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  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    B Y G R O U P 3




    - Akmaliya Nabila

    - Chessa Stefany

    - Marthin Reynaldo

    - Muhammad Abdullah

    - Muhammad Agung

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink



    Drinking one sugar-laden soft drink every day could

    dramatically increase the odds of having a heart


    A study of more than 40,000 men suggested that adaily sugar-sweetened drink raised the chances of

    having a heart attack including a deadlyone by

    20 per cent.

    In contrast, diet varieties that use artificial

    sweeteners were given a clean bill of health by the

    studys authorsResearcher Lawrence de Koning said the body may compensate for the sugar rush of soft

    drinks by making its own supply of fats, and some of these will be bad for the hear

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    Biological scientist Dr Hans-Peter Kubis, who's just lead a study into what soft drinks do to our bodies, has reached some

    shocking conclusions. When you read what he discovered,you may well choose never to touch the fizzy stuff again.

    Its no surprise to learn, then, that our

    consumption of soft drinks has more than doubled

    since 1985. from ten gallons per person a year to more

    than 25 gallons.

    We know this is not entirely good for us but could

    sugary soft drinks be so dangerous that they should

    carry health warnings?

    This may sound alarmist, but new medical studies haveproduced worrying results.

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    Even moderate consumption a can a day,

    or just two a week may alter our

    metabolism so that we pile on weight.The drinks also appear to :

    increase the risk of heart disease,

    liver failure


    In children, soft drinks have been linked to addict-like cravings, as well

    as twisting kids appetites so they hunger for junk food.

    Already, countries such as Denmark and France are introducing soft-

    drink taxes to cut consumption.In the U.S., around 100 medical and consumer organisations are now

    calling on the Surgeon-General to investigate the health effects of

    soda and other sugary drinks.

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    The consumption of sugar-sweetenedsoft drinks is associated

    with obesity, type 2 diabetes, dentalcaries, and low nutrient

    levels. Experimental studies tend tosupport a causal role for sugar-

    sweetened soft drinks in these ailments,though this is challenged by other


    includes drinks that use high-fructosecorn syrup, as well as those usingsucrose.

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    Dangers of Softdrink Addiction

    Over the last 30 years a virtual tome of information has beenpublished linking soft drink consumption to a rise in osteoporosisand bone fractures. New evidence has shown an alarming rise in

    deficiencies of calcium and other minerals and resulting bonefractures in young girls.

    According to a February 2011 news release from the AmericanHeart Association, research presented at the American Stroke

    Association's International Stroke Conference found that people whodrink diet soda every day have a 61 percent higher risk of vascular

    events than those who reported no soda consumption.

    Soda contains acidic ingredients that can erode tooth enamel,resulting in tooth decay. Frequent soda drinkers often consumefewer nutrient-rich beverages in the daily diet, such as milk and

    juice, replacing them with soft drinks, decreasing calcium intake andincreasing the risk of developing osteoporosis

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink





    3 Dangers of Softdrink Addiction

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    Regular soda consumption hasbeen linked with increased risk ofoverweight and obesity, which

    are, in turn, associated with higherrisk of a heart disease, diabetesand many other serious healthissues. A 2011 review published inthe journal "Circulation" states thata positive association has beenshown between sugar-sweetenedsoft drink consumption and weightgain in both children and adults.


  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink



    obesity increases the risk of

    type 2 diabetes, heart disease,

    bowel cancer as well as high

    blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes

    alone can contribute to

    cardiovascular disease,

    retinopathy (blindness),

    neuropathy (nerve damage),

    nephropathy (kidney damage),and other health complications.

    So if type 2 diabetes is highly

    associated with individuals who

    are obese, and obesity is linkedto SSBs, then t e 2 diabetes is

    In short, if one consumes SSBs

    on a regular basis, they are

    more at risk of developing type2 diabetes, which itself may

    cause many ailments. That's

    why being overweight is not a

    good thing for one's health. Andthat's why drinking copious

    amounts of sugar-sweetened

    beverages contributes to poor

    wellbeing byway of obesity and

    type 2 diabetes.* SSB = Sugar-sweetened beverages

  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    Drinking diet soda regularly may affectcardiovascular health. According to aFebruary 2011 news release from the

    American Heart Association, researchpresented at the American StrokeAssociation's International StrokeConference found that people whodrink diet soda every day have a 61percent higher risk of vascular eventsthan those who reported no sodaconsumption.


  • 7/29/2019 Dangerous of Softdrink


    Regular soda drinkers have been shownto be at higher risk of developingmetabolic syndrome, which is a group

    of symptoms that indicate a heightenedrisk of heart disease, diabetes andstroke. To be diagnosed with metabolicsyndrome, a person must display at leastthree of the following symptoms; excess

    fat in the abdominal area, hightriglyceride levels, low HDL cholesterollevels, high blood pressure and highfasting blood sugar.


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