoeba.
• Differentiate natural and synthetic fabrics.
• List the processes involved in obtaining silk and wool.
• Define shearing, sorting, scouring, reeling, sericulture and moriculture.
1. To study saprophytic mode of nutrition in growing fungus 2. To test the presence of starch in a leaf.
1. To show that saliva breaks down starch into sugar. 2. To show models and charts of human digestive system.
1. Collecting pieces of different fabrics and pasting them in a scrap book. 2. To study the life cycle of silk moth with the help of specimen. 3. To show effect of burning on different natural fabrics like silk, wool and cotton.
Experimental, Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill/ Scientific temper, Decision making Self awareness skills, Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Organizational skill/Social values Experimental, Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Manipulative skill/ Say NO to plastic
MAY 4. Heat 5. Acids, bases and salts
• Define heat, temperature.
• Convert degree Celsius and Fahrenheit and vice versa.
• Differentiate conduction,
• Use indicators to test acid and bases.
• Define and perform neutralization reaction.
• List the names of acid, bases and salts used in daily life.
1.To study the conduction, convection , radiation method of heat transfer in laboratory 2. To measure human body temperature using clinical thermometer.
1. To test the basic nature of
different solutions by using turmeric powder as indicator. 2. To test the acidic and basic nature of different solutions by using red and blue litmus paper, phenolphthalein and methyl orange, china rose, cabbage. 3. To show the process of neutralization of acids and bases.
Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Experimental skill/ Team work Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Experimental skill/ Leadership
July 6. Physical and chemical
changes *7. Weather, climate and adaptation of animals
to climate
• Write chemical equation of few important reactions.
• Perform process of crystallization.
• Differentiate weather and climate.
and tropical rain forests.
1. To demonstrate the process of Crystallization before students. 2. To demonstrate chemical changes in CuSO4 and iron, Mg ribbon. 3. To show that cutting of paper is a physical change and burning of paper is chemical change 1. To study the weather reports of last one week.
Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Critical thinking/ Team work Discussion, Random Questioning, Explanatory, Concept Mapping, Reflective Discussion/ Conserving nature
August 13. Motion and time
• Measure time period of simple pendulum Solve numerical based on Speed, Distance and time.
• Differentiate uniform and non-uniform motion.
Plot distance- time graphs
1. To measure time period of simple pendulum. 2. Plotting of graphs for motion
Experimental skill, Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Critical thinking / Decision making
• Draw soil profile and list features of each horizon.
• Calculate percolation rate and percentage of water retention by soil.
• Draw labeled diagram of respiratory system.
• Describe the process of respiration in insects, fishes, earthworm and plants.
1. To determine the percolation rate of water in the soil.
2. To study the structure of soil profile.
3. To study acidity or basicity of different soil samples
1. To measure the change in size of chest during breathing.
2. To make a model to demonstrate the mechanism of breathing
Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill, Experimental skill/ Conservation of resources
Acquisitive skill, Communicative, Creative skill
Experimental skills/ Attitude towards environment
14. Electric current and its effects *18. Waste water story
• Define heating and magnetic effects and their applications.
• Explain working and principal of fuse and electric bell.
• Draw diagram of electric bell.
• Describe electromagnet and its working.
• Define sewage, sewer and sewerage.
• List the processes involved in treating waste water.
• Hygeinic practices to be followed by an individual.
• Explain alternative sanitation methods like compost pit, septic tank, and chemical toilets.
1. To make an electric circuit to check conductors and insulators.
2. To study construction and working of an electric bell with the help of model of an electric bell.
3. To prepare an electromagnet.
1. Cleaning and changing of
wastewater into usable water.
December 12.
• Different modes of asexual reproduction
• List artificial and natural methods of vegetative reproduction and their benefits
• Dissect flower, draw its diagram and label its parts.
• Seed dispersal and its importance
• Explain Blood components and their functions.
• Compare Arteries, Veins and capillaries
• Draw labeled diagram of heart and double circulation and excretory system. Describe the importance of
blood circulation.
spore formation
the help of model.
through cells.
• Perform activities to verify laws of reflection.
• List characteristics of image formed by plane, concave and convex mirrors.
1. To study image of the sun by a
convex and concave lens.
straight line.
plane, concave & convex mirror.
composed of seven colors.
April & May
Integers Fractions and decimals Data handling
To add and subtract integers on a number line. To shade the fraction in given figures (addition and subtraction). Plotting graphs. Finding mean,median, mode.
Define the set of integers. Identify an integer to represent a given real-life situation. Basic operations on fractions Solve real-world problems involving fractions. Collect, Classify, Organize, Represent, Interpret & Analyze Data
Solving simple linear equations. To identify vertically opposite angles, alternate angles, corresponding angles, interior angles on same side of transversal by paper folding.
Write a simple equation from a word problem. Solve the equation.
Identify vertically opposite angles, supplementary and complementary angles. Identify and parallel lines and transversal, and the angles formed to solve problems.
Verify angle sum property and exterior angle
The triangle and its properties
Angle sum property of a triangle. Exterior angle property of a triangle. Pythagoras theorem.
property of a triangle. Apply Pythagoras theorem.
Demonstration of different congruency rules of triangles and their applications.
Identify congruent triangles. State and proof of congruency rule.
Rational Numbers
Concept of profit, loss , percentage , simple interest and daily life problems.
Representation of rational numbers on number line. Basic operations on number rational numbers
Find the ratios Identify the cases of profit and loss Write the formulae of profit, loss and simple interest.
Apply the formulae to real life situations.
Define rational numbers.
Solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction with rational numbers.
November Symmetry Perimeter and Area Algebraic Expressions
Understanding symmetrical shape by paper folding. Rotational symmetry. Calculation of area and perimeter of various polygons. Basic operations on expressions.
Draw symmetrical shapes. Differentiate b/w different types of symmetry Differentiate b/w area and perimeter Derive the formulae Apply the formulae to solve word problems of daily life. Add and subtractalgebraic expressions
December &
Laws of exponents.
Construction of perpendicular, parallel lines. Construction of triangles Cubes and cuboids on isometric dot paper (along with oblique sketch). Making cross sections of different 3D shapes using clay and paper cutter
Learn and write the formulae Applications of Laws of exponents.
Construct and use angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors and triangles. Draw cubes and cuboids. Differentiate b/w isometric sketch and oblique sketch.
Civics – On equality
About new social and political groups Introduction of new terminology
Equality and democracy are dynamics and not static concept
Importance of environment and eco system
Interpretation of Artefacts.
(Inequality exist in India with the help of Matrimonial advertisements from the newspaper)
(Poster/ Slogan/ Poem on Environment)
MAY Geography – Inside our earth
History – New Kings & Kingdoms
Describe the layers and elements that make up the Earth.
New dynasties of Medieval period their administration and architectural developments. Gender inequalities in the world of work Women’s struggles for equality.
Stereotypes regarding work and career
choices for women
learning to read and write.
Identifying different types of rocks & their uses.
Map Work
Geography – Our changing earth
Transforming of Delhi into a capital coming of Persian ruler and their settlement in India
Volcanic activities, erosional and depositional work of sea, river and wind.
Government’s role in passing law and
instituting policies in health services
Role Play
Case study: on recent eruption of any one active volcano.
Comparative study on public and private health service
AUGUST Geography – Air
To understand the function of state
government, selection of MLAs and their
Legislative Assembly)
Describe the growth of the Mughal Empire. Explain the administrative system developed by the Mughals
To understand the difference between the Spring and Neap tides. Effects of Ocean currents, Tsunami.
Miniature Painting
NOVEMBER History – Town traders and craft person
Civics – Understanding Media
Role and Function of Media
Map work
Debate on the pros and cons of technological advancement in the world.
DECEMBER Chapter- Human Interaction – The tropical and subtropical region
History – Devotional path to the divine
History: Tribes, Nomads and settled
Different climatic conditions, vegetation and wildlife, comparison between human activities of tropical and sub- tropical regions.
Describe the belief systems and rituals of the orthodox religions in the medieval era. The syncretic cults of the Bhakti saints and the Sufi pirs.
Identify the major tribal and nomadic groups of
painting and music that came to be associated
with the different regions of the subcontinent
during the medieval period.
Group Activity:-Comparative study of Amazon and Ganga Brahmaputra basin.
Group Activity:-Comparative study on the teachings of Bhakti and Sufi saints in our life.
Subject Enrichment Activity (Art
Chain of market and Type of market.
Political changes during 18th century in India
Make a list of groceries and then go to a weekly market, neighbourhood shop and shopping mall. Compare the prices.
Map work.
FEBRUARY Geography – Natural vegetation and wildlife
Different vegetation and wildlife of the world their characteristics and problem
Locating natural vegetation in the world on World map.
Geography- Life in Dessert The complex inter-relationship between
humans and their natural environment
Making travel brochure on Ladakh & Thar dessert.
Appreciate the cultural differences that exist in the world due to interactions between humans and their different environments
Revision and Annual Examination
April Leçon: 1
S’initier à la culture française, Les nombres,
Les accents
a) Through this activity children’s classifying and analyzing skill will enhance. Team work. Listening and speaking skills involved
Les pronoms sujets
Les articles contracte
May Leçon: 3
Pluriel des noms : avec des exceptions
Les adjectifs au féminin et au pluriel.
Les verbes en <<IR>>
July Leçon: 4 Voici/voila Skills on creativity, word
A l’ecole
Donner des informations personnelles
Demander l’identité d’un objet ou d’une personne
power, presentation skills will enhance.
Les adjectifs possessifs
Les nombres cardinaux
Vocabulary will increase,
Skills involved innovation, sentence formation using accord des adjectives, masculine et feminine nouns, conjugation of verbs using the appropriate subject pronoun.
Speaking Skills will enhance and vocabulary knowledge will increase. Confidence level will increase.
Technical knowledge, creative skill and innovating skills will be involved.
Arguing, classifying and brainstorming skills will be involved.
Les verbes irréguliers : Venir, Partir
Les pays et les nationalités
Les vêtements
Skills involved are creative writing
Nove mber
Leçon: 7
Les verbes irrégulier en –oir et irréguliers
Les articles partitifs
Activité : Dialogue
Les verbes : irréguliers et réguliers : aimer, prendre, apprendre, lire, manger, envoyer etc.
Entoure la bonne réponse
Janua ry
Leçon: 10
Designing and innovation.
La grammaire
Compréhension écrite
medium, evaluating message.
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