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  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Choosing a real honey

    Instead of gettingstuck with a lemon

    b y K E L L I E W A L K E R

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S


    STEP 1 5

    List features - Must Haves, Wouldnt Be Caught Dead In and It Depends

    STEP 2 7

    What do you mean my station wagon isnt sporty?

    STEP 3 9

    Organizing Your Garage

    STEP 4 11

    A Good Visor Mirror (aka Honesty & Self-Awareness)

    STEP 5 13

    The Road Less-Traveled

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Introduction: In many ways, dating is like car shopping. For those who know whatthey want, how much they are willing to invest (before and after acquisition) and what value

    they expect to get for their investment, it can be a lot of fun. For those who have not

    thought through their requirements, it can be exhausting and discouraging.

    If you fall into the second category and are tired of dating lemons, lets increase the oddsthat you can get behind the wheel of a real honey.

    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    My mom rocks at car shopping. Before she even sets foot into a dealership

    she knows exactly what shes looking for: make and model, safety rating,

    feature, and exactly how much shes willing to spend. I pity the fool who

    thinks they can take her for a ride. Salesmen have literally chased her as

    she walked out of a dealership. By educating herself on the options and

    figuring out what she wanted BEFORE she goes shopping, she has a lot of

    control over the outcome. She knows that. With knowledge comes

    confidence. Her confidence makes the experience more enjoyable. And,

    shes always very happy with her car of choice. Theyre reliable,

    dependable, inexpensive to maintain, rugged and durable.

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Step 1: List features - Must Haves, Wouldnt Be Caught Dead In, and It Depends

    Step 2: What do you mean my station wagon isnt sporty?

    Step 3: Organizing your garage

    Step 4: A good visor mirror (aka Honesty & Self-Awareness)

    Step 5: The road less-traveled

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Step 1: List features - Must Haves, Wouldnt Be Caught DeadIn, and It Depends

    If youre old enough to be looking for

    a life partner, youre old enough to

    have developed a sense of what kindof car you prefer to drive.

    Thought Experiment #1a:

    Following the thought experiment

    outlined on this page, think about the

    features your ideal car would or would

    not have. Use the first index card on the

    next page to capture your thoughts.

    Refer to the list of features on Page 16 if you

    get stuck for ideas and need help getting


    Thought Experiment #1b:Apply a similar thought experiment to

    your ideal dating partner. Think about thetraits your ideal partner would or would

    not have. Use the second index card on

    the next page to capture your thoughts.

    Refer to the list of dating partner traits on

    Pages 17-20 if you get stuck for ideas and

    need a bit of help getting started.

    Thought ExperimentYou have unexpectedly inherited$40,000 with the condition that youuse the money to buy a car. Beforeheading out to the dealership or theirwebsite, make a list of features yourideal car would or would not have.


    Ideal features:

    Good safety rating


    Silver with gray interior

    Less than 50,000 miles

    Clean CarFax report

    Not interested in:



    Brand new car

    Anything larger than a Honda Accord


  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Your ideal partner traits:

    Your ideal car features:

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Step 2: What do you mean my station wagon isnt sporty?

    People can use the same word and mean wildly diferent things. For example, continuing

    with our automobile metaphor, a sports car can mean anything from a cute convertible to

    a sleek Italian exotic to a classic muscle car.

    Thought Experiment #2:Following the thought experiment

    outlined on this page, take a look at the

    traits you listed for your ideal partner. For

    each feature you listed, ask yourself,

    What did I mean by that? If the feature is

    self-explanatory, you are done with it. If,

    like the term romantic, the trait could

    use a bit more clarity, write out specific

    examples of behavior that would help you

    clearly illustrate what you are looking for.

    Thought ExperimentFor each trait on your IDeal DatingPartner list, ask yourself, What doesthat mean to me?


    Years ago, a friend complained that her boyfriend wasnt romantic. He

    never bought her flowers, never surprised her with gifts, never got her

    romantic cards, etc. In that same conversation she said hed taken her car

    in for an oil change, checked the tires, put air in the tires, and changed her

    windshield wipers. Then, she told me that he bought her a pair of boots

    that she admired. He not only remembered the name of the store, he

    remembered which boots she wanted, AND knew her shoe size. I dont

    know about you, but I considered all of that EXTREMELY romantic. She

    didnt. She wanted the flowers, the candy and the cards. Theres nothing

    wrong with what she wanted. In fact, it was perfectly fine. My point is, she

    had a specific notion in mind when she said, romantic.

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Use the trait diagrams on Page 22 to capture your thoughts regarding each trait. You

    may want to photo copy Page 22 so you have enough diagrams.

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Step 3: Organize your garage

    For many of us, what we like and dont

    like is measurable in a matter of

    degrees. Even positive traits can be

    taken to extremes. For example, youmay want a partner who is generous,

    but not so generous that they are always

    living paycheck to paycheck.

    Thought Experiment #3:Following the thought experiment

    outlined on this page, take a look at the

    traits you listed for your ideal partner. Listeach trait in the table on Page 10. Use the following rating scale to help describe how

    often you would want to see/experience each trait.

    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    F R E Q U E N C Y S C O R E

    In Private Only 1 - 2

    Daily 3 - 4

    In Public 5 - 6

    Special Occasions 7 - 8

    Very Rarely, If Ever 9 - 10

    Thought ExperimentReview your list of traits. Askyourself how often you want to see /experience each trait - Daily? Onspecial occasions only? etc.


  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    T r a i t S C O R E F r e q u e n c y

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Step 4: A good visor mirror (aka Honesty & Self-Awareness)

    If you take nothing else from this workbook, I hope you take this piece of advice. Be honest

    - completely honest. I am not talking about the Kitty-Kelley-Tell-All kind of honesty. I am

    talking about being honest with yourself- about what you want in a partner and about

    what you do not want in a partner.

    This entire process is about what you want.

    What were talking about in this workbook is a

    matter of taste. Your friends and family do not

    get to decide if you prefer pick up trucks over

    SUVs. Similarly, they dont get to decide if you

    prefer blondes over brunettes. Since this

    process is about defining what you want, no

    one else need ever see your list of traits. This

    is all about you, all for you.

    Dont worry about whether

    or not it sounds shallow

    that you want a partner

    who makes more money

    than you do. If thats a truerequirement for you, be honest

    about it. Dont date people who

    make half of what you make

    just to prove to yourself that

    youre not shallow.

    1 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    I worked with a woman who unabashedly

    noted that if she had to do it all over again,

    she would only date really wealthy men.

    When chastised by colleagues who told her

    she was being shallow, she responded that

    she was merely being honest. Her favorite

    comeback line was, Rich men need love,


  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    The more self aware you are and the more honest you are, the better and more successful

    your dating experiences will be. And, youll be much less likely to fall in love with someone

    whom you could never bring yourself to marry.

    Thought Experiment #4:With that in mind, revisit the first thought experiment and see if there is anything you

    would move from one category to another. Did you list any Must Haves that are really It

    Depends or Would Not Be Caught Dead In? Or, vice versa? Did you leave anything ofany

    of your lists?

    1 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Thought ExperimentReview your list of traits.?

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Step 5: The road less traveled

    Thought Experiment #5a:

    Following the thought experiment outlined on this page, review the latest version of your

    list of traits. Ask yourself it there are traits youd be willing to live with or without if theperson was perfect in every other way. The point of this exercise is to determine under

    what circumstances you would be willing to go beyond your normal boundaries while still

    staying true to yourself.

    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Thought ExperimentReview the latest version of your list

    of traits. As yourself, Why? Whyyou do or do not want each particulartrait.


    When I go car shopping, I avoid white cars. I dont look at the features, the

    price or the mileage. I dont take them for test drives. I never thought my

    behavior was odd in any way until a salesperson asked me, Why? Without

    hesitating, I explained that I did not get along with my ex-mother-in-law

    and she exclusively drove white cars. In hindsight, I recognize that I have

    probably overlooked some really great cars simply because I did not want

    to be reminded of or associated with my ex-mother-in-law.

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Thought Experiment #5b:

    What would you have to do diferently to put yourself in the path of potential dating

    partners who do not, on the surface, appear to be your type?

    Following the thought experiment outlined on this page, review the latest versionof your list of traits. Make a list of

    activities and locations that would likely

    put you in the path of people you would

    like to meet.

    Get a copy of Time Out or your citys

    equivalent. Look through event listings.

    Choose a category you dont normally

    attend. Select one event per month and


    The list below may give you some inspiration for possible activities.

    1 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Thought ExperimentReview your list of traits and thinkabout activities / topics you areinterested in. Ask yourself, Where amI likely to meet someone with the

    traits I want?


    Comedy show

    Dog park

    Art show


    Book signing


    Cofee shop

    Poetry reading

    Race - cycling, running, etc.

    Church, synagog, mosque

    Charity ball/auction

    Pottery class

    Painting class

    Photography class

    Dance class

    Political campaign

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Dating/activity websites:

    If you cant find a club or group in your city that interests you, start one! Websites like

    www.meetup.com make it easier than ever to find people with similar interests.

    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C

    1D A T I N G







    Google in











    Volunteer work

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Vehicle Traits:

    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G





    Body style

    New / Used

    Color - Interior / Exterior

    Engine size

    Suspension package

    Wheel package

    Safety rating


    Reliability rating


    Automatic vs. manual

    Anti-theft protection


    Audio system

    Power steering

    Power windows

    Keyless entry

    Lumbar support

    Leather seats

    Heated seats

    Cup holders

    Built-in GPS

    Rearview camera

    Bluetooth functions

    iPod compatibility



  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Dating Partner Traits:

    2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C

    1D A T I N G


    Smoker? Frequency?

    Drinker? Frequency?


    Age range

    Height range

    Body type













    Marital status

    Have/want kids

    Parents still married?

    Both parents still living?



    Relationship with

    Birth order

    Nature of relationship with family

    Have/want pets



    Willing to/interested in moving?

    Able to/interested in travel?

  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Dating Partner Traits (contd):

    1 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G







    I like who I am when with






    Good with kids

    Good with animals

    Financial behavior:

    Job Status



    Income range

    Spending style

    Saving style




    Meant n potatoes

    Mostly eat out

    Can cook

    Junk food

    Eating habits/mannerisms

    Willing to/interested in moving?



    High school




  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Dating Partner Traits (contd):

    1 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G







    8 to 5


    Attitude toward:







    Style & type of clothes

    Style & type of hair

    Living Arrangements:


    With parents/family?

    Near parents/family?





    Common sense



    Current events






    Slap stick


  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10


    Dating Partner Traits (contd):

    2 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G

    Social Circle:

    Number of friends

    Type of friends

    Many acquaintances

    A few close


    All new

    Sources for other traits:




    Attachment Style:




    For more info, see the book


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    2 2 0 1 2 G e t Y o u r L i f e I n G e a r , L L C D A T I N G



  • 7/27/2019 Dating eBook v10




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