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  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Design Inc. Case StudyFawad Naeem M10626Asim Yasin M10594

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Design Inc. Case StudyBill Klee is founder/owner of Design Inc.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Background and History

    Design Inc. was startedby Klee in 1979

    Design Inc., a successful

    commercial art studio, isthe brainchild of itsfounder/owner, Bill Klee

    Klees personal motto:Perfection or Bust!

    perfection is our onlyconcern

    no compromisewith mediocrity,

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Mission/Vision ofDesign Inc

    To satisfy customers and to create a third

    place environment


    Three components to branding strategy : the

    quality , service, and atmosphere

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    Organizational culture

    Culture is paramount

    because it is a way of

    life, affecting not onlyhow an organization

    creates value but also

    how the organization

    is perceived.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Overview of Case study

    Klee wanted to found an academy where talented youngartists and designers can perfect their skills

    Im not offering people jobs, Im offering them a uniqueeducational experience!

    Klees approach to potential staff members was highlyunorthodox

    You wont make as much money with us as you wouldsomewhere else,

    But you will be doing the most satisfying job youve everdone in your life

    Klee was able to put together in short order a talented andenthusiastic team of graphic artists and designers.

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    Overview of Case study

    We have no frills at this studio

    If you want luxury, or if you want someone to

    hold your hand, then go someplace else

    But if you want quality, the best commercial

    artwork in this city, if not in this whole country,

    then youve come to the right place

    In a matter of months, Design Inc. had carveditself a prosperous niche in the commercial art


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    Overview of Case study

    Employees werent making as much as their

    colleagues in more firms

    At least this is what most of them argued, when

    socialising with their better-paid colleagues

    Sometimes these conversations became quite

    acrimonious, and some long-standing friendships

    actually suffered.Employees of other firms did not take their

    approach right

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Overview of Case study

    It isnt surprising that Design Inc. employeesworked long hours, coming in early and leavinglate

    Things that would be done three or four times atanother studio reviewing artwork for example might be done as many as a dozen times or moreat Design Inc

    These hours cut even more into the social lives ofthe employees, throwing them more and more intoeach others company.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Overview of Case study

    About 18 months after Design Inc. was established, its toplayout artist, forced to choose between his career at DesignInc. and his family, left the firm for another job

    Klee stepped into his position until a replacement could be


    Advertisements were put in the paper with the philosophyof Design Inc all for one and one for all

    A large number of qualified people applied, but somehow

    none of them seemed exactly to fit the bill During this time, Klee, because of his additional

    responsibilities, had begun to neglect his training mission

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Overview of Case study

    The studio continued to function, but as a business and notas an academy

    . It seemed to Klee that something of his dream had beenlost

    Furthermore, the firm was doing well financially, and so,as owner, Klee found a certain consolation in the healthystate of his firms balance sheet.

    The staff still spoke of dedication to excellence and

    insisted that the day when Design Inc. again became anacademy was close at hand

    . The visitor sensed a certain hollowness in their bluffstatements

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    Overview of Case study

    The layout position was never re-advertised

    and no new candidates were ever


    Most of the original staff are still with the

    firm, however, which turns a respectable

    profit each year

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Excellence of Culture

    Mission And Vision:

    The foundation for creating

    your culture of organizational excellence isusually to formulate statements reflecting the

    mission, vision, and values of the organization.

    I know of an Organization where not even a single

    employee was aware of their Mission and Vision How do you expect excellence in such


  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Excellence of Culture

    Hire the best fit:

    The lesson is that an

    organization that is excellent has excellent

    employees who understand and support the

    organizations priorities.

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    Excellence of Culture


    Socialization occurs in

    families as children are born and raised; and

    it occurs in organizations as new members

    are inducted, mentored, oriented, and in all

    other ways formal and informal made partof the team.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Excellence of Culture

    Leaders must walk the talk:

    To create an

    excellent organization, the leaders must be

    excellent themselves: They must not only

    believe in but show in their actions a

    passion for the organizations mission andits vision and values.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Excellence of Culture

    ValuesMakes strong culture:

    A strong set

    of unshakable values must drive the culture

    since when the culture changes, the

    employees have these values to fall back to

    in times of crisis.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.




    The organizational culture created by Klee neglectedcommon ingredients like work life balance.

    Sometimes conversations became quite acrimonious, and

    some long-standing friendships actually suffered. Working hours were undefined and employees were


    Klee and his team wanted to hire such a person who hasperfection in his work from the first day he start.

    He started his Art studio as an academy but not a business.

    Firm were developing an onion layered culture like innercircle and so onwhere they cannot accept a new entry

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    He may want to a decision maker in recruiting.

    Klee has to give incentives and bonuses to the employees

    There should be defined working hours and should pay

    extra for over time. The environment of studio should be better for both

    employees and customers.

    One should understand that when they came to Klee theywere in pursuit of excellence and not excellent, so they

    should pick up a resource which is also under pursuit ofexcellencewhich Klee did when he was recruiting all ofthem

    He has a commercial art studio so it need to carry on as abusiness not an academy.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.




    Klee should understand that though he is an

    authority on Commercial Artistry. No doubt

    perfection in the work is most important butone should understand that employees have

    their own lives too. For he has a need to alter

    the approach time and again based on the

    companys direction and momentum.

  • 8/8/2019 Design Inc.



    Thank you

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