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BYE-LAWS(As amended upto 01.04.20 12)

THE INSTITUTE OFI OSI Company Secretaries of IndiaIN PURSUIT OP PROPtSSIONAL ExceLLtNctStutoty body undn .a At of Ps.It)mc



BYE-LAWS(As amended upto 01.04.2012)

THE INSTITUTE OFI OSI Company Secretaries of IndiaIN PURSUIT OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCESlatutorj bed-, und g ' an AO of Pan

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ICSI house, 22. Institutional Auva. tocli Ro.uI. New Delhi 110003tel 011-4534 1000. -1150 4444 fax-91 II 24G26727email InfoVitsiedu webshte www rcciedi,

Laser Typesetting by DetFii Computer Sen,ces and Printed at Samrat OffsetWorks/August 2012/1000

Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund


Company Secretaries Benevolent FundMemorandum of AssociationManaging Committee

Bye-laws of Company SecretariesBenevolent FundName of the SocietyMembershipType of membersApplication for membershipRegister of membersSubscription when payable

Composition of managing committeeEligibility for membership of managing committeeLawful acts of managing committee shall not beinvalidated by reason of a fall in the number ofmembersCasual vacancyManagement of the fundOffice bearers

Chairman and vice-chairmanSecretaryTreasurer

Meeting of the managing committeeNotice

The transaction of business by circulation ofresolutions

Quorum for committee meetingsQuestions to be decideci.oy a majority of votesDisqualification of member of the managingcommitteeMember vacating office











Sr. No.

23. Removal of the members24. Member vacating office to hand over charge

25. Property of the fund vested in the managingcommittee

26. Withdrawal exceeding Rs. 2,000 to be madeby two members

27. Financial year

28. Annual general meeting

29. Notice of Annual general meeting

30. Special meetings31. Quorum for general meeting

32. Adjournment of meetings when quorum isnot present

33. Chairman of meetings34. Questions to be decided by a majority of votes

35. Minutes of meetings of the fund signed bychairman shall be conclusive proof

36. Service of notice of meetings

37. Notices to members having no registeredaddress in India

38. No allowances for members attending meetings

39. Audited statement of accounts and report orcommittee to be circulated

40. Auditor41. Audit of accounts42. Applications for assistance

43. Managing committee shall have the power togrant or reject applications for relief

44. All provisions of the Societies Registration Act toapply to the fund

45. Dissolution46. Power to frame registrations and amend these


Form 'A' for enrolment as a member


-. 1011

-. 11













No. S18340 of 1976

I hereby certify that "I.C.S.l. Members Benevolent Fund" hasthis day been registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of

860.Given under my hand at New Delhi on this 17th day of

November One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Six.Registration Fee of Rs. 50 paid.




No. $18340 of 1976

I hereby certify that in pursuance of Section 12 & 12/4 of S.R.Act, 1860. the name of the Society has been changed from 'i.C.S.I.Members Benevolent Fund" to "Company Secretaries BenevolentFund' has been registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXIof 1860.

Given under my hand at Delhi on this day 5th of December OneThousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Four.

Registration Fee of Re. 1,00 paid,





1. The name of the Society is: Company Secretaries BenevolentFund* (hereinafter called "the Fund").

2. The Registered Office of the Fund will be situated within theUnion Territory of Delhi.

3. The objects for which the Fund is established are:

(i) To provide financial assistance for maintenance or foreducation" or for any other similar purpose to necessitouspersons, being—

(a) Persons who are or who have been the members of theInstitute of Company Secretaries of India constitutedunder the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (hereinaftercalled "the Institute"), whether subscribers to the Fund ornot;'

(b) Wives/husbands and children of persons who are orhave been members of the Institute, whether subscribersto the Fund or not;

(c) Widows/widowers and children of the deceased personswho had been the members of the Institute, whethersubscribers to the Fund or not; and

(d) Relatives and others, dependent for support on a personwho had been a member of the Institute, whethersubscriber to the Fund or not.

(ü) To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire for the Fund

Narno amended from icsi Mombers Benovo!ent Fund" to 'companySecretarios Benevolont Fund" wet. 5.12.1984.Amended w.e.f. 5.12.1954.


any [movable or]* immovable property and to sell, let onlease or otherwise dispose of or grant rights over any[movable or] immovable property belonging to the Fund.

(iii) To do any other act as may be considered necessary, incidentalor conducive to the attainment of the above objects.*

4. The names, addresses, occupations and designations of thepresent members of the Managing Committee to whom themanagement of the affairs of the Fund are entrusted as requiredunder Section 2 of the Societies Registration Act, XXI 01 1860,(Punjab Amendment Act, 1957) as extended to the Union Territory ofDelhi are as follows:


St. Name Address Occupation DesrjnatioiNo.


(2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Shri P.A.S. Rao Food Specialities Ltd. Service

SecretaryM-SA, Connaught CircusNew Delhi-i 10001

2. Shri P.C. Doodhrnal 2, Sleater House service

CompanySleater Road

DirectorBombay-400 007

3. Shri ft Krishnan The Indian Tube co. Ltd. Service

Secretary43. Chon9hee RoadCalcutta-700 016

4. Shri R. Rajagopalan Widia (India) Ltd. Service

Secretary8/9Ui Mile Tumkur RoadBangalore-560 022

5. Shri L.R. Puri J.K. Organisation Service

Executive(Eastern Zone)

Director7, council House StreetCalcutta-700 001

6. Shd C.R. Shah Shri Ambica Mills Ltd. Service

SecretaryKankariaAhmedabad-380 008

7. Shni T.P. Subbararnan Inslitute of Company Service

SecretarySecretaries of IndiaA-1/1 11.Safdaijung EnclaveNew Delhi-1 10 016

* Inserted w.e.f. 5.12.1984


5. We the undersigned are desirous of forming a Society underSocieties Registration Act, XXI of 1860, (Punjab Amendment Act,1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi, in pursuance ofthis Memorandum of Association.

St Name Sign- Address Qcco- Name, addressNo. attire potion & description of

the witness(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


1. P.A.S. Rao Sff- Food SpecialitiesLtd.M-SA,Connaught CircusNew Delhi-i 10 001

Set- Shri P.B. Maconvice Joint Secretary

Depti. ofCompany AffairsShastri BhawanNow Delhi-1 10001

2. P.C. Doodhmal

Sd/- 2, Stealer House Corn-Stealer Road panyBombay-400 007 Direc-


:3. A. Krishnan Sd/- The Indian Tuba Co. Sor'Ltd. vice43!chowinglice RoadCalcutta-700 016

4. A. Rajagc"an Sd/- Widia (India) Ltd. Ser-819th Mile viceTumkur RoadBangalore-560 022

5. L.A. Thai SW- J.K. Organisation Sw-(Eastern Zone) vice7, CouncilHouse StreetCalcutta-700 001

6. C.R. Shah SW- Slid Antica Mills Ser-Ltd. viceKankariaAhmedabad-380 008

7. T.P. Subbarainan SW- Institute of Company 5cr-Secretaries of India viceA-1/1 11.Saldajung EnclaveNew Delhi-1 10016

New Delhi, 30th October, 1976.


Names, addresses, occupations and designations of themembers of the Managing Committee of the Fund

as on 22nd October, 1984*

Si. Name Residential Addmss Occupation Oeskjns(iorNo.

(1) (2)

1. S/ShiiK.V. Shanbhogue

2. G.B. Rao

3. M.P. Gupta

Br - T.P. Subbararn3n

(3) (4)

5. At tab Gardens Service32-C, New Road,AliporeCalcutta-700 027

5-272, ServicePanchsheel ParkNew Delhi-1 10 017

2. Works Road ServiceMadras-600 044

SC/36 ServcoNow Robtak RoadNow Delhi- 110055

3116, ServiceFlathi KhannaDahadurcarh RoadDelhi-i 10006

91, Asia Garden ServiceNew Delhi-1 10015

Ajanta Apartments ServiceFlat No. 28Carmichael RoadBombay-400 026

1-1-346. Naraina Vihar ServiceNew Delhi-i 10 028









Secretary &Treasurer

4. B.S. Doraiswarni

5. V.P. Guyer

6. M.R. Luthra

7. P.P. Mistry

* As registered alongwith the amended copy of the Memorandum 01 Associalion,with the Registrar of Societies. Delhi Administration. Delhi.




The name of the society shall be "Company SecretariesBenevolent Fund"* (hereinafter called "the Fund').

2. Membership

The membership of the Fund shall be open to those who areMembers of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

-3. Type of members

"(1) The category of members admitted will be only life members.

["(2) A lumpsum payment of not exceeding Rs. 15,000/. as may bedecided by the Managing Committee from time to time willentitle a person to be admitted as a life member of the Fund inthe month of receipt of the full amount and he shall not berequired to pay any other sum on account of subscription, etc.)

***'Provided that the Managing Committee may admit a member tothe Fund on payment of such fee, not being less than 80% of thenormal fee, as it may decide from time to time.

4. Application for membership

(1) An application for enrollment as a member of the Fund shallbe in Form 'A' of the schedule hereto annexed,

(2) The Managing Committee shall have an absolute discretionto refuse admission of a person as a member of the Fund withoutassigning any reason whatsoever,

* Name amended from 'iCSI Members Benevolent Fund to 'Company

Secretaries Benevolent Fund wet. 5.12.1984.** Ordinary membership deleted wet. 1.9.1989.

Life membership fee revised from As. 250 to As. 500 'vet. 1.9.1989.

Life membership fee revised from As. 500 to As. 1000 wet. 1.1.1995.Life membership foe revised from As. 1000 to As. 1500 v,.o.f. 1.4.2001.Life membership fee revised from As. 1500 to As. 2500 w.e.f. 1.4.2005.Life membership fee revised from As. 2500 to As. 5000 v.e.f. 1.10.2010.Life membership fee revised from As. 5000 to As. 7500 wet. 1.4.2012.Inserted wet. 28.09.2007.

ft Amended v.e.f. 29.09.2011.

5. Register of members

A Register of members shall be maintained which will contain thename, address and other particulars of every member.

6. Subscription when payable

'With an application for admission as a life member, the applicantwill be required to remit the whole amount of his subscription.

7. Composition of managing committee

(1) The Fund shall be managed by a Managing Committeeconsisting of not less than five but not exceeding [Fifteen] membersconstituted in the manner hereinafter appearing:

(a) The President, [Vice President] and the Secretary of theInstitute of Company Secretaries of India for the time beingshall be the ex-officio members. The President, [the VicePresident and the Secretary) of the Institute of CompanxSecretaries of India for the time being shall (respectively]be the Chairman ) [Vice-Chairman and the Secretary &Treasurerf of the Managing Committee.

(b) The remaining members of the Managing Committee will beelected from amongst the members of the Fund at theAnnual General Meeting.

(c) The Managing Committee will be entitled to co-opt memberswithin the maximum limits who will continue in office till thenext Annual General Meeting.

(2) One-third of the total elected members of the ManagingCommittee will be liable for retirement every year and shall beeligible for re-election.

(3) The following persons shall be the first Members of theManaging Committee who shall hold their office until the First AnnualGeneral Meeting of the members of the Fund to be held within oneyear after the registration of the Fund under the Societies RegistrationAct, XXI of 1860 and shall, unless elected, retire at that meeting:

1. Shri P.A.S. Rao

Amended wet. 1.9.1989.Substituted for'seven" wet. 23.7.1984.Substituted for "Nine wet. 23.9.1994.

@ hiserted wet. 23.7.1984.

2. Shri R.C. 000dhmal

3. Shri R. Krishnan

4. Shri ft Rajagopalan

5. Shri L.R. Purl

6. Shri C.R. Shah

7. Shri T.P. Subbaraman

(4) For any period during which the Managing Committee has notappointed its office-bearers, the ex-officio members to the ManagingCommittee shalt exorcise all the powers which may be exercisableby such office-bearers.

8. Eligibility for membership of managing committee

A person shalt not be eligible for appointment as a member ofthe Managing Committee unless he is a life member. A noticenominating a person as a member of the Managing Committee mustbe lodged at the registered office of the Fund at least 15 days beforethe date of election. Such a nomination must be signed by at leasttwo members of the Fund.

9. Lawful acts of managing committee shall not be Invalidatedby reason of a fail in the number of members

The Managing Committee may act notwithstanding any vacancyin its body except that where the number of its members falls belowthe quorum necessary for a meeting of the Committee, the remainingmembers of the Committee shall act only for the purpose of filling upthe casual vacancy or vacancies or for convening a general meetingof the members of the Fund.

10. Casual vacancy

Any casual vacancy in the Managing Committee may be tilled upby the Managing Committee from amongst the members of the Fund,but the person so appointed will retire at the Annual General Meetingof the members of the Fund held immediately after his appointment,whether the member in whose place he was so appointed was or

Amended we.i. 1.9.59.


was not liable for retirement at the said meeting. The Committeemay, at its discretion, decide not to fill up any casual vacancy orvacancies and in such an event, the vacancy will only be tilled up atthe next Annual General Meeting.

11. Management of the fund

The general management and administration of the Fund shallremain vested with the Managing Committee which may delegateany of its powers to Committee or Committees consisting of suchmember or members of its body as it thinks fit. Any Committee soformed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform toany regulations or directions which may be imposed on or given to itby the Managing Committee.

12. Office bearers

13. Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall be theChief Executive Authority of the Fund and shall also preside over themeeting or meetings of the Managing Committee as also the generalmeetings of the Fund.

14. Secretary

The Secretary shall carry out the day-to-day administration of theFund and, for this purpose, shall have the powers, inter silo, to takeany accommodation on rent, to appoint staff and perform any otheract or acts as may be incidental or necessary to carry out the day-to-day administration. He will work under the supervision of theChairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman and will be liable forkeeping the minutes of the meetings of the Managing Committee andalso of the general meetings of the Fund.

15. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall maintain true accounts of the assets andliabilities of the Fund and also of the sums received and expendedand also deal with matters in respect of which such receipts andexpenditure take place. He will work under the supervision of theChairman or, in his absence, the Vice-Chairman.

Deleted wet. 23.7.1984.

16. Meeting of the managing committee

(1) The Managing Committee shall meet at least twice a year onsuch dates and at such time and place as the Chairman maydetermine from time to time.

(2) Any two members of the Committee or the Secretary shall, atthe request or any two members of the Committee or of theChairman, summon a meeting of the Committee.

17. Notice

Notice of at least seven clear days shall be given in writing forevery meeting of the Managing Committee stating as far aspracticable the business to be transacted at such meeting.

Provided that the Chairman, or in his absence the ViceChairman, may in an emergent case, convene a meeting after givingat least three clear days' notice in writing.

18. Thetransaction of business by circulation of resolutions

(i) Without prejudice to Bye-Law 11, the business of theManaging Committee shall ordinarily be transacted at ameeting of the Committee provided that the Chairman, or inhis absence the Vice-Chairman, may in an appropriate case,circulate papers amongst the members of the ManagingCommittee for the decision of any question or questions, asthe case may be.

Provided further that where any three members of theCommittee desire that a particular question should bedecided in meeting, the Chairman, or in his absence theVice-Chairman, shall withdraw the papers from circulationand have the same decided at a meeting of the Committee.

(ii) When the papers relating to any matter are circulatedamongst the members, a period of at least 10 days shallelapse before any decision by majority is taken on suchmatter.

Provided, however, that a majority decision may still be takenbefore the expiry of the said period, should the view or viewsof all members be received earlier in writing.


(iii) The decision shall only be effective if the majority of themembers express their approval in writing.

(iv) Every resolution passed or decision taken by circulation shallbe communicated in writing to all the members of theCommittee.

19. Quorum for committee meetings

Any three members of the Managing Committee shall form thequorum.

20. Questions to be decided by a majority of votes

1. All decisions of the Managing Committee shall be by amajority of votes.

2. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a castingvote.

21. Disqualification of member of the managing committee

A member of the Managing Committee shall cease to holdoffice—

(I) It he is declared an insolvent by a competent court; or

(ii) If he compounds with his creditors; or

(in) If he ceases to be a Member of the Institute of CompanySecretaries of India or of the Fund: or

(iv) If he absents himself from three consecutive meetings of theCommittee without leave of absence previously obtainedfrom the Committee.

22. Member vacating office

The office of a member of the Managing Committee shall standautomatically determined by reason of his resignation; or incapacityto act for any reascn whatsoever.

23. Removal of the members

A member of the Managing Committee may be removed fromoffice by a resolution to that effect, passed at a special meeting ofthe members of the Fund or at an Annual General Meeting.


24. Member vacating office to hand over charge

A member of the Managing Committee vacating office shallexecute and do all things necessary for making over, transferring orotherwise dealing with the property or properties of the Fund, as maybe directed by the Managing Committee.

25. Property of the fund vested in the managing committee

All properties of the Fund shall remain vested in the ManagingCommittee and shall stand in the name of at least two members ofthe Committee as may be nominated from time to time by theCommittee.

26. Withdrawal exceeding Rs. [2,000] to be made by twomembers

Any withdrawal from banks of an amount exceeding Rs. (2,0001*shall be made only by a cheque signed by at least two membersauthorised for the purpose by the Managing Committee.

27. Financial year

The financial year of the Fund shall be from 1st April to 31stMarch.

28. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Fund shall be held everyyear on a date and at the time and place to be determined by theManaging Committee which shall not in any event be beyond 30thSeptember following the end of the preceding financial year totransact the following business:

(I) To receive and adopt the accounts of the said financial year.

(ii) To receive and adopt the report of the Managing Committeeon the working and management of the Fund.

(iii) To elect the members of the Managing Committee andAuditor.

(iv) Any other business or businesses included in the agenda orplaced before the meeting with the permission of theChairman.

Substituted For Rs. 500 w.e.I. 23.7.1984.


29. Notice of Annual General Meeting

Not less than 15 days clear notice shall be given to the membersof the Fund of any Annual Genera! Meeting mentioning the date,place and time of the meeting and stating the nature of the businessor businesses to be transacted thereat. The report of the ManagingCommittee on the working of the Fund and the audited statement ofaccounts for the previous year shall accompany the notice.

30. Special meetings

A special meeting of the members of the Fund may be convenedat any time by the Managing Committee on its own motion, or uponreceipt of a requisition signed by at least 1/10th of the total number ofmembers eligible for voting or five of them, whichever is greater, aftergiving 15 clear days notice in writing to that effect. The notice shallstate the purpose for which the meeting is proposed to be convenedand the date, time and place of such meeting and the provisionscontained in the preceding Bye-Law 29 shall apply 'nutatismu tanclis.

31. Quorum for general meeting

The quorum for any meeting of the members of the Fund shall be1/3rd of the members or 5 of them, whichever is less, present inperson within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting.

32. Adjournment of meetings when quorum is not present

If within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting, aquorum is not present, the meeting if convened upon a requisition asaforesaid, shall stand dissolved but in any other case, it shall standadjourned to such date, time and place as may be determined by theChairman by notice given to the members in writing within 15 daysfrom the date of the meeting at which the quorum was not present. If,however, notice, in writing, as aforesaid, is not given within the timeprescribed above, it shall stand adjourned to the same date in thenext month at the same time and place. If at the adjourned meeting,a quorum is not present within half an hour of the time appointed, themembers present, whatever their number, shall form a quorum andmay transact all the business or businesses for which the meetingwas convened.


33. Chairman of meetings

The Chairman of the Managing Committee shall be theChairman of all the meetings of the members of the Fund. In hisabsence or, if he is not present within half an hour of the time fixedfor the meeting, or if he is, for any reason unable and/or unwilling topreside over any meeting, the Vice Chairman shall take the Chair. Ifhe is also absent or, for any reason unable and/or unwilling topreside, the members present shall elect one of their members to bethe Chairman of the meeting.

34. Questions to be decided by a majority of votes

(1) All questions before the Annual General Meeting or a SpecialMeeting shall be determined by a majority of votes.

(2) In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have acasting vote.

35. Minutes of meetings of the fund signed by chairman shall beconclusive proof

The minutes of any meeting of the members of the Fund signedby the Chairman shall be conclusive evidence of the businesstransacted at the meeting to which the minutes relate and on theminutes being so signed, it shall, unless the contrary is proved, bepresumed that the meeting was duly convened and held.

36. Service of notice of meetings

(1) A notice of every meeting of the members of the Fund shallbe served either personally or by sending it by post addressed to themember concerned at his address as recorded in the Register ofMembers. A notice shall be deemed to be duly served if sent by post,by properly addressing, prepaying and posting it, and unless thecontrary is proved, delivery shall be deemed to have effected at thetime at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course ofpost or within 48 hours of time of posting whichever is less.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1) above, anynotice required to be given under these Bye-Laws shall be deemedto have been properly served on all members of the Fund, if suchnotice is sent to the members electronically or hosted on the web-site

of the Institute or published in the official journal of the Institute ofCompany Secretaries of India.

'Amended w.e.f. 30.09.2008.


37. Notices to members having no registered address in India

No member who does not have a registered address within Indiashall be entitled to any notice of any meeting of the members of theFund and all proceedings held and decisions taken without notice tosuch members shall be valid as if he had notice of the meeting. Anaccidental omission to servo notice of any meeting on a membershall not vitiate the meeting.

38. No allowances for members attending meetings

No member shall be entitled to any fee or traveling expenses orother allowances For attending any general meeting, whether annualor special and similarly no member of the Managing Committee shallbe entitled to any lee or traveling expenses or other allowances forattending any meeting of the Managing Committee.

39. Audited statement of accounts and report of committee tobe circulated

The Committee shall, at the end of each financial year, present areport on the working of the Fund upto the end of the financial yearand circulate it among the members along with the Statement ofaccounts duly audited.

40. Auditor

At every annual general meeting of the members of the Fund,the Members will elect an Auditor of the fund and if necessary, fix hisremuneration. No person who holds an office as Member of theManaging Committee or is indebted to the Fund, shall be elected asauditor. Only a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants ofIndia shall be elected as auditor of the Fund. The auditor soappointed shall hold office from the date of the annual generalmeeting at which he is appointed till the next Annual GeneralMeeting and shall be eligible for re-election unless the membersotherwise decide. Any casual vacancy in the office of auditor may befilled up by the Managing Committee.

41. Audit of accounts

Within three months of closing of the year, the ManagingCommittee shall deliver to the Auditor, the accounts to be producedbefore the meeting who will audit the accounts, verify the assets ofthe Fund and make a report in writing of the result of such audit to


the members. The report of the auditor shall form part of thestatement of accounts to be circulated to the members.

42. Applications for assistance(1) All applications for assistance shall be made in writing to the

Managing Committee and upon receipt thereof the Committee may.in its discretion, (enquire]* as to the needs at the applicant and grantsuch relief as it may deem fit subject to the limits hereinafter laiddown. The Chairman shall have power in an appropriate case togrant assistance upto a sum not exceeoing the sum of Rs. 25,000which shall be reported to the committee at the next meeting. Subjectto the aforesaid conditions, the Secretary shall have similar powersto grant relief in an urgent case upto a sum not exceeding the sum ofAs. 15.000."' The Managing Committee or the Chairman couldconsider suo moW any case for grant of financial assistance or onthe basis of the information received from the local Regional Councilor chapter, instead of requiring written application on every occasionfrom the members of the family of the deceased member.

(2) In making any grant, the Managing Committee shall have dueregard to the income for the previous financial year derived fromannual subscriptions, donations and investment of the Fund andshall not grant a relief exceeding a sum of As. 10,00.000 * ^'^ to asingle member or his dependents, within a period of 12 months,without the consent of the general body of members.43. Managing committee shall have the power to grant or reject

applications for reliefThe Managing Committee may, at its absolute discretion, grant

relief in each individual case within the limits prescribed in Bye-Law42 above or refuse to grant relief to any applicant without assigningany reason or reasons whatsoever.

* Substituted for "hold an enquiry" wet. 23.7.1984.a. Substituted for As. 2,000 wet. 1.9.1989.

Substituted for AS. 5.000 wet 29.9.1998.Substituted for Ps. 15,000 wet. 29.9.2011Substituted for As. 1000 w.e.t. 1.9.1989.Substituted for As. 3,000 v.e.t. 29.9.1998.Substituted for As. 5,000 wet. 29.9.2011.Substituted For As. 5,000 w.o.t. 1.9.1989Substituted for Ps. 10,000 v.e.f. 1.1.1995Substituted for As. 20,000 wet. 29.9.1998.Substituted for As. 1.00,000 wet. 30.9.2004.Substituted for As. 1.50.000 v.o.t. 1.10,2010.Substituted for As. 3.00,000 we,!. 29.9.2011.


44. All provisions of the Societies Registration Act to apply tothe fund

All the provisions of the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860)as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi will apply to the Fund.

45. Dissolution

(1) The Fund shall be dissolved if a resolution for the purpose ispassed by a majority of not less than 3/5th of the members of theFund at a general meeting after a notice has been given to themembers that such a Resolution would be moved. The dissolutionshall take effect from the date agreed upon at the said generalmeeting and upon such dissolution all necessary steps shall be takenfor the disposal and settlement of the properties of the 'Fund' itsclaims and liabilities according to the Bye-Laws of the Fundapplicable thereto.

(2) If upon dissolution of the Fund there should remain, after thesatisfaction of its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, thesame shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of thefund or any of them but shall be given to some other society havingsimilar objects to be determined by the votes of not less than 3/5th ofthe members present and voting at the meeting referred to in thepreceding Clause.

46. Power to frame regulations and amend these bye-laws

(1) The Managing Committee shall have power to frameregulations under these bye-laws for regulating its business andproper discharge of its functions.

(2) The Managing Committee may propose such alterations in oraddition to, these bye-laws as are not inconsistent with the mainpurpose for which the Fund has been established.

(3) Any member intending to propose any alteration in or additionto these bye-laws shall give notice in writing of his intention topropose such alteration or. addition to the Secretary of the Fund notless than 21 days before the date of the meeting at which suchalteration or addition is proposed.

(4) Any alteration or addition referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) shall only be effective if approved by a resolution of themajority of the members present and votig at an Annual GeneralMeeting or a Special Meeting convened or the aforesaid purpose.


FORM "A"The Secretary & TreasurerCompany Secretaries Benevolent FundC/o The Institute of Company Secretaries of India'ICSI House', 22, Institutional AreaLodi Road, New Delhi - 110003

Dear Sir,I hereby apply for admission as a subscriber of the Company

Secretaries Benevolent Fund. I am remitting herewith T 7,500/-(Rupees Seven Thousand Five Hundred only) towards mysubscription as a Life Member. I have read the Bye-Laws of the Fundand I agree to abide by them and also by the Bye-Laws that may bemade hereafter. I give below the necessary particulars:(1) Name in Full:(2) Address for Communication:

(3) (a) Membership No. FCS/ACS(b) Date of enrolment

(4) Date of Birth(5) Name(s) of dependants and relations

No. Name(s) Age Relation toSubscriber


(6) Payment details : Demand Draft/Cheque (at par) No.date&..drawn in favour of Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund.

Date :_ Yours faithfully.

Place :_ - (Signature of the Member)

DECLARATIONI hereby advise that the contribution of Z 7,500/- made by me to

the Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund should be added to theCorpus of the Fund during this year.

The requisite self health status declaration is given as per theannexure.


Date: No. FCS/ACS



(Required to be lodged with Life insurance Corporatica,of India under the Group Life Insurance Scheme)

Name of the Scheme : Group Life Insurance

Master Policy No. : OGI-2101 0256

Name of the Member

Date of Birth


Date of entry into the Scheme

Are you in good health (Yes/No)

Name and address of the beneficiary to whom the money should bepaid, in case of unfortunate death:



I declare that above information is true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge.

Dated at day ofL----_ 201__...

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