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Bishop J.




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Censered Material





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Knowing God’s

Names: by Dr. Poaty

Page 8-9

This is a special faith under-

taking project the Lord re-

cently placed upon our

hearts to do. It is our prayer

that it’s going to be a

BLESSING unto His chil-

dren and that it will a Voice

of Destiny to mankind every-

where. So it is our joy to

bring to you the good news

of the Gospel and provide

you with divine tools to help

on your way to your Destiny.

Erick Miguel & F. Deborah

VOLUME 1 “N. 1”






By Erick Miguel Poaty

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the

year for me. I just love the smell of it, the

songs, the spirit of it. For other people I do

understand it is the worse season of the year.

By Erick Miguel Poaty:

I recently heard in the spirit that my church and

I had entered a “Prophetic Zone” ! The realm of

the spirit becomes more tangible unto us, we can

see Him moving in strange ways, miracles are

kind of easy to happen. There is a greater expec-

tation and anticipation in the room; You can

literally see the shekinah of Glory surrounding

the sanctuary.

By Prophetess F. Deborah:

Unconditional Love will activate true burden for an

Efficient Prophetic move of Intercession. The

“Agapao Love” is the ultimate expression of God’s loy-

ally, purity, and mercy extended towards His people

in order to give us the ability through Love to cover a

multitude of Sin and to walk in the power of for-

giveness (Prov. 10: 12; 1 Pe. 4:8).

“Censered Material” by Dr. Judy Laidley is the founder of

Pray Around Nations - which is an intercessory ministry

dedicated to bringing the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ

around the globe through strategic intercession. As a mis-

sionary to the nation of Brazil, Dr. Laidley understand even

better than many the importance and the place other na-

tions will play in the promised “latter rain revival” in the

United States of America.

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I don’t know about you but Christmas for me is truly the “best time of the year”! It is the season where every heart is

expecting something, there is something good in the atmosphere; I love the songs and play them all day; my kids and I

sing them, from the “jingle bell to the little baby Jesus”...I truly love the Christmas Spirit.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do understand that technically there is no 100% proof that Our Lord and Savior was born on

that very day; but to think that the whole world would come on one day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

is for me a big deal. Why is it a big deal you may asked? Because in the celebration, there is an acknowledgment of the

person and so therefore of His mission: TO SAVE US ALL!!!

I understand that things have gone so commercial that many have lost the “spirit of Christmas”; I understand the fact

that many kids don’t get every presents they will have love to, however we the church need to remember that JESUS IS


Someone may say, “preacher, how can you say that Jesus is the BEST GIFT EVER? People around the world are dying

with hunger; some with sickness and disease; we hear of wars on almost every continents! If Jesus truly came to save us

all what is going on then?” Dear friend, you have to remember what happened in the Garden of Eden - “God created

Man and gave him dominion over everything.” He put him in charge of “cultivating and guarding” the Garden of Eden.

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We made the wrong choice by saying - Yes -

to the Devil and by falling for his deception.

Paul in the book to the Romans puts it this

way, “for we all have sinned and therefore fall short

of the Glory of God” (Rom. 3:23) It doesn’t

matter your background, it doesn't matter

your profession or confession, you and I

were born sinners and therefore can’t no

longer function within the “Glory of God”.

Meaning that every decisions and actions

done on this earth is first of all the manifesta-

tion of our “free will” and not God who is in

“control of everything”. Imagine your child

blaming you for breaking the cookie jar that

you expressly forbade him to touch; just be-

cause you placed it on the kitchen table! Peo-

ple usually ask, “if God knew, why will He put the

tree of evil and good in the Garden?” So let me ask

you the same question, “since you know your kid

so well, why are you leaving the cookie jar on the

kitchen table and then you forbid your child to touch

it?” I see some people saying, “but at least I

gave them one or two cookies and don’t want them to

spoil their appetite”. But that’s exactly what Our

Father and Creator did; He gave us His

“Image and Likeness”; He made us like Him.

And for the devil to come and tell Adam and

Eve that “You shall become like God” was the

silliest trick ever. But just like the little kid we

wanted the forbidden cookie. Now let’s im-

agine that our little mischief goes on eating

so much cookies that he has some stomach

problems do you as the parent gets blame for

it? I don’t think so. So why are you trying to

put the blame on God for the evil decisions

and every evil acts committed by people who

don’t want to listen to Him even through

their conscience? Why would you blame

God for the evil acts of a father molesting

his own child? Why do we blame God for

the drunk pilot who crashes his airplane? Or

for the terrorist activities? Is God happy

about the whole situation? No He is not!

Just like you will not be happy about the

broken cookie jar, the stomachache etc...but

what you gonna do but to find a solution for

your child right? That’s exactly what God

did - “For God so Love the world that He gave

His Only begotten Son…” (John 3:16) - God’s

solution was to bring us back into our ele-

ment: His Glory. And the only way to do

that was to give us the best Gift Ever: Jesus

Christ! He is the “special glue” that will put the

cookie jar back in its former state without

leaving any open cracks. He is the solution

to Man’s biggest virus - Sin! For the Word of

God states that, “the wages of Sin is

death…” in other words whatever is done

out of a sinful mind result unto death! And

that death is first of all spiritual, then moral

(in your soul) and then physical. Some peo-

ple feel like everything they touch or do al-

ways ends badly - they seem to never accom-

plish something they could be proud of!

But the same Word declares that,

“the Gift of God is Eternal Life

through our Lord Jesus Christ”. In

other words, God has given to

each one of us the opportunity to

return to Him and experience liv-

ing the “Eternal Life” right here on

this planet earth. You can function

again like God for you can receive

His same kind of life. You and I

have the opportunity to receive in

us God Himself, not just be His

image! Isn’t this the best Gift Ev-

er? He will not just fix and mend

the cookie jar, but He is going to

fill it up with Himself! Woooooo I

am so excited. But just like every

gift, you can’t enjoy till you open

the gift box and start using it. How

do I do that? How do I open my

gift? By opening your heart to

Him. Instead of blaming God,

your parents, or even yourself why

don’t you just open your heart and

receive His precious Gift? It will

be a lifetime change, but a Great

change. Just repeat this simple

prayer with sincerity of heart and

Merry Christmas: “Dear Father, I

acknowledge my need for a Savior. I un-

derstand that Jesus is Your Gift to me in

order to fix the broken jar and fill me up

with eternal life. I am opening my heart

today to accept Him as my Savior and

forever Lord, Thank You for the BEST


Man was the epitome of God’s creation, he was his trusted man and so therefore, God relin-

quished upon Adam the responsibility to duplicate the Garden’s atmosphere everywhere on the surface of the earth as he would fill the earth. He was responsible of protecting the Garden from its enemies but unfortunately we were deceived by the serpent. So I know this is like reminding you of one of your first lesson in the Sunday School, but it’s very important that you grasp what happened in the Garden of Eden in order to understand God’s position as far as every evil and ills that are committed daily on planet earth.

By Erick Miguel Poaty

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A) How God sees Mankind:

The Word of God tells us in Genesis

chap. 1 v 26-27 “God said, let us [Father,

Son and Holy Spirit] make mankind in our

image, after our likeness and let them have

complete authority over the fish of the sea, the

birds of the air, the beast and over all the

earth, and over everything that creeps upon the


Before we talk about the origin of the

Intercession, it’s very important to un-

derstand the position of Mankind in

the heart of God. After creating every-

thing else and declaring that it was

good, God then called a special meet-

ing of the members of the Divinity

(Let us) - He then tell the vision which

was: “Let us make Man in our Image and

our Likeness”. Through this declaration,

we can see the position and how valua-

ble we are in God’s eyes.

He breathed in the nostrils of man in

order for him to become a living soul,

in other words, God breathed Himself

into Humanity and then He

BLESSED them by saying to them,

“Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth, and

subdue it [using all resources in

the service of God and man] and have dominion

over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and

over every living creature that move upon the

earth.” Gen.1:28

He therefore empowered Mankind with

the ability to Dominate.

Dominion comes from the Hebrew word

Radah - it grant us Mankind the right of

responsibility to: Rule and Govern the

rest of God’s creation. Dominion estab-

lishes a hierarchy of power and authority

in which the human race is positioned

above the rest of the natural realm. The

word Radah always refers to dominion

over our enemies (Luke 10:v.19). Such

dominion is not limited only to the spir-

itual realm but as well the Social, Political

and Economic control. I know that some

devils love to remind you that Adam and

Eve lost that position after the fall, but we

need to be reminded that Jesus Christ

regained it for us through the Cross and

gave us even a higher position in Him -

We are seated at the right hand of God in

the heavenlies (Eph. 1:v. 3).

Now that we have established the strate-

gic position of Mankind in God’s heart

and in the Universe let us talk about the

essence of the Intercession:

B) John 3 v. 16 “For God so greatly loved

and dearly prized the world that he gave up

his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes

in Him shall not perish but have eternal

life.” (Amp.)

Let us talk about three important

words in this verse: Love, Give and


In the book of Isaiah 62 v. 1 the word

declares, “Because I love Zion, because my

heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain

silent, I will not stop praying for her until her

righteousness shine like the dawn and her

salvation blazes like a burning torch.” In

the reading of this scripture we also

see three words - Love, Righteousness

and Salvation.

In the book of John chap. 3 v. 16,

God saw that the world was perishing

and His answer was to give. In Isaiah

through the Prophet, God saw that

Salvation and Righteousness were ab-

sent from Jerusalem. Wholeness was

missing in Jerusalem, just like now

with some believers. Why was it

God’s concern? Because of the same

reason mention in John chap. 3 v. 16,

His Love! Now what kind of Love

does the Word talk about? certainly

not the Eros or the Phileo Love; but

certainly the “Agapao Love”.

Prophetess F. Deborah Poaty

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“Agapao meaning: to love unconditionally,

to esteem, to cherish, to favor, to honor,

to respect, to accept, to prize and to be


C) Understanding what create the Burden:

Through the explanation of Perish, Right-

eousness and Salvation, we can have a

true understanding of how the burden of

intercession is created.

Perish: It comes from the heb. Word

Appolymenoi - which means to be exposed

to the eternal death; it also speaks for

staying in the desert. Now we do under-

stand that God’s unconditional love could

not allow us to be exposed to an eternal


Righteousness: Matthew chap. 6 v. 33

says to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His

righteousness and all these things will be given to

you.” We are encouraged to place right-

eousness on our top priority list, unless

we don’t want to enjoy a livelihood of


Salvation: It means to be delivered from

great distress by the intervention of God.

The knowledge of these three concepts

help us and create in us a true burden that

is activated in us through God’s uncondi-

tional Love. Because of that Uncondition-

al Love, God gave His Son who died on

Calvary so we can become the Righteous

of God, and that we shall inherit Salva-

tion and not Perish. His burden was acti-

vated through God’s unconditional Love.

Unconditional Love will activate true bur-

den for an Efficient Prophetic move of


What is Unconditional Love:

1 Cor. Chap. 13 v 4-7 “ Love is patient

and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful

or proud, or rude. Love does not demand

its own way, Love is not irritable and it

keeps no record of when it has been

wronged, it is never glad about injus-

tice but rejoices whenever the truth

wins out, Love never give up, never

loses faith, is always hopeful, and en-

dures through every circumstance.”

The “Agapao Love” is the ultimate ex-

pression of God’s loyally, purity, and

mercy extended towards His people

in order to give us the ability through

Love to cover a multitude of Sin and

to walk in the power of forgiveness

(Prov. 10: 12; 1 Pe. 4:8). When work-

ing as an Intercessor in the ministry

of Intercession, ones needs to under-

stand the essence of Intercession. Un-

conditional Love is not the product

of our feelings but it is a divine em-

powerment that the Holy Spirit de-

posit in us in order for us to compre-

hend the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and

our strategic position in bringing the

unsaved unto Salvation, the Righteous

unto Wholeness.

(to be continued.)

Prophetess F. Deborah Poaty is the

wife of Dr. Erick Miguel Poaty. They

are both the founders of CFCM-

Restoring Destinies Worldwide Cru-

sades and the Senior Pastors of The

Revival Center Int’l in Raleigh, NC.

Prophetess F. Deborah was commis-

sioned by powerful intercessors. She

has been empowered by the Lord to

teach Prophetic Intercession to the

Body of Christ in order to Restore

Destinies around Nations. She is the

President of A.N.A. Ministry, which

is a mentoring ministry.

You can schedule Prophetess F. Deb-

orah Poaty either as a speaker or you

can schedule a Prophetic Intercession

Mentoring Class in your area.


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Since the times of our forefathers there has been

a desire to know God in a very intimate way. Such

desire is not just on man’s side, God Himself

yearns for His children to know Him; He revealed

Himself to Our father Abraham. God’s revelation

to His people was essentially done through the

revelation and the manifestation of a particular

name that will reveal and manifest His character to

His people.

In the book of Exodus chap. 3 v. 13, a shaking

and fearful Moses asked God a very important

question: “Then Moses said to God, behold I am going to

the sons of Israel and I shall say to them, the God of your

fathers has sent me to you. Now they may say to me, What

is His name? what shall I say to them?” Though Moses

was impressed by the demonstration of powers

and certainly by the magnitude of God’s calling

upon him, He asked God to tell him in whose

name was he supposed to go to speak to the chil-

dren of Israel! The name of God was to be his

proof to the children of Israel that he truly had an

encounter with the God

The word says that “even when a mother will abandon her own child, I the Lord will never abandon you”. He is a Faithful

God. When I was epileptic and that my parents couldn’t do anything for me, God the Faithful One healed me.

3. El Emet: The God of Truth: (Ps. 35:1)

Though God can do anything and that there is nothing impossible to God, the Bible tells us that He cannot lie.; for He is

the God of Truth; He cannot lie and so therefore the Word of God is the Truth!; and because of this we know therefore

that we can trust on the surety of His words. Whatever He says it is settled. Jesus told us to pray to The Father so that

“His will be don on earth as it is in heavens…”. Because of His truthful nature everything El Emet says it is the Truth and

therefore cannot be altered. If the doctors or lawyers are saying one negative thing, the word of God declares, “Who’s re-

port do you believe?” I don’t know about you but I rather believe and rely on El Emet!

For His truth is like a shield and a buckler. It is the belt around our loins.

of Israel. The name was the code that would open up the heart of

the children of Israel. The miracles were for Pharaoh and his peo-

ple but the Name of God was for the children of Israel. In other

words, though we may see powerful miracles, God wants us to

know Him through His name not just through his manifestations.

Now the Hebrew word “EL” comes from a root that means

“might, strength and power. In the scriptures, the primary mean-

ing of this root are “gods” (which is referring to pagan or false

gods and sometimes it is referred to mighty men or to angels),

“God” (the true God of Israel).

In this article we will study some of the construct names of God

in the word:

1. El Echad: The One God -

The God of the Bible is the Only One God. Out of Him there is

no other gods Who revealed Himself to the people of Israel and

know to us through Christ Jesus His Only begotten Son.

2. El Hanne’eman: The Faithful God - (Deut. 7:9)

When your parents, your spouse, your social status would disap-

point you, God is Faithful. He will never change on you, He will

never disappoint you. Jesus said “I am the same yesterday, today

and forever”. He is a faithful God that will never abandon you.

By Dr. Erick Miguel Poaty Part 1.

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4. El Tsaddik: The Righteous God (Is.


The great thing about Our God is that

before He ask of us something, He al-

ready supplied it for us. Since God

knows that we can never achieve right-

eousness on our own, He has become

our righteousness through Christ Jesus.

We don’t have to fight to become right-

eous, He has made so in His Son. Wow,

isn’t this marvelous? You and I have a

right standing with God and before

God. You and I can do things God’s

right way. Because His name is El

Tsaddik the Righteous God.

5. El Shaddai: The All Sufficient God

(Gen. 17:1). The Name El Shaddai has

been translated “God Almighty”, which

does not yield 100% the revelation be-

hind that specific name. God told Abra-

ham that He was and still is the All Suf-

ficient God - He is the God of More

than Enough for His children. We see

many children of God settling today for

less than or for just enough; when actu-

ally The God of our forefather Abra-

ham revealed Himself as the God of

More than Enough. El Shaddai also

speaks for “The Breasty One” giving

the idea of a mother nurturing and car-

ing for her child - Our God takes care

of us. Jesus says in John 10:10, “ the

thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but

I have come so that you may have life

in abundance, to the full till it over-

flows”! The devil is the one causing you

all calamities and trying to restrain you

in the land of lack and missing! BUT

Jesus on the contrary is promising to us a

life with an abundant supply so that we

can fulfill the God given mandate to our

father Abraham: “To be BLESSED so we

can become BLESSING unto the nations

of the earth.” I remember the numerous

time He has abundantly supplied to my

family needs and even to my ministry,

especially in the beginning: we fell short

of our rent and went on owing over ten

thousands of dollars on our church rent.

I didn't know what to do but call upon

Him. And one day, seating in the front of

the television a famous preacher began to

talk about his traveling to the country of

Nigeria. I heard the Holy Spirit telling me

to give $400.00 towards the trip in ques-

tion. Struggling to obey I still did and two

weeks later, the owner of the property

forgave us for the whole amount of

$14,000.00. As the world system of finan-

cial and social prosperity is falling apart,

we need to remember that Our God is

the God of More Than Enough! He is the

“Breasty One” who will take care and

nurture His children even now just as He

fed the Israelites in the wilderness. Praise

God that we are not alone. If you read the

story of Abraham, you wll find out that

his life turned around from chapter 17 of

the book of Genesis! And I am perceiv-

ing by the Holy Spirit that this had to do

with the application of this powerful

revelation about El Shaddai, The All

Sufficient God, The God of More

Than Enough.

6. El Elyon: The Most High God

(Gen. 14:20; Ps. 9:2)

Another thing about Our God is that

He is not just “a God”, He is The

Most High God! He stand alone in

His class as the Creator of all flesh,

spirits and the rest of creation. He

stand alone in his class as the Redeem-

er of all mankind in the sense that,

God “so loved the world that He gave

His only begotten Son” as a redemp-

tive sacrifice.

He stands alone in His class in the

sense that He gave us the Holy Spirit

Who is here to teach us and lead us in

all the truth. Our God is the Most

High and if you have ever been

touched by Him, you will know that

you know; for ounce you have met

with The Most High, there is nothing

that can bring you as higher as He is.

However even though He is the Most

High God and that He is as High as,

He came to us in a form of a servant

to share His love and reconcile with us

His lost children.

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In the material world, we, as blood bought believers contain materialized powers that the world would like to CENSOR by suppressing and repressing the Church. Become aware of some tactics the enemy uses to stamping "CENSORED: upon your calling.

The bible tells us in Revelations 8:3 “And another angel came and stood at the alter, having a golden censer: and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the saints upon the golden alter which was before the throne.”

All nations, kindreds, people, and tongues stood before that throne. (Rev. 7:9) We are “censered material” be-ing the materialized power of prayer as incense (Rev. 5:8) that fills the golden censor. The emphasized power of prayer is being spoken to the American Church body today. This voice of prayer is coming from other na-tions and tongues into this country. In the golden cen-ser spoken about in Rev. 8:3 we have an amalgamation of pray-ers from every tribe tongue and nations. In this hour of world crisis, coupled with this countries spiritu-al crisis, we have the choice of becoming a cencored group (suppressed or repressed) or being the cencered group of amalgamated praying People.

It is because I see a lack of UNITED prayer that I write this article. As I write I am prophetically speaking into your life to break every chain coming from the arch censor of our souls.

Only united fervent prayer can change what I am speak-ing to you about. If ever there was a time when God’s children should cry day and night to Him, it is now. The closer God’s people become one with each other, the more alike we will be in our praying. This practice of fervency will become the power to change the world not just this nation.

Let me express the “prayer practices” first. I have ob-served the American church, the African American church, and the International American church

In all three of them there are practices that need to be “united” into becoming the fervent prayer changers for this generation. The day will come when the most populated location in all churches, homes, and offices will be the PRAYER ROOM or LOCA-TIONS GIVEN FOR PRAYER. The Church will surpass those who, fives times a day pray on their Holy locations called prayer rugs. The growth will be due to the “unified” Body, practicing fervency in prayer. The day will come to the Church that the prac-tice of prayer will cease being taught, and begin to be caught. Minis-ters will begin to prioritize prayer in their churches as the first (Alpha) all the way and after the benediction is spoken. (Omega) From the very youngest to the oldest will be expected to show up for prayer. Then the young will “catch” prayer and the old will in will “catch” vision from the young going to all the world with the gospel. Then, the first will be last and the last will be first. The practice of “all night prayer” will evolve out from and transform the “home group” gatherings. The emphasis of “getting to know you” in the home group gatherings will evolve into “GETTING TO KNOW HIM AND THE POWER OF THE RESURREC-TION”.

If the spiritual foundations are weak, we are going to be weak in the global harvest.

Life challenges will all be met through a new and revived prayer practice in the Body of Christ.

1. A marriage that is not strong.

2. Having a financial weakness

3. Being in organizations or relationships that are inhibiting de-velopment.

The three mentioned challenges can place a numbing censor on church life. Life challenges can hinder the Lord’s call on our lives. As disciples, we are to “Go Ye into all the world”. To be numbed means that we no longer feel pain. When we don’t feel the heart of our Global Father who hurts for the lost of the whole world, we produce the “fun feelings” of our church activity only.

By Dr. Judy Laidley

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Joseph’s wonderful dreams were processed by family censors. The dreams were to place him at the top, to affect the then world! But the process led him to prison time, sufferings, and seeking a way of es-cape. Power release came to him through the King breaking the sup-pression and repression over him. The King of Kings stands ready to break off the chains that bind the Church. When freed, we will see the manifestations of the Glory of the Kingdom giving:

1. Honor in the church.

2. Strength in the family.

3. Wisdom in education.

4. Power and authority revealed in government.

5. Blessing revealed in media.

6. Glory and creativity revealed in the arts.

7. Riches of the nation being cultivated in business.

We are censered material. The union of nations in this country is the key to empower the Church worldwide. Empowering and filling us with true prayer revival comes by bending the knee for Kingdom blessings giving us a new sense of oneness. I sense a true censering taking place.

Dr. Judy Laidley is the founder of Pray Around Na-

tions - which is an intercessory ministry dedicated to

bringing the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ

around the globe through strategic intercession. As a

missionary to the nation of Brazil, Dr. Laidley un-

derstand even better than many the importance and

the place other nations will play in the promised

“latter rain revival” in the United States of America.




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The Spirit Flows Apostolic Ministries and Business Network

In the Gospel according to Matthew 16:18 he records a quote of a statement that Jesus made concerning Jesus pur-

pose in establishing and the continuation of the church. Jesus said “on this rock I will build My church and the

gates of hell shall not prevail against it. In a time of great uncertainty in our society and in light of the prevalence

of unhinged doctrines that attack the stability of the Christian faith, it is more apparent now than ever that pastors,

churches, Para-church and business leaders have strong accountability and covering. The advancement of the

kingdom depends on leaders who are equipped for service and prepared to impart and release other leaders into

the world for kingdom impact.

It matters not whether one is black, white, or any other race, in the kingdom. Whether one’s background is Meth-

odist, AME Zion, Baptist, Pentecostal, or Non-denominational, the kingdom needs Apostolic minded men and

women who are willing to release the traditional mindsets and listen to the voice of God as He speaks to this gen-


There is a power that has been released into the kingdom to witness the demonstration of God to this world.

Signs, wonders, and miracles are to be regular and daily occurrences in the lives of all believers. All the races and

nations of the earth are to worship in unity under the banner of our God and we are the restorers of the breaches

that have resulted by the work of the enemy. We are to be Apostolic leaders, in an Apostolic age, releasing Apos-

tolic people.

The Spirit Flows Apostolic Ministries Network is established as a fellowship organized by Bishop McCullough. It

is committed to strengthening the Kingdom of God through covering Pastors, Para-church ministries, and busi-

ness leaders. SFAMBN understands that the Kingdom of God is not limited only to operations within “church


Our focus is Fathering, Kingdom Advancement and Developing Synergetic Covenant relationships. The Para-

Church Ministries/ Business Division

Para-Church ministries are outreach organizations not affiliated with a particular church but are strategic in man-

ifesting the Kingdom to the world. These organizations operate independent of denominational

By Bishop J. McCullough

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- By providing ongoing opportunities for networking with

other relevant colleagues

- By conducting quarterly mentoring sessions

- By allowing the use of the FCC Campus when available

at no cost (Facility only - prior approval needed) oversight

and often leave leaders without opportunity to be covered

in their work.

Many business leaders desire to have spiritual support and

covering in a time where the business has a goal of being

impactful in influencing the mountain of business for king-

dom advancement.

The vision and mission of the network is accomplished:

- By fathering, through mentoring, intercession, experi-

ence, and impartation.

- By maintaining covenant relationships with network

members through easy access to leadership

- By providing workshops, retreats, seminars, and confer-

ences for training and equipping of network members that

are relative to each division of the network.

- By providing counseling, information and other re-

sources relative to the development and perfecting of

each network area

- By serving as a clearing house for referrals

John A. McCullough, II has served as Senior Pastor of the Friendship Christian Church in Gastonia, North Carolina, for 24 years. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Bish-op McCullough transitioned a prominent, traditional Bap-tist church into a thriving five-fold apostolic ministry. He is committed to expanding the kingdom beyond the walls of the local church into the marketplace through apostolic and prophetic operations. He has been instrumental in economic development throughout the region of his local church. He serves as spiritual father to sons and daughters in the United States, Haiti, and Costa Rica. Elder Dekota Grier McCullough serves with him in ministry as Director of Ministries. They are blessed with three young adult chil-dren. Bishop McCullough earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Philosophy from Shaw University, as well as a Master of Divinity from Hood Theological Seminary.





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And it shall come to pass in the last

days, God declares, that I will pour out

of My Spirit upon all mankind, and

your sons and your daughters shall

prophesy and your young men shall

see visions, and on My menservants

also and on My maidservants in those

days I will pour out of My Spirit, and

they shall prophesy [telling forth the

divine counsels and predicting future

events pertaining especially to God’s

kingdom]. Acts 2:17-18 (Amp)

The Lord in these last days has re-

leased a tremendous prophetic anoint-

ing upon the Body of Christ. Such

anointing is accompanied with signs

and wonders; the Body will experience

a divine empowerment to do greater

things. We are invited by the Lord Je-

sus Christ Himself, “I assure you, most

solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly be-

lieves in Me, he will himself be able to do the

things that I do; and he will do even greater

things than these, because I go to the Father.”

John 14:12. Now somebody may say

that He was only speaking to the

twelve but don’t forget that Paul was-

n’t part of the twelve; that a disciple

called Ananias went to lay his hands

on the blind Saul (Paul) and he

recovered his sight back. We have the

example of many other disciples who

were not part of the first disciples of Jesus

who moved into signs and wonders. The

invitation of the Lord is clear: “You shall

do the same works He has done, and You can do


1– The Reason of the Invite:

Now when the Lord made the invitation

it wasn’t because his powers had dwin-

dled. The reason is simple that He was

going back to the Father and therefore

He wants us to represent Him by keeping

up the job He started.

2– The Standard of the work to be done:

However the work to be done must be

according to His standards if we want to

represent Him and see success.

3– Yourself will be able to do what Jesus


Jesus said, “You Yourself will be able to do the

things that I do…”! He did not say that the

Father will do it through you, He said

“Yourself will be able to do the things I do; and

even greater things than these.” Now don’t get

me wrong, I know the Power Source. But

after you have charged a battery, do you

still leave the Power source plugged to the

car ? No I don’t think so. The battery

must be able to do it itself. Jesus said,

“Yourself will be able to do the things I

did…”! You and I are the batteries He

wants to charge with divine power so

that we can answer to the world’s

problems with faith and authority.

4– The Source and the Connector:

“But you shall receive power (ability, efficien-

cy, and might) when the Holy Spirit has

come upon you, and you shall be…” (Acts

1:8) You can’t be unless you have re-

ceived power; and you can’t receive

power unless the Holy Spirit came

upon you. He is the source for the

power to be able to do the things Je-

sus did. Remember that till a certain

experience in His own life the Lord

Jesus did not perform any miracles. At

age twelve He was discussing with the

Pharisees in the temple of Jerusalem

but did not perform any miracle. Until

He received the Holy Spirit upon Him

and then the power - “Then Jesus, full of

and controlled by the Holy Spirit, returned

from the Jordan and was led in [by] the Holy

Spirit…” There was an experience of

reception of the Holy Spirit that trans-

lated into an experience of being led in

and by the Holy Spirit; such leading

brought Him in the place of testing .

At the end of the testing period, the

Word says that , “Jesus went back full of

and under the power of the Holy Spirit into

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Galilee, and the fame of Him spread through the

whole region round about…”

We know that His fame did not spread

throughout the whole county just because

He came out from the wilderness. His

fame spread out because Jesus did a first

miracle; “On the third day there was a wedding

at Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was

there. Jesus also was invited with His disciples to

the wedding. And when the wine was all gone,

the mother of Jesus said to Him, they have no

more wine!” an opportunity was presented

at the wedding. Now remember that Jesus

was just like any other guests. He was in-

vited just like everybody else. But His

mother certainly noticed something dif-

ferent about Him. She saw something

that no one else had seen yet: Power! She

went to the supposed son of the carpen-

ter to ask for wine. No, she saw some-

thing and knew that He had more than a

carpenter - He had the Power to do mira-

cles. As we know the story, the word

called this His first miracle. Jesus turned

the water into wine. He was able to do

because He had received Power of the

Holy Ghost.

As the Lord has called us to set “Prophetic

Zone” for our local churches, we need to

understand the need to receive the power

of the Holy Spirit. I remember asking this

wrong question: “God why didn’t you

heal such and such?” until recently I was

shocked to hear a preacher who was fac-

ing the challenge to heal someone say,

“Lord how come I can’t help this woman?” I

repeated the question and it became clear

to me: God has given me power and it’s

up to me to help! The connector to the

source is our steadfast faith to believe in

Jesus and what He said. Your faith must

upgrade! You must believe in Him in

order to connect to the Source. You must

believe that He did speak to his disciples,

but He was instructing the whole Church.

You and I have the greatest oppor-

tunity. And at times it may feel that

we are not qualified for the job. But

remember that , “He who has called

us also qualifies us”. Jesus is expect-

ing us to walk in the same manner

of power as He did and even to do

GREATER works than what He

did. What did He do?

A) He opened the eyes of the

blinds, and made the lame to walk

and opened the ears of the deaf and

He cast out devils, He cleaned the

lepers, He raised the dead, He

healed all manner of sickness and

He preached the Gospel of the

Kingdom. This seems to be a pretty

impressive resume; and usually we

are impressed ‘cause we thing about

Jesus doing these things as “God”.

However according to the word,

Jesus wasn’t able to do until He

received the Holy Spirit upon Him

and therefore the power to do these

things! As the Son of God, Jesus is

One in His class; but as a Prophet,

He is inviting each one of us!

Our next month article will deal on

how to set up a Prophetic Zone in

your local church. This article was

mainly to set a foundation for our


Dr. Erick Miguel Poaty is the Apos-

tle and founder of CFCM & Restor-

ing Destinies Worldwide Crusades

and the Senior Pastor for The Re-

vival Center Int’l right here in the

Raleigh, area. Dr. Erick is married

to Prophetess F. Deborah Poaty

and is exercising ministry with his

life partner. He has been healed

from Epilepsy and has been anoint-

ed by God to heal the sick, to deliv-

er the oppressed and to promote

the Kingdom of God.

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T h a n k y o u P a s t o r D r . E r i c k M i g u e l P o a t y f o r p r a y i n g a n d s h o w i n g s o m u c h l o v e a n d s u p p o r t f o r a s p i r -i t u a l h e a l i n g i n m y f a m i l y . M i k e & B r i d g e t t e G .

N o r t h C a r o l i n a


T w o w e e k s a f t e r y o u d e c l a r e d

” D e s t i n y R e s t o r a t i o n ” o v e r m y

p r o f e s s i o n a l l i f e , I r e c e i v e d a

p r o m o t i o n a n d a s a l a r y i n -

c r e a s e . I w a s a s k e d b y m y b o s s

t o n a m e m y o w n s a l a r y . U n b e -

l i e v a b l e b u t t r u e .

M a i M .

L i b r e v i l l e , G a b o n


Health Restored

I just want to thank God for my healing. The devil is truly a liar. For no weap-

on formed against us shall prosper. I had a dream and after the dream I be-

came sick with body pains. Dr. POATY prayed over me and the healing power

of God fell upon me and now all pain is gone. I thank God for his servant.

For the miracles and the work he is doing for the Lord. May God continue to

bless his ministry and his family in Jesus name Amen.

Omo. A. Texas

Call our 24/7 Prayer Line: 919-798-2362

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Page 17

Dear friends and partners in the field of the Lord. Help us raise

some funds for our church bus. We are currently using one of

the Temple Baptist Church’s bus; but however we will love to

get one of our own so we can be more efficient during the

week. Call: 919-798-2362 For more details about our bus min-


Secure Online Giving : www.restoringdestinies.org

Mail your Donation:

Challenge For Christ Ministries P.O. Box 58815 Raleigh, NC 27658





CFCM attn. DV department.

P.O.Box 58815

Raleigh, NC 27658

Our Goal: $ 10,000.00 - Now In: $ 2,500.00

Page 18: Destiny Voice issue 1

Phone: 919-798-2362

email: [email protected]

CFCM - Restoring Destinies Worldwide Crusades

P.O. Box 58815

Raleigh, NC 27658

Worship Center: The Revival Center Int’l

1417 Clifton St.

Raleigh, NC 27604





Destiny Voice (DV) Volume 1 Number 1 December 2013. Destiny Voice is published monthly by CFCM-Restoring Destiny Worldwide Crusades/

Challenge For Christ Ministries Inc., a nonprofit corporation, Raleigh, NC. © 2013 Erick Miguel Poaty ministries. All rights reserved.


Expect Great Things This Coming Year!

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