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  • Carnuntum-Scarbantia-Savaria

    Szalai Stella

  • Carnuntum

    The time of the Romans in Carnuntum is not in the long-ago past, which can be seen by a few remains of walls, but it is the present which can be experienced with all one’s senses.

  • Here you can see: -citizen’s hauses

    -elegant city mansions

    -Roman bath

  • Scarbantia

    Scarbantia (the Roman name of Sopron) was one of the border stations of the Province of Pannonia in the former Roman Empire. It was important because of its location on the Amber Road, a major commercial route.

  • Savaria

    Szombathely is the oldest recorded city in Hungary. It was founded by the Romans in 45 AD under the name of Colonia Claudia Savariensum (Claudius' Colony of Savarians), and it was the capital of the Pannonia Superior province of the Roman Empire. It lay close to the important "Amber Road" trade route.

  • Some photo of our trip

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