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  • A Conceptual Model of Corporate Moral DevelopmentAuthor(s): R. Eric Reidenbach and Donald P. RobinSource: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Apr., 1991), pp. 273-284Published by: SpringerStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25058230 .Accessed: 16/09/2013 07:44

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  • A Conceptual Model of Corporate R Eric Reidenbach Moral Development Donald P. Robin

    ABSTRACT: The conceptual model presented in this article

    argues that corporations exhibit specific behaviors that signal their true level of moral development. Accordingly, the authors identify five levels of moral development and discuss the dynamics that move corporations from one level to

    another. Examples of corporate behavior which are indica

    tive of specific stages of moral development are offered.

    The recent and continuing revelations concerning the ethical

    wrongdoing of corporate America have occasioned a studied examination of the dynamics of ethical decision

    making in business. Several note

    worthy effors, particularly those by Trevino (1986) and Ferrell and Gresham (1985), have attempted to

    model the ethical decision making process in organi


    The Trevino model relies heavily on the idea that an integral part of the ethical decision making process involves the individual's stage of moral

    development interacting with, among other factors, the organization's culture. It is this complex admix ture of individual moral development and corporate culture which leads to the proposition that, just as individuals can be classified into a stage of moral

    development, so too can organizations. In other

    words, corporations can be classified according to

    R. Eric Reidenbach is Professor of Marketing and Director of the Center for Business Development and Research at the University

    of Southern Mississippi. He has written extensively on business and

    marketing ethics.

    Donald P. Robin, Professor of Business Ethics and Professor of Marketing at the University of Southern Mississippi, is coauthor with R. Eric Reidenbach of two recent books on business ethics with Prentice-Hall. He is a frequent lecturer

    on business ethics

    and is the author of several articles on the subject.

    their particular stage of moral development. Such a

    typology is useful for better understanding the

    dynamics that contribute to ethical decision making.

    The role of corporate culture in moral


    The moral development of a corporation is deter mined by the organization's culture and, in recipro cal fashion, helps define that culture. In essence, it is the organization's culture that undergoes moral

    development. Among the array of definitions of corporate

    culture are those that focus on the shared values and beliefs of

    organizational members (e.g., Sathe, 1985; Deal and Kennedy, 1982), specifically, beliefs about what works within an

    organization, and values about

    preferred end states and the instrumental approaches used to reach them. Among the constellation of beliefs and values that comprise an organization's culture are those that speak to its beliefs and values about what is

    right and what is wrong. This is the focus of this article.

    The principal sources for cultural beliefs and values are from (1) individual organizational mem bers, especially top management (e.g., Schein, 1983;

    Wiener, 1988), and (2) the reinforcing effect of the organization's success in problem solving and

    achieving objectives (e.g., Schwartz and Davis, 1981; Sathe, 1985). Central to this latter source is the organization's selection of a mission from which the

    more specific objectives and reward systems flow.

    One mission of profit-making organizations is economic. However, society, with increasing concern and concomitant pressures, is also demanding that

    they achieve certain social goals. The moral develop ment of a corporation can be classified according to

    Journal of Business Ethics 10: 273-284, 1991. ? 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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  • 274 R. E. Reidenbach and D. P. Robin

    the degree to which this required social mission is

    recognized and blended with the economic mission. Several studies and articles have focused on the

    importance of the organization's culture in deter

    mining the morality of corporate activities (Robin and Residenbach, 1987; Trevino, 1986; Hoffman,

    1986). Of particular relevance is the work of Victor and Cullen (1988) which measures work climate.

    Work climates are defined as "perceptions that are

    psychologically meaningful molar descriptions that

    people can agree characterize a system's practice and

    procedures" (Schneider, 1975). The ethical climate questionnaire is designed to measure the ethical dimensions of

    organizational culture. These items,

    developed within the limited research context of four firms, measure five ethical climate dimensions characterized as caring, law and order, rules, instru

    mental, and independence. The

    recognition that culture is an important determinant in ethical decision

    making has accept ance outside academic management circles. When asked about Drexel Burnham Lambert's recent

    guilty plea and the reasons behind it, Edward

    Markey, U. S. Representative (D. Mass.) replied that there was a solid foundation of criminal activity behind their success. And when asked if this crimin

    ality was pervasive in the financial industry during this time, Markey responded, "there was definitely a

    culture that tolerated it" (Wall Street Journal (1988) p. Bl).

    An overview of the model

    The model of organizational moral development is a

    conceptual model built by the study of a large number of cases of organizations and their actions in

    response to a diverse number of situations. The

    classificatory variables include management philoso phy and attitudes, the evidence of ethical values

    manifested in their cultures, and the existence and

    proliferation of organizational cultural ethics and artifacts (i.e., codes, ombudsmen, reward systems). By observing the organization's actions, the researcher can deduce differences in the moral development of

    organizations among the sample of cases. These differences form the hierarchical stages in the model. Evidence involving specific cases supporting the classification schema is provided.

    Five stages comprise the model. Each stage is

    given a label based upon the types of behavior or

    organizations that are classified within that stage. This produced the following classificatory schemata: the amoral

    organization; the legalistic organization; the responsive organization; the emergent ethical

    organization; and the ethical organization. The model is depicted in Figure 1.


    Fig. 1. A model of corporate moral development.

    The model is inspired by the work on individual moral development by Kohlberg (1964, 1976). How ever, direct application of Kohlberg's work is not

    possible. Organizations simply do not develop in the same manner and under the same circumstances as

    individuals. As was mentioned earlier, individual moral development does contribute to the moral

    development of an organization but is not deter minant.

    There are several propositions which make the model operational:

    Proposition 1: Not all organizations pass through all

    stages of moral development. Just as not all indi viduals reach level six of Kohlberg's model, not all

    corporations are destined to be ethical organizations. The ultimate moral development destination of a

    corporation is a function of several factors including top management, the founders of the organization and their values, environmental factors (threats and opportunities), the organization's history and mis sion, and its industry, to name a few (Robin and

    Reidenbach, 1987).

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  • Corporate Moral Development Model 275

    Proposition 2: An organization can begin its life in

    any stage of moral development. Again, the deter

    mining factors are similar to those mentioned in

    proposition 1. The key to the beginning point is an overt

    management decision conditioned by a num

    ber of situated factors.

    Proposition 3: Most organizations in stage one do not leave stage one. Amoral organizations, by their very

    nature and oportunistic philosophy produce a cul ture that cannot adapt to the values and rules of

    society. Thus amoral organizations are either forced to cease

    operations or, relatively quickly run their life cycles. These organizations that do evolve past stage one do so at the cost of significant structural and cultural


    Proposition 4: An organization comprised of multiple departments, divisions, or SBUs can occupy different

    stages of moral development at the same time. That

    is, one operating area of the organization could be classified in stage one while other areas could be located in stage three. This multiple classification is

    based on subcultural differences within the organi zation. Each subculture will have embraced, to

    greater or lesser extents, the formal culture. In those cases where the formal culture dominates all operat ing areas, a multiple classification is unlikely. How ever, when the individual subcultures dominate an

    organization, multiple classifications are possible.

    Proposition 5: Corporate moral development does not have to be a continuous process. Individual corpora tions can

    skip stages. New management or mergers and acquisitions can impose new cultures on an

    organization. These new cultures may be radically different from the previous culture with respect to their ethical content impelling an organization to a

    higher stage of moral development.

    Proposition 6: Organizations at one stage of moral

    development can regress to lower stages. Regression typically occurs because the concern for economic values is not adequately counterbalanced by the concern for moral values. In times of

    organizational stress the pursuit of economic values may win out

    regardless of the morality of those values. In addi

    tion, new management or mergers and acquisitions can also provide an impetus for regression.

    Proposition 7: There is no time dimension associated

    to the moral development of an organization. Some

    organizations will stay in a particular stage longer than others. Again, the length of stay in a particular stage will be a function of those factors cited in

    proposition 1.

    Proposition 8: Two organizations can be in the same

    stage but one may be more advanced. Thus, it is

    possible that a corporation which is classified as a

    legalistic corporation may also manifest certain char acteristics of a responsive corporation. This is a

    function of the dynamics of moral development.

    The stages of organizational moral


    Stage one ? the amoral organization

    The Amoral Organization has a culture that is earmarked by a "winning at any cost" attitude.

    Typical of organizations in this stage of moral

    development is a culture that is unmanaged with

    respect to ethical concerns. Productivity and profit ability are the dominant values found in the culture.

    Concern for ethics, if it exists at all, is usually on an

    after-the-fact basis when the organization has been

    caught in some wrongdoing. At this point the con cern for ethics, if at all evidenced, becomes more of a

    cynical justification or a post hoc rationalization of behavior strictly for damage control purposes. Com

    mon to most management philosophies is that being

    caught in an unethical situation is considered as a cost of doing business. This culture is shaped by a

    strong belief in Adam Smith's invisible hand and the notion that the only social responsibility of business is to make a profit. Unlike Friedman's original contention, that responsibility is seldom conditioned

    by the caveat of a need for law and ethic.

    Top management rules by power and authority and employees respond by acquiescing to that

    authority and power through a reward system which

    supports a "go along" type of behavior. Obedience is valued and rewarded. Disobedience, on a moral

    basis, is punishable typically by expulsion from the

    organization. There is little concern for the em

    ployees other than for their value as an economic unit of production.

    The ethical culture of a stage one organization can be summed up in the ideas that "they'll never

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  • 276 R. E. Reidenbach and D. P. Robin

    know," "everybody does it," "we won't get caught," and "there's no way anyone will ever find out." Rules can be broken if there is an advantage in breaking them. If we are not caught, then who is to say it's unethical?

    At the basis of this culture is the philosophical position that business is not subject to the same rules that individuals are and that owners are the most

    important stakeholders. In essence, belief in a value less business environment produces a valueless busi


    FRS ? A Portrait of the Amoral Corporationl Film

    Recovery Systems, previously located in Elk Grove

    Village, Illinois, exhibited many of the characteristics of an amoral organization. The company was organ ized to extract silver from old x-ray film which utilized a chemical process involving cyanide. Be cause of the potentially acute toxicity of the process, the safety of the workers should have been a princi pal concern.

    On February 10, 1983, Stefan Golab, a worker at FRS became weak and nauseated. He was

    working near a foaming vat of hydrogen cyanide. Fellow

    employees helped him outside and urged him to

    breathe deeply in the cold fresh air. At that point, Mr. Golab became unconscious and did not respond

    to efforts to revive him. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. Cause of death ? cyanide toxicity.

    The investigation of this case reveals a company that is typical of stage 1 organizations. Inspectors from the Cook County Department of Environ

    mental Control had previously cited the plant for 17 violations that were labeled as

    "gross violations" and were ordered to be rectified immediately. Typical of these violations was a lack of a cyanide antidote,

    legible warning signs, a respirator, and other safety equipment that was judged to be mandatory for a company engaged in this type of work. The plant itself, which was described as a "drab, one-story structure" contained 140 vats of foaming hydrogen cyanide among which the workers performed the extraction process. Testimony of many of the work ers indicated that nausea, nose bleeds, and rashes

    were commonplace. That same testimony revealed

    that employees were ordered to remove the skull and cross bones signs from the containers of cyanide and that the owners of FRS had flatly refused to buy

    what was described as routine safety equipment. In

    addition, many of the employees who worked around the vats were illegal immigrants from

    Mexico and Poland (as was the case of Mr. Golab) and did not speak English well. This hiring practice

    was adopted, according to the testimony of a book

    keeper, because illegal aliens would be less apt to

    complain. The response of FRS to the investigation involved

    laying off workers and closing down the plant in

    mid-1983. The investigation, and ultimate criminal

    prosecution of three FRS executives centered around the question "Can two legitimate corporations form a third (FRS), set it up to engage in a reckless and

    dangerous activity, ignore legal requirements ? and

    get off scot-free?" Prosecutors referred to the FRS case as "novel" but qualified it by saying "It's an old

    story of poor, uneducated people being exploited by people who were more educated, more privileged, and more

    wealthy." This is a company whose formal culture valued

    productivity and profits. Costs, especially those that were

    morally justifiable in caring for employees, were not incurred. To do so would have reduced the

    profitability of the company. Management operated on the basis that "we won't get caught" and "it's ok to break rules as long as we profit from it." Their

    regard for individuals is readily apparent in their

    hiring practices and their treatment of their employ ees. Internally, employees were to obey rules which

    emphasized productivity and failure to do so meant

    dismissal and even perhaps prosecution as an illegal alien.

    Stage two ? the legalistic corporation

    Stage 2 is the legalistic corporation so named because of the preoccupation the corporation exhibits for

    compliance with the letter of the law as opposed to

    the spirit of the law. Organizations in this stage exhibit a higher level of moral development than

    organizations in stage 1 because stage 2 cultures dictate obedience to laws, codes, and regulations, a

    value missing in the cultures of stage 1 organizations. Corporate values flow from the rules of the state, and that is why management is principally con

    cerned with adhering to the legality of an action rather than the

    morality of the action. "If it's legal,

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  • Corporate Moral Development Model 277

    it's ok and if we're not sure, have the lawyers check it out" typifies the operating dictum of stage 2 organiz ations. More than just a desire to obey society's laws

    ? they take an internal lawlike approach themselves. The corporate legal staff operates as a check

    against wrongdoing as interpreted by legal statute. In

    this culture, law equates with justice and there is no difference between what is legal and what is right and just. The ethics of an action, if considered at all, is generally considered on a post hoc basis.

    Codes of Conduct reflect this legalistic thinking. A 1989 article on codes of ethics clustered codes into

    three categories (Robin et ai, 1989). The largest cluster was one characterized by a "Don't do any

    thing unlawful or improper that will harm the

    organization," suggesting the pervasiveness of this

    ethos. Cressy and Moore (1983) further suggest that most codes give the appearance of being legalistic documents. It is perhaps not surprising that two of

    the largest tobacco companies, R. J. Reynolds and

    Philip Morris, have legalistic codes of conduct. These codes are very concerned with, and limited to, unlawful or improper behavior.

    The principal emphasis is still on profitability but the difference between stage 2 and stage 1 organiza

    tions is that the latter is concerned with the legality of the profits, not necessarily the morality of them.

    Owners are still the principal stakeholders.

    Contrary to the "win-at-all-cost" attitude under

    lying organizational behavior in stage 1, stage 2

    organizations adhere to a notion of reciprocity. That

    is, compliance with the law will produce good results. By extension then, stage 2 organizations are followers and not social leaders. Society can expect, for the most part, organizations that adhere to the law but do little as far as operating in their own

    enlightened self interest is concerned.

    Ford motor of 1973 ? a portrait of the legalistic corporation2

    While the notorious Pinto case has been dissected from numerous vantage points, far less attention has been focused on the defense that Ford Motor used in its behalf during the Elkhart, Indiana trial in 1980. In its defense can be seen many of the characteristics of an

    organization in stage 2 of its moral development. It is important to point out that the Ford Motor

    Company of 1973 and not the Ford Motor Company of 1988, is cited as an example.

    The trial focused on Ford's culpability in the

    death of three teenagers who were struck from behind in their 1973 Pinto. The gas tank of the Pinto

    erupted, burst into flames, resulting in the burning death of the three teenagers. A criminal homicide indictment was brought against Ford on the grounds that the auto company had engaged in "plain, con scious and

    unjustifiable disregard of harm that might result (from its actions) and the disregard involves a substantial deviation from acceptable standards of conduct."

    In its defense, Ford's attorney, James F. Neal, argued that the Pinto met all federal, state, and local

    government standards concerning auto fuel systems. This

    compliance, Ford's attorney further argued, was

    comparable to other subcompacts produced in 1973. He continued by saying that Ford did everything to recall the Pinto as quickly as possible as soon as the

    NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administra tion) ordered it to (emphasis added).

    Mark Dowie, then General Manager for Mother

    Jones, claimed that the Pinto was involved in 500 burn deaths and that burning Pintos had become such an embarrassment to Ford that J. Walter

    Thompson, the ad agency that handled the Pinto,

    dropped a line from its radio spot that said, "Pinto leaves you with that warm feeling." Michael Hoffman raises an interesting and certainly relevant point in

    light of the mounting evidence of the Pinto's defec tive fuel system when he asks, "Even though Ford violated no federal safety standards or laws, should it have made the Pinto safer in terms of rear-end

    collisions, especially regarding the placement of the

    gas tank?" In Ford's lack of response to this question and their steadfast refusal to recall their product voluntarily can be seen as one of the inhibiting effects of stage 2 behavior. Because of its preoccupa tion with compliance to laws and regulations, cultural values focusing on what is right rather than on what is legal are either nonexistent or under

    developed. As a consequence, the organization does

    only what it is required to do rather than what it should do. This is symptomatic of the legalistic


    Moreover, Ford's concern for the size of the bottom line rather than the

    morality of the bottom line is evidenced in their cost-benefit analysis con tained in a report entitled "Fatalities Associated with

    Crash Induced Fuel Leakage and Fires." The $11 cost per car for the improvement designed to prevent gas

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  • 278 R. E. Reidenbach and D. P. Robin

    tank ruptures was not cost effective. Ford estimated that benefits would run to $49.5 million, while the costs associated with the improvement would total

    $137 million. Stage 2 organizations, like their coun

    terparts in stage 1, maintain a preeminent concern

    for profitability, especially when it involves a trade off with doing what is right.

    Stage three ? the responsive corporation

    Unlike their legalistic counterparts in stage 2,

    responsive corporations begin to evolve cultures that contain values other than productivity and a sense of

    legality. Responsive organizations begin to strike a

    balance between profits and doing right. However,

    doing right is still more of an expediency rather than an end unto itself. Social pressures are such that these

    stage 3 corporations must respond to those pressures or face censure or worse. The managements of these

    corporations are more sensitive to the demands of

    society than the managements in the previous stages.

    Managements begin to recognize that the organiza tion's role exceeds a purely economic one and that it

    has certain social duties and obligations. Codes of ethics take on greater importance and

    their focus begins to reflect a greater societal orientation. As an example, consider the codes of ethics of the Bank of Boston, which are typical of

    stage 3 organizations. Among the codes include

    standards, values, and prescriptions concerning integrity, confidentiality, quality, compliance, con

    flict of interest, objectivity, personal finances, decency, and accountability. The standard concern

    ing social responsibility reads, "Seek opportunities to

    participate and, if possible, to play a leadership role in

    addressing issues of concern to the communities we serve." The major part of the codes, however, is

    still designed to identify behaviors that will bring potential harm to the Bank of Boston (e.g., compli ance, conflict of interest, personal finances, con

    fidentiality). In that sense they are internally directed. Concern for ethical conduct is evidenced in the

    accountability statement which reads, "Report ques tionable, unethical, or illegal activity to your manager

    without delay" (Bank of Boston). It is interesting to

    point out that these codes were published at about the same time that the Bank of Boston pleaded

    guilty to charges of money laundering.

    Studies indicate that about 75% of all U. S. firms have codes of conduct. Those same studies also indicate that the most common items mentioned in the codes are conflict of interest provisions, political contributions, use of insider information, illegal payments, bribery and kickbacks, improper relation

    ships, proprietary information, use of corporate assets, gifts and favors, and unrecorded or falsely recorded funds or transactions, most of which, like their stage 2 counterparts, have an internal focus

    designed to protect the organization (Raelin, 1987, p. 177; Robin etal. 1989).

    Concern for other stakeholders begins to manifest itself as managements being to realize the import ance of employees and the community in which they operate. Again, this nascent concern is not motive ated by a sense of doing right for right's sake, but rather as a recognition of the organization's greater social role.

    Movement from stage 2 to stage 3 is often initiated by outside events. Some potentially damag ing occurrence to the organization or other organiz ations may happen forcing the organization to react

    by countering with some apparent ethical response. The intention is to sway opinion of different state holders by doing good. A "do what we gave to do, not because it's

    right but because it's expedient" dominates the responsive organization's ethical


    P & G reacts to the Rely Tampon problem. The reaction that Proctor 8c Gamble made to the Rely Tampon problem is indicative of an organization that has de

    veloped a stage 3 responsive level of morality. It is

    decidedly different from the type of thinking and actions one finds in the stage 2 legalistic type of

    organization. P & G management made an enlight ened decision to act in the best interests, not only of

    themselves, but also with respect to a number of different publics.

    In the summer of 1980, Proctor & Gamble was first made aware, by the Centers for Disease Control, that there

    might be a possible linkage between the incidence of toxic shock syndrome and the use of

    tampons. No indication existed that there was any

    linkage between toxic shock and the specific use of P & G's Rely product. During this same period of time, P & G began an investigation into the

    alleged linkage. Initial information indicated no rela

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  • Corporate Moral Development Model 279

    tionship between toxic shock syndrome and tampon usage.

    On September 15, 1980, the Centers for Disease Control informed P & G that in their study of 42 cases of toxic shock syndrome, 71% of the women

    were Rely users. This put P & G management in the

    position of deciding to defend their brand against what P & G scientists consdered rather sketchy evidence. On September 18, 1980, three days after the study results were announced, P & G made their decision to withdraw the product from the market and to halt production of Rely Tampons. The

    decision, according to Edward G. Harness, chairman and chief executive of P & G, hinged on the

    dilemma, "We didn't know enough about toxic shock to act, and yet, we knew too much not to act."

    (Gatewood and Carroll, 1981, p. 12) P & G had begun pulling 400,000 cases of their

    product. Under an agreement with the FDA, P & G was absolved of any violation of federal law or

    liability for product defect. However, the remarkable

    aspect of the response was yet to come. P & G

    bought back all unused products, including $10 million in free promotional samples. Moreover, they voluntarily pledged research assistance to the Cen ters for Disease Control for the study of toxic shock and

    agreed to finance and initiate an educational

    campaign about the disease. The educational cam

    paign was remarkable in both the speed and the

    scope of information dissemination. P & G management recognized the longer term

    value of making this type of response. Although 20

    years of research and marketing expenditures were tied up in what would ultimately be a significant loss, their action demonstrates a greater balance between profits and ethics than would be seen in earlier stages of corporate moral development.

    Cynics might respond that P & G did this out of economic reasons. In part, that is probably true. Yet, unlike Ford whose sole interests were economic, P & G

    recognized that their long term economic well

    being was inextricably intertwined with the morality of their decision. This is the hallmark of the respon sive


    Stage three is a pivotal point in the moral

    development of most corporations. It is a learning stage wherein managements test the efficacy of

    socially responsive behavior and begin to understand the economic value of moral behavior. This attitude,

    however, moves the organization beyond a strictly legalistic focus and, in some cases, has the effect of

    making the organization a social pioneer. Still, it must be emphasized that cultures of stage three

    corporations are dominated by a reactive mentality, not a proactive mentality.

    Stage four ? the emergent ethical organization

    The emergent ethical organization is one in which

    management actively seeks a greater balance be tween profits and ethics. There is an overt effort to

    manage the organization's culture to produce the desired ethical climate. This

    change in the culture involves a

    recognition of a social contract between the business and society. Management approaches problem solving with an awareness of the ethical

    consequence of an action as well as its potential profitability.

    One of the more visible manifestations of stage 4

    organizations is the proliferation of "ethics vehicles"

    throughout the organization. Codes of conduct become more

    externally oriented and become living documents instead of lofty ideals to be read once and then put away or highly limited rules that are

    designed primarily to protect the organization. In

    addition, and typical of stage 4 corporations, is that

    handbooks, policy statements, committees, ombuds men, and ethics program directors begin to reinforce

    the existence of codes. This signals stronger manage

    ment commitment to ethical behavior. For

    example, at Boeing, an emergent ethical

    corporation, greater CEO involvement in ethics, and line management involvement in ethics training programs are two aspects of their cultural concern for

    morality. In addition, their ethics committee

    reports to the board and management has installed a toll-free number for

    employees to report ethical violations.

    General Mills has developed guidelines for deal ing with vendors, competitors, and customers.

    Recruiting focuses on the hiring of individuals that share the same cultural values and an emphasis on

    open decision making hallmark their concern for ethical behavior.

    While responsive corporations begin to develop ethical mechanisms to increase the probability of

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  • 280 R. E. Reidenbach and D. P. Robin

    ethical behavior, these organizations are not yet fully comfortable with their implementation. Organiza tional actions are still characterized by ad hoc

    attempts to develop and instill organizational values. These attempts often lack direction in both the selection of the values and their implementation.

    Top management recognizes the importance and value of this type of behavior but lacks the experi ence and expertise to make it work effectively.

    Examples of emergent ethical organizations A growing number of organizations can be classified as the

    emergent ethical. Boeing and General Mills were cited earlier for their ethical efforts. Boeing's pro grams have been in place since 1964 but the mere existence of ethical programs does not insure that the emergent ethical organization will behave ethi

    cally. In 1984, a unit of Boeing was cited for illegally using inside information to secure a government contract, a case of regression.

    Often cited for unethical behavior, General

    Dynamics has an extensive ethics program. A publi cation by the giant defense contractor asks 10

    questions about the program. These questions in clude:

    1. Who is my Ethics Program Director? 2. How can the Ethics Director help me? 3. How can I contact my Ethics Director? 4. Do I need my supervisor's permission to talk

    with the Ethics Director? 5. How does the ethics hotline work? 6. How do I know what General Dynamics' ethics

    standards really are? 7. What is my responsibility if I become aware of

    someone who is violating the standards? 8. What happens if I violate the standards? 9. How does the ethics program apply to me?

    10. What should I do if I am directed to do some

    thing that I believe is a violation of company standards?

    The publication goes on to answer each question. For example, in response to the question concerning how an employee contacts the Ethics Director, General Dynamics has created a hotline complete with answering machine. In addition, the Ethics Director can be reached by mail, EMOS, or by direct contact.

    Does the system work? Not perfectly. General

    Dynamics has recently (1988) been indicted on further

    charges of defense contractor fraud. The

    process has been revised at General Dynamics to include a

    "squeal clause" which is designed to both reward and protect employees who report on co

    workers who have broken company standards. Consider the following excerpts from Sara Lee's

    codes which recognize the importance of balancing

    profits and ethics:

    Business has a role beyond the generation of profits. By investing their good will, time, and money, companies can ? and should ? serve as

    catalysts in helping deal with

    significant social issues.

    Perhaps one of the best examples of the emergent ethical corporation is that of Johnson & Johnson. Johnson & Johnson is an advanced stage 4 corpora tion as

    suggested both by their CREDO and their actions in the wake of the Tylenol tamperings. First consider the CREDO.

    The CREDO represents a strong balance between ethical concern and profitability. However, what

    really signals Johnson & Johnson as an advanced

    stage 4 corporation is found in the response of one of their senior executives who was asked about the decision concerning the massive recall of Tylenol products. "We never really thought we had much of a choice in the matter of the recall. Our Code of Conduct (CREDO) was such a way of life in the firm that our

    employees, including me, would have been scandalized had we taken another course (emphasis added). We never

    seriously considered avoiding the costly re call." (William and Murphy, 1988).

    What can be seen in all of these examples is a

    management that is wrestling with a growing realization that the corporation must develop a

    mechanism to balance the organization's concern for

    profits and ethics. Some attempts are clumsy, some

    work, some don't. What is important is that there is

    among stage 4 organizations a shift in the culture, one that gives increasing emphasis to the morality of the bottom line.

    Stage five ? the ethical organization

    The final stage of organizational moral development is the ethical organization. We know of no examples of

    organizations which have reached this level of


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  • Corporate Moral Development Model 281

    Exhibit 1

    Johnson & Johnson's Corporate Credo


    We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients,

    to mothers and all others who use our products and services.

    In meeting their needs everything

    we do

    must be of high quality. We must

    constantly strive to reduce our costs

    in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers' orders must be serviced promptly and accurately.

    Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity

    to make a fair profit.

    We are responsible to

    our employees,

    the men and women who work with us

    throughout the world.

    Everyone must be considered as an individual.

    We must respect their dignity and recognize their merit.

    They must have a sense of security in their jobs.

    Compensation must be fair and adequate and

    working conditions clean, orderly and safe.

    Employees must feel free to make suggestions and

    complaints. There must be

    equal opportunity for employment,

    development and advancement for those qualified. We must provide competent management,

    and their actions must be just and ethical.

    We are responsible

    to the communities in which we live

    and work and to the world community as well.

    We must be good citizens ?

    support good works

    and charities and bear our fair share of taxes.

    We must encourage civic improvements and better health and education.

    We must maintain in good order

    the property we are privileged to use,

    protecting the environment and natural resources.

    Our final responsibility is to our stockholders.

    Business must make a sound profit. We must

    experiment with new ideas.

    Research must be carried on, innovative programs developed and mistakes paid for.

    New equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided

    and new products launched.

    Reserves must be created to provide for adverse times.

    When we operate according to these principles,

    the stockholders should realize a fair return.

    Johnson & Johnson

    Stage five behavior is characterized by an organi zation-wide acceptance of a common set of ethical values that permeates the organization's culture. These core values guide the everyday behavior of an individual's actions. Decisions are made based on the inherent justness and fairness of the decision as well as the profitability of the decision. In this sense there is a balance between concerns for profits and ethics.

    Employees are rewarded for walking away from actions in which the ethical position of the organiza tion would be compromised.

    At the heart of this organization is a planning system much like the one described by Robin and

    Reidenbach (1987, 1989). The concept of a parallel planning system wherein ideas and concepts from the normative moral philosophies are used in the

    analysis of potential organizational activities. An

    example of parallel planning is seen in the deliberation made Sir Adrian Cadbury's grandfather (Cadbury, 1987). Sir Adrian's grandfather, then CEO of Cadbury's was confronted with a profitable pro position that he found morally repugnant. It con cerned a contract to furnish English soldiers in the

    Boer War with a Christmas tin of chocolates. He was

    opposed to the war on moral grounds but was

    cognizant of the economic repercussions to his

    employees that refusal of the contract would bring as well as the morale impact on the soldiers. His decision involved producing the chocolate at cost so that his

    employees were compensated, the soldiers received the chocolate, but Sir Adrian personally did not profit from a situation he found unethical.

    In implementing the parallel planning system, the

    organization may be viewed as a family with certain ethical family values that guide decision making.

    These core values can be translated into ethical action statements such as:

    Treat customers with respect, concern, and honesty, the

    way you yourself would want to be treated or the way

    you would want your family treated.

    Make and market products you would feel comfortable and safe having your

    own family use.

    Treat the environment as though it were your own

    property (Robin & Reidenbach, 1987, p. 55).

    What makes an ethical organization work is the

    support of a culture that has a strong sense of moral

    duty and obligation inherent within it. This culture

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  • 282 R. E. Reidenbach and D. P. Robin


    summary of the moral development of corporations

    Stage in Moral


    Management Attitude

    and Approach

    Ethical Aspects of

    Corporate Culture Corporate Ethics Artifacts

    Defining Corporate Behavior

    Stage I The Amoral


    Get away with all you can; It's ethical as long


    we're not caught; Ethical

    violations, when caught, arc a cost of doing business

    Outlaw culture; Live

    hard and fast; Damn the risks; Get what you can

    and get out

    No meaningful code of ethics or other

    documentation; No set

    of values other than


    Film Recovery Systems;

    Numerous Penny Stock Companies

    Stage II The Legalistic Organization

    Stage III The Responsive Organization

    Stage IV The Emerging Ethical


    Play within the legal rules; Fight changes that effect your economic

    outcome; Use damage control through public relations when social

    problems occur; A

    reactive concern for

    damage to organizations from social problems

    Management understands

    the value of not acting

    solely on a

    legal basis, even though they believe

    they could win; Manage ment still has a reactive

    mentality; A growing balance between profits and ethics, although basic

    premise, still may be a

    cynical "ethics pays";

    Management begins to

    test and learn from more

    responsive actions

    First stage to exhibit an

    active concern for ethical

    outcomes; "We want to

    do the 'right' thing"; Top

    management values

    become organizational

    values; Ethical perception has focus but lacks or

    ganization and long term

    planning; Ethics manage ment is characterized by

    successes and failures

    If it's legal, it's OK; Work the gray areas;

    Protect loopholes and

    don't give ground without a fight; Economic performance dominates evaluations

    and rewards

    There is a growing concern for other

    corporate stakeholders

    other than owners;

    Culture begins to embrace a more

    "responsible citizen"


    The Code of Ethics, if it Ford Pinto

    Ethical values become

    part of culture; These core values provide

    guidance in some

    situations but questions exist in others; A

    culture that is less

    reactive and more

    proactive to social

    problems when they

    exists, is an internal

    document; "Don't do

    anything to harm the

    organization"; "Be a

    good corporate citizen"

    Codes are more

    externally oriented and

    reflect a concern for

    other publics; Other ethics vehicles are


    Codes of Ethics become action documents; Code

    items reflect the core

    values of the organiza

    tion; Handbooks, policy statements, committees,

    ombudsmen are

    sometimes used

    Firestone 500

    Nestle Infant Formula

    R. J. Reynolds

    Philip Morris

    P & G (Rely Tampons) Abbott Labs



    General Mills

    Johnson & Johnson (Tylenol)

    General Dynamics


    Levi Strauss

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  • Corporate Moral Development Model 283

    Table I (Continued)

    Stage in Moral


    Management Attitude

    and Approach

    Ethical Aspects of

    Corporate Culture Corporate Ethics

    Artifacts Defining Corporate Behavior

    Stage V The Ethical


    A balanced concern for

    ethical and economic

    outcomes; Ethical analysis is a fully integrated partner in developing both the mission and

    strategic plan; SWOT

    analysis is used to

    anticipate problems and

    analyze alternative


    A total ethical profile, with carefully selected core values which

    reflect that profile, directs the culture;

    Corporate culture is

    planned and managed to be ethical; Hiring, training, firing and

    rewarding all reflect the ethical profile

    Documents focus on

    the ethical profile and core values; All phases of

    organizational documents reflect them

    has been designed and managed by top management to produce the work climate necessary to support an assurance of the balance between profitability and ethics. Reward systems are developed which support individuals who make the

    "right" decision, even at the expense of profitability. Sanction systems exist to

    penalize and correct the behavior of those making a

    wrong decision. Ethics training is an ongoing con cern of the stage five organization, which integrates technical training with a focus on the morality of the

    job. Hiring practices emphasize not only the aptitude and skill of the potential employee but also how that

    employee is likely to behave in moments of stress. An

    organizational mentor program exists with the

    purpose of providing work and moral guidance for the new employee. This parallel system wherein

    profits and ethics go hand-in-hand is the hallmark of the ethical organization.

    The principal difference between stage four and

    stage five organizations is seen in the commitment that the organization makes to ethical behavior.

    Stage four organizations have not fully planned for and integrated ethical values throughout their cul ture. Instead, they rely on mechanisms to guide ethical behavior. There is still an imbalance between the goals of profitability and ethics so that in times of stress, it is not uncommon to see the pursuit of

    profitability produce unethical behavior. It is here where an organization in stage four, in spite of the ethics vehicles existent in an organization, can

    regress to an earlier stage of moral development.

    This is unlikely to occur in the stage five organiza

    tion. The ethical emphasis in the culture of the

    organization is so strong that the individual is not

    placed in a dilemma in which he or she must choose the correct action. The correct action is always the

    just and fair action. Of course, organizations will make mistakes in their planning. However, these

    mistakes, once identified, will be corrected so that the final outcome corresponds to an ethical out come.

    Some concluding comments

    Organizations are struggling with their records of ethical behavior. This struggling is indicative of

    moral growth where in organizations move from one level of moral development to another.

    This conceptual model of organizational moral

    development identifies five stages of growth. Table 1 summarizes the salient features of this development process. Not all organizations will evolve to the

    highest stage. And, not all organizations begin at

    stage 1. It is our opinion that most organizations are

    currently in the legalistic and responsive stages of moral development. More and more organizations, however, are beginning to manifest the characteris tics of stage four organizations. Corporate emphasis on profitability still far outweighs concern for ethics.

    Moreover, many managements have not yet learned that corporate cultures can be managed to produce

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  • 284 R. E. Reidenbach and D. P. Robin

    the desired ethical behaviors. What we are seeing are

    cultures that are unmanaged, and when unmanaged, evolve in their own directions, usually in the direc tion pointed out by the reward system. Thus, cultures devoid of ethical concerns or in which

    ethical values are absent, will normally grow in the direction of productivity and profitability, two

    values typically embraced by management. While the conceptual model presented in this

    article requires confirmation and possible respecif ication, it represents a start in the study of the

    dynamics of corporate moral development. Further

    study is sure to provide a clearer view of the process

    by which organizations change and develop their own moral characters.


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    Article Contentsp. [273]p. 274p. 275p. 276p. 277p. 278p. 279p. 280p. 281p. 282p. 283p. 284

    Issue Table of ContentsJournal of Business Ethics, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Apr., 1991), pp. 243-322The DePaul University Workshop on Marketing EthicsA Realist View of Marketing Ethics [pp. 243-244]Marketing Ethics: Some Dimensions of the Challenge [pp. 245-248]Danger Signs of Unethical Behavior: How to Determine If Your Firm Is at Ethical Risk [pp. 249-253]

    Book ReviewReview: untitled [pp. 254, 272, 294]

    The DePaul University Workshop on Marketing EthicsRemarks on Marketing Ethics [pp. 255-258]Fostering Ethical Marketing Decisions [pp. 259-271]A Conceptual Model of Corporate Moral Development [pp. 273-284]Exploring the Structure of Ethical Attributions as a Component of the Consumer Decision Model: The Vicarious versus Personal Perspective [pp. 285-293]

    The Business Ethics of Pharmacists: Conflicts Practices and Beliefs [pp. 295-301]Book ReviewReview: untitled [pp. 302, 316, 322]

    Egoistic and Ethical Orientations of University Students toward Work-Related Decisions [pp. 303-310]An Issue in Corporate Social Responsibility: An Experiential Approach to Establish the Value of Human Life [pp. 311-315]Matt Goldspan's Trilogy [pp. 317-321]

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