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We are very proud of the students

featured in the 2016 CHP Annual.

All CHP graduating seniors are

profiled in our 2016 CHP Yearbook,


Fulbright Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Goldwater Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

NSF Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Udall Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Director’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Alumnus Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Post-Graduation Plans of Recent Graduates . . . . 8

Continuing Chancellor’s Scholars . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Undergraduate Research Symposium . . . . . . . 14

In the News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Campus Honors Program Award Winners

2015-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Donors to the CHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Frequent Flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Honors Student Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Equinox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

CHaPel of Love -- Couples 22 and 23 . . . . . . . 32

Convocation 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

KDR and SAS Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Faculty News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

CHP 30th Anniversary Celebration . . . . . . . . . . 36

MELODY CHUA (senior, FAA Instrumental Music and Music Technology) has been selected for a Fulbright Grant to pursue a master’s degree in flute performance at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Switzerland in 2016 – 2017. Her main project will be to develop an electroacoustic flute and create multimedia performances with the instrument by collaborating with musicians, visual artists and dancers in the community.

Melody has played flute and piccolo at music festivals around the nation and the world, and has ensemble experience at UI and elsewhere. She received Fellowships for full- or partial-tuition to Future Music Lab, Project Trio Festival, and the Bernard Z. Goldberg

ELIJAH BENJAMIN KARVELIS (sophomore, LAS Chemical Engineering) was awarded a Goldwater Scholarship for Academic Year 2016 - 2017. The following is excerpted from a press release by the National and International Scholarships Program at the University of Illinois:

“Karvelis, of Pecatonica, Illinois, is a sophomore studying chemical and biomolecular engineering. He is attending Illinois with the aid of a Stamps Scholarship. Karvelis plans to pursue a PhD in chemical or biological engineering and conduct research in biotechnology to advance health sciences. Karvelis has worked with Professor Charles Schroeder to synthesize structurally defined polymers. Last summer, he participated in a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates at the



Masterclass Seminar. Melody received the Thomas J. Smith Full Tuition Scholarship and the Division Achievement Award for Outstanding Woodwind Player of the Year, and she is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Melody worked at the Krannert Art Museum, the School of Music, and as an Independent Recording Engineer.

The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to build international relations to solve global challenges, and the Office of National and International Scholarships administers the Fulbright Program at Illinois. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Fulbright Program’s establishment.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before returning to the Schroeder Lab last fall.” He received the Woese Undergraduate Research Scholarship for his research in Dr. Brendan Harley’s lab at the IGB for Summer 2016, where he is working on a tissue engineering project that utilizes microfluidics to study brain cancer and angiogenesis/vascularization.

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by Congress in 1986 to honor Barry M. Goldwater, who served 30 years in the U.S. Senate. The program provides a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians and engineers by awarding scholarships to sophomores and juniors from the United States who intend to pursue doctorates in these fields.

C A M P U S H O N O R S P R O G R A M | U N I V E R S I T Y O F I L L I N O I S AT U R B A N A - C H A M PA I G N

CHP graduate Melody Chua

Chancellor’s Scholar Elijah Benjamin Karvelis

Page 2: CHP Annual 2016

Each year I look forward to writing my annual message because it allows me to share the many exciting activities that have occurred in the Campus Honors Program (CHP). Although it was an unexpectedly difficult year due to the lack of a state budget, we continued with most of our programs while simultaneously adding new activities thanks, in large measure, to the generosity of our loyal donors. Although we were unable to offer an Intercultural Study Tour and will need to tighten our budget even more during the coming year, I am confident that we will continue to boldly move forward in an uncertain climate in order to nurture the enormous talents and intellects of our Chancellor’s Scholars. They are the reason it is such a pleasure to work in the Honors House. They challenge us to be our best and to provide an honors experience that is grounded in both depth and breadth.

We kicked off the year with our annual Convocation celebration in memory of Keith Kelroy. This year we invited Chaz Ebert to speak at the event. As you may know, Ebertfest is one of the most important events hosted by our local community. For many years, hundreds of people would wait in line at the Virginia Theater in Champaign to view different movies selected by the late film critic Roger Ebert. Since many of our students have never had an opportunity to attend Ebertfest, we decided to bring a form of the event to our students. Roger’s wife, Chaz, spoke about her role in the film festival along with the book Life Itself that Roger finished writing shortly before his death. Since students had been provided with a copy of the book in advance, they were able to engage in lively discussion with Mrs. Ebert who graciously answered their questions and

later joined us for a lovely dinner at the Illini Union where she was welcomed to campus by Chancellor Barbara Wilson.

Another important undertaking related to making needed renovations to the Honors House. Although we are located in an older building, we firmly believe that our students deserve the best study and social environment we can provide. Thus, we purchased a large projection system for the classroom that facilitates PowerPoint and enables us to show movies on a high-definition screen. We also upgraded the library and lounge with new furniture, paint, and carpeting that are featured in pictures throughout this newsletter and on our website. We also provided canvases, paint, and art materials to talented students who volunteered to create beautiful paintings that adorn the walls throughout the building. Our artists include Jessica Chen, Melody Chua, Sophia Garfias-Yi, Rianna Greer, Charlotte Hunt, and Hailey Weidner; all of whom are Chancellor’s Scholars. The popularity of this art project along with the high praise we have received for sprucing up the Honors House with colorful paintings made us decide this is a program that we plan to continue into the future.

Once the renovations to the student lounge had been completed and the artwork hung, it was time for a big surprise. In honor of his many years of service and contributions to the CHP, we decided to name the lounge after the former director, Professor Bruce Michelson. We invited current students, faculty, friends, local alumni, and Bruce’s family members to the lounge dedication in order to surprise Bruce with this honor. He was upstairs finishing the last lecture of his class for the semester when we asked him to join us in the lounge for an important meeting. To his astonishment, everyone was waiting to celebrate with him. Afterward, he informed us it was only the second time in his life when he had truly been surprised!

The 2016-17 academic year is going to be particularly exciting for many honors students. For the first time in Illinois history, we are offering an Honors Living Learning Community that will house 240 Chancellor’s Scholars and James Scholars. The CHP and University Housing will jointly oversee the role of the new Director, Brian Moffitt. Brian has previously served as a live-in Residence Director at Illinois, and he brings a wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm, motivation, and

many great ideas with him into the new program. He and other faculty will offer a one-credit required honors course for residents along with other honors courses that students will be able to take from the comfort of their new home, Nugent Hall. We welcome Brian into the position and look forward to witnessing many exciting plans that he intends to bring to fruition.

Finally, I hope you will read the full 2016 CHP Annual to learn more about our events and the achievements of our students during the past year. We have added new sections to the newsletter that we think you will find interesting. In particular, we have added sections that include information about the Honors Student Council, a student interview conducted with faculty member Ariana Trail, a report from the Environmental Sustainability Committee, an interview with CHP alumnus Steve Wooden, and an overview of Orientation. We know you will also enjoy an update in our CHaPel of Love section!

I would like to close my message by thanking the honors deans from across campus and our CHP staff who work extremely hard for our students with genuine enthusiasm. Finally, it is because of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of our program that make it possible for me to come to work each day with a smile on my face and a genuine dedication to making campus life for honors students the best that it can be.

Best wishes. I hope to see you at our 30th reunion.


CAMPUS HONORS PROGRAM 1205 West Oregon St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 244-0922

The 2016 CHP Annual newsletter (except for Director’s Corner and by-lined items) was compiled and written by Elizabeth Rockman; she is responsible for any errors or omissions.

Please send all future updates to Elizabeth Rockman at [email protected].


ELIZABETH ROCKMAN Associate Director

JULIE HIGGS WOOLSEY Associate Director for Admissions and Operations

ANNE PRICEOffice Administrator

MARGARET CUPPS Office Support Specialist

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) provides three years of support toward advanced research-based degrees. One recent CHP graduate and two CHP alumni have received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship: CONNOR S. BAILEY (senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering), EWAN SCOTT ROBINSON (12/07 alumnus, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences), and SHYAM M. SALADI, (5/14 alumnus, ENG Electrical Engineering; and LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology).

Connor is attending Stanford University to pursue a PhD in Electrical Engineering, Shyam is at California Institute of Technology


in their Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics PhD program, and Ewan is studying Sociology at Cornell University.

CHP graduates and alumni also received several honorable mentions from the NSF: ANDREW (DREW) BELL, 5/14 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering, ANTHONY J. BRUNO, 5/14 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering, ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering, SEAN W. MCLAUGHLIN, 5/15 alumnus, ENG Engineering Physics, and SHERYL WANG, 5/15 alumna, ENG Bioengineering.

KENNETH ALEXANDER HOFFMANN (junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering) won a Udall Scholarship for Academic Year 2016 - 2017. The following is excerpted from a press release by the National and International Scholarships Program at the University of Illinois:

“Kenneth Hoffmann, of Naperville, Illinois was recently named one of 60 Udall Scholars. Hoffmann, a junior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, was selected from among 482 candidates nominated by 227 colleges and universities.


“Hoffmann has been involved with the Illini EcoConcept Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Team since his freshman year. He was named president of this student organization in fall 2015 and leads the team to compete in competitions such as the Shell Eco-marathon. Hoffmann has been as an Engineering Learning Assistant, teaching an orientation class to 20 engineering freshmen. He also spent a year as a robotics research assistant in the lab of Aerospace Engineering Professor Timothy Bretl, exploring aerial robotics. Hoffmann plans to pursue a PhD in mechanical engineering to develop low-cost transportation technology using electricity and hydrogen and to advance renewable energy policy.”

Established by Congress in 1992, the Morris K. Udall and Steward L Udall Foundation awards scholarships, fellowships and internships for study in fields related to the environment and to American Indians and Alaska Natives in fields related to health care and tribal public policy. The Udall Foundation selects scholars based on their commitments to careers in the environment, American Indian health care, or tribal public policy, through their leadership, record of public service, and academic achievement.

CHP graduate Connor S. Bailey

CHP Director Kim Graber gives remarks at CHP Graduation Reception

Chancellor’s Scholar Kenneth Alexander Hoffmann

Kim C. Graber, Ed.D.Director, Campus Honors ProgramProfessor, Kinesiology and Community Health

2 Campus Honors Program | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | August 2016 Campus Honors Program | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | August 2016 3

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POOJA BAG (5/15 alumna, ENG Bioengineering) in 8/15: “All 6 of us Laos Fulbrighters have been together for the last few weeks doing orientation stuff in-country. We’re in Vientiane, the capital, taking language and teacher training classes. Next week, I’ll move down to Savannakhet, where I’ll be teaching alongside one other Fulbrighter and an English Fellow (also through the State Department). It should be a good group, though I don’t know what I’m teaching or when classes start. All part of the experience!”

RICHARD BOETTCHER (8/10 alumnus, ENG Nuclear Engineering) in 5/16: “I recently earned an Interdisciplinary Master of Science in Engineering (MSE/MS) with a concentration in Industrial Engineering from Purdue. I have been taking distance learning courses through Purdue’s ‘Engineering Professional Education’ for the past 5 years while concurrently doing civilian and military work, getting married, and having children. Hope things are going well with CHP! I hope to eventually bring my family down to visit. I currently live just west of Milwaukee (in Waukesha, WI).

GREG CRIMMINS (5/02 alumnus, LAS Cellular and Structural Biology) in 8/15: “I have great memories of the school and the CHP, it was one of the best times of my life! After UIUC, I went on to get a PhD in molecular biology from Berkeley, and I have recently started a company to develop new cancer drugs. We have a website (remedyplan.com), we have a Facebook page (Remedy Plan), and we are launching a blog this week, accessible from our website or Facebook page. We also have a Twitter account: @remedyplan. We are covering all the social media bases! We are located in the Maryland/Washington DC region. We are launching our crowdfunding campaign in late September, and will also be reaching out to angel investors. …I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study when I took JAMES KALER’S and DAVID RUZIC’S classes through CHP, and they definitely inspired me to try to change the world through scientific research and just trying to figure out how things actually work. I ended up going into biology, but I think they both played a big role in my decision to commit to a research track.”

VICTORIA (TORY) CROSS (5/15 alumna, LAS Individual Plans of Study) in 11/15: “Baltimore has been great. My set of first term classes went really well, including getting through Epidemiology successfully (which is usually cited as the hardest class for Public Health students). I started a field placement this week with House of Ruth Maryland, a domestic violence prevention non-profit. I got to visit the shelter this week and spend a little bit of time with the kids. I’ll be using ethnographic research to evaluate how House of Ruth interacts with the LGBT community in Baltimore. I’m also starting a Federal Work Study next week looking at health outcomes for black men relating to racism. I’m really glad this is where I decided to be, and I hope that your other students who are applying to grad schools are doing well at keeping their world together right now!”

An update in 5/16: “It was a hard year of school but I learned so much! Part of my program is doing a 6 month to 1 year internship, and I start mine in a few weeks! I’ll be working on an ethnographic study of deep poverty in Baltimore, interviewing people about how they access health care for their children and trying to understand points where health professionals can intervene to mitigate the relationship between poverty in childhood and negative health outcomes in adulthood. I’ll be working 40 hours a week and helping to write a grant and I think the experience will be really beneficial for me! I wrote a paper for my Environmental Justice class on federal regulations in cities about lead in water and how the regulations do not adequately protect low-income, minority citizens, and I’m hoping to publish it.

…I cruised around the CHP website for a while and the courses this fall look amazing! I’m not sure I can adequately (say) how much CHP meant to me and still means to me. I miss the house and the comfort of being there often, and I very genuinely think I wouldn’t be at Hopkins now without having CHP in my life.”

MAX ELLITHORPE (12/11 alumnus, LAS Political Science) in 8/15: “I’m still living out in DC, and started a (relatively) new job earlier this year at the Federal Reserve Board. It’s nice to be settled here for the time being, and not traveling as much as I was doing with consulting. I love reading the updates on the CHP website and miss my time in the program. Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do to support CHP from DC!”

KIMIKO GUNJI reported in 1/16: “MICHAEL MUNIE (5/04 alumnus, LAS Mathematics and ENG Computer Science) and JEAN HE (8/05 alumna, ENG Computer Science and LAS Finance) are back to Chicago from Paris and organized our ICST reunion and we met in Chicago on January 8. CAROL MALMGREN also joined and we had Michael, Jean, ALAN KOH (5/02 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering), SANDEEP NAVALGUND (5/05 alumnus, LAS Finance and ENG Computer Engineering), GENEVIEVE NANO (5/03 alumna, LAS Chemistry and ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences), REBECCA HARRIS (5/05 alumna, LAS Biology and Biochemistry), and BEN (5/01 alumus, FAA Music Education) and AMANDA (LEONARD, 5/04 alumna, LAS Chemistry) SHANBAUM. Rebecca brought her husband, Alan came with his wife, and Genevieve brought her husband and two daughters. It was a great reunion.”

ERICA HINZ (5/14 alumna, LAS Integrative Biology) in 6/16: “I got the internship (at the St. Louis Zoo), and it was absolutely fantastic. I worked with the sea lions and it was really great – I really liked everyone I worked with and I learned a lot about animal training and marine mammals. Sadly my last day was a couple weeks ago because the summer interns started, but I’m really glad I got the opportunity to work there. It was awesome!”

JAMES JAY, JR. (5/02 alumnus, LAS Political Science and English) in 2/16: “I’m in Ho Chi Minh City now working at our Consulate, and will be here until 2018. It’s nice to be

in the same place and same job for a few years. Please feel free to share in case any alumni or students are stopping through.”

ETHEL LIAO (5/15 alumna, BUS Info Su) in 8/15: “I’ve just returned from 3 weeks of training – Cincinnati, OH, and Bloomington, IN! – and am settling in at my new job with GE Power & Water in Atlanta, GA.”

KEVIN HOMANN (5/12 alumnus, LAS Chemical Engineering) in 6/16: “Work (at LyondellBasell) is keeping me busy. I just got a new coop that I’m training, so that’s taking up a good amount of time. I’ve been doing a little bit of travel recently. I don’t have any plans to make it out of the country again, but I have about 10 days of vacation I need to spend by the end of the year, so I’m beginning to think about where to go. Work will keep my busy this year. I’ll spend a couple of weeks in our Morris, IL, plant for a turnaround. Other than that, I’m still living in the Quad Cities area with no plans to leave the area anytime soon.”

EMILY MCEWAN-FUJITA (5/93 alumna, LAS Anthropology) in 6/16: “Dr. Emily McEwan has published a new book titled The Scottish Gaelic Tattoo Handbook: Authentic Words and Phrases in the Celtic Language of Scotland (Bradan Press, 2016). Drawing on her expertise in Gaelic language and culture, she provides information on how to choose an appropriate tattoo in the Scottish Gaelic language. The book contains a glossary of nearly 400 authentic words and phrases, examples of real-life Gaelic tattoos gone wrong, advice on how to avoid common mistakes, and insights on how to use Gaelic words in a tattoo design that honours and supports the culture. The book is for tattoo lovers and anyone with an interest in Celtic, Scottish, and Gaelic cultures. Emily, a linguistic anthropologist, now lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She has been involved with Gaelic for over 25 years, starting with study abroad at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. She has authored numerous academic research articles on Gaelic language revitalization and blogs about Gaelic at http://gaelic.co.”

The UI History Department announced WENDY MATHEWSON (5/96 alumna, LAS History) started as a new History Advisor in December 2015: “Wendy Mathewson, the new academic advisor in the history department, is delighted to be serving

students at her alma mater. She graduated from the University of Illinois (Bronze Tablet) with a BA in history. At Illinois, Wendy participated in the Campus Honors Program and wrote a senior thesis in the history department. She went on to earn a Masters of Divinity at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, receiving the Arthur A. Hays Fellowship in Church History. Wendy has worked in Student Affairs at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) and DePaul University (Chicago), working with Residence Life, supporting LGBTQA students, and staffing interfaith student groups.”

BENJAMIN MONTET (5/11 alumnus, LAS Physics and Astronomy) and LAURA KLEIN (5/11 alumna, LAS Integrative Biology) in 6/16: “It’s been a while since we’ve checked in with the CHP family (and somehow, five years since we graduated!), but we had some news we wanted to share with you.

“Ben will be defending his PhD thesis in the Caltech astronomy and astrophysics department this July. He’ll be starting as a Carl Sagan Fellow at the University of Chicago in the fall, studying planets around other stars. Laura recently returned from her dissertation fieldwork in the mountains of southern Poland (to the same field site she visited in the summer of 2010 as an undergrad with the help of a CHP summer travel grant) and will be writing up her PhD over the next year in the Harvard department of Human Evolutionary Biology.

“In addition, we will be getting married this August! We’re very excited to be able to add ourselves to the list of happy CHP couples. We look forward to being back in Illinois next academic year and definitely plan to stop by the HoHo this autumn.” For more information, see CHaPel of Love item on page 33.

CARL PRESS (5/07 alumnus, ENG Electrical Engineering) in 8/15: “In May 2015, I began a new job as a Vice President on the investment team at Thoma Bravo in San Francisco, evaluating and executing private equity investments in technology companies (enterprise application software and infrastructure IT). I’m still living in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco and enjoying all of the beauty of the Bay Area.”

CLIFF REDEKER (5/04 alumnus, LAS French, History, and Psychology) in 10/15: “This is

the third week of my three-week cross-country tour. We had the amazing Culture Summit, the incredible Zeitgeist 2015, and now on-campus recruiting. I’m back at the University of Illinois for some speeches and meetings. We’re helping the Class of 2015 Bring Questions and Build Answers. The majority of my workday will be in support of that, with the remainder on Talks Team meetings and dramatic email triage.” While on campus, Cliff talked about Google’s innovation and management philosophy in a Power Lunch with current Chancellor’s Scholars.

KIMBERLY REDEKER (5/09 alumna, LAS Communication) in 2/16: “Things have been crazy here in Florida, but I am gearing up for graduation May 1 from Florida Gulf Coast University with my MBA. I have been applying for jobs that more align to my skills and career goals, and I have made it decently far with the interview process with Gartner. CLIFF (REDEKER, 5/04 alumnus, LAS French, History, and Psychology) visited last weekend. I really have been enjoying the Ft. Myers area; there is always something to do, and it is a good mix of ‘country and city.’ I am very glad that I decided to obtain my MBA; it really has been great to further my education in a different area.

An update in 3/16: “Just wanted to let you know that...I GOT THE JOB!! I am SUPER excited. I start March 21 as a New Client Engagement Specialist with Gartner. I am thrilled that I will have a job that will transpire into a wonderful career with a great company, and utilize more of the skills I have obtained from my MBA. I graduate May 1, and just ordered my regalia last week! I am nostalgic for the Commencement activities at UI.”

JULIA REYNOLDS (12/07 alumna, LAS International Studies) in 6/16: “I hope all is well with the Campus Honors Program and the new recruits keep getting better and better. I’m happy to say that I am indeed still in Vienna – going on six years now! I still absolutely love it here and feel quite integrated into Austrian life by now. However, things might change in a year or so and I may have another adventure on my hands. I am currently in the fourth year of the Finance PhD program at the Vienna Graduate School of Finance, a joint program of the WU University of Economics and Business and the University

CHP alum Tory Cross

continued on page 6

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of Vienna, and I am on track to defend my thesis next summer. After the PhD, I would like to join a university research faculty, which will likely mean leaving Vienna and discovering a new city – and career! I haven’t yet decided whether I’ll stay in Europe or hang up my ex-pat hat and return to the states, but in the meantime I plan to enjoy my time in this wonderful city.”

HANNAH RICKEY (5/15 alumna, LAS Spanish and Anthropology) in 8/16: “I will be making my big move next week! I will be in Fall River, MA. I’ve been getting more of the details of my AmeriCorps position recently and finally got my apartment finalized, so I’m starting to get very excited about it.”

An update in 12/15: “Things are going pretty well so far! I really enjoy the work we do in my office. I do our client intakes as well as some casework, mostly on citizenship and DACA cases, and then I help out all over the place with contacting clients and translating because none of our attorneys speak much Spanish. I get to use Spanish on a daily basis, and also because it’s allowed me already to see a lot of the steps in the process for some of the more complicated cases we have in progress, which I otherwise would not get to see. I’m busy all the time, but in a way that I have really been enjoying. I am very glad that this AmeriCorps position worked out! I miss Champaign and the HoHo... I was actually reminiscing with CLARA (MOUNT, 5/14 alumna, LAS English) just yesterday about hanging out in the lounge when we were working on the paper cranes.”

TARA ROGERS (5/05 alumna, ACES Food Science and Human Nutrition) in 8/15: “I just received the 2015 CHP Annual and thought it was time to send in my own update. I have fond memories of CHP classes and activities as an undergrad. It’s wonderful to know that the program is still going strong. After graduating in 2005 in Food Science and Human Nutrition, I completed my Master’s in Nutritional Sciences, as well as the dietetic internship, at Illinois. I worked for three years as a registered dietitian in Phoenix, Arizona, and then moved to Davis, California. This summer I finished my PhD in Nutritional Biology from the University of California, Davis. My research emphasis is bone health and osteoporosis prevention/treatment. In October I am going to start a postdoctoral research

position at the Center for Musculoskeletal Health, University of California, Davis Medical Center, in Sacramento.”

ANTHONY SHEEHAN (5/89 alumnus, LAS Political Science) in 2/16: “After graduating from U of I, I attended Michigan Law, graduating in 1992. For the past 23+ years, I have been an attorney in the Appellate Section of the Tax Division in the U.S. Department of Justice.” While on campus, Anthony talked with current Chancellor’s Scholars interested in pursuing a legal career at a Power Lunch.

RUTH TEKESTE (5/12 alumna, LAS Psychology) in 11/15: “I am in my 2nd year teaching 10th grade English at Hansberry College Prep, a founding high school in the Noble network, a high achieving network in Chicago. ROBYN BESANA, (5/12 alumna, SW Social Work) is in her first year as a school social worker at Gary Comer Middle School, another school in the same network! We traveled through Central America two summers ago, I went to Eritrea this past summer, and we’re planning a Euro trip for this upcoming summer.”

CARRINGTON WATKINS (5/15 alumna, ENG Material Science and Engineering) in 8/15: “Illini 4000 went very well and I am very happy I had the opportunity to be a part of the team this year. My job starts on the 14th of September so I will be in Indianapolis after Labor Day.”

NICHOLAS WISSEMAN (5/03 alumnus, LAS Anthropology and History) in 8/15: “I have a lot of fond memories from my time at the U of I, but I especially enjoyed writing papers for my Campus Honors Program classes – they were always more demanding creatively. In the years since, I’ve been

writing more and more fiction, and it finally bore fruit: my first two novels just came out. “House with a Blue Door is a literary novel inspired by the time I spent working at a group home for mentally handicapped residents, many of whom had additional diagnoses like Down syndrome, Tourette’s, and paranoid schizophrenia. My primary goal is to show this group of people as people, not stereotypes. 10 percent of my royalties will go to charity. The Red Wraith is a historical fantasy set in Early America. The protagonist is a Native American who becomes the focus for magic’s reentry into the world. Details for both books are on my website: www.nickwisseman.com.”

An update in 3/16: “Within the next few months, Edge releases my new novella The Battle Dancer. And within the next year, I hope to have my third novel out, tentatively titled Magic in the White City.”

CAROL WONG (5/02 alumna, LAS English) in 9/15: “I just received the CHP Annual and it reminded me to provide an update. After graduation, I worked as an administrative assistant for about two years, and then returned to law school at the University of Illinois College of Law. After graduating from law school, I clerked for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee in Memphis, Tennessee. I then accepted a position as a trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Employment Litigation Section in Washington, DC. I married a fellow College of Law graduate and we just had a cheerful, outgoing baby girl at the end of December. I’m more than happy to speak with anyone who is considering law school and/or relocating to the DC area.”


STEVE WOODEN (5/01 alumnus, ENG Computer Engineering and LAS Economics) is a software engineer and partner at Wolverine Trading in Chicago, IL. He recently sat down with ALEX KORDAS (5/15 alumnus, ENG Computer Engineering), also a software engineer at Wolverine Trading, to discuss his experiences with CHP and the UI.

AK: Let’s start out with telling us a little bit about your time at Illinois – what you studied, what you were involved in on campus and with CHP, et cetera.

SW: I was in the ENG/LAS dual degree program, and it took some planning to make sure that I had all my coursework completed for both degrees. As far as my involvement in CHP goes, I did work as the sole Computer Guy™ starting my sophomore year.

AK: Right, you were the Computer Guy™ at the time, because there was only one! What was that like?

SW: Yep! I was trained by ANDREW KACZOREK (5/99 alumnus, ENG Computer Science) we had a couple weeks of transition but after that I was on my own. The labs were all Windows 95 then, so machines were crashing all the time. And because many students didn’t have their own computers, those third floor labs saw a lot of use! There were definitely nights where I’d be at the house and we’d have all the computers upstairs in use, which I’m sure isn’t how it is now.

AK: Let’s talk about CHP classes too, because that’s really the biggest commitment that most students make to the program. What was your favorite one that you took?

SW: Definitely Experiencing Architecture with JIM WARFIELD. I’ll never think of space, light, and movement the same way again! That was a class that really got me to think differently–I think that was the real strength of CHP for me, that I’d be taking classes that pulled me away from the worlds of Economics readings and CS machine problems, and working with something completely different.

AK: So let’s talk a bit more about what you’re doing now, here at Wolverine.

SW: Sure. It’s been a pretty natural transition for me, mostly looking

for areas where processes and knowledge are deficient and taking responsibility for those areas and filling in those gaps. I expect to be interrupted, answer questions, and get individuals across teams together to completely solve or diagnose an issue. And yes, I happily still (occasionally) write code! I’ve been here for 14 years now, which seems like a really long time in the tech world.

AK: So you’re doing more business-oriented stuff than your average CS graduate probably finds themselves doing, generally speaking. How did what you learned at U of I help you with that?

SW: When I think back on CHP, that’s where I feel like I see it as a really great fit. Sometimes I feel that once you pick your area of focus or your major, it’s easy to zoom in on all the cool classes you can take in that area, and end up not really exploring anything else. But CHP helped to bring a better balance to the coursework I had on my plate, much like being involved in student organizations did. I was heavily involved with the Student Alumni Ambassadors, and that was a really wide variety of people from all majors and all colleges, and I found that immensely rewarding. When you’re brainstorming with ten strong personalities, and trying to come to some sort of a consensus, there’s a lot of challenges there, and it’s very similar to the workplace. You want to give everyone enough intellectual freedom to explore as they’d like, without losing sight of the core mission at hand.

AK: A lot of CHP students are probably trying to find the major that’s right for them, or to choose a career path for after they graduate. Do you have any advice for them?

SW: I think this is really hard, because the traditional saying, which I do believe, is that you should find something that you love to do, so that work isn’t really work, per se. One piece of advice I have is to build relationships - during those group projects in class or through student activities - the peers you have at Illinois are second to none; you never know when your paths will cross in the future and maybe some of those relationships will end up helping you find your passion. I was also involved with the Illinois Leadership Center for a while, and they do a really good job of helping to give students some more general skills that’ll be useful regardless of what career path you’re seeking.

Power Lunch with Chancellor’s Scholars and CHP alum Anthony Sheehan

CHP alums Steve Wooden and Alex Kordas

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LEANN BECKMAN (BUS Accountancy) – “In January 2016, I will be interning at Mowery & Schoenfeld, then I will come back for the MAS program at Illinois in Fall 2016.”

MAXWELL E. COLON (LAS Psychology and Spanish) – “This summer, I am in search of Human Resources internship opportunities before I return to the Champaign-Urbana area in the fall to begin the Master’s of Human Resources and Industrial Relations program in the College of Labor and Employment Relations.”

JASMINE KIRBY (LAS History) – “I will be going on to graduate school at the Graduate School of Information Sciences here at UI starting this summer. I’ll be around Champaign-Urbana.”

UMBERTO RAVAIOLI (ENG Electrical Engineering) – “I’m interning at Microsoft in the summer of 2016, and will be returning to grad school in the Fall to pursue a PhD in Computer Engineering.”

GABRIELLE NICOLETTE RICCIO (ACES Animal Sciences) – “Beginning May 2016 I will return home to gain more animal and veterinary experience and in the Fall of 2016 I will be attending the University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine.”

KARLI N. ROBINSON (ACES Animal Sciences) – “I will be attending the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine this upcoming fall semester. I hope to earn my DVM and become a veterinarian for both small and large animals.”

SAM SAGAN (ENG Electrical Engineering) – “I will be graduating in December and proceeding to a Master’s program in EE right here at the U of I.”

HANNAH SIMMONS (AHS Speech and Hearing Science) – “After I graduate in May, I will be attending grad school at the University of Illinois to become a Speech-Language Pathologist.”

JEFFREY R. SMITH (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “I am enrolled in the MSTM program here at Illinois, and I will be working for Illinois Tool Works in their Fuel Department of the Automotive Division as a Mechanical Engineer.”


VINCENT ABEJUELA (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology and Physics) – “After May I will be applying for medical school/graduate school (Engineering or Biology) and I tentatively plan on continuing research at my current lab between graduation and starting graduate school.”

MADISON BARKER (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “This summer I will be lifeguarding for Campus Recreation and then I will be pursuing a PhD in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill this fall.”

CRYSTAL CHANG (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “Following my graduation, I will be applying to Dental School and will be working and gaining experience before.”

SARA BRUMM (LAS Psychology and English) – “I will be attending the University

of Illinois at Chicago in the fall for my graduate studies in occupational therapy.”

EMILY CULLUM (ENG Bioengineering) – “I will be starting an MD/PhD program this fall! I will be joining the University of Chicago MSTP this summer.”

XIANGYUN JOHN DUAN (ENG Electrical Engineering) – “After I graduate, I will be off to Johns Hopkins for my MD!”

KATHERINE GARBACIAK (LAS Integrative Biology) – “I’m very lucky to be able to say I’m officially going to be a veterinarian! I have officially accepted and will be attending the University of Wisconsin as a member of the class of 2020 in the fall! If you can’t tell, I’m a little excited.”

LAUREN HALL (ACES Food Science and Human Nutrition) – “After graduation, I plan on traveling and working for a year, gaining experience in the health care field. After that I will be heading out to Seattle to Bastyr University to become a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND).”

ANNA JI (LAS Integrative Biology) – “My plans are to take a gap year and figure out what avenue of health I would like to pursue. I am currently considering Physician Assistant school, nursing school, and medical school. I will work for a year in one of the hospitals in town to gain patient care experience before I apply to graduate school.”

KATHERINE JOHNSON (ACES Animal Sciences) – “I am graduating with my Bachelor’s in Animal Science with a Pre-veterinary concentration. I officially decided to attend the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri.”

KATHERINE D. LINCOLN (LAS Integrative Biology) – “I have officially decided to attend medical school at SIU School

of Medicine this fall!! I am incredibly excited to go to my top choice school.”

ISAAC PHILIP (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “I am starting medical school in the fall. I am going to Saint Louis University. I will be taking summer trips to India and San Diego.”

GERALD (JERRY) JIANG WU (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “Following graduation, I will spend the summer on vacation traveling across the States and I will be visiting China from late May to mid-June. I am so excited to say that I have been accepted to both UIC and IUSM! Furthermore, I am fully committed to Indiana University School of Medicine as they have awarded me a recruitment scholarship. I will be starting medical school on August 8th.”


RAMYA BABU (ENG Bioengineering) – “I will be attending Cornell University for their Masters in Computer Science program in Fall of 2016. After that, I intend to continue my studies with a PhD.”

CONNOR S. BAILEY (ENG Materials Science and Engineering) – “In the fall, I will be attending Stanford University to pursue a PhD in Electrical Engineering. I am also happy to share that I will be supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!”

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO (ENG Engineering Physics) – “I will be attending UC Berkeley for my physics PhD to do condensed matter physics.”

MELODY CHUA (FAA Instrumental Music and Music Technology) – “I have accepted a fellowship to work at the Future Music Lab at the Atlantic Music Festival for this June - July. I will collaborate with violinist/composer and Julliard instructor Mari Kimura, for the continued development of an electroacoustic flute. I have been selected to receive the Fulbright Scholarship for my master’s studies at the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK). While I am so excited for what I have ahead of me, I will greatly miss the CHP at Illinois. It has been a wonderful four years being a part of this program.”

MIKE GAPINSKE (ENG Bioengineering) – “I plan on continuing my education, pursuing a PhD in Bioengineering. I’ve

been accepted to three programs so far, so I’m still not sure where I’ll be.”

BRETT A. GLASNER (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “I will be going to Stanford for my master’s degree.”

GINO GIANNETTI (ENG Engineering Physics) – “Beginning in September 2016, I will be attending the University of California - Santa Barbara for graduate studies in biophysics. Until that time, I will visit family and use my free time to study for any upcoming qualifying exams.”

AUSTIN GRAF (LAS Physics) – “From May through August I’ll be at Illinois continuing my work in Paul Kwiat’s quantum information lab. In late August I’ll be moving to Rochester, NY, to pursue my PhD in quantum optics at the University of Rochester.”

MARY MARGARET HAPP (ACES Crop Sciences) – “I am starting my PhD June 6th at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.”

KIMBERLY HIRSCHHORN (LAS Statistics) – “Beginning in May 2016, I will be interning at Blue Cross Blue Shield in Chicago, and then next fall, I’ll be attending University of Michigan-Ann Arbor for my master’s degree in biostatistics.”

KATERINA HOLAN (ACES Crop Sciences) – “I will be going to Iowa State University in the fall to study Predictive Plant Phenomics in their Plant Biology program.”

ALEX NATHAN KAHN (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “This summer I plan to get my private pilot license, skydive, and intern at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Space Hardware/Robotics Academy. This fall I will attend Stanford University as a Research Assistant.”

ERIK D. KOUNTZ (LAS Physics) – “Starting in the fall of 2016, I will attend Stanford pursuing a PhD in experimental condensed matter physics. During the summer, I will be working at Northrop Grumman on laser physics and finishing up my undergraduate research with Professor Alexey Bezryadin investigating the potential technological limits and uses of carbon sequestration in rock.”

GILAD MARGALIT (LAS Physics) – “After May I will be continuing my education in theoretical physics at a graduate program, most likely at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. I plan to study field theory and its applications to either condensed matter or particle physics. Ultimately, I’m interested in applying novel mathematical methods to long-standing physics problems. I’ve greatly enjoyed my time in the CHP program, and I’m thankful that I was able to participate in it.”

JULIA MCCARREN (FAA Music) – “I have accepted my offer to enroll in the graduate music therapy program at Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo) and will be attending in the fall! I will be working towards a Master’s degree in Music Therapy. Next year I have also accepted a TA position in the Vocal Jazz department at WMU and will be assisting with the vocal jazz ensemble there. I have received a Music Therapy graduate scholarship from WMU. Excited for graduation and things to come!!”

AMANDA MURPHY (LAS Atmospheric Sciences) – “Starting this fall, I will be attending graduate school at the University of Oklahoma, focusing on dual-polarization radar and cloud microphysics.”

CHP graduate Gabrielle Riccio

CHP graduate Brett Glasner

CHP graduate Gerald Wu

CHP alumnae siblings Elise, Lauren, and Kathryn Hall

CHP graduate Amanda Murphy presents her research at SAS

continued on page 10

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Engineering) – “After graduation, I will begin graduate studies at Stanford University and will be working towards a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.”


Engineering) – “I will be attending graduate school at Purdue where I have received the Ross Fellowship. I will be pursuing my PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics, with a research focus in Astrodynamics and Space Applications. This summer I will be interning at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, CA until school starts up again in August.”


Cellular Biology) – “I have decided to begin my PhD journey this fall at the University of Pennsylvania in the Genetics and Gene Regulation PhD program, where I hope to investigate epigenetic mechanisms of gene expression in development. Before that, I hope to take advantage of my last free summer and travel to Romania to visit with family.”


Engineering) – “After graduation, I will be interning at Intel Corporation as a Device Design Engineer before returning to attend graduate school. I will be pursuing a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois.”

GILLIAN P. SMITH (ENG Bioengineering) – “After graduation, I will be attending graduate school at Emory University in the Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta for a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology.”

JOHN W. SMITH (ENG Materials Science and Engineering) – “In the fall, I plan to pursue a Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering, either here at the University of Illinois or at Northwestern University (I’m still in the process of deciding).”

SARAH TUCKER (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “I have decided to attend Harvard this fall to pursue my PhD in their Biological and Biomedical Sciences program (BBS).”

ANDREW J. UNANDER (ENG Civil Engineering) – “I am pursuing a Masters of Engineering degree at MIT for structural engineering, beginning this fall.”

KYLE WEISKIRCHER (ENG Aerospace Engineering) – “Next Fall I will be attending Georgia Institute of Technology as a Master’s student working in the Aerodynamics System Design Lab.”

JOHN WHITMAN (LAS Physics) – “I just accepted to The Ohio State University for a PhD in physics. I’m excited and I can’t wait. I plan to do work with either ferroelectric and perovskite materials, or controlled manipulation of cells and cell components.”


SARAH ALTSHULER (FAA Music Education) – “This summer, I will be working as a music specialist at Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute, a summer camp, so I will be planning and teaching music programming to campers. After the summer, I hope to teach general music at an elementary school in the Chicago area.”

JENNA H. ARONSON (EDUC Special Education) – “This semester, I student taught at Walter Payton College Prep High School in Chicago Public Schools in a functional life skills classroom. In May right after graduation, I am going to travel in Europe because I was not able to study abroad during my undergraduate education. Beginning in the fall, I will be teaching 12th grade math as a special education teacher at Intrinsic Schools, a charter school in Chicago. I am extremely excited for this opportunity!”

KATHERINE BORA (LAS History) – “After graduation, I will preparing to for my future teaching career in the suburbs of Chicago and will be a substitute teacher for District 214 through the summer.”

SAMANTHA GEORGE (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “Next year I will be participating in CityYear, a year-long program through AmeriCorps that allows individuals to work in middle or high schools in underserved areas in the US. I will be working in a school in Jacksonville, Florida for a year. Afterwards, I’ll be continuing my journey to becoming a physician by attending medical school.”

CATHERINE J. KEMP (ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) – “From May to August, I will be riding my bike across the country as the ride leader for the Illini 4000 Bike America Team, which raises money for cancer research and patient support services while documenting the American cancer experience through the Portraits Project. In the fall, I’m hoping to start a year of service with AmeriCorps while I explore options for graduate school.”

JEREMY LOUI (FAA Music Education) – “This fall I will be teaching band in the Paxton-Buckley-Loda school district. I will have various curricular and extracurricular teaching responsibilities, and will see approximately 200 students, 5th through 12th grade each day.”

SARAH OSMULSKI (LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) – “Beginning in May 2016, I hope to serve with AmeriCorps for a year in order to help those in need within the United States. I will be applying to medical school in June 2016 with the goal of attending in fall 2017.”

EVANGELIA PAGONES (FAA Music Education) – “Starting in August, I will begin my career as a music teacher! I will teach 4-8th grade orchestra students at Churchville Middle School in Elmhurst! In my classroom I hope to integrate many subjects into my music

lessons, so that my students will have a truly holistic learning experience similar to the education I have received from participating in a wide variety of CHP courses.”

MEGAN WARREN (FAA Music Education) – “Beginning in May I will be searching for teaching positions as a choral music educator, and am planning to teach in the Fall of 2016. I will also continue to maintain a private voice studio of several middle school and high school aged students.”


NICHOLAS H. BALKO (ENG General Engineering) – “Directly after graduation I will have the summer off, and then in August I will start work at Cognizant Technology Solutions as an Associate Engineering and Manufacturing Solutions Analyst.”

PRITAM D. BHATTARAI (ENG Materials Science and Engineering) – “After graduation, I am very excited to be working full time as an R&D Scientist with the Clorox Co. I will be starting a new adventure in the San Francisco Bay area where I will be working to better design, create, and package everyday products to help everyday people. Eventually, I hope to return to graduate school, but for now, I am excited for a long awaited break!”

NICHOLAS M. BINKUS (ENG General Engineering) – “After graduation, I will be working as a Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte Consulting LLP. I start at Deloitte in July 2016 and will be based in Chicago.”

KATHERINE BOKENKAMP (FAA Voice) – “I will be staying in the area to continue studies with my voice teacher, and traveling for opera, musical theatre, and film

auditions. I will hopefully continue work as a research assistant in a UIUC toxicology and mutagenicity lab over the next year as I decide whether or not to pursue a Masters in Vocal Performance in Europe.”

BENJAMIN BOLAND (LAS Actuarial Science) – “My plan is to start working after graduation. I am still searching for a job, but I am hoping to be working as an actuary in the Chicago-land area, or somewhere in the Midwest.”

JOSHUA C. CAMP (ENG Computer Science) – “I have accepted a full time offer to be a Software Engineer at Google. I’ll start in July at their office in Manhattan, New York City.”

COLTON J. CANNON (ENG Computer Science) – “I am moving out to the Silicon Valley to take a full time position at Pure Storage. Pure Storage is an enterprise data storage startup focusing on flash storage. I will be starting as a member of their technical staff this July.”

NICHOLAS CONNOLLY (LAS Chemical Engineering) – “I have just accepted a job as a Production Engineer at Lam Research in Fremont, CA.”

CHRISTINE M. CURRIE (ENG Industrial Engineering) – “After graduation, I will be traveling as much as possible over the summer before I start my career as a Strategy Consultant for Bain & Company in the fall of 2016.”

ANDREW CURTIS (ENG Materials Science and Engineering) – “Starting in June, I will be working just outside of Boston in the town of Bedford, MA. There I will serve as a Systems Engineer for the Emerging Technologies Division of the MITRE Corporation. I hope to begin working towards a graduate degree in systems engineering as well.”

WARREN D’SOUZA (LAS Economics and Actuarial Science) – “I will be beginning a full-time job as an analyst for Allstate Insurance Company in Chicago, IL beginning August 2016. I’ll be working in their Product Operations division to help price insurance products.”

MARJORIE DALLMANN (ENG Computer Engineering) – “I will have a full-time job somewhere, most likely focusing on computer security.”

GRACE DEETJEN (ENG Bioengineering) – “Immediately after graduation, I’ll be traveling to Bolivia to volunteer for prosthetics. The clinic is called the Bolivian Prosthetics Foundation, and I’ll be there in La Paz for 7 weeks. In August, I begin working with Epic in a Technical Services roll, in Madison, Wisconsin.”

AMANDA DEL TORO (BUS Marketing and Supply Chain Management) – “After graduation I will be working full-time for Nestle in their Supply Chain Development Program. It’s a rotational program where I will get to rotate through multiple roles and locations in the Supply Chain and Procurement departments of the company. I’m moving to Los Angeles, California! I’m very excited.”

SANJIT DUTTA (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “After graduation, I am taking a couple of months off before my full-time job starts. I am planning on travelling to India and Europe to visit family and explore. I am also hoping to make a trip to the Fiji Islands. Beginning in August I will be moving to New York City and starting a full-time job with PricewaterhouseCoopers as a Technology Consulting Associate.”

KIMBERLY GASICIEL (LAS Psychology) – “I will be pursuing a voice acting career in Chicago.”

CONNOR W. GOODING (ENG Electrical Engineering) – “After graduation, I am starting work as a Quality Assurance Analyst for Cognizant Technology Solutions, a Fortune 500 consulting firm. I am looking to start in August, but I may be starting in June. If I get the later start date, I’m looking to spend the summer interning with my church and going to Wrigley Field as many times as possible to watch my Cubbies.”

CHP graduate Sarah Altshuler

CHP graduate Nicholas Connolly

CHP graduate Sanjit Dutta

CHP graduate Evangelia Pagones

continued on page 12

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ELIJAH HARRISON (LAS Physics) – “I will be working at Six Flags Great America starting in May, but that is subject to change.”

DYLAN HOYER (LAS Economics and History) – “While my plans are still in flux, I intend to continue with my grocery-delivery startup on campus. But more importantly, in June I will be marrying my best friend and fellow CHP’er April Young (senior, BUS Accountancy; and Information Systems and Information Technology) and moving to Chicago, IL.” For more information, see CHaPel of Love item on page 32.

MATTHEW JORDAN (ENG Computer Engineering) – “I’m hoping to do some travelling starting a few weeks after graduation. Right now it looks like I will visit South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. Then, starting in August I will be working at Wolverine Trading in Chicago as an FPGA Verification Engineer.”

WYATT R. KAHLE (LAS Mathematics) – “After graduation, I will be taking the summer off to relax before beginning my full-time position as a Financial Analyst for State Farm Insurance in August in Bloomington-Normal, IL. For the entire month of June, I am traveling to Thailand and Laos to volunteer with a non-profit organization teaching elementary age kids English and working on various construction projects.”

AMY KLOBUCHAR (LAS Linguistics) – “I am currently looking for jobs in both the tech sector and library, and I hope to start work as soon as possible. I have several years of experience at the Illinois library and am considering it as a field, because there is a good mix of academic knowledge and social knowledge required. In regards to the tech sector, I am applying for jobs as a linguistic engineer or researcher for several well-known online companies.”

IAN LEE (LAS Mathematics and Computer Science) – “After graduation, I plan on enjoying one last summer break full of leisure and travel before starting work in August as a Software Developer for Epic Systems in Madison, WI.”

ALYSSA MARTINEZ (ENG Civil Engineering) – “After graduation in May, I will be starting as a Digital Analyst at Accenture in Chicago.”

ANNA MAST (ENG Materials Science and Engineering) – “Starting over the summer I will be going to work at Toyota as a Material Quality Specialist in Erlanger, KY and then eventually moving to Plano, Texas when the company moves.”

MICHAEL S. MILLER (ENG Aerospace Engineering) – “After graduation, I’m going to spend the summer in Europe and then start working as a Systems Engineer at Raytheon in Indianapolis.”

ALEC J. MORI (ENG Computer Science) – “Starting in August, I will be working at Yelp as a data engineer in San Francisco! Until then I plan to visit Barcelona and just have one last relaxing summer before I go be a full-time adult. I hope to expand some personal projects then as well.”

ROBERT MOSS (BUS Finance, LAS Statistics and Economics) – “I have started work for Quantitative Risk Management, a firm which offers software, research, and consulting to financial institutions. I am a Risk Management Associate, meaning that I am on the primary consulting team for clients. I plan to sit for the CERA (Actuarial) exams, and apply for UChicago’s Financial Mathematics master’s program within the next few years.”

ATHREY E. NADHAN (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “After graduation, I will be working as an engineer at Northrop Grumman in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. I will then be pursuing a company-sponsored, part-time Masters in Engineering followed by a company-sponsored, part-time Master’s in Business Administration.”

REBECCA NOTHOF (ENG Civil Engineering) – “In January 2016 I will be traveling to South America before heading to Houston in February. I will begin full time work as a construction engineer for Shell.”

BRIDGET O’BRIEN (ENG Civil Engineering) – “This summer, I will be taking some time to travel with friends and family. In the fall, I will be starting work at Accenture in Chicago as a technology consultant.”

MATTHEW RASMUSSEN (ENG Computer Science) – “After graduation, I will be working at Google in Seattle, most likely on Google Maps for iOS.”

KATIE M. REITER (LAS Economics) – “After graduation I plan to spend a few weeks backpacking with a friend in South-East Asia. In August I will begin working for strategy consulting firm Roland Berger as a Junior Consultant in their Chicago office.”

OLIVIA ROGERS (ENG Materials Science and Engineering) – “After graduation, I will be wrapping up my work with Serionix, a startup company in Research Park. Then, I will be traveling in Europe with friends before moving to New York to begin a job in management consulting with Accenture.”

ANNIE RONG (ENG Computer Science) – “I will start working at Google as a Software Developer on their Cloud Platform in August 2016. I will be in San Francisco and I’m incredibly excited!”

BENJAMIN ROSENBERG (LAS Chemical Engineering) – “I will be working as a Supply Chain Associate for Pepsico in Cedar Rapids, Iowa following graduation. Before I work, I will be travelling across Europe, going to a few cities in Italy, then France, Germany, and hitting a few smaller Eastern countries like Austria and the Czech Republic. Right after I get back, it’s straight to work.”

DAN SAPATO (ENG Computer Science) – “I will be moving to Los Angeles and working as a Software Engineer at Google.”



MEGAN SCHARLAU (LAS History) – “May 2016 and beyond I’ll be moving to Chicago and working in an office somewhere, probably doing title insurance.”

EMILY SCHROEDER (LAS Actuarial Science) – “After graduation, I will be moving to Chicago, Illinois for the first time to start work as an actuary at Anthem, Inc. Before I start, however, I have plans for a family vacation in Florida and two weekend trips with my college friends to see many of the tourist attractions in Chicago.”

SANA SINGH (LAS Global Studies) – “I will be joining the Finance and Risk Management team of Thomson Reuters in Chicago full-time, starting in July!”

NATHAN STABLES (LAS Integrative Biology) – “From 6/6-8/28/16 I will be completing a Natural Resources internship at the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park in Woodstock, Vermont. This position is through the Student Conservation Association (SCA), NPS, and AmeriCorps. After this, I am still looking for full-time positions and possibly grad school later on.”

ERIC M. STANISZEWSKI (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “I will be working as a Technical Problem Solver for

Epic, a healthcare software company up in Madison, Wisconsin.”

GARY W. SZETO (ENG Computer Engineering) – “After May 2016, I’m going to go to Hong Kong to visit family and possibly travel around Asia in June. Afterwards, I will be starting full-time in June for Capital One as a Data Engineer!”

JEFFREY TOLAR (ENG Computer Engineering) – “I’m planning to start full time at Yahoo! (in Research Park) in early/mid-July.”

JASON C. TROUTNER (ENG Mechanical Engineering) – “After graduation I will begin working full time as the Chief Technology Officer of Cast21, a startup I founded with the help of two of my colleagues in engineering.”

SHRUTI VAIDYA (ENG Computer Engineering) – “I will be traveling for the first few weeks, and then beginning work at Rockwell Collins in July.”

DEREK VIDOVIC (ENG Computer Science) – “After I graduate, I’ll be working at a tech job in Minneapolis. (Cold!)”

MADELINE M. WHITESELL (FAA Voice) – “This summer I will be attending the Yale School of Drama’s directing

workshop, where I will be learning about theatre and opera directing. In the winter, I will be interning at the Prototype Opera Festival in New York City working for the opera production company ‘Beth Morrison Productions.’”

JORDAN ALEXANDER WILLIAMS (ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) – “I will officially be working as a RAY Marine Conservation Diversity Fellow with the Environmental Defense Fund’s Fisheries Solution Center in Boston for an entire year starting this June! I am so excited!”

MATTHEW C. YANG (ENG Computer Science) – “I will be working at Epic Systems Corporation starting September 2016.”

APRIL YOUNG (BUS Accountancy; and Information Systems and Information Technology) – “After graduation, I will be working at KPMG as an Information Technology Audit Consultant in Chicago. I am hoping to become a Certified Public Accountant by the end of the year. In June, I’ll be getting married to Dylan Hoyer, another CHP graduate who I met during Convocation our freshman year.” For more information, see CHaPel of Love item on page 32.


Global Studies) has been a Treasurer, Performer, and Choreographer for Illini Student Musicals, including Rocky Horror Picture Show in conjunction with the Art Theater in October 2016.

KEVIN CHENG (freshman, LAS Biochemistry and Economics) joined the Illio Yearbook staff in 2015, and became the Director of Health Needs for Volunteer Illini Projects in 2016.

NICK KORTENDICK (junior, ENG Computer Science) was Senior Fellow for the Margolis Market Information Lab in Academic Year 2015 – 2016; MICHAEL TORNARITIS (sophomore, BUS Curriculum Unassigned) and ERIC ZHANG (junior, BUS Finance) were also Fellows.

HAOXUAN (HENRY) LI (junior, BUS Accountancy) has served as a Strategic Operations Consultant for Illinois Business Consulting, and as a Leadership Paraprofessional for the Illinois Leadership Center®.

SILVIA MARTIN (sophomore, AHS Speech and Hearing Science and LAS Spanish) served as Treasurer of the 2015 - 2016 National Student Speech-Language-Hearing

Association (NSSLHA), she was on the James Scholar Advisory Board, and she participated in LeaderShape®.

VASSIL MLADENOV (junior, ENG Computer Science) in 4/16: “I’m interning at Facebook in a couple weeks and then Apple in the fall.”

AASHAY PATEL (sophomore, ENG Bioengineering) was President and KYLE SUMMERVILLE (junior, BUS Management) served as Treasurer for Students Empowering Education, and in their roles, they helped organize mini-courses for high school students through SPLASH@UIUC in October 2015.

MADISON ROSS-RYAN (junior, FAA Graphic Design) is serving as Vice President of Communications for Student Alumni Ambassadors in 2016. BRIDGET O’BRIEN (senior, ENG Civil Engineering) was Vice President of Homecoming in 2015, and

CHP graduate Robert Moss

CHP graduate Emily Schroeder

Chancellor’s Scholar Lauren Brooks

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SR. STEPHANIE BALIGA (5/10 alumna, LAS Geography and International Studies) was featured in a 9/30/15 Wall Street Journal article entitled “A Nun on the Run” about her quest to finish the Bank of America Chicago Marathon fast enough to qualify for the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials.”

PAT BASU (5/00 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering) was named as an External Committee Member for the new Carle Illinois College of Medicine’s Dean Search Committee in 2015.

R. DAVIS BORN (5/15 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering) was featured in an online UI Illinois Success story entitled “Embrace the Spirit of Discovering Yourself” in 3/16.

MAX COLON (senior, LAS Spanish and Psychology) was featured in LAS News as one of the first class of graduates of Lincoln Scholars. “I think the Lincoln scholars program for me, has really been an opportunity for us who may not have had the privilege of attending college to say, ‘Hey I’m here, I belong here and I’m going to make the absolute most of my time here,’” Colon said.

EMILY CROSS (12/12 alumna, LAS Earth Systems, Environment, and Society) was interviewed by WCIA-3 News in 4/16 about the Dump and Run Program at the University YMCA. She is currently serving as the University YMCA’s Development Director.

KIMBERLY GASICIEL (senior, LAS Psychology) directed The New Revel Players’ production of I Hate Hamlet in October 2015.

PIERCE HADLEY (senior, ENG Bioengineering) was featured in a full page story about the first cohort of the Illinois Cancer Scholars Program in the Fall 2015 issue of Postmarks.

CATHERINE KEMP (senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) participated in Illini 4000 for the second time in Summer 2016, cycling from New York to San Francisco. Illini 4000’s mission (as written on http://illini4000.org) is “The Illini 4000 is a non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against cancer, the support of those affected by cancer, and the documentation of how cancer impacts the lives of Americans.” In May 2016, she was quoted in an Albany news story at WNYT.com.

SAMUEL LEROY (sophomore, BUS Marketing and Management) and Committee Chair MARK SCHAER (junior, BUS Marketing and Business Process Management) were interviewed on WCIA-3 News and other news venues in May 2016 about the Illinois Student Senate’s efforts to seek student and community input to initiate a new UI mascot.

BO LU (5/04 alumnus, ENG Computer Science) featured in 12/16/15 Fortune story entitled “Brokers and Advisers Fight for Millennials Money,” which details his co-founding in 2010 of FutureAdvisor, an online investment platform that uses algorithms to direct users’ savings to diversified exchange-traded funds. In an effort to reach younger investors, BlackRock bought FutureAdvisor in August 2015.

ANNE (SHIVERS) LUKEMAN (5/09 alumna, LAS History) served on a UI panel for History Careers Night on 9/17/15. Anne is Coordinator of Video Productions for the UI Office of Public Affairs.

JASON TROUTNER (senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering) was featured in Chicago Inno Streetwise in February 2016 in “Three UIUC Engineering Students Are Reinventing

the Cast,” detailing the students’ startup, called Cast21, to use a proprietary application process to immobilize bones through a waterproof material that forms to the patients’ body, while giving the skin room to breathe – and, if used along with electrical stimulation therapy, may help bones mend faster than average.

A.J. UNANDER (senior, ENG Civil Engineering) was the Secretary of the U.S. Green Building Council Students group at UI, and in April he helped host the 3rd Annual Student Sustainable Initiatives Symposium (SSIS).

In addition to many other performances on-campus and elsewhere, KATHERINE BOKENKAMP (senior, FAA Voice) and MADELINE WHITESELL (senior, FAA Voice) performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream together.

Five Chancellor’s Scholars attended a conference in Rome through their ABE 199 class with PRASANTA KALITA with financial support from the CHP, the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and the College of ACES: ALEX BROCKAMP (freshman, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering), KARA BROCKAMP (freshman, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering), MATTHEW NIEWIARA (sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering), CHELSEA PETERSON (freshman, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering), and ALYSSA VOLLAND (junior, ACES Animal Sciences). When they returned, their blog entries were posted at https://ugresearchjournals.illinois.edu/index.php/iaces/index, and additional blog items were also posted at the ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss website.

ANJANA KRISHNAN (junior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) was Vice President of Outreach in 2015.

ROSS SKELLY (junior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology) was Treasurer for Habitat for Humanity this past year, and he will serve as their President in Academic Year 2016 – 2017.

RACHEL SMITH (sophomore, LAS Physics) in 3/16: “I have been accepted into UCLA’s 10-week summer physics NSF REU program (research experience for undergraduates). I am really excited! I

will be traveling to Los Angeles and working with UCLA professors on nuclear physics research from June to August. I am really looking forward to exploring the UCLA campus as well as the greater LA area while I am there.”

GARRET WATERSTRADT (sophomore, AHS Kinesiology) was a member of the 2015 – 2016 I-LEAP Advisory Board.

Undergraduate Research Symposium

(URS) or URS Week presenters:

VINCENT ABEJUELA, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

MADISON BARKER, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

HANNAH BOHN, sophomore, EDUC Elementary Education

AMANDA COWFER, sophomore, LAS Chemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology

KATERINA HOLAN, senior, ACES Crop Sciences

ZHUOLI HUANG, junior, LAS Biochemistry

ELIJAH KARVELIS, sophomore, LAS Chemical Engineering

ERIK KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

AUBREY LASKOWSKI, freshman, LAS Mathematics and Computer Science

KATHERINE LINCOLN, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

GRACE LIU, freshman, EDUC Elementary Education

JEREMY LOUI, senior, FAA Music Education

AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

LAURA OLANDER, freshman, LAS Biology

ALISHBA REHMAN, freshman, LAS Biochemistry

GABRIELLE RICCIO, senior, ACES Animal Science

KARLI ROBINSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

PARRISH SMITH, sophomore, ACES Crop Sciences

MADELINE SPONHOLTZ, sophomore, LAS Chemistry

NATHAN STABLES, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

ASHTON TOWNSLEY, junior, ACES Animal Sciences

JORDAN WILLIAMS, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Illinois Scholars Undergraduate

Research Symposium

(ISUR) presenters:

GRACE DEETJEN, senior, ENG Bioengineering

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

THOMAS MCGRATH, junior, ENG Engineering Mechanics

CHARLES TIERNEY, junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering


CHP Graduate Catherine Kemp

Chancellor’s Scholar Rachel Smith

CHP graduates Madeline Whitesell and Katherine Bokenkamp (pictured left and center)

CHP graduate Alex Kahn at ISUR

Chancellor’s Scholar Amanda Cowfer presents poster at URS

The 9th Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) and Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research Symposium (ISUR) took place during Undergraduate Research Week from April 17-23, 2016 in the Illini Union and other locations.

Chancellor’s Scholars presented or co-presented their research at these events. For more information on student presentations, go to http://undergradresearch.illinois.edu/researchweek.html

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Fulbright Grant (national, all expense for one year of graduate study or research abroad)

MELODY GRACE CHUA, senior, FAA Instrumental Music

Fulbright U.K. Summer Institutes (national, for undergraduates)

SILVIA MARTIN, sophomore, AHS Speech and Hearing Science and LAS Spanish

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (national award for juniors and seniors with outstanding research potential in mathematics, science, and engineering)

ELIJAH KARVELIS, sophomore, LAS Chemical Engineering

Hollings, Ernest F., Scholarship (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (three years of support toward advanced research-based degrees)

CONNOR S. BAILEY, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

EWAN SCOTT ROBINSON, 12/07 alumnus, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

SHYAM M. SALADI, 5/14 alumnus, ENG Electrical Engineering; and LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Morris K. and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Scholarship (national, for sophomores and juniors in fields related to the environment)

KENNETH A. HOFFMANN, junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering


National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (three years of support toward advanced research-based degrees)

ANDREW (DREW) BELL, 5/14 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ANTHONY J. BRUNO, 5/14 alumnus, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SEAN W. MCLAUGHLIN, 5/15 alumnus, ENG Engineering Physics

SHERYL WANG, 5/15 alumna, ENG Bioengineering


Bronze Tablet (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, top 3% of each college’s graduating class)

JENNA H. ARONSON, senior, EDUC Special Education

CONNOR S. BAILEY, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

PRITAM DEV BHATTARAI, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

NICHOLAS MICHAEL BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

MELODY G. CHUA, senior, FAA Music

MARJORIE F. DALLMANN, 12/15 alumna, ENG Computer Engineering

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SAMANTHA S. GEORGE, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

LAUREN J. HALL, senior, ACES Food Science and Human Nutrition


DYLAN L. HOYER, senior, LAS Economics and History

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

CATHERINE JEAN KEMP, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

ERIK D. KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

IAN C. LEE, senior, LAS Mathematics & Computer Science

JULIA A. MCCARREN, senior, FAA Music

ROBERT BENJAMIN MOSS, senior, LAS Economics and Statistics and BUS Finance

AMANDA MARIE MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

ATHREY E. NADHAN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

OBINNA ODINAKACHI ONYEMEPU, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

EVANGELIA M. PAGONES, senior, FAA Music Education

ANA F. PETRACOVICI, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

UMBERTO JAY RAVAIOLI, senior, ENG Electrical Engineering

KARLIE N. ROBINSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

HANNAH L. SIMMONS, senior, AHS Speech and Hearing Science

SARAH TUCKER, 12/15 alumna,

LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

MEGAN M. WARREN, senior,

FAA Music Education

AmeriCorps Program (full-time work

in community service projects)

CATHERINE KEMP, senior, ACES Natural

Resources and Environmental Sciences


LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Asian American Cultural Center

Leadership Award

GARY SZETO, senior,

ENG Computer Engineering

Better World By Design Challenge

Winner (Distinct Media 2015)


FAA Industrial Design

Campus Award for Excellence in Public

Engagement (Office of the Chancellor, for

leadership in community service)


LAS Psychology and Spanish

Capital Scholar (selected to present

research at state-wide event)


LAS Integrative Biology

Children of Veterans Scholarship

(national four-year full-tuition award)


LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

City Year Program (full-time work in community service projects, affiliated with AmeriCorps)

SAMANTHA GEORGE, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Harold W. Colvin Undergraduate Leadership Award (University YMCA)

SANA SINGH, senior, LAS Global Studies and Sociology

Dads Association Scholarship (University of Illinois)

LAUREN ELIZABETH SCHATZ, sophomore, LAS Communications and Political Science

SEAN ZWICKY, sophomore, AHS Kinesiology

Distinguished Service Award (University YMCA)

CATHERINE J. KEMP, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Employee of the Year (Campus Recreation)

MADISON BARKER, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Hellenic-Link Midwest Scholarship

EVANGELIA PAGONES, senior, FAA Music Education

Hoeft Technology and Management Program (minor for engineering and business students)

NICHOLAS BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

NICHOLAS CONNOLLY, senior, LAS Chemical Engineering

CHRISTINE M. CURRIE, senior, ENG Industrial Engineering

ANDREW CURTIS, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

BRIDGET O’BRIEN, senior, ENG Civil Engineering

DANIEL PETRISKO, senior, ENG Computer Engineering

Homecoming Court (all-campus, comprised of 10 top male and female leaders)

MAXWELL COLON, senior, LAS Psychology and Spanish

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

BRIDGET O’BRIEN, senior, ENG Civil Engineering

Illinois for Illinois (I4I) Study Abroad Undergraduate Student Scholarships (International Programs and Studies)

HANNAH BOHN, sophomore, EDUC Elementary Education

GRETA DODEN, sophomore, ACES Animal Sciences

LUCIA DUNDERMAN, sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

SHUNHUA FU, junior, ENG Computer Science

SILVIA MARTIN, sophomore, AHS Speech and Hearing Science and LAS Spanish

AASHAY PATEL, sophomore, ENG Bioengineering

LAURA SCHULTZ, sophomore, DGS Undeclared

Illinois Innovation Prize Finalist (Technology Entrepreneur Center)

JASON C. TROUTNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

Leadership Certificate (earned through the Illinois Leadership® Center)

NICHOLAS H. BALKO, senior, ENG General Engineering

Leung Student Venture Fund Award

JASON TROUTNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

“List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students” (all-campus distinction)

GINO GIANNETTI, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

KRISTEN CANTIERI, 5/15 alumna, BUS Accountancy

JOHN WHITMAN, senior, LAS Physics

CHP graduate Kimberly Hirschhorn

CHP graduate Nicholas Balko

Chancellor’s Scholar Silvia Martin

CHP graduate Samantha George

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$2,500 and up ~ Director’s Level

* Jeof McAllister (1994 alumnus, matched by The Boeing Company)

$1000-2,499 ~ Highest Honors Level

* Jeanne M. Gatto (2006 alumna)* Karen L. and Frederick R. Kelroy – Keith Kelroy Convocation Fund* Dr. J. Michael and Barbara Jane Moore

(matched by ExxonMobil Foundation)  Dr. Jeremy R. Nighohossian (2006 alumnus)

$500-999 ~ High Honors Level

* Bevan Dobberpuhl and Anne Marie Conry (2002 alumna)* Stephen Chenney and Dr. Christine E. Heitsch

(1994 alumna, matched by Google)* Zuleqa and Khizer Husain (1998 alumnus)* Thomas A. Insel (1995 alumnus, matched by Sony Corporation)* Michael A. Jorda (1997 alumnus)* Kristine (Klinger, 2010 alumna) and David Kijowski (2010 alumnus)* Amanda K. (Leonard, 2000 alumna) Benjamin

H. Shanbaum (2001 alumnus)  Julie M. and Andrew R. Tucker* B. Joseph (CHP faculty member) and Mary P. White

$100-499 ~ Honors Level

* Timothy J. Allison (2001 alumnus)* Jordan C. Axelson (2010 alumna)* David E. Beckman (1992 alumnus)

* Dr. Eugene E. and Antonia A. Beiriger* Roderick C. and Julie (Nochumson, 1991 alumna) Berthold* Dr. Jonathan T. and Sarah L. (McKibben, 2001 alumna) Black* Cara S. (Blonz, 1991 alumna) and Michael W. DeGraff* Professor Richard W. (Emeritus CHP Director and CHP

faculty member) and Jayne A. Burkhardt, Jr. – Calvin Ke Memorial Fund and Keith Kelroy Convocation Fund

* Matthew G. Byron (2000 alumnus)* Dr. Christian Carrico (1992 alumnus)* Ryan M. Collins (2006 alumnus)* Daniel and Kelly A. (Paulini, 2004 alumna) Conroe  David A. Fike (2001 alumnus)* Seth T. Gammon (2000 alumnus)* Karen S. Roll-Gardener (1990 alumna) and Brian

McSpadden Gardner (1992 alumnus)* Dr. Kim C. Graber (CHP Director and CHP faculty)* Neal K. Groothuis (2002 alumnus, matched by Google

and Benevity Community Impact Fund)* Kimiko Y. (Emeritus CHP faculty member) and Ken Gunji* Jeffrey M. Harshberger and Dr. Grace A. Giorgio (CHP faculty member)* Kirk and Emily M. (Bloemer, 1995 alumna) Hartke* Professor Hans Heinrich Hock (CHP faculty

member) and Dr. Zarina M. Hock* Amy S. and Edward R. Hulina (1991 alumnus)  James J. Jay (2002 alumnus)* Hsiang Lan Ke and Jeng Shyong Ke – Calvin Ke Memorial Fund* Smita Kini (2001 alumna)


July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016With these gifts we can continue to offer quality programming to Chancellor’s Scholars. *All donors marked with an asterisk have given previously

WHAT YOU SUPPORTED Donors helped the Campus Honors Program with many initiatives that directly impact students:

• CHP entirely funded the Honors Student Council 2015 – 2016 Academic Year budget with gift funds, including the Semi-Formal, 5 Power Lunches (including two with alums), Regression Day, Fortnight programs, game days, Equinox printing, two Fred Talk evenings, the Halloween Party, and December’s Holiday Open House.

• Gifts supported the Fall Apple Lab SAS, the Spring Chocolate Lab SAS, the FBI SAS, the Freshman Cookout, and some Field Trip costs for CHP 395-Biocomplexity with Bruce Fouke.

• The CHP gifts funded all the 2016 Summer Research Grants and CHP Summer Travel Grants.

• Art supplies for student work displayed throughout the Honors House have been covered through gift funds.

• 2015 Fall Convocation costs were covered through gifts made to the Kelroy and Unrestricted Funds.

• There have been some much-needed repairs to the Honors House (painting and new carpeting in the lounge) and technology updates in the classroom. The Honors House Lounge has been dedicated as the Bruce Michelson Lounge.

We thank all our donors for this significant help to the

Campus Honors Program!


Special thanks are extended to MATTHEW J. RODRIGUEZ (5/99

alumnus, LAS Physics and Mathematics) of Larchmont, New York for his continued

pledge to support the creation of the E. Graham Evans Scholarship, that

will be awarded in coming years.

APPRECIATION OF NEW ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIP Special thanks are extended to MATTHEW J. RODRIGUEZ (5/99 alumnus, LAS Physics and Mathematics) of Larchmont, New York for his continued pledge to support the creation of the E. Graham Evans Scholarship, that will be awarded in coming years.

* Keith S. Labedz (2001 alumnus)* Karen J. and Ronald L. Larson, Sr. * David J. Luedtke (2010 alumnus)  Matthew K. Macomber (2014 alumnus)* Dr. Peter J. and Elizabeth M. March  Sara R. (Gibbs, 2008 alumna) and Prashant Mehta (2007 alumnus)* Luiz F. Mendes (2008 alumnus, matched by Google)  Benjamin A. Miller and Anni Hsia* Roxanne A. Moore (2007 alumna)  Seth W. Orr (2012 alumnus) and Harrison A. Hakes* Joanne L. Pearlman (1997 alumna)* Robert A. Petersen (1998 alumnus)* Carl M. (2007 alumnus) and Erin Press* Maureen V. Reagan (1991 alumna) and Bruce A. Zimmerman* Dr. Rachel E. Reem (2003 alumna)  Michael W. Roberson (1993 alumnus, matched

by Valero Energy Corporation)* Dr. Chad R. Sears (1999 alumnus)  Julie K. and Stephen P. Shaffer* Jeffrey S. (1990 alumnus) and Hope W. Shamberg* Sergei S. Shevlyagin (2008 alumnus)* Amy C. (Hill, 1996 alumna) and Daniel C. Tausk  Sarah E. Treece (2001 alumna, matched by Texas Instruments)  Kevin M. Tsurutome (1989 alumnus)  Angela M. Ulum and Todd R. Plotner (1995 alumnus)* Professor Thomas S. (CHP faculty member) and Julia B. Ulen* James C. Vary, Jr. (1993 alumnus)* Aimee and Kent A. Willetts (1993 alumnus)* Dr. Thomas D. and Kay B. Wilson (matched by

State Farm Companies Foundation)* Ashley A. and Steve B. Wooden (2001 alumnus)

* John C. Zeman (2008 alumnus) and Kathleen M. Lenzini (2008 alumna)* Dr. Michael Zielinski (1994 alumnus)

$1-99 ~ Scholars Level

  Miguel A. Aleman (2008 alumnus)* Dr. Rhiannon N. Ardisana (2009 alumna) and Travis E. Cleveland* Cindy Casas and Stephen L. Bishop (1990 alumnus)* Artillery G. Riewaldt and Katrina A. Bromann (2006 alumna)* Craig R. (1990 alumnus) and Caryn B. Caffarelli* Katherine L. Castree (2010 alumna)* Scott M. Catlett (1998 alumnus)* Michael Collins (2003 alumnus)* Caroline E. Cvetkovic (2011 alumna)* Dr. Carl L. Dohrman (2002 alumnus)* Max E. Ellithorpe (2011 alumnus)* Dr. Rebecca M. Harris (2005 alumna)* Christopher D. and Whitney J. (Werich, 2001 alumna) Heard* Steven L. (2011 alumnus), Scott J., and Terrie J. Kallal* Dr. Darrel (Emeritus CHP faculty member) and Cheryl Kesler* Gloria and Dennis K. Lee (1990 alumnus)* Sophia J. Lee (2008 alumna)* Sarah E. Losh (2009 alumna)* Marie A. Mayer (2007 alumna)* Ryan M. and Jennifer (Cutts, 2004 alumna) Mokos * Deborah S. Plager (1995 alumna)* Kristen Scoville (2005 alumna)* Alejandro D. Soejarto (1992 alumnus, matched by the Gartner Group)* Jessica N. Sweet (2009 alumna)  Carol A. (2002 alumna) and Andrew D. Wone* Whitney B. Wyckoff (2009 alumna)


“ The CHP was a highlight of my time at Illinois.”

JAMES JAY (5/02 alumnus, LAS Political Science and English)

“ The Campus Honors Program was the single most important group I was a part of while at Illinois. I wouldn’t be where/who I am today without them. I give back any way I can!”

MATTHEW MACOMBER (5/14 alumnus, LAS Atmospheric Sciences)

“ CHP provided me opportunities and funding while I was a student.”

WHITNEY WYCKOFF (5/09 alumna, MED News-Editorial)

“ My study abroad experiences were some of the best times of my life, and have helped me to get to where I am today. CHP helped me afford my time abroad and I will always be grateful to them.”KRISTEN SCOVILLE (8/05 alumna, LAS Spanish)

“ I loved being a part of the Campus Honors Program, and I believe it provides a great value to students and to the University.”

SETH ORR (5/12 alumnus, ENG Computer Science)


If you are interested in supporting the Campus Honors Program in our mission to support undergraduate students, please see the envelope here for giving opportunities or

visit go.illinois.edu/givetoCHP. We appreciate any help that furthers

innovation and learning.

CHP alum Katrina Bromann and Art Riewaldt at the CHP 25th Anniversary Celebration

Chancellor’s Scholar Yuliya Semibratova asks Chaz Ebert a question at Convocation

CHP Director Kim Graber announces Bruce Michelson LoungeCHP alum Matt Macomber

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James Newton Matthews Scholarship (a four-year renewable campus-level award, graduating seniors)

JENNA H. ARONSON, senior, EDUC Special Education

GILAD MARGALIT, senior, LAS Physics

Mary E. Mohler International Study Grant (International Programs and Studies)

MIRIAM HORSLEY, sophomore, LAS Linguistics

Outstanding Volunteer Service Award (Office of Volunteer Programs)

SILVIA MARTIN, sophomore, AHS Speech and Hearing Science and LAS Spanish

President’s Award Program (University of Illinois, for outstanding minority students, graduating seniors)

KATHERINE BORA, senior, LAS History

SARAH BRUMM, senior, LAS Psychology and English

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

MAXWELL E. COLON, senior, LAS Psychology and Spanish

EMILY CULLUM, senior, ENG Bioengineering

KIMBERLY GASICIEL, senior, LAS Psychology

JORDAN ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Provost Scholarship (Office of the Provost, graduating seniors)

XIANGYUN JOHN DUAN, senior, ENG Electrical Engineering

BRIDGET O’BRIEN, senior, ENG Civil Engineering

ERIC M. STANISZEWSKI, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

Senior 100 Honorary (all-campus, top seniors based on academic standing and involvement, initiative, and leadership in campus and community activities)

CONNOR BAILEY, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

NICHOLAS BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

MAXWELL COLON, senior, LAS Psychology and Spanish

CHRISTINE M. CURRIE, senior, ENG Industrial Engineering

ANDREW CURTIS, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering


ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ERIK KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

MICHAEL MILLER, senior, ENG Aerospace Engineering

ROBERT MOSS, senior, LAS Economics and Statistics and BUS Finance

BRIDGET O’BRIEN, senior, ENG Civil Engineering

GABRIELLE RICCIO, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

JASON C. TROUTNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SEDS Satellites Around Mars Design Competition (Illinois Space Society Team Award)

JEFFREY D. PEKOSH, senior, ENG Aerospace Engineering

Service RSO President of the Year (Office of Volunteer Programs)

MAXWELL COLON, senior, LAS Psychology and Spanish

Stamps Scholarship (graduating seniors, Stamps Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.)

DYLAN HOYER, senior, LAS Economics and History

CATHERINE J. KEMP, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

ANNIE RONG, senior, ENG Computer Science

Undergraduate Research Certificate (through the UI Office of Undergraduate Research)


University Academic Achievement Scholarship (graduating seniors, four-year all-campus award for out-of-state undergraduates)

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ANNA JI, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

SARAH TUCKER, 12/15 alumna, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

JASON C. TROUTNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering


King Broadrick-Allen Award for Excellence in Honors Teaching (Campus Honors Program)


Calvin Ke Memorial Student Leadership Award (Campus Honors Program)

ERIK D. KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

CHP 395 Field Trip to Yellowstone National Park (Fall 2015, led by Professor Bruce Fouke)

CONNOR BAILEY, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

ARJUN BALWALLY, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ASHTON TOWNSLEY, junior, ACES Animal Sciences

CLARE SCHEIB-FEELEY, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

LAUREN HALL, senior, ACES Food Science and Human Nutrition


ATHREY NADHAN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

AKASH PATEL, junior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

TOM ROADCAP, junior, ENG Civil Engineering

KARLI ROBINSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

BEN ROSENBERG, senior, LAS Chemical Engineering

YULIYA SEMIBRATOVA, junior, LAS Mathematics and Statistics

KATELYN SHANAHAN, junior, BUS Supply Chain Management

ROSS SKELLY, junior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology and Chemistry

ERIC M. STANISZEWSKI, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

MATTHEW THOMETZ, senior, LAS Chemical Engineering

CHP Honors Student Council Executive Officers for 2015 – 2016 (elected by their peers)

TRISTAN (STAN) GURTLER, sophomore, ENG Computer Science

PAIGE KORDAS, sophomore, ENG Computer Science

EVAN RAMOS, junior,

ENG Computer Engineering

ROCK ZHANG, junior, ENG Bioengineering

CHP Outstanding Senior Award (17 seniors, for academic excellence and CHP participation)

NICHOLAS BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

MARJORIE DALLMANN, 12/15 alumna, ENG Computer Engineering

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SAMANTHA GEORGE, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

BRETT GLASNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ERIK KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

IAN LEE, senior, LAS Mathematics and Computer Science

ROBERT MOSS, senior, LAS Economics and Statistics and BUS Finance

ATHREY NADHAN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

OBINNA O. ONYEMEPU, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ANA PETRACOVICI, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

UMBERTO RAVAIOLI, senior, ENG Electrical Engineering

HANNAH SIMMONS, senior, AHS Speech and Hearing Science

SARAH TUCKER, 12/15 alumna, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

MEGAN WARREN, senior, FAA Music Education

CHP Out-of-State Tuition Scholarship (two-year award for nonresidents entering the program as freshmen, graduating seniors only)


SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ANNA JI, senior, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

JASON C. TROUTNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SARAH TUCKER, 12/15 alumna, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

CHP Special Merit Scholarship (graduating seniors, awarded to an average of two entering Chancellor’s Scholars annually)

AMY KLOBUCHAR, 12/15 alumna, LAS Linguistics

KARLI ROBINSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

2016 CHP Summer Research Award

ALEXANDRA LAMTYUGINA, sophomore, LAS Chemistry, a-Synuclein with Professor Chad Rienestra

2016 CHP Summer Travel Awards

HANNAH BOHN, sophomore, EDUC Elementary Education, Granada, Spain (UI SAO)

FRAZIER CURLESS, sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Brazil (IBIP)

CASSIDY DONNELLY, freshman, ACES Animal Sciences, South Africa (ACES)

RACHEL HAWK, sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Brazil (IBIP)

LAURA SCHULTZ, sophomore, LAS Earth Systems, Environment, and Society, Sweden (UI class)

YULIYA SEMIBRATOVA, junior, LAS Mathematics and Statistics, Germany (DAAD)

Broadrick-Allen Award Winner Carol Spindel

CHP graduate Ana Petracovici

Chancellor’s Scholars on Research Trip to Yellowstone National Park

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CHP/Yanai Rotary Club Good-Will Ambassador to Japan

DANISH MAJID, freshman, LAS Biology

Certificate of Outstanding Contributions to the Campus Honors Program


MELODY CHUA, senior, FAA Instrumental Music and Music Technology

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering





ABE 100 Best Overall Award (Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering)

KARA BROCKAMP, freshman, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

ACT Activator Award (Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow)

KRISTA TEMPLE, sophomore, MED Agricultural Communications

H. Paul Bateman Congeniality Award (Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering)

MATTHEW NIEWIARA, sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Douglas L. Bosworth Endowed Scholarship (Department of Agricultural

and Biological Engineering)


ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Wendell Bowers Student Scholarship (Department of Agricultural and

Biological Engineering)


ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Dr. Philip and Carol Buriak Award (Department of Agricultural and

Biological Engineering)


ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Steve Eckhoff and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Agricultural Engineering Scholarship (Department of Agricultural

and Biological Engineering)

ALEX BROCKAMP, freshman,

ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

K.J.T. Ekblaw Outstanding Sophomore Award (Department of Agricultural

and Biological Engineering)


ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Golden Opportunity Scholarship (Department of Crop Sciences)


ACES Crop Sciences

James Scholars, College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (graduating seniors)

LAUREN HALL, senior, ACES Food Science and Human Nutrition

MARY MARGARET HAPP, senior, ACES Crop Sciences

KATERINA HOLAN, senior, ACES Crop Sciences

KATE JOHNSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

CATHERINE J. KEMP, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences


JORDAN ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Bernard C. Mathews Company Scholarship (College of Agricultural and Biological Engineering)

ALEX BRAUMAN, sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering

NRES Outstanding Senior Award for Human Dimensions of the Environment (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences)

JORDAN ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Jonathan Baldwin Turner (JBT) Scholars (College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, graduating seniors)


ACES Crop Sciences

KATE JOHNSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

KARLI N. ROBINSON, senior, ACES Animal Sciences

JORDAN ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

J.A. Weber Outstanding Freshman Award (Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering)

KARA BROCKAMP, freshman, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering



James Scholars, College of Applied Health Sciences (graduating seniors)

HANNAH SIMMONS, senior, AHS Speech and Hearing Science


Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship (Department of Business Administration)

JASON LIN, junior, BUS Accountancy

British Petroleum (BP) America Scholarship (College of Business)

RACHEL JACOBY, sophomore, BUS Accountancy

BP America Illinois MakerLab Scholarship (College of Business)

MICHAEL TORNARITIS, sophomore, BUS Curriculum Unassigned

Business Honors Program (graduating seniors, 40 students per year in the College of Business)

DYLAN HOYER, senior, LAS Economics and History

Michael and Debra Chorpash Scholarship (College of Business)

NEIL HUGHES, junior, BUS Finance

Corsetti Business Scholarship (College of Business)

KATHERINE SHANAHAN, junior, BUS Supply Chain Management; and Marketing

Ernsteen Family Centennial Scholarship (College of Business)

NEIL HUGHES, junior, BUS Finance

Cynthia and Dan Helle Scholarship (College of Business)

KATHERINE IUORIO, junior, BUS Accountancy

Michael and Diana Hora Scholarship (College of Business)

HAOXUAN LI, junior, BUS Accountancy

James Scholars, College of Business (graduating seniors)

LEANN BECKMAN, 12/15 alumna, BUS Accountancy

APRIL YOUNG, senior, BUS Accountancy; and Information Systems and Information Technology

Bruce Lundstrom International Study Abroad Scholarship (College of Business)


Robert H. Mitchel Endowed Scholarship in Business (College of Business)

SPENCER COPELAND, sophomore, BUS Curriculum Unassigned

Northfolk Southern Business Marketing Scholarship (College of Business)


John W. Queenan Scholarship (Department of Accountancy)

LEANN BECKMAN, 12/15 alumna, BUS Accountancy

John A. Schoen Entrepreneurial Scholarship (College of Business)

ERIC ZHANG, junior, BUS Finance

Shebik Scholarship Fund (College of Business)

KEVIN DOHERTY, junior, BUS Finance and Accountancy

Steve Workman Scholarship (College of Business)

CATHERINE SHI, sophomore, BUS Curriculum Unassigned


William E. and Charlotte Young Albin Scholarship (College of Education)

JENNA H. ARONSON, senior, EDUC Special Education

Douglas and Dorothy Dirks Scholarship (College of Education)

OLIVIA NOEL ELKINS, junior, EDUC Special Education

CHP graduate Jenna Aronson

CHP graduate Jordan Williams

Chancellor’s Scholar Michael Tornaritis

Chancellor’s Scholar Catherine Shi

Chancellor’s Scholar Kara Brockamp

Chancellor’s Scholar Danish Majid

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Education Alumni Association Medal (College of Education)

JENNA H. ARONSON, senior, EDUC Special Education

James Scholars, College of Education (graduating seniors)

JENNA H. ARONSON, senior, EDUC Special Education


William L. and Elizabeth A. Ackerman Scholarship (College of Engineering)

ELIZABETH GACEK, junior, ENG Bioengineering

Alfred W. Allen Award (Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

Collin Anderson, freshman, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

PRITAM BHATTARAI, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

Alwan Scholarship (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

CHRISTINA ERNST, freshman, ENG Electrical Engineering

James W. Bayne Award (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, for outstanding senior in Pi Tau Sigma)

ATHREY NADHAN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

Channing Brown Scholarship (Department of Computer Science)

MATTHEW RASMUSSEN, senior, ENG Computer Science

Norman Carlson Scholarship (Department

of Civil and Environmental Engineering)


ENG Civil Engineering

Bei Tse and May Chao Scholarship

(Department of Mechanical

Science and Engineering)


ENG Mechanical Engineering

John C. and Elizabeth J. Chato Award in

Bioengineering (Department of Mechanical

Science and Engineering)


ENG Mechanical Engineering

John Deere Foundation Scholarship

(College of Engineering)

MOLLY FANE, freshman,

ENG Electrical Engineering

Dobberpuhl Student Award

Scholarship (Department of Electrical

and Computer Engineering)


ENG Computer Engineering

Earl J. Eckel Scholarship (Department

of Materials Science and Engineering)


ENG Materials Science and Engineering


ENG Materials Science and Engineering

ECE General Scholarship (Department of

Electrical and Computer Engineering)

MOLLY FANE, freshman,

ENG Electrical Engineering

Jules D. Falzer Scholarship (Department

of Electrical and Computer Engineering)


ENG Electrical Engineering


ENG Computer Engineering

JEFFREY TOLAR, senior, ENG Computer Engineering

John B. Felmley Scholarship (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)

ALIAA TAHA, sophomore, ENG Civil Engineering

Ford Scholarship (College of Engineering)

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

Edward S. Fraser Award (Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering)

NICK BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

A.G. Friederich Memorial Award (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

John A. Gardner Undergraduate Summer Research Award (Department of Physics)

ERIC CONNELLY, sophomore, ENG Engineering Physics

General Engineering Distinguished Service Award (Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering)

NICK BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

HANSEN, Frederick and Rachel, Scholarship (Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering)

MADELINE SCHULZE, sophomore, ENG Industrial Engineering

George W. Harper Award (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)

ERIC WOOD, junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

Wilmer Hellenthal Scholarship (College of Engineering)

ZOE RICHTER, sophomore, ENG Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering

Illinois Association of County Engineers Award (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)

KYLE BATHGATE, freshman, ENG Civil Engineering

CODY SIMPSON, sophomore, ENG Civil Engineering

Illinois Engineering Premier Scholarship

LILY BENIG, freshman, ENG Bioengineering

James Scholars, College of Engineering (graduating seniors)

RAMYA BABU, senior, ENG Bioengineering

CONNOR BAILEY, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

NICHOLAS H. BALKO, senior, ENG General Engineering

NICHOLAS BINKUS, senior, ENG General Engineering

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

CHRISTINE M. CURRIE, senior, ENG Industrial Engineering

ANDREW CURTIS, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

MARJORIE DALLMANN, 12/15 alumna, ENG Computer Engineering

GINO GIANNETTI, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

BRETT GLASNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

CONNOR W. GOODING, senior, ENG Electrical Engineering

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

ALYSSA MARTINEZ, senior, ENG Civil Engineering

ATHREY NADHAN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

BRIDGET O’BRIEN, senior, ENG Civil Engineering

OBINNA O. ONYEMEPU, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

JEFFREY D. PEKOSH, senior, ENG Aerospace Engineering

DANIEL PETRISKO, senior, ENG Computer Engineering

UMBERTO RAVAIOLI, senior, ENG Electrical Engineering

OLIVIA ROGERS, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

ANNIE RONG, senior, ENG Computer Science

GILLIAN P. SMITH, senior, ENG Bioengineering

JOHN W. SMITH, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

JEFFREY TOLAR, senior, ENG Computer Engineering

JASON C. TROUTNER, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SHRUTI VAIDYA, senior, ENG Computer Engineering

DEREK VIDOVIC, senior, ENG Computer Science

Kaskowitz Family Scholarship (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

JOHN RYAN, junior, ENG Electrical Engineering

Knights of St. Patrick (College of Engineering, highest honor for leadership, character, and contribution to the college)

NICHOLAS CONNOLLY, senior, LAS Chemical Engineering

ATHREY NADHAN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

Robert E. and Karen Martin Luetje Scholarship (Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

ZACHARY HOFFMAN, junior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

Frima Lukatskaya Scholarship (Department of Computer Science)

ROBERT KAUCIC, freshman, ENG Computer Science

Ernest M. Lyman Prize (Department of Physics, for an outstanding senior)

ISAAC CARRASQUILLO, senior, ENG Engineering Physics

Materials Science and Engineering Alumni Board Award

JASON FLEISCHMAN, senior, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

Frank C. Mock Scholarship (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

HYUNBIN PARK, junior, ENG Electrical Engineering

JP Morgan Chase WCS Scholarship (Department of Computer Science)

PAIGE KORDAS, sophomore, ENG Computer Science

Bernard Delbert Murphy Scholarship (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)

COURTNEY ACKERMAN, junior, ENG Civil Engineering

CHP graduate Obinna Onyemepu

Chancellor’s Scholar Lily Benig

CHP graduate Athrey Nadhan

CHP graduate Isaac Carrasquillo

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Nuclear Engineering Education Scholarship, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering)

QUINCY CRAWFORD, junior, ENG Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering

Oakley Family Foundation Scholarship (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

NATHAN BEAUCHAMP, sophomore, ENG Electrical Engineering

David A. Payne Scholarship (Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

COLLIN ANDERSON, freshman, ENG Materials Science and Engineering

Schlader Memorial Scholarship in Engineering (College of Engineering)

GRACE DEETJEN, senior, ENG Bioengineering

Fred B. Seely Award (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)

THOMAS MCGRATH, junior, ENG Engineering Mechanics

James N. Snyder Award (Department of Computer Science)

PAIGE KORDAS, sophomore, ENG Computer Science

ICCP James N. Snyder Memorial Award (Department of Computer Science)

HYUNBIN PARK, junior, ENG Electrical Engineering

Swanson Environmental Sustainability Award (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)

CHARLES TIERNEY, junior, ENG Engineering Mechanics

Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Illinois Alpha Chapter Outstanding Member

ALEX NATHAN KAHN, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering, in Fall 2015

Kenneth J. Trigger Award (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)

KEVIN BRENNER, junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

SANJIT DUTTA, senior, ENG Mechanical Engineering

WCS Grace Hopper Scholarship (Department of Computer Science)

ANNIE RONG, senior, ENG Computer Science


Elizabeth Meier Frauenhoffer Scholarship (School of Music)


Humpreys and Partners Scholarship (School of Architecture)

SALONI SHETH, junior, FAA Architectural Studies

James Scholars, College of Fine and Applied Arts (graduating seniors)

JEREMY LOUI, senior, FAA Music Education

Outstanding Graduating Senior in Music Education, Instrumental (School of Music)

JEREMY LOUI, senior, FAA Music Education

EVANGELIA PAGONES, senior, FAA Music Education

Warren H. Schuetz Memorial Award (School of Music)

MEGAN WARREN, senior, FAA Music Education

Talented Student Tuition Waiver (College of Fine and Applied Arts)

RAJASI RASTOGI, junior, FAA Industrial Design

Thomas J. Smith Scholarship (competition through the School of Music)

ALLISON DEFRANCESCO, senior, FAA Instrumental Music

James M. White Memorial Prize (School of Architecture)

SALONI SHETH, junior, FAA Architectural Studies



Beryl Bristow/Commonwealth Edison Award (Department of Physics, for a woman in physics)

RACHEL SMITH, sophomore, LAS Physics

Best Student Prize in Italian (Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese)

CHARLOTTE ANNA HUNT, sophomore, LAS Classics

Theodore L. and Audrey C. Brown Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

VAIBHAV JARIWALA, sophomore, LAS Chemical Engineering

ALISHBA REHMAN, freshman, LAS Biochemistry

Marjorie Fletcher Burgess Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

Centenary Prize for the Outstanding

Senior in the Teaching of Social Studies

Program (Department of History)

KATHERINE BORA, senior, LAS History

Honorable Bernard M. and Louise

A. Decker Scholarship (College

of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

ALEXANDER ORR, freshman, LAS Chemistry

Margaret DeKany Memorial Scholarship

(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)


Molecular and Cellular Biology

Egan Illinois Achievement Scholarship

(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

ALEXANDER ORR, freshman, LAS Chemistry

Donald E. Eisele Memorial Award

(Department of Chemical and

Biomolecular Engineering)


LAS Chemical Engineering

John E. Gieseking Scholarship (School of Chemical Sciences)

JULIA KOMRSKA, junior, LAS Chemistry

James A. Hagan Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

ARON GOEKEN, freshman, LAS Biochemistry

Wilmer E. Hellenthal Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, for pre-med students)

DIVYA SINGH, sophomore, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

History Honors Program

JASMINE KIRBY, senior, LAS History

Houston and Papadimitriou Greek Culture Award (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

CHARLOTTE ANNA HUNT, sophomore, LAS Classics

Integrative Biology Honors Program

ANNA JI, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

KATHERINE D. LINCOLN, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

NATHAN STABLES, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

James Scholars, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (graduating seniors)

VINCENT ABEJUELA, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology and Physics

MADISON BARKER, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

KATHERINE BORA, senior, senior, LAS History

SARA BRUMM, senior, LAS Psychology and English

CRYSTAL CHANG, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

MAXWELL E. COLON, senior, LAS Psychology and Spanish

WARREN D’SOUZA, senior, LAS Actuarial Science and Economics

KATHERINE GARBACIAK, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

SAMANTHA GEORGE, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology


ANNA JI, senior, senior,

LAS Integrative Biology

JASMINE KIRBY, senior, LAS History

ERIK KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

IAN LEE, senior, LAS Mathematics

and Computer Science

NIA MACK, senior, LAS Political Science

GILAD MARGALIT, senior, LAS Physics

ROBERT MOSS, senior, LAS Economics

and Statistics and BUS Finance


LAS Atmospheric Sciences


LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology


LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology


LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

KATIE M. REITER, senior, LAS Economics

SANA SINGH, senior,

LAS Global Studies and Sociology


LAS Integrative Biology

SARAH TUCKER, 12/15 alumna,

LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology


LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Mal S. Klugman Scholarship (College

of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

KELLY CHO, freshman, LAS Biochemistry

TIANMING YOU, freshman, LAS Biology

Chancellor’s Scholar Collin Anderson

Chancellor’s Scholar Alexander Orr

CHP graduate Nathan Stables

CHP graduate Megan Warren

CHP graduate Sara Brumm

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Lincoln Hall Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

HANNAH HOLMES, freshman, LAS Chemistry

HEATHER HOLMES, freshman, LAS Chemistry

Harriet Long Award (School of Integrative Biology)

NATHAN STABLES, senior, LAS Integrative Biology

Ernest M. Lyman Prize (Department of Physics, for an outstanding senior)

ERIK KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Scholarship (School of Chemical Sciences)

ROSS SKELLY, junior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology and Chemistry

KELLY TWOHIG, junior, LAS Chemistry

Masuda Award (Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures)

MIRIAM HORSLEY, sophomore, LAS Linguistics

Molecular and Cellular Biology Honors Program

SAMANTHA GEORGE, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

SARAH OSMULSKI, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Most Outstanding Undergraduate Major Award in Mathematics and Computer Science

IAN C. LEE, senior, LAS Mathematics and Computer Science

Dorothy E. Nowlin Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

ZHUOLI HUANG, junior, LAS Biochemistry

Ogura Award for Outstanding Senior in Atmospheric Sciences (Department of Atmospheric Sciences)

AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

Ogura Award for Undergraduate Research (Department of Atmospheric Sciences)

AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

Carolyn Joyce Pape Award (Department of English)

SARA BRUMM, senior, LAS Psychology and English

Anthony Pasquariello Scholarship (Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese)

SILVIA MARTIN SOPHOMORE, AHS Speech and Hearing Science and LAS Spanish

Phi Beta Kappa (Liberal Arts and Sciences Honor Society for top 1% of junior class or top 3% of senior class)

MADISON BARKER, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

KATHERINE BORA, senior, LAS History

SARA BRUMM, senior, LAS Psychology and English

KATHERINE GARBACIAK, senior, LAS Integrative Biology


CATHERINE J. KEMP, senior, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

JASMINE KIRBY, senior, senior, LAS History

ERIK D. KOUNTZ, senior, LAS Physics

IAN C. LEE, senior, LAS Mathematics and Computer Science

ROBERT MOSS, senior, LAS Economics and Statistics and BUS Finance

*AMANDA MURPHY, senior, LAS Atmospheric Sciences

*ANA PETRACOVICI, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

SEAN SARCU, 5/15 alumnus, LAS Psychology

MEGAN SCHARLAU, senior, LAS History

*SARAH TUCKER, 12/15 alumna, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology


Phillips 66 Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

JORDAN B. BANKS, sophomore, LAS Chemical Engineering

Sam and Dubey Portnoy Memorial Scholarship (Department of Mathematics)

CHLOE MARSHINSKI, junior, LAS Actuarial Science and Statistics

Preble Research Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

ZHUOLI HUANG, junior, LAS Biochemistry

NATHAN STABLES, LAS Integrative Biology

Dale Willard and Arlene Jay Robb Endowed Scholarship

SARAH TUCKER, senior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology

Robert W. Rogers Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

AUSTIN GRAF, senior, LAS Physics

Yvonne S. Quinn and Ronald S. Rolfe Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

LINGFEI MAO, freshman, LAS Actuarial Science

Jesse Ruiz Scholarship (Department of Economics)

ROBERT MOSS, senior, LAS Economics and Statistics and BUS Finance

Peter and Susan Schaeffer Scholarship for Excellence in German (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures)

SONAM KOTADIA, junior, LAS Global Studies and German

Pauline Steiner Schwalbe Award (Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures)

SONAM KOTADIA, junior, LAS Global Studies and German

Kevin Allwin Shrote Endowed Scholarship (Departments of Physics and Astronomy)

ITAMAR ALLALI, sophomore, LAS Physics

Society for Classical Studies Outstanding Student Award

CHARLOTTE ANNA HUNT, sophomore, LAS Classics

ALEX NODDINGS, junior, LAS Physics

State Farm Actuarial Scholarship (Department of Mathematics)

SARAH DERANGO, freshman, LAS Actuarial Science

ANDRE KOHN, freshman, LAS Actuarial Science

Robert A. Stein Scholarship (Department of Physics)

ITAMAR ALLALI, sophomore, LAS Physics

Dewey B. and Velma P. Stuit Award (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

BENJAMIN LAWYER, freshman, LAS Mathematics

William I. Wilbur Scholarship (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

ROBERT MOSS, senior, LAS Economics and Statistics and BUS Finance


Eleanor Garm Hemminger Scholarship (College of Media)


Marilyn Miller Kaytor Scholarship (College of Media, for students studying journalism)

CHARLOTTE COLLINS, sophomore, MED Journalism

Joel D. and Analee Weisman Award (College of Media, for students studying journalism)

KRISTA TEMPLE, sophomore, MED Agricultural Communications

CHP siblings Jennifer and Katherine Bora

CHP graduate Ian Lee

Chancellor’s Scholar Armando Sanchez-Monsivais


By EVAN RAMOS, junior, ENG Computer Engineering

Every fall, CHP staff and student leaders present Orientation to the program’s incoming cohort during their first Friday on campus. The event is designed to introduce our fledglings to CHP’s facilities, offerings, and ethos. What they may not be told is that the brisk morning of tours, testimonials, and icebreakers is the subject of some deliberate planning behind the scenes.

In the spirit of freshman year prerequisites, we start the day bright and early at 7:00 a.m., breakfast and coffee provided. Once students arrive, they find their nametag which assigns them to one of nine carefully selected groups that pairs them with others who may be under the wing of the same Senior Sibling, while maintaining diversity of major and department. An hour in, three groups at a time rotate between two panel sessions, covering aspects of the program such as general student life and study abroad, and a guided tour of the Honors House. By 10:00 am, the first-year students hop onto buses to the campus-wide Convocation while the rest of us take a breather. But not for long – we reconvene at Illini Grove that afternoon for fun, games, and a picnic.

Orientation serves to extend our warmest welcome to our newest members just as they begin their University of Illinois journey. With any luck, the impression we leave will foster rich involvement in everything CHP can offer, including future student leaders stepping up to pass on the torch once again.

Orientation Leaders address students at Picnic

Chancellor’s Scholar Lingfei Mao

Chancellor’s Scholar Benjamin Lawyer

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After the departure of a large and involved senior class, this year’s Honors Student Council (HSC) rallied for a successful rebuilding year. Thanks to the efforts of all the contributing members and the outgoing executive board composed of ROCK ZHANG, EVAN RAMOS, TRISTAN GURTLER, and PAIGE KORDAS, HSC planned many of the usual activities and also brought some new ones into the schedule. As always, CHP kicked off the year by welcoming the incoming freshmen with Orientation – this year led by ALEX NODDINGS, EVAN RAMOS, RAJASI RASTOGI, and ANJANA KRISHNAN – and continued the traditions of the senior sibling program and the 6th annual Freshman Cookout, featuring the plentiful and delicious food of BILL SIMMONS from ACES.

From there, HSC continued the year with planning some regular programming, including fortnights (only one of which was a trainwreck!), Power Lunches (featuring professors ARIANA TRAILL, ATHOL KEMBALL, and CAROL SPINDEL and CHP alumni CLIFF REDEKER and ANTHONY SHEEHAN), board game days, and meals out to Basil Thai, Bangkok Thai, Bab Plus, Panda Express, and Orange Leaf. They also planned some traditional special events, including ultimate Frisbee and a game of Capture the Flag that ended in intense hostage negotiations, a trip to Hardy’s Reindeer Ranch for the corn maze, the Halloween Party, Regression Day, a Seven Wonders themed Semiformal (full of balloons and bubbles), and a May Fourth Coffee Crawl complete with Java the Hutt t-shirts. For Convocation, HSC hosted a book discussion group, led by EVAN RAMOS.

PAIGE KORDAS and EVAN RAMOS also continued to lead the FRED Talks series

with FRED4ALL and FRED TALK5. Talks included “Algae: The Solution to All of Your Problems”, “Why I’m an Atheist Hindu”, “Agroecology, The Future of Sustainable Agriculture”, “The Buzz About Bees”, and “’Gay Greeks’: Fact or Fiction.” HSC raised $56.31 for Courage Connections through Penny Wars (with the winning class being the seniors) and sent a group of students to volunteer at the CarX CrazyK on behalf of the C-U Autism Network as a part of

iHelp. Led by CHARLOTTE HUNT, HSC completed a scrape painting that now hangs proudly in the Honors House. HSC also continued to support the Environmental Sustainability Committee and helped manage the Equinox Literary and Arts Magazine.

Congratulations to our graduating members


SANJIT DUTTA, and NATHAN STABLES – and thanks for your contributions! Next year

HSC will be led by EVAN RAMOS, PAIGE KORDAS, JOEY BRYANT, and VIRAAT GOEL. Meetings will resume Mondays and 5:00 p.m. in the Honors House lounge once classes resume in the fall. All are welcome to attend!

Chancellor’s Scholar celebrate Halloween

Power Lunch with Chancellor’s Scholars and CHP alum Cliff Redeker

2016-2017 HSC Exec Members Bryant, Ramos, Goel, and Kordas

CHP alumnus KEVIN WOLZ organized a tour of the Honors House prairie garden, a restored prairie at Meadowbrook Park, and his research plot at Woody Perennial Polyculture site in the Student Sustainable Farm.

Our tour started by learning a bit about the prairie plants in the front of the Honors House. We then set off to Meadowbrook Park which included restored prairie, part of the 0.01% of the tallgrass prairie that once covered Illinois. We also learned about the importance of fire to prairies to cut back growth of trees – made clear by the encroaching trees surrounding the Meadowbrook prairie. Our tour ended at Kevin’s research plot at the Woody Perennial Polyculture site. Kevin talked about how monoculture plots like corn and soybeans are not as good for the soil as the polyculture prairie. While such a farm might not provide

as many calories as a corn field, such a farm could balance the need for human food with the importance of varied plant life.

Beyond our tour of the Illinois prairie, we continued to promote energy efficiency at the Honors House. We made sure air conditioners were only running when necessary and covered them during the winter to keep drafts out. Additionally, we covered all the windows at the Honors House for the winter to add extra insulation. Finally, we planted new prairie plants prairie near the bird bath which was kindly donated last year. Overall we had a great year and look forward to making the Campus Honors Program as sustainable as possible so that even as people come and go the improvements to the Honors House flourish and grow.


Equinox is the CHP literary and arts magazine started in Spring 2013, which includes poetry, visual art, nonfiction prose, and fiction prose by many

talented Chancellor’s Scholars. VELVIZHI RATHINAVELU served as Editor-in-Chief, CHARLOTTE HUNT was Managing Art Editor, RYAN WOODS was Managing Writing Editor, and SAM WALDER was Head Copyeditor. Ten Chancellor’s Scholars were Submission Reviewers, eight helped as Copyeditors, two oversaw Layout, and CHARLOTTE HUNT designed the cover. Thanks to the efforts of the Office of Undergraduate Research and a donation by PAUL DIEHL, Equinox will be published on-line.

CHP Student Computer Administrators (CHRISTINE ERNST, ZACH BREWER, SANJIT DUTTA, and ABHISHEK NIGAM) helped create the journal as an on-line publication. For more info, see: http://honors.illinois.edu/docs/equinox_2016.pdf

Honors House in bloom

2016 Equinox cover


By PAIGE KORDAS, sophomore, ENG Computer Science



By ERIK KOUNTZ, junior, LAS Physics

The Campus Honors Program Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) continued another year of making the Honors House as environmentally friendly as the almost-century old house could be. After advertising the ESC as the main sub-committee of the Honors Student Council, the chair ERIK KOUNTZ and vice chair CASEY BUNGE participated in an SAS tour of the Student Sustainable Farm. This tour was our main activity of the year and was well attended.

KEVIN BRENNER (junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS T&M, Beijing, Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Tianjing, China

GRETA DODEN (sophomore, ACES Animal Sciences): Summer Study Tour 2016, ACES African Wildlife Discovery Tour, South Africa

KEVIN DOHERTY (junior, BUS Finance and Accounting): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS T&M, Beijing, Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Tianjing, China

OLUWAMI DOSUNMU-OGUNBI (junior, ENG Mechanical Engineering): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS T&M, Beijing,

Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Tianjing, China

LUCIA DUNDERMAN (sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering): Summer Study Tour 2016, ACES/Engineering, Hangzhou, China

SHUNHUA FU (junior, ENG Computer Science): Fall 2016, SAO Exchange Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

NATHAN GAERTNER (freshman, BUS Curriculum Unassigned): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS Honors, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Singapore

ERICA HACKETT (freshman, BUS Curriculum Unassigned): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS Honors, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Singapore

ISAAK HABERMAN (freshman, ACES Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences): Summer Study Tour 2016, ACES 293 James Scholar Summer Research, Deep Creek, Bahamas

MIRIAM HORSLEY (sophomore, LAS Linguistics): Academic Year 2016 – 2017, LAS EALC Year in Japan, Kobe Japan

NEIL HUGHES (junior, BUS Finance): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS T&M, Beijing, Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Tianjing, China

The following Chancellor’s Scholars participated in or are participating in study abroad in Academic Year 2016 - 2017. The sponsoring units are in parentheses. The list does not include recipients of CHP travel awards, who appear on Page 21 of this newsletter.

GEORGE IBRAHIM (sophomore, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology): Summer 2016, SAO Exchange Spanish Studies in Granada, Granada, Spain

OMAR JOYA (junior, ENG Electrical Engineering): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS T&M, Beijing, Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Tianjing, China

NICHOLAS KORTENDICK (junior, ENG Computer Science): Summer Study Tour 2016, BUS T&M, Beijing, Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Tianjing, China

GRACE KURCAB (sophomore, ACES Agricultural and Biological Engineering): Summer Study Tour 2016, ACES 293 James Scholar Summer Research, Deep Creek, Bahamas

THOMAS MCGRATH (junior, ENG Engineering Mechanics): Summer 2016, Engineering: Summer in Taiwan-Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

AASHAY PATEL (junior, LAS Molecular and Cellular Biology): Fall 2016, BUS Exchange: WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany

SALONI SHETH (junior, FAA Architectural Studies): Summer 2016, SAO/LAS Stockholm Summer Arctic Program, Stockholm, Sweden

ASHTON TOWNSLEY (junior, ACES Animal Sciences): Summer 2016, ACES in New Zealand Massey University, New Zealand and Australia

Chancellor’s Scholar Oluwami Dosunmu-Ogunbi at Rare Book Library

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Page 17: CHP Annual 2016

CONVOCATIONThanks to support from CHP alumni and friends to the Keith L. Kelroy Memorial Fund, the Annual Convocation was a great success! As Chancellor’s Scholars know, this is an opportunity to join in a conversation about a recent book, and to talk informally and at length with the author.

This past year our speaker was Chaz Ebert, who gave a talk about Life Itself, the autobiography by the late Pulitzer Prize winning Chicago Sun-Times theatre critic Roger Ebert. The Honors Convocation took place on Sunday, November 1, 2015. Students participated in discussions groups, a screening of the film Life Itself, the afternoon talk, and dinner with Chaz Ebert.

This talk was later featured as the cover story of the Daily Illini on November 2, 2015, and in the “Go Figure UI Edition” of the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette on November 6, 2015.



APRIL YOUNG (senior, BUS Accountancy; and Information Systems and Information Technology) and DYLAN HOYER (senior, LAS Economics and History): “We are getting married in Lake Forest on June 12, 2016. We actually met for the first time at the 2012 Convocation, through a fellow CHP’er we both knew. We ended up walking back together after Convocation was over and didn’t see each other again until the CHP Halloween Party. From there, we’ve never stopped talking to each other or trying to make each other laugh! We’ve had a wonderful time in CHP and with HSC. We both really appreciate you and all the staff the Honors House for making this campus a home for us for the past four years.”

April was a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society and a James

Scholar in the College of Business, and she participated in the

Honors Student Council. She was a Technology Risk Intern for Crowe

Horvath in Summer 2015, an Audit and IT Consulting Intern for KPMG

in Spring 2015, and a Strategic Tax Planning Intern for Illinois Tool

Works in Summer 2014. April served as Phi Chi Professional Business

Fraternity Pledge Professional Trainer and Professional Committee

Chair, Vice President-External of the Accounting Club in Fall 2014,

and a BUMP Project Associate for Illinois Enactus in Fall 2014.

Dylan co-founded Cartgogogo, Inc., a grocery-delivery company

with three other partners in Champaign and China. He was a

Business Honors Intern for the Security and Exchange Commission

in Summer 2015, has been a Project Consultant with EntreCORPS

since September 2014, and has worked on history research since

January 2015, including serving on the SourceLab Working Group.

He was Phi Chi Theta Professional Business Fraternity’s External

Portfolio Manager for their Internal Research and Investment Services.

Dylan earned an Informatics minor, and was a Stamps Scholar.

Dylan will continue working with his grocery-delivery

start-up, and April will be working at KPMG as an

Information Technology Audit Consultant in Chicago, and

studying to become a Certified Public Accountant.

BENJAMIN MONTET (5/11 alumnus, LAS Physics and Astronomy) and LAURA KLEIN (5/11 alumna, LAS Integrative Biology): “We will be getting married in August 2016! We’re very excited to be able to add ourselves to the list of happy CHP couples. We look forward to being back in Illinois next academic year.”

“We actually didn’t meet through the CHP, but it helped. We met in the ISR dining hall through mutual friends – Laura has a friend who was dating someone who lived down the hall from me in the dorms and would eat meals with us semi-regularly. One day she brought her friend Laura and we chatted. CHP gave me an excuse to go up to Laura’s room and chat her up: the first

time I went to find her and talk to her was to ask about BOB SKIRVIN’s Hort 100 course. We chatted for a while, then a few more times, then I asked her on a date and here we are :).”

At Illinois, Laura did research with Professor Kathryn Clancy since May 2009, and in August 2010, she led a field project at the Mogielica Human Ecology Study Site in Slopnice, Poland, for which she was supported with a CHP Summer Research Grant. She was President of the LAS James Scholar Spirit Association and won two General Assembly Scholarships; she worked with the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Alumni Association and competed in the UI Biology Open House Poster Competition. Laura was an Admissions Student Tour Guide for three years.

Ben minored in Mathematics and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society and Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society; he was named a CHP Outstanding Senior. He was an Undergraduate Research Assistant for Professor Robert J. Brunner, for which he was awarded a CHP Summer Research Grant. In Summer 2010 Ben did research with Professor Dana S. Bake; in Summer 2009, he worked with Professor Charles F. Gammie. He taught Physics 102 and 211, and he was ranked twice as Excellent for his teaching. He was a James Scholar and he won the Kevin Allwin Shrote Physics Endowed Scholarship.

Laura is completing her PhD in Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, and Ben will be defending his PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics at CalTech in July 2016.

CHP graduates April Young and Dylan Hoyer at Curtis Orchard

Chaz Ebert with Chancellor’s Scholars at Convocation

Chancellor’s Scholars and guests enjoy Convocation dinner

CHP alums Laura Klein and Benjamin Montet at the 2011 CHP Graduation In June 2016, we were delighted to welcome Brian Jarnell Moffitt, who joins the Campus Honors Program as the new Program Director for the recently-created Honors Living and Learning Community (comprised of James Scholars from all colleges as well as Chancellor’s Scholars) in Housing. Brian jointly reports to the Campus Honors Program and Housing, and is excited to join the Illinois Honors community. (At time of press, there were 41 first-year and returning Chancellor’s Scholars confirmed to live in this new Living and Learning Community.)

Join us in welcoming Brian to his new role in Honors at Illinois!

Brian Jarnell Moffitt


CHP presented some returning favorite programs and several new and exciting ones in 2015 – 2016! Please see http://honors.illinois.edu/Krannert%20Dress%20Rehearsal%20Series.shtml for the Krannert listings, and http://honors.illinois.edu/Scholar%20Adventure%20Series.shtml for the Scholar Adventurers Series programming.

Elizabeth Rockman coordinates these programs, and looks forward to your SAS ideas at [email protected].

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GLEN DAVIES (Art) noted that his next show is “Alpha and Omega: 45 Years of Works by Glen C. Davies” and it will run from June 18 - September 1, 2016 at the Merwin and Wakeley Galleries at Illinois Wesleyan University. The show opening was 1:00 – 4:00 on Saturday, June 18, with the Artist Talk at 2:00 p.m.

BRUCE FOUKE (Geology) announced the completion of his Yellowstone book in time for the 100 year celebration of the National Park Service: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/centennial/index.htm. The book citation is: Bruce W. Fouke and Tom Murphy, 2016. The Art of Yellowstone Science: Mammoth Hot Springs as a Window on the Universe. Crystal Creek Press, 300 pages. He notes that BRUCE MICHELSON served as editor, and the book content is founded upon nearly a decade of bringing CHP 395 classes to Yellowstone. The book will appear in print in August 2016.

GRACE GIORGIO (Communications) reported that she (along with several other faculty members) applied for and received a three-year SIIP (Strategic Instructional Innovation Program) grant to develop materials for public speaking clinics for engineering classes. Last fall Grace received further grant funding from the Provost’s office (PITA – Provost’s Initiative on Teaching Advancement) to develop and implement Writing Fundamentals, an online, adaptive program to help students improve their grammatical and writing skills. Grace also published two short stories and a theoretical piece in Qualitative Inquiry this past year: “Whitewashing the Past: A KKK Display in a Rural, Midwestern Town,” “Family Feuds are Forever” and “Let the Guilty Speak: A Writing Story.” Grace notes that she “loves teaching for CHP because the students who are so creative and innovative in their thinking motivate me to go beyond my best in my teaching, writing, and research. I aspire to do as well as they do.”

ALMA GOTTLIEB (Anthropology) received a grant from the Jacobs Foundation to undertake a Residency Fellowship in August 2016 at Marbach Castle in Germany to complete A World of Babies (fully revised second edition, co-edited with Judy DeLoache). In addition, she has contributed to writing and editing several other publications throughout the year. This past academic year, Alma gave talks at

national and international conferences in Minneapolis, Hartford, Germany, London, Denver, Paris, Oxford, and Albuquerque. She was a 2015 Co-Organizer and Co-Chair of a Conference Session at the 114th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Denver in November 2015 entitled “New African Migrants in Europe and the US: Encounters with the Familiar and the Strange.”

KIM GRABER (Kinesiology and Community Health and Campus Honors Program Director) received the Research Council Distinguished Service Award from SHAPE America in April 2016, and she was the Faculty Inductee for Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society in April 2016, for which she gave the keynote address, entitled “Successful Leadership: Tips from Experience and Observation.”

KIMIKO GUNJI (Art and Design, Emeritus) had a new bridge at the Japan House formally dedicated in her name on September 27, 2015. The event summary captured the celebration: “The day was cloudy and as the time drew near it began to rain. It seems to us that only Gunji-sensei could have convinced the rain to stop, the clouds to part, and a shaft of sunlight to grace the bridge as the crowd raised a toast to Kimiko and Kimiko’s beloved granddaughter Mika ran across the new bridge to greet her! The celebration continued inside Japan House with an outstanding meal prepared by Chef Shin Matsuda of Chicago’s Ani Restaurant. As everyone began to finish their meals, the clouds cleared once again and we were able to watch the lunar eclipse. It truly was a very special evening. Thanks to all that shared it, both in person and in spirit. Any funds that went beyond the cost of the bridge will be used to support

visiting artists and teachers who will share Japanese culture as Gunji-sensei has done.”

HANS HOCK (Linguistics) was awarded the Sukumar Sen Memorial Gold Medal in 2015 for his work in general historical and comparative linguistics and on Sanskrit by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata, India (the society that Sir William Jones helped to establish). He is also the Primary/Co-editor, with Elena Bashir of The languages and linguistics of South Asia: A comprehensive guide. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton, 2016.

STEPHEN MARSHAK (Geology) recently finished the following book: Marshak, S., 2015, Earth: Portrait of a Planet, Fifth Edition: W.W. Norton & Co., New York. He notes that he enjoyed teaching for CHP for the following reasons:

• The students gave brilliant in-class presentations on assigned topics.

• The students were able to stand up and give very impressive oral summaries of their paper topics with no advance preparation.

• Writing by the students, taken as a group, is the best I have seen in any class. All assignments they prepared were clear and interesting.

BRUCE MICHELSON (English, Emeritus, and Emeritus CHP Director) has been selected to go ‘Rolling on the River’ next summer. Road Scholars (formerly known as Elderhostel) is inaugurating a history-and-culture excursion up the Mississippi from St. Louis to St. Paul – and Bruce has been designated to go along as the on-board Mark Twain guru. The ship is brand new and belongs to a French cruise company…so Bruce has high hopes about what will go on after hours when his talks are done.

HELAINE SILVERMAN (Anthropology; Director of CHAMP/Collaborative for Cultural Heritage Management and Policy) and several colleagues in other departments have begun a project entitled “The Mythic Mississippi.” It seeks to integrate the history and heritage of a series of important places along the Illinois stretch of the river into a compelling tourism circuit that can boost economic development at these locations while building on the existing UNESCO World Heritage status of Cahokia Mounds in Collinsville. Other targets of investigation are Carthage-Nauvoo, Quincy (opposite Hannibal, home of Mark Twain), Alton, Prairie du

Rocher, Cairo and Galena. Professor Silverman will teach Anth 277-Tourist Sites in Spring 2017 for CHP, and all CHP students will be invited to participate in the project through an additional one-week 4-credit field school course (May 14-21).

CAROL SPINDEL (Rhetoric) published an essay on the Meridian of Paris in Guernica: A Magazine of Art and Politics that is accessible online at: https://www.guernicamag.com/daily/carol-spindel-a-line-through-the-heart-of-paris-the-original-prime-meridian/. Carol won the CHP’s 2016 Broadrick-Allen Award for Excellence in Teaching.

BILLIE JEAN THEIDE (Art and Design) was on of ten invited artists selected to participate in the Panevezys International Ceramic Symposium in Panevezys, Lithuania, July 1 - 29, 2016. She was also invited to participate in “I.M.A.G.I.N.E. Peace Now.” Invitational exhibition at the Wellington B. Gray Gallery, East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. November 9, 2016 - January 16, 2017 and the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston, MA, February 25-June 10, 2017. Her work has been acquired by individuals from St. Louis, New York, California, Montana, Massachusetts, and Korea.

ARIANA TRAILL (Classics) received the Campus Executive Officer Distinguished Leadership Award in May 2016.

MARA WADE (Germanic Languages and Literature) received the LAS Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in February 2016. She notes that “CHP certainly was part of this recognition. I love teaching your students.”

JAMES WARFIELD (Architectural Studies, Emeritus) was honored in Spring 2016 in Shanghai at the official launching ceremony of China’s new preservation quarterly Heritage Architecture. In a presentations by Tongji University President Pei Gang and President Lin Peng of China Publishing and Media, Professor Warfield was acknowledged for his “academic prestige and profound insight” in establishing the “Warfield Archives of Vernacular Architecture” in Shanghai and for 25 years of leadership as head of the Illinois/China Program, the oldest architecture study abroad program in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Professor Warfield was also officially appointed “Advisory Professor in Architecture” at Tongji University serving the Academic

Committee of Heritage Architecture and CAUP. His column in the inaugural issue of HA entitled “Value in the Vernacular” may be viewed at http://www.jameswarfield.us/2/Warfield-Column-in-Journal/.

B. JOSEPH WHITE (Business) let us know that his book, Boards That Excel: Candid Insights and Practical Advice for Directors, which was published by Berrett-Koehler of San Francisco in August 2014, was named Governance Book of the Year by Directors and Boards, a journal aimed at corporate directors, in 2015. His article, “Better Board Process for Better Corporate Results” (with William K. Hall of the University of Michigan), was published by Directors and Boards in Volume 40 No. 3 (Second Quarter 2016). He notes that he “loves teaching my CHP course, Business as a Force in American Society, because the students are so talented and, for many, this is the only business course they will take in their undergraduate years. It’s easy to ‘hate business’ or ‘love business’ – but by the end of the term, I think the students have a considerably nuanced view of the good and necessary versus the bad and ugly of the American private sector.”

By CHARLOTTE HUNT, sophomore, LAS Classics

Professor ARIANA TRAILL’s first experience with the Campus Honors Program came during her visit to campus as a prospective faculty member when she met with the now Director Emeritus Bruce Michelson. From the way he spoke about the programme, Professor Traill knew that the type of instruction desired by CHP – wherein professors are given opportunities to pilot new courses and new teaching ideas – is one also desired by students.

Following her area of specialisation within Classics, Professor Traill has taught classes for CHP about Roman Comedy and its reception. One of her favourite parts about teaching CHP is the students – from the “richness of background and life experiences” they bring to the table and their willingness to “engage intellectually and emotionally with new, strange material,” Professor Traill’s classes have opened both her and her students up to a variety of new ways of thinking about literature. Professor Traill also

notes her appreciation for the supportive nature of CHP’s administration. With the financial backing of the programme, she has been able to take two of her classes to see productions at the Krannert Center for Performing Arts, allowing her to integrate real, live theatre with ancient comedy.

One memory which Professor Traill finds representative of her experience with CHP comes from her Fall 2015 class, The Origins of Western Literature: Roman Comedy and its Influence. During this class, Professor Traill was able to pilot a new creative

writing assignment in which students adapted themes and characters from ancient comedy for a new genre. She said the papers she received from her students went above and beyond her expectations, ranging from Broadway-style recreations to a SNL-style sketch comedy adaptation.

Professor Traill involves herself with CHP outside the classroom too. This last Fall semester she gave a Power Lunch about Roman food, in which attendees learnt about the food typical Romans ate and also tasted some. Alumni/ae might also remember a previous Power Lunch about Roman clothing where they tried some authentic togas on themselves.

We at CHP, from Honors Student Council to the wider body of CHP students, would like to thank Professor Traill for her impressive work with the programme and say multas gratias tibi agimus!

Jennifer Gunji-Ballsrud and Kimiko Gunji at Bridge Dedication

Ariana Traill talks with students at Fall Cook-out

CHP Faculty have been busy this academic year. Here are a few of their major accomplishments:

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Page 19: CHP Annual 2016


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1205 West Oregon Street Urbana, IL 61801

CHP 30th Anniversary CelebrationS AV E T H E DAT E !

The Campus Honors Program is delighted to announce the CHP 30th Anniversary Celebration for October 14 – 16, 2016 – please mark your calendars!

There will be an informal gathering on Friday night, tours and CHP open house hours on Saturday, a Reception on Saturday night, and a Sunday brunch.

More info will come in early Fall 2016 – we look forward to seeing you then!

As always, please send all alumni news to Elizabeth Rockman at [email protected].

CHP alums Jean He, Ryan and Jennifer Mokos, and Michael Munie

at 25th Anniversary Reception

CHP alums Redeker, Austin, Donnelly, Ullrich, Dombrowski,

Foreman, and Rivas at 20th Anniversary Brunch

CHP alums Dollbaum, Nadolski, and Homann at 25th Anniversary Brunch

CHP alums and guest at 25th Anniversary Tea Ceremony

at Japan House

Chancellor’s Scholars and CHP alums in the Honors House classroom at 25th Anniversary Celebration

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