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Page 1: Designing an atlas with a minimalist aesthetic

DESIGNING AN ATLASwith a minimalist aesthetic

Travis White & Tim Hossler . University of Kansas . NACIS 2016

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OVERVIEWof our project

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REDUCTIONISMRepresent water in the simplest way possible

COMPARABILITYGive the reader the means to make direct,

intuitive comparisons between rivers

REPRODUCIBILITYEstablish rules-based styling for all water features

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National Geographic . 2007 . World of Rivers

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DE ST I J L MOVEMENT“Harmony and order established througha reduction of elements to pure geometric

forms and primary colors.”

BAUHAUS SCHOOL“Functionalism through simplified, geometric

forms that allows new designs to be reproduced with ease.”

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Mondrian . 1920 . Composition No. II

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Moholy-Nagy . 1922 . K VII

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Vantongerloo . 1936 . No. 98 2478 Red/135 Green

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MAYA LINriver sculptures

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Lin . 2015 . Silver Upper White River

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Lin . 2015 . Silver Upper White River

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Darton & Gardner . 1823 . Comparative chart of world mountains and rivers

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Andriveau & Goujon . 1834 . Tableau comparatif

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Holmes . 1995 . World’s longest rivers and highest mountains

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Grootens . 2005 . Metropolitan World Atlas

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REDUCTIONISMShow water features (and water features only)

COMPARABILITYUse consistent map scale & alignment

REPRODUCIBILITYDesign must be effective in any media

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Page 26: Designing an atlas with a minimalist aesthetic
Page 27: Designing an atlas with a minimalist aesthetic

REDUCTIONISMShow water features (and water features only)

COMPARABILITYUse consistent map scale, coloring, & alignment

REPRODUCIBILITYDesign must be effective in any media

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Page 37: Designing an atlas with a minimalist aesthetic
Page 38: Designing an atlas with a minimalist aesthetic

REDUCTIONISMShow water features (and water features only)

COMPARABILITYUse consistent map scale, coloring, & alignment

REPRODUCIBILITYDesign must be easily transferable to any media

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TRAVIS WHITEUnivers i ty o f Kansas

tmwhi [email protected]

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