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  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015


    Camera StudiesA Film In 5 Minutes

    This is an introduction to camerastudies. As part of the 'A Film in 5Minutes' process. Led by GavinBrocker.

  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    There are some key factors that need constant attention when

    being the photographer or camera operator.

    There are loads of di!erent types of lenses for

    cameras which change how much light is let into

    the camera. Primeor Fixedlenses range in

    angles but aren't adjustable like a zoom lens.

    Other names known for the lenses are called



    The Camera

    ight let into the camera

    focus and sharpness

    size of the picture


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    Mounts are equipment that you can put a camera on and

    normally allows it to have a steadier movement and allows thecamera to go if di!erent places like in the air which are out of

    human reach.



  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    There are di!erent types of mic ones that are built into the

    camera called 'on!board' microphones that usually pick up a

    lot of noise from movement of the camera. There are mics that

    are 'external' which are better when recording because you

    can get close to the actor and the boom doesn't pick up a lot of

    ru"ed sounds. If there is poor sound this can always be edited

    in post production.

    Post !Syncingis when an actor goes into a booth and has to

    re create the sound to what they are saying. Example if the

    scene was outside and the sound was mu"ed then the actor

    would need to say the dialogue to match the picture.

    Wild!Trackis any sound including dialogue, it's to re create

    the ambience of where the scene was shot for example tra#c

    or background chatter. This helps in editing to balance out the

    background noise levels.



  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    Dubbingis where sound is added or when original dialogue is

    changed. Dubbed can also be changing films from one language

    to another.

    Foley Artistescreate noises or special e!

    ects to go along withthe picture such as someone walking on gravel.

    ADR "Additional Dialogue Recording#creates sound

    e!ects to add ambience or background dialogue to crowd


    A short hand held boom is called a fish poleand often

    mounted on a tall trolley. The furry object on the mic is to stop

    wind ba$e.

    Light is used to:

    Illuminate // highlight and shadows modelling // create

    climate // create atmosphere // natural e!ects: Fire // decorate //

    add glamour



  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    Lights come in all di!erent shapes and sizes.

    2k, 5k, inky, blonde, redhead, wok and brute.

    Gels can go in from of the lights to create di!erent colours.Barn doors are often attached to the lamps so that it can trim

    light and control when the light is falling.

    Goboa screen cut out of shapes like a gel which goes in front

    of the light to create pictures such as prison doors.

    The two major lighting situations to look out for are DAYand


    Neutral Density Filters "ND#removes very bright light like


    White Balanceis when the camera takes in the lighting state

    for the shot which is often done by putting a white sheet of

    paper in front of the camera and focusing to get the whitest

    point. It's so that the background and light that's emitted into

    the camera is the same so the subjects stand out more and are

    in focus.

    Film is shot on:

    16mm, super 16mm or 35mm !occasiona"y 72mm#

    VHS, super VHS, HI8 are types of cassette that the film and be

    stored in to be recorded on.

    Tv screens are shot in 4 by 3, wide screen shot is 16 by 9.


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015


    Pivots up and down


    Pivots left to right

    Tracking in

    Moves toward subject

    Tracking out

    Moving away from subject


    Right angles to subject


    Rises upwards


    Drops downwards

    Zooming$manipulating the optics of the lens.

    Subjects close to the camera are called closeor foreground

    "fg#and subjects in the back are deeporbackground "bg#

    Bananaringwhen the actors moves in a curved line instead of

    straight and the camera is still, example the subject walking

    into shot.

    There are many di!erent shot sizes.

    LS// long shot// from a distance

    WS //wide shot//whole width and height of subject

    MWS// medium wide shot// whole of the human figure

    MLS// medium long shot// " " "

    MS// mid shot// from the waist up

    MCS// medium close shot// from the chest up

    MCU// medium close up// " " "

    CU// close up// chin to top of head


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    BCU// big close up// one feature $eyes

    Group/S//group shot// a whole team in shot, around a table

    3/S// three shot// three subjects in shot Tom$dick $Harry

    2/S// two shot// two subject in shot Tom $Harry

    O/S 2/S// over the shoulder two shot// over sullivans shoulder

    X2/S// Cross 2/S//

    Single// just solo shot

    A picture leaning to one side is called cantedor Dutch

    Crossing the line

    The camera need to be on the symmetric side for a O/s 2/S

    other wise if the camera if on the wrong shoulder the subjects

    will look like they are looking in the same direction. As though

    they were in a line and don't give the right illusion. The camera

    operator would need to get the shot from both subjects

    shoulders closed to the camera if we were to take a shot

    looking at them like in this example.


    Cast and


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    PAcan stand forProduction Associate, Production Assistant,

    Producer's Assistant or Personal Assistant.


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    Audienceare the people who watch you

    Thecompanythe performers you work with

    ! Executive Producerthey initiates a production, acquires

    the message budget, appoints a producer and brings in big


    LegalDepartmentlook at the rights and legal qualities to

    putting out the film

    AccountsDepartmentlook at the budget for the


    ! Producertime is money, look after the image side of theproduction, such as cast that's popular. Responsible for the

    quality of the programme,budget control. Style and taste,

    health and safety and legal and public relations. They cast the

    major roles and appoint directors.

    ! Line Producer / Production Manger /Associate

    Producer authorise expenditure, and deals with problems

    on behalf of the producer.


    Directorhas the overall vision of what they want to show tolook like and how the want the actors journey to unravel.

    Scripteditoredits script.

    ! CastingDirectorauditions actors for the roles of the



    Production Co$ordinator

    ! Production Assistant PAtime scripts, types schedules,notes Continuity slate and takes, times scenes calls shots

    during production. Clears copyright, attends editing.

    ! Continuity// ScriptSupervisormake sure there is a

    smooth Segway from shot to shot and that nothing has

    changed to words in the script and what the actors does on

    each movement. Which line the actor sits on to how much

    beer they drink or how much they smoke.


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    ! FirstADruns the whole show calls the shots and gets both

    cast and crew ready and liaises with many departments. Calls

    'that's a wrap' when finishing shooting.

    2ndADcreate call times for the actors and sets up meetings.LocationMangerfinds location to film

    ! Stage Mangerorganise rehearsals, supervise props, helps

    with cueing.

    ! AssistantStageManagerassists the stage manger,

    marking, assist with props, look after the book and prompt


    ! Runner "3rd AD#right hand man to the first AD and run

    to get actors and help run getting objects and liaise with

    other departments.

    Costume Designerdesigns the costumes and the vision of

    how the actors should look

    ! Wardrobe Supervisorthey ensure the correct Continuity

    for costume is maintained.

    ! Make!Up Artists apply make up to the actors liaising

    mainly with the designers to what they want. Wigs, haircutsand special make up e!ects like words, tears and scars.

    ! Hairdressersdoes the actors hair, can be specific to period


    ! Director of Photography "DOP#/ Lighting Designer

    have the vision of the bigger picture about the shot, taking

    into account the three main factors to the camera, light,

    focus and size. Liaises with the director.


    Camera Operatoroperates the camera and tries to deliverthe vision that the DOP has for the shot.

    Camera Assistantassists the camera operator by carrying the

    equipment and assistant if hand held.

    Focus Pullermaintains the pictures sharpness also doubles up

    as the 1st camera assistant. Manipulates the focus during a take

    so that the shot is alway sharp.

    Clapper Loaderwrites the take, slate and scene and slams

    the clapper.


  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    Griphelps set up the equipment such as the dolly and getting

    the equipment ready to start the filming process.

    ! Sound Recordistrecords the sound wild tracks, e!ect and

    carry and operate the tale machines.! Sound Assistant / Boom Operatorhold the microphone

    in place and listens to the sounds, they should also be

    familiar with the script so that they favour the actor


    Technical Manager

    Riggersrig the equipment

    Ga%erresponsible for the execution of the lights and

    sometimes the look

    Charge Hand "'Best Boy'#in charge of the riggers but

    assists the head of lighting

    Electricians "'Sparks'#the people who are on hand in case

    anything goes technically wrong that needs fixing electrically.

    Design Assistant

    Charge Hand

    Operatives %'Scenes'&

    Charge Hand in charge of props

    Operatives %'Props'&

    Wranglercontrols the animals

    Studio and Location

    Feature films are made on sound stages. Exterior sites within

    a film complex are called lotslike the outside exterior on soaps

    like Emmerdale.




  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    The production can not take place until it is given the Green

    Light. Months are spent finding locations, making schedules,

    designing sets and costumes and obviously casting the



    As actors you normally only get a read through and a couple of

    rehearsals before you are filming. Multi camera productions

    have rehearsals for the camera operators know the production

    like Mrs Browns Boys. One week of rehearsals usually add up

    to half an hour of programme length. Directors will block

    scenes on set with the actors.

    Multi!Camera Shooting

    The director plan the blocking with the actors in rehearsal and

    write a camera script which is usually very detailed. Edited

    shots in real time are called vision mixing, this enables music

    and sound e!ects to be played at the same time.

    Single !Camera Shooting

    As cameras got lighter this gave more opportunity for enabling

    TV to film on location like films, The Bill is a good example.

    These can be filmed in a set called 'four wallers' instead of

    three pretend walls in a studio.

    Shots, Takes and Slates

    Shotis a section of the script with a particular view. Each shot

    that is a success is called a take.



    The actors get an uninterruptedperformance.

    More economical with little costs.

    ConsUnavailability of good camera angles.

  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015

    Slate numbersstart at 1 and continuing upwards until the

    end of the production, slate indicates the separate shot,

    involving the change of size, action, text and photography.

    Take Director indicates they have finished rehearsal

    First AD announces 'stand by, we're going from a take'

    makes sure everyone is ready

    First AD calls 'turning over'

    Camera operator calls 'camera rolling' or 'speed'

    Clapper calls 'mark it'

    Sound recordist will call 'sound running'

    First AD when satisfied called 'action'

    Directors calls 'cut'

    In studios there is a red light and bellthat is routine to show

    at the beginning and end of a take.


    Cuttingused 99'of the time

    Mixing "dissolving#indicates flashbacks and emphasis slow

    gentle moodiness.

    Fade to black / fade uplong time lapse and separation of


    DVE "Digital Video E%ect#used in pop music, advertising

    and sport



  • 8/9/2019 Camera Studies


    A film in 5 minutes 15 January 2015


    Actors Should's: Read call sheets carefully

    Be fit

    Be punctual

    Be cheerful

    Be co-operative

    Know your lines

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