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Page 1: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Database Access using SQL

Very basic introduction

James Brucker

Page 2: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Database Management System

Database: a structured, self-describing collection of data.

controls access to the database & provides:• authentication• enforce permissions• data integrity• access services

Database Manager

User Interface & communications protocol



Page 3: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Client - Server Structure

The database server is a separate process running on a host.

The database client can be on a different machine. Many programs may be client using standard API.

mysqld(server)client using "mysql" utility

client using Java+JDBC

client using Excel

Page 4: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Use the "mysql" command if machine doesn't have "mysql" then use MySQL

Query Browser GUI. What is the version number? Look at help message: how do you connect to server?

dos> mysql --version

mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.16, for Win32

dos> mysql --help

displays a long help message: very useful

Page 5: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Connect to MySQL server on host "se.cpe.ku.ac.th".

user: student password: student

What MySQL version is the server running?

dos> mysql -h se.cpe.ku.ac.th -u student -p

Enter password: student

mysql> SELECT version();


Page 6: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Structure of a Database

A database system may contain many databases. Each database is composed of schema and tables.

sql> USE bank;

sql> SHOW tables;+----------------+| Tables_in_bank |+----------------+| accounts || clients |+----------------+

sql> SHOW databases;+--------------+

| Database |


| mysql |

| test |

| bank |

| world |


MySQL only shows databases that a user has permission to access.

Page 7: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Structured Query Language

The standard language for manipulating a database is Structured Query Language (SQL).

SQL is case-insensitive and free format. Commands are entered interactively or in a script file. SQL statements can span multiple lines:

end a statement with a semi-colon ;

sql> USE Bank;

database changed.

sql> SHOW tables;

sql> SHOW columns FROM accounts;

sql> SELECT accountNumber, accountName,

clientID, balance FROM accounts;

SQL statements end with a semi-colon.

Page 8: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

A Simple Database Structure

SQL commands to show the structure of Bank database

sql> SHOW tables;+----------------+| Tables_in_bank |+----------------+| accounts || clients |+----------------+

sql> SHOW columns FROM accounts;+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| accountNumber | varchar(8) | | | | || accountName | varchar(40) | | | | || clientID | int(11) | | MUL | 0 | || balance | double | | | 0 | || availableBalance | double | | | 0 | |+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+

SQL statements must end with a semi-colon. If you omit semi-colon, SQL will prompt for more input.

Page 9: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Connect to MySQL server on host "se.cpe.ku.ac.th".

user: student password: student

What databases are there?

What tables are in the world database?

dos> mysql -h se.cpe.ku.ac.th -u student -p

Enter password: student

mysql> SHOW databases;

mysql> SHOW tables from world;

mysql> USE world;

mysql> SHOW tables;

Page 10: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Omit the semi-colon. What happens?

mysql> SHOW tablesNo semi-colon.

Enter a command on several lines

mysql> SHOW





Page 11: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Structure of a Database Table

A table contains records (rows) of data. A record is composed of several columns (fields). A database schema can contain index files, views,

and other information in addition to tables.

sql> SELECT * FROM Accounts;+---------------+---------------+----------+---------+

| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 11111111 | J.Brucker | 11111111 | 35000 |

| 11111112 | Vacation Fund | 11111111 | 22500 |

| 11111113 | P.Watanapong | 11111120 | 300000 |

| 11111114 | CPE Fund | 11111120 | 1840000 |


Page 12: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


DESCRIBE also shows a description of a table. output is same as "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ...".

sql> DESCRIBE accounts;+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| accountNumber | varchar(8) | | | | || accountName | varchar(40) | | | | || clientID | int(11) | | MUL | 0 | || balance | double | | | 0 | || availableBalance | double | | | 0 | |+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+

Page 13: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


For the world database:

what columns does each table have?

what information do you suppose is in the columns?

What are the names of some data types in SQL?

mysql> describe city;+-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-----------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-----------+| ID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_incr || Name | char(35) | NO | | | || CountryCode | char(3) | NO | | | || District | char(20) | NO | | | || Population | int(11) | NO | | 0 | |+-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-----------+

Page 14: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Exercise: O-O Analogy of a Table?

Database Object Oriented

table __________________

record (row) __________________

fields (columns) __________________

sql> SELECT * FROM Accounts;+---------------+---------------+----------+---------+

| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 11111111 | J.Brucker | 11111111 | 35000 |

| 11111112 | Vacation Fund | 11111111 | 22500 |

| 11111113 | P.Watanapong | 11111120 | 300000 |

| 11111114 | CPE Fund | 11111120 | 1840000 |


Page 15: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Qualifying Names

SQL uses "." to qualify elements of a hierarchy just like most O-O languages

Bank.accounts "accounts" table in Bank db

accounts.balance balance field in accounts


sql> DESCRIBE bank.accounts;+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| accountNumber | varchar(8) | | | | || accountName | varchar(40) | | | | || clientID | int(11) | | MUL | 0 | || balance | double | | | 0 | || availableBalance | double | | | 0 | |+------------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+

Page 16: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Diagram of Database Structure




Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3



Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3


Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3


Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3




Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3



Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3


Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3


Tablefield1: t1field2: t2field3: t3


In MySQL the words "database" and "schema" are used inconsistently.

Page 17: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Database Operations

Operations you can perform on a database include:

USE choose a database

SELECT query (search) the data

INSERT add new records to a table(s)

UPDATE modify information in existing records

DELETE delete records from a table

sql> USE bank;sql> SELECT * FROM clients WHERE firstname = 'james';| clientID | firstName | lastName | email |+----------+-----------+----------+--------------------+| 11111111 | James | Brucker | [email protected] |sql> UPDATE accounts SET balance=100000 WHERE clientID='11111111';Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)

Page 18: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

SQL SELECT statement

Select columns from a table and display them:

SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM tablename ;

This displays ALL rows from the table.

sql> SELECT * from accounts;+---------------+---------------+----------+---------+

| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 11111111 | J.Brucker | 11111111 | 35000 |

| 11111112 | Vacation Fund | 11111111 | 22500 |

| 11111113 | P.Watanapong | 11111120 | 300000 |

| 11111114 | CPE Fund | 11111120 | 1840000 |


Page 19: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Qualifying SELECT

Select columns from a table that match some criteria:

SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM table WHERE condition ORDER BY field1,... [ASC|DESC];

SQL statements and field names are case insensitive, but the field values may not be! It depends on the data type of the field.

sql> SELECT accountNumber, ... FROM accounts WHERE balance > 100000 ORDER by balance DESC;+---------------+---------------+----------+---------+

| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 11111114 | CPE Fund | 11111120 | 1840000 |

| 11111113 | P.Watanapong | 11111120 | 300000 |


Page 20: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Counting with SELECT

Select can be used with functions, such as COUNT:

SELECT COUNT(*) from Accounts WHERE condition;

sql> SELECT count(*) from accounts;+----------+

| count(*) |


| 4 |


sql> SELECT count(*) from accounts

WHERE balance > 100000;

Page 21: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Use the world database to answer these questions: How many countries and cities are in the database?

What is the country code for China?

use the condition WHERE name = 'China'

How many cities are in China?

What languages are spoken in China?

what is the official language?

List the cities in China, sorted by population (largest to smallest). Use "ORDER BY ..."

Page 22: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


What is the country code for Thailand?

What is the population of Thailand?

How many cities are in Thailand?

what are the names of the cities?

What languages are used in Thailand?

Page 23: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Strings and wildcards in SELECT

Use single quote marks for String data. For exact matches use field = 'value'


WHERE CountryCode = 'THA';

For pattern matches, use: field LIKE 'pattern'

SELECT * FROM city WHERE name LIKE 'Ba%';

In SQL, '%' means "match anything".

SELECT * FROM clients WHERE firstName LIKE 'J%' ORDER BY lastName;

SQL statements and field names are case insensitive, but the field values may not be! It depends on the data type of the field.

Page 24: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Logical operations


SELECT * FROM City WHERE District='Songkhla' OR District='Bangkok';


SELECT Name, SurfaceArea FROM Country WHERE Continent = 'Africa' AND SurfaceArea > 1000000;


SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE NOT AvailableBalance = 0;

Page 25: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Set operations


SELECT * FROM City WHERE District IN ('Songkhla', 'Bangkok');

Page 26: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Exercise: who lives longest?

How many countries are in Asia?

In which countries in Asia do people live longest?

List the countries sorted by life expectancy.

Where can you expect to live > 80 years?

What country in Asia has the shortest life expectancy?

How does Thailand rank for life expectancy?

COUNT the countries in Asia with life expectancy less than in Thailand.

COUNT the countries in Asia with life expectancy greater than in Thailand.

Page 27: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Find all cities in Thailand, ranked by Population

use: "SELECT ... ORDER BY Population DESC"

do you see any errors in the data?

Page 28: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Using Functions in SELECT

How many people are in the world?

SELECT SUM(population) FROM Country;

What is the largest surface area of any country?

SELECT MAX(SurfaceArea) FROM Country;

How many cities are from Thailand?

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CityWHERE countrycode = 'THA';

What is the version of MySQL?

SELECT version();

Page 29: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


What is the total population of the world?

What is the total population of Asia?

What is the average and maximum population per sq.km. of the countries in the world?

Country.SurfaceArea is the area in sq. km.

Page 30: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Getting Help

Built-in help for how to use the mysql command SQL statements

mysql> HELP


If mysql doesn't have help on SQL commands, then load the "help tables" data onto the server. Download help table data from:

http://dev.mysql.com/downloads in the "Documentation" section.

Page 31: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Using Subqueries

Use the result of one query as part of another query.

Which account has the greatest balance?

SELECT AccountNumber, AccountNameFROM AccountsWHERE balance =

( SELECT max(balance) FROM Accounts );

Where do people live the longest?

SELECT Name, LifeExpectancy FROM CountryWHERE LifeExpectancy =( SELECT max(LifeExpectancy) FROM Country );

To use SQL subqueries in MySQL you need version 4.1 or newer.

Page 32: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Where do people live longer than in Thailand?

ORDER the results by DESCending life expectancy.

SELECT Name, LifeExpectancy FROM CountryWHERE LifeExpectancy >

( insert subquery here )

ORDER BY ... ;

Page 33: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Which nation is the most crowded?

Find the country with maximum population density (population per sq. km.)

Show the name and the population density

Hint: create an alias for a computed field:

sql> SELECT name,population/surfaceArea AS densityWHERE ...

Alias:density := population/surfaceArea

Page 34: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Is Thailand more crowded than neighbor countries?

List the name and population density of all countries in the same region as Thailand.

use a subquery for "same region as Thailand":

SELECT ... FROM Country

WHERE Region = (SELECT Region ... Code=...) ORDER ...;

Order the results by population density.

Page 35: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


How does Thailand's economic output per capita compare with other countries in Asia?

Compare 1,000,000 * GNP / population.

Page 36: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Modify data with UPDATE

UPDATE changes data in one or more tables:

UPDATE accounts SET balance=100000 WHERE clientID='11111111';

sql> UPDATE accounts SET balance=100000 WHERE clientID='11111111';


| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 11111111 | J.Brucker | 11111111 | 1000000 |

| 11111112 | Vacation Fund | 11111111 | 1000000 |

| 11111113 | P.Watanapong | 11111120 | 300000 |

| 11111114 | CPE Fund | 11111120 | 1840000 |


Page 37: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

UPDATE statement

you can change multiple columns:

UPDATE table

SET field1=value1, field2=value2WHERE condition;

sql> UPDATE clients SET email='[email protected]', firstName='Jim' WHERE clientID='11111111';

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)

| clientID | firstName | lastName | email |+----------+-----------+----------+--------------------+| 11111111 | Jim | Brucker | [email protected] |

Page 38: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Warning: UPDATE is immediate!

There is no "undo". Changes take effect immediately.

Be Careful! If you forget the WHERE clause it will change all the rows in the table!

sql> UPDATE accounts SET balance=100000 ; /* oops! */


| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 11111111 | J.Brucker | 11111111 | 1000000 |

| 11111112 | Vacation Fund | 11111111 | 1000000 |

| 11111113 | P.Watanapong | 11111120 | 1000000 |

| 11111114 | CPE Fund | 11111120 | 1000000 |


Page 39: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Get the current population for a city in Thailand.

Search the web or www.ttt.go.th

Update the population in the world database.


what happens if two people change the same city data (same record) at the same time?

Page 40: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Inserting new records

INSERT adds a new record to a tableINSERT INTO tablename VALUES ( value1, value2, ...);


('22222222', 'Ample Rich', '00000000' 10000000);

Query OK, 1 row affected.


| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 22222222 | Ample Rich | 00000000 |10000000 |


Page 41: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Insert into columns by name

You can specify which columns will receive the values:INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2, ...)

VALUES ( data1, data2, ...);

sql> INSERT INTO Accounts

(accountNumber, balance, accountName)

VALUES ('22222222', 10000000, 'Ample Rich');

Query OK, 1 row affected.


| accountNumber | accountName | clientID | balance |


| 20000000 | Ample Rich | |10000000 |


Page 42: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Add your home town to the City table

or, add another City to the City table.

sql> INSERT INTO city

(name, countryCode, district, population)

VALUES ('Bangsaen', 'THA', 'Chonburi', 100000);

Query OK, 1 row affected.

The ID field has a qualifier of "AUTO_INCREMENT".

(use "DESCRIBE City")

This means MySQL will assign the ID value itself.

Page 43: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


View the city data that you just added!

Use UPDATE to change the population of the city you added.

sql> UPDATE City SET population = 95000

WHERE city.name = 'Bangsaen';

Query OK, 1 row affected.

sql> SELECT * FROM City WHERE City.name = 'Bangsaen';

Page 44: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

How do you get data into a table?

Use INSERT commands (boring).

Put INSERT commands in a Script (text file) and "source" the file (better).

Import command (may depend on DBMS):

LOAD DATA INFILE 'filename' INTO table ...

BCP ("bulk copy" - MS SQL server)

Page 45: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Copying Data Between Tables

Suppose we have another table named NewAccts

NewAccts has accountNumber, accountName, ...

INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2, ...)

SELECT field1, field2, field3

FROM othertable WHERE condition;

sql> INSERT INTO Accounts


WHERE accountNumber NOT NULL;

Page 46: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Relating Tables

The power of a relational database is the ability to selectively combine data from tables. You can use:

select data from multiple tables by matching a field

relations can be 1-to-1 student -> photograph 1-to-many country -> city many-to-1 city -> country many-to-many language -> country

Page 47: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Relational Structure

The Bank.clients table contains bank client information. The primary key is clientID.

sql> DESCRIBE clients;+-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| clientID | int(11) | | PRI | 0 | || firstName | varchar(40) | | | | || lastName | varchar(40) | | | | || email | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |+-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+


ClientsclientID (KEY)firstNamelastNameemail


Page 48: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Joining Tables

The power of a database comes from the ability to relate or "join" tables using a condition.

Use "table.field" to qualify a field name:

Accounts.balance, Clients.clientID, ...

The clientID joins the Accounts table and Clients table.


ClientsclientID (KEY)firstNamelastNameemail

Accounts.clientID = Clients.clientID


Page 49: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Joining Tables (2)

Show the balance of all accounts owned by J. Brucker. the account balance is in the Accounts table. the client name is the Clients table. relate the tables using clientID field.

SELECT accountNumber, firstName, balance

FROM Accounts, Clients

WHERE Accounts.clientID = Clients.clientID

AND clients.firstName = 'James';

+---------------+---------------+---------+| accountNumber | firstName | balance |+---------------+---------------+---------+| 11111111 | James | 100000 || 11111112 | James | 22500 |

Page 50: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


What fields can we use to relate tables in the world database?




Page 51: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Example: Join Country and City

SELECT Country.Name, City.Name FROM Country, CityWHERE Country.Code = City.CountryCodeAND Continent = 'South America';



Country.Code = City.CountryCode

Page 52: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


In what countries is the Thai language used?

By what percentage of the people?



FROM Country, CountryLanguage

WHERE Country.Code = CountryLanguage.CountryCode

AND ... ;

Page 53: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Use Aliases to Reduce Typing

In what countries is Chinese the official language?

SELECT C.name, L.language, L.percentage

FROM Country C, CountryLanguage L

WHERE C.code = L.countrycode

AND language = 'Chinese'

AND isOfficial = 'T';

L is an alias for


you can omit table name when there is no ambiguity

Page 54: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


What countries use English?

ORDER the results by percentage spoken, from largest to smallest %.

In how many countries is English the official language?


In the world, approximately how many people speak English?

sum( population * Language.percentage / 100 )

Page 55: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


JOIN joins tables

Many forms:

INNER JOIN (include only matching columns)

OUTER JOIN (include all columns)




Learn them all in a course on database...

Page 56: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Example of a Condition Join

JOIN the CountryLanguage and Language tables using the country code:


JOIN CountryLanguage L

ON C.code = L.countrycode


Page 57: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


JOIN the Country and Language tables.

View Country name and language with "SELECT ..."

How many times is Thailand listed in the results?

How many times is China listed in the results?

How can you order the results by language ?

Page 58: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Multiple Condition Join

You can join many tables at one time:

SELECT CO.name, CI.*, L.language

FROM Country CO

JOIN CountryLanguage L

ON CO.code = L.countrycode


ON CO.code = CI.countrycode

WHERE ...; /* more conditions */

Page 59: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Data Definition Commands

CREATE create a Table, Index, or Database

ALTER modify structure of a Database or Table

DROP delete an entire Table, Index, or Database

RENAME rename a Table

Page 60: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Creating a Table

To add a table to a database:

CREATE TABLE tablename ( field1, field2, ... )

options ;


accountNumber VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,


balance DOUBLE DEFAULT '0',

availableBalance DOUBLE DEFAULT '0'

) ;

Query OK, 0 rows affected.

Page 61: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Productivity Hint

Type the "CREATE TABLE" statement into a file. Read the file into mysql: source filename;


) ;

File: /temp/create-table.sql

sql> SOURCE /temp/create-table.sql;

Query OK, 0 rows affected.

Page 62: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Deleting Records

Use DELETE to delete one or more records

DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition;

Delete all bank accounts with zero balance

sql> DELETE FROM Accounts WHERE balance <= 0;

Query OK, 0 row affected.

Page 63: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Deleting a Table

To delete a table to a database:

DROP TABLE tablename ;


Page 64: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Delete the city you added to the City table.

On your friend's machine, is it deleted immediately?

Page 65: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


A View acts like a "virtual table" containing selected data from one or more real tables.






Page 66: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

View Example

Create a view that shows country names, languages, and percentages.

sql> CREATE VIEW lang


SELECT name, language, percentage

FROM Country C, CountryLanguage L

WHERE C.code = L.countrycode

ORDER BY language ASC;

Query OK, 0 rows affected.

sql> SELECT * FROM lang WHERE language='Thai';

Use a view similar to using a table:

Page 67: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

Productivity Hint

Type the "CREATE VIEW" statement into a file. Read the file into mysql: source filename;


SELECT name, language, percentage

FROM Country C, CountryLanguage L

WHERE C.code = L.countrycode;

File: /temp/makeview.sql

sql> SOURCE /temp/makeview.sql;

Query OK, 0 rows affected.

Page 68: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Create a view that shows these fields:

City.name as name

Country.name as country


Population of the city

Official language

id of the city

Each person should use a different name for his view, to avoid interfering with each other.

List the tables in world ( show tables ).

Page 69: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


List the cities in Southest Asia where English is the official language and population is over 100,000.

Page 70: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


Ask MySQL to "describe" your view.

Delete your view:

DROP VIEW viewname ;

Page 71: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


What is the command to ...

list all the databases that you have access to?

use a database?

get information about the structure of a table?

query data in one or more tables?

add new row(s) of data to a table?

change some existing data in rows?

delete some rows of data?

delete an entire table?

Page 72: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

SQL Quiz

Database Game

Page 73: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.


"largest" and "smallest" refer to size (surfaceArea).

"most populous", "least populous" refer to population

"richest", "poorest" means GNP per capita (population), not total GNP, but the GNP must not be zero (GNP = 0 means no data).

Page 74: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

What is the World's Smallest Nation?

How big is it? How many people live there?

Page 75: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

What is the Largest Country in Africa?

Show the SQL How big is it?

Page 76: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

In what countries is Thai spoken?

SELECT c.name, l.language

FROM Country c

JOIN CountryLanguage l

ON c.code = l.countrycode


Page 77: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

How many nations speak English?

Is English spoken in Thailand? Fix the database.


FROM Country c

JOIN CountryLanguage l

ON c.code = l.countrycode


Page 78: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

What cities have a population > 6M ?

Print a list of city name, population, country name sorted by population -- largest first


| name | population | country_name |



| Bangkok | 6320174 | Thailand |


Page 79: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.

What cities are in Thailand ?

Sort them by District


| ID | Name | District | Population |


| 3320 | Bangkok | Bangkok | 6320174 |


Page 80: Database Access using SQL Very basic introduction James Brucker.




Learning SQL

http://www.w3schools.com/sql/ nice tutorial and command reference

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