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  • 8/3/2019 Coffee Final Project Proposal by Bob


  • 8/3/2019 Coffee Final Project Proposal by Bob


    Table of content


    Coffee......................................................................................................4Positives and negative effect of coffee...................................................5

    Coffee and it use.....................................................................................6

    Coffee and your health...........................................................................7

    Indonesia coffee history................................................................................9

    Coffee in Indonesia.................................................................................9

    Why Sumatra coffee? .................................................................................10


    Asia Makmur Company...............................................................................11

    Budi Setiawans background..................................................................14

    Guide to buy coffee................................................................................15

    Luwak coffee.............................................................................................16

    Project overview....................................................................................21


  • 8/3/2019 Coffee Final Project Proposal by Bob



    In the content of quality of life, Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world,

    they enjoy drinking coffee because unique taste of the coffee or maybe they culture of

    drinking coffee in their country, for example in Indonesia. In Indonesia, they produce one the

    best quality of coffees in the world. It makes Indonesia become one of the largest coffee

    exporters in the world. For more specific, Sumatra coffee is one of the most popular coffees

    in the world. As known and what we have seen in our life, international coffee shop in

    Singapore (for example, Starbucks, Coffee Bean, TCC, etc) that always offer the Sumatra

    coffee as their special menus Because of the strong aroma and soft taste of the coffee.

  • 8/3/2019 Coffee Final Project Proposal by Bob



    Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans,

    of the coffee plant. They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries.

    Green unroasted coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Due

    to its caffeine content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of

    the most popular beverages worldwide.

    The energizing effect of the coffee bean plant is thought to have been discovered

    in Yemen in Arabia and in the northeast region of Ethiopia, and the cultivation of coffee first

    expanded in the Arab world. The earliest credible evidence of coffee drinking appears in the

    middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen in southern Arabia. From

    the Muslim world, coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the

    Americas. Coffee has played a crucial role in many societies throughout history. In Africa

    and Yemen, it was used in religious ceremonies. As a result, the Ethiopian Church banned its

    secular consumption, a ban in effect until the reign of Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia. It was

    banned in Ottoman Turkey during the 17th century for political reasons, and was associated

    with rebellious political activities in Europe.

    Coffee berries, which contain the coffee seed, or "bean", are produced by several

    species of small evergreen bush of the genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown are the

    highly regarded Coffea arabica, and the 'robusta' form of the hardierCoffea canephora. The

    latter is resistant to the devastating coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix). Both are cultivated

    primarily in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked,

    processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired

    flavor. They are then ground and brewed to create coffee. Coffee can be prepared and

    presented in a variety of ways.

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    Positives and negative effect of coffee

    People that like much drinking coffee, no worry to continue their hobby, because

    drinking coffee has positive and negative effects to your body. Caffeine in coffee can

    stimulant your brain to think fast. Your brain can respond faster after drinking a cup of

    coffee. The survey proved that drinker coffee can be avoided from cancer, diabetes, heart

    attack and osteoporosis. Let us see positive and negative effects for drinker coffee: Positive


    y Stimulating your brain.

    Coffee that you drink every day has caffeine. Caffeine contains alkaloid, known as

    trimetilsantin. Coffee can give stimulation to human brain nerves. Your brain nerves will

    respond quickly and give quickest memory brain processing after 15 or 20 minutes finishing

    drinking coffee.

    y Coffee can avoid from teeth hole.

    The caffeine can help your teeth from hole after eating cookies, chocolate cake, candies and

    sweet bread. We suggest drinking coffee before eating them.

    y Coffee can avoid from migraine.

    The caffeine in coffee can decrease your migraine.

    We suggest drinking black coffee before take drug.

    y Increasing your energy, feeling happy and fresh.

    How do you feel after drinking coffee in the morning? We feel fresh as if energy increase and


    y Coffee can avoid from osteoporosis, heart attack, diabetes and cancer.

    People can avoid from diseases above, if they drink two cup of coffee every day. Especially

    people that have coroner heart, they should consult to the doctor how to drink coffee withoutrisk.

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    The negative effects, Coffee is good to drink, but there are few negative effects, if you

    drink so much. The negatives just like below,

    y Coffee makes some one become addicted. Make your health trouble, feel tired and not

    have energy, if you do not drink coffee.

    y Coffee is very dangerous to people have high blood pressure illness, because the

    caffeine makes your blood pressure higher.

    y Coffee makes your urine more product than usual, so that your bladder full after

    drinking coffee.

    y Coffee effects for woman fertility. It will make worst, if the woman drinks alcohol.

    Coffee and its uses

    y Coffee Freshener?

    Out of breath mints just when you needed the most? Simply suck on a coffee bean and your

    breath will smell all clean and fresh again!

    y Odor No More!

    Have you ever dreaded peeling garlic, prawns or other food that will leave your hands smell

    foul? A few coffee beans may be all you need to ease your worries! Rub your hands together

    with the beans as the oil secreted from the coffee beans will absorb any unpleasant smell.

    When the odor is gone, wash your hands in warm, soapy water. Unbelievably amazing!

    y Ant off!

    Are you frustrated with ants crawling around your home or office? Heres a perfect solution

    for you! Place used coffee grounds onto ant hills or sprinkle used grounds around places you

    want ant-free to keep the ants away from these place.

    y Gone Fishing!

    An interesting tip for all fishing enthusiasts! It is known that fishermen storage maggots andworms in a container with moist coffee grounds to prolong the lifes of the fish baits and to

    make picking up the fish baits easier. It seems the fish baits are coffee lovers too!

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    y Sticking drains are indeed a pain!

    Loathsome odours from kitchen drains are a common irritant for many homemakers. Simply

    empty a cup of used coffee grounds into the plughole and pour boiling water slowly down the


    y Removing stains with coffee

    Coffee grounds can be used to clean any stain resistant or greasy surfaces. They are also

    effectives in removing odour from ashtrays too! This is made possible due to mild and gentle

    abrasive elements in coffee grounds.

    y Freezer deodorizer

    Spoiled food smell bad enough but spoiled food contained in a freezer after an electricity

    failure is completely unbreakable! To get rid of the smell, fill a couple bowls with used or

    fresh coffee grounds and place them in the freezer overnight. Try adding a few drops of

    vanilla essence to the ground for a flavored coffee scent!

    Coffee and your health

    Boost your health! Roasted coffee contain Niacin-a B vitamin thats plays an important

    role in maintaining a healthy nervous and digestive system.

    (source: press TV, 27 Dec 2007,Alternative medicine: coffee)

    A survey carried out by researchers at the university of Scranton, Pennsylvania, shows

    that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants for America. 1 Other studies have shown

    that coffee has in fact four times more antioxidants than green tea! 2

    (Source: 1: Coffee Tao The Way ( growing, buying and enjoying) of coffee, coffee: more

    antioxidants That tea? & 2: Healthandage, 9 May 2005, coffee is number one source of


    Coffee is a useful way to hydrate despite its association as a diuretic as recent research

    show that caffeine, at levels commonly consumed in coffee, is no more a diuretic than water.

    Thus coffee, along with other popular drinks, is recognized as an important source of fluid in

    the diet when consumed in moderation.

    (Source: The British Coffee Association,Fluid Intake)

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    It was reported that scientists of Havard University, USA, had carried out a coffee

    consumption experiment on 16 people, result showed that taking in many small cups of

    coffee during the day is more effective in keeping one awake as compared to having one

    large cup of coffee in the morning.

    (Source: Medical News Today,12 May 2004, many small cups of coffee during the day keep

    you awake better than few big cups)

    According to an article in Reuters Health, a study in Italys University of Bari,

    suggested that drinking coffee might help in preventing people from developing late on-onset

    blepharospasm, an involuntary muscle contraction that leads to uncontrollable twitching of

    the eye. This disorder usually strikes people in their late 40s and 50s.

    (Source: Reuters, 7 Aug 2007, Drinking coffee may prevent eyelid twitch)

    With reference to an article in Reuters, researchers from the French National Institution

    of Medical Research had discovered that drinking more than three cups of coffee a day is

    likely to aid elderly women, against old-age memory deterioration. They had also found that

    men, however, do not reap the same benefit

    (Source: Reuters, 7 Aug 2007, Coffee may slow memory declines in women: study)

    An article from the US National Library of Medicine states that in a 1983 Italian

    National Health Survey, an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and asthma was

    observed. Based on 72,284 people studied, a long term moderate coffee consumption seemed

    to have helped in reducing risk of asthma.

    (Source: Chest 1988 Aug; 94 (2) 386-9, Pagano R, Negri E, Decarli A, La Vecchia C

    Coffee drinking and prevalence of bronchial asthma)

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    Indonesia coffee history

    In the 17th century, the prominent coffee under Dutch rule was Coffea arabica. The coffee

    was introduced to the archipelago via Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka). The Dutch Colonial

    Government initially planted coffee around Batavia (Jakarta), and as far south

    as Sukabumi and Bogor. Coffee plantations were also established in East Java, Central Java,

    West Java and in parts of Sumatra and Sulawesi. Coffee at the time was also grown in East

    Indonesia- East Timor and Flores. Both of these islands were originally

    underPortuguese control and the coffee was also C. arabica, but from different root stocks.

    The coffee in Eastern Indonesia was not affected to the same degree by rust, and even today,

    some coffee in East Timor can be traced back to the 16th and 17th century.

    Coffee in Indonesia

    Indonesia is the world's fourth-largest coffee producer after Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam

    and the world's second-largest Robusta producer after Vietnam Coffee has a colorful history,

    and has played an important part in the growth of the country. Indonesia is blessed with an

    ideal geography for coffee growing. The longitude and latitude of the country means that the

    island origins are all well suited micro-climates for the growth and production of coffee,

    resulting in widespread environmental degradation and the destruction of tropical rainforests

    that have the highest concentration of endemic species in the world

    Robusta coffee beans constitute 85% of Indonesia's coffee production, with Lampung, south

    Sumatra and Bengkulu provinces accounting for three quarters of that. The remaining 15% is

    Arabica grown in northern Sumatra, East Java and South Sulawesi.

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    Why Sumatra coffee?

    Sumatran coffee beans are some of the heaviest, smoothest, and most complex coffees in the

    world. Most of the coffees from Sumatra are dry-processed, but some are semi-washed. The

    majority of Sumatran coffee is marked as Mandheling or Lintong and is grown inland from

    the southern coast. Sumatra coffee grown farther west is usually marked as Gayo Mountain.

    Sumatra Gayo coffee is described as sweet and clean.

    Coffee connoisseurs who want to buy Sumatran coffee typically look for aged Sumatran

    green coffee beans. These coffee beans enhance the earthy and spicy notes of regular

    Sumatran coffee, making it one of the most sought after coffees available. (Sumatra coffee



    Sumatra Island is the 5th biggest island in the world and the 3rd biggest island in Indonesia. It

    is the largest producer of Indonesian coffee. Small-holders grow Arabica coffee (Coffea

    arabica) in the highlands (highland area are around northern of Sumatra Island), while

    Robusta (Coffea canephora) is found in the low lands (lowland area are around southern of

    Sumatra Island). Arabica coffee from the regions of Gayo, Lintong and Sidikilang is typically

    processed using the Giling Basah (wet hulling) technique, which gives it a heavy body and

    low acidity.

    Bandar Lampung (Lampung city) is the capital city of Lampung, Indonesia. It was formerly

    called Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung, the names of the two major sections of the city, before

    being renamed in 1983. For immigrants and travelers from Java, the city is the entry point

    to Sumatra, Bandar Lampung is one of the low land area in Sumatra. We produce Robusta

    coffee bean, cocoa bean, cloves and etc, because we have good climates that suitable for it to

    grow in Bandar Lampung. Bandar Lampung is known as one of the biggest coffee exporter in

    Indonesia. And known as one of the best Robusta coffee in the term of quality (taste).

    The city's area is about 169.21 km, with a population of approximately 743,000 people. 2000*

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    Asia Makmur Company

    Asia Makmur is one of the biggest coffee company in Bandar Lampung. The company

    name Asia Makmur company is made from Indonesia words means Asia prosperous. They

    bought premium quality coffee bean directly from the farmer. The coffee that they bought

    from farmer will be processed in the different of type. The processes are started from quality

    checking, dryness of the coffee bean, drying under the sun, oven drying, and etc. They not

    only focus on produce premium quality of dry coffee bean, they also produce chocolate bean.

    Organization structure

    Asia makmur company is not a well structured company like another company. So their

    structure is not an ordinary organization. Here is the organization structure:


    Export DepartmentBuy & salesDepartment



    Quality Check

    Headquarter of


    Worker estimated

    around 300 peoples

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    The capacity of the warehouse is about 100k tons. One stack of coffee is around 60kg.

    1 truck of coffee is around 7-8 tons. And they have around 300 employees that shifting to

    work 24/7 for chase to prepare the product and package it until ready to export.

    Asia Makmur Company is the largest coffee bean exporter in Bandar Lampung. They

    export the coffee around 27,595.9 tons or equal with 27,595,900 kg in 2008. And for the local

    they only send the low quality of the coffee for example their biggest buyer are from Taloca.

    Taloca is the company thats stand under Kraft Food Company. And follow by nestle is the

    2nd biggest buyer( Spain, Japan, Philippine, Russia).

    They also export to Singapore such as they export to the Lian-axe and Ong Sam Bee


    How do they get the costumer?

    Base from the interview, they said their company is well-known in the international

    market. So mostly the consumers will find out about Asia Makmur Company and they will

    try to negotiate with them about the price. And some of the costumers are getting from

    recommend from other company

    How do they set the price?

    They always check out the price base from US dollar and the coffee terminal price, and

    the number of the products also one of the aspect that affect the price of the coffee bean. And

    they have no quota for export, so they can export the coffee bean as much as possible.

    When is the season of the coffee?

    The coffee bean season start from March- October. And the peak season is Mei-July.

    Drying process

    Because of not suitable season to dying coffee under the sun, they are using the

    machinery to help them dry the coffee bean. Not only the season problem. They have to rush

    to dry the high amount of coffee, so they have to use machinery to help them dry the coffee

    bean faster than naturally dry by the sun. They also need to dry the coffee as fast as possible

    until the % water in the coffee is 13 % so they can prepare to package the coffee bean into the

    container. 13 % is the standard dryness of the coffee to be ready to export.*

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    There is the process from meet the coffee bean seller until the coffee bean ready to export.


    1st checking quality

    2nd acceptance (negotiation)

    3rd put the coffee into the machine


    sifting (separate the coffee bean and the skin)


    Oven (drying the coffee until 13 % water contain)*

    6th 2nd sifting (suton) (separate the coffee bean and broken bean)

    7th Sortex (making quality (separate good quality and black bean)

    8th packing to container


    ready to export

    Issue of export coffee

    The quality issue is the most troublesome in the export stage. They only accept the high

    grade of the coffee bean. And only the certain % of dryness they will accepted the coffee

    bean, if not they might possible to terminated the contract.

    And the weather also a big issue because when the weather is very bad, they cant dry

    the coffee and cant send the goods.

    WWF is become an issue on coffee business?

    In January 2007, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) reported that land was

    illegally cleared for coffee farming in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park on the island

    of Sumatra. The protected park is home to endangered tigers, elephants and rhinos, and WWF

    predicts that these species will be extinct in a decade should the clearing and farming

    continue. WWF states that the illegal coffee is sold to Western companies such

    as Nestl and Kraft Foods.

    Based on the interview, Mr. Budi Setiawan said, that they coffee bean they purchase

    the farmer are totally clean means they not bought the bean that planted in the illegal area.

    How do they proof is not an illegal area?

    He said, all the farmers are made a statement and proof them with a letter that the coffee farm

    that they have are planted in the legal area.

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    Mr.Budi Setiawans background

    He started his career since 1991 in Bandar Lampung. At that point of time, he only sold

    and bought coffee beans from locals. Not satisfied enough with only doing partnership with

    locals. In 2005, he later on began to export coffee beans to other countries by joining other

    company because at the point of time, he has no company to do export. And finally, he starts

    to spread his wing into higher level of business. He bought Asia Makmur company in 2007

    and he start to export coffee to other country by himself. Finally, in 2010 he is in the top of

    his carrier. He estimated Asia Makmur company is leading the coffee bean export in

    Indonesia market.

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    Guide to buy coffee


    Coffee degrades quickly after it has been roasted. The optimal time to drink coffee is 2-5

    days after roasting, however if coffee is stored right, the flavor will stay relatively well for

    almost two weeks. After three weeks the coffee flavor has been ruined for the most part.

    Therefore any coffee bought on a shelf, since it has probably been sitting there for weeks

    already, will usually have a poor flavor. No matter what kind of airtight containers the coffee

    is shipped in, after roasting the coffees flavor will degrade within a matter of weeks.


    Unroasted coffee will stay very fresh for months, which is making it a great choice for those

    who are very serious about the coffee they drink. Since you can roast coffee in a variety of

    ways (including a popcorn maker), many people have switched to buying unroasted coffee.

    For those who are considering unroasted coffee, we have started to offer some unroasted

    Kona coffee at Gourmet Coffee Supplier. If you are interested in this process I suggest that

    you read our guide on unroasted coffee for information.

    The Bitter Truth

    So last time I went down to the store and bought some nice fancy Kona coffee, however it

    tasted no better than the regular coffee I have been buying over the years.

    Coffee regulations in the United States only require manufacturers to specify that they are

    selling 100% coffee. This allows coffee manufacturers to blend 10% of an expensive type of

    Kona coffee with a much cheaper grade and advertise is it as Kona Coffee. This not only soils

    the reputation of Kona coffee, but it is a very dishonest trick. Therefore when you buy

    international coffee, make sure they specify that it is 100% from the country and crop


    Other Buying Tips

    Exposure to oxygen ruins a coffee's taste much quicker when the coffee is ground. Therefore

    we recommend that you either buy small quantities of ground coffee, or buy whole bean

    coffee and ground your own. Try to only grind about as much as you are going to use to help

    keep your coffee tasting fresh.

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    Great coffee does not always costs a fortune. When searching for gourmet coffee, you will

    definitely come across specialty Kona blends, or rare African coffees that will undoubtedly

    cost more than $30 a pound. Although this coffee is usually amazing coffee, there are many

    great coffees for 1/2 the price that taste nearly as great as these high-dollar blends. The main

    reason for this specialty coffee costing so much is that it is usually from a very small region,

    and has a very popular name and reputation. There are many blends that are lesser known,

    that have superb flavors themselves. Search around and don't be afraid to try new coffee.

    Buy from coffee shops. Although this seems like common sense, there are many people that

    buy coffee from shops online that also sell all sorts of goods from sporting goods and

    clothing. Buying from a coffee shop usually ensures that the people selling the product know

    alot about coffee, as well as how to please the customer they are catering to.

    Beginner's Guide to Unroasted Coffee

    Roasting one's own unroasted coffee ensures not only the freshest coffee, but the cheapest

    gourmet coffee available. Those who love the very expensive coffee should consider home-

    roasting, as unroasted coffee usually can cost as little as 1/2 the price of roasted coffee, which

    in a short time can pay off the initial cost of a coffee roaster.

    For those who have never tried it, it usually will cost around 130-165$ for a roaster that will

    do all work for you, which is normally what you should start with. Some roasting experts use

    stovetop popcorn makers, or other similar devices, however they are not recommended unless

    you know what you are doing, for you can easily ruin the coffee.

    One of the best roasters that we have found to create an evenly roasted batch with ease is the

    Hearthware I-Roast, which is generally priced about 165$. We recommend this roaster

    anyone new to the process.

    It usually takes about 1/2 hour to roast enough for several pots of coffee, so it is not a terribly

    time-consuming process.

    The Tastes of the World

    International regions tend to share similar tastes, aromas, and other characteristics. I will

    classify the major regions into four groups: Central America, South America, Africa, and


    Central America

    Central American coffees are generally light-bodied (the body refers to the thickness or

    feeling in the mouth). These coffees actually feel 'lighter' in your mouth than the heavier

    Indonesian coffees. They are usually said to have a crisp or bold taste, which refers to the

    somewhat sharp punch of Central American coffees and relatively high acidity.

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    South America

    Close relative (literally and figuratively) to Central America, our South American countries

    tend to have slightly heavier bodies than Central American coffee, with slightly peculiar

    aromas and overtones. They share the same crisp bold taste, and generally still share the high



    The origin place of all coffee, Africa has unique coffee with sweet, fruity, spicy, and exotic

    flavors. This coffee is often sought by coffee experts due to its unique aromas and overtones,

    however those new to flavors may find some of them odd-tasting. The only way to really get

    a feel of them is to try them,


    Indonesian coffee has a long finish, very heavy body, full flavor, and low acidity. There is not

    much gourmet coffee produced in that area; the coffee grown there is highly prized for its

    taste and smooth finish. Although the gourmet beans are rare, this coffee usually remains at a

    relatively low price due to its low popularity.

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    Luwak coffee

    Kopi Luwak or we know as civet coffee, is the coffee that made from the beans

    of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus

    hermaphroditus) and other related civets, then passed through its digestive tract.A civet eats

    the berries for their fleshy pulp. In its stomach, proteolytic enzymes seep into the beans,

    making shorter peptides and more free amino acids. Passing through a civet's intestines the

    beans are then defecated, having kept their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun

    drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less

    bitterness, widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world. It can retail at more than

    $600 per kg from online suppliers. According to the Indonesian Association of Coffee

    Producers, the worldwide production of Kopi Luwak is around 200 kg per annum.


    Issue (Quantity of product)

    Why dont we export luwak coffee?

    They have a lot of problem to export the luwak coffee. They knew they have a lot of

    demand outside but the problem is the limitation of the product. They cant produce a lot of

    luwak coffee, one of the newspaper said they only can produce 1.5 tons a month. And a 2nd

    problem is tax. Because of the product still rare the government might give high tax on it.

    Risk of buy

    They scared to buy the coffee luwak bean in the high number of quantity because it not a

    normal product, coffee luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world. So they scared to buy

    the luwak coffee in the large quantity because in case they might get deceived by the seller.

    So they might suffered losses.

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    Issue (Religion)Jakarta Globe | July 19, 2010

    Two of Indonesias main Muslim organizations are to meet to decide whether or not to

    issue a fatwa against kopi luwak, a famed and highly prized coffee bean that has passed

    through the digestive tract of a civet cat before it is retrieved and roasted. *

    Maaruf Amin, chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), said it would meet with

    Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesias largest Muslim organization, on Tuesday night to discuss

    issuing a ban against the flourishing industry.

    NU member Arwani Faishal, meanwhile, said it was his opinion that the coffee was

    najis. Under Islamic law, najis are things or persons regarded as ritually unclean.But that is

    only my personal opinion, Faishal said. Contact with najis brings a Muslim into a state of

    ritual impurity (najasat), which requires undergoing purification before performing religious

    duties, such as regular prayers.

    Indonesian Muslim groups have been criticized for issuing a raft of fatwa covering the

    spectrum of human behavior though they have no legal standing and are often ignored by


    MUI Now Says Kopi Luwak Is Halal *yessir| Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    From earlier explanation I already mention about 2 of Indonesias main Muslim

    organizations are discussing a possible fatwa concerning the highly prized and world famous

    coffee bean known locally as Kopi Luwak. But now, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI)

    has decided that Kopi Luwak is halal afterall.

    Reason For Aborted Fatwa

    Earlier Maaruf Amin, chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) said MUI

    would meet with Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to discuss issuing a fatwa against kopi luwak.

    Arwani Faishal, a NU member said that the concern is whether the civet cat is considered as

    najis under Islamic law. Najis are things or persons considered as ritually unclean. Arwani

    Faishal thinks civet cats are najis, but added: But that is only my personal opinion. Any

    Muslim coming into contact with najis are themselves contaminated, and they thus require

    purification before performing religious duties like prayers.

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    MUI Change of Mind

    Now Maaruf Amin said: After a long discussion among clerics here, we decided that

    its not sinful for Muslims to drink the Luwak coffee. But on what basis did MUI use to

    arrive at their new position? Maaruf Amin said: Its not haram (forbidden in Islam) as long

    as you wash the beans with water to remove the civet cats droppings. Then he added: The

    beans have to be washed very clean and must be intact, not smashed, to prevent the feces

    from entering. Maaruf Amin added this comforting parting assurance: Muslims should not

    feel worried about drinking luwak coffee anymore.

    Dung Diplomacy

    In March 2010, then Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a state visit to

    Indonesia. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono then gave Prime Minister Kevin Rudd a

    gift of civet coffee. The press then promptly referred to it as dung diplomacy and


    ThinkAbout It

    Now that MUI has decided that the civet cat and Kopi Luwak are not najis, but are

    halal, what is the position of NU? If the civet cat is deemed najis by NU, that makes Kopi

    Luwak also najis. Then President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono must likewise had been najis

    since he came into contact with Kopi Luwak when he presented this gourmet coffee as gift to

    the Australian Kevin Rudd. It is doubtful if the president had gone for purification. Where

    does this lead to?

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    Project overview

    The purposes of making this project are explain to the world why Sumatra coffee are

    become one of the target from all the coffee lovers all over the world. And introduce Luwak

    coffee into the world.

    I will also explain how does the process that the coffee company produces clean And

    dry coffee bean and the process to make a Luwak coffee. Luwak coffee might one of the rare

    processes of making a natural coffee fermentation without add any chemical on it. so we can

    say we make new brand of coffee in the natural way. (without use any chemicals to make

    it)(we can say we support go green because we use natural source to make new brand of


    In the end project I hope I can improve my knowledge about coffee and as finished this

    report as the bridge from me into the higher level of the business world. And because Im

    really interested with coffee business, I hope I can understand deeper about the coffee

    business and to archive my goal become a businessman that success in the coffee business


  • 8/3/2019 Coffee Final Project Proposal by Bob



    Allen, Stewart Lee (1999). The devil's cup : coffee, the driving force in history. Soho:

    Random House.

    Jacob, Heinrich Eduard (1998). Coffee: the epic of a commodity. Short Hills, N.J.: Burford


    Kummer, Corby (August 19, 2003). The joy of coffee : the essential guide to buying, brewing,

    and enjoying. Boston: Houghton Mifflin

    Coffee Research Institute 2001-2006 Sumatra Coffee Bean


    The Jakarta Post ( July 30, 2010) Climate, demand boost coffee export





    MaveRickZ. (2010)Kopi Luwak,Kopi Indonesia Yang Termahal Di Dunia,ini Proses

    Pembuatannya (Indonesian forum)


    Edisonkuo 29 Oct 09 Kopi Luwak, Kopi termahal di Dunia berasal dari Indonesia



    Indonesian Embassy. Retrieved, International Coffee Organization, Jakarta Post .Indonesian



  • 8/3/2019 Coffee Final Project Proposal by Bob


    majar coffee produce. Retrieved, Top 10 coffee producing country


    Maxwell Miller. Retrieved, General guide to buy coffee


    yessir | Wednesday, July 21, 2010. Retrieved, No Indonesian Fatwa against Kopi Luwak


    Jakarta Globe | July 19, 2010. Retrieved, Indonesian Muslim Groups Consider Fatwa on

    World's Most Expensive Coffee



    Associated Pres July 19, 2010. Retrieved, Indonesia Muslim group may ban world's most expensive coffee

    _ extracted from civet cat dung



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