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Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction1

Computer Architecture Computer Architecture (“MAMAS”, 234267)(“MAMAS”, 234267)

Spring 2015Spring 2015

Lecturer: Yoav EtsionReception: Mon 15:00, Fishbach 306-8

TAs: Tomer Gurevich, Franck Sala, Andrey Zhitnikov

Presentation based on slides by David Patterson, Avi Mendelson, Lihu Rappoport, Adi Yoaz and Dan Tsafrir

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction2

General InfoGeneral Info Grade

25% Exercise (mandatory) תקף 75% Final exam

Textbook “Computer Architecture:

A Quantitative Approach” (4th Edition)by: Patterson & Hennessy

Other course information Course web site:

http://webcourse.cs.technion.ac.il/234267/Spring2013 Lectures will be upload to the web a day before the


Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction3

AssignmentsAssignments Five mandatory assignments during the

semester Only programming assignments

NO CHEATING! Suspected parties will be sent to a Technion trial Typical outcome: course disqualified, which means

your graduation will be postponed by at least one semester

Possible examples of cheating (a few of many): Copying any part of the assignments from another student or using

a reference from a previous year Letting someone else copy from you Posting code/solutions to a shared forum We can track the code back to the posters!

Be honest and work by yourselves!

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction4

The Computer SystemThe Computer System

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction5

Classical System DiagramClassical System Diagram



North Bridge DDR2 or DDR3Channel 1




External Graphics

CardMem BUS





South Bridge

PCI express 2.0

IO Controller









l P

ort Floppy


DDR2 or DDR3Channel 2



PCI express ×1

Memory controller

On-board Graphics



More to the “north” = closer to the CPU = faster

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction6

Intel Nehalem Core i3 i5 i7Intel Nehalem Core i3 i5 i7

For high-end i-Series chips,Northbridge functionalitymoved onto processor(=> made faster)

45 to 32 nm

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction7

Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 i5 i7i7

The trend continues32 to 22 nm

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction8

Computer and System Computer and System ArchitectureArchitecture

The physical design of the computer system is commonly known as Computer Architecture

The definition of computer architecture:Prof. Christos Kozyrakis, Stanford

Computer theorists invent algorithms that solve important problems and analyze their asymptotic behavior (e.g. O(NlogN) or O(N3)). 

Computer architects set the constant factors for these algorithms…

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction9

Computer and System Computer and System ArchitectureArchitecture

Axiom: The ultimate goal is performance (ops/sec)

Constraints: Power, Number of transistors, Bandwidth, …

Practical goal:Highest performance in light of constraints

Today, the most common goal is Performance/Watt

e.g. ops/Joule

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction10

Course FocusCourse Focus Start from CPU (=processor)

Instruction set, performance Pipeline, hazards Branch prediction Out-of-order execution

Move on to Memory Hierarchy Caching and Main memory Virtual Memory

Finish with latency tolerance and parallelism Hardware multithreading

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction11

The ProcessorThe Processor

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction12

Architecture vs. Architecture vs. MicroarchitectureMicroarchitecture

Architecture:= The processor features as seen by its user= Interface Instruction set, number of registers, addressing modes,

Microarchitecture:= Manner by which the processor is implemented= Implementation details Caches size and structure, number of execution units, …

Note: different processors with different u-archs can support the same arch Intel Pentium-IV vs. Intel Core2 Duo ARMv9 implemented by Qualcomm, TI, Samsung

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction13

Why Should We Care?Why Should We Care?

Abstractions enhance productivity, so:If we know the arch (=interface),Why should we care about the u-arch (=internals)?

Same goes for archJust details for a programmer of a high-level language

Abstractions only work so long as what’s below worksThe taxi story: http://vimeo.com/11478146 (4:50-6:00)

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction14

Recent Processor TrendsRecent Processor Trends

Source: http://www.scidacreview.org/0904/html/multicore.html

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction15

Well-Known Moore’s LawWell-Known Moore’s Law

Graph taken from: http://www.intel.com/technology/mooreslaw/index.htm

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction16

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction17

The Story in a NutshellThe Story in a NutshellTransistors(1000s)

clock speed(MHz)

power (W)


Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction18

Took the Industry by SurpriseTook the Industry by Surprise

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction19

Dire Implications: PerformanceDire Implications: Performance

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction22

Dire Implications: ProgrammersDire Implications: Programmers

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction23

Supercomputing: “Top 500 list”Supercomputing: “Top 500 list”

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction24

Dire Implications: Dire Implications: SupercomputingSupercomputing

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction25

Processor PerformanceProcessor Performance

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction26

Metrics: IC, CPI, IPCMetrics: IC, CPI, IPC CPUs work according to a clock signal

Clock cycle: measured in nanoseconds (10-9 of a second) Clock frequency = 1/|clock cycle|: in GHz (109 cycles/sec)

Instruction Count (IC) Total number of instructions executed in the program

Cycles Per Instruction (CPI) Average #cycles per Instruction (in a given program)

IPC (= 1/CPI) : Instructions per cycles.Can be > 1; see the “story in a nutshell slide”

CPI =#cycles required to execute the program


Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction27

Minimizing Execution TimeMinimizing Execution Time CPU Time - time required to execute a program

CPU Time = IC CPI clock cycle

Our goal:

minimize CPU Time (any of above components) Minimize clock cycle: increase GHz (processor design)

Minimize CPI: u-arch (e.g.: more execution


Minimize IC: arch + u-arch (e.g.: SSETM)

SSE = streaming SIMD extension (Intel)

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction28

Alternative Way to Calculate Alternative Way to Calculate CPICPI

ICi = #times instruction of type-i is executed in program

IC = #instruction executed in program =

Fi = relative frequency of type-i instruction = ICi/IC

CPIi = #cycles to execute type-i instruction e.g.: CPIadd = 1, CPImul = 3

#cycles required to execute the program:







i ii





i ii


# 1

1 1



i ii

cyc CPI IC




Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction29

Performance Evaluation: Performance Evaluation: How?How?

No simple answer

Performance depends on Application Input

Mathematical analysis Typically impossible Systems is too complex to model accurately

So how do we evaluate systems? Empirical analysis

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction30


Use benchmarks & measure how long it takes Use real applications (=> no absolute answers)

Preferably standardized benchmarks (+input), e.g., SPEC INT: integer apps

• Compression, C complier, Perl, text-processing, … SPEC FP: floating point apps (mostly scientific) TPC benchmarks: measure transaction throughput (DB) SPEC JBB: models wholesale company (Java server, DB)

Sometimes you see FLOPS (“peak” or “sustained”) Supercomputers (top500 list), against LINPACK

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction31






Evaluating PerformanceEvaluating Performance Use a performance simulator to evaluate

the performance of a new feature / algorithm Models the uarch to a great detail Run 100’s of representative applications

Produce the performance s-curve Sort the applications according to the IPC increase Baseline (0%) is the processor without the new












Bad S-curve

Small negativeoutliers


Good S-curve

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction32

Amdahl’s LawAmdahl’s Law

Suppose we accelerate the computation such thatP = portion of computation we make fasterS = speedup experienced by the portion we improved

For exampleIf an improvement can speedup 40% of the computation

=> P = 0.4If the improvement makes the portion run twice as fast

=> S = 2

Then overall speedup = 1

(1 ) PP S

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction33

Amdahl’s Law - ExampleAmdahl’s Law - Example

FP operations improved to run 2x fasterS = 2, but…P = only affects 10% of the programSpeedup:

ConclusionBetter to make common case fast…

1 1 11.053

0.1 0.95(1 ) (1 0.1) 2PP S

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction34

Amdahl’s Law – ParallelismAmdahl’s Law – Parallelism

When parallelizing a program P = proportion of program that can be made parallel 1 - P = inherently serial N = number of processing elements (say, cores)Speedup:

Serial component imposes a hard limit


(1 ) PP N

1 1lim

(1 )(1 )N P PP N

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction35

The ISA is what the user & compiler see

The HW implements the ISA

instruction set



Instruction Set DesignInstruction Set Design

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction36

Considerations in ISA DesignConsiderations in ISA Design Instruction size

Long instructions take more time to fetch from memory Longer instructions require a larger memory

• Important for small (embedded) devices

Number of instructions (IC) Reduce IC => reduce runtime (at a given CPI &


Virtues of instructions simplicity Simpler HW allows for: higher frequency & lower power Optimization can be applied better to simpler code Cheaper HW

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction37

Basing Design Decisions on Basing Design Decisions on WorkloadWorkload

Immediate argument’s size in bits (histogram)

1% of data values > 16-bits Having 16 bits is likely good enough





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


11 12




Immediate data bits

Int. Avg.

FP Avg.

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction38

CISC ProcessorsCISC Processors CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer

Example: x86 The idea: a high level machine language

• When people programmed in assembly, CISC supposedly easier

Characteristic Many instruction types, with a many addressing modes Some of the instructions are complex

• Execute complex tasks• Require many cycles

ALU operations directly on memory (e.g., arr[j] = arr[i]+n)• Registers not used (and, accordingly, only a few registers exist)

Variable length instructions• common instructions get short codes save code length

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction39

Rank instruction % of total executed

1 load 22%

2 conditional branch 20%

3 compare 16%

4 store 12%

5 add 8%

6 and 6%

7 sub 5%

8 move register-register 4%

9 call 1%

10 return 1%

Total 96%

Simple instructions dominate instruction frequency

But it Turns Out…But it Turns Out…

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction40

CISC DrawbacksCISC Drawbacks Complex instructions and complex addressing modes

complicates the processor slows down the simple, common instructions contradicts Make The Common Case Fast

Compilers don’t use complex instructions / indexing


Variable length instructions are real pain in the neck Difficult to decode few instructions in parallel

• As long as instruction is not decoded, its length is unknown It is unknown where the instruction ends It is unknown where the next instruction starts

An instruction may be longer than a cache line• Or even longer longer than a page (in theory)

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction41

RISC ProcessorsRISC Processors RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer

The idea: simple instructions enable fast hardware

Characteristic A small instruction set, with only a few instructions

formats A few indexing methods Load/Store machine: operate only on registers

• Memory is accessed using Load and Store instructions only

• Many orthogonal registers • Three address machine: Add dst, src1, src2

Fixed length instructions

Examples: ARMTM MIPSTM, SparcTM, AlphaTM, PowerTM

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction42

RISC Processors (Cont.)RISC Processors (Cont.) Simple arch => simple u-arch

Smaller => faster Easier to design & validate (=> cheaper to

manufacture) Shorten time-to-market More general-purpose registers (=> less memory


Compiler can be smarter Better pipeline usage Better register allocation

Existing RISC processor are not “pure” RISC Various complex operations added along the way

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction43

Compilers and ISACompilers and ISA Ease of compilation

Orthogonality: • no special registers• few special cases • all operand modes available with any data type or

instruction type Regularity:

• no overloading for the meanings of instruction fields streamlined

• resource needs easily determined

Register assignment is critical too Easier if lots of registers

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction44

CISC or RISC?CISC or RISC? ARM (RISC) dominates the personal market

Not necessarily because it is RISC… x86 (CISC) dominates the PC and server

market Not necessarily because it is CISC…

Intel processors have a RISC arch CISC instructions are broken down to RISC micro-


Pro CISC: Programs are more compact (fewer instructions) Dynamic optimizations

Pro RISC: Simpler and faster uarch

Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction45

Extend arch to accelerate exec of specific apps

Example: SSETM – Streaming SIMD Extensions 128-bit packed (vector) / scalar single precision FP

(4×32) Introduced on Pentium® III on ’99 8 new 128 bit registers (XMM0 – XMM7) Accelerates graphics, video, scientific calculations,

ISA ExtensionsISA Extensions






Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction46


Computer Architecture 2015 – Introduction47

CompatibilityCompatibility Backward compatibility (HW responsibility)

When buying new hardware, it can run existing software:• i5 can run SW written for Core2 Duo, Pentium4,

PentiumM, Pentium III, Pentium II, Pentium, 486, 386, 268


Forward compatibility (SW responsibility) For example: MS Word 2003 can open MS Word 2010 doc Commonly supports one or two generations behind

Architecture-independent SW Run SW on top of VM that does JIT (just in time compiler):

JVM for Java and CLR for .NET Interpreted languages: Perl, Python

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